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GB/T 2900.60-2002 Electrical terminology - Electromagnetism

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 2900.60-2002

Standard Name: Electrical terminology - Electromagnetism

Chinese Name: 电工术语 电磁学

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2002-10-08

Date of Implementation:2003-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation>> Vocabulary>>01.040.17 Metrology and measurement, physical phenomena (vocabulary)

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>General Electrical Engineering>>K04 Basic Standards and General Methods

associated standards

Procurement status:eqv IEC 60050 (121): 1998

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2003-04-01

other information

Release date:2002-10-08

Review date:2004-10-14

drafter:Yang Fu, Liu Ruimang, Yang Xuechang, Ke Hankui, Han Jin, Cheng Guangming

Drafting unit:Mechanical Science Research Institute, China Institute of Metrology, Tsinghua University, Information Research Institute of Ministry of Water Resources

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electrical Terminology

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electrical Terminology

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the electromagnetic terms and definitions in the electrotechnical terminology. This standard applies to all scientific and technological fields involving electrotechnical technology. GB/T 2900.60-2002 Electrotechnical terminology Electromagnetism GB/T2900.60-2002 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

1cS 01. 040. 17
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 2900.60--2002
eqr [EC 60050(121):1998
Electrotechnical terminology
Published on October 8, 2002
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on April 1, 2003
CB/T 2900. 50—2002
IEC pre-completed
Circuit academic design
Yang Appendix A (pre-standard appendix)
Appendix (components of the product)
Electromagnetic symbols
Yin request information)
English versionwwW.bzxz.Net
This standard is based on the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) publication 1F:60051121:19 (2nd Edition Electrotechnical Terminology Electromagnetism (TC1/1777/FS:C6050815) Technical Terminology Superconducting? IEC60050121 The part of the content that can be modified is formulated. The technical content is the same as the above standards. IECC1/177/FS is the last draft document before the official publication of IEC/050 (815) and has been voted through (see TC171%/RV 1) This document modifies the meaning of the terms in 1Ecnn50121 (121.12.39: sm complete machine feeling, 21.13.2: Co0er2air bed Qiong, 12:.12.23: Joeeph2onjunctior-York Lan Dasen continuation). This cup standard seeks to incorporate the definition of the latest international standards, and its technical specifications are equivalent to this document. H600 50(21) Elect.EC:6050111:5 Phys.Chem.F60(221:1990 Magnetic materials and components, IFC60501.75:1S95 Radio wave broadcasting *IFC0:53(73):191 Optical communication.IEC60050(1):1983 Heat industry 3, 1EC60050(394):1595 Nuclear instrumentation 1EC690.50(521):29 34 frequency conduction, device and integrated circuit terminology standards, 1F60H150 (121) 998 uses some of the technical terms of the previous standard and makes revisions to the definitions of some of the above terms. In order to point out the source of these commonly cited terms, explain the coordination relationship with the relevant YF standards and the current validity, TFC60C5D (121> gives the corresponding TFC standard group mark after the actual text of the quoted term. In the process of formulating the equivalent adoption of 1EC:6GC53 (121), this standard specifically considers the actual situation of my country's adoption of relevant 1EC standards: For the terms that my country has not yet adopted from the relevant YE standards, the same mark as EC6UEI> is given: Among the above-mentioned IE standards, my country has adopted some of them and formulated the following corresponding national standards: G301-992 Basic Technical Part of Industrial Terminology Technical Information E005012:197 First Edition )GB2900.3294 Electrical Conductive Devices E4E6005521/1473--1999 CITIC Telecommunications CE605012698)GB1473.12193 Electrical Optical Fiber Communications 3([FK)G (171) In order to facilitate the use of the terminology and definition table between the Chinese standard, the wood standard has made the best possible coordination with the above national standards, and also because [EC60050 (121): 1998 has been This standard replaces IEC 0050 (121: 1978) and clarifies some of the definitions of terms in other EC standards, namely GB/210U.1, GB/T 1433.1, GB/T 14733.12, GB/T 29n40.32. The IFC standards used in this standard are modified. Therefore, for this part of the terms, this standard is formulated based on EC 0050 (121): 138. This standard is also coordinated with GB 13102.519934, the scientific and technological terms and self-engineering terms published by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, and in order to improve the relationship and validity of the terms in the current national standards or the relevant 1FL standards adopted by the trade unions as national standards, this standard contains the terms in the relevant EC standards in the current national standards after the definition of some terms. If a technical specification is modified, the word "set" will be added before the article number. In order to let readers know the corresponding relationship between the terms in this standard and F5 (121), this standard quotes the article number in IEC 600121 in the editing process. That is, the terminology number in this standard corresponds to the terminology number in IEC 600121. Appendix A of this standard, Appendix C and Appendix C are all indicative appendices. This standard is proposed by the National Electrotechnical Standardization Technical Committee: This standard is jointly prepared by the National Electrotechnical Standardization Technical Committee and the National Electrotechnical Standardization Technical Committee: The drafting units of this standard are the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, and the Ministry of Water Resources and Hydropower Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are: Qiao Mei, Liu Ruilian, Shu Xue, Li Hanjin, and Cheng Guanglie. GB/T2900.60:2002
IEC Preface
1) IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is an international standardization organization composed of all national product associations (IEC four major organizations). IEC's purpose is to promote international cooperation on all problems related to standardization of electrical and electronic fields. For this purpose and the main activities of the IEC, IEC publishes international standards. Standards are formulated by technical committees. Any national committee interested in the subject may participate in its formulation. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations related to IEC may also participate in the formulation of standards. IEC and the International Organization for Standardization maintain close cooperation in accordance with the existing trade relations between the two organizations. 2) Each technical committee has representatives of all national committees concerned with these issues, and formal decisions and agreements on the standards are also made. 3) IEC documents are published in the form of recommendations for international use in the form of standards, technical notices or guidelines. In this sense, 1. For the acceptance of the National Committee of the IEC, the national members of the IEC will apply IEC international standards to their national and regional standards to the greatest extent possible. 4) In order to promote international uniformity, any differences between IEC standards and corresponding national or regional standards should be clearly indicated in the implementation. S) IEC has not proposed a procedure for marking equipment conformity. Therefore, when a certain equipment conforms to an IEC standard, IEC does not accept this. 5) Please note that some of the contents of this International Standard may be related to patent rights. IEC will not be responsible for confirming these patent rights. A International Standard prepared by TEC/TCI Working Group 10 on Electrotechnical Terminology. This second edition of this International Standard replaces the first edition prepared in 1970. The rates of this standard are based on the following documents: Draft Standard
Technical Voting Report
Full information on the cost standards for investment costs can be found in the voting report included in the worksheet. The definitions of electromagnetics in this chapter are given in French and Spanish. In addition, Arabic, English, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese and Portuguese are given. 1 Standard of the People's Republic of China Electromagnetic terminology Electromagnetic terminology This standard defines the terminology used in electrotechnical engineering. This standard is applicable to all scientific and technical fields of electrotechnical technology. 2 Electromagnetic terminology 2.7 Electromagnetic concepts and electromagnetic quantities 121.11.01 Electric charge [quantity] elcc-rici1y(nholeteQ
additive scalar, the original particle and the macroscopic matter are associated to show the electrostatic interaction between them. "E511343 is modified as GB/1 in 3.5
electric and deep from guarding the spirit.
2 electric micro guarding the library center,
121.7i.02 Coulomb's law nafomh1aw
expresses the constant between the two charges, and the relationship is F.-6.22.2-..9
, where: F, is the force exerted by a charged particle on the charged particle, the positive number of the charge, is the distance between the charged particle and the charged particle, and is the unit quantity F. [Proposed amendment GB/T293.143.1.13
: In the air, the effective value is 1/4x. 121.17.03 electrical constants electrical constants permittively of vacuum vacuum dielectric constant
The most standard constants in electricity and mechanics are obtained by the relationship of Coulomb's law in the air: F
, where F is the value of the two charges Q when they are at a certain distance. "Revised GB/T 14733.9 705.05.0 Specification revised G3 [2000.1 3, 1.20] Note
In vacuum car. Electrical efficiency and telephone skin strength of the British phase, etc. Ding Xintong show degree: People's Republic of China State Quantity Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Bureau approved 200210-08 2003-04-01 implementation
2 Output policy and obtain the common cause and air light related diseases: sar/= 1
3 Book charges accurate danger;
x20970245gmgnA*=8.BE4:87 817/m13
121.11.04 electrically neutral refers to particles, objects or physical systems whose total charge is zero. [Adopted from 3.3.4-121.11.05 of GB/T29001] 5 electrically charged refers to particles, objects or physical systems whose total charge is zero. 121.11-06
quasi-infinitesimal quasi-infinitesimal
In the context of a group of entities or a system of entities, it is used to describe the length, size or volume of a space element, which has all geometric dimensions much smaller than those of the system involved, but is large enough to contain a large number of elementary entities. Technically, "electrieally small" is also used to distinguish this term from the limited size in the text. vulumie (eletrical) charges (electrie ... 07
[Volume] Charge density
Scalar: At a given point in a volume element of quasi-infinitely small position V, it is equal to the total charge in the volume element divided by the product, Q
[Modify 3.1.6. in GB/T 2900.1.
121. 11. 08 Surface charge densitysurtare (electrie) eharge denyitytareie (elkertrie)eharge mark, at a given point in the surface element of the quasi-infinitely small surface, the total charge Q in the area element is divided by the area A. "Modify GB/T2900.= 3.1.7
121.109 Linear charge density linear (electrie) chargedenstty: lineie (ekcrtric) churget
mark: at a given point on a line element of quasi-infinitely small length s, it is equal to the total charge Q in the line element divided by the length. T
[Modify GB/T 2SCC.1 3. 1. 6_
121.11.10 Free number magic rree chargecarrlerQ
carriers moving under the influence of external charge. [50050 111-14-45] 121.11.11_conduction current density (eleetric) currenl densily: (colkliun)urrknt density arcieeleciriecurren
East quantity, at a fixed point in the volume element of infinitesimal volume, the total product of all free carriers in the volume element and their velocity divided by the volume
where is the volume element white by the newer electrons, 2 enough poor: the center of the carrier is the first! The speed of the carrier movement: [Modified 312!00] in 3-] Blue: The electric sink through the directional surface S is also! The pressure and pressure of the electric performance on this surface! :2
In the formula, the suspended quantity is,
121.11.12 Line density linear (electrie) current density; llneir (elecirlc) currenl loss or, in which infinitely small and the product of 5 area elements is a given point, equal to the root of all the free current charges in the area element and the sum of their velocities divided by the area rent: A=
The number of free currents in the area rent element is the first: the first: The speed of the current is
. Note that there are ten limits on the surface of the current carrier. Along this curve, the two points (H) are shown as the line A and the line e. The scalar quantity of the real quantity can be re-established, and with the specified direction of the curve, the difference in quantity is equal to the value of the charge passing through the curve in a specified direction divided by the reading time:
In the formula: The coordinates of the points h are the path lengths. 121.11.13_Conduction] current [conducllon] currezt: (electr ic】eurrent standard, equal to the current density through a given directed surface $ flux.edA
where: e,1A number loss surface secret element. Modification (T/2900.1 3.1.5, .1.3S) Note
1 over a ten-point interval, the same time through the electric current divided by the time the same company in the time tends to the time limit,
? For a ten-point interval within a small area, the text is defined as the soul of the crown that will always be required: the big comment "electricity can be out of the degree" note,
121.11.34 late constant lagnetieeo atmperniebilityofvacuum
vacuum magnetic permeability
it is necessary to connect the psychology and mechanics of the disk constant excitation. It is obtained by the relationship between the two planes of F layer. The distance between the two planes of F layer and the infinite length of the parallel font in the vacuum is 1, and it also contains a flow of 1 at a time. The value of the force per unit length is:! Modify GBC0.1 in 3.3.3! In the air, the number and the field are introduced, and the problem is:
the number and the electric constant, and the light in the vertical air are used to make the question oil welcome the following A1
S acid book number is correct:
2× e- tn kg s-*A *- -. 256 f37 ts1.rH/m3
121.11.15 Tilifam
GB/T 2900.60 —2002
Describes a linear object whose cross-section is quasi-element. 121.77.16 Current tube luabeofcurrenl space tube city, its tube is in the book, the point of the half line "point of the correct density, and the current through any section of the opposite direction.
121.11.17 Current element
Loss. At a given point of a linear self-flow, the product of the total current and the line element at this point. [You change G/T2%00.1 in 3. 3- 6]
: The electric field strength is the electric field intensity E
, which is the force on a stationary charged particle equal to the product of the charge on the particle: F=QE
Modify CB/T290.1 ​​2.3.10
121.11.19 Magnetic flux density uxdensity research sense skin strong density magertieinduetinn
long mass field is the product of the force on a charged particle with a speed and the particle charge:
2 stop GB/T2300.1 3.2.7
1 through the density current 8 at a point in the room change the average fire resource livn
121.11-20 Coulomb-Lowell forceConlah-1mmentx.The force on the particle with Q in the equation is given by the following formula F=Q(E+rXB)
where: E is the electric field strength and R is the flux width. Solve G3/2.1 3.5.S]1,
2 quantities.
127.1F-21 flux [quantity_nagnetice gate x@
scale plate, equal to the corresponding magnetic flux B quantity B·B.GA
where enc is a long 4 and the unit, modify G/2SC6.1 3.3.9121.11.22 magnetic quantum luxquantumfluxoldqoaninm flux quantity etc. =/2 where the full period of time grams of the basic unit charge H road people etc. 2.C67833636GB/T 2900.60—2002
X1(0-1Wh-1(relative extreme uncertainty 3.919-5). 121.71.23 vector position magnaticvecturpotentigl two cases double annual quantity position. [Modified B/T2900.13.3.14 standard
position A's beauty star resource pass B
2 meaning that the relevant position is not the only one, four is in the first quantity of hemp field quantity can stimulate a given position without changing its degree, in the difference under the policy conditions, the author proposes to use the sense of zero validity, hemp chain linked flux
The scalar line differential along the curve:
Where dr is the vector line element,
1 is the three-way differential through the curve! All the channels on a surface: oa. dr -
makes A surface element,
2 is the mass, the density is equal to, and the channel is any channel through the sub-surface. 121.11.25 potential electricpolentlal potential
Especially for the disk iP double i medicine scalar potential V, where F is the electric strength, A is the inductance, Time: -gradV-F-
Note that the potential is not the same, because any electric mark can be added to the mail, that is, the current, before this does not change the potential charge of the ladder room 121.11.26
(electrlc)potentlal Dirterence potential difference
between two points,
! For the integral,
Note: the median between a and h is V, V. For each busy path connecting a and b, E1% is the electric ground strength room 4 is the world without time:
support: r, and n. In particular, the next point is the risk of the day, r is the loss. 121-11.27 voltage (elertric) teusinn: vnltage.a
standard mother, equal to the field strength E juice if a given line connecting a and b points: aggregate said
suitable value ARexeuealFuulalPiCostnle\ quantity IC: 5121> in x-0 8c: XI ,
:r、和守列是和,5两点位置留未和,dr无量线元. [You change your mind BT21 3. 3. 11
In the case of no electric field strength, the electric field is light and the difference is: -:hv.?
2 sell words in the fall \g" plan with the name of the unit name you, 62?1:1912 electrical engineering technology of the first part, voltage\\m1-02\31351902(1\electric and the unit\fifth! In, given Luo\nn\u!e\\en\magnetic voltage inducedlenslon: inducedvoltage11121.11.28
nuclear disk, equal to the father
XB aromatic carrier moving line! In the branch A and H are the shielding position and the reverse density at the an
--point on the path, the speed of the movement of the no-carrier point Degree: "Modify GR2CC.13.3.12J
Note: The voltage of the wave path is equal to the effect of the induced current on the detached layer of the chain. 721.11.29 Inductive current inducedcurrent is caused by the voltage of the inductive seat. 121.11.3C Electromagnetic response elect.rnwungne1ic:indnction produces induction or induced current phenomenon. Modify GB/2900.1 3.3.23 Self-inducilon
Due to the change of the current tube itself, the internal electromagnetic induction is generated in the electric sink tube: 1 Modify (3/T290C,: 3.3.24J
*21. 11. 32 Mutual inductance muluel ioductia produces a current in the intelligent current range and the current tube produces a whole induction: Modify GB Jiang about.1 3. 3.26
121.11.33 An electric dipole is a property of the electric field which produces a charge of the same type as that produced by a point charge of equal sign at a distance sufficiently large from the point of contact. Modify 3.3.18 in G/29.1 to show that this concept is valid only when the time variation is not very large. 121.11.34 An electric dipole is a property of the field which is the distance between two points of charge equal to the distance between atoms or molecules. Release, 121.11.35 electrode moment (1) lectriedipulmunnl ([) long time, Liu dry electric pole wide, the typical connection is equal to the charge between the ion and the positive lane rate type, the mountain mass charge refers to the positive micro. [You receive Ck12900.1 3-3.2
121-36 electrode moment 2) leuricdipolemomer2P
suitable for the material in the ten Rong area, equal to the electric sensitivity of all basic components in the area [collect / 2900.= 3.3.20
source distance:
1] according to the letter of 1EC6x5c-121-112? Or a country and the word market will issue \electric 1. More \please pill "English terminology \inducx.vo.-ta ge\.
GB/T 2900-60
property, in the area V of the material to get more electric absorption of the volume integral: pdy
121.11.37 electrochemical intensity
eleeiric polarizathon
lack of inspection, abandon the wind city of the small body within the contraction of the fixed point, the area contains the electric side of the material, divided by your product V:
I modify GB/T29Q0.1 in 3.3.13]
let, the electric polarization intensity P satisfies the relationship
formula: the electric flux density F is the electric field constant. 121. 11. 38 Polarization (in electrostatics) Polarlze (in electrostatics) (verh) Induced electrical change in a substance. 121.11.39 Electromagnetism. The polarization change P divided by the electric field number: E, GR/T 290.1 ​​= 3.1.1 (121.11.40 121.11-41 Electric flux density Electromagnetic flux density (lux density) Electric displacement (displacement) A quantity that, at a given point, is equal to the product of the electric field strength E and a constant plus the electric field strength, = + CB/290U.1 = 3.1. 18] In vacuum, the electric flux density at all points is equal to the sum of the electric field strength and the electric current coefficient: =
3 The electric flux density is equal to the volume charge quotient: ivn
Electric flux [quantity] electrieflux
scalar, etc., which has been proved to be the flux of the current density knife: De.da
Where: encA is the quantity: [Modify GB2sc0.1 a.1.1s121.17.42
position current density displueumealeurrentdensity long: equal to the time derivative of the electric current; aD
121.11.43 position electric current JisplncenientcnrremlGB/T 2900. 60 —2002
standard, equal to the displacement electric density of a given directed surface 5: e.da
test, e,d1 is the area element: GB/H.13.1-457121.11.44 Total current density Jh
scalar: equal to the conduction current density J, the transfer current density J, the benefit: J..rfn
121.11.45 Total current density tt|| scalar: equal to the total current density through a given directed surface S7. The flow: Ji.eda
In the formula: dA is the area. GB/2900.13.1.7 Note: The total current is given by the formula:
, where is the current, is the position of the current 121.11.46 current density
scalar, for a closed path, the current passing through any surface with the path as the boundary. NOTE When the electrical properties of the two electrodes are equal, the product of the magnetic dipole
is equal to the product of the magnetic field and the magnetic moment
is generated in the solid, and the magnetic flux generated at the point of the solid is sufficiently small to be in the same direction as that generated by a directed plane current loop: 1 Modification of IEC.60150 22101-3 [GT290).1 3.3.19 elementary magnetic dipole 121.11-48
directed plane current loop has only magnetic particles or molecular scales: [Modification of IEC.50050 22101-02] 121.11.49 magnetic moment (1) magnetic moment ( 1) The quantity, for a magnetic dipole, is equal to the current, and the direction of the loop is the same as the direction of the single loop. The ... ×*J-(Standard Uncertainty of Dosage 4.×1 *Change IEC050 221-01-Deep Indication,
Discarded 7 Months C(arATReccnunendedValuey ef[unda1EC 5c>5X121> is 9.274 C15X1C-4Amuta"Fhysica.Con:ste.bts, 1993" Public. Mondo Model
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