title>JB/T 7059-1993 Guidelines for the preparation of power semiconductor module standards - JB/T 7059-1993 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 7059-1993 Guidelines for the preparation of power semiconductor module standards

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7059-1993

Standard Name: Guidelines for the preparation of power semiconductor module standards

Chinese Name: 电力半导体模块标准编写导则

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1993-10-08

Date of Implementation:1994-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment>>K46 Power Semiconductor Devices and Components

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Xi'an Power Electronics Technology Research Institute

Publishing department:Xi'an Power Electronics Technology Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the requirements and technical contents for writing power semiconductor module standards. This standard is applicable to writing power semiconductor module standards composed of three types of devices, rectifiers, thyristors and power transistors, either alone or in combination. JB/T 7059-1993 Guidelines for Writing Power Semiconductor Module Standards JB/T7059-1993 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Power Semiconductor Devices and Rectification Equipment
Published on October 8, 1993
Published by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China and implemented on January 1, 1994
JB/T7059-93||t t||JB/T7060--93
Guidelines for Writing Standards for Power Semiconductor Modules
KB Series Bipolar Thyristor Power Semiconductor for Overvoltage Protection Silicon wafers for bulk devices
Semiconductor converter connection code
Rated voltage and current of power semiconductor devicesGeneral technical conditions for semiconductor inverters
Rectifier equipment for electroplating
Mechanical Industry Standards of the People's Republic of China
Guidelines for the preparation of power semiconductor module standards
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the requirements and technical contents for the preparation of power semiconductor module standards, JB/T705993
This standard is applicable to the preparation of electric vehicle conductor modules (hereinafter referred to as modules) standards composed of three types of devices, namely rectifier tubes, crystal tubes and power transistors, either alone or in combination.
Cited standards
3 Terminology
Basic environmental test procedures for electrical and electronic products. Test Db: Alternating condensation test method Electrical terminology Power semiconductor devices
Semiconductor devices Reverse blocking triode transistor test method Semiconductor discrete devices Mechanical and climatic test methods Semiconductor discrete devices Acceptance and reliability
Power semiconductor module dimensions
Power semiconductor device model naming method
For the terms in this standard, except those in GB2900.32 and Appendix A, please refer to the relevant module test method standards. Module standard writing
Technical content
Module description
Module name and model: module name see Appendix A, model see Appendix B; module structure electrical schematic;
Appearance drawing, size or appearance code and terminal mark; plate quantity,
4.1.2 Technical requirements
4:1.2.1 Rated value (limit value)
The maximum rated area is given according to Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 or according to the specific module increase and decrease items. Except for the DC output current and the final voltage, the other electrical rated values ​​are for a single core.
DC output current
Forward average current
Forward (non-repetitive) wave power
rectifier tube module
peak voltage
generation: In the table, I, and T are the maximum and minimum values, the same below. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on October 8, 1993
Reverse non-repetitive voltage
Implementation on January 1, 1994
Note: Viso is the minimum value, and the rest are the maximum values. JB/T7059-93
Thyristor module
Table 3 Power transistor module
Typical electrode-emitter collector-base collector-emitter emitter-base operating junction temperature collector current
gate voltage
gate holding voltage
The rated values ​​of various tube cores should be given separately for mixed modules. Characteristic values
Gate shell
Average junction
Voltage storage temperature Total dissipated power Insulation voltage
The characteristic values ​​should be given as specified in Tables 4, 5 and 6 or as increased or decreased items of specific modules. Except for the forward and on-state peak voltages, which can be single or in series with the same direction, the other single cores are Table 4 Rectifier module
Forward peak voltage
On-state peak
Off-state repetition
Peak current
Reverse repetition
Peak current
Maintaining current
Reverse repetition peak current
Table 5 Thyristor module
Forbidden current
Gate trigger
Gate trigger
Thermal resistance (tube core or module)
Gate non-melting
Emitting voltage
In the module product standard, the maximum allowable difference in the gate trigger current of each tube core constituting the module should be given. Vap and dv/dt are minimum values, and the rest are maximum values. Table 6 Power transistor module Off-state voltage critical rate of rise Thermal range (die or module) Base Collector-Emitter Supply-Emitter positive switching time Crossover time Thermal resistance (die Collector-Emitter Blue electrode-Emitter Electrode-Base Collector-Emitter Emitter-Emitter-
(when applicable》or module》
Electrode and voltage Cut-off current Stop current Load stop current Holding voltage Current transfer ratio Saturation voltage Vekfat) Note: Vero> and ha/t are minimum values, the others are maximum values. Hybrid modules should give the characteristic values ​​of various dies separately. Ieno Static value tee+ t,
4.2.3 Inspection
Since one type of device (such as thyristor) can be divided into many types of devices (such as ordinary, bidirectional, GTO thyristor, etc.), and one device can constitute multiple types or modules (such as rectifier arm pair, single-phase bridge and three-phase bridge, etc.), it is necessary to: The following inspection items should be in accordance with the corresponding module test method industry standard. Batch (factory) inspection
Batch inspection shall be carried out in accordance with Table 7, Table 8, Table 9 and Table 10. Items can also be increased or decreased according to the specific module. Table? Various modules
Inspection method
Monthly inspection, normal lighting and normal force
According to JB/T6306
According to relevant flag change test method industry standards
Ver、 lor
tea、to、 t:
Qualified criteria
Marking is clear, no organic damage on the surface
Maximum shape and installation dimensions meet the requirementsWww.bzxZ.net
No breakdown or flashover phenomenon
Table 8 Rectifier module
Inspection method
According to relevant module test method industry standards
Table 9 Thyristor module
Inspection method
According to GB4024 or relevant module test method industry standards
Table 10 Power transistor module
Inspection method
According to relevant module test method industry standards
Qualified criteria| |tt||Conform to the provisions of Table 4
Qualified criteria
Conform to the provisions of Table 5
Qualified criteria
Conform to the provisions of Table 6
Sampling plan
Sampling plan
Sampling plan
Sampling plan
Batch-by-batch (factory) inspection If the first inspection fails, it can be resubmitted for inspection at a stricter level, but each item can only be resubmitted once
JB/T7059-93 Periodic (type) inspection
Periodic inspection is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Table 11, Table 12, Table 13 and Table 14. Items can be increased or decreased according to the specific module. For the standard products produced normally, periodic inspection is carried out once a year or in accordance with the provisions of the module product standards. Items marked with (D) are destructive inspections. 1 Various modules
Temperature change
Alternating damp heat (D)
Electrical endurance
High temperature reverse bias (rectifier tube, crystal
tube module), high temperature AC block
(crystal tube module)
Thermal cycle load
High temperature busy storage
Test method
GB4937 3.1.1 (N,) two box method,
-40C and T.max, cycle 5 times, each cycle high and low temperature are set for 1h, transfer time 3~4minGB2423.4 method 2,
Severity 55C, back cycle 6 times
GB4938 3.2||tt ||Ta-C, 1000h, 70%Vax (current monitoring tube
Qualification criteria
All dimensions meet the requirements
Final test (after alternating damp heat test):
Vt, V, Ve(), IaR, saM, Lcsomhnt, Viso meet the requirements of Table 1 to Table 6 respectively VV1.1USL
IRM, IoR and IcbO<2USL
module), 70%Vois and 70%Vu (intercrystalline tube lock block), Vco (power transistor module) according to the module test method standard GB4937 3.2 of the relevant specific module, Tmax-1C,
hu≥0.8LSL| |tt||Final test, V, V≤1.11VD
I, IRx and LcaoW2USL
Final test V, V≤1.1USL
IxIo and Ieao2USL
Table 12 Rectifier module
Inspection method
According to relevant module test method industry standards
Qualified criteria
Sampling plan
Sampling plan
Final test: Vyy≤1.1USLIy≤2USL in accordance with the provisions of Table 4| |tt||12Pax, iscx, Vrk
Flag 13 Thyristor module
Inspection method
According to GB4024 According to relevant industry standards for module test methods
Qualification criteria
Conform to the provisions of Table 5
Conform to Table 5
Conform to Table 5
Conform to Table 2
Table 14 Power transistor module
Inspection method
According to relevant industry standards for module test methods
Note: ① The and c in the sampling plan column are the sampling number and the qualified judgment number respectively. Qualification criteria
Meet the requirements of Table 6
②USL and LSL are the upper and lower limits of the corresponding parameters in Table 2, and IVD is the initial value of each module. Sampling plan
Sampling plan
Periodic inspection If the first submission fails to pass the inspection, additional sampling can be carried out for another inspection, but each item can only be added once. 4.2, 3, 3 Characteristic curves (not used for inspection) should be stated in the module product standard. The relevant characteristic curves are given in the product manual. 4.3 Marking
Marking on the module:
Product model;
Manufacturer name, code or trademark;
Electrical schematic diagram and terminal identification!
Manufacture year and month or batch number.
Marks on the packaging box (box) or manual: Product model, name and weight:
Manufacturer name, code or trademark:
Moisture-proof, rain-proof, etc.
Power semiconductor module
Appendix A
A non-detachable whole consisting of interconnected power semiconductor device cores and a shell. Rectifier module
A module consisting of rectifier cores.
Thyristor module
A module consisting of thyristor cores.
Power transistor module
A module mainly consisting of power transistor cores. Mixed module
A module consisting of any two or more device cores of rectifier, thyristor and power transistor. Note: The specific name of the module is determined by the module product standard. Appendix
Name and model of core block
For the name of the module, see Appendix A.
For the model of the module, see the industry standard JB/T2423. For example: MDC5012 is a rectifier arm pair module with an average forward current of 50A and a reverse repetitive peak voltage of 1200V. MTS100-10 is a three-phase bridge module of crystal tubes with a DC output current of 100A and a reverse repetitive peak voltage of 1000V. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed and exported by the Xi'an Electric Power Electronics Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard was drafted by the Xi'an Electric Power Electronics Technology Research Institute and the Shanghai Rectifier General Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Cheng Jie and Chen Yisheng.3 Marking
Marking on the module:
Product model;
Manufacturer name, code or trademark;
Electrical schematic and terminal identification!
Manufacture year and month or batch number.
Marking on the packaging box (box) or instruction manual: Product model, name and weight:
Manufacturer name, code or trademark:
Moisture-proof, rain-proof, etc.
Power semiconductor module
Appendix A
Composed of interconnected power semiconductor device cores and a shell to form an inseparable whole. Rectifier module
A module composed of rectifier cores.
Thyristor module
A module composed of thyristor cores.
Power transistor module
A module mainly composed of power transistor cores. Hybrid module
A module composed of any two or more device cores of rectifier tubes, crystalline tubes and power transistors. Note: The specific name of the module is determined by the module product standard. Appendix
Name and model of core block
The name of the module is shown in Appendix A.
The model of the module is shown in the industry standard JB/T2423. Example: MDC5012 is a rectifier tube arm pair module with an average forward current of 50A and a reverse repetitive peak voltage of 1200V. MTS100-10 is a crystalline tube three-phase bridge module with a DC output current of 100A and a reverse repetitive peak voltage of 1000V. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed and exported by the Xi'an Power Electronics Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard is issued by the Xi'an Power Electronics Technology Research Institute and the Shanghai Rectifier General Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Cheng Jie and Chen Yisheng.3 Marking
Marking on the module:
Product model;
Manufacturer name, code or trademark;
Electrical schematic and terminal identification!
Manufacture year and month or batch number.
Marking on the packaging box (box) or instruction manual: Product model, name and weight:
Manufacturer name, code or trademark:
Moisture-proof, rain-proof, etc.
Power semiconductor module
Appendix A
Composed of interconnected power semiconductor device cores and a shell to form an inseparable whole. Rectifier module
A module composed of rectifier cores.
Thyristor module
A module composed of thyristor cores.
Power transistor module
A module mainly composed of power transistor cores. Hybrid module
A module composed of any two or more device cores of rectifier tubes, crystalline tubes and power transistors. Note: The specific name of the module is determined by the module product standard. Appendix
Name and model of core block
The name of the module is shown in Appendix A.
The model of the module is shown in the industry standard JB/T2423. Example: MDC5012 is a rectifier tube arm pair module with an average forward current of 50A and a reverse repetitive peak voltage of 1200V. MTS100-10 is a crystalline tube three-phase bridge module with a DC output current of 100A and a reverse repetitive peak voltage of 1000V. Additional notes:
This standard was proposed and exported by the Xi'an Power Electronics Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. This standard is issued by the Xi'an Power Electronics Technology Research Institute and the Shanghai Rectifier General Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Cheng Jie and Chen Yisheng.
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.