title>JB/T 8412-1996 Air shovel - JB/T 8412-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8412-1996 Air shovel

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8412-1996

Standard Name: Air shovel

Chinese Name: 气铲

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1996-09-03

Date of Implementation:1997-07-01

Date of Expiration:2007-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>Process Equipment>>J48 Pneumatic Tools

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces ZB J48005-89; replaced by JB/T 8412-2006

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1997-07-01

other information

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Rock Drilling Machinery and Pneumatic Tools

Introduction to standards:

This standard is a revision of ZB J48 005-89. JB/T 8412-1996 Air shovel JB/T8412-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Published on September 3, 1996
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
1997-07-01 Implementation
B9 Gas Shovel> 1. Modification of the following product specifications: The writing format is consistent with GB/T 21R005
1.1-193 Standardization 1. Work Guide, Unit 1, Standard Writing and Expression Rules Part 3: Basic Provisions for Standard Writing 3: In the Presentation of Work: #GB1.22, 15132 Standardization Work Guide Unit 2: Standard Content Determination Method Part 22: Introduction There are many related provisions of the standard. This revision of the standard has made significant changes to the content of the rate, and the inspection regulations and test methods are divided into chapters: and chapters.
This standard is proposed and submitted by the National Technical Committee of the State Regulations on the Use of Gas Extraction Tools in 88
This standard is used by the National Technical Committee of the State Regulations on the Use of Gas Extraction Tools in 88. The standard is completed and the work is started only! 。
This standard is a professional and scientific standard for the machinery industry of the People's Republic of China
Generation # 2148 ong-8
This standard specifies the types and specifications of air shovels, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, printing marks, packaging, transportation and storage. This standard is applicable to the design, manufacture, inspection and use of air shovels. 2 Reference standards
The following standards contain new texts, which are referenced in the standards and constitute the provisions of the standards. When this standard is revised, the texts shown are not valid. All standards will be revised. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB2328-R?
G3 552165
GH/T 1$384... S2
115/1 4C41—94
JB/T 7:61-J 3
JB/T 1302--0.1
ZH184 D_488
3 Type and basic parameters
Batch inspection teaching manual sample method sequential polishing sample table (suitable for the inspection of subsequent batches) examination ceremony mechanical and pneumatic tool performance test method mechanical and pneumatic tool noise test section method process method electromechanical product packaging rain technology parts
chisel machine and pneumatic tool product model manufacturing method mechanical and pneumatic tool rust breaking who uses the technology base production step selection mechanical and pneumatic tool flexibility product deactivation universal test method step rock execution pneumatic tool main
General technical requirements for heat treatment parts
Mechanical disassembly and pneumatic tools
General technical requirements for workpieces on machinery
How to use pneumatic tools
Product packaging General product delivery
Gradually rock vibration and pneumatic tools
General technical requirements for speedbzxz.net
3.1 Products are divided into the following types:
a) Type:
1) Bent handle type:
) Type.
3. The number of parts should meet the requirements of [. 3.3 Product model control IB 1593 was compiled by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on September 3, 1996. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on September 3, 1997. Implementation on July 0, 1997. Note: Test gas ice. 65P&: 4 According to technical requirements, gas volume, JB/F8412-96, and the production station shall comply with the requirements of this standard and upgrade the production system according to the drawings and technical changes approved by the specified model sequence. 4.3 The performance indicators of the product shall comply with the provisions of this standard. 4.3 The quality of the heat treatment film shall comply with the provisions of the R department! 716! 4.4
Except for the optional display cabinet and reading cabinet, the other products have the same requirements as the general assembly. Sound (sound and sound)
All parts (including outsourced parts and independent parts) must be tested by cold dissolution before assembly and packaging. The surface of the product shall not be damaged and there shall be clear, correct and neat markings. Product specifications shall be as follows:
Product specifications
4.9 Product specifications shall comply with the provisions of 33575: 4.10 Product painting shall comply with the heat treatment of ZI184C_4, 5 Test methods
5 The product must meet the requirements of 3562], 5.2 The product sound measurement method shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 5833, 5.3 The product shall be tested in accordance with the provisions of m/T4041. Inspection regulations
6.1 Products that have passed the inspection of the manufacturer's technical inspection department can be produced according to the original specifications. 2 Strict product delivery! Inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the acceptance regulations formulated by the manufacturer, but the number of gear parts and gas consumption shall be equivalent to those determined in Table 1.
6.3 The product pollution degree is sufficient and can be inspected at least once a month. 2
IB/T 8412 96
6.4 The noise index values ​​missing in this standard are allowed to be excluded from the inspection under the premise of only the valid test report. 5. The following conditions should be met for the product to be type-tested: a) Any new product (including old product conversion) produced in full production: 5) When the product is expected to undergo major changes in design, process and selected materials; 1) The product is restored to normal production after a long period of production; 2) The product is subject to type-testing every five years. 6.6 For other products, the products to be type-tested shall be randomly selected from the products that have just been inspected and sold. 6. The product selection rules shall be carried out in accordance with the sampling plan specified in (228): ? Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 The product marking shall be placed in a conspicuous position, with the following details: a) The name or logo of the manufacturer
[ ] Product model:
] Product manufacturer;
7.2 The product packaging shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of JE/30. 7.3 The packaging of export products shall be carried out in accordance with 19. 4. The school documents accompanying the products are as follows:
a) Issuance of registration form:
b) Product qualification certificate:
) Product reuse class protection book,
7.5 The products are transported in a safe way to prevent the interruption of the control system.
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