This standard specifies the angle and slope series of general-purpose prisms. The angle series ranges from 120° to 0°30′, and the slope series ranges from 1:10 to 1:500. This standard is applicable to general mechanical engineering. GB/T 4096-2001 Technical Specification for Geometrical Quantities of Products (GPS) Angle and slope series of prisms GB/T4096-2001 Standard download decompression password:
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GB/T 4096---2001 This standard is equivalent to ISO2538:1998 "Product Geometric Specification (GPS) Angle and Slope Series for Prisms", which is a revision of GB/T4096-1983 "Angle and Slope Series for Prisms". The technical content is consistent with the international standard. Considering that the scope of application of the standard is prisms for general purposes, the prisms for specific purposes in the main text of ISO2538 are given as appendices to the standard. The main modifications of this standard to GB/T4096-1983 are as follows: the terms and definitions of wedges, guide prisms, etc. and the corresponding diagrams are added; the numerical tables are rearranged; prisms for specific purposes are listed as appendices to the standard. This standard replaces GB/T4096-1983 from the date of implementation. Appendix A of this standard is the appendix to the standard. This standard is proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Product Dimensions and Geometric Specifications. The drafting units of this standard are: China Academy of Mechanical Science, China National Institute of Metrology, China First Tractor Group Co., Ltd., Tianjin University, and Changan Automobile Group Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Li Xiaopei, Zhang Heng, Zhang Yunli, Wang Zhong, Yi Shouyun, and Chen Ge. 276 GB/T4096—-2001 ISOForeword ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide joint organization composed of national standard bodies (ISO member bodies). The formulation of international standards is usually completed by ISO's technical committees. If each member body is interested in a project established by a technical committee, it has the right to send personnel to participate in the work of the project. International organizations (official or unofficial) that maintain contact with ISO may also participate in the relevant work. ISO maintains a close cooperative relationship with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) engaged in electrical standardization. The draft international standard adopted by the technical committee is submitted to the member bodies for voting, and it must obtain the consent of at least 75% of the member bodies before it can be published as an international standard. International Standard ISO 2538 was drafted by ISO/TC213\Product Dimensions and Geometric Specifications and Inspection\Technical Committee. This second edition replaces the first edition (ISO 2538:1974). Some data in the tables have been amended in due course, but there are no technical changes. Annexes A and B of this international standard are informative appendices. 277 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Series of angles and slopes on prismsGB/T 4096—2001 eqv ISO 2538:1998 Replaces GB/T4096--1983 This standard specifies the series of angles and slopes on prisms for general purposes. The angle series ranges from 120° to 0°30°, and the slope series ranges from 1:10 to 1:500. This standard is applicable to general mechanical engineering. 2 Definitions This standard adopts the following definitions. 2.1 Prism A geometric body defined by two intersecting planes and a certain size (see Figure 1). Note: The two intersecting planes are called "prism faces" and are called "prism matching faces" when there are matching requirements. The intersection of the two prism faces is called "edge". 2.2 Multiple prism A geometric body defined by several pairs of intersecting planes and a certain size (see Figure 2) Note: 1 A double prism is defined by two pairs of intersecting planes and a certain size (see Figure 2). 2 When each pair of planes intersects at a point, the multiple prism is a pyramid (see Figure 3). 2.3 wedge a prism with a small angle. 2.4 slideprism vee-block dovetail a specific prism with a large angle (see Figures 4 and 5). Note: These specific prisms are often used in guideways of machine tools. 2.5 prism angle (β) the angle between two intersecting prism faces (see Figure 1). Note: The angle between the mating faces of a prism is called the “mating angle of the prism”. 2.6 center plane of prism (Em)the plane through the edge that bisects the prism angle β (see Figure 7). 2.7 height of prism the height measured on a specified section parallel to the edge and perpendicular to one of the prism faces (such as H and h in Figure 6). 2.8 thickness of prism Approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China on September 15, 2001 278 Implementation on April 1, 2002 GB/T4096—2001 The thickness measured on a specified section parallel to the edge and perpendicular to the prism center plane EM (such as T and t in Figure 7). 2.9 prism slope (S) The ratio of the difference between the prism heights H and h of two specified sections to the distance L between the two sections (see Figure 6). H—h The relationship between the prism slope S and the prism angle β is S - tanβ = 1 : cotp 2.10 prism ratio (C,) The ratio of the difference between the prism thicknesses T and t of two specified sections to the distance L between the two sections (see Figure 7). C,T The relationship between the prism ratio C, and the prism angle β is C, 2tan 3 series The angle and slope series of general-purpose prisms are specified in Table 1. When selecting prism angles, series 1 should be preferred, followed by series 2. In order to facilitate the design, production and control of prisms, Table 2 gives the estimated values of prism ratios, slopes and angles corresponding to prism angles and prism slopes, and the number of significant digits can be determined as needed. Table 1 Angles and slopes of general-purpose prisms Series Shuttle angle Series 1 22°30 Series 2 37°30 Prinsic slope Series 1 GB/T 4096 - 2001 Table 1 (end) Prinsic angle Series 2 0°301 Table 2 Calculated value 1 0. 288 675 1 :0.500 000 1:0.651 613 1 :0. 866 025 1+1.207107 1 1. 373 739 1:1.866025 1*2.835 641 1 :3.797 877 115.715026 1:7.150333 1 + 8.174 928 1 : 9.540 568 1 :11.451.883 1+14.318127 1+19094230 1 : 28. 644 981 1 : 57. 294 325 | 477 13.732051 1:5.671282 1:7.115370 1 : 8.144 346 1 9.514 364 111.430052 1:14.300666 119.081137 1 t 28. 636 253 1 : 57. 289 962 1 : 114.588 650 Prism 5°42'38.1\ 2°51'44.7\ Plane E, String plane E2 GB/T 4096—2001 Figure 1 Prism or wedge Figure 2 Multi-(double) prism Plane P GB/T 4096 - 2001 Figure 3 Pyramid Figure 4 Prism or V-shaped body Figure 5 Dovetail GB/T 4096 2001 Figure 6 Prism height Prins thickness Plane EM GB/T4096 Appendix A (Standard Appendix) Prins for specific purposes The prism parameters provided in this appendix (see Table A1) are only for the purposes specified in the right column of the table. Table A1 Prisms for specific purposes Prinsic angle 27°30 Calculated value 1:0.363271 1:0.688191 110.960491 1:1.072 253 1:0.700 207 [ : 0. 839 100 √Shape Dovetail Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.