title>NY/T 2423-2013 Guidelines for testing specificity, consistency and stability of new plant varieties - Adzuki beans - NY/T 2423-2013 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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NY/T 2423-2013 Guidelines for testing specificity, consistency and stability of new plant varieties - Adzuki beans
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Standard ID:
NY/T 2423-2013
Standard Name: Guidelines for testing specificity, consistency and stability of new plant varieties - Adzuki beans
NY/T 2423-2013 Guidelines for testing specificity, consistency and stability of new plant varieties Adzuki beans
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ICS 65.020.20 Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China NY/T2423—2013 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability-Adzuki bean [Vigna angularis(Willd)Ohwi & Ohashi ]Issued on September 10, 2013 Implemented on January 1, 2014 Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China 3Issued Normative referenced documents Terms and definitions Requirements for propagation materials Test methods Determination of specificity, consistency and stability resultsCharacter table Grouped traits 10Technical questionnaire: Appendix A (Normative Appendix)Character table of adzuki beanAppendix B (Normative Appendix) Appendix C (Normative Appendix) Interpretation of the character table of adzuki bean Format of technical questionnaire on adzuki bean NY/T 2423--2013 AY/T2423—2013 This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.12009. This standard is proposed by the Department of Science, Technology and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture. This standard is approved by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of New Plant Varieties Testing (SAC/TC277). The drafting units of this standard are: Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Science and Technology Development Center of the Ministry of Agriculture. The main drafters of this standard are Cheng Xuzhen, Liu Ping, Xia Lixia, Xia Suhua, Liu Changyou, Xu Ning, II 1 Scope NY/T2423—2013 Guidelines for testing specificity, consistency and stability of new plant varieties This standard specifies the technical requirements and general principles for the specificity, consistency and stability testing of new varieties of adzuki beans [Vignuungutaris (Willd) Ohwi & Ohashi]. This standard is applicable to the testing and result determination of specificity, consistency and stability of new varieties of adzuki beans. 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all referenced documents with a date, the version with the date of the date applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) shall apply to this document. GB2905 Method for determination of crude protein in seeds of cereals and legumes (semi-micro Kjeldahl method) GB/T3543 Procedure for inspection of crop seeds GB5006 Method for determination of crude starch in cereal kernels (improved hydrochloric acid hydrolysis-polarimetry) GB 5511 Method for determination of crude protein in inspection of grains and oilseeds GB/T5514 Method for determination of starch in inspection of grains and oilseeds GB5519 Method for determination of thousand-grain weight in inspection of grains and oils GB 10161 Method for determination of crude starch in grain kernels GB/T19557.1 Guidelines for specificity, consistency and stability testing of new plant varieties General 3 Terms and definitions Terms and definitions defined in GB/T19557.1 and the following terms and definitions shall apply to this document. 3.1 Single measurement of a group of plants or parts of plants Single measurement of a group of plants or an organ or part of a plant to obtain a group record. 3.2 f measurement of a number of individual plants or parts uf plants Individual measurement Measurement of a group of plants or an organ or part of a plant one by one to obtain a set of individual records. 3.3 Visual assessment by a single observation of a group of plants or parts nf plants Monthly measurement of a group of plants or an organ or part of a plant to obtain a group record. 3.4 Visual assessment by olxservation of individual plants or parts uf plants Visual assessment by olxservation of individual plants or parts uf plants 4 Symbols The following symbols apply to this document: MG: group measurement. MS: individual measurement. NY/T2423—2013 VG: Group self-test, VS: Individual self-test QI. Quality traits, QN, Quantitative traits PQ: Pseudo-quality traits. (a): The marked content is explained in detail in B.2 of Appendix 3. (+); The marked content is explained in detail in B.3 of Appendix B. II: The underlined content in this document is a special reminder of the scope of application of the test trait. 5 Requirements for propagation materials 5.1 Propagation materials are provided in the form of seeds. 5.2 The number of seeds submitted is at least 1kg. 5.3 The submitted propagation materials should be healthy in appearance, high in vitality, and free of pests and diseases. The specific quality requirements of propagation materials are as follows: purity ≥ 98.0%, germination rate 285%. Water content ≤ 12%. 5.4 The propagation materials submitted generally do not undergo any treatment that affects the normal expression of variety traits (such as seed coating treatment): if they have been treated, detailed descriptions of the treatment should be provided. 5.5 The propagation materials submitted should comply with the relevant regulations of China's plant quarantine. 6 Test method 6.1 Test cycle The test cycle is at least 2 independent growth cycles. 6.2 Test location The test is usually carried out at one location. If some traits cannot be fully expressed at this location, they can be observed at other qualified locations. 6.3 Field test 6.3.1 Test design Please plant varieties and similar varieties adjacent to each other. At least 150 plants are planted in each plot with a row spacing of 50cm and a plant spacing of 15cm-~20cm. Each test variety is repeated twice. 6.3.2 Field management The field management plan shall be the same as the field management measures at the test site. The field management of the application variety, similar varieties and standard varieties shall be strictly consistent. 6.4 Character observation 6.4.1 Observation period Character observation shall be carried out according to the growth stages listed in Table A.1 and Table A.2. The growth stage description is shown in Table A.1. 6.4.2 Observation method Character observation shall be carried out according to the observation methods specified in Appendix A and Appendix IB (VG, VS, MG, MS): For some character observation methods, see B.2 and B.3. 6.4.3 Number of observations Unless otherwise specified, the number of samples for individual observed traits (VS.MS) shall not be less than 20. When observing the organs or parts of the plants, the number of samples for each plant shall be 1. The observed traits (VG, MG) of the population should be observed in the whole plot or a mixed sample of a specified size. 6.5 Additional tests When necessary, the traits in Table A, 2 or the traits listed in this document can be used for additional tests. 7 Determination of specificity, consistency and stability results 7.1 General principles The determination of specificity, consistency and stability shall be carried out in accordance with the principles determined in GB/T19557.1. 7.2 Determination of specificity NY/T 2423—2013 The applied variety should be clearly distinguished from all known varieties. In the test, when the applied variety has obvious and reproducible differences with similar varieties and varieties in at least one trait, it can be determined that the applied variety has specificity. 7.3 Determination of consistency When determining the consistency of the test variety, a 1% population standard and a probability of acceptance of at least 95% are used. When the sample size is 120 plants, a maximum of 3 heteromorphs can be allowed. 7.4 Determination of stability If a variety has consistency, it can be considered stable. Generally, qualitative testing is not performed. If necessary, the next generation of seeds of the variety can be planted. If there is no obvious change in the expression of traits compared with the previously provided propagation materials, the variety can be determined to be stable. 8 Trait table According to the test needs, the traits are divided into basic traits and selected traits. Basic traits are traits that must be used in the test. See Table A.1 for the basic traits of adzuki beans and Table A.2 for the selected traits. 8.1 Overview The trait table lists the trait name, expression type, expression state and corresponding code and standard variety, observation period and method, etc. 8.2 Expression type According to the expression method of the trait, the traits are divided into three types: quality traits, pseudo-quality traits and quantitative traits. 8.3 Expression state and corresponding code 8.3.1 Each trait is divided into a series of expression states to facilitate the definition of traits and standard descriptions. Each expression state is assigned a corresponding digital code to facilitate data recording, processing and the establishment and communication of variety descriptions. 8.3.2 For quality traits and pseudo-quality traits, all expression states should be listed in the test guide: For quantitative traits, in order to shorten the length of the trait table, the expression states with even-numbered codes can be omitted, and the expression states with even-numbered codes can be summarized in the form of the previous expression state to the next expression state. 8.4 Standard varieties The table of traits lists standard varieties for reference of expression status of some traits, to help determine the different expression status of the traits and correct the differences caused by environmental factors. 9 Grouped traits In this document, the grouped traits of varieties are as follows: a) Young stems: epicotyl anthocyanin II color (Table A.1 Neutral trait 1). b) Plants: Growth habit (Table A.1 Neutral trait 9). c) First flowering time (Table A.1 Neutral trait 3). d) Seed: Shape (Table A. 1 Neutral trait 17). e) Seed: Color (Table A.1 Neutral trait 18). Grains: Tremor color (Table A. 1 Neutral trait 21). 3 NY/T2423—2013 10 Technical Questionnaire The applicant shall fill in the technical questionnaire of adzuki beans in the format given in the attached document. A.1 Basic characteristics of adzuki beans See Table A.1. Stem: adipose axis anthocyanin Wu Sheng color Leaf; single piece shape Beginning of flowering Compound leaf: size of terminal leaflet Compound leaf: shape of terminal leaflet (ai(+) Compound leaf: degree of green Flower: flower cyanin Wu Sheng color Flower: degree of yellow Plant, growth habit|| tt||Plant: Height Maturity Appendix A [Normative Appendix] Table of adzuki beans Table A.1 Decline and decline of basic traits of adzuki beans Observation period and method Expression status Narrow oval Broad oval Narrow oval Broad oval Semi-climbing Standard varieties NY/T2423—2013 Xingtang red adzuki beans (HG107) Yellow adzuki beans (B0572)||tt| |Jihong No. 4 (B3992) Millet beans (R1571) Aohong No. 3 (H4804) Jihong No. 4 (B3992) Zhonghong 11 (B1705) Split-leaf beans (Ks193) Jihong No. 4 (13932) Millet beans (B1371) Zhong 961 (B4806) Jihong No. 4 (B3992) Maxiaodou (B1480) Jihong No. 4 (R3992) Zaoxiongdou (B1546)|| tt||Jihong No. 4 (H3992) Bao M908-15 (B4708) Early Black Bean (B1546) Jihong No. 4 (B992) Xixian Adzuki Bean (B0611) Xingtang Adzuki Bean (B9107) Zhong 96806) Jihong No. 4 (3992) Yellow Adzuki Bean (BG572) Black Adzuki Bean (L29SC) Xingpian Adzuki Bean (I30107) Zhong 961 (M806) Jihong No. 4 (T399 2) Red adzuki beans (B0137) Rice adzuki beans (B1571) Ma adzuki beans (B1480) NY/T2423—2013wwW.bzxz.Net Plant: Three tea nodes Plant: Single plant division Plant: Fruiting Hangzhou plant; Number of fruits per plant Fruit: Flaccidity Fruit shape Fruit: Color Seed: Number of single grains Zi: Length Seed: Fried color Seed: Red degree is only applicable to red varieties QN||tt| |Grain: shape Grain: 100-grain weight* Table A.1 (continued) Measurement period Concept of our concept Straight and simple shape Knife-shaped Short cylindrical Long cylindrical Standard and elegant varieties Zhong 968 Yucheng red bean (2789) Su 4: No. 4 (H3992) Zhongyin 96 (H1806) Yellow bean (E0372) Xingdian red bean (30107) 200013 (148C6)| |tt||Binhong No. 4 ((13992) Zhong (31806) Jihong No. 1 (B3992) Xingtang Red Bean (13:107) B3992 (Jixiang No. 1.4) Yucheng Red Bean (B2789) Jihong No. 4 (K3992) Black Bean (F2930) Kehong No. 4 (B992) Xingtang Red Bean (B107) Yucheng Red Bean (B2789) 200013 (1806) Yucheng Red bean (B2789) 130572 (Huang Xiaoyuan) B278 (Yucheng red bean) B3992 (Yihong 4) BD107 (Xingtang red bean) White bean (R22G1) Gexian bean (EC61t) Yellow bean (E0572) Jihong 4 (I3992) Period (B0257) Black bean (B2930) Flower bean (B2132) Ma Xiao (B1180) Medium size: 967(14805) Jihong 4 (BR992) Nanzheng County Adzuki Bean (B429C) Tanghong Adzuki Bean (0107) Zhong 1951(14806) H1A80 (Ma Adzuki Bean) B1571 (Rice Small Bean) B0572 (Yellow Small Bean) Jihong 4→(B3992) Nanzheng County Adzuki Bean (B4290) Seed :Seed coat glossiness Selected traits of adzuki bean See Table A.2. Plant: Mosaic virus disease Plant: Leaf spot Plant: Aphid Seed: Resistance to bean weevils Seed: Protein content Seed: Starch content Seed: Sand production rate Table A1 (continued) Observation period and method Expression status Table A, 2 Table of selected traits of adzuki bean Observation period and method Expression status Standard variety NY/T 2423—2013 Xingtang red adzuki bean (H0107) Gonghong No. 4 (B3992) Standard variety NY/T 2423—2013 B.1 Growth stage of adzuki bean See Table B.1. Growth stage code B.2 Explanation of multiple traits Appendix B (Normative Appendix) Explanation of adzuki bean trait table Table B.1 Adzuki bean growth stage table +planted Liu Sheng single leaf exposed mountain flat surface The first flower appears on the plant About 50% of the plants have flowers About 71% of the plants have flowers About 7% of the fruits show mature color About 70% of the leaves turn green or fall off Compound leaf: The top of the compound leaf matures in the upper 1/3 of the middle of the upper part (a) B.3 Explanation of a single trait Trait 2 Leaf: Single leaf shape, find Figure B.1. Weilang round Character 3 Flowering period Broad oval Figure B.1 Leaf: Single leaf shape Count the number of days from sowing to the first flower opening in the group. According to the number of first flowers, it is divided into 3 levels. (First flower day 5d) Medium (50d first flower day 60d) Late (first flower number 60d) Character Compound leaf: The shape of the terminal leaflet is shown in Figure B.2. 0 Narrow oval Broad oval Figure B.2 Leaf: The shape of the terminal leaflet of the compound leaf Character 9 Plant: Growth habit, see Figure B.3. Erect Semi-climbing Figure B.3 Plant: Growth habit NY/T2423—2013 Character 10 Plant: Height, see Figure B.4. Take the selected sample plants as the observation object and measure the height of each main stem from the cotyledon node or the ground to the place where the petiole of the last compound leaf is attached. According to the height of mature plants, they are divided into 5 levels: Very short (plant height <45cm) Short (45.cm plant height 55cm) Medium (55.cm≤plant height 65.cm) High (65cm≤plant height 75cm) Very tall (plant height ≥75cm) The last compound leaf is located at Cotyledon node Figure B.4 Plant: Height Character 11 Maturity period, the number of days from sowing until about 70% of the fruits are mature, the beans show mature color, and become hard. According to the number of days to maturity, they are divided into E levels. Very early (maturity period 80d) Early (80d maturity period <90d) Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.