Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.060 Geology, Meteorology, Hydrology
Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A47 Meteorology
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Publication information
publishing house:China Standards Press
Publication date:2020-11-01
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drafter:Qiu Zongxu, Yang Yuexin, Shao Weiming, Yu Jianhua, Liang Youwei, Lü Dongbo, Yu Shuyu, Guo Hongbo, Zeng Jinquan, Xu Yongcan, Qin Binquan, Wu Xuyi, Luo Xin, Zhuang Hongbo, Zhang Chunlong, Su Linzhi, Zhang Guanghui, Cai Ran, Ping Yang, Li Gen, Ye Youquan, Li Wenping
Drafting unit:Shenzhen Meteorological Service Center, Shenzhen Antebo Lightning Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Meteorological Service Center, Heilongjiang Meteorological Disaster Prevention Technology Center, Shenzhen Water (Group) Co., Ltd., Chongqing M
Focal point unit:China Meteorological Administration
GB/T 39437-2020.Technical specification for lightning protection of water supply and drainage system.
1 Scope
GB/T 39437 specifies the lightning protection requirements for high-voltage systems, electrical systems, automation instruments, industrial control, networks, communication system rooms, process systems and special places in water supply and drainage systems, as well as their detection, maintenance and management.
GB/T 39437 is applicable to lightning protection for newly built, expanded, rebuilt and operating water supply and drainage systems.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For all undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 18802.12-2014 Low voltage surge protective device (SPD) Part 12: Guide for selection and use of surge protective devices for low voltage distribution systems (IEC 61643-12: 2008, IDT)
GB/T 21431 Technical specification for detection of lightning protection devices for buildings
GB/T 28547-2012 Guide for selection and use of AC metal oxide arresters (IEC60099-5: 2000, NEQ)
GB/T 33588.3-2017 Lightning protection system components (LPSC) Part 3: Requirements for isolating spark gaps (ISG) (IEC 62561-3: 2012. IDT)
GB 50057-2010 Design code for lightning protection of buildings
GB/T 50064-2014 Overvoltage protection and insulation coordination design specification for AC electrical installations
GB 50303-2015 Construction quality acceptance code for building electrical engineering
GB 50601-2010 Construction and quality acceptance code for lightning protection engineering for buildings
3 Terms and definitions
GB 50057-2010 The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions in GB 50057-2010 are repeated below.
Water supply and drainage system
A system consisting of buildings, facilities, instruments and equipment of water treatment plants (water plants), sewage treatment plants, pumping stations and pipeline networks, as well as power supply and distribution systems, automation systems, data acquisition and monitoring systems related to production.
Wastewater treatment plant
A plant that purifies and treats wastewater entering the urban sewage collection system.
Note: Rewrite GB 18918-2002, definition 3.2.
This standard specifies the lightning protection requirements for high-voltage systems, electrical systems, automation instruments, industrial control, networks, communication system rooms, process systems and special places in water supply and drainage systems, as well as their detection, maintenance and management.
This standard applies to lightning protection for newly built, expanded, rebuilt and operating water supply and drainage systems.
Some standard content:
ICS07.060 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T39437—2020 Technical specification for lightning protection of water supply and drainage system Issued on 2020-11-19 State Administration for Market Regulation National Administration of Standardization Implementation on 2021-06-01 Normative reference documents Terms and definitions Basic requirements Lightning protection of high-voltage systems and electrical systemsLightning protection of automation instruments Lightning protection of computer rooms for industrial control, network and communication systems 8 Lightning protection detection, maintenance and management of process systems and special places Appendix A (Normative Appendix) Appendix B (Informative Appendix)||tt ||Appendix C (Normative Appendix) Appendix D (Informative Appendix) Appendix E (Informative Appendix) Appendix F (Informative Appendix) References Method for determining SPD discharge current value based on urban planning categories and water supply and drainage system scale categories Characteristics of protected equipment Categories of SPDs for telecommunication and signaling networks SPD installation examples Lightning protection test items for water supply and drainage systems GB/T39437—2020wwW.bzxz.Net This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard was proposed and managed by the China Meteorological Administration. GB/T39437—2020 The drafting units of this standard are: Shenzhen Meteorological Service Center, Shenzhen Antebo Lightning Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Meteorological Service Center, Heilongjiang Meteorological Disaster Prevention Technology Center, Shenzhen Water (Group) Co., Ltd., Chongqing Meteorological Safety Technology Center, Fujian Meteorological Disaster Prevention Technology Center, Shaoxing Water Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology, Shenzhen Water Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Tianhu Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Qiu Zongxu, Yang Yuexin, Shao Weiming, Yu Jianhua, Liang Youwei, Lv Dongbo, Yu Shuyu, Guo Hongbo, Zeng Jinquan, Xu Yongcan, Qin Binquan, Wu Xuyi, Luo Xin, Zhuang Hongbo, Zhang Chunlong, Su Linzhi, Zhang Guanghui, Cai Ran, Ping Yang, Li Gen, Ye Youquan, Li Wenping. m 1 Scope Technical Specification for Lightning Protection of Water Supply and Drainage System GB/T39437—2020 This standard specifies the lightning protection requirements for high-voltage systems, electrical systems, automation instruments, industrial control, networks, communication system rooms, process systems and special places in water supply and drainage systems, as well as their detection, maintenance and management. This standard applies to lightning protection for newly built, expanded, rebuilt and operating water supply and drainage systems. Normative References The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For all dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) shall apply to this document GB/T18802.12-2014 Low voltage surge protective devices (SPD) Part 12: Guidelines for selection and use of surge protective devices for low voltage distribution systems (IEC61643-12:2008, IDT) GB/T21431 Technical specification for testing lightning protection devices for buildings GB/T28547-2012 Guidelines for selection and use of AC metal oxide arresters (IEC60099-5:2000, NEQ) GB/T33588.3-2017 Lightning protection system components (LPS C) Part 3: Requirements for isolating discharge gaps (ISG) (IEC62561-3:2012, IDT) GB50057—2010 Code for design of lightning protection of buildings Code for design of overvoltage protection and insulation coordination of AC electrical installations GB/T50064-2014 GB50303—2015 Code for construction quality acceptance of building electrical engineering GB50601—2010 Terms and definitions Code for construction and quality acceptance of lightning protection engineering for buildings GB50057-2010 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions in GB50057-2010 are repeated below. 3.1 water supply and drainage system A system consisting of buildings, facilities, instruments and equipment of water treatment plants (water plants), sewage treatment plants, pumping stations and pipe networks, as well as power supply and distribution systems, automation systems, data acquisition and monitoring systems related to production. 3.2 wastewater treatment plant wastewater treatment plant A factory that purifies sewage entering the urban sewage collection system. Note: Rewrite GB18918-2002, definition 3.2. 3.3 pumping house pumping house A building or structure built with water pump units and auxiliary facilities for lifting liquids. [GB/T50125-2010, definition 2.0.58] 3.4 pumping station pumping station A general term for pumping rooms and supporting facilities. GB/T39437—2020 [GB/T50125—2010, definition 2.0.59]3.5 Electronic systemelectronic system A system containing sensitive electronic components, such as communication equipment, computers, control and instrumentation systems, radio systems, and power electronic devices. [GB/T21714.4—2015, definition 3.2] Electrical systemelectricalsvstem A system composed of low-voltage power supply components. Also known as low-voltage distribution system or low-voltage distribution line. [GB50057—2010, definition 2.0.26]]3.7 Direct lightning flash A lightning strike directly on a building (structure), other objects, the earth or an external lightning protection device, producing electrical effects, thermal effects and mechanical forces. [GB50057—2010, definition 2.0.13] Lightning electromagnetic pulse; LEMP The electromagnetic effect produced by the coupling of lightning current through resistance, inductance and capacitance, including lightning surge and radiated electromagnetic field [GB50057—2010, definition 2.0.25] Lightning protection system; LPS A device used to reduce the material damage and personal injury caused by lightning on or near buildings (structures), generally composed of external lightning protection devices and internal lightning protection devices. Note: Rewrite GB50057-2010, definition 2.0.5, 3.10 external lightning protection system consists of lightning termination, down conductor and grounding device [GB50057-2010, definition 2.0.6] internal lightning protection system consists of lightning equipotential connection and separation distance from external lightning protection system. [GB50057-2010, definition 2.0.7] air-termination system consists of lightning termination rod, lightning termination tape, lightning termination wire, lightning termination net, metal roof, metal components, etc. that intercept lightning. [GB50057-2010, definition 2.0.8] down conductor down-conductor system conductor used to conduct lightning current from lightning termination to grounding device. [GB50057—2010, definition 2.0.9] fearth-terminationsystem grounding device the sum of the grounding body and the grounding wire, used to conduct lightning current and disperse it to the earth. [GB50057—2010, definition 2.0.10] Lightning arrester surge arrester An electrical device used to protect electrical equipment from high transient overvoltage hazards and limit the follow-on time and often the follow-on amplitude. It includes any external gaps necessary for the normal function of the appliance during operation and installation, regardless of whether it is an integral component. Note 1: Usually connected between the grid conductor and the ground wire, and sometimes connected beside the electrical winding or between the conductors. Note 2: Sometimes also called overvoltage protector, overvoltage limiter (surgedivider). Note 3: Rewrite GB/T2900.12-2008, definition 2.1. 3.16 surge protective device surgeprotectivedevice; SPD is a device used to limit transient overvoltage and divide surge current. It contains at least one nonlinear element, [GB50057-2010. Definition 2.0.29] Lightning equipotential bonding; LEB connects separated metal objects directly to the lightning protection device with connecting conductors or through surge protectors to reduce the potential difference caused by lightning current [GB50057-2010, Definition 2.0.19] Isolating interfaces Device that can reduce or isolate conducted surges on lines entering LPZ Note 1: Including isolation transformers with grounded shielding layers between windings, metal-free optical cables and optical isolators, Note 2: The insulation withstand characteristics of these devices themselves or through the addition of SPD are suitable for such applications. Note 3: Rewrite GB/T 21714.1-2015, definition 3.56. 3.19 voltage protection levelvoltageprotectionlevelU The maximum voltage expected to appear between the two ends of the SPD due to the application of an impulse voltage of a specified steepness and an impulse current of a specified amplitude and waveform. Note: The voltage protection level is provided by the manufacturer and shall not be exceeded by the measured limiting voltage determined as follows: For Class I, II and/or Class I tests, it is determined by the wavefront discharge voltage (if applicable) and the residual voltage corresponding to the peak of I, and/or Iimp in Class II and Class I tests: For Class III tests, it depends on the measured limiting voltage of the composite wave up to U. [IEC61643-11:2011, definition 3.1.14] 3.20 impulse discharge current for class I test Iimp The peak value of the discharge current flowing through the SPD has a specified transferred charge Q and a specified specific energy W/R within a specified time. [IEC61643-11:2011, definition 3.1.10] 3.21 nominaldischargecurrentforclassⅡItest The peak value of the current with a waveform of 8/20us flowing through the SPD [IEC61643-11:2011, definition 3.1.9] 3.22 maximumcontinuousoperatingvoltageU The maximum root mean square voltage or DC voltage that can be continuously applied to the protection mode of the surge protector of the electrical system; The maximum root mean square voltage or DC voltage that can be continuously applied to the terminals of the surge protector of the electronic system without causing a decrease in the transmission characteristics of the surge protector [GB50057-2010 definition 2.0.31] Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.