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HG 20667-1986 Environmental Protection Design Regulations for Chemical Construction Projects

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 20667-1986

Standard Name: Environmental Protection Design Regulations for Chemical Construction Projects

Chinese Name: 化工建设项目环境保护设计规定

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)


Date of Release1986-11-21

Date of Implementation:1987-01-01

Date of Expiration:2006-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Industrial and Civil Construction Engineering>>P34 Industrial Construction Engineering

associated standards

alternative situation:The original standard number is HGJ 6-1986; replaced by HG/T 20667-2005

Publication information

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Original standard number HGJ 6-1986 HG 20667-1986 Environmental protection design regulations for chemical construction projects HG20667-1986 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Design Standards
Environmental Protection Design Regulations for Chemical Construction Projects HGJ6-86
Ministry of Industry
(86) Chemical Foundation No. 1066
Notice on the Issuance of the "Environmental Protection Design Regulations for Chemical Construction Projects"
Chemical Industry Departments (Bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and all chemical design units: In accordance with the instructions and requirements of relevant departments and in combination with the spirit of Document No. 003 "Measures for the Administration of Environmental Protection of Construction Projects" issued by the State Environmental Protection Administration, the "Environmental Protection Design Regulations for Chemical Design Projects" edited by the Design Institute of Jilin Chemical Industry Company, commissioned by the Infrastructure Bureau of our Ministry, has been reviewed and approved and agreed to be issued as the design standard of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, with the number HGJ6-86, and will be implemented from January 1, 1987. The publication and distribution of this regulation shall be the responsibility of the Chemical Industry Design Standards Publishing Group. If any units have any questions or comments during the implementation, please contact the Design Institute of Jilin Chemical Industry Company in a timely manner so that they can be supplemented and improved during revision. Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
November 21, 1986
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Design Standards
Environmental Protection Design Regulations for Chemical Construction Projects HGJ6--86
China Huanqiu Chemical Engineering Corporation
"Environmental Protection Design Regulations for Chemical Construction Projects" is a design standard approved and promulgated by the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The contents of this regulation include: General Principles: Environmental Protection Requirements for Each Design Stage: Principle Measurement Regulations; Site Selection and General Layout: Waste Gas Control: Waste Water Control; Waste Residue (Liquid) Control; Noise Control: Environmental Monitoring and individual appendices. This regulation was proposed by the Environmental Protection Design Technology Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and edited by the Design Institute of Jilin Chemical Industry Corporation. The editor-in-chief is Comrade Liu Yongqi, the chief examiners are Comrade Li Genlin and Comrade Zhang Erjun, and the examiner is Comrade Li Guangzheng. 1
Environmental protection requirements at each design stage
Original regulations
Site selection and general layout
Waste gas control·
General regulations
5.2 Pollution source control
Gas treatment
Wastewater control·
6.1 General regulations
6.2 Pollution source control
B.3 Degree water delivery
6. Degree water treatment…
Waste residue (liquid) control·
General regulations
7,= Pollution control
.3. Noise control ·
Environmental blue measurement
Appendix: Appendix 1 of the "Regulations on Environmental Protection Monitoring in the Chemical Industry", +
Ministry of Chemical Industry
Design Standards
Edited by Jilin Chemical Industry Corporation
Design Institute
Chemical Engineering Construction Project Environmental Protection Design Regulations
Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry General
January 1987
1 General
Design Standards
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1.0.1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the "Construction Project Environmental Protection Management Measures (85) Guo Huan Zi No. 003)" and the "Chemical Industry Environmental Protection Management Interim Regulations" and other documents. 1.0.2 The fundamental task of environmental protection design is to promote the engineering design of chemical construction projects, comply with relevant national environmental protection laws and regulations, rationally develop and fully utilize various resources and energy, strictly control new and old environmental pollution, and protect and improve the ecological environment.
1.0:3 These Regulations apply to all new, expanded, rebuilt and technologically transformed chemical construction projects, including foreign-funded, Sino-foreign joint ventures and introduced Item (collectively referred to as chemical construction projects). 1.0, 4 In addition to complying with these regulations, the environmental protection design of chemical construction projects shall also comply with the provisions of the relevant laws, decrees, standards and specifications currently in force in the country. 2. Environmental protection requirements at each design stage
2.0.1 Chemical construction projects that have an impact on the environment must be designed in accordance with the national "three simultaneous" system for the approval of environmental impact reports and the facilities for the prevention and control of pollution and other public hazards, which require the main project to be designed, constructed and put into production at the same time. bzxz.net
: 2.0.2 Chemical construction projects that have been confirmed by the national or local environmental protection departments to require the preparation of environmental impact reports or the filling of environmental impact report forms should be designed as soon as practicable. During the feasibility study stage, an environmental impact report shall be prepared or an environmental impact report form shall be filled in according to the requirements of Appendix 1 or Appendix 2 of the "Measures for the Administration of Environmental Protection of Construction Projects". In the feasibility study report of the project, there should also be a special chapter (section) on environmental protection, the main contents of which are as follows: (1) The current environmental status of the construction area; (2) Major pollution sources and major pollutants; (3) Possible ecological changes caused by resource development; (4) Environmental protection standards adopted in the design; (5) Preliminary plan for pollution control and ecological impact; (6) Environmental protection investment estimate; (7) Conclusion of environmental impact assessment or environmental impact analysis; (8) Existing problems and construction. 2.0.3 During the preliminary design stage of chemical construction projects, an environmental protection section (chapter) of the preliminary design must be prepared to ensure that the various measures determined in the environmental impact report (form) and its approval opinions are implemented. The environmental protection section (chapter) should include the following main contents:
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(1) Design basis of environmental protection facilities:(2) Environmental protection standards adopted in the design: HGJ6-86
(3) Types, components, quantities, emission methods, temperature, pressure and other characteristic parameters of major pollution sources and major pollutants:
(4) Environmental protection measures adopted in the design and a brief description of the expected effects:(5) Greening planning and design:
(6) Preventive measures taken against ecological changes caused by the construction project:(7) Environmental protection management agencies and staffing:(8) Environmental monitoring measures:
(9) Environmental protection investment calculation,
(1) Existing problems and suggestions.
2,0.4 The construction drawing design of chemical construction projects shall be carried out according to the contents and requirements determined in the environmental protection box (chapter) of the approved preliminary design documents.
3 Principles and regulations
3.0.! The design of chemical construction projects shall use non-toxic, harmless or low-toxic, low-harm raw materials and energy as much as possible; use new technologies, new processes and new equipment that do not produce or produce less pollution, maximize the utilization rate of resources and energy, and eliminate or reduce pollutants in the production process. 3.0.2 The design of construction projects that have not been approved for environmental impact reports (forms) shall not be carried out. 3.0.3 The design of construction projects with polluted areas but no pollution prevention and control methods shall not be carried out; production methods and process flows with no control measures but the pollutants discharged exceed the emission standards stipulated by the state or provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall not be used for design.
3.0.4 The results of environmental protection research and development due to engineering design requirements must be technically adjusted and the conditions and design data for engineering amplification must be confirmed before they can be used in design: otherwise they shall not be adopted. 3.0.5 In the design of pollution prevention and control projects, effective treatment technologies and comprehensive utilization technologies at home and abroad should be actively adopted to improve the technical equipment level of environmental protection facilities. 3.0.6 All wastes and residual energy with utilization value should be recycled or comprehensively utilized: pollutants discharged to the outside must be properly handled and can only be discharged after meeting the emission standards stipulated by the state or provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government. 3.0.7 The transportation of flammable, explosive or highly toxic materials (excluding railway transportation) must be carried out by special transportation vehicles equipped with safety protection facilities to prevent environmental pollution accidents. 3.0.8 The transportation, storage or use of radioactive materials and the treatment of radioactive waste must be carried out in accordance with the current "Radiation Protection Regulations" and "Regulations on the Management of Health Protection of Radioactive Isotopes". 4 Site Selection and General Layout
4.0.1 The site selection of chemical construction projects must take into account the natural and social environment of the construction area. The geography, topography, geology, hydrology and meteorology, urban and rural planning, industrial and agricultural layout, the current status of nature reserves and their development plans of the proposed construction area should be investigated and studied. In addition, the air, water and soil information of the proposed construction area should be collected and the construction site should be completed. Comprehensive analysis and demonstration shall be conducted on the basis of the background data of basic environmental elements such as soil and soil, and a planning and design scheme with the least impact on the environment shall be formulated. 8 pages in total
4.0.2 Any chemical construction project that discharges toxic and valuable wastewater, waste gas, waste residue (liquid), odor, radioactive substances, etc. shall be strictly prohibited from selecting a site within the boundaries of living and residential areas, cultural and educational areas, water source protection areas, scenic spots and historical sites, scenic tourist areas, hot springs, sanatorium areas and nature reserves determined by urban planning. 4.0.3 Construction projects that emit toxic and harmful gases should be arranged on the upwind side of the direction with the lowest pollution coefficient in the residential area. Construction projects that emit toxic and harmful wastewater should be arranged downstream of the local centralized drinking water source protection area: waste dumping sites shall not be located in the sanitary protection area designated by the local urban construction and health departments. 4.0.4 Chemical construction projects (including flammable, explosive or highly explosive production equipment) that emit harmful substances or factors into the environment should maintain the necessary safety and health protection distance from the residential area, and take greening measures. The width of the safety and health protection distance should be determined by the competent department of the construction project in conjunction with the local health and environmental protection competent departments based on the specific situation.
4.0.5 The land for environmental protection engineering facilities should be selected and arranged in time with the land for the main project. 4.0.6 General layout Under the premise of meeting production needs, the device with the greatest pollution hazard should be arranged in the area farthest from the pollution device, and then the corresponding positions of the remaining devices should be determined to avoid mutual pollution and influence as much as possible. 4.0.? The administrative and living facilities of chemical construction projects should be arranged on the side close to the living area and as the non-expansion end of the enterprise development.
4.0.8 The main exhaust pipes, flare facilities, hazardous raw materials, finished product storage facilities and loading stations of chemical construction projects should be arranged on the leeward side of the annual dominant wind direction of the factory area. 4.0.9 New chemical construction projects should have environmental planning and design, and their green coverage rate should not be less than 15%. 5 Waste gas prevention and control
5:1 General provisions
5.1.1 Industrial design should mark the location, composition, concentration, quantity and emission destination of the waste gas discharge point in the material flow diagram.
5.1.2 The waste gas discharged during the production process should be recycled or comprehensively utilized: if it cannot be recycled, purification measures should be taken.
5.1.3 When selecting a waste gas treatment or comprehensive utilization plan, the avoidance of secondary pollutants or the corresponding measures to eliminate secondary pollution should be considered.
5.14 In addition to the calculation according to the process requirements, the height design of the exhaust pipe should also be determined by comprehensively considering factors such as terrain and weather.
The layout of the exhaust pipe should also consider the position relationship with other exhaust pipes so that the exhaust gas discharged into the atmosphere is diluted and diffused. The maximum concentration of pollutants in buildings and living areas around the exhaust pipe must comply with the current "Industrial Enterprise Design Hygiene Standard" and "Air Environment Quality Standard". 5.2 Pollution Source Control
5.2.1 Production equipment that produces toxic and harmful gases should be designed as closed production processes and equipment, and open operation should be avoided as much as possible: If it is necessary to discharge to the outside, preventive measures should be taken: 5.2.2 Storage design of liquid raw materials, finished products, intermediate products and their auxiliary raw materials, liquid fuels, etc. containing volatile substances 3
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should adopt absorption, condensation, stabilization, soft sealing and other measures, and its loading and unloading should adopt immersion pipe system or other closed facilities. .
5.3 Waste Gas Treatment
5,3.1 Production Process Toxic and harmful gases, powder, acid mist, etc. discharged from the process should be dusted, absorbed, separated and recycled, and other preventive measures should be taken.
5.3: 2. Combustible tail gas discharged from the production process should be recycled and utilized according to local conditions. For tail gas with low calorific value that cannot be recycled, tail gas discharged by accident or discharged irregularly, flare treatment should be installed. 5.3.3 Malodorous gases discharged from the production process should be treated by high-temperature combustion, catalytic combustion, washing or absorption, and shall not be discharged arbitrarily.
5.3.4 Proper treatment measures should be taken in the design of gas materials or waste gas discharged during the start-up, shutdown, maintenance or accident of production equipment.
5.3.5 The design of various power boilers: furnace facilities must be equipped with dust removal, flue gas purification and other preventive measures. 6
, 6.1. General provisions
Wastewater prevention Treatment
6.1.1 In process design, the discharge point, water quality, water volume, discharge method and destination of the discharged wastewater should be marked in the material flow diagram.
6.1.2 For wastewater discharged during the production process, the following measures should be taken as much as possible: (1) Increase the reuse rate of water to achieve multiple uses of water; (2) Recycle and utilize useful substances or residual energy in wastewater according to different water qualities; (3) Use the wastewater, waste gas, waste residue, etc. of the factory or between factories for comprehensive treatment of waste. 6.1.3 When wastewater is discharged into the urban drainage pipeline system, its water quality should meet the requirements of the relevant water quality standards for discharge into urban sewers;
6.2 Pollution source control
: 6.2:1 The water supply design of chemical construction projects should strictly control the amount of fresh water on the premise of meeting the water needs of the production process. Wastewater discharged from the production equipment should be selected according to the water resources situation. Take measures for reuse. 6.2, 2 Storage containers should be set up in the production equipment to collect the liquid or wastewater discharged due to sampling, overflow, maintenance, accident shutdown, and low-point venting of equipment and pipelines for recycling or treatment. 6.2.3 The walls of production equipment and workplaces that are often contaminated by toxic and hazardous substances, the flushing water on the ground and the polluted rainwater should be discharged into the corresponding wastewater network and treated, and must not be allowed to flow away. 6.2.4 Non-toxic or less polluting water treatment agents should be used for water treatment, and the discharge volume should be reduced. When the discharged wastewater may cause pollution to the receiving water body, preventive measures should also be taken. 6.3 Wastewater Storage and Transportation
6.3, 1 The wastewater transportation design should be based on factors such as water quality, water volume, recycling or treatment methods, strictly follow the principle of clean and dirty diversion, reasonably divide the wastewater system and design the drainage network. 6.3.1 Wastewater discharged into the global drainage network shall meet the following conditions: (1) No toxic or harmful gas or large amount of steam shall be produced; (2) No flammable or explosive substances shall be produced; (3) No pipeline blockage shall be caused; (4) No damage to pipelines and other transportation facilities shall be caused by factors such as temperature and pressure. Total 8 pages
6.3.3 Ditches, underground pipelines and wastewater transporting toxic and harmful or corrosive substances shall be inspected and leakage prevention or corrosion prevention measures shall be adopted.
6.3.4 Wastewater transportation facilities and discharge outlets shall be equipped with metering and sampling devices for metering and monitoring. 6.3.5 Production equipment that continuously discharges wastewater. It is advisable to design wastewater storage facilities. The volume of the storage facilities shall be determined based on the discharge volume of the production equipment, the drainage cycle, the treatment capacity of the wastewater treatment facilities and its allowable variation range. 6.4 Wastewater treatment
6.4.1 The treatment design of chemical wastewater (including domestic sewage and hospital sewage) should be based on the water quality, water volume and its variation range of the wastewater, the water quality requirements after treatment, etc., combined with regional characteristics, and comprehensive comparison to determine the best treatment method and flow chart.
6.4.2 When the water quality and water volume of wastewater vary greatly and may affect the normal operation of wastewater treatment facilities, it is advisable to set up sewage regulation or cascade flushing facilities.
6.4.3 When the wastewater discharged from the production equipment needs to be sent to centralized wastewater treatment, facility treatment or reuse, its water quality should meet the requirements of centralized treatment facilities or reuse, otherwise wastewater pretreatment measures should be taken. 6.4.4 Wastewater containing the following substances should be considered for recycling or comprehensive utilization first: When there is no condition for recycling, pre-treatment measures should be taken.
(1) Large amounts of solid matter:
(2) Volatile substances:
(3) Acidic and alkaline substances:
(4) Oils and other useful substances.
6.4.5 If toxic and harmful gases escape during the utilization or treatment of wastewater, prevention and control measures should also be taken. 6.4.6 When multiple types of wastewater are mixed for treatment, monitoring and control facilities should be set up separately for each type of wastewater entering the treatment facility.
6.4.7 Strictly do not use infiltration, infiltration pits, dissolution, abandoned mines or dilution with clean water to discharge toxic and harmful wastewater.
Prevention and control of waste residue (liquid)
7.1 General provisions
7.1.1 Various chemical waste residues, chemical sludge, residual activated sludge, etc. discharged from production equipment and auxiliary facilities, sewage treatment facilities, etc., should be recycled or comprehensively utilized according to their nature: for waste residues with no utilization value, harmless stacking or incineration should be adopted according to their specific circumstances. 7.1.2 If secondary pollutants and residual residues (liquids) are generated during the separation, recycling, comprehensive utilization or other treatment of waste residues (liquids), prevention and control measures should also be taken. 7.1.3 Building materials and other products made from chemical waste residues, especially those containing heavy metals and their compounds, should be prevented from toxicity and radioactive contamination. 5
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7.2 Pollution source control
7.2.1 The process design should reasonably select the raw material route, production process and feed ratio to minimize the generation of waste residue (liquid)
7.2.2 The material flow chart should indicate the discharge point, quantity, composition, discharge method and destination of waste residue (liquid) for the convenience of management and treatment.
7.2.3 Waste residue (liquid) discharged during the production process, equipment maintenance and accident shutdown should be collected or treated in special containers and shall not be discharged into the sewer or other unorganized discharge in any way. 7.3 Storage and transportation of waste residue (liquid)
7.3.1 Temporary storage of waste residue (liquid) shall be based on its discharge volume, the capacity of transportation, utilization or treatment facilities, and buffer facilities such as storage yards and storage tanks shall be properly set up. 7.3.2 The mixed storage of two or more waste residues (liquids) shall meet the following requirements: (1) no toxic and harmful substances or other harmful chemical reactions shall be produced; (2) it shall be conducive to storage or comprehensive treatment.
7.3.3 Waste (liquid) transportation design:
(1) For waste residues with high water content and high-concentration waste liquid, pipeline transportation shall be given priority. When pipeline transportation does not meet the requirements, mechanical transportation or combined transportation of machinery and pipelines may be used. (2) When waste residues with high water content are transported mechanically, they shall be concentrated and dehydrated first to avoid dripping along the way. (3) For the loading and unloading and transportation of harmful residues, dust residues, etc., measures such as sealing and humidification shall be taken to prevent pollution and accidents.
7.4 Waste slag (liquid) treatment
7.4.1 The treatment design of chemical slag (liquid) should be determined according to the nature, quantity and composition of the waste slag (liquid) and the regional characteristics through technical and economic comparison. 7.4.2 The incineration treatment design of combustible waste slag (liquid) should meet the following requirements: (1) When the incineration surface produces secondary pollution such as odor and corrosive gases, corresponding purification and treatment facilities should be set up;
(2) When the smoke generated by incineration is discharged to the outside, it should comply with the relevant emission standards: (3) The ash after incineration should have proper treatment measures. 7.4.3 It is prohibited to directly bury or discharge soluble highly toxic waste slag containing mercury, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, lead, cyanide, yellow phosphorus, etc. into the ground. If When designing a landfill, facilities such as waterproofing, leakage prevention or dispersion prevention and monitoring must be installed. The leachate or polluted rainwater in the landfill must also have corresponding treatment methods. 7.4.4 For insoluble waste slag, waste ore, tailings, etc., landfills or tailings dams can be set up, but effective measures should be considered to prevent various hazards such as dust flying, dripping water, overflowing water, spontaneous combustion, etc. 7.4.5 For waste slag containing precious metals such as palladium, platinum, diamond, and molybdenum, it is advisable to adopt decentralized or centralized treatment measures to recover precious metals depending on the specific situation: otherwise, they should be properly stored. 8 Noise Control
8.0.1 To control the noise source, low-noise processes and equipment should be reasonably selected from the process flow and equipment selection. 6
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The noise index of the workplace of production equipment and workplaces must comply with the provisions of the current "Noise Hygiene Standards for Industrial Enterprises (Trial Draft)". Otherwise, control measures should be taken. 8.0.2 The general layout should be reasonably planned in combination with acoustic factors. On the premise of meeting the production process, the terrain, landforms, buildings, structures, etc. should be used as barriers to block the propagation of noise. 8.0.3 In architectural design, it is advisable to reasonably separate the busy area and the quiet area from the perspective of single-unit surface layout, and take effective measures to avoid or reduce the radiation of strong noise from high noise sources to quiet areas. 8.0.4 The noise index of the office, control room, and laboratory in the production workshop should not exceed 65 and 55.50 decibels (A) respectively. If exceeded, the following measures should be taken according to the situation: (1) Reasonable layout orientation;
(2) Set doors and windows away from the direction of strong sound sources: (3) Build a soundproof room.
8.0.5 The impact of factory noise on office buildings, public rooms and living areas outside the factory should comply with the relevant provisions of the current "Urban Area Environmental Noise Standards": When exceeded, the following measures should be taken to reduce the noise level in the factory area:
(1) Control the noise of the noise source;
(2) Take building noise reduction measures:
(3) Take measures such as sound insulation barriers, greening and protective spacing. 8.0.6 Noise monitoring of chemical construction projects should comply with the provisions of the current "Industrial Enterprise Noise Detection Standards (Draft)".
Noise monitoring should be divided into noise source monitoring and environmental noise monitoring. Noise measurement of various types of machinery and equipment must be carried out in accordance with relevant test specifications. In principle, if no test specifications have been formulated, they can be carried out according to the following table. Noise measurement position and height
Main noise source or environment
Industrial furnace
Machine, such as
Ball mill
Point horizontal position and
Anywhere, 1 meter away from the furnace
1.5 meters away from the surface of the machine body in three directions (except the motor side)
2 meters away from the surface of the machine body
The axial distance between the air inlet and the pipe mouth plane is 0.5 meters or 1 meter (. or one pipe mouth diameter), and the exhaust air is 45 degrees away from the axis of the day. 0.5m or 1m from the center of the pipe mouth
12m from the surrounding surface of the motor
0.9~1.2m from the flange wall
0.7--1.0m from the outer wall of the pipe
Degree of measuring point
1.5m from the ground
Same as the equipment axis, shall not be less than 0.5m1.5m from the ground
Same height as the equipment axis
Same height as the equipment axis, shall not be less than 0.5mSame as the pipe axis
Number of measuring points50 dB(A): If it exceeds, the following measures should be taken according to the situation: (1) Arrange the orientation reasonably; (2) Set the doors and windows in the direction away from the strong sound source; (3) Build a soundproof room. 8.0.5 The impact of factory noise on office buildings, public rooms and living areas outside the factory should comply with the relevant provisions of the current "Urban Area Environmental Noise Standards": If it exceeds, the following measures should be taken to reduce the noise level in the factory area: (1) Control the noise of the noise source; (2) Take building noise reduction measures; (3) Take measures such as sound insulation barriers, greening and protective spacing. 8.0.6 Noise monitoring of chemical construction projects should comply with the provisions of the current "Industrial Enterprise Noise Detection Standards (Draft)". Noise monitoring should be divided into noise source monitoring and environmental noise monitoring. Noise measurement of various types of machinery and equipment must be carried out in accordance with relevant test specifications. In principle, if no test specifications have been formulated, they can be carried out according to the following table. Noise measurement position and height
Main noise source or environment
Industrial furnace
Machine, such as
Ball mill
Point horizontal position and
Anywhere, 1 meter away from the furnace
1.5 meters away from the surface of the machine body in three directions (except the motor side)
2 meters away from the surface of the machine body
The axial distance between the air inlet and the pipe mouth plane is 0.5 meters or 1 meter (. or one pipe mouth diameter), and the exhaust air is 45 degrees away from the axis of the day. 0.5m or 1m from the center of the pipe mouth
12m from the surrounding surface of the motor
0.9~1.2m from the flange wall
0.7--1.0m from the outer wall of the pipe
Degree of measuring point
1.5m from the ground
Same as the equipment axis, shall not be less than 0.5m1.5m from the ground
Same height as the equipment axis
Same height as the equipment axis, shall not be less than 0.5mSame as the pipe axis
Number of measuring points50 dB(A): If it exceeds, the following measures should be taken according to the situation: (1) Arrange the orientation reasonably; (2) Set the doors and windows in the direction away from the strong sound source; (3) Build a soundproof room. 8.0.5 The impact of factory noise on office buildings, public rooms and living areas outside the factory should comply with the relevant provisions of the current "Urban Area Environmental Noise Standards": If it exceeds, the following measures should be taken to reduce the noise level in the factory area: (1) Control the noise of the noise source; (2) Take building noise reduction measures; (3) Take measures such as sound insulation barriers, greening and protective spacing. 8.0.6 Noise monitoring of chemical construction projects should comply with the provisions of the current "Industrial Enterprise Noise Detection Standards (Draft)". Noise monitoring should be divided into noise source monitoring and environmental noise monitoring. Noise measurement of various types of machinery and equipment must be carried out in accordance with relevant test specifications. In principle, if no test specifications have been formulated, they can be carried out according to the following table. Noise measurement position and height
Main noise source or environment
Industrial furnace
Machine, such as
Ball mill
Point horizontal position and
Anywhere, 1 meter away from the furnace
1.5 meters away from the surface of the machine body in three directions (except the motor side)
2 meters away from the surface of the machine body
The axial distance between the air inlet and the pipe mouth plane is 0.5 meters or 1 meter (. or one pipe mouth diameter), and the exhaust air is 45 degrees away from the axis of the day. 0.5m or 1m from the center of the pipe mouth
12m from the surrounding surface of the motor
0.9~1.2m from the flange wall
0.7--1.0m from the outer wall of the pipe
Degree of measuring point
1.5m from the ground
Same as the equipment axis, shall not be less than 0.5m1.5m from the ground
Same height as the equipment axis
Same height as the equipment axis, shall not be less than 0.5mSame as the pipe axis
Number of measuring points
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