title>Specifications for facility agricultural microclimate observation—Heliogreenhouse and plastic tunnel - GB/T 38757-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Specifications for facility agricultural microclimate observation—Heliogreenhouse and plastic tunnel

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 38757-2020

Standard Name:Specifications for facility agricultural microclimate observation—Heliogreenhouse and plastic tunnel

Chinese Name: 设施农业小气候观测规范 日光温室和塑料大棚

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2020-04-28

Date of Implementation:2020-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.060 Geology, Meteorology, Hydrology

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Plant Protection>>B18 Agricultural Meteorology

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2020-04-01

other information

drafter:Xue Xiaoping, Chen Chen, Li Hongyi, Zhang Jibo, Li Nan, Su Wen, Gao Zhongqiang, Ding Xiwu, Wang Ke'an

Drafting unit:Shandong Climate Center, Shandong Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Focal point unit:National Agricultural Meteorological Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 539)

Proposing unit:China Meteorological Administration

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 38757-2020.Specifications for facility agricultural microclimate observation-Heliogreenhouse and plastic tunnel.
1 Scope
GB/T 38757 specifies the observation site, observation elements, equipment selection, installation and maintenance, observation data and other requirements for microclimate observation in solar greenhouses and plastic greenhouses for crop cultivation.
GB/T 38757 is applicable to microclimate observation in solar greenhouses and plastic greenhouses.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 33703-2017 Observation specification for automatic weather stations
GB/T 33705-2017 Frequency domain reflectometry for soil moisture observation
GB/T 35221-2017 General rules for surface meteorological observations
GB/T 35237-2017 Specification for surface meteorological observations Automatic observations.
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Facility agricultural microclimate
Affected by the structure of the facility, the interaction of physical and biological processes between the air, soil and crop populations in the facility forms environmental climatic conditions that are different from those outside the facility.
An agricultural production facility that uses solar radiation as the main energy source, has thermal insulation walls on the east, west and north sides, and is covered with plastic film on the south slope.
Note: Rewrite QX/T 391-2017, definition 3.1.
Plastic tunnel
An arched agricultural production facility that uses bamboo, wood, steel and other materials as structural support materials and is covered with plastic film.
4 Observation site requirements
The commonly used local heliogreenhouse should be selected. The structural parameters should be 60m~100m in length from east to west, 10m~12m in span from north to south, and 3.5m~5.5m in ridge height.
This standard specifies the observation site, observation elements, equipment selection, installation and maintenance, observation data and other requirements for microclimate observation in solar greenhouses and plastic greenhouses used for crop cultivation. This standard is applicable to microclimate observation in solar greenhouses and plastic greenhouses.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Specifications for facility agricultural microclimate observation
Solar greenhouse and plastic greenhouse
Specifications for facility agricultural microclimate Observation-Heliogreenhouseandplastictunnel2020-04-28Release
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Requirements for observation sites
Observation elements
Equipment selection
Installation and maintenance
Observation data
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This standard was proposed by the China Meteorological Administration.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Agricultural Meteorology Standardization (SAC/TC539). GB/T38757-—2020
Drafting units of this standard: Shandong Climate Center, Shandong Agricultural Technology Extension Station, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences Main drafters of this standard: Xue Xiaoping, Chen Chen, Li Hongyi, Zhang Jibo, Li Nan, Su Wen, Gao Zhongqiang, Ding Xiwu, Wang Ke'anm
1 Scope
Specifications for microclimate observation in facility agriculture
Solar greenhouse and plastic greenhouse
This standard specifies the observation site, observation elements, equipment selection, installation and maintenance, observation data and other requirements for microclimate observation in solar greenhouses and plastic greenhouses used for crop planting. This standard applies to microclimate observation in solar greenhouses and plastic greenhouses. Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. Aca
Specification for automatic weather station observation
Soil moisture observation Frequency domain reflectometry
Specification for ground meteorological observation
Automatic observation
Specification for ground meteorological observation
Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
Facility agricultural microclimate
facility agricultural microclimate The environmental climatic conditions different from those outside the facility are formed by the interaction of physical and biological processes between the air, soil and crop population in the facility, which are affected by the structure of the facility.
An agricultural production facility that uses solar radiation as the main energy source, has insulation walls on the east, west and north sides, and is covered with plastic film on the south slope.
Note: Rewrite QX/T391—2017. Definition 3.1. 3.3
Plastic greenhouse
An arched agricultural production facility that uses bamboo, wood, steel and other materials as structural support materials and is covered with plastic film. Observation site requirements
The commonly used solar greenhouse in the local area should be selected. The structural parameters should be 60m~100m in length from east to west, 10m~12m in span from north to south, and 3.5m~5.5m in ridge height.
2Plastic greenhouse
The commonly used plastic greenhouse in the local area should be selected. The structural parameters should be 40m to 100m in length from north to south, 6m to 12m in span from east to west, and 2m to 4m in ridge height.
5 Observation elements
Should include air temperature, relative humidity, ground temperature, and should add soil moisture (including soil volumetric moisture content, soil weight moisture content, soil relative humidity, effective soil moisture storage), total radiation, photosynthetically active radiation and carbon dioxide concentration. 6 Equipment selection
General requirements
Equipment used for microclimate observation of facility agriculture should adopt automatic observation instruments, and time calibration, maintenance verification, data transmission, etc. should comply with the relevant provisions of 4.3, 7.1, 7.3 of GB/T35221-2017 and Chapter 8 of GB/T33703-2017. 6.2
Technical performance
The basic technical performance requirements of observation equipment are shown in Table 1. c
Basic technical performance requirements for observation equipment
Observation elements
Relative humidity of air
Volume water content of soil
Total radiation
Photosynthetically active radiation
Carbon dioxide concentration
(volume fraction)
Installation and maintenance
Installation location
Measuring range
Observation equipment should be installed according to the following requirements:
1 μmol/(ms)
The middle of the east-west length of the solar greenhouse and 2/3 of the north-south span from south to north; b)
The center point of the plastic greenhouse.
Maximum allowable error
±3% (relative humidity ≤ 80%)
±5% (relative humidity> 80%)
±2.5% (laboratory)
±5% (field)
±5% (daily cumulative)
±10% (daily cumulative)
±3%Measurement value
7.2 Installation height
The installation height of various element observation equipment should comply with the requirements of Table 2, and adjacent equipment should follow the principle of not affecting the quality of observation data.
Table 2 Observation equipment installation height requirements
Observation elements
Air temperature, relative humidity,
Carbon dioxide concentration
Soil moisture
Total radiation, photosynthetically active radiation
Note: The extension layer is optional
7.3 Maintenance requirements
Maintenance should be carried out in accordance with the following requirements:
Basic layer
Burial depth 0cm, 10cm, 20cm,
Not less than 150cm and above the crop
Sensor installation height
Extension layer
2/3 of the maximum height of crop growth
More than 20cm above the highest canopy
Clean and maintain regularly, and record equipment status information; a)
b) When the equipment fails, repair or replace it in time; c
Check or calibrate regularly. Www.bzxZ.net
Observation data
Sampling and algorithm
The sampling and statistical calculation of the microclimate observation of facility agriculture shall meet the following requirements: Allowable error
a) Air temperature, relative humidity, ground temperature, total radiation, and photosynthetically active radiation shall be observed and counted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of GB/T35237-2017.
b) Soil moisture shall be carried out in accordance with the following requirements: 1) The sampling frequency of soil volumetric moisture content is 1 time/min, and the arithmetic mean of 10 sampling values ​​within 10 minutes is taken as the observed value of soil volumetric moisture content within the 10-minute period. The average value of 10 minutes before the hour is the instantaneous value at the hour, and the arithmetic mean of the 6 10-minute average values ​​within 1 hour before the hour is the observed value of volumetric moisture content for the hour; 2) Soil weight moisture content, soil relative humidity, and effective soil moisture storage shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 7 of GB/T33705-2017.
c) Carbon dioxide concentration should be carried out according to the following requirements: 3
The sampling frequency is 6 times/min, remove one maximum value and one minimum value, and the remaining 4 times are valid sampling values. The arithmetic mean of the valid sampling values ​​is the instantaneous value per minute; the arithmetic mean of 60 instantaneous values ​​within 1 hour is the hourly average value: the extreme value is selected from the instantaneous value
Data file
The data file includes metadata and observation data. Metadata should include:
Observation station information: observation station name, observation site latitude and longitude and altitude Instrument information: basic parameters of observation instruments such as manufacturer, model and installation time. Facility information: facility type, facility length, span, height, greenhouse film thickness, greenhouse film transmittance, wall thickness, facility wall material, insulation covering material and other basic facility information. Soil information: soil parameters such as soil texture, soil bulk density and field water holding capacity. Crop information: basic crop information such as crop name and planting time. 8.2.3 Observation data should include observation time, minute data and hour data. iiiKaeeiKAca
Methods for forecasting meteorological elements in solar greenhouse
Nie Xiuhe, Nie Yimao, Nie Junhua, et al. Principle of photosynthetically active radiation measurement and its unit conversion. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University [2]
Chen Baodong, Yang Zhenchao. Distribution of carbon dioxide profile in energy-saving solar greenhouse [J]. Tianjin Agricultural Science, 2012.18(3):114-118.[3]
Comprehensive Observation Department of China Meteorological Administration. Specification for automatic observation of agricultural microclimate (Trial) (Meteorological Observation Letter [20187162]), 2018.4
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