Some standard content:
CB/T 8541 1997
This standard, based on national conditions, refers to the Japanese JIS B0111-1981 Press Terminology, JIS B0130-12-1981 Forging Terminology. (1RF Mechanical Engineering Technical Dictionary Volume 1 Forging and Forging, Volume 3 Metal Sheet Forming. Volume 5 Cold Extrusion and Cold Forging. Forging Terms Dictionary ()-1993 Illustrated Metal Identification and Terminology Dictionary-1974, Practical: √2 Terminology Dictionary-1983 [Illustrated 7001], Plasticity Standard Terminology Collection-1990, B8845-88 Die Terms. GB$453-88 Forging Dies and H Parts terminology, GB7232-87 metal heat treatment process terminology, etc., to supplement GR8:11:87 forging technology. This standard will replace GB8511-87 from the date of implementation. Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are both standard appendices. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China and was drafted by Beijing Mechanical and Electrical Research Institute.
This standard was drafted by: Beijing Mechanical and Electrical Research Institute. The main drafter of this standard is Tu Yanshan.
1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Forging Terminology
Terminology This standard specifies the terms and definitions of forging, stamping, forging, sizing, drawing, extrusion and other forming processes, dies, forging calenders and related processes before and after forming. The corresponding texts are also excluded. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication of this standard, all versions are valid. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards, GB8845-88 Die technology
GB9453-88 Dummy mold and its parts terminology
GB7232-87 Metal heat treatment process terminology 3 Basic terms
3. 1 General terms
3. 1. 1 Forging ancl 3.1.2 Plasticity processing of metal; metal technology of plasticity is a processing method that uses the plasticity of metal to change its shape, size and improve its performance to obtain profiles, bars, plates, wires or forgings. It includes forging, stamping, extrusion, rolling, drawing, etc. 3.1.3 Metal pressure processing is a processing method that uses medical force to cause metal to produce plastic deformation, change its shape, size and improve its performance, or obtain profiles, bars, plates, wires or forgings.
3.1.4 Chipless processing is a method in which metal blanks are directly obtained by straightening, pressing or other metal processing methods, and no cutting or processing is required. For example, cold forging and wire drawing of standard parts. 3.1.5 Rotary metalworking A method in which only the metal is rotated or only the tool is rotated or both are rotated. Including velvet rolling, rolling, bending, forging, spinning, etc. 3.1.6 Sheet Fortning A method of plastic processing using sheet, thin-walled tube, thin profile, etc. as raw materials. In this case, the deformation in the thickness direction is not large. Bulk furraing 3.1.7 Bulk forming Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision in 199703-04 Implemented in 1997 09 01 GB/T 8541--1997 A method of plastic processing using bar or ingot as cold material. At this time, the deformation in length, width and direction should be considered. 3.1.8 Hot forging
Forging process performed above the recrystallization temperature, 3.1.9 Warm forging
Forging process performed at room temperature and below the recrystallization temperature, 3.1.10 Cold forging
Forging process performed at room temperature. Including cold extrusion, cold stamping, cold embossing, etc. 3.1.11 Isothermal forging A forging method in which the temperature remains constant during the entire forging process. This method requires that the mold and the blank are heated to the forging temperature. 3.1.12 Primary metalworking A general term for the process of processing raw materials such as poles, bars, and profiles. 3.1.13 Secondary forming Metalwarking is a process of re-plasticizing the cold materials (sheet materials, materials, profiles, etc.) that have been obtained through the initial forming process to manufacture mechanical parts, parts or rough shapes, such as forging, punching, spinning, etc. 3.1.14 Forming
The process of subjecting the bulk material to targeted deformation to obtain a product of the required shape and size. 3.1.15 Preforming
The shape of the blank is partially changed to obtain a shape more suitable for the next step of plastic deformation. 3.1.16 Hot forming
The reverse forming process of the metal above the recrystallization temperature. 3.1.17 Warm warking
The forming process carried out at room temperature and below the recrystallization temperature. 3.1.18 Cold forming working
A forming method in which work hardening usually occurs during the deformation process. 3.2 Raw materialsnale:tia!
Material for forging, such as profiles, plates, tumbled materials, strips, wires, cast chains, metal powders, etc. 3.2.1 Barshar
A rolled material with uniform cross-section, whose cut surface is round, rectangular or hexagonal. Hot rolled black bar:hat rolled har stocek3. 2. 1. 1
A rod with a scaly surface produced according to hot rolling tolerances. Bright baked htight har
Material produced to exact tolerances. Lustrous color in strip condition. Material that has been cold drawn, polished, ground, shaved, etc. Drawingba
Cold drawn steel. Hot rolled strip material is cold drawn. Extruded profiles Long profiles produced by hot extrusion. 3.2.2 Sheet sheet metal, shreet Smooth, flat metal product formed by rolling, with both length and width much greater than thickness. Strip material 5trip
A metal sheet material whose width is quite small compared to its length. The length may be so large that it must be rolled up, which is commonly known as strip material. Coiled xtripateil stockCR/T 8541...1997wwW.bzxz.Net
Tightly coiled into a continuous strip, shearerl strip
3. 2. 2. 3
Sheet material cut from sheet material. Its short length3. 2. 2.4
Cold rolled steel sheetcold rollinstcel sheetthe final finishing process is cold rolled steel sheetdeen-drawing aicel sheer3. 2. 2. 52
Specially made steel suitable for deep deformation: 3. 2.2.6 Additional steel sheetenarr.e ling shte1Steel sheet suitable for deep deformation.
3. 2. 2. 7
Mild steel plate coated with a steel protective layer on both sides, Thickness plate
Sheet with a thickness of 5 mm or less. Plate
Sheet with a thickness of 3~5 mm, Shoe
Sheet with a thickness of less than 3 mm Sheet gauge + sheet thickness The thickness of sheet material is measured according to a certain standard system. Thickness tolerance of sheet material.
3.2.3 Wire rod:
The wire of a long length or arbitrary cross section is made by drawing or rolling. Its true diameter is about 1 meter or less. It is rolled into a shape and can be provided in a large length! 3.3 Blank: prefnrm; slug The blanked or cut sheet (rod) material for further processing. 3.3.! Crapted piece of material separated from the fan steel. There is no material tip when punching, and its material distribution is similar to the material distribution of forgings. 3.3.2 Flat sheet of material lank
A piece of metal material punched or cut from a sheet or strip. ...
3.4.3 Anpigcoin
A workpiece with a shape of a ring.
3.4.4 Drawing part
CH/T 8541- -1997
A workpiece obtained by drawing a sheet metal. Deep drawing part A workpiece obtained by deep drawing a sheet metal. 3.4.5 Deep-draw cup
A cylindrical part with closed ends obtained by deep drawing on a press. 3.4.6 Shear part
A finished part cut from a sheet metal.
3.4.7 Precision blanking part A part made by precision cold shearing. 3.5 General forgings
Workpieces or rough forgings obtained by metal materials through induced deformation. 3.5.1 Pre-forgings Partially shaped forgings, whose shape is between the original material and the final forging. 3.5.2 Finished forgings Finished forgings The forgings in the last deformation step, whose tolerances can be economically achieved. 3.5.3 Commercial forgings The forgings with small dimensional tolerances than ordinary precision forgings. 3.5.4 Close forgings Forgings with small dimensional tolerances smaller than ordinary precision forgings. 3.5.5 Forgings Only simple universal tools are used, or external forces are directly applied to the original material between the upper and lower parts of the forging equipment to deform the original material to obtain the required geometric shape and internal quality forgings. 3.5.6 Die forgings
Workpieces or roughs obtained by die forging metal materials. 3.5.7 Die forgings
Workpieces or roughs obtained by forging and deforming metal materials. Steel die forgings Steel die forgings Workpieces or roughs obtained by forging and deforming metal materials. 3.5.8 Spur gear precision forgings
True bevel gear parts produced by precision die forging metal materials. 3.5.9 Cold forgings
Workpieces or roughs obtained by forging and deforming metal materials at room temperature. 3.5.10 Cold extrusions Cold extrusions Workpieces or roughs manufactured by cold extrusion. 3.5.11 Cold head
Parts produced by cold forging metal materials. 3.5. 12 Roll forging
Workpiece or rough ring manufactured by forging technology. 4 Plastic forming theory
4.1 Ideal rigid plastic body Rigid perlecllyplastic body Under large deformation conditions, in order to simplify the analysis problem, an assumption is made for the deformed body. This material is in a rigid state before the succumb point: when it reaches the succumb point, it enters a state of spontaneous flow, and the flow should not change with the strain. 4.1.1 Plastic-rgid material When the stress is lower than the succumb point, this material is rigid, that is, the elastic modulus is non-destructive. 4.2 Ideal single plastic body elastirprfectlyplastir:bodly is a kind of material hypothesis put forward for analyzing elastic deformation. Before the bottom point, the stress and strain of this material change according to the relationship. When the bottom point is reached, it enters the plastic flow state, and the flow resistance does not change with the deformation. 4.2.1 Plastic material lasticlasticmaterial Material that can produce plastic deformation
When external force is applied to the material, when the external force is small, elastic deformation occurs. When the stress reaches the bottom point, plastic deformation occurs. 4.3 Deformation
The change of shape and size of a body caused by the application of external force. 4.3.1 Plastic deformation: plastie deformation When the external force acting on an object is cancelled, the deformation of the object is not completely restored, but produces: partial permanent deformation permanent deformation permanent deformation 4.3.2
When the external force on the object exceeds a certain limit and is removed, if the object cannot return to its original state, the deformation retained
4.3.3 Uniform deformation hanngeneausdeformatioi When the displacement of each point in the deformed body is a linear function of the coordinates, and the relative strain is a linear system + this deformation is called uniform deformation In the case of uniform deformation, the original plane and straight line remain planes and true lines after deformation, and the line or plane remains straight after deformation, and the two similar units are maintained, and the deformation is similar, 4.3.4 Uneven deformation onhomogeneous deformation: lrstnitio The deformation that does not meet the characteristics of uniform deformation is called uneven deformation. Strictly speaking, the deformation in plastic processing is almost all uneven deformation, which is a uniform stress field caused by uneven external conditions: the stress state at each point is not uniform, and the deformation size is different.
4.3.5 Uniaxial deformation umiaxial di:dormat:on Under the action of unidirectional tension (or pressure), unidirectional elongation (or shortening) accompanied by a uniform decrease (or increase) in cross-sectional area 4.3.6 Elastic deformation elasticdeformation The deformation within the elastic limit is called elastic deformation. In other words, after removing the external force, the object will completely restore the original deformation. 4.3.7 Elastic limit elasticJiniu
The deformation of the object produced by the external force can be completely restored to its original state. If an external force is applied to this limit, a permanent deformation will be left. That is, plastic deformation, this limit is called elastic limit. 4.3.8 Steady deformation process During the deformation process of an object, the size, shape, stress distribution and velocity distribution of the deformation zone change with time, which is called normal plastic flow process.
4.3.9 Nonsteady deformation process During the deformation process of an object, the size, shape, stress distribution and velocity distribution of the deformation zone change with time. It can be proved that the nonlinear finite element method can be used to obtain an effective numerical solution. 4.3.10 Degree of deformation GB/T 854t-1997
The ratio of the difference between the initial size and the final size to the initial size. 4.3.1D.1. Critical deformation degree When the critical deformation degree is certain, the size of the product after re-reformation changes with the degree of deformation. The corresponding deformation degree of the maximum product size is: 2-10% for steel and 15% for high alloy. 4.3.11 Deformation resistance R es x The limiting force per unit area to deformation
4.3. 12 Deformed arca1. The area on the part that is subjected to deformation.
Deformation ratio deformationratio
The ratio of the deformation value of a certain size to the value before deformation. Effective deformation ratio logarithmic deforration English: The logarithm of the ratio of the work before and after deformation, that is, "lm/,". 4.3.14 Deformation efficiency cfficieny a[lefarmaliun Under uniform deformation conditions, the ratio of the work required for a specific process to the work actually consumed, 4.3.15 Invariable corm When the height and diameter (or width) of the forging grain are approximately the same, the undeformed part of the cone formed by the bottom edge is a kind of dead zone of the metal mesh (as shown in Figure 1). Metal regian; dead zone
During plastic processing, the undeformed functional area inside the workpiece, 4.4 Stress
Under the action of external force, internal force will be generated inside the object, and the internal force acting on the infinitesimal area in one direction through the analyzed point is called the limit value of the internal force (lim△/) at the point on the cut. For the same point, stress varies with the orientation of the plane it is loaded on.
4.4.1 Principal stress
In any unit cell, three perpendicular planes can be found on which there are only normal stresses and no shear forces. These planes are called principal planes, and the stresses acting on the principal planes are the principal stresses. The stresses are expressed in meters, and they are arranged in the order of their numerical values, that is, 4.4.2 Normal stress
The normal force (normal moment force) is the component of the force acting perpendicularly on a specified plane. Surface normal stressceahlralmrtalsife5sThe normal stress acting on the octahedral plane (a plane inclined to the three principal stress axes) is expressed in meters, and its value is equal to the lower mean stress.
s-1/3(n/—02+a:)-1/3(d,+2,+0.)-0m4.4.3 Shear stress
Shear stress is the stress component in a given plane. For example, it is the stress component in a plane along a straight line. Maximum shear stress maxim1smshear te55The shear stress on a plane at different points in the same direction varies, and there is a maximum value, which is the maximum shear stress. Value Tax -J /2(o, -a,)
Where: , ..—are the maximum and minimum stresses, respectively. The normal direction of the plane on which it acts is sub-straight with the middle ten-axis, and the square is Helical shear stress In a disk with no force passing through the point, there are four planes that are equally inclined with the three force axes, which will form a semi-circular card merchant GB/T8541-1997
The shear stress acting on the octahedral plane is called octahedral shear stress and is expressed as, 3
V(o,-u)\+ (f - a.)2+ (o - a,)* In the formula: .;,s
stress. Ultimate shear strength uleimateshearstrength The ratio of the maximum force to the initial cross-sectional area under blanking, shearing, etc. 4.4.4 Noninal (conventiconal) stress The ratio of the deformation force to the original load product (not the initial load product) when the specimen is stretched (compressed) in one direction, which is called conditional stress. G-Pre
Where load
F—the original load product of the specimen,
4.4.5 True stress trustress
The ratio of the deformation force to the actual load product (and the initial load product) when the specimen is stretched (or compressed) in one direction, which varies with the deformation temperature and strain rate.
4.4.6 Equivalent (effective) stress is called stress intensity, which represents the principal stress of the complex stress state converted into a unidirectional stress state. It is generally expressed by the following formula: n
I, a—principal stress.
The equivalent effect square varies with the stress state, that is, a)*+(a ..)+ (a, --a,)
, = (1 ~
Equivalent stress is an important basis for measuring the elastic state or plastic state of materials. It reflects the comprehensive effect of each principal stress. 4.4.7 Additional adverse force adlitianalstross During the deformation process, due to the uneven deformation, each part of the deformed body has different dimensional changes. The area that tries to increase the dimensional change (for example, with respect to the average value) will apply an internal force that increases the dimensional change of the area that tries to reduce the dimensional change. At the same time, it can be considered to apply an opposite internal force to the former, thereby producing different stresses in different areas or dust accordingly. The stress generated by this deformation is the additional stress.
4.4.8 Interference fit stress The normal stress caused by excessive fit.
Frecture stress
Frecture load divided by the damaged area.
4. 4. 10 Hydrostatic stress The average pressure of the stress state, its absolute value is equal to 1/3 of the sum of the three principal stresses 5. Its sign is positive for compressive stress, which is opposite to the sign of the mean stress.
4.4.11 Mean stress mean31stress
The average value of a stress, i.e. (ten)
4.4.12 Residual stress resinlual siress The stress retained in the deformed variant due to the uneven stress field, strain field, temperature field and structural heterogeneity during the metal plastic processing.
4.4.13 Stress state linear stress
The state (i.e. no stress in the first direction)
4.4.14 Thermal stress thermalstressg
The stress produced by the temperature inside the tree is not high. 4.4.15 Yield In tensile tests, the stress at which the specimen first undergoes plastic deformation is indicated by {,. 4.4.16 Spherical tensile (hydrastetr) In natural media mechanics, stress tensile is divided into spherical tensile and compressive tensile limit, that is, one of them is called spherical stress tensor, or spherical tensor for short. Spherical tensile property is determined by isotropic (or equipotential) natural state. This stress state cannot cause the change of the shape of the object, but only determines the elastic change of the volume of the object. The spherical tensor trace is .0m00
oe, - io dm U
y force, m
1(6. 102:)
(5x I 0, --0.) -
4.4. 17 Mohr's circle of stress tnnhr imhr'rirrle of strss describes the stress state of a point with a graph (as shown in the figure), a coordinate system with positive and negative forces as axes, and the stress Mohr system gives a full picture of the changes of positive and negative forces on any inclined surface of the unit body: the coordinates of a point in the figure represent the normal stress and front stress on a certain inclined surface of the unit body. 3 Stress state stressstate
The stress state on a cross section of a point in the object is called the stress state at the point in the object. The stress state on the cross section of the point is not enough to reflect the stress state of the point, and the stress state of the point is expressed by a triangle. 4.4. 18. 1 Dimensional stress state tlree-dimensional stres: Take any unit body from the stressed object, and you can always find two principal planes that are mutually connected, and there are stresses on them, so each point has three dimensional stresses. The stress state in which all three principal stresses are not zero is called the dimensional stress state. According to the stress symbol, there are four unidimensional stress diagrams (as shown in Figure 3), 4. 4. 18.2 Plane stress state plane 51russ xtate All stress components on a unit body at a point in a certain plane are zero (the component in this direction is not zero). Most of the processes of sheet metal stamping and thin tube forming can be approximately regarded as plane stress states.
4.4.19 so
The stress state of a point can be described by the five straight coordinates of the plane and the six components (the six holes are independent) on the plane system rotating around the origin. Each component changes according to the law: that is, it meets the requirements of the system. Therefore, the component stress at a point can be in the form of a component quantity, which is called a component stress quantity. The stress tensor is a second-order symmetric tensor.
4. 4. 19. 1 The component stress tensor is constant Astress invariantls2
Each component has three forms that are independent of the coordinate system, namely -+,+-+c+d
I, =an. +mn, +t,m, -s, +a,o, + oo, - --..I. -do20s = oo,a, + 2r,.... - o,t. -s,-+ o.ti..CB/T 85411997
4.4.20 Stress deviator variables desigatorir stres: unaor The tensor d obtained by subtracting the uniform force from the stress component.
Stress deviator S is also a first-order symmetric tensor. Stress deviator determines the shape change of an object. 4.4. 20. 1 Stress deviator variables invariants of hu: drvia1.or stress Tensor stress deviation is similar to the expected quantity. There are: : integers that are independent of the choice of the base system, namely J.-ss,-s.- 5
:-$$2+$.5, 4 .s.
Where: SS: 3: The area of the expected quantity
4.5 Strain
When an object is subjected to external forces, the internal particles will produce relative position changes. Imagine taking a regular hexagonal unit from the object. When it changes, not only the shape but also the size of the object will change. Generally speaking, the length and angle of the unit side of the regular hexagonal unit will change, and the two are collectively referred to as strain.
4.5.1 Nominal strain nominal (engineering) strain In the unidirectional tension (tension-contraction) test of materials or in the analysis of other deformations, -A is often used to represent strain, which is the length (shortening) of the working section (gauge length) of the specimen equal to the original length of the working section. When the deformation is large, the length of the specimen has changed significantly. Therefore, -M/ cannot represent the true strain of the specimen, so it is called nominal strain. 4.5.2 True strain
Its value is de=d. The formula is the change domain of the instantaneous length of the specimen, and the specimen is stretched! , the total real strain is
When E is 0, its value is very similar to the engineering strain. When the deformation is large, it is more accurate to express it with true strain. 4.5.3 Effective strain is also called strain intensity, which represents the actual strain of the complex strain state and the new synthetic uniaxial tensile (or compression) state. It can be expressed by the following formula E -/2 /3[(e e.)- (e, -- E.)* -+ (eg -- E Where; .5:.E principal strain,
4.5.4 principal strain
For isotropic materials, it refers to the principal strain rate in the direction of the principal stress
For isotropic materials, it refers to the strain rate in the direction of the principal stress 1, plastic strainplasticatrainl
indicates the engineering strain, logarithmic strain, etc. that indicate the degree of plastic deformation, 4.5.6 longitudinal strainlongitudinal strainthe strain generated along the length direction of the material
4.5.7 pianestrain
the strain (no strain in the first direction)
4.5.8 elastic strainelastic strain
8/T 8541—1997
Material is subject to plastic deformation within the elastic range. The time-dependent plastic deformation is also called elastic deformation. 4.5.9 Elongation strain is the deformation caused by the action of multiple forces and is expressed as the change of unit initial dimension. 4.5.10 Compression strain is the compression deformation caused by external forces and is expressed as the change of unit initial dimension. Stress strain curve 4.5.11
In order to find the relationship between stress and strain of materials, the true stress value corresponding to a certain strain variable is usually obtained by experimental methods under certain temperature and strain rate conditions. If the relationship between the true stress value and the strain value is expressed as the deformation, it is called the stress-strain curve or deformation-stress curve. In addition, for most metals with work hardening phenomenon, such a curve is also called elastic curve.
4.5.12 Deformation state strain 51ate
Through a point in a stressed object, many line segments can be drawn in all directions. Each line segment has its own linear strain: the deformation of each segment is called strain, that is, angular strain. The entire state of these strains in all directions through a point is called the high strain state of the point. The low strain state of a point is represented by the strain tensor. Plane strain state If the displacement of each point of an object during deformation occurs partially in planes parallel to the planes and zero strain occurs in planes perpendicular to these planes. The direction of the strain is also the direction of the intermediate principal stress at the point. 4.5.13 Strain rate: speed af The rate of change of strain with respect to time is called strain rate and is also called strain rate (unit: tt). According to the strain rate tensor, e0 can be obtained. Similar to the virtual variable tensor, there is a strain rate tensor. The strain rate is also called strain velocity. Strain rate strengthening effect The phenomenon that the material's flow stress (deformation resistance) increases with the increase of deformation rate at the same deformation temperature and the same deformation degree. 4.5. 13.2 Strain rate sensitivity exponent (m) In the flow stress equation of superplastic parts, it is called strain rate sensitivity exponent. It is an important index related to the strain rate effect and superplasticity: for banded metals - m0.3 for superplastic materials. 5\4.6 Deformation work
The work required to deform the workpiece
Where: 0, - stress intensity or equivalent stress: : - equivalent strain.
4.6.1 Plastic deformation work [lastic work
The work consumed by the material during plastic deformation + the work consumed during strain. 4.6.2 Ideal deformation work ideal work of dedurmalion Under ideal frictionless conditions, the workpiece deformation is solved by the workpiece deformation: 4.6.3 Uniaxial deformation work work of uniaxial deformation In the process of tension (or compression), the product decreases (or increases) the "constant value". 4.6.4 Deformation work per unit volume
In the material of plastic deformation, the increment of deformation work per unit diameter at the point of set "is the component of the increase in the peptide, which should be shown! GB/T 8541 1997
The multiplication of the variable increment. When using the tensor representation method, the total deformation work/unit volume is expressed as 1s.-d in the strain trajectory. When using the stress representation method, it is (o,·d+ode+,de) 4.6.5 Redundan1work
In the process of extrusion using a large cone angle die, the various parts of the rough material will inevitably change their direction through the labor effect when entering the deformation zone. Similarly, the outlet also changes in the opposite direction. The work done by these reverse plastic shear deformations is the redundant work.
4.6.6 Last wark of deformation The work consumed in order to overcome the internal and external forces during the deformation of the workpiece, 4.7 Deformation force, forming force is the force required to produce plastic deformation in the direction of movement. It is an important parameter for the correct selection of equipment and mold design.
4.7.1 Unit deformation force When the deformation force is tension (pressing, drawing, etc.), the unit deformation force refers to the deformation force that the workpiece receives when passing through the die mouth. When the deformation force is pressure (such as roughing, extrusion, etc.), the unit deformation force refers to the average pressure. 4.7.2 Deformation action line axis of deformation deformation resultant force.
4.7.3 Meanessure
Plasticity + (mold) tool and 1 workpiece contact surface average pressure. Its estimation is / formula: P-force:
F--contact surface sodium projection area,
4.B Metal flow meral flow + flow of material movement of material during deformation.
4.8.1 Pearson type A flow When the material is well lubricated, during the extrusion process, the material passes through the extrusion barrel easily without deformation and flows directly into the die for a short distance. At this time, the center flow is stronger than the side flow because the sides are blocked by the mold. 4.8.2 Pearson type B flow is similar to the above except that the friction between the extrusion barrel and the material is limited. The friction causes shearing in a narrow area near the extrusion surface. This shearing is inversely proportional to the shearing on the die. Its effect is to increase the speed of the center part (the same as the outer metal) entering the punch and cause the material to deform violently. 4.8.3 Plasmatic flow The flow of metal material caused by plastic deformation. Freeflowcanditinns4.8.4
The state in which metal is unrestricted when flowing from a forming die or a core hole. 4.8.5Restricted-flowcnnditionsThe state in which metal is restricted after flowing from a forming die or a core hole. 4.8.61
The area from which metal flows in two or more directions. 4.9Plarticity
The property of a metal to stably change its shape and size under the action of external forces without destroying the connection between the particles. It is measured by the maximum deformation characteristic of the deformable body that can be obtained without destruction. 4.9.1Ductility
The property of a material to undergo plastic deformation without rupture when an external force exceeds the elastic limit. 11
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