title>GB 4706.29-1992 Special requirements for safety of electromagnetic cookers for household and similar electrical appliances - GB 4706.29-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 4706.29-1992 Special requirements for safety of electromagnetic cookers for household and similar electrical appliances

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 4706.29-1992

Standard Name: Special requirements for safety of electromagnetic cookers for household and similar electrical appliances

Chinese Name: 家用和类似用途电器的安全电磁灶的特殊要求

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-01-30

Date of Implementation:1992-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Environmental protection, health and safety>>13.120 Household product safety

Standard Classification Number:Electrician>>Electrician Comprehensive>>K09 Health, Safety, Labor Protection

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB 4706.29-2008

Procurement status:IEC 335-2-31-1979,REF

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press


Publication date:2004-07-22

other information

Release date:1992-01-25

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Ministry of Light Industry Beijing Household Appliances Research Institute

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Household Appliances

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:China Light Industry Federation

Introduction to standards:

This standard applies to stoves heated by electromagnetic energy for household and similar purposes, including stoves powered by one power supply and equipped with one or more separate heating units on a stove body. This standard does not consider some additional safety requirements that should be met when used in nurseries and places where the elderly, weak, sick and disabled are left unattended. GB 4706.29-1992 Special requirements for safety of electromagnetic cookers for household and similar electrical appliances GB4706.29-1992 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
Particular requirements for electromagnetic cookers
Safety of household and similar electrical appliancesParticularrequirements for electromagnetic cookersGB4706.29-92
This standard applies to the special requirements for electromagnetic cookers in the safety of household and similar electrical appliances. This standard should be used in conjunction with GB4706.1 "General safety requirements for household and similar electrical appliances". The parts of this standard written as "applicable" indicate that the corresponding provisions in GB4706.1 are applicable to this standard; the parts of this standard written as "replace" shall be subject to the provisions in this standard; the parts of this standard written as "added" indicate that in addition to complying with the corresponding provisions of GB4706.1, the provisions added in this standard must also be complied with. 1 Scope
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following provisions. 1.1 This clause is replaced by the following:
This standard applies to cooking appliances that use electromagnetic energy for household and similar purposes, including cooking appliances that are powered by a power supply and have one or more separate heating units installed on a cooking body. This standard does not take into account some additional safety requirements that should be met when used in nurseries and places where the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled are unattended.
This standard does not apply to:
Electromagnetic cookers used under special conditions of corrosiveness and explosion (such as dust, steam or flammable gas): a.
Commercial restaurant equipment, but some of the requirements can be used as a reference for these equipment; b.
c. Power frequency electromagnetic cookers.
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following provisions. 2.2.4This clause is replaced by the following:
The rated input power is the sum of the rated input powers of all separate heating units that can be connected simultaneously in the cooking appliance under the condition of maximum total input power.
Note: If there are more than two separate heating units, in order to determine the cross-sectional area of ??the terminals and power cord, the current value should be calculated based on the rated input power and rated input voltage, and a difference coefficient F should be considered to determine it. F= 0.35 +0.65
Where: N-number of heating units.
2.2.24 This item is replaced by the following:
Portable electromagnetic cooker refers to an electromagnetic cooker that weighs less than 18kg and can be moved or easily moved from one place to another when connected to a power source. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on January 30, 1992 and implemented on October 1, 1992.
2.2.26 This item is replaced by the following:
Fixed electromagnetic cooker refers to an electromagnetic cooker that weighs more than 18kg and has no moving wheels. 2.2.16, 2.2.17, 2.2.25 and 2.2.28 These four clauses are not applicable. 2.2.29 This clause is replaced by the following:
Sufficient heat dissipation conditions refer to the electromagnetic cooker working under the following conditions: a standard pot is placed at the center of the electromagnetic cooker heating surface, and 70% of its volume of water is added to the pot; a.
The input power is adjusted to the maximum input power position, and the water is heated and kept to boiling state; b.
If the electromagnetic cooker has multiple independent heating units, each heating unit should work simultaneously in the above manner. c.
Supplementary terms
2.2.101 Heating unit
The part of the electromagnetic cooker surface with completely independent cooking and heating functions on which blood can be placed. 2.2.102 Standard pot
A test pot used to obtain consistent conditions when testing the electromagnetic cooker. 3 General requirements
This chapter in GB4706.1 applies.
4 General instructions for testing
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for 4.7, 4.10 and 4.12. 5 Rated values
This chapter in GB4706.1 is replaced by the following: The rated voltage of the induction cooker is 220V.
Qualification is determined by checking the markings. 6 Classification
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following. 6.1 This article is replaced by the following:
Induction cookers are classified into aI class appliances according to the protection against electric shock;
hI class appliances.
6.2 This article is replaced by the following:
According to the degree of waterproofness, they are ordinary appliances.
7 Marking
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following. 7.1 The following content is added to this clause:
The work surface shall be marked with a mark or pattern of the heating part, and warning words to avoid accidental scalding. For example: "During operation and after the pot is moved for a period of time, there will be residual heat on the surface. Do not touch it. Be careful of scalding." If necessary, warning words or signs for use, operation, installation and maintenance shall be marked on the appropriate position of the electromagnetic cooker. Item k in 7.1. and 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 are not applicable. 7.5 This clause is replaced by the following content:
If the electromagnetic cooker has more than one independent heating unit, the rated power of each unit shall be marked on each heating unit or on the nameplate. 8 Protection against electric shock
The meaning in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. Components connected between the secondary of the isolation transformer and the grounded chassis are not considered to be live at the connection with the chassis. 9 Starting of electric appliances
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable.
10. Input power and current
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following. 10.1This clause is replaced by the following:
The input power of the electromagnetic cooker shall not be greater than the deviation shown in Table 2 at normal operating temperature and rated voltage. Compliance is determined by testing the input power of the electromagnetic cooker. When testing the input power, the electromagnetic cooker shall be fully heated and the test shall be carried out after the input power stabilizes at rated voltage. If the electromagnetic cooker has more than one separate heating unit, each unit shall comply with the specified deviation requirements. Note: In this test, the electromagnetic cooker is regarded as an electric appliance. 10.3This clause is not applicable.
11 Heating
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following. 11.2 This clause is added with the following content:
For the purpose of the test, the electromagnetic cooker is treated as an electric heating appliance and placed in the test angle of the specified heating test for the test. 11.4 This clause is replaced with the following content:
Work under sufficient heat dissipation conditions.
11.7 This clause is replaced with the following content:
The electromagnetic cooker is operated continuously under sufficient heat dissipation conditions until stable conditions are established. The water temperature is at least above 95℃ and the operation is for 90 minutes. 11.5, 11.6, 11.9 and -11.10 are not applicable. 12 Appliances with electric heating elements working under overload This chapter in GB4706.1 is not applicable.
13 Electrical insulation and leakage current at working temperature This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following provisions. 13.2.3 This clause is replaced by the following:
Under any circumstances, the leakage current must not exceed the following value: For Class 1 electrical fixed electromagnetic cookers
For Class I electrical portable tabletop electromagnetic cookers
For Class 1 electrical electromagnetic cookers
13.3 This clause is not applicable.
14 Suppression of radio and television interference This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable.
15 Waterproof
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following clauses. 15.3 This clause is replaced by the following:
The electromagnetic cooker shall be subjected to the following overflow test. Place a standard pot on the tabletop in the heating position, fill it completely with water containing 1% sodium chloride, and then pour water equal to approximately 15% of the pot volume or 0.25kg (the larger of the two) into the pot evenly within one minute to cause overflow. Wipe the water off after 1 minute, and then conduct an electrical strength test in accordance with Article 16.4. No flashover or breakdown shall occur during the test. 16 Leakage current, insulation resistance and electrical strength This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following provisions. 16.1 This article is replaced by the following:
The electromagnetic cooker should have good electrical performance. The electromagnetic cooker shall pass Articles 16.3 and 16.4 tests to determine. The above test is carried out in a hot and humid box or in a room with a certain temperature immediately after the test sample is in a cold state, not connected to the power supply and after completing the test in 15.4. 16.2 This clause does not apply.
17 Overload Protection
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable.
18 Durability
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following provisions. 18.2 The following content is added to this article:
This test is only conducted on the fan in the induction cooker. Note: If the induction cooktop is not working and its fan cannot run, some special measures must be taken so that only the fan can run. 18.4 and 18.5 are not applicable.
19 Abnormal operation
This chapter in GB4706.1 is replaced by the following: Induction cookers must be operated in the event of malfunction of any control device (such as program controller, timer and protection system components) There will be no fire, mechanical hazard or electric shock hazard when there is a malfunction. During and after the test, the requirements of 19.11 in GB4706.1 should be met. After the test, the requirements for winding temperature in Article 19.6 of GB4706.1 should be met. Compliance is checked by analyzing the circuit diagram to determine fault establishment conditions and component defects that may cause hazards. Then, fault conditions and/or component defects are simulated, and any operating modes that may occur in normal use are applied at rated voltage. Only one fault condition or component defect is repeated at a time. The tests were carried out one after another. Attention should be paid to the conditions that cause failure at the completion of the induction cooktop's typical first life cycle. If there is a complete timing setting, the fault condition is repeated and terminated by time switches, temperature controls and other limits. Unless otherwise specified, the above tests are conducted under fully heated conditions.
Examples of fault conditions are:
Open circuit of resistors, capacitors and other components or semiconductors and other devices in the main loop or control loop; a.
main Short circuit of resistors, capacitors and other components or semiconductors and other devices in the loop or control loop; failure of various overheating protection components; c.
d detection and alarm system failures.
Fault conditions that are usually not noticed are tested for 90 minutes under the conditions specified in Article 11.7. Examples of unnoticed fault conditions are: a. Blockage of the air inlet or outlet;
b. Short circuit that does not meet the creepage distances and clearances specified in Chapter 29. If, during the test, a non-automatically resetting thermal tripper operates, the test is deemed to be completed. 20 Stability and mechanical hazards
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 21 Mechanical strength
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 22 Structure
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. Articles 22.26 and 22.27 are not applicable.
The following clause is added to this chapter:
22.101 The heat-resistant glass or ceramics used on the induction cooktop should be able to withstand the stress occurring during normal use. Qualification is determined through the following test inspection: Place the induction cooker on a horizontal workbench. If there are adjustable support legs, adjust each foot to be in close contact with the workbench, so that the induction cooktop table is in a stable horizontal position. Use an aluminum container with a flat bottom (the diameter of its bottom plane is greater than 12cm) to evenly fill it with sand or granular materials with a total weight of 1.8kg, and let the container fall flatly onto the induction cooktop from a height of 15cm. This operation is performed continuously for 10 times without the induction cooker being powered on. Then let the induction cooker work under full heating conditions. Fill the pot with an appropriate amount of vegetable oil, heat it, and then adjust the output power to keep the oil overflow at 200 ± 15°C until the oil pot is removed after half an hour. Pour 1 to 1.1L cold water evenly and steadily on the induction cooktop. After 1 minute, remove all excess water and wipe the surface dry. After the induction cooktop is disconnected from the power supply, allow it to cool to room temperature, then pour 1 to 1.1L of cold water onto the induction cooktop again as described above, and place a metal container on it. After the above test, the surface should not be cracked, and the induction cooktop should be able to withstand the electrical strength test specified in Article 16.4 when all switches and control devices are "on".
23 Internal wiring
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 24 Components
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. Articles 24.4 and 24.9 are not applicable.
25 Power supply connection and external flexible cables and cords
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 26 Binding posts for external conductors
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 27 Grounding device
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 28 Screws and joints
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. GB4706.29-92
29 The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 for creepage distances, electrical clearances and penetration insulation distances are all applicable. 30 Heat resistance, flame resistance and resistance to leakage and decay
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 31 Anti-rust
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable
32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable
Appendix A
GB4706.1 "General Safety Requirements for Household and Similar Electrical Appliances" is used in this standard
Appendix A "Thermal Controller and Overload Circuit Breaker" in A1GB4706.1 applies. Appendix B "Electronic Circuits" in A2GB4706.1 applies. Appendix C "Structure of Safety Isolation Transformer" in A3GB4706.1 applies. Appendix D "Additional Requirements for Protected Motor Devices" in A4GB4706.1 is not applicable. Appendix E "Measurement of Creepage Distances and Clearances" in A5GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix F "Horizontal Burning Test Method" in A6GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix G "Glow Wire Test Method" in A7GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix H "Bad Contact Test" in A8GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix "Needle Flame Test Method" in A9GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix J "Current Tracking Test Method" in A10GB4706.1 is applicable. "Be applicable. Appendix K "Leakage Current Measurement Circuit" in A11GB4706.1 applies. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Light Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Household Appliances. This standard is drafted by the Beijing Household Appliances Research Institute of the Ministry of Light Industry and the 708th Institute of the Ministry of Aerospace Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Gao Liandi, Sun Mingxin, and Wang Guangyue.
Short circuit of resistors, capacitors and other components or semiconductors in the main circuit or control circuit; failure of various overheating protection components; c.
d detection and alarm system failures.
Fault conditions that are usually not noticed are tested for 90 minutes under the conditions specified in Article 11.7. Examples of unnoticed fault conditions are: a. Blockage of the air inlet or outlet;
b. Short circuit that does not comply with the creepage distances and clearances specified in Chapter 29. If, during the test, a non-automatically resetting thermal tripper operates, the test is deemed to be completed. 20 Stability and mechanical hazards
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 21 Mechanical strength
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 22 Structure
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. Articles 22.26 and 22.27 are not applicable.
The following clause is added to this chapter:
22.101 The heat-resistant glass or ceramics used on the induction cooktop should be able to withstand the stress occurring during normal use. Qualification is determined through the following test inspection: Place the induction cooker on a horizontal workbench. If there are adjustable support legs, adjust each foot to be in close contact with the workbench, so that the induction cooktop table is in a stable horizontal position. Use an aluminum container with a flat bottom (the diameter of its bottom plane is greater than 12cm) to evenly fill it with sand or granular materials with a total weight of 1.8kg, and let the container fall flatly onto the induction cooktop from a height of 15cm. This operation is performed continuously for 10 times without the induction cooker being powered on. Then let the induction cooker work under full heating conditions. Fill the pot with an appropriate amount of vegetable oil, heat it, and then adjust the output power to keep the oil overflow at 200 ± 15°C until the oil pot is removed after half an hour. Pour 1 to 1.1L cold water evenly and steadily on the induction cooktop. After 1 minute, remove all excess water and wipe the surface dry. After the induction cooktop is disconnected from the power supply, allow it to cool to room temperature, then pour 1 to 1.1L of cold water onto the induction cooktop again as described above, and place a metal container on it. After the above tests, the surface should not be cracked, and the induction cooktop should be able to withstand the electrical strength test specified in Article 16.4 when all switches and control devices are "on".
23 Internal wiringbzxZ.net
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 24 Components
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. Articles 24.4 and 24.9 are not applicable.
25 Power supply connection and external flexible cables and cords
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 26 Binding posts for external conductors
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 27 Grounding device
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 28 Screws and joints
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. GB4706.29-92
29 The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 for creepage distances, electrical clearances and penetration insulation distances are all applicable. 30 Heat resistance, flame resistance and resistance to leakage and decay
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 31 Anti-rust
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable
32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable
Appendix A
GB4706.1 "General Safety Requirements for Household and Similar Electrical Appliances" is used in this standard
Appendix A "Thermal Controller and Overload Circuit Breaker" in A1GB4706.1 applies. Appendix B "Electronic Circuits" in A2GB4706.1 applies. Appendix C "Structure of Safety Isolation Transformer" in A3GB4706.1 applies. Appendix D "Additional Requirements for Protected Motor Devices" in A4GB4706.1 is not applicable. Appendix E "Measurement of Creepage Distances and Clearances" in A5GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix F "Horizontal Burning Test Method" in A6GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix G "Glow Wire Test Method" in A7GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix H "Bad Contact Test" in A8GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix "Needle Flame Test Method" in A9GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix J "Current Tracking Test Method" in A10GB4706.1 is applicable. "Be applicable. Appendix K "Leakage Current Measurement Circuit" in A11GB4706.1 applies. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Light Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Household Appliances. This standard was drafted by the Beijing Household Appliances Research Institute of the Ministry of Light Industry and the 708th Institute of the Ministry of Aerospace Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Gao Liandi, Sun Mingxin, and Wang Guangyue.
Short circuit of resistors, capacitors and other components or semiconductors in the main circuit or control circuit; failure of various overheating protection components; c.
d detection and alarm system failures.
Fault conditions that are usually not noticed are tested for 90 minutes under the conditions specified in Article 11.7. Examples of unnoticed fault conditions are: a. Blockage of the air inlet or outlet;
b. Short circuit that does not meet the creepage distances and clearances specified in Chapter 29. If, during the test, a non-automatically resetting thermal tripper operates, the test is deemed to be completed. 20 Stability and mechanical hazards
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 21 Mechanical strength
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 22 Structure
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. Articles 22.26 and 22.27 are not applicable.
The following clause is added to this chapter:
22.101 The heat-resistant glass or ceramics used on the induction cooktop should be able to withstand the stress occurring during normal use. Qualification is determined through the following test inspection: Place the induction cooker on a horizontal workbench. If there are adjustable support legs, adjust each foot to be in close contact with the workbench, so that the induction cooktop table is in a stable horizontal position. Use an aluminum container with a flat bottom (the diameter of its bottom plane is greater than 12cm) to evenly fill it with sand or granular materials with a total weight of 1.8kg, and let the container fall flatly onto the induction cooktop from a height of 15cm. This operation is performed 10 times continuously without the induction cooker being powered on. Then let the induction cooker work under full heating conditions. Fill the pot with an appropriate amount of vegetable oil, heat it, and then adjust the output power to keep the oil overflow at 200 ± 15°C until the oil pot is removed after half an hour. Pour 1 to 1.1L cold water evenly and steadily on the induction cooktop. After 1 minute, remove all excess water and wipe the surface dry. After the induction cooktop is disconnected from the power supply, allow it to cool to room temperature, then pour 1 to 1.1L of cold water onto the induction cooktop again as described above, and place a metal container on it. After the above tests, the surface should not be cracked, and the induction cooktop should be able to withstand the electrical strength test specified in Article 16.4 when all switches and control devices are "on".
23 Internal wiring
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 24 Components
This chapter in GB4706.1 is applicable except for the following content. Articles 24.4 and 24.9 are not applicable.
25 Power supply connection and external flexible cables and cords
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 26 Binding posts for external conductors
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 27 Grounding device
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 28 Screws and joints
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. GB4706.29-92
29 The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 for creepage distances, electrical clearances and penetration insulation distances are all applicable. 30 Heat resistance, flame resistance and resistance to leakage and decay
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable. 31 Anti-rust
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable
32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
The contents of this chapter in GB4706.1 are applicable
Appendix A
GB4706.1 "General Safety Requirements for Household and Similar Electrical Appliances" is used in this standard
Appendix A "Thermal Controller and Overload Circuit Breaker" in A1GB4706.1 applies. Appendix B "Electronic Circuits" in A2GB4706.1 applies. Appendix C "Structure of Safety Isolation Transformer" in A3GB4706.1 applies. Appendix D "Additional Requirements for Protected Motor Devices" in A4GB4706.1 is not applicable. Appendix E "Measurement of Creepage Distances and Clearances" in A5GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix F "Horizontal Burning Test Method" in A6GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix G "Glow Wire Test Method" in A7GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix H "Bad Contact Test" in A8GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix "Needle Flame Test Method" in A9GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix J "Current Tracking Test Method" in A10GB4706.1 is applicable. "Be applicable. Appendix K "Leakage Current Measurement Circuit" in A11GB4706.1 applies. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Light Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Household Appliances. This standard is drafted by the Beijing Household Appliances Research Institute of the Ministry of Light Industry and the 708th Institute of the Ministry of Aerospace Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Gao Liandi, Sun Mingxin, and Wang Guangyue.Appendix E "Measurement of Creepage Distances and Clearances" in 1 applies. Appendix F "Horizontal Burning Test Method" in A6GB4706.1 applies. Appendix G "Glow Wire Test Method" in A7GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix H "Bad Contact Test" in A8GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix "Needle Flame Test Method" in A9GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix J "Current Tracking Test Method" in A10GB4706.1 is applicable. "Be applicable. Appendix K "Leakage Current Measurement Circuit" in A11GB4706.1 applies. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Light Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Household Appliances. This standard was drafted by the Beijing Household Appliances Research Institute of the Ministry of Light Industry and the 708th Institute of the Ministry of Aerospace Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Gao Liandi, Sun Mingxin, and Wang Guangyue.Appendix E "Measurement of Creepage Distances and Clearances" in 1 applies. Appendix F "Horizontal Burning Test Method" in A6GB4706.1 applies. Appendix G "Glow Wire Test Method" in A7GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix H "Bad Contact Test" in A8GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix "Needle Flame Test Method" in A9GB4706.1 is applicable. Appendix J "Current Tracking Test Method" in A10GB4706.1 is applicable. "Be applicable. Appendix K "Leakage Current Measurement Circuit" in A11GB4706.1 applies. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Light Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Household Appliances. This standard was drafted by the Beijing Household Appliances Research Institute of the Ministry of Light Industry and the 708th Institute of the Ministry of Aerospace Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Gao Liandi, Sun Mingxin, and Wang Guangyue.
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