title>JB/T 8056-1996 Slag granulator - JB/T 8056-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8056-1996 Slag granulator

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8056-1996

Standard Name: Slag granulator

Chinese Name: 糟粕造粒机

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1996-09-03

Date of Implementation:1997-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J76 Gas Separation and Liquefaction Equipment

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces JB/TQ 729-1988

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1997-06-01

other information

drafter:Li Yongnian, Chen Yongliang, Li Wanchang

Drafting unit:Harbin Oxygen Generator Factory, Hangzhou Oxygen Generator Research Institute

Focal point unit:Gas Separation and Liquefaction Equipment Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Proposing unit:Gas Separation and Liquefaction Equipment Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard is formulated based on the technical performance and requirements of the prototype machine of California Pellet Machine Company and domestic dregs granulator. This standard specifies the model, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging and storage of dregs granulator with horizontal spiral conveyor ring mold pressing type and 2.5t dry dregs per hour. This standard is applicable to dregs granulator (hereinafter referred to as granulator, commonly known as "granulator") for processing beet waste dregs in the sugar industry. Granulators of other specifications and for pressing other raw materials can also be used for reference. JB/T 8056-1996 Dregs granulator JB/T8056-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 8056-96
Dregs Granulator
Published on September 3, 1996
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of ChinaWww.bzxZ.net
Implemented on July 1, 1997
This standard is formulated based on the technical performance and requirements of the prototype machine of California Machine Company and the domestic granulator. This standard was proposed and coordinated by the Technical Committee of Gas Separation and Liquefaction of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The drafting units of this standard are Harbin Oxygen Generator Factory and Kangzhou Oxygen Generator Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Shi Yongnian, Chen Yongliang, Shi Wanpin. 1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Dregs Granulator
JR/T BU56-96
This standard specifies the type, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and regulations, packaging and storage of horizontal weak-release finger-feeding ring-die pressing type granulators with an hourly dry grain output of 2.51. This standard is applicable to sugar granulators (hereinafter referred to as granulators, commonly known as "granulators") in the sugar industry. Other specifications and granulators made of other raw materials can also be used for reference. 3 Reference Standards
The provisions included in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard by reference in this standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised. The parties using this standard should consider the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. G 19-90
GB 3758-..83
Packing performance indicator
Technical conditions for alloy tool steel
Determination of noise level
Transportation packaging delivery and receipt indicator
GB/T 1338: -92
2BI50 C1389
3. 1 Preparation of the general technical provisions of the packaging of the machine
machine tool parts
anti-sale technical parts
granulator model is composed of capital letters and Arabic letters, HE
variable design guide, Arabic numerals are used to express the specifications, the output of grains (t/), the granulator code is expressed in Arabic letters
3.2 series
granulator with a dry output of 2.5t/: model: KL-2.5
granulator with a dry output of 2.5t/h, the first modified granulator. Model: KI-2.5-1
Approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on 19-09-03
No. 1, implemented on 97-07-01
4 Technical requirements
The granulator shall comply with the provisions of this standard and be prepared with drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed code sequence. 4.
The performance standards of the granulator shall correspond to the requirements of Table 1. Table 1
Title T\beat. "Quantity
The quantity of the granulator shall comply with the requirements of Table 2. Table?
Condensate Take time
determine the moisture content of the original rice (by volume) of the granulator is 13±1% (volume ratio), the moisture content is not more than 5% and the quality is 4.4
granulator no-load operation (the sound level of the original revolution is allowed to be no more than 35 (A) 4.5
select the no-load operation of the machine (not charged) system) 4.6
make the granulator! Card mold, Zhu Fan's material is carefully NiM0, the induction should be in line with GB12SS environment is 4.7
4. The replacement period of the granulator wearing parts is: 6) the point mold is not less than 1000t:
b) The maintenance period is not less than ·ecci,
Note: The replacement period is calculated based on the cumulative inspection period. 4.9 The oil used in the inspection machine should be kept alive, and the power should be within the range of n.05·~r.25MP. 4.10 The granulator is equipped with a protective cover,
4.11 The connection of the production line must be tight and reliable, and the parts should be neat. The rotating parts should be flexible, smooth and not have abnormal noise. 412
The main shaft and core parts are not rusty, and the central pipe and other parts of the machine are not rusty or pierced. The welding points, welding and dirt are thoroughly cleaned. 4. 14
The final data of the machine are as follows: 1. The anti-frequency requirements of the diameter parts should meet the requirements of 51 and 13. The appearance of the machine should meet the requirements of 2BJ50U11. 4.16
All parts of the machine should be sealed and oil-free. 4.18 In the case of the pelletizer, under the conditions of the maintenance rules, within 18 months from the date of issuance, if the machine is damaged or cannot work properly due to poor quality after more than 6 months of operation, the manufacturer shall repair or replace the parts (excluding approved parts) free of charge.
5 Test method
5.1 The inspection certificate shall be valid for the production or measurement vehicle. 5.2 Empty test
5.2.1 The pelletizer shall be tested without load. The test finger shall not be too tight. 5.2.2 During the empty test, the whole machine shall be inspected. The running parts should rotate smoothly without irregular vibrations, the oil circuits of the parts should be well lubricated, and the cutting parts should not be oiled. JB/T 8056-96
5.2.3 During the no-load test, the main shaft of the gearbox of the motor should not be lifted up, and the measuring parts should be on the bearing.
5.1 Speed ​​test
The speed of the granulator should be measured by a speed meter, photoelectric meter or other instruments. The relative temperature of the measurement should not exceed 0.02%. The allowable error between the measured value and the specified value is 0.5%. It can be converted by measuring the motor speed. 5.4 Source noise test
The measurement method and calculation of the granulator (according to BA765, the small scale value of the measuring instrument accuracy is 1dB (A), 5. 5) Test according to the situation
Measure the power of the motor of the pellet washing machine at the main shaft position (good motor), and measure one point in each of the three directions (up, left, and right) once each time. The maximum number of measurements is 1:1. The maximum power of the instrument is 0.5%. 5.6 Shaft power test
5.6.1 Use the two-speed meter method or the two-speed meter method to measure the power input of the motor into the electric mechanism. The instrument is specified in Table 2.
Accuracy level
The motor efficiency is calculated according to (1):
In the above formula,
motor terminal power k;
input voltage ..A
load voltage .V
motor efficiency
S.6.3 rail power and compared with formula (2) to calculate:
In the above formula, F
is the effective motor efficiency
Y3 R1 - 2ns/10u
Electric expansion car (provided by the motor manufacturer) Transmission rate (gear stop each level to take C.98) 5.7 Measurement
Accuracy level
After the granulator is running normally: adjust it to the best working condition and its motor's working current is stable at 1130 (including speed regulator and coupling motor. The motor is at the beginning of the production, the annual 241-40min plan, each time 3~5m, continuous measurement three times, the desired grain quality, the unit time of each time is obtained, the three-year average value is taken as the granulator's next production, the production and measurement axis ball must be carried out, 5. 8 Bed consumption evaluation
Wu Zhong: M
Record power consumption per ton of pellets kwh/t:
2——display machine\analysis quantity/h;
Push power of pellet mill, kW;
A pellet mill regulator shaft power, kw;
Fan pellet mill mixer shaft yield kW:
N+——oil steam shaft power, kw
5.9 Determination of kidney kernel sticking quality index
5.9.1 Vertical determination
JB/T B56-96
Take 4 pellets from the three groups of pellets for yield determination and measure their diameters with a vernier caliper. 5.9.2 Determination of water swelling time
Put 12 grains of measured diameter in a 300mL cup, add 250mL of 40°C water, and maintain at this temperature. Observe the time required for the whole process to complete the process. 6 Inspection rules
After the granulator is inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer, it can be shipped with a product certificate. 6.2 Product inspection of granulators is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. 6.3 Factory inspection
6.3.1 Factory inspection of granulators includes: a) Air cutting test: b) Speed ​​test: d) Noise test: d) Dynamic test: 3) Inspection of parts quality, appearance quality, matching quality, and coating quality: [3] Inspection of product feel and assembly integrity. 6.3. The test methods of the inspection items shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard test method. 6.4 Type inspection
6.4.1 The type inspection of the granulator includes: a) Factory inspection items;
h Shaft power test:
c) Product plate setting:
|) Power consumption test:
e] Particle dry viscosity test and particle dry water swelling time test. 6.2 Type inspection shall be carried out on the user's site. 6.4.3 Type inspection shall be carried out after the product has been running normally and stably for 2 hours. 6.4.4 The test methods of type inspection categories shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the test methods of this standard. 6.5 Selection
6.5.1 Each granulator shall be subjected to air cutting test, and the appropriate granulator shall be subjected to factory inspection according to the number specified in Table 4. 6. 5. z
Batch production
Evacuation wall
6.5.3 When the pellet machine product has any of the following conditions, it should be subject to type inspection: 6) During trial production of new products;
b) When there are significant changes in structure, materials, and processes that may affect product performance; c) When the product is dusty, every year or every production center; d) After a long period of suspension of production: When the factory inspection results are significantly different from the last type inspection results; 4
When the superior product quality supervision agency proposes the requirement for type inspection. 6.6 Judgment rules
.6, the indicators of the items of the batch machine that have been inspected are in line with the product drawings and the provisions of this standard and are qualified. 6.6.2 If there are any unqualified items in the tested granulators, the product must be inspected for the item and the unqualified products must be repaired.
Marking, packaging and storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 The granulator should have a product label in a conspicuous place. The size and hanging requirements of the label shall comply with the provisions of GB/13306. 7.1.2 The label of the granulator shall include
a) product model;
b) product name:
main symbol
d) manufacturer number:
e) manufacturer date:
f) manufacturer name.
7.1.3 The shipping and receiving packaging label of the packaging box shall comply with the provisions of GB6388. 7.1.4 The storage and transportation drawings and markings of the packaging box shall comply with the provisions of GB191. 7.2 Packaging
7.2. The design of the packaging box shall comply with the relevant provisions of operation and maintenance. 7.2.2 The packaging of the granulator shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T13381 and shall be packed according to the terminal number, item name and number of pieces on the packing list. 2.3 The granulator leaves the factory The following technical documents and drawings should be attached: a) Instructions for use; b) Certificate of conformity; d) Packing list; 7.2.4 Random documents should be placed in the reinforced packaging bag and fixed in the designated place. 7.3 Storage The pellet machine should be stored in a warehouse or a place with good protection. In good condition, it is guaranteed that there will be no corrosion, loss, etc. within 6 months from the date of shipment.
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