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JB/T 8507-1996 High frequency plastic heat sealing machine

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8507-1996

Standard Name: High frequency plastic heat sealing machine

Chinese Name: 高频塑料热合机

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1996-11-07

Date of Implementation:1997-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Electrical Equipment and Apparatus>>K61 Industrial Electric Heating Equipment

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1997-07-01

other information

drafter:Jiang Chunxiao, Pan Xinyu, Wang Weili

Drafting unit:Zhejiang Lin'an Electronic Equipment Factory, Tianjin Electronic High Frequency Equipment Factory

Focal point unit:Xi'an Electric Furnace Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Industrial Electric Heating Equipment

Publishing department:State Machinery Industry Bureau

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and technical classification, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, ordering and supply of high-frequency plastic heat sealers (hereinafter referred to as heat sealers). This standard applies to heat sealers with a nominal frequency of 1~300MHz and a rated output power greater than 0.05kW. Enterprise product standards for various types of heat sealers should be formulated in accordance with this standard, and supplementary provisions should be made in the corresponding clauses according to their special requirements. JB/T 8507-1996 High-frequency plastic heat sealer JB/T8507-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
High Frequency Plastic Heat Sealing Machine
Electrical Grade Magnesium Oxide
1996--11-07 Issued
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
1997-07-01 Implementation
High Frequency Plastic Heat Sealing Machine
Electrical Grade Magnesium Oxide
This standard shall be implemented from July 1, 1997. Former
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Industrial Electric Heating Equipment. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Xi'an Electric Furnace Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry.
The main drafting units of this standard are: Lin'an Electronic Equipment Factory, Zhejiang Province, and Tianjin Electronic High Frequency Equipment Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Jiang Chunxiao, Pan Xinyu, and Wang Weili. This standard was first issued on November 7, 1996. This standard is entrusted to the Xi'an Electric Furnace Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry for interpretation. 1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
High Frequency Plastic Heat Sealing Machine
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and technical classification, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, ordering and supply of high frequency plastic heat sealing machines (hereinafter referred to as heat sealing machines). This standard applies to heat sealing machines with a nominal frequency of 1 to 300MHz and a rated output power greater than 0.05kW. Enterprise product standards for various types of heat sealing machines should be formulated in accordance with this standard, and supplementary provisions should be made in the corresponding clauses according to their special requirements. 2 Referenced standards
The following standards contain clauses that constitute the clauses of this standard by being referenced in this standard. At the time of publication of the standard, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB2900.1-82
Electrical terminology
GB/T10067.5-93 Basic technical conditions for electric heating equipment High-frequency dielectric heating equipment GB/T184-80
3 Definitions
Shape and position tolerances·Provisions of tolerance values ​​Methods for measuring the output power of high-frequency dielectric heating equipment General technical conditions for coating
Except for the following supplementary clauses, the rest shall comply with the provisions of GB/T10067.5 and GB/T14809. 3.1 High-frequency plastic heat sealer
Specialized medium heating equipment that uses the high-frequency medium heating principle to heat seal plastics such as polyvinyl chloride. The equipment consists of a high-frequency oscillator, a load matching system, a power supply system, an electromagnetic radiation suppression system, a mechanical transmission system, and a workbench. 3.2 Maximum heat sealing area
The maximum solid area that the heat sealer can heat seal at rated output power. 3.3 Maximum opening height
The maximum vertical distance between the upper electrode and the lower electrode of the heat sealer. 4 Product classification
4.1 Varieties and specifications
The varieties of heat sealers should comply with the provisions of 4.1.2 of GB/T10067.5. All models of heat sealing machines are divided into multiple specifications according to the rated output power specified in 4.1.3 of GB/T10067.5, but the following power values ​​are preferred: 18 specifications of 0.05, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, and 100kW.
4.2 Model
The model of the heat sealing machine should be in accordance with 4.2 of GB/T10067.5. 4.3 Basic parameters In addition to the basic parameters specified in 4.3 of GB/T10067.5, each model of heat sealing machine should also add the following parameters approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on November 7, 1996 and implemented on July 1, 1997 in the enterprise standard: JB/T8507-1996 Time control range (applicable to automatic heat sealing machine), S; a) Lower plate size (length × width), mm; Maximum heat sealing area, mm, d) Maximum opening height, mm; Load ratio. 5 Technical requirements 5.1 General requirements Heat sealing machines should comply with the provisions of 5.1 of GB/T10067.5. 5.2 Supplementary requirements for design and manufacturing
In addition to complying with the provisions of 5.2 (excluding of GB/T10067.5, the following requirements shall also be met. 5.2.1 Safety and environmental protection
In addition to complying with the provisions of 5.2.4 of GB/T10067.5, heat sealers with a power of 2 kW or more shall also be equipped with overcurrent protectors and working electrode short-circuit protectors.
5.2.2 Load matching
The heat sealer shall have adjustable reactance elements so that the heat sealer can be adjusted to the best working state within a large load variation range. 5.2.3 Working electrode
For heat sealers using a four-column hydraulic transmission mechanism, the parallelism and verticality of the movable electrode plate to the fixed electrode plate shall comply with the provisions of of GB/T10067.5. For the upper and lower working surfaces of heat sealers with non-four-column transmission mechanisms, the parallelism after assembly shall not be less than Grade 7 specified in GB1184.
5.2.4 Transmission and pressure mechanism
The pressure of the transmission and pressure mechanism of the heat sealer shall not be less than 300N/kW. 5.2.5 Paint coating
The paint coating of the heat sealer shall comply with the provisions of SJ2573. 5.2.6 Electroplating and chemical coating
All ferrous metal parts shall have reliable protective layers such as electroplating and chemical coating. 5.2.7 Time control range
For heat sealers with automatic operation, the error of the time control range shall not exceed 25%. 5.2.8 Power control
The output power of the heat sealer can be controlled by the reactance element of the load matching circuit, and can be adjusted in stages by the tap of the anode power transformer, or by using a voltage regulator or thyristor circuit and other methods to achieve stepless power control. A-level products can adopt manual step-by-step control, B-level products should adopt manual stepless control, and C-level products should adopt automatic control. 5.2.9 The maximum heat sealing area of ​​the heat sealing machine should not be less than 2500mm/kW. 5.3 Performance requirements
The performance of the heat sealing machine should comply with the provisions of 5.3 of GB/T10067.5. 5.4 Reliability requirements
5.4.1 The heat sealing machine should be able to withstand the high-voltage impact of switching without abnormal phenomena under rated output power. 5.4.2 Under normal use and maintenance conditions, the average trouble-free working time of the heat sealing machine working in an intermittent working system with the load specified in the enterprise standard should not be less than 1000h.
5.5 Complete set requirements
5.5.1 The complete set range of heat sealing machines specified by the supplier should be listed in the enterprise product standards. Generally, the following items should be included: a) heat sealing machine;
connecting wires, cables and output feeders between cabinets; b) bzxZ.net
c) spare parts;
d) product manuals, including electrical schematics, etc. The specific contents of the above items should be listed in the enterprise product standards, including models, specifications and quantities. 5.5.2 If the purchaser requires the provision of the following devices or has other requirements, they can be proposed according to 9.2: a) E
voltage adjustment device;
foot-operated "on-off" switch,
c) program controller with microcomputer.
6 Test method
The test method of the heat sealing machine shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chapter 6 of GB/T10067.5 and the following supplementary provisions. 6.1 Load test and measurement of high-frequency output power and total efficiency According to the provisions of GB/T14809, a suitable equivalent load is selected for simulated load test. When the heat sealing machine is adjusted to the rated output power, power measurements are carried out continuously for several times (more than three times), and the following records are made at the same time: a) Oscillator tube filament voltage Ur, V;
Anode DC voltage E, kV;
Anode DC current I, A;
Grid DC current I, A,
Trough circuit high-frequency voltage U., kV;
Power supply input current I, A;
Power supply input voltage U., V:
Power supply power factor cos.
When the equivalent load is not directed to the other parameters, records should be made according to the requirements of GB/T14809, and the power supply input power Pr, high-frequency output power P and equipment total efficiency n can be calculated from the above data. 6.2 Appearance inspection
Observe with the naked eye. There should be no obvious damage on the surface of the heat sealer, and the surface coating should not have blistering, cracking or shedding. 6.3 Measurement of timing range
Use an ordinary stopwatch to measure the automatic control time. The error of the timing range should comply with the provisions of 5.2.7. 6.4 Measurement of maximum heat sealing area
Use a solid module with the maximum heat sealing area to heat two layers of 0.2mm thick polyvinyl chloride film for 5s. 7 Inspection rules and classification
The inspection rules and classification of heat sealers shall be carried out in accordance with Chapter 7 and the following provisions of GB/T10067.5. 7.1 Factory inspection items
a) General inspection;
Safety inspection;
Durability test of label writing;
Measurement of insulation resistance and test of dielectric strength; d)
Inspection of the operation or action of the motion mechanism; f)
Inspection of accessories, including inspection of model, specification and factory certificate; Overcurrent protection test;
Cooling system protection test;
Dielectric heating Inspection of the accuracy of the device and its mechanical devices; k) Inspection of the interlocking alarm system; Measurement of the time control range; JB/T8507-1996 Operation protection test; Load test and measurement of high-frequency output power and total efficiency; m) Measurement of nominal frequency and frequency stability; Electric shock test; Scope of supply, including completeness check of factory technical documents; Packaging inspection.
7.2 Type inspection items
All factory inspection items (under type test conditions); a)
Working electrode short-circuit protection test;
Power supply interference test;
Power supply pull-off test;
Temperature rise test;
Measurement of high-frequency stray radiation electromagnetic field strength; Noise measurement;
High and low temperature cycle test;
High temperature storage test;
i) Transportation test.
7.3The technical classification of heat sealing machines shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 1. Heat sealing machines of all technical levels shall fully meet the items listed in the following table and other provisions of this standard.
Technical level
Power control mode
Anode voltage fluctuation range when power supply voltage fluctuates by 10%Total efficiency
Complete set range
8Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Manual step
Supply according to 5.5.1
Manual stepless
Supply according to 5.5.1 and 5.2.2
The marking, packaging, transportation and storage of heat sealing machines shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 8 of GB/T10067.5. 9Ordering and supply
9.1The ordering and supply of heat sealing machines shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 9 of GB/T10067.5. 9.2If the purchaser has the following special requirements for the supplier, it may make them to the supplier. a) Voltage adjustment device;
Foot-operated "on-off" switch;
c) Program controller with microcomputer.
The supplier shall try its best to meet the special requirements of the buyer, but the special requirements that the buyer can actually choose shall be determined by the supplier according to their own conditions with reference to this standard. Some of them can be listed in the enterprise product standards, while the rest shall be agreed upon by the supplier and the buyer.
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