Some standard content:
National Metrology Technical Specification of the People's Republic of China JJG1046-94 Working Characteristics of Metallic Resistance Strain Gauges Approved on April 1, 1994 Implementation on December 1, 1994 National Technical Supervision Technical Requirements Test Procedures 3 Test Items and Test Methods 4 Test Results Appendix 1 Strain Gauge Structure Appendix 2 Examples of Comparison between Factory-Derived Values and Test Values Appendix 3 Recommends a Method for Testing the Performance of a Strain Gauge to Users (10) Technical Specification of Working Characteristics of Metallic Resistance Strain Gauges Gauges
This technical specification was approved by the State Technical Supervision Commission on April 6, 1994, and will be implemented on December 1, 1904. The drafting unit is responsible for the technical provisions of this specification or the interpretation. The main drafters of this specification are Li Mingming (China Metrology and Pressure Science Research Institute), Ma Liangli (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
(Puhua University)
Shen Guanhe
Total 8W No. 1
Technical Specification for Working Characteristics of Metal Resistance Strain Gauges This specification is applicable to the metal resistance strain gauges (hereinafter referred to as strain gauges) used as filter elements in various flow measurement instruments. This specification provides unified technical elements and test methods for the setting and testing of metal strain gauges, as well as a method for evaluating user bonding technology and inspecting the main working characteristics of manufacturers. The specification uses the 62nd International Organization for Standardization of Metallurgy (OIML) "Working Characteristics of Metal Resistance Strain Gauges". 1. Technical requirements
1. The main working characteristics of the strain gauge are:
, resistance:
b, coefficient of resistance:
c, modulus effect coefficient
4, recording effect coefficient changes with the stimulus,
". Heat output.
1. The working characteristics of the strain gauge are not determined. The probability level of determination during this period is at least .5% (that is, not less than 2 times the standard coupon): .2. The enterprise no longer uses the strain gauge to determine the same properties 1, b-1, so the statistical method must be used to process the data,
13. Measure the resistance of each strain gauge under the standard strain, and take the resistance of the strain gauge + oil close to the series strain gauge of the same model. Packed into a box, each box must be marked with the name and uncertainty
2. The strain gauge should be provided in the package,
a. Strain gauge type:
, electrical value and its uncertainty
c. Sensitivity coefficient and uncertainty,
d. Fast effect coefficient and uncertainty,
non-uniform heat distribution,
, sensitivity coefficient with temperature and uncertainty,
, name and mark of the manufacturer,
1. Strain gauge missing method
3. Technical requirements for main transformer T working characteristics
3.1 Resistance (R)
The uncertainty of the electrical quantity should be less than 0,1%. The error of the load should not exceed the value of the main D. Call %, the influence of the maximum current should be less than +0.1% of the resistance value. 3.2 Sensitivity ()
3.2.1 When measuring the sensitivity, the relative change of the resistance should not exceed 29/0.1% of the actual value (the larger one,
3.2.2 In the test of the combined technology, the average strain gauge should be within 5/10 of the nominal value, the strain difference at each gauge position should not exceed 0.5% of the average value, and at the same strain gauge position, the strain difference should not exceed 0.5% of the maximum value of the end gauge, the calibration surface is flat The uncertainty of the measured value should be less than 2m/m or ±2% of the actual value (whichever is greater). 3.3 Transverse effect coefficient (H) || tt || 3, 3.1 The uncertainty of the resistance change measurement should not exceed 500/day and should not exceed ±0.1% of the actual value. 3.3.2 The strain coefficient should not exceed ±2% of the actual strain in the specimen calibration direction and should not exceed ±5un/m. The uncertainty of the strain in the specimen should not exceed 10μm/m and should not exceed ±0.1% in the threshold direction. 3.4.1 The uncertainty of the relative change of the sensitivity of the system with the change of the quality should not be greater than 5u2/2, and the result should not be greater than +0.2% of the actual value (whichever is greater). 3.4.2 The uncertainty of the required amount of calibration for the uniform strain should not be greater than 5m/m, and the difference in the strain caused by the uniform strain should not be greater than 2% of the actual value. The variation of the strain width within a ten-strain batch gain should not be greater than 2% of the calibration value. s Heat output (er)
3.5.1 Average heat output, the uncertainty of the relative change of the coefficient of measurement should not be less than 5/, or not greater than the actual value of the soil (whichever is greater) 3.52 For parts that meet the technical requirements, the uncertainty of the thermal expansion coefficient in the entire temperature range is less than 0.2 (um/m)-
2 Test parts
4 Overall environmental requirements
4.1 The environmental performance test under room source
must be carried out under the following conditions.
a, standard temperature 23℃, adjustment range 18~35℃, effective value not more than +2℃, b, standard relative humidity 50%RH, change value 35%=6U%R11, effective value not more than 5%RI
4.2 Test conditions for humidity increase and temperature decrease
4.2.1 The temperature difference between the two sections should not exceed 2℃ or 2% from the room temperature (whichever is greater).
4, 2.2 The total temperature difference during temperature increase and temperature decrease should not exceed 2℃ or 1% from the room temperature (whichever is greater).||t t||5 Requirements for various working characteristics
5.1 Electrical (R)
When the strain gauge's sensitivity to the electrical test plate exceeds the actual value of 0,1, the strain gauge must be placed on a solid plate and pressed against it by an appropriate pressure mechanism.
5,2 Strain gauge sensitivity (K)
5,2,1 It is necessary to have a device that produces an average value on the test half, which makes the test year produce a nominal value of 0,1000 and an average value of 1100/family. The main response is 5,2.2 times to have a loose ratio of ~ mouth, 28 ± 0.01 (can be appropriately positive) standard 15 compensation 4 sides
fixed music,
5,3 reversing effect system (H)
an effect is produced, 1001 single
variable internal material, the bottle silver Anshi small" +50u/m5.4 observe the frequency source stock change (K)
5,4,1 need a negative by the test, the cost of the equipment and the production of the required source of the hand guard Kaicheng To meet the test requirements,
54.2 The average load value acting on the test piece must be able to produce a strain of +10m/m, or -1000m/m. The small strain between 20% and 100pm/m can be used to represent the standard strain. The measured error is not greater than +50/m. 5.5 Extract (e)
5.5.1 The following requirements are imposed on the parts to be heat treated: The residual stress must be eliminated through proper heat treatment. The selection of size, especially thickness, must prevent any deformation. c, the heat group formed by the 100 degree wet drop pressure at any point will not be greater than 5/6 Storage requirements
5.1 The strain gauge used for testing shall be stored under the conditions described in 4.1 for at least 72h6, 2. The strain gauge must continue to maintain accuracy in accordance with the relevant adhesive provisions specified by the manufacturer. 63 The test piece (with adhesive) used for testing the heat output should be stored in a dry place filled with adhesive or (P, 0.)
3 Test items and test safety methods
7 Test items and control
7.1 Carry out appearance inspection
7.2 Electrical (R)
7.2.1 Record the environmental limit of the test card, and only expose and its accuracy when it is out of service. 7, 7, 2 Verify the electrical value of each safety gauge and store it according to the public certificate. 7.3 Sensitivity (K)
7.3.1 Then the strain gauge is divided into two parts with the same or similar effect, and the two parts are respectively drilled in the calibration beam to pull and gradually match each other,
North 19 pages 5
7,32 gold production potential potential dirty cutting close to the new filter, the study of the calibration of the bird about the time of the agricultural surface of the application of the female
, 3,3 special sequence strain let the instrument immediately connect, as far as possible to other electrical energy. 7,3.4 The strain beam is preloaded three times, and the maximum strain becomes slightly higher than the formal proof load by 1%, that is, /
. 3.5 The following three-stage loading test can be carried out when the three-stage load is low and the average of all three times is selected.
1, the first method,
0, +1000/m, a 10004rm bidirectional strain ring, +1000mm-100G/2 measurement between the straight line to determine the strain gauge more sensitive system.
b, the second method:
half of the sample is used, +1m positive strain ring, the other half is used, -0m/m negative strain ring
point and the
average value is used to determine the strain gauge sensitivity. , the third method of adding comparison
allows all samples to be applied with positive or negative control cycles, 7,3,6 lack of strain lead ring girl does not pass the brother of a new method test must be explained, for the same batch of strain, different methods can be used to determine the results of inconsistency, the first installation method shall prevail,
7.4 lateral effect and policy load ")
, 4,1 according to the provisions of the process will be the skin strain gauge paste on the calibration beam with only a single internal strain, so that the transmission line is in the single strain direction (called the direction of the fire according to the direction of the strain gauge) or more than two pieces of strain gauges, so that its axis is parallel to the single force direction (called the direction or the direction of the strain gauge),
7.d.2 Take the strain of 1100m/m as the starting point for 3 times, and apply 10t/m as the test result. The instrument readings of the strain gauge and the micro-strain gauge are respectively required for the test.
7,4,4 continue to unload for 3 times, and the total weight of the strain gauge is 1o1046-94
7.4.5 report the above L, and calculate according to the following formula. The calculation formula of the axial effect coefficient (H) of a single strain gauge is
The single strain gauge with the center weight and the axial strain is added The warning value will be low, and the average value of the effect of two or more strain gauges parallel to the strain direction is 3 times.
7.4.6 Take the average value of the effect coefficient of each strain gauge, that is, the average effect coefficient required for the model.
7,5 Variation of strain coefficient with limit (cause) 7.5.1 According to the operating steps of the test coefficient K, the strain is allowed to be adjusted, and the small pre-strain of 10 m/m is used as an example to replace the standard zero strain 7.5.3 Half of the strain gauge sample is used to expand the strain to +10/m, and half of the strain gauge is used in the room Pre-strain at 53°C, adjust the test humidity (not less than 3 test temperatures), each temperature sequence reaches equilibrium within 15 minutes, 7.5.4 Temperature equilibrium: apply 0, 1000um/m, 0 to half of the strain, and 0, -10304m/m, 0 to the other half for cyclic testing, 7.5.5 Evaluation and modification 7.5. Take the actual plate as the reference, and calculate the corresponding standard according to the following steps: the ratio of the average sensitivity coefficient of the strain gauge at each temperature during the day to the average sensitivity coefficient at room temperature, K, /K, is the relative sensitivity coefficient under the humidity. Line: or square
b, calculate the working temperature range every 100 is the frequency system change. 100R-)
where K, room average elimination coefficient
limit working strict proof uniform efficiency coefficient
-extreme service working humidity.
7.6 Heat mountain ()
North 18 page 7
7. Center, 1 heat exchange test piece virtual will be 5.5 mentioned in the provisions, environmental conditions should be with 4,2 mentioned requirements,
7.6, 2 will be attached to the strain gauge test piece in the heating device, strain gauge with open three lines to eliminate the influence of wire heat output.
76,3 In the range of 0~100℃, the full test is carried out in the room with humidity of about 20℃ (the minimum temperature is not more than 30℃) and the temperature is about 2℃ (the minimum temperature is not more than 40℃). The test points should be no less than 5 points. The test can be carried out only after the test reaches the full potential. Note) If the test is self-sufficient, the material of the group can be stretched. (2) Select the test period, the test time ...
Continue, grab a non-column type and, the degree of the river can be more than 5 different points, the month needs to be expressed in a program, 2 express the relationship between the 5 regions, put them into a small one to find the system Y+=#++0,*,+++r12+0g*[*+aX,*
Y,=u+a+*,+a?x,s +agx,a+a,x
From this, the thermal temperature process is obtained, and
four test results are processed
8 grids are shown. The
area is the characteristic of strain gauges that they are only produced in batches and cannot be reused. Therefore, the determination of the working properties of the strain gauge can only be carried out by single test and statistical methods. In a strain gauge, 3 pieces are sold in the market. During the special test, no less than 76 pieces are sampled. The flow gauge has a total of 18 pages
The first guide
Tri kNKkk
The solution is to take a sample from a batch of production for testing, usually assuming that the test results are normal and the distribution of the manufacturer is correct, and the statistical differences in the reported values can be ignored. Or it has been corrected,
take a test sample of the product on the first test, take its average value, and substitute the average value of these calculated values into the following calculation formula to determine the average performance or variability of the whole test sample as needed. "Whether the reported value is within the 95% confidence level, the value exceeds 1!" The coefficient of distribution, bilateral test is used to compare V, (the value shown in the manufacturer's strain gauge package 1) and V. (the average compensation obtained by the test), S. (the standard deviation of the test value) using the usual relationship, the test number is obtained, Ses
(X, -X)1
wherein the average stop #
is the mean value of all strain gauges in the sample, and the strain gauge used for the test product is the strain gauge used for the test product. If V is correct, it is considered to be correct., IVu-Volet
[29 S5 + (n - 1)S ]
In the formula, (the compensation coefficient corresponding to the sampling item is the value (Table 1), and the cumulative error in the test value is the position.
"equal to" (eua)tall) test week can be used to compare the strain gauge factory building and the test building. Recommended
is the tolerance T reported by the factory. It should be verified that the standard of the test sample Sr=T2
S is the corresponding test sample of the test group of strain gauges in the table, and the same record is recorded 2,4 Transverse effect and policy load ")
, 4, 1 According to the regulations. Process, the skin strain gauge is pasted on the calibration beam with only single internal strain, so that its transmission line is in the single strain direction (called the direction of the fire according to the burning direction of the strain gauge, or more than 2 strain gauges are attached to the outside, so that its axis is parallel to the single same signature strain direction (called the direction or performance direction of the strain gauge,
7.d.2 With the large strain of 1100m/m, buy 3 times, 74.3 apply 10t/m test determination, respectively, the number of times the weaving or micro-quantity strain gauge and the amount of the strain gauge and the instrument end reading effect,
7, 4.4 Continuous unloading 3 autumn,
North 5 point total
7.4.5 Report the above L Huan step, calculate according to the following formula. The calculation formula of the axial effect coefficient (H) of a single strain gauge is
× 100%
The single strain gauge with a center weight and a axial strain will be light three times.
Two or more strain gauges in parallel with the axial strain direction have no 3 times the average effect dispersion. .
7.4.6 Take the average value of the effect coefficient of each calculation, that is, the average effect coefficient required for the model.
7.5 Variation of strain coefficient with limit (cause) 7.5.1 According to the operating steps of the test strain gauge coefficient K, the small prestrain of 10 mm/m is used to replace the standard zero strain 7.5.3 Half of the strain gauge samples are used for expansion to +10/m, and half of the strain gauge samples are used for prestraining at room temperature for 1 time
, and the test humidity is adjusted (it should not be less than 53). 3 test temperature), each effective temperature sequence reaches equilibrium within 15min,
7.5.4 Temperature balance Jin imposes 0, 1000um/m, 0 on half of the strain, and 0, -10304m/m, 0 on the other half for cyclic testing, 7.5.5 Selection and evaluation 3
7.5. Using the actual plate as a reference, calculate the corresponding standard according to the following steps, the ratio of the average sensitivity coefficient of the strain gauge at each temperature during the day to the average sensitivity coefficient at room temperature K, /K, which is the relative sensitivity coefficient under the humidity. Line: or square
b, calculate the working temperature range every 100 is the frequency system change. 100R-)
where K, room average extinguishing efficiency coefficient
limit working strict proof uniform efficiency coefficient
-extreme service working humidity deficiency.
7.6 heat mountain ()
North 18 page 7
7. Center, 1 heat exchange test piece virtual meeting 5.5 mentioned various provisions, environmental conditions The test piece should be in accordance with the requirements mentioned in 4.2.
7.6.2 Place the test piece with strain gauge in a heating device, and the strain gauge is connected to the three-wire output to eliminate the influence of the heat output of the wire.
76.3 In the range of 0-100℃, the full test is carried out in a humidity room of about 20℃ (the maximum temperature is not more than 30℃) for a long time. When the temperature exceeds 2℃, the temperature should be increased in about 2℃ (the minimum temperature is not more than 40℃) for a long time. The test points should be no less than 5 points at a time. After the test reaches the full temperature, the test can be carried out. Note) If the test is self-sustaining, the material can be stretched. (2) Select the test period, the method, the composition: part.
3) Heat level, point
7.6.1 According to the heat output reading of each strain gauge under each mixing level, the heat output-temperature curve is drawn, and the equation is listed.
Continue, grab a non-column type and, the degree of the river can be more than 5 different points, the month needs to be expressed in a program, 2 express the relationship between the 5 regions, put them into a small one to find the system Y+=#++0,*,+++r12+0g*[*+aX,*
Y,=u+a+*,+a?x,s +agx,a+a,x
From this, the thermal temperature process is obtained, and
four test results are processed
8 grids are shown. The
area is the characteristic of strain gauges that they are only produced in batches and cannot be reused. Therefore, the determination of the working properties of the strain gauge can only be carried out by single test and statistical methods. In a strain gauge, 3 pieces are sold in the market. During the special test, no less than 76 pieces are sampled. The flow gauge has a total of 18 pages
The first guide
Tri kNKkk
The solution is to take a sample from a batch of production for testing, usually assuming that the test results are normal and the distribution of the manufacturer is correct, and the statistical differences in the reported values can be ignored. Or it has been corrected,
take a test sample of the product on the first test, take its average value, and substitute the average value of these calculated values into the following calculation formula to determine the average performance or variability of the whole test sample as needed. "Whether the reported value is within the 95% confidence level, the value exceeds 1!" The coefficient of distribution, bilateral test is used to compare V, (the value shown in the manufacturer's strain gauge package 1) and V. (the average compensation obtained by the test), S. (the standard deviation of the test value) using the usual relationship, the test number is obtained, Ses
(X, -X)1
wherein the average stop #
is the mean value of all strain gauges in the sample, and the strain gauge used for the test product is the strain gauge used for the test product. If V is correct, it is considered to be correct., IVu-Volet
[29 S5 + (n - 1)S ]
In the formula, (the compensation coefficient corresponding to the sampling item is the value (Table 1), and the cumulative error in the test value is the position.
"equal to" (eua)tall) test week can be used to compare the strain gauge factory building and the test building. Recommended
is the tolerance T reported by the factory. It should be verified that the standard of the test sample Sr=T2
S is the corresponding test sample of the test group of strain gauges in the table, and the same record is recorded 2,4 Transverse effect and policy load ")
, 4, 1 According to the regulations. Process, the skin strain gauge is pasted on the calibration beam with only single internal strain, so that its transmission line is in the single strain direction (called the direction of the fire according to the burning direction of the strain gauge, or more than 2 strain gauges are attached to the outside, so that its axis is parallel to the single same signature strain direction (called the direction or performance direction of the strain gauge,
7.d.2 With the large strain of 1100m/m, buy 3 times, 74.3 apply 10t/m test determination, respectively, the number of times the weaving or micro-quantity strain gauge and the amount of the strain gauge and the instrument end reading effect,
7, 4.4 Continuous unloading 3 autumn,
North 5 point total
7.4.5 Report the above L Huan step, calculate according to the following formula. The calculation formula of the axial effect coefficient (H) of a single strain gauge is
× 100%
The single strain gauge with a center weight and a axial strain will be light three times.
Two or more strain gauges in parallel with the axial strain direction have no 3 times the average effect dispersion. .
7.4.6 Take the average value of the effect coefficient of each calculation, that is, the average effect coefficient required for the model.
7.5 Variation of strain coefficient with limit (cause) 7.5.1 According to the operating steps of the test strain gauge coefficient K, the small prestrain of 10 mm/m is used to replace the standard zero strain 7.5.3 Half of the strain gauge samples are used for expansion to +10/m, and half of the strain gauge samples are used for prestraining at room temperature for 1 time
, and the test humidity is adjusted (it should not be less than 53). 3 test temperature), each effective temperature sequence reaches equilibrium within 15min,
7.5.4 Temperature balance Jin imposes 0, 1000um/m, 0 on half of the strain, and 0, -10304m/m, 0 on the other half for cyclic testing, 7.5.5 Selection and evaluation 3
7.5. Using the actual plate as a reference, calculate the corresponding standard according to the following steps, the ratio of the average sensitivity coefficient of the strain gauge at each temperature during the day to the average sensitivity coefficient at room temperature K, /K, which is the relative sensitivity coefficient under the humidity. Line: or square
b, calculate the working temperature range every 100 is the frequency system change. 100R-)
where K, room average extinguishing efficiency coefficient
limit working strict proof uniform efficiency coefficient
-extreme service working humidity deficiency.
7.6 heat mountain ()
North 18 page 7
7. Center, 1 heat exchange test piece virtual meeting 5.5 mentioned various provisions, environmental conditions The test piece should be in accordance with the requirements mentioned in 4.2.
7.6.2 Place the test piece with strain gauge in a heating device, and the strain gauge is connected to the three-wire output to eliminate the influence of the heat output of the wire.
76.3 In the range of 0-100℃, the full test is carried out in a humidity room of about 20℃ (the maximum temperature is not more than 30℃) for a long time. When the temperature exceeds 2℃, the temperature should be increased in about 2℃ (the minimum temperature is not more than 40℃) for a long time. The test points should be no less than 5 points at a time. After the test reaches the full temperature, the test can be carried out. Note) If the test is self-sustaining, the material can be stretched. (2) Select the test period, the method, the composition: part.
3) Heat level, point
7.6.1 According to the heat output reading of each strain gauge under each mixing level, the heat output-temperature curve is drawn, and the equation is listed.
Continue, grab a non-column type and, the degree of the river can be more than 5 different points, the month needs to be expressed in a program, 2 express the relationship between the 5 regions, put them into a small one to find the system Y+=#++0,*,+++r12+0g*[*+aX,*
Y,=u+a+*,+a?x,s +agx,a+a,x
From this, the thermal temperature process is obtained, and
four test results are processed
8 grids are shown. The
area is the characteristic of strain gauges that they are only produced in batches and cannot be reused. Therefore, the determination of the working properties of the strain gauge can only be carried out by single test and statistical methods. In a strain gauge, 3 pieces are sold in the market. During the special test, no less than 76 pieces are sampled. The flow gauge has a total of 18 pages
The first guide
Tri kNKkk
The solution is to take a sample from a batch of production for testing, usually assuming that the test results are normal and the distribution of the manufacturer is correct, and the statistical differences in the reported values can be ignored. Or it has been corrected,
take a test sample of the product on the first test, take its average value, and substitute the average value of these calculated values into the following calculation formula to determine the average performance or variability of the whole test sample as needed. "Whether the reported value is within the 95% confidence level, the value exceeds 1!" The coefficient of distribution, bilateral test is used to compare V, (the value shown in the manufacturer's strain gauge package 1) and V. (the average compensation obtained by the test), S. (the standard deviation of the test value) using the usual relationship, the test number is obtained, Ses
(X, -X)1
wherein the average stop #
is the mean value of all strain gauges in the sample, and the strain gauge used for the test product is the strain gauge used for the test product. If V is correct, it is considered to be correct., IVu-Volet
[29 S5 + (n - 1)S ]
In the formula, (the compensation coefficient corresponding to the sampling item is the value (Table 1), and the cumulative error in the test value is the position.
"equal to" (eua)tall) test week can be used to compare the strain gauge factory building and the test building. Recommended
is the tolerance T reported by the factory. It should be verified that the standard of the test sample Sr=T2
S is the corresponding test sample of the test group of strain gauges in the table, and the same record is recorded 2,6.2 Place the test piece with the strain gauge in a heating device, and open the three wires of the strain gauge to eliminate the influence of the heat output of the wire.
76.3 In the range of 0-100℃, the full test is carried out in a humidity room of about 20℃ (the maximum temperature is not more than 30℃) for a straight line: when it exceeds, it is appropriate to carry out the temperature rise in about 2 temperature ranges (the minimum temperature is not more than 40℃) and the test points are not less than 5 points. After the test is finally fully reached, the test can be carried out. Note) If it is self-sufficient, the material can be stretched. (2) Select the test period, the method, the composition: part.
3) Heat level, point
7.6.1 According to the heat output reading of each strain gauge under each mixing level, the heat output-temperature curve is drawn, and the equation is listed.
Continue, grab a non-column type and, the degree of the river can be more than 5 different points, the month needs to be expressed in a program, 2 express the relationship between the 5 regions, put them into a small one to find the system Y+=#++0,*,+++r12+0g*[*+aX,*
Y,=u+a+*,+a?x,s +agx,a+a,x
From this, the thermal temperature process is obtained, and
four test results are processed
8 grids are shown. The
area is the characteristic of strain gauges that they are only produced in batches and cannot be reused. Therefore, the determination of the working properties of the strain gauge can only be carried out by single test and statistical methods. In a strain gauge, 3 pieces are sold in the market. During the special test, no less than 76 pieces are sampled. The flow gauge has a total of 18 pages
The first guide
Tri kNKkk
The solution is to take a sample from a batch of production for testing, usually assuming that the test results are normal and the distribution of the manufacturer is correct, and the statistical differences in the reported values can be ignored. Or it has been corrected,
take a test sample of the product on the first test, take its average value, and substitute the average value of these calculated values into the following calculation formula to determine the average performance or variability of the whole test sample as needed. "Whether the reported value is within the 95% confidence level, the value exceeds 1!" The coefficient of distribution, bilateral test is used to compare V, (the value shown in the manufacturer's strain gauge package 1) and V. (the average compensation obtained by the test), S. (the standard deviation of the test value) using the usual relationship, the test number is obtained, Ses
(X, -X)1
wherein the average stop #
is the mean value of all strain gauges in the sample, and the strain gauge used for the test product is the strain gauge used for the test product. If V is correct, it is considered to be correct., IVu-Volet
[29 S5 + (n - 1)S ]
In the formula, (the compensation coefficient corresponding to the sampling item is the value (Table 1), and the cumulative error in the test value is the position.
"equal to" (eua)tall) test week can be used to compare the strain gauge factory building and the test building. Recommended
is the tolerance T reported by the factory. It should be verified that the standard of the test sample Sr=T2
S is the corresponding test sample of the test group of strain gauges in the table, and the same record is recorded 2,6.2 Place the test piece with the strain gauge in a heating device, and open the three wires of the strain gauge to eliminate the influence of the heat output of the wire.
76.3 In the range of 0-100℃, the full test is carried out in a humidity room of about 20℃ (the maximum temperature is not more than 30℃) for a straight line: when it exceeds, it is appropriate to carry out the temperature rise in about 2 temperature ranges (the minimum temperature is not more than 40℃) and the test points are not less than 5 points. After the test is finally fully reached, the test can be carried out. Note) If it is self-sufficient, the material can be stretched. (2) Select the test period, the method, the composition: part.
3) Heat level, point
7.6.1 According to the heat output reading of each strain gauge under each mixing level, the heat output-temperature curve is drawn, and the equation is listed.
Continue, grab a non-column type and, the degree of the river can be more than 5 different points, the month needs to be expressed in a program, 2 express the relationship between the 5 regions, put them into a small one to find the system Y+=#++0,*,+++r12+0g*[*+aX,*
Y,=u+a+*,+a?x,s +agx,a+a,x
From this, the thermal temperature process is obtained, and
four test results are processed
8 grids are shown. The
area is the characteristic of strain gauges that they are only produced in batches and cannot be reused. Therefore, the determination of the working properties of the strain gauge can only be carried out by single test and statistical methods. In a strain gauge, 3 pieces are sold in the market. During the special test, no less than 76 pieces are sampled. The flow gauge has a total of 18 pages
The first guide
Tri kNKkk
The solution is to take a sample from a batch of production for testing, usually assuming that the test results are normal and the distribution of the manufacturer is correct, and the statistical differences in the reported values can be ignored. Or it has been corrected,
take a test sample of the product on the first test, take its average value, and substitute the average value of these calculated values into the following calculation formula to determine the average performance or variability of the whole test sample as needed. "Whether the reported value is within the 95% confidence level, the value exceeds 1!" The coefficient of distribution, bilateral test is used to compare V, (the value shown in the manufacturer's strain gauge package 1) and V. (the average compensation obtained by the test), S. (the standard deviation of the test value) using the usual relationship, the test number is obtained, Ses
(X, -X)1
wherein the average stop #
is the mean value of all strain gauges in the sample, and the strain gauge used for the test product is the strain gauge used for the test product. If V is correct, it is considered to be correct., IVu-Volet
[29 S5 + (n - 1)S ]
In the formula, (the compensation coefficient corresponding to the sampling item is the value (Table 1), and the cumulative error in the test value is the position.
"equal to" (eua)tall) test week can be used to compare the strain gauge factory building and the test building. Recommended
is the tolerance T reported by the factory. It should be verified that the standard of the test sample Sr=T2
S is the corresponding test sample of the test group of strain gauges in the table, and the same record is recorded 2,
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