Some standard content:
1CS 0,040.07
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
cq 1E 60050(111) : 1996
Electrotechnical terminology Physics and chemistry
chemistry2002·1008 issue
People's Republic of China
State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
2003-04-01 implementation
EC: Preface
2 Physics and chemical language
2.1 Information on early units
2.2 Names of physical quantities and their application in the text 2.3 Basic physics concepts
2.4 Nuclear physics concepts
2.5 Electrochemical concepts
Appendix A Suggested appendix!
Appendix Suggested appendix!
Data appendix!
Appendix Supplements provided by Dr.
This standard is used in conjunction with the current national technical standards. The relevant standards are: G/T2GCG.1-1992 Technical Terminology
GBC.1996 Technical Terminology
This standard adopts the terms and symbols of the relevant goods and units in this standard and GB360--21C21993 Quantity and Unit 3 Basic Numbers. The individual differences are explained under the corresponding definitions.
This standard has been coordinated as much as possible with the current technical national standards. The relevant standards are: G/T2GCG.1-1992 Technical Terminology
GBC.1SR Stem Battery Terms?
:H! 14733.3-195 Telecommunications terminology currency, maintainability and service quality BT14233.9:1036 Telecommunications terminology line radio wave broadcast. 5187-194 reliability, service terminology
GB/15$? 996 Electronic Manifold
When this standard makes modifications to the definition in the national standard according to IE6U0 center (:11), this standard makes an explanation in the brackets after its definition.
The technical term serial number format in this standard is consistent with that in IDC005 center 111. The standard has been coordinated with the professional technical terminology standard committee. Any differences in the text of the standard are explained in the appendix A, appendix P, appendix 1 and appendix 2 of this standard. This standard is proposed by the National Technical Standardization Committee of the People's Republic of China. This standard is a common technical standard of the national electrical engineering standardization committee. The main units are: Mechanical Science Research Institute, Beijing University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Higher Education Publishing House, and Ministry of Railways Professional Design Institute. The main persons in charge of this institute are: Liu Tianhe, Xia Xueting, Zhu Changwen, Han Jin, Gu Qufeng, GH/T79CO.612002
IEC 1) International Electric Products Committee (IEC) All the products in the world standard organization. The standard is promoted by the people with a positive attitude to promote the international integration of all issues. For this reason, it is also the main activity of 2E publishing back to international standards. The technical committee of the city standard setting pain·the IE national committee is aware of the interest of the topic and its formulation work. Ning E: The European Union has a joint ticket, the government has a non-profit or time The group also participates in the preparation of standards. The IEC and the IS region will work together in accordance with the conditions agreed upon by the two groups. 2E will resolve this agreement on technical issues concerning biotechnology, and those countries with particular concerns about these issues will participate in the technical meetings to formulate new ones. It will do its best to restore international consensus on these issues. 21EC documents are published in the form of documents for international use and are accepted by all national committees at the latest. In order to promote international coordination, national members will work to the greatest extent possible to bring together common standards in the market. National and regional standards. Any differences between national or regional standards should not be explicitly pointed out in the non-standard. 5) 1 The marking procedure is not used to indicate whether the mark is approved or not, nor is it responsible for any design that contains a certain international standard. ) Please note that some of the international standards may be related to patent rights, so you will be responsible for confirming these patent issues. International Standard =--1 IEC/TC1\J Terminology No. JOV was prepared in collaboration with IECTC\Quality and Honorary Representatives and their word numbers. || tt|| This international standard is the second edition and represents the following mark: 9350 (11-): 19 Physical Edition\E111U3]: 151 Electrochemical Palming Concept\and (EC<11-93: 1977\There are a large number of single concepts" This standard is based on the following text format: The technical elements of the whole device are determined by the second table of contents of the International Standard for the Advancement of International Standards. Technical Report
This IEV chapter "Physical and Chemical" terminology definitions are given in Arabic, Spanish, Spanish, Italian, Polish, other Spanish and Swedish technical supplements A and Lu recorded in the instrument year reference:
GB/T 29DC. 61—2002
IEC The following technical symbols are for reference only. The original standards are IEC and TS1. Internationally, some of the concepts in this section have not yet reached a consensus. In the event of a consensus, the basic definitions in the International Standard of Metrology (VMI) (2001) shall be adopted by law. The basic unit specifications in the technical standards shall meet the requirements of the International System of Units (SI) (2001) published by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (International Bureau of Measurement and Measurement) (2002): Some general rules for the use of IEC 6001. The validity period is as follows.
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Electrical Terminology Physics and Chemistry
Physics acl chemislry
Klectrpiechriral This standard defines the weak terms and definitions used in electrical and chemical engineering. This standard is applicable to all fields of electrical and chemical engineering: 2 Physical and chemical engineering
2.1 Concepts of quantity and unit
111.11.C1_Physical quantity (physical) quantily measurable (measurable) guaniity phenomenon, describing the qualitative distinction and definite properties of a physical substance. Item
GB/T 2900.61
Term quantity\ can refer to the quantity in a broad sense (length, quality, electrical safety, material quality) or the quantity in a living sense (such as: the quantity of a given product of a given nature, the quality of a given product ... 02
Quantity theoryquantitycualion
A method of expressing the relationship between physical quantities.
111.11.23 Basic quantity
A quantity in a group that is considered to be independent of each other by agreement. 111.11.04 Derived quantityA quantity in a group that is related to other quantities by a certain method. 111.11.05 Basic quantities of a systemThe combination of all derived quantities defined by a system according to the principle of a certain degree of investigation. 111.1.06 Dimensionality of a quantityThe expression of a quantity in a system expressed as the product of the four elements representing the basic quantities in that system. Example: The quality of the product is long, the quality of the product is time, the two can not be measured to solid M and representative [.M-, the quality and the average,
2 "the basic quality of the product is the world quality of the product", 3 the use of the effective details [,
1 the product is created by us,
The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China approved on 2002-10-08, 2003-04-01 implementation
111-1T, C7
The quality of the product is missing
GB/T 2900.E12002
quantily of dimensionless quantity dimensionlessquantily of all basic units for which the derivative is zero. 111. 11.D8_unit of measurement definition: other quantities of the same kind may be used in the same way to express their magnitudes and characteristics, and the same shall apply to the following studies.
1'1.11. 09 basic unit bage ult unit of measurement of a given quantity.
11. 11. 10 derived unit derixl wri given unit of measurement derived from a given unit.
17:.11. 11 unit equation equation expressing the relationship between unit values.
1:1.11- 12
System of units
Combination of derived units in a new system. 11.11.13—System of units in which all derived units can be expressed as the product of the derivative of the unit and the relative number 1. International System of Units (SI) International System of Units 11*.11. 14
) abbreviations
A general system of units used and derived by the International Conference on Planning (CGPM). Method: The SI unit of length of meter is equal to the distance traveled by light in a real time (1/259724581s). The SI unit of mass is kilogram, which is equal to the mass of an object called the International Kilogram Prototype (BIFM). *11. 11- 17
time unit, equal to the duration of the period of two superfine energy short migrations between the saturated 133 original base! 125172c.
111.11.18 ampere aere
current unit, equal to the period of two parallel conductors of negligible area in a vacuum with equal turns of 1m and equal current in the same direction, equal to the current per meter, 111.11.19 kelvin
force temperature S excellent water second beat point thermodynamics slide seat 173-15111. 11. 2] mole
GB/T 29Q0.612C02
The unit of the amount of a substance, the amount of a system, the number of base units contained in the system, etc.: base unit ≥ unit, which can be a molecule, ion, electron beam, or a specific combination of these particles,
111.1.21 candela [d] d
The unit of luminescence, the luminous intensity of the photoacid in a given direction is a single radiation with a rate of ×10"z, and the radiation in this direction is /) Ws. 111.77.22 Quantity elue (of a Quantity) is a small quantity of a person, usually expressed as a number and a unit of measurement multiplied by
2 digits can be expressed as a unit of measurement, such as the length of the object: 4m or 53 and the mass of the object: 15kg or 1: water (H41) is the same as the mass address: ((1me or 13mmcl, 3 subtraction frequency of its original:
1 is not expressed with a single digit and a single digit. It can be expressed in a fixed or multiple way. Both are shown in the middle,
111. 1'.23
numericalvalue of a quantity (afnquantity) is the effective unit of measurement in quantity,
numercalvalueequlation can be used to magnify the unit of measurement used in numerical equations, to show the largest system of equations 2-2 Terms in the names and definitions of physical quantities 1.12.01 The result of the commercial method,
in the process of eliminating quantity, the "commercial method" is used to define a new quantity or a non-quantity, 2 is described by dividing the quotient of two
111. 12. 02
the quotient of similar quantities.
is a number that is expressed as a number, 2\
111.12. 03 Coefficient coetlcirnl
The result of two people writing the left and right.
Note that the coefficient is not a number,
due to
: 11. 12. 04
is used as the effect of a number,
, the effect can be two quantities when its quantity
ratio *pecil: e
In the above quantity, the quantity is expressed by dividing the mass by the mass. In writing, such as main volume or northern volume, mass blue or extraction, 111.17.C6 volume T "xlumic
GB/T 2900.61 2002
Expresses a quantity that is the quotient obtained by dividing the volume by the area::, electric,
111.12.07 Area L is the area of the disk, and density
is the quotient obtained by dividing the surface area. Note: Heat flow rate
.. densityofdensil> (2) Expresses a quantity that is the quotient obtained by dividing the current by the area of the disk. Note: In the language of electricity and heat, \dengiry-center refers to the product of light, 1112.09 line [linek] line density Hnear-denglty
expresses a quantity, which is the quotient obtained by dividing the flow rate by the length: as in the case of a line in or after modification, the electric current is said to be the length of the line, 1
2 is limited to \) in a quantity only to distinguish it from the fear of fear, for example, I line tension coefficient (i lineat xpansior. ccx:ficienr).11°-12. 10 Lear, [malar
expresses a quantity, which is the quotient obtained by dividing the amount of water by the amount of substance. Note: For example, the concentration quotient of 11.12.11 concentration is the quotient of the volume of the substance added to the mixture, especially for one of its substances, which is the quotient obtained by adding the volume of that substance to the mixture.
Note: The amount of negative substances depends on the concentration. 2.3 Macroscopic Physics Concepts
111.13.01 Timescale
A time scale that gives things a clear order. 1*1. 13.02
A single point on the time scale. "Revise GB/T3157.2.6 and modify GBT14733.3.191.01.G1]1'1.13.03 Date
A fixed time scale that shows the time.
Note, the drug is fixed, day and year. Three "hours, change the number to its fractional representation. Time is expressed as tinieinterval
111: 13. 04
The part between two given times on the time scale: It uses this given time to indicate: [K/3187, 2.7, 147, 13..
111. 13. C5
The difference between the two ends of the time interval. [GB/17, 28 G/1473131.01.0111. 13. CG
time return number
1>For the base value of the ten-ampere exponential growth or the intention to form a constant value, there is a time interval. At the end of the liquid time interval, the absolute value of the difference between the constant value and the reading is reduced to the absolute value of the difference between the two starting points of this time interval. The absolute value of the difference between the two is 1/ee. The natural divergence
: time effect description according to the internal effect of the time quantity
GH/T 7C03.61—2002
2) Damping vibration core damping coefficient reciprocal: time effect form of the method
111.13.07 The speed of light in vacuum The speed of electromagnetic waves in vacuum The speed of electromagnetic waves in vacuum The definition of physics book is as follows: 111.13.08 Homogeneous homogeneous describes a physical medium in which the properties of the substances in the medium are independent of their position in the medium. 111.13.09 Inhomogeneous heterogeneous describes a physical medium in which the properties of the substances in the medium are dependent on their position in the medium. 111.3.1 Isotropic heterogeneous describes a physical medium in which the properties of the substances in the medium are independent of their direction. Anisotropy|nnisnirgle
Description - Physical medium, the uniformity of the relationship between the biological and the force 111.73.12 The amount of amunl of subgtance in a substance is proportional to the amount of its base in a certain substance, and is converted into light red. The unit of 2 is molar.
111.13.13 Zhou Dai needs you to Luo constant Arugadroeinstant physical constant, for example, the unit of this substance in a sample of a substance divided by the amount of this substance, its value is approximately equal to 621:5-1!
Note: G113102.189 uses the symbol 1. as the first symbol except for the purchase number N. 111.13.14 Faraday constant FarndayeunstanlF
is a constant, which is approximately equal to 961R.C/m0]. Chronic inertia
is the property of a substance that maintains its state or state. 111. *3. 16 Mass
is a positive scalar quantity that indicates the additive nature of a substance in a physical phenomenon. 111.13.17 Rest mass reslmass
The mass of a substance according to the theory of relativity. 111.3.18 Apparent mass apparcntmaxsIn the theory of relativity, the mass of an object is the velocity of the object at a fixed point in the universe. 111.13.19 Volume mass vulumi:nuss mass|density mssdeusily
H/T 2900.61—2002
The height obtained by dividing the average pressure of an object by its volume. 111.13.20 Momentum
It is equal to the integral of the velocity of the substance and the mass of the substance. It is necessary to prove the conservation of motion and the law of conservation of motion. 13.21
111. 3. 22
force farre
about blood, lazy participation in the system, equal to a small moving object and the derivative of the time, when the mass of the object is constant, the mass of the body and the loss of the rotation constant
embarrassing moment
scalar, for example! The product of the resistance of the material element to a given extraction and the mass of the element as the integral of the differential element, angular momentum angularmanentum
177.13. 23
A quantity defined at a given point is equal to the integral of the product of the mass and the wind from the given point and the product of the mass and wind as the quantity.
Note: The scope of the material.
111.13.24 Moment force
A quantity defined at a given point is the product of the mass and wind from the given point to any point on the line of action of the force: 111.13.25
Euple (offarees)
A set of forces acting on a straight line in opposite directions. 111.13.26 Torque mumenlrcouple
The sum of the forces acting on any point.
111. 13.27
The sum of the forces of the combined forces.
111.13.2 Work
The standard is equal to the power of the selected standard! Part: Energy
The standard product, which represents the work of a physical system, is a system that interacts with the elements of the system. It is always conservative in the system.
Energy can exist in different forms and can be exchanged with each other. 171. T3. 30 Power
To illustrate:
's "dream system"
2R31G21 is only available from the time of the external world of E
3352111>, S
GB,T 2900. 61—2092
The rate at which energy is transferred or converted, or work is done, 111:13.31 Stress
The quotient of the force on a point of an object subject to a deforming force divided by the sum of the forces on the surface containing the point, tending to zero on all dimensions of the surface.
11.13.32 Strain
The deformation of an object caused by a large strain.
111.13.33 Pressure
The limit at which the magnitude of the component of force acting on a point on a surface containing the point decreases to zero on all dimensions of the surface. 117.3.34 Heat heal
An energy formula related to the disordered motion of matter. 11:.13.35 Heat (yuuntityur) heal
When both the current matter and the magnetic energy do not pass through the boundary of the physical system, the difference between the increase in the total energy of the system and the work done on the system. 1. How can the system be judged on the basis of the state of the system? When the state of the system is changed, only part of it or the rate of change can be changed into motion. 2 The energy produced by the movement of a substance is related to the increase in energy or the corresponding effect of the movement of the substance. 11.13.36: Thermodynamic temperature is a physical system that can exchange heat reversibly and cyclically. It is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object. Note that when the temperature is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object, the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object can be expressed as the amount of heat. Note that when the temperature is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object, the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object can be expressed as the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object. 11.13.37: Thermodynamic temperature is a physical system that can exchange heat reversibly and cyclically. It is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object. 11.13.38: Thermodynamic temperature is a physical system that can exchange heat reversibly and cyclically. It is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object. 11.13.39: Thermodynamic temperature is a physical system that can exchange heat reversibly and cyclically. Caergy
The system can always recover only the part of the energy that is faster than the system itself, state change: temperature, physics, blood change, etc.
Note: Thermal energy is the total energy of the system, which is the result of the kinetic energy and potential energy of the system.
The state pressure of the physical system is equal to the product of the potential energy of the system and the volume of the system.11
Description - physical medium, the uniformity of the relationship between the biological and the force 111.73.12 The amount of a substance in a certain age is proportional to the amount of its base in a certain property, and the unit is expressed as a mole.
111.13.13 Zhou Dai needs you to Luo constant Arugadroeinstant physical constant, give a sample of a substance, the unit of the substance in the sample is divided by the amount of the substance in the sample, and its value is approximately equal to 621:5-1!
Note: G113102.189 uses the symbol 1. as the first symbol except for the purchase number N. 111.13.14 Faraday constant FarndayeunstanlF
is a constant, which is approximately equal to 961R.C/m0]. Chronic inertia
is the property of a substance that maintains its state or state. 111. *3. 16 Mass
is a positive scalar quantity that indicates the additive nature of a substance in a physical phenomenon. 111.13.17 Rest mass reslmass
The mass of a substance according to the theory of relativity. 111.3.18 Apparent mass apparcntmaxsIn the theory of relativity, the mass of an object is the velocity of the object at a fixed point in the universe. 111.13.19 Volume mass vulumi:nuss mass|density mssdeusily
H/T 2900.61—2002
The height obtained by dividing the average pressure of an object by its volume. 111.13.20 Momentum
It is equal to the integral of the velocity of the substance and the mass of the substance. It is necessary to prove the conservation of motion and the law of conservation of motion.
111. 3. 22
force farre
about blood, lazy participation in the system, equal to a small moving object and the derivative of the time, when the mass of the object is constant, the mass of the body and the loss of the rotation constant
embarrassing moment
scalar, for example! The product of the resistance of the material element to a given extraction and the mass of the element as the integral of the differential element, angular momentum angularmanentum
177.13. 23
A quantity defined at a given point is equal to the integral of the product of the mass and the wind from the given point and the product of the mass and wind as the quantity.
Note: The scope of the material.
111.13.24 Moment force
A quantity defined at a given point is the product of the mass and wind from the given point to any point on the line of action of the force: 111.13.25
Euple (offarees)
A set of forces acting on a straight line in opposite directions. 111.13.26 Torque mumenlrcouple
The sum of the forces acting on any point.
111. 13.27
The sum of the forces of the combined forces.
111.13.2 Work
The standard is equal to the power of the selected standard! Part: Energy
The standard product, which represents the work of a physical system, is a system that interacts with the elements of the system. It is always conservative in the system.
Energy can exist in different forms and can be exchanged with each other. 171. T3. 30 Power
To illustrate:
's "dream system"
2R31G21 is only available from the time of the external world of E
3352111>, S
GB,T 2900. 61—2092
The rate at which energy is transferred or converted, or work is done, 111:13.31 Stress
The quotient of the force on a point of an object subject to a deforming force divided by the sum of the forces on the surface containing the point, tending to zero on all dimensions of the surface.
11.13.32 Strain
The deformation of an object caused by a large strain.
111.13.33 Pressure
The limit at which the magnitude of the component of force acting on a point on a surface containing the point decreases to zero on all dimensions of the surface. 117.3.34 Heat heal
An energy formula related to the disordered motion of matter. 11:.13.35 Heat (yuuntityur) heal
When both the current matter and the magnetic energy do not pass through the boundary of the physical system, the difference between the increase in the total energy of the system and the work done on the system. 1. How can the system be judged on the basis of the state of the system? When the state of the system is changed, only part of it or the rate of change can be changed into motion. 2 The energy produced by the movement of a substance is related to the increase in energy or the corresponding effect of the movement of the substance. 11.13.36: Thermodynamic temperature is a physical system that can exchange heat reversibly and cyclically. It is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object. Note that when the temperature is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object, the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object can be expressed as the amount of heat. Note that when the temperature is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object, the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object can be expressed as the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object. 11.13.37: Thermodynamic temperature is a physical system that can exchange heat reversibly and cyclically. It is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object. 11.13.38: Thermodynamic temperature is a physical system that can exchange heat reversibly and cyclically. It is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object. 11.13.39: Thermodynamic temperature is a physical system that can exchange heat reversibly and cyclically. Caergy
The system can always recover only the part of the energy that is faster than the system itself, state change: temperature, physics, blood change, etc.
Note: Thermal energy is the total energy of the system, which is the result of the kinetic energy and potential energy of the system.
The state pressure of the physical system is equal to the product of the potential energy of the system and the volume of the system.11
Description - physical medium, the uniformity of the relationship between the biological and the force 111.73.12 The amount of a substance in a certain age is proportional to the amount of its base in a certain property, and the unit is expressed as a mole.
111.13.13 Zhou Dai needs you to Luo constant Arugadroeinstant physical constant, give a sample of a substance, the unit of the substance in the sample is divided by the amount of the substance in the sample, and its value is approximately equal to 621:5-1!
Note: G113102.189 uses the symbol 1. as the first symbol except for the purchase number N. 111.13.14 Faraday constant FarndayeunstanlF
is a constant, which is approximately equal to 961R.C/m0]. Chronic inertia
is the property of a substance that maintains its state or state. 111. *3. 16 Mass
is a positive scalar quantity that indicates the additive nature of a substance in a physical phenomenon. 111.13.17 Rest mass reslmass
The mass of a substance according to the theory of relativity. 111.3.18 Apparent mass apparcntmaxsIn the theory of relativity, the mass of an object is the velocity of the object at a fixed point in the universe. 111.13.19 Volume mass vulumi:nuss mass|density mssdeusily
H/T 2900.61—2002
The height obtained by dividing the average pressure of an object by its volume. 111.13.20 Momentum
It is equal to the integral of the velocity of the substance and the mass of the substance. It is necessary to prove the conservation of motion and the law of conservation of motion. 13.21
111. 3. 22
force farre
about blood, lazy participation in the system, equal to a small moving object and the derivative of the time, when the mass of the object is constant, the mass of the body and the loss of the rotation constant
embarrassing moment
scalar, for example! The product of the resistance of the material element to a given extraction and the mass of the element as the integral of the differential element, angular momentum angularmanentum
177.13. 23
A quantity defined at a given point is equal to the integral of the product of the mass and the wind from the given point and the product of the mass and wind as the quantity.
Note: The scope of the material.
111.13.24 Moment force
A quantity defined at a given point is the product of the mass and wind from the given point to any point on the line of action of the force: 111.13.25
Euple (offarees)
A set of forces acting on a straight line in opposite directions. 111.13.26 Torque mumenlrcouple
The sum of the forces acting on any point.
111. 13.27
The sum of the forces of the combined forces.
111.13.2 Work
The standard is equal to the power of the selected standard! Part: Energy
The standard product, which represents the work of a physical system, is a system that interacts with the elements of the system. It is always conservative in the system.
Energy can exist in different forms and can be exchanged with each other. 171. T3. 30 Power
To illustrate:
's "dream system"
2R31G21 is only available from the time of the external world of E
3352111>, S
GB,T 2900. 61—2092
The rate at which energy is transferred or converted, or work is done, 111:13.31 Stress
The quotient of the force on a point of an object subject to a deforming force divided by the sum of the forces on the surface containing the point, tending to zero on all dimensions of the surface.
11.13.32 Strain
The deformation of an object caused by a large strain.
111.13.33 Pressure
The limit at which the magnitude of the component of force acting on a point on a surface containing the point decreases to zero on all dimensions of the surface. 117.3.34 Heat heal
An energy formula related to the disordered motion of matter. 11:.13.35 Heat (yuuntityur) heal
When both the current matter and the magnetic energy do not pass through the boundary of the physical system, the difference between the increase in the total energy of the system and the work done on the system. 1. How can the system be judged on the basis of the state of the system? When the state of the system is changed, only part of it or the rate of change can be changed into motion. 2 The energy produced by the movement of a substance is related to the increase in energy or the corresponding effect of the movement of the substance. 11.13.36: Thermodynamic temperature is a physical system that can exchange heat reversibly and cyclically. It is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object. Note that when the temperature is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object, the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object can be expressed as the amount of heat. Note that when the temperature is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object, the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object can be expressed as the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object. 11.13.37: Thermodynamic temperature is a physical system that can exchange heat reversibly and cyclically. It is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object. 11.13.38: Thermodynamic temperature is a physical system that can exchange heat reversibly and cyclically. It is proportional to the amount of heat exchanged between the system and the object. 11.13.39: Thermodynamic temperature is a physical system that can exchange heat reversibly and cyclically. Caergy
The system can always recover only the part of the energy that is faster than the system itself, state change: temperature, physics, blood change, etc.
Note: Thermal energy is the total energy of the system, which is the result of the kinetic energy and potential energy of the system.
The state pressure of the physical system is equal to the product of the potential energy of the system and the volume of the system.20 Momentum
is equal to the integral of the velocity of the material element and the mass of the material element. It is a law of conservation of motion and is related to the law of conservation of motion. 7*1. 13.21
111. 3. 22
force is related to the motion of a moving object in a system. It is equal to the time derivative of the motion of a moving object. When the mass of an object is constant, the mass of the object and the force of rotation are constants. momentof inerlia
scalar, for example! Angular momentum angularmanentum
177.13. 23
The quantity defined for a given point is equal to the product of the time of mass from the given point and the time of mass from the given point as the integral of the differential element.
Note: The nature of matter.
111.13.24 Momentorforce
The product of the time of the force from the given point to any point on the line of action of the given point: 111.13.25
Euple (offarees)
A set of forces acting on a straight line in opposite directions. 111.13.26 Momentummumenlrcouple
The sum of the forces acting on any point.
111. 13.27
The sum of the combined forces.
Standard, equal to the selected standard! Energy
standard product, characterizes the work done by a physical system, is a system that interacts with the necessary elements in the system. No matter how it is exchanged, it is always conservative. Energy exists in different forms and can be exchanged with each other. 171. T3. 30 Power
To illustrate:
's "dream system"
2R31G21 can only be scanned by the outside world at a fixed time of E
3352111>, S
GB,T 2900. 61—2092
The rate at which energy is transferred or converted, or work is done, 111:13.31 Stress
The quotient of the force on a point of an object subject to a deforming force divided by the sum of the forces on the surface containing the point, tending to slow down over all dimensions of the surface.
11.13.32 Strain
The deformation of an object caused by a large strain.
111.13.33 Pressure
The rate at which the center of the surface containing the point decreases over all dimensions of the surface. The magnitude of the component force decreases to the limit when all the measuring parts of the small surface tend to zero. The measuring
can measure the outer surface of the object or the half of the measuring part of the object, 2 for most effective fluids. Le strength and three-dimensional location: 3 in the less learning is the "life" you "life"
117.3.34 heat heal
and the disordered motion of matter. 11:.13.35 heat (yuuntityur) heal
when the current matter and the magnetic energy do not pass through the physical system When the system reaches the boundary, the difference between the increase in total energy and the work done on the system. 1. The system is in a state of equilibrium and can only partially change into motion when it changes state. 2. The energy increase or the corresponding energy produced by the system is also a function of the system's motion. 11.13.36: The mechanics of temperature and the energy of a physical system that is non-reversible and proportional to the work done on the system. Note: Proof when light is selected, the amount of thermodynamics can be determined under the temperature of the gas. The gas has a certain amount of material, pressure and humidity. The product of the humidity can make the ratio
1113.37 without the temperature of the return.
Thermodynamics should be used to take the ratio of resources to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Caergy
The system can always recover only the part of the energy that is faster than the system itself, state change: temperature, physics, blood change, etc.
Note: Thermal energy is the total energy of the system, which is the result of the kinetic energy and potential energy of the system.
The state pressure of the physical system is equal to the product of the potential energy of the system and the volume of the system.20 Momentum
is equal to the integral of the velocity of the material element and the mass of the material element. It is a law of conservation of motion and is related to the law of conservation of motion. 7*1. 13.21
111. 3. 22
force is related to the motion of a moving object in a system. It is equal to the time derivative of the motion of a moving object. When the mass of an object is constant, the mass of the object and the force of rotation are constants. momentof inerlia
scalar, for example! Angular momentum angularmanentum
177.13. 23
The quantity defined for a given point is equal to the product of the time of mass from the given point and the time of mass from the given point as the integral of the differential element.
Note: The nature of matter.
111.13.24 Momentorforce
The product of the time of the force from the given point to any point on the line of action of the given point: 111.13.25
Euple (offarees)
A set of forces acting on a straight line in opposite directions. 111.13.26 Momentummumenlrcouple
The sum of the forces acting on any point.
111. 13.27
The sum of the combined forces.
Standard, equal to the selected standard! Energy
standard product, characterizes the work done by a physical system, is a system that interacts with the necessary elements in the system. No matter how it is exchanged, it is always conservative. Energy exists in different forms and can be exchanged with each other. 171. T3. 30 Power
To illustrate:
's "dream system"
2R31G21 can only be scanned by the outside world at a fixed time of E
3352111>, S
GB,T 2900. 61—2092
The rate at which energy is transferred or converted, or work is done, 111:13.31 Stress
The quotient of the force on a point of an object subject to a deforming force divided by the sum of the forces on the surface containing the point, tending to slow down over all dimensions of the surface.
11.13.32 Strain
The deformation of an object caused by a large strain.
111.13.33 Pressure
The rate at which the center of the surface containing the point decreases over all dimensions of the surface. The magnitude of the component force decreases to the limit when all the measuring parts of the small surface tend to zero. The measuring
can measure the outer surface of the object or the half of the measuring part of the object, 2 for most effective fluids. Le strength and three-dimensional location: 3 in the less learning is the "life" you "life"
117.3.34 heat heal
and the disordered motion of matter. 11:.13.35 heat (yuuntityur) heal
when the current matter and the magnetic energy do not pass through the physical system When the system reaches the boundary, the difference between the increase in total energy and the work done on the system. 1. The system is in a state of equilibrium and can only partially change into motion when it changes state. 2. The energy increase or the corresponding energy produced by the system is also a function of the system's motion. 11.13.36: The mechanics of temperature and the energy of a physical system that is non-reversible and proportional to the work done on the system. Note: Proof when light is selected, the amount of thermodynamics can be determined under the temperature of the gas. The gas has a certain amount of material, pressure and humidity. The product of the humidity can make the ratio
1113.37 without the temperature of the return.
Thermodynamics should be used to take the ratio of resources to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is superior to thermodynamics. Caergy
The system can always recover only the part of the energy that is faster than the system itself, state change: temperature, physics, blood change, etc.
Note: Thermal energy is the total energy of the system, which is the result of the kinetic energy and potential energy of the system.
The state pressure of the physical system is equal to the product of the potential energy of the system and the volume of the system.36: Thermodynamic temperaturethermodynamicstemperatureandtwophysicalpropertiesmustbeusedtoexchangeheatinaphysicalsystemthatisreversiblycirculated,andexpresseseachobjectcharacteristicandproportionaltothesystemandtheobject'sheateffect.Note,whenselected,thetemperatureofabodycanbederivedfromthethermodynamictemperatureundertheruleofructification:foragasufferingenoughtheamountofsubstance,pressureandhumiditytheproducthasthermodynamicresult:foragasufferingenoughtheamountofsubstance,pressureandhumiditytheproducthasthermodynamicresult.Thermodynamicstemperatureandtemperatureof7.15K,accordingtotheructification,thethermodynamicspreferstothethermodynamicenergy111.13.38
internalenergyinternal Caergy
The system can always recover only the part of the energy that is faster than the system itself, state change: temperature, physics, blood change, etc.
Note: Thermal energy is the total energy of the system, which is the result of the kinetic energy and potential energy of the system.
The state pressure of the physical system is equal to the product of the potential energy of the system and the volume of the system.36: Thermodynamic temperaturethermodynamicstemperatureandtwophysicalpropertiesmustbeusedtoexchangeheatinaphysicalsystemthatisreversiblycirculated,andexpresseseachobjectcharacteristicandproportionaltothesystemandtheobject'sheateffect.Note,whenselected,thetemperatureofabodycanbederivedfromthethermodynamictemperatureundertheruleofructification:foragasufferingenoughtheamountofsubstance,pressureandhumiditytheproducthasthermodynamicresult:foragasufferingenoughtheamountofsubstance,pressureandhumiditytheproducthasthermodynamicresult.Thermodynamicstemperatureandtemperatureof7.15K,accordingtotheructification,thethermodynamicspreferstothethermodynamicenergy111.13.38
internalenergyinternal Caergy
The system can always recover only the part of the energy that is faster than the system itself, state change: temperature, physics, blood change, etc.
Note: Thermal energy is the total energy of the system, which is the result of the kinetic energy and potential energy of the system.
The state pressure of the physical system is equal to the product of the potential energy of the system and the volume of the system.
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