GB/T 2424.23-1990 Basic environmental testing procedures for electrical and electronic products - Guidelines for water testing
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Basic environmental test procedures forelectric and electronic productsGuidance for water test
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the quality of water used in basic environmental tests for electric and electronic products and the water test guidelines. This standard applies to basic environmental tests for electric and electronic products. 2 Reference standards
GB2423.38Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic productsTest R: Water test methodGB 2424. 23--90
GB5170.20Basic parameter verification method for environmental test equipment for electric and electronic productsWater test equipmentGB4208Classification of enclosure protection levels
3 Terms
3.1 Rain
Condensation formed by liquid water droplets, the amount of water droplets falling and the actual falling effect are collectively referred to as rainfall. 3.2 Drizzle
Uniformly dispersed very small water droplets that can float with the air flow. 3.3 Raindrop
Water droplets with a diameter greater than 0.5 mm that fall through the atmosphere. 3.4 Drizzledrop
Water droplets with a diameter of 0.2~~~0.5 mm that fall through the atmosphere. 3.5 Rainfall or drizzle intensity (R) The amount of rainfall per unit time, in millimeters per hour (mm/h), 1dm2/m2·h is equal to 1mm/h. 3.6 The median volume diameter (Dso) refers to the diameter of a particular water droplet, and 50% of the water droplets that fall to the ground have a diameter smaller than (or larger than) this water droplet diameter. Dsa 1. 21 R0.19 (mm)
4 Overview
Some characteristics of the test water are specified in the water test method, such as: drop size, rainfall intensity, sample installation angle and the angle of projection of raindrops on the test sample. In addition, some water characteristics may affect the normal function of the test equipment or have some direct or indirect effects on the test sample.
Most of the test water is supplied by the local main water source. However, such water sources may vary greatly in pressure, temperature and purity. Based on these properties, the purpose of the test needs to be considered, such as changes in surface characteristics or water seepage of the test sample, and the suitability of the water source needs to be evaluated. If the water source is not suitable, further treatment can be carried out; if this is difficult, the water source can be replaced. The characteristic values of the test water are shown in Table 1.
Dielectric constant (at 25℃)
Surface tension (at 20℃)
Surface tension (at 20℃)
Surface tension (at 20℃)
5 Water purity
Deionized water
Tap water
Use 0.1g/L lubricant
Use 0.5g/L lubricant
73×10 5 N/cm
43X10-5 N/cm
The purity of most water sources will be affected by the absorption of minerals while water flows through rivers, or by chlorination of water, and the addition of disinfectants during chemical treatment. 5.1 Effects on Test Specimens
Some test specimens may require electrical measurements during or after the water spray test. Electrical measurements may include surfaces directly exposed to the water or those internal surfaces wetted by water ingress through holes or leaks. In this case, it may be necessary to ensure that the test water is non-conductive, such as distilled or deionized water. Another characteristic to consider is the corrosion of the test specimen by the water. Corrosion is not desirable in this test method, but in some cases, it may be inadvertent. To avoid corrosion, it is desirable to use distilled or deionized water. However, it should also be noted that pure water can be contaminated by contaminants in the air or on the surface of the test specimen. However, when chemical or electrochemical effects occur, corrosion products may appear at some time after the water test, which is more likely to occur during the test.
5.2 Effects on Test Equipment
Impurities in the test water can cause reduced or erratic water flow, which is particularly important for test equipment with low water pressure supply. Test methods such as Test Ra (Dripping Water) are particularly sensitive to the problem of pore blockage, so precautions should be taken to filter and soften the test water. 5.3 Permeability of Test Specimens
Test R includes certain characteristics of the water directed at the test specimen that affect penetration, such as temperature, droplet size, and spray angle. The composition of the water itself will also affect its entry into the small holes or leaks in the test specimen. When the water is at the entrance of the hole, the amount of water flowing through the small hole is proportional to the pressure difference in the hole (usually the result of the temperature difference caused by the cooler water) and inversely proportional to the viscosity of the water. The surface tension of the water will reduce the pressure difference and prevent the water from flowing, and will prevent any water from flowing through a very small hole. 6 Quality of Test Water
6.1 Test Ra: Dripping Water
The water used in this test should be good quality clean tap water. To avoid clogging of the nozzle, the water should be filtered or softened beforehand. If the water consumption is less than 100L/h, filtered or distilled water should be used, the pH value should be 6.5~~7.2, and the resistivity should not be less than 500m.
6.2 Test Rb; Flushing
The water used in this test should be high-quality clean tap water. In order to avoid nozzle clogging, the water should be filtered or softened in advance. 6.3 Test Rc. Immersion
The water used in this test is usually clean tap water, but seawater can also be used. The water temperature should be 25±10C. In order to facilitate the display of leakage, 625
It is allowed to add soluble dyes such as fluorescein to the water. 7 General Guidelines
7.1 Overview
This guideline includes a series of water tests: Test Ra, Test Rb and Test Rc. It can be used to determine its impact on electrical and electronic products. These simulation tests include rain, drizzle, flushing, immersion, but do not include erosion caused by high-speed water droplets. Initially, the effects of water testing considered are penetration into the shell or change the surface characteristics of the product, for example: reducing the flashover voltage of electrical insulators. Generally, during or after the water test, the judgment of the quality of the test sample depends on the nature of the product, but it should be specified in the relevant standards or technical documents. Some products do not allow penetration into the protective shell, while some products can allow some water penetration. Although the shell has many uses besides waterproofing, as part of the product design, the degree of protection required by the shell is likely to depend on the ability of the enclosed part to protect against water.
When the test sample is tested under power-on conditions, appropriate safety precautions should be taken. 7.2 Factors affecting the severity of the test
Rainfall intensity or water drop size;
Water drop velocity:
The angle of inclination of the drip field to the test sample;
Water pressure (test Rc);
Temperature difference between water and test sample
Water purity;
g: Conductivity of water (at 25°C).
7.3Comparison of test R with GB4208
The water test includes some new test methods based on rainfall intensity and established methods specified in GB4208. The latter are all specified test equipment rather than rainfall intensity. Although the established method can be applicable to a certain test purpose. But the main purpose of the new test method has been to more accurately verify the test environment and improve reproducibility. Therefore, the new improved method is used to test new products. In order to facilitate the comparison between Test R and GB4208, similar tests have been grouped together in Test R (see the characteristic composition diagram for details). For example, the test Ra of the dripping field rainfall intensity of 10~~400mm/h has included the test index value of GB4208 with an intensity of about 250mm/h.
8 Application Guidelines for Test Ra
8.1 Test Ra: Dripping - including two test methods8.1.1 Method Ral: Artificial Rain Method - Applicable to outdoor electrical and electronic products that cannot prevent the influence of natural rainfall. The test equipment of the artificial rain method is one or more industrial solid cone nozzles. The difference between this solid cone nozzle and the ordinary nozzle is that its spray pattern is a hollow cone. 8.1.2 Method Ra2: Drip box method - Applicable to electrical and electronic products that have normal protection against natural rainfall and may be exposed to dripping water formed by condensation or leakage on the upper surface. The test equipment of the drip box method is a water storage container designed to an appropriate size. On the rectangular grid at the bottom, many small holes are arranged at intervals of 20 to 25 mm, so that water can drip freely from each small hole at a specified speed. The effective volume of the container (including the projected area) depends on the projected area of the test sample. If the relevant standards or technical documents have provisions, the projected area of the container can only meet a certain partial area of the large test sample (see Figure 1). 626
8.1.3 Test parameters Rainfall intensity
Horizontal plane
Figure 1 Test equipment for drip box method
Height adjustable
Water inlet gate
Nylon nozzle
The equipment for measuring the rainfall intensity of artificial rain can use several cups arranged in a row. The cups should be equipped with openable lids. The distance between the nozzle and the cup surface is about 2500mm (see Figure 2). The rainfall intensity of any cup is: R—
Where: R rainfall intensity, mm/h;
-sampling volume, cm2;
A——cup area, cm2;
. Sampling time, min. Raindrop size
Raindrop size can be measured using a dedicated raindrop diameter measuring device. Conductivity and pH value The conductivity parameter value is as specified in Test Ra in Article 6.1. The test instrument can be a DDS11A conductivity meter calibrated at 25°C. The pH value parameter is as specified in Test Ra in Article 6.1. The test instrument can be a PHS-29A acidity meter. 1527
9 Guidelines for the application of Test Rb
9.1 Test Rb: Flush -
GB 2424.23
Includes three test methods
9.1.1 Method Rbl: High-intensity drip field method
Electrical and electronic products affected by rain.
- Applicable to tropical areas and may be placed outdoors, not suitable for protection against heavy rain or wind. The test equipment for the high-intensity drip field method uses one or more industrial solid cone nozzles to provide the specified rainfall intensity (see Figure 2).
Water nozzle
Water inlet
Non-force regulator
Plastic Fresnel lens
Reference scale
Rotating cover
Yuhui cup
Pressure gauge
Gap -10
Drip baffle
(For photography only)
With long-distance camera
Figure 2 Raindrop diameter and rainfall intensity measurement device 9.1.2 Method Rb2: Oscillating tube method and hand-held sprinkler method are applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by water from the sprinkler fire extinguishing system or wheel splash. When the dimensions of the test sample do not exceed the radius of the swing tube bend, the swing tube method Rb2.1 can be used for the test. The swing tube is equipped with nozzles of Φ0.4mm or 0.8mm diameter, the center distance of the nozzles is 50mm, and the center point is 60 or 90° from the edge nozzle. When the 60° swing tube is preferred, the swing tube should be fixed in a vertical position, and the test sample should be installed on a table rotating around a vertical axis. Its position should be close to the center point of the semicircle (see Figure 3). The turntable rotates at an appropriate speed so that all parts of the shell can be wetted during the test. When the turntable cannot rotate the test sample, the test sample should be placed at the center of the semicircle, and the tube should be swung at a speed of 60°/s within the specified angle range until half of the specified time, and then the test sample is rotated 90° in the horizontal direction and the test is continued for the remaining time.
Figure 4 shows the expected rainfall intensity distribution curve within the test volume. Nozzle
Test sample
Balance hammer
Figure 3 Test equipment for the swing pipe method
Note: ①When the bend radius of the spray pipe exceeds 1600mm, this method cannot be used. ②α is the spray angle, β is the swing angle of the pipe. 1000
Distance to the center of the swing pipe
Figure 4 Average distribution curve of rainfall intensity
Note: When the pipe swings and the turntable rotates for 20min, the nozzle diameter is 0.4mm, the swing pipe radius is 1000mm, the inlet water pressure is 80kPa, the water flow is 0.10L/min, and the nozzle and the swing angle are both 60°. 629
GB2424.23—90 When the test sample exceeds the radius of the swing pipe bend, the hand-held sprinkler method of method Rb2.2 can be used for testing. The balancing baffle can be installed or removed before the test. If the test sample needs to be sprayed from all directions, the baffle should be removed from the sprinkler (see Figure 5). Soft
Pressure gauge
Moveable baffle
Test sample
9.1.3 Method Rb3. Hose method -
View in A (with baffle removed)
Figure 5 Test equipment for hand-held sprinkler method
12 × 6°3u* .- 78
-Applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by various types of water or violent waves. The test equipment for the hose method is a nozzle with two different sizes, with inner diameters of 6.3 mm and 12.5 mm respectively. The water flow rate of the small nozzle is 12.5 L/min, and the pressure is about 30 kPa (0.3 bar) or the water flow rate is 75 ± 5 L/min, and the pressure is about 1000 kPa (10 bar); the water flow rate of the large nozzle is 100 L/min, and the pressure is 100 kPa (1 bar) (see Figure 6). Link:
Figure 6 Test equipment for the hose method During the test, first install the test sample on a fixed rotating table with an opening and rotate it at an appropriate speed, and then use a standard test nozzle to spray the specified water pressure on all directions of the test sample. 9.1.4 Test parameters
For method Rb2.1, the water flow rate of the swing tube can be verified by a flow meter and a pressure gauge, while the severity of other test methods is calculated according to the designed and specified water flow rate.
10 Application Guidelines for Test Rc
GB 2424.23
10.1 Method Rc: Immersion - including two test methods 10.1.1 Method Rc1: Water tank method and Method Rc2: Pressurized water tank method - applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be partially or completely immersed in water during transportation and use.
10.1.2 The test equipment for the method Rc1 water tank method is a water storage container. The water in the container can reach a immersion depth of 1m (or other specified depth) above the highest point of the test sample and keep the test sample at this depth. 10.1.3 The test equipment for the method Rc2 pressurized water tank method is a water container with good sealing performance. The water container should be able to generate the required water pressure.
10.1.4 In order to facilitate the determination or analysis of the leaking parts of the test sample, a soluble dye, such as fluorescein, can be added to the test water. 10.2 Verification of test parameters
10.2.1 Before the test, the immersion depth of test Rc1 and the water pressure in the pressurized water tank of test Rc2 should be measured to see if they meet the requirements. If otherwise specified in the relevant standards and technical documents, the conductivity and pH value can be measured. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Climate Environment Technology Branch of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions for Electrical and Electronic Products, and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions for Electrical and Electronic Products. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Research Office of the Seventh Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, and the Guangzhou Electric Science Research Institute, the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Transport, the Mingshui Communication Machinery Factory of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Shanghai Electric Technology Research Institute, and the 301 Institute of the Ministry of Aviation participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Huang Yuzhou, Wei Zhuyun, Shi Taisheng, Yu Yingkai, and Shang Qiumei. s1 The test equipment of the drip box method is a water storage container designed to an appropriate size. Many small holes are arranged at intervals of 20 to 25 mm on the rectangular grid at the bottom, so that water can drip freely from each small hole at a specified speed. The effective volume of the container (including the projected area) depends on the projected area of the test sample. If the relevant standards or technical documents have regulations, the projected area of the container may only meet a certain local area of the large test sample (see Figure 1). 626
8.1.3 Test parameters Rainfall intensity
Horizontal plane
Figure 1 Test equipment for drip box method
Height adjustable
Water inlet gate
Nylon nozzle
The equipment for measuring the rainfall intensity of artificial rain can use several cups arranged in a row. The cups should be equipped with openable lids. The distance between the nozzle and the cup surface is about 2500mm (see Figure 2). The rainfall intensity of any cup is: R—
Where: R rainfall intensity, mm/h;
-sampling volume, cm2;
A——cup area, cm2;
. Sampling time, min. Raindrop size
Raindrop size can be measured using a dedicated raindrop diameter measuring device. Conductivity and pH value The conductivity parameter value is as specified in Test Ra in Article 6.1. The test instrument can be a DDS11A conductivity meter calibrated at 25°C. The pH value parameter is as specified in Test Ra in Article 6.1. The test instrument can be a PHS-29A acidity meter. 1527
9 Guidelines for the application of Test Rb
9.1 Test Rb: Flush -
GB 2424.23
Includes three test methods
9.1.1 Method Rbl: High-intensity drip field method
Electrical and electronic products affected by rain.
- Applicable to tropical areas and may be placed outdoors, not suitable for protection against heavy rain or wind. The test equipment for the high-intensity drip field method uses one or more industrial solid cone nozzles to provide the specified rainfall intensity (see Figure 2).
Water nozzle
Water inlet
Non-force regulator
Plastic Fresnel lens
Reference scale
Rotating cover
Yuhui cup
Pressure gauge
Gap -10
Drip baffle
(For photography only)
With long-distance camera
Figure 2 Raindrop diameter and rainfall intensity measurement device 9.1.2 Method Rb2: Oscillating tube method and hand-held sprinkler method are applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by water from the sprinkler fire extinguishing system or wheel splash. When the dimensions of the test sample do not exceed the radius of the swing tube bend, the swing tube method Rb2.1 can be used for the test. The swing tube is equipped with nozzles of Φ0.4mm or 0.8mm diameter, the center distance of the nozzles is 50mm, and the center point is 60 or 90° from the edge nozzle. When the 60° swing tube is preferred, the swing tube should be fixed in a vertical position, and the test sample should be installed on a table rotating around a vertical axis. Its position should be close to the center point of the semicircle (see Figure 3). The turntable rotates at an appropriate speed so that all parts of the shell can be wetted during the test. When the turntable cannot rotate the test sample, the test sample should be placed at the center of the semicircle, and the tube should be swung at a speed of 60°/s within the specified angle range until half of the specified time, and then the test sample is rotated 90° in the horizontal direction and the test is continued for the remaining time.
Figure 4 shows the expected rainfall intensity distribution curve within the test volume. Nozzle
Test sample
Balance hammer
Figure 3 Test equipment for the swing pipe method
Note: ①When the bend radius of the spray pipe exceeds 1600mm, this method cannot be used. ②α is the spray angle, β is the swing angle of the pipe. 1000
Distance to the center of the swing pipe
Figure 4 Average distribution curve of rainfall intensity
Note: When the pipe swings and the turntable rotates for 20min, the nozzle diameter is 0.4mm, the swing pipe radius is 1000mm, the inlet water pressure is 80kPa, the water flow is 0.10L/min, and the nozzle and the swing angle are both 60°. 629
GB2424.23—90 When the test sample exceeds the radius of the swing pipe bend, the hand-held sprinkler method of method Rb2.2 can be used for testing. The balancing baffle can be installed or removed before the test. If the test sample needs to be sprayed from all directions, the baffle should be removed from the sprinkler (see Figure 5). Soft
Pressure gauge
Moveable baffle
Test sample
9.1.3 Method Rb3. Hose method -
View in A (with baffle removed)
Figure 5 Test equipment for hand-held sprinkler method
12 × 6°3u* .- 78
-Applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by various types of water or violent waves. The test equipment for the hose method is a nozzle with two different sizes, with inner diameters of 6.3 mm and 12.5 mm respectively. The water flow rate of the small nozzle is 12.5 L/min, and the pressure is about 30 kPa (0.3 bar) or the water flow rate is 75 ± 5 L/min, and the pressure is about 1000 kPa (10 bar); the water flow rate of the large nozzle is 100 L/min, and the pressure is 100 kPa (1 bar) (see Figure 6). Link:
Figure 6 Test equipment for the hose method During the test, first install the test sample on a fixed rotating table with an opening and rotate it at an appropriate speed, and then use a standard test nozzle to spray the specified water pressure on all directions of the test sample. 9.1.4 Test parameters
For method Rb2.1, the water flow rate of the swing tube can be verified by a flow meter and a pressure gauge, while the severity of other test methods is calculated according to the designed and specified water flow rate.
10 Application Guidelines for Test Rc
GB 2424.23
10.1 Method Rc: Immersion - including two test methods 10.1.1 Method Rc1: Water tank method and Method Rc2: Pressurized water tank method - applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be partially or completely immersed in water during transportation and use.
10.1.2 The test equipment for the method Rc1 water tank method is a water storage container. The water in the container can reach a immersion depth of 1m (or other specified depth) above the highest point of the test sample and keep the test sample at this depth. 10.1.3 The test equipment for the method Rc2 pressurized water tank method is a water container with good sealing performance. The water container should be able to generate the required water pressure.
10.1.4 In order to facilitate the determination or analysis of the leaking parts of the test sample, a soluble dye, such as fluorescein, can be added to the test water. 10.2 Verification of test parameters
10.2.1 Before the test, the immersion depth of test Rc1 and the water pressure in the pressurized water tank of test Rc2 should be measured to see if they meet the requirements. If otherwise specified in the relevant standards and technical documents, the conductivity and pH value can be measured. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Climate Environment Technology Branch of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions for Electrical and Electronic Products, and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions for Electrical and Electronic Products. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Research Office of the Seventh Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, and the Guangzhou Electric Science Research Institute, the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Transport, the Mingshui Communication Machinery Factory of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Shanghai Electric Technology Research Institute, and the 301 Institute of the Ministry of Aviation participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Huang Yuzhou, Wei Zhuyun, Shi Taisheng, Yu Yingkai, and Shang Qiumei. s1 The test equipment of the drip box method is a water storage container designed to an appropriate size. Many small holes are arranged at intervals of 20 to 25 mm on the rectangular grid at the bottom, so that water can drip freely from each small hole at a specified speed. The effective volume of the container (including the projected area) depends on the projected area of the test sample. If the relevant standards or technical documents have regulations, the projected area of the container may only meet a certain local area of the large test sample (see Figure 1). 626
8.1.3 Test parameters Rainfall intensity
Horizontal plane
Figure 1 Test equipment for drip box method
Height adjustable
Water inlet gate
Nylon nozzle
The equipment for measuring the rainfall intensity of artificial rain can use several cups arranged in a row. The cups should be equipped with openable lids. The distance between the nozzle and the cup surface is about 2500mm (see Figure 2). The rainfall intensity of any cup is: R—
Where: R rainfall intensity, mm/h;
-sampling volume, cm2;
A——cup area, cm2;
. Sampling time, min. Raindrop size
Raindrop size can be measured using a dedicated raindrop diameter measuring device. Conductivity and pH value The conductivity parameter value is as specified in Test Ra in Article 6.1. The test instrument can be a DDS11A conductivity meter calibrated at 25°C. The pH value parameter is as specified in Test Ra in Article 6.1. The test instrument can be a PHS-29A acidity meter. 1527
9 Guidelines for the application of Test Rb
9.1 Test Rb: Flush -
GB 2424.23
Includes three test methods
9.1.1 Method Rbl: High-intensity drip field method
Electrical and electronic products affected by rain.
- Applicable to tropical areas and may be placed outdoors, not suitable for protection against heavy rain or storms. The test equipment for the high-intensity drip field method uses one or more industrial solid cone nozzles to provide the specified rainfall intensity (see Figure 2).
Water nozzle
Water inlet
Non-force regulator
Plastic Fresnel lens
Reference scale
Rotating cover
Yuhui cup
Pressure gauge
Gap -10
Drip baffle
(For photography only)
With long-distance camera
Figure 2 Raindrop diameter and rainfall intensity measurement device 9.1.2 Method Rb2: Oscillating tube method and hand-held sprinkler method are applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by water from the sprinkler fire extinguishing system or wheel splash. When the dimensions of the test sample do not exceed the radius of the swing tube bend, the swing tube method Rb2.1 can be used for the test. The swing tube is equipped with nozzles of Φ0.4mm or 0.8mm diameter, the center distance of the nozzles is 50mm, and the center point is 60 or 90° from the edge nozzle. When the 60° swing tube is preferred, the swing tube should be fixed in a vertical position, and the test sample should be installed on a table rotating around a vertical axis. Its position should be close to the center point of the semicircle (see Figure 3). The turntable rotates at an appropriate speed so that all parts of the shell can be wetted during the test. When the turntable cannot rotate the test sample, the test sample should be placed at the center of the semicircle, and the tube should be swung at a speed of 60°/s within the specified angle range until half of the specified time, and then the test sample is rotated 90° in the horizontal direction and the test is continued for the remaining time.
Figure 4 shows the expected rainfall intensity distribution curve within the test volume. Nozzle
Test sample
Balance hammer
Figure 3 Test equipment for the swing pipe method
Note: ①When the bend radius of the spray pipe exceeds 1600mm, this method cannot be used. ②α is the spray angle, β is the swing angle of the pipe. 1000
Distance to the center of the swing pipe
Figure 4 Average distribution curve of rainfall intensity
Note: When the pipe swings and the turntable rotates for 20min, the nozzle diameter is 0.4mm, the swing pipe radius is 1000mm, the inlet water pressure is 80kPa, the water flow is 0.10L/min, and the nozzle and the swing angle are both 60°. 629
GB2424.23—90 When the test sample exceeds the radius of the swing pipe bend, the hand-held sprinkler method of method Rb2.2 can be used for testing. The balancing baffle can be installed or removed before the test. If the test sample needs to be sprayed from all directions, the baffle should be removed from the sprinkler (see Figure 5). Soft
Pressure gauge
Moveable baffle
Test sample
9.1.3 Method Rb3. Hose method -
View in A (with baffle removed)
Figure 5 Test equipment for hand-held sprinkler method
12 × 6°3u* .- 78
-Applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by various types of water or violent waves. The test equipment for the hose method is a nozzle with two different sizes, with inner diameters of 6.3 mm and 12.5 mm respectively. The water flow rate of the small nozzle is 12.5 L/min, and the pressure is about 30 kPa (0.3 bar) or the water flow rate is 75 ± 5 L/min, and the pressure is about 1000 kPa (10 bar); the water flow rate of the large nozzle is 100 L/min, and the pressure is 100 kPa (1 bar) (see Figure 6). Link:
Figure 6 Test equipment for the hose method During the test, first install the test sample on a fixed rotating table with an opening and rotate it at an appropriate speed, and then use a standard test nozzle to spray the specified water pressure on all directions of the test sample. 9.1.4 Test parameters
For method Rb2.1, the water flow rate of the swing tube can be verified by a flow meter and a pressure gauge, while the severity of other test methods is calculated according to the designed and specified water flow rate.
10 Application Guidelines for Test Rc
GB 2424.23
10.1 Method Rc: Immersion - including two test methods 10.1.1 Method Rc1: Water tank method and Method Rc2: Pressurized water tank method - applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be partially or completely immersed in water during transportation and use.
10.1.2 The test equipment for the method Rc1 water tank method is a water storage container. The water in the container can reach a immersion depth of 1m (or other specified depth) above the highest point of the test sample and keep the test sample at this depth. 10.1.3 The test equipment for the method Rc2 pressurized water tank method is a water container with good sealing performance. The water container should be able to generate the required water pressure.
10.1.4 In order to facilitate the determination or analysis of the leaking parts of the test sample, a soluble dye, such as fluorescein, can be added to the test water. 10.2 Verification of test parameters
10.2.1 Before the test, the immersion depth of test Rc1 and the water pressure in the pressurized water tank of test Rc2 should be measured to see if they meet the requirements. If otherwise specified in the relevant standards and technical documents, the conductivity and pH value can be measured. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Climate Environment Technology Branch of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions for Electrical and Electronic Products, and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions for Electrical and Electronic Products. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Research Office of the Seventh Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, and the Guangzhou Electric Science Research Institute, the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Communications, the Mingshui Communication Machinery Factory of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Shanghai Electric Technology Research Institute, and the 301 Institute of the Ministry of Aviation participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Huang Yuzhou, Wei Zhuyun, Shi Taisheng, Yu Yingkai, and Shang Qiumei. s23-90
Figure 1 Test equipment for drip box method
Adjustable height
Water inlet
Nylon nozzle
The equipment for measuring the rainfall intensity of artificial rain can use a number of cups arranged in a row. The cups should be equipped with openable lids. The distance between the nozzle and the cup surface is about 2500mm (see Figure 2). The rainfall intensity of any cup is: R—
Where: R rainfall intensity, mm/h;
-sampling volume, cm2;
A——cup area, cm2;
. Sampling time, min. Raindrop size
Raindrop size can be measured using a special raindrop diameter measuring device. Conductivity and pH value The conductivity parameter value is as specified in Test Ra in Article 6.1. The test instrument can be a DDS11A conductivity meter calibrated at 25°C. The pH value parameter is as specified in Test Ra in Article 6.1. The test instrument can be a PHS-29A acidity meter. 1527
9 Application Guidelines for Test Rb
9.1 Test Rb: Flush -
GB 2424.23
Includes three test methods
9.1.1 Method Rbl: High-intensity drip field method
Electrical and electronic products affected by rain.
- Applicable to tropical areas and may be placed outdoors, not suitable for protection against heavy rain or wind. The test equipment for the high-intensity drip field method uses one or more industrial solid cone nozzles to provide the specified rainfall intensity (see Figure 2).
Water nozzle
Water inlet
Non-force regulator
Plastic Fresnel lens
Reference scale
Rotating cover
Yuhui cup
Pressure gauge
Gap -10
Drip baffle
(For photography only)
With long-distance camera
Figure 2 Raindrop diameter and rainfall intensity measurement device 9.1.2 Method Rb2: Oscillating tube method and hand-held sprinkler method are applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by water from the sprinkler fire extinguishing system or wheel splash. When the dimensions of the test sample do not exceed the radius of the swing tube bend, the swing tube method Rb2.1 can be used for the test. The swing tube is equipped with nozzles of Φ0.4mm or 0.8mm diameter, the center distance of the nozzles is 50mm, and the center point is 60 or 90° from the edge nozzle. When the 60° swing tube is preferred, the swing tube should be fixed in a vertical position, and the test sample should be installed on a table rotating around a vertical axis. Its position should be close to the center point of the semicircle (see Figure 3). The turntable rotates at an appropriate speed so that all parts of the shell can be wetted during the test. When the turntable cannot rotate the test sample, the test sample should be placed at the center of the semicircle, and the tube should be swung at a speed of 60°/s within the specified angle range until half of the specified time, and then the test sample is rotated 90° in the horizontal direction and the test is continued for the remaining time.
Figure 4 shows the expected rainfall intensity distribution curve within the test volume. Nozzle
Test sample
Balance hammer
Figure 3 Test equipment for the swing pipe method
Note: ①When the bend radius of the spray pipe exceeds 1600mm, this method cannot be used. ②α is the spray angle, β is the swing angle of the pipe. 1000
Distance to the center of the swing pipe
Figure 4 Average distribution curve of rainfall intensity
Note: When the pipe swings and the turntable rotates for 20min, the nozzle diameter is 0.4mm, the swing pipe radius is 1000mm, the inlet water pressure is 80kPa, the water flow is 0.10L/min, and the nozzle and the swing angle are both 60°. 629
GB2424.23—90 When the test sample exceeds the radius of the swing pipe bend, the hand-held sprinkler method of method Rb2.2 can be used for testing. The balancing baffle can be installed or removed before the test. If the test sample needs to be sprayed from all directions, the baffle should be removed from the sprinkler (see Figure 5). Soft
Pressure gauge
Moveable baffle
Test sample
9.1.3 Method Rb3. Hose method -
View in A (with baffle removed)
Figure 5 Test equipment for hand-held sprinkler method
12 × 6°3u* .- 78
-Applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by various types of water or violent waves. The test equipment for the hose method is a nozzle with two different sizes, with inner diameters of 6.3 mm and 12.5 mm respectively. The water flow rate of the small nozzle is 12.5 L/min, and the pressure is about 30 kPa (0.3 bar) or the water flow rate is 75 ± 5 L/min, and the pressure is about 1000 kPa (10 bar); the water flow rate of the large nozzle is 100 L/min, and the pressure is 100 kPa (1 bar) (see Figure 6). Link:
Figure 6 Test equipment for the hose method During the test, first install the test sample on a fixed rotating table with an opening and rotate it at an appropriate speed, and then use a standard test nozzle to spray the specified water pressure on all directions of the test sample. 9.1.4 Test parameters
For method Rb2.1, the water flow rate of the swing tube can be verified by a flow meter and a pressure gauge, while the severity of other test methods is calculated according to the designed and specified water flow rate.
10 Application Guidelines for Test Rc
GB 2424.23
10.1 Method Rc: Immersion - including two test methods 10.1.1 Method Rc1: Water tank method and Method Rc2: Pressurized water tank method - applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be partially or completely immersed in water during transportation and use.
10.1.2 The test equipment for the method Rc1 water tank method is a water storage container. The water in the container can reach a immersion depth of 1m (or other specified depth) above the highest point of the test sample and keep the test sample at this depth. 10.1.3 The test equipment for the method Rc2 pressurized water tank method is a water container with good sealing performance. The water container should be able to generate the required water pressure.
10.1.4 In order to facilitate the determination or analysis of the leaking parts of the test sample, a soluble dye, such as fluorescein, can be added to the test water. 10.2 Verification of test parameters
10.2.1 Before the test, the immersion depth of test Rc1 and the water pressure in the pressurized water tank of test Rc2 should be measured to see if they meet the requirements. If otherwise specified in the relevant standards and technical documents, the conductivity and pH value can be measured. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Climate Environment Technology Branch of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions for Electrical and Electronic Products, and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions for Electrical and Electronic Products. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Research Office of the Seventh Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, and the Guangzhou Electric Science Research Institute, the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Transport, the Mingshui Communication Machinery Factory of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Shanghai Electric Technology Research Institute, and the 301 Institute of the Ministry of Aviation participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Huang Yuzhou, Wei Zhuyun, Shi Taisheng, Yu Yingkai, and Shang Qiumei. s23-90
Figure 1 Test equipment for drip box method
Adjustable height
Water inlet
Nylon nozzle
The equipment for measuring the rainfall intensity of artificial rain can use a number of cups arranged in a row. The cups should be equipped with openable lids. The distance between the nozzle and the cup surface is about 2500mm (see Figure 2). The rainfall intensity of any cup is: R—
Where: R rainfall intensity, mm/h;
-sampling volume, cm2;
A——cup area, cm2;
. Sampling time, min. Raindrop size
Raindrop size can be measured using a special raindrop diameter measuring device. Conductivity and pH value The conductivity parameter value is as specified in Test Ra in Article 6.1. The test instrument can be a DDS11A conductivity meter calibrated at 25°C. The pH value parameter is as specified in Test Ra in Article 6.1. The test instrument can be a PHS-29A acidity meter. 1527
9 Application Guidelines for Test Rb
9.1 Test Rb: Flush -
GB 2424.23
Includes three test methods
9.1.1 Method Rbl: High-intensity drip field method
Electrical and electronic products affected by rain.
- Applicable to tropical areas and may be placed outdoors, not suitable for protection against heavy rain or wind. The test equipment for the high-intensity drip field method uses one or more industrial solid cone nozzles to provide the specified rainfall intensity (see Figure 2).
Water nozzle
Water inlet
Non-force regulator
Plastic Fresnel lens
Reference scale
Rotating cover
Yuhui cup
Pressure gauge
Gap -10
Drip baffle
(For photography only)
With long-distance camera
Figure 2 Raindrop diameter and rainfall intensity measurement device 9.1.2 Method Rb2: Oscillating tube method and hand-held sprinkler method are applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by water from the sprinkler fire extinguishing system or wheel splash. When the dimensions of the test sample do not exceed the radius of the swing tube bend, the swing tube method Rb2.1 can be used for the test. The swing tube is equipped with nozzles of Φ0.4mm or 0.8mm diameter, the center distance of the nozzles is 50mm, and the center point is 60 or 90° from the edge nozzle. When the 60° swing tube is preferred, the swing tube should be fixed in a vertical position, and the test sample should be installed on a table rotating around a vertical axis. Its position should be close to the center point of the semicircle (see Figure 3). The turntable rotates at an appropriate speed so that all parts of the shell can be wetted during the test. When the turntable cannot rotate the test sample, the test sample should be placed at the center of the semicircle, and the tube should be swung at a speed of 60°/s within the specified angle range until half of the specified time, and then the test sample is rotated 90° in the horizontal direction and the test is continued for the remaining time.
Figure 4 shows the expected rainfall intensity distribution curve within the test volume. Nozzle
Test sample
Balance hammer
Figure 3 Test equipment for the swing pipe method
Note: ①When the bend radius of the spray pipe exceeds 1600mm, this method cannot be used. ②α is the spray angle, β is the swing angle of the pipe. 1000
Distance to the center of the swing pipe
Figure 4 Average distribution curve of rainfall intensity
Note: When the pipe swings and the turntable rotates for 20min, the nozzle diameter is 0.4mm, the swing pipe radius is 1000mm, the inlet water pressure is 80kPa, the water flow is 0.10L/min, and the nozzle and the swing angle are both 60°. 629
GB2424.23—90 When the test sample exceeds the radius of the swing pipe bend, the hand-held sprinkler method of method Rb2.2 can be used for testing. The balancing baffle can be installed or removed before the test. If the test sample needs to be sprayed from all directions, the baffle should be removed from the sprinkler (see Figure 5). Soft
Pressure gauge
Moveable baffle
Test sample
9.1.3 Method Rb3. Hose method -
View in A (with baffle removed)
Figure 5 Test equipment for hand-held sprinkler method
12 × 6°3u* .- 78
-Applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by various types of water or violent waves. The test equipment for the hose method is a nozzle with two different sizes, with inner diameters of 6.3 mm and 12.5 mm respectively. The water flow rate of the small nozzle is 12.5 L/min, and the pressure is about 30 kPa (0.3 bar) or the water flow rate is 75 ± 5 L/min, and the pressure is about 1000 kPa (10 bar); the water flow rate of the large nozzle is 100 L/min, and the pressure is 100 kPa (1 bar) (see Figure 6). Link:
Figure 6 Test equipment for the hose method During the test, first install the test sample on a fixed rotating table with an opening and rotate it at an appropriate speed, and then use a standard test nozzle to spray the specified water pressure on all directions of the test sample. 9.1.4 Test parameters
For method Rb2.1, the water flow rate of the swing tube can be verified by a flow meter and a pressure gauge, while the severity of other test methods is calculated according to the designed and specified water flow rate.
10 Application Guidelines for Test Rc
GB 2424.23
10.1 Method Rc: Immersion - including two test methods 10.1.1 Method Rc1: Water tank method and Method Rc2: Pressurized water tank method - applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be partially or completely immersed in water during transportation and use.
10.1.2 The test equipment for the method Rc1 water tank method is a water storage container. The water in the container can reach a immersion depth of 1m (or other specified depth) above the highest point of the test sample and keep the test sample at this depth. 10.1.3 The test equipment for the method Rc2 pressurized water tank method is a water container with good sealing performance. The water container should be able to generate the required water pressure.
10.1.4 In order to facilitate the determination or analysis of the leaking parts of the test sample, a soluble dye, such as fluorescein, can be added to the test water. 10.2 Verification of test parameters
10.2.1 Before the test, the immersion depth of test Rc1 and the water pressure in the pressurized water tank of test Rc2 should be measured to see if they meet the requirements. If otherwise specified in the relevant standards and technical documents, the conductivity and pH value can be measured. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Climate Environment Technology Branch of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions for Electrical and Electronic Products, and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions for Electrical and Electronic Products. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Research Office of the Seventh Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, and the Guangzhou Electric Science Research Institute, the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Transport, the Mingshui Communication Machinery Factory of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Shanghai Electric Technology Research Institute, and the 301 Institute of the Ministry of Aviation participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Huang Yuzhou, Wei Zhuyun, Shi Taisheng, Yu Yingkai, and Shang Qiumei. s23
Includes three test methods
9.1.1 Method Rbl: High-intensity drip field method
Electrical and electronic products affected by rain.
One is suitable for tropical areas that may be placed outdoors, not suitable for preventing heavy rain or storms The test equipment for the high-intensity drip field method is to use one or more industrial solid cone nozzles to provide the specified rainfall intensity (see Figure 2).
Water nozzle
Water inlet
Non-force regulator
Plastic Fresnel lens
Reference scale
Rotating cover
Yuhui cup
Pressure gauge
Gap -10
Drip baffle
(For photography only)
With long-distance camera
Figure 2 Raindrop diameter and rainfall intensity measurement device 9.1.2 Method Rb2: Oscillating tube method and hand-held sprinkler method are applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by water from the sprinkler fire extinguishing system or wheel splash. When the dimensions of the test sample do not exceed the radius of the swing tube bend, the swing tube method Rb2.1 can be used for the test. The swing tube is equipped with nozzles of Φ0.4mm or 0.8mm diameter, the center distance of the nozzles is 50mm, and the center point is 60 or 90° from the edge nozzle. When the 60° swing tube is preferred, the swing tube should be fixed in a vertical position, and the test sample should be installed on a table rotating around a vertical axis. Its position should be close to the center point of the semicircle (see Figure 3). The turntable rotates at an appropriate speed so that all parts of the shell can be wetted during the test. When the turntable cannot rotate the test sample, the test sample should be placed at the center of the semicircle, and the tube should be swung at a speed of 60°/s within the specified angle range until half of the specified time, and then the test sample is rotated 90° in the horizontal direction and the test is continued for the remaining time.
Figure 4 shows the expected rainfall intensity distribution curve within the test volume. Nozzle
Test sample
Balance hammer
Figure 3 Test equipment for the swing pipe method
Note: ①When the bend radius of the spray pipe exceeds 1600mm, this method cannot be used. ②α is the spray angle, β is the swing angle of the pipe.
Distance to the center of the swing pipe
Figure 4 Average distribution curve of rainfall intensity
Note: When the pipe swings and the turntable rotates for 20min, the nozzle diameter is 0.4mm, the swing pipe radius is 1000mm, the inlet water pressure is 80kPa, the water flow is 0.10L/min, and the nozzle and the swing angle are both 60°. 629
GB2424.23—90 When the test sample exceeds the radius of the swing pipe bend, the hand-held sprinkler method of method Rb2.2 can be used for testing. The balancing baffle can be installed or removed before the test. If the test sample needs to be sprayed from all directions, the baffle should be removed from the sprinkler (see Figure 5). Soft
Pressure gauge
Moveable baffle
Test sample
9.1.3 Method Rb3. Hose method -
View in A (with baffle removed)
Figure 5 Test equipment for hand-held sprinkler method
12 × 6°3u* .- 78
-Applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by various types of water or violent waves. The test equipment for the hose method is a nozzle with two different sizes, with inner diameters of 6.3 mm and 12.5 mm respectively. The water flow rate of the small nozzle is 12.5 L/min, and the pressure is about 30 kPa (0.3 bar) or the water flow rate is 75 ± 5 L/min, and the pressure is about 1000 kPa (10 bar); the water flow rate of the large nozzle is 100 L/min, and the pressure is 100 kPa (1 bar) (see Figure 6). Link:
Figure 6 Test equipment for the hose method During the test, first install the test sample on a fixed rotating table with an opening and rotate it at an appropriate speed, and then use a standard test nozzle to spray the specified water pressure on all directions of the test sample. 9.1.4 Test parameters
For method Rb2.1, the water flow rate of the swing tube can be verified by a flow meter and a pressure gauge, while the severity of other test methods is calculated according to the designed and specified water flow rate.
10 Application Guidelines for Test Rc
GB 2424.23
10.1 Method Rc: Immersion - including two test methods 10.1.1 Method Rc1: Water tank method and Method Rc2: Pressurized water tank method - applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be partially or completely immersed in water during transportation and use.
10.1.2 The test equipment for the method Rc1 water tank method is a water storage container. The water in the container can reach a immersion depth of 1m (or other specified depth) above the highest point of the test sample and keep the test sample at this depth. 10.1.3 The test equipment for the method Rc2 pressurized water tank method is a water container with good sealing performance. The water container should be able to generate the required water pressure.
10.1.4 In order to facilitate the determination or analysis of the leaking parts of the test sample, a soluble dye, such as fluorescein, can be added to the test water. 10.2 Verification of test parameters
10.2.1 Before the test, the immersion depth of test Rc1 and the water pressure in the pressurized water tank of test Rc2 should be measured to see if they meet the requirements. If otherwise specified in the relevant standards and technical documents, the conductivity and pH value can be measured. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Climate Environment Technology Branch of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions for Electrical and Electronic Products, and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions for Electrical and Electronic Products. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Research Office of the Seventh Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, and the Guangzhou Electric Science Research Institute, the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Transport, the Mingshui Communication Machinery Factory of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Shanghai Electric Technology Research Institute, and the 301 Institute of the Ministry of Aviation participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Huang Yuzhou, Wei Zhuyun, Shi Taisheng, Yu Yingkai, and Shang Qiumei. s23
Includes three test methods
9.1.1 Method Rbl: High-intensity drip field method
Electrical and electronic products affected by rain.
One is suitable for tropical areas that may be placed outdoors, not suitable for preventing heavy rain or storms The test equipment for the high-intensity drip field method is to use one or more industrial solid cone nozzles to provide the specified rainfall intensity (see Figure 2).
Water nozzle
Water inlet
Non-force regulator
Plastic Fresnel lens
Reference scale
Rotating cover
Yuhui cup
Pressure gauge
Gap -10
Drip baffle
(For photography only)
With long-distance camera
Figure 2 Raindrop diameter and rainfall intensity measurement device 9.1.2 Method Rb2: Oscillating tube method and hand-held sprinkler method are applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by water from the sprinkler fire extinguishing system or wheel splash. When the dimensions of the test sample do not exceed the radius of the swing tube bend, the swing tube method Rb2.1 can be used for the test. The swing tube is equipped with nozzles of Φ0.4mm or 0.8mm diameter, the center distance of the nozzles is 50mm, and the center point is 60 or 90° from the edge nozzle. When the 60° swing tube is preferred, the swing tube should be fixed in a vertical position, and the test sample should be installed on a table rotating around a vertical axis. Its position should be close to the center point of the semicircle (see Figure 3). The turntable rotates at an appropriate speed so that all parts of the shell can be wetted during the test. When the turntable cannot rotate the test sample, the test sample should be placed at the center of the semicircle, and the tube should be swung at a speed of 60°/s within the specified angle range until half of the specified time, and then the test sample is rotated 90° in the horizontal direction and the test is continued for the remaining time.
Figure 4 shows the expected rainfall intensity distribution curve within the test volume. Nozzle
Test sample
Balance hammer
Figure 3 Test equipment for the swing pipe method
Note: ①When the bend radius of the spray pipe exceeds 1600mm, this method cannot be used. ②α is the spray angle, β is the swing angle of the pipe. 1000
Distance to the center of the swing pipe
Figure 4 Average distribution curve of rainfall intensity
Note: When the pipe swings and the turntable rotates for 20min, the nozzle diameter is 0.4mm, the swing pipe radius is 1000mm, the inlet water pressure is 80kPa, the water flow is 0.10L/min, and the nozzle and the swing angle are both 60°. 629
GB2424.23—90 When the test sample exceeds the radius of the swing pipe bend, the hand-held sprinkler method of method Rb2.2 can be used for testing. The balancing baffle can be installed or removed before the test. If the test sample needs to be sprayed from all directions, the baffle should be removed from the sprinkler (see Figure 5). Soft
Pressure gauge
Moveable baffle
Test sample
9.1.3 Method Rb3. Hose method -
View in A (with baffle removed)
Figure 5 Test equipment for hand-held sprinkler method
12 × 6°3u* .- 78
-Applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by various types of water or violent waves. The test equipment for the hose method is a nozzle with two different sizes, with inner diameters of 6.3 mm and 12.5 mm respectively. The water flow rate of the small nozzle is 12.5 L/min, and the pressure is about 30 kPa (0.3 bar) or the water flow rate is 75 ± 5 L/min, and the pressure is about 1000 kPa (10 bar); the water flow rate of the large nozzle is 100 L/min, and the pressure is 100 kPa (1 bar) (see Figure 6). Link:
Figure 6 Test equipment for the hose method During the test, first install the test sample on a fixed rotating table with an opening and rotate it at an appropriate speed, and then use a standard test nozzle to spray the specified water pressure on all directions of the test sample. 9.1.4 Test parameters
For method Rb2.1, the water flow rate of the swing tube can be verified by a flow meter and a pressure gauge, while the severity of other test methods is calculated according to the designed and specified water flow rate.
10 Application Guidelines for Test Rc
GB 2424.23
10.1 Method Rc: Immersion - including two test methods 10.1.1 Method Rc1: Water tank method and Method Rc2: Pressurized water tank method - applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be partially or completely immersed in water during transportation and use.
10.1.2 The test equipment for the method Rc1 water tank method is a water storage container. The water in the container can reach a immersion depth of 1m (or other specified depth) above the highest point of the test sample and keep the test sample at this depth. 10.1.3 The test equipment for the method Rc2 pressurized water tank method is a water container with good sealing performance. The water container should be able to generate the required water pressure.
10.1.4 In order to facilitate the determination or analysis of the leaking parts of the test sample, a soluble dye, such as fluorescein, can be added to the test water. 10.2 Verification of test parameters
10.2.1 Before the test, the immersion depth of test Rc1 and the water pressure in the pressurized water tank of test Rc2 should be measured to see if they meet the requirements. If otherwise specified in the relevant standards and technical documents, the conductivity and pH value can be measured. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed by the Climate Environment Technology Branch of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions for Electrical and Electronic Products, and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions for Electrical and Electronic Products. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Research Office of the Seventh Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, and the Guangzhou Electric Science Research Institute, the Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Transport, the Mingshui Communication Machinery Factory of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Shanghai Electric Technology Research Institute, and the 301 Institute of the Ministry of Aviation participated in the drafting. The main drafters of this standard are Huang Yuzhou, Wei Zhuyun, Shi Taisheng, Yu Yingkai, and Shang Qiumei. s4mm, the radius of the swing pipe is 1000mm, the inlet water pressure is 80kPa, the water flow rate is 0.10L/min, and the nozzle and the swing angle are both 60°. 629
GB2424.23—90 When the test sample exceeds the radius of the swing pipe bend, the hand-held sprinkler method Rb2.2 can be used for testing. The balance baffle can be installed or removed before the test. If the test sample needs to be sprayed from all directions, the baffle should be removed from the sprinkler (see Figure 5). Soft
Pressure gauge
Movable baffle
Test sample
9.1.3 Method Rb3. Hose method -
View in direction A (baffle removed)
Figure 5 Test equipment for hand-held sprinkler method
12 × 6°3u* .- 78
-Applicable to electrical and electronic products that may be affected by various types of water or violent waves. The test equipment for the hose method is a nozzle with two different sizes, with inner diameters of 6.3 mm and 12.5 mm respectively. The water flow rate of the small nozzle is 12.5 L/min, and the pressure is about 30 kPa (0.3 bar) or the water flow rate is 75 ± 5 L/min, and the pressure is about 1000 kPa (10 bar); the water flow rate of the large nozzle is 100 L/min, and the pressure is 100 kPa (1 bar) (see Figure 6). Link:
Figure 6 Test equipment for the hose method Du
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