title>SJ/T 211.5-1997 Design documents for special equipment for the electronics industry Part 5: Numbering method - SJ/T 211.5-1997 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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SJ/T 211.5-1997 Design documents for special equipment for the electronics industry Part 5: Numbering method

Basic Information

Standard ID: SJ/T 211.5-1997

Standard Name: Design documents for special equipment for the electronics industry Part 5: Numbering method

Chinese Name: 电子工业专用设备设计文件 第5部分:编号方法

Standard category:Electronic Industry Standard (SJ)

state:in force

Date of Release1997-09-03

Date of Implementation:1998-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Electronics >> 31.020 Electronic Components General

Standard Classification Number:General>>Standardization Management and General Provisions>>A01 Technical Management

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces SJ 210-66, SJ 211-66;

Publication information

publishing house:Standardization Research of the Ministry of Electronics Industry

Publication date:2004-05-01

other information

Introduction to standards:

SJ/T 211.5-1997 Design documents for special equipment for the electronics industry Part 5: Numbering method SJ/T211.5-1997 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

SJ/T 211.5-1997 Design documents for special equipment for electronic industry Part 5: Numbering methods
Issued on September 3, 1997
Implemented on January 1, 1998
Before issuance by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China
This standard is a revision of S/T210-66 (Design documents for special production equipment for the power industry) and S211-65 (Compilation rules for design documents for special production equipment for the power industry (trial implementation)). This standard is the fifth part of the S/T211 series of standards "Design documents for special production equipment for the power industry", which includes:
SJ/T 211.2—1996
SJ/T 211.3—1996
SJ/T 211.4—1996
SJ/T 211.5—1996
SJ/T 211.6—1996
SJ/T 211.7—1996
SJ/T 211.8—1996
SJ/T 211.9—1996
SJ/T 211.1—1996
SJ/T 211.1—1996
SJ/T 211.1—1996
SJ/T 211.1—1996
SJ/T 211.1—1996 211.S-—1997
SJ/T 211.6
Design documents for special equipment for the electronic industry
Part 1: Completeness
Design documents for special equipment for the electronic industry
Part 2: Standard title bar, overlay and detail bar Design documents for special equipment for the electronic industry
Part 3: Format
Design documents for special equipment for the electronic industry
Part 4: Compilation content
Design documents for special equipment for the electronic industry
Part 5: Numbering method
Design documents for special equipment for the electronic industry
Part 6: Modifications
This standard is consistent with ST210-6 and S] Compared with the 211-66 version, the following changes are mainly made in the content: it is clearly stipulated that the two numbering methods of teaching and seeking commonality and multiple-numbering are adopted, and each unit can choose to use one; a numbering rule appendix is ​​added: the equipment classification table is re-arranged according to the equipment's edge and energy source; the design document name and the abbreviation of the design document are re-determined and used as the appendix of the standard. Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard; Appendix B of this standard is the appendix of the reminder. This standard is related to SJ/T37-1996 <Electronic Industry Special Equipment Model Compilation and Naming Method>, and the two standards should be used in conjunction. The design document number of the electronic industry special equipment research and development unit should be expressed in the same form as this standard as much as possible. This standard is issued by the Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. The drafting units of this standard are Weidu Nanguang Industrial Co., Ltd. and Xu Nan Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. The main contributors of this standard are: Jia Bian, I Youwen, Du Bin, and Yue Yongsheng. Scope
Electronic Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Design Documents for Special Equipment in Electronic Industry
Part 5: Numbering Method
Deslgn dneumentx tor specialtqmipment [or electronie (udusirypart 5:Numbering method
This standard specifies the compilation and decision of design documents for special equipment in the electronics industry (hereinafter referred to as equipment). This standard is used for the design document abbreviation of special equipment for the electronics industry. Other special equipment design document abbreviations can also be used.
2 Design document numbering
2.1 Principle
The equipment design document numbering method is the same as the previous numbering method. The numbering method specified in this standard is divided into two types: one-level numbering and multi-level numbering. An enterprise should only use one numbering method. When determining the numbering method, the enterprise should give priority to one-level or multi-level numbering. If it is necessary to use multi-level numbering, the number of levels should generally not exceed 100.
2.2 Numbering composition
The equipment design document numbering consists of three parts: equipment code, equipment component code and additional code. The equipment code and the equipment group or part code are separated by a short dash "". Equipment code
Design code
2.2.1 Equipment code is composed of enterprise classification, equipment classification and design sequence. Enterprise classification number is assigned by relevant departments: equipment classification number is determined by the equipment classification table in Table 1 of this standard, and the design sequence number is determined by the equipment design sequence. ZD
Design sequence
Equipment classification
Enterprise identification number
2.2.2 The equipment component code consists of the equipment component serial number (one or more levels) and the component serial number, which can be separated by a dot "" or separated by a dash "-". The Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China approved the implementation of the 1998-0101 method on September 3, 1997
Multi-level development numbering method
2212.02 - 20.0R.04
Part serial number
Part segment serial number
-Equipment number
Part sequence number
-Multi-level component source serial number
Proposal for equipment design
2.2.3 The parts, tables, and drawings in the equipment design documents shall be marked with their corresponding abbreviations as additional codes after the design document number. Design The document code and the brief diagram code are shown in Appendix A (Standard Appendix). If there is a special equipment, its attachment code is "G". If there are two equipment, its attachment code is F2212.02C. Attachment code - transmission system diagram - equipment code 2212.02-08.00 Attachment code - circuit diagram - component sequence code ZD212.02 -
3 Numbering rules
Time-added code - Circuit diagram
Component code
Equipment code
Appendix code - Appendix
Part number: Component number Equipment code
3, 1 The numbering of the general equipment drawing does not have to reflect the product group code. If necessary, \00.00\ can be used as a placeholder to indicate the rate level used in the design document numbering. For the serial number of the parts in the general drawing, the low serial number part of the component should be occupied by "0" and no longer omitted. For the serial number of the parts, the serial number part of the parts should be occupied by "\" and shall not be omitted. :
General drawing network
ZL212.02 - 05.00
ZD212. 02 05 .04
2P212.02 00.00.00
2D212. 02 - 00. 00 - 00
2D212. 02-00. 00-02
21212.02 - 05.00.00
2D212. 02 - D5, 02. 01
ZD212.02 09.00 - 03
3.2 In principle, the serial number in the department and academic document number shall be arranged in ascending order according to the positive integer, and the second digit shall be taken. When the serial number has only digits, "0" shall be used to occupy the left side. There should be spaces between the major parts. When the first-level indexing method is used, a part should be numbered in sequence with its sub-parts (it is also possible to leave spaces between its sub-parts), and then the parts should be numbered in sequence. When the level indexing method is used, the component sequence number should be cumulative: when the number of levels exceeds four, the number of small parts that exceed the level should be increased according to the relationship, that is, these small parts should be numbered in sequence after the four-level parts sequence.
For an example of the equipment numbering method, see Appendix D (see Appendix D). 3.3 Standard parts and general parts should use their own numbers. Matching parts, purchased parts and materials directly used as parts (without enclosures) are generally not given a number:
3.4 The numbers of accessories and special tools are as follows:
a) Special accessories of component nature are given serial numbers according to the direct parts of the product or its required parts in sequence! b) Special accessories of parts nature are given serial numbers according to the direct special parts: ) For complete sets of accessories, their drawings should be compiled in sequence: d) Special tools of subassembly nature are given serial numbers at the end of the direct pressure parts; e) Special tools of screen parts are given serial numbers at the end of the direct chips. 3.5 The numbers of common parts are as follows:
General parts of equipment are the parts provided separately by the product. The design documents and methods are the same as the equipment design document numbers. The general parts classification number is used for the general parts classification part. The general parts classification number can be found in Table 2.
Chengchao integrated production line
Electronic material manufacturing and processing
Electronic components
Equipment classification table
Electronic components
Electronic devices
Electromechanical components
Only for warranty
Electronic equipment
Metal materials
Carbon materials
Inspection And materials
Materials and pressed powder materials
Summer materials
Chemical materials
Electronic devices, potentiometers
Capacitors, batteries
Electronic arms
Electronic beam tubes
Product body devices
Product display parts
Electronic light pools
Conductor parts and integrated circuits
Through electromechanical components
Restriction design
Continued table 1
Semiconductor parts
Power electronic parts
Sensitive parts
Size and size simulation circuits
Electronic cables, optical fiber electric regulators
Micro motors||t Chemical, biological and biological
circuit breakers, circuit breakers
electroacoustic instruments, beepers
printed boards
switches, buttons, connectors
recorders, recorders, card-position OK players
video recorders
color TV sets, video monitors
white TV sets, single-lens monitors
optical record players
photographic recorders, VCD players
class number
electronic computers
opening equipment
high altitude safety equipment
winding meter 1
large electronic computers
industry Application type design research
Practical system designWww.bzxZ.net
Special purpose electronic computer
Computer external equipment
Machine blood, group line
Motor [including rotary, search
Formic acid protection
Micro analysis
Optical modem
Communication machine
Program-controlled data exchange machine
Only receiving capacity
Mechanical air calculation
Thermal flow vacuum system
Adsorption blood air source
Gas separation device
Other air control equipment
Classification number
Other production equipment and equipment
Material cleaning equipment and inspection equipment
SJ/T 211.5--1997
Continued Table 1
Electronic table, electronic meter
Comparative calculator
Electronic device
Wax press
Classification number
Feeding equipment
Batching equipment
SJ/T 211.5-1997
Continued Table 1
Installation department, loading
Installation linkage
Technical material precision
Welding, color measurement
Installation branch
Classification number
SJ/1 211.5—1997
Belt conveyor
Mechanical shovel, rotary conveyor
Test strategy, ten-type inspection and delivery
Road conveyor
According to the description
Pneumatic, force-reducing auxiliary conveyor
Exhibition type long
All kinds of work methods (comprehensive)
Classification number
Other equipment
SJ/T 211.5-1997
Piece, slice
Engrave, short selection. Burning
Mechanical cutting, cutting
All, random or silk
Flame cutting
Condensation cutting
Classification bow5—1997
Belt conveyor
Mechanical shovel, rotary conveyor
Test strategy, ten-type inspection and delivery
Road conveyor
According to the description
Pneumatic, force-reducing auxiliary delivery
Exhibition of simple-type long-distance conveying
All kinds of work methods (comprehensive)
Classification number
Other equipment
SJ/T 211.5-1997
Piece, slice
Engrave, short selection. Burning
Mechanical cutting, cutting
All, random or silk
Flame cutting
Condensation cutting
Classification bow5—1997
Belt conveyor
Mechanical shovel, rotary conveyor
Test strategy, ten-type inspection and delivery
Road conveyor
According to the description
Pneumatic, force-reducing auxiliary delivery
Exhibition of simple-type long-distance conveying
All kinds of work methods (comprehensive)
Classification number
Other equipment
SJ/T 211.5-1997
Piece, slice
Engrave, short selection. Burning
Mechanical cutting, cutting
All, random or silk
Flame cutting
Condensation cutting
Classification bow
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