This standard specifies the names and codes of the main forest diseases in China. This standard is applicable to the unified standard for information exchange and processing in the investigation and prevention of forest diseases in China. GB/T 15161-1994 Classification and codes of forest resources Forest diseases GB/T15161-1994 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the names and codes of the main forest diseases in China. This standard is applicable to the unified standard for information exchange and processing in the investigation and prevention of forest diseases in China.
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China Classification and codes for forestry resources-Tree diseases 1 Subject content and scope of application This standard specifies the names and codes of the main forest diseases in my country. GB/T 15161-94 This standard is applicable to the investigation and prevention of forest diseases in my country as a unified standard for information exchange and processing. 2 Terminology 2.1 Host Plants infected with diseases. This standard only includes woody plants. 2.2 Cause of disease Pathogenic factors that cause forest diseases. The pathogens involved in this standard include fungi, bacteria, viruses, mycoplasmas, lichens, algae, nematodes, mites, high plant parasites, physiological diseases, etc. 2.3 Name to symptom Name of the characteristics of the anatomy, morphology and pathogens of forest trees due to the invasion of pathogens. 3 Disease name 3.1 Principles for determining the name The determined disease name should be as short as possible, on the premise of ensuring that there are no duplicate names, so as to facilitate application, avoid confusion and facilitate information exchange. 3.2 Determination of disease name The disease name consists of three elements: host plant name, pathogen name and disease name. That is, the full name of the forest disease consists of host plant name + pathogen + disease name. 4 Disease classification principles 4.1 The classification of forest diseases involves the host, the affected part and the disease name. These are also the most stable factors for determining the disease classification system. 4.2 According to this principle, the classification system is determined as follows: 4.2.1 The first level of the classification system is the family of the host, which determines the overall framework of the classification. 4.2.2 The second level of the classification system is the genus of the host, which includes important genera, and other unimportant genera are combined into a single genus. 4.2.3 The third level of the classification system is the damaged part. 4.2.4 The fourth level of the classification system is the type of disease marked by symptoms. 5 Disease code The forest disease code consists of six digits. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on August 12, 1994 and implemented on March 1, 1995 GB/T 15161-94 5.1 The first two digits on the left of the code indicate the major category of the host plant, which is equivalent to the family in plant taxonomy. 5.2 The third digit of the code indicates the genus or species of the host plant. 5.3 The fourth digit of the code indicates the damaged part of the host plant: 1 indicates leaf disease, 2 indicates branch and trunk disease; 3 indicates root disease; 4 indicates fruit or seed disease. 5.4 The fifth to sixth digits of the code represent the disease code. 6 Table of forest disease codes Table of forest disease codes 100000|Sakura disease 110000 111000 111101 111102 111103 112000 112101 112102 112104 112301 112302 Disease name Diseases of Cycas and Ginkgoaceae Diseases of Cycas||t t||Cycas Diplospora Spot Disease Cycas Polytrichospora Spot Disease Cycas Olive Shield Mildew Spot Disease Ginkgo Diseases Ginkgo Chinese Polytrichospora Brown Spot Disease Ginkgo Cycas Polytrichospora Leaf Spot Disease Ginkgo Ginkgo Leaf Spot Mildew Leaf Spot Disease Ginkgo Bean Bean Root Rot Disease Ginkgo Purple Roll Basidiomycete Purple Root Rot Disease Araucariaceae Diseases 120000 121000 Araucaria Diseases Kauri Diseases 12200 0 130000|Diseases of Pinaceae 131000 131107 132000 132102 132103 132105 132106 132109 132111 132114 132201 132202 132203 132204 Diseases of the genus Rust of the column rust of the genus Disease Diseases of Abies Black spot needle blight of Abies pine disk Needle blight of Abies pine needles Rust disease of Abies polypodium Rust disease of Abies dianthus Leaf blight of Abies spores Leaf spot of Abies verrucospores Rust disease of Siberian Abies spherical rust Polypora fir rot Brown rot of Abies Brown rot of Abies spherical rot Brown block rot of Abies pine spores Brown block rot of Abies pine spores Latin name of Abies pine spores Ascochyta cycadina Pestalotia cycadis Coniothyrium olivaceum Pestalotia sinensis Pestalotia cycadis Phyllosticta ginko Macrophomina phaseolina Helicobasidium purpureum Cronartium eleeriae||tket t||Pestalotia strobilicola Lophodermium pinastri Hyalospora polypodi Melampsorella caryophyllacearumLophodermium nervisequium Leptosphaeria scabrispora Pucciniastrum goeppertianum Polyporus frondosus | |132211 132212 132214 132215 132216 | 2229 13 2230 | | tt | | 132231 | 303 1324 01 133000 133101 133201 133203 133204 133205 133301 Disease name Abie tubercle blight Abie tubercle white rot GB/T 15161—94 Pathogen Latin name Lachnellula agassizii Stereum hirsutum Abie Halti phylloporin sapwood brown rot Abie dianthus-shaped small rust Arbuscular rust Abie physostigma honeycomb white rot Abie pseudo-black disk bark rot Abie oleophore trunk base mottled brown rot Abie sanguisorba spongy white rot Abie brown sticky fold rot Abie brown purple physostigma white rot Abie red phylloporin black hoof brown rot| |tt||Fir thick-capped fibroporin rot Fir kelleti amylopectin rot Fir Currie shell spore skin rot Fir hedge edge sticky skirt block brown rot Fir sulfur-colored blast hole block brown rot Fir red cluster red shell ulcer disease Fir gall seed fungus skin rot Fir coral-shaped hericium erinaceus white rot Fir rough hair yellow hole white rot Fir resin thin bark Porites white rot Fir pine cypress cucurbit mold dieback Fir pine dark pore fungus block brown decay Fir fragrant corm fungus white rot Fir firewood phylloporin heartwood white rot Fir pine phylloporin heartwood white honeycomb decay Fir wood phylloporin heartwood mixed spot decay Fir birch leather fungus decay Fir hair leather fungus heartwood white rot Sand pine tongue rot Siberian Abies sub-red margin Fern brown rot Rhizoctonia damping-off of fir Siberian fir creeping root mold mildew Diseases of Pseudotsuga and Cathaya Cathaya leaf blight Cathaya cancer disease of Trichoderma spp. Cathaya basidiomycete plaster disease Cathaya pine soft disk blight Cathaya ferruginosa branch blight Cathaya ferruginosa branch blight Cathaya purple feather disease Phellinus hartigii Melampsorella caryophyllacearumHirschioporus abietinus Pseudoplectania nigrella Pholiota adiposa Haematostereum sanguinolentumGloeophyllum subferrugineum Hirschioporus fusco-violaceusFomitopsis rosea Inonot us dryadeus Amylostereum chailletii Cytospora curreyi Gloeophyllum saepiarium Laetiporus sulphureus Nectriacinnabarina Lachnellula calicioides Hericium coralloides
Phellinus igniarius Phellinus pini Fomes fomentarius Lenzites betulina Coriolus hirsutus Ganoderma applanatum Fomes rufolaccatus| |tt|| Rhizoctonia solani Rhizopus stolonifer Cercospora pini-densiflorae Lachnellula willkommi Septobasidium bogoriense Mollisia pinicola Cenangium ferruginosum Helicobasidium purpureum 134000 135000 135102 135103 135104 135105 135110 135111| |tt||135112 135113 135114 135115 135116 135118 135 119 135122 135201 135202 135203 135204 135205 135206 135208| |tt||135209 135210 135211 135213 135214 135217 135218||t t||135219 135220 135222 135223 135224 135225 135226 135228||tt| |135229 135230 Disease name Hemlock disease Spruce disease Spruce golden rust fungus rust Sugisporum sphaerocephala colony needle disease Spruce rust disease Spruce rust disease Spruce vermiformis leaf spot disease Spruce sooty mold disease|| tt||Rust of spruce by Dianthus dianthus Rust of spruce by Puccinia serrata Rust of spruce by Puccinia serrata Weir's golden rust of spruce Rust Spruce nematocystis fungus Spruce rust Spruce nematocystis fungus rust Spruce nematocystis bud blight Spruce Leaf blight GB/T 15161-94 Pathogen pull 国丁国名国 Chrysomyra ledi Lophodermium macrosporum Lophodermium piceae Chrysomyra succinea|| tt||Macrosporium helminthosporioidesFumago vagans Melampsorella caryophyllacearumChrysomyxa expansa Lophodermium pinastri Chrysomyxa weirii Chrysomyxa rhododendri | |tt||Sclerophoma picae Szechwan spruce boreal ridge fungus decay Big fruit green stem crooked side fungus decay Big fruit green stem brown sticky fold fungus brown rot Fish scale Spruce fusilli cheese mold decay Spruce wood phylloporin heartwood honeycomb white rot Spruce fir cyst white rot Spruce discoloration tough leather mold decay|| tt||Spruce velvet leather fungus decay Spruce long hair follicle fungus standing wood decay Spruce rough bark wind fungus standing wood decay Spruce multi-verrucous brown phyllophora Decay Yunbin type II Coriolus standing wood decay||tt ||Spruce sulphur-colored spruce stem base block brown rot Spruce lipophilous umbrella stem spot brown rot Spruce halti wood phylloporin brown rot|| tt||Spruce blood leather fungus spongy white rot Spruce fruit round focus fungus brown rot Spruce red pseudo-end hole fungus decay Spruce thick cover fiber hole Fungus decay Spruce yellow-haired Borer rot Spruce Kellertia amylopectinus rot Spruce and fir thin-plate fungus dieback Spruce bitter fire mushroom decay Spruce and fir sticky fold fungus brown rot Climacocystis borealis | Hirschioporus versatilis Pleurotus ostreatus Pyropolyporus pseudosener Coriolus biformis Laetiporus sulphureus Pholiota adiposa Phellinus hartigii| |tt||Haematostereum sanguinolentumGyrophana lacrymans Fomitopsis rosea Inonotus dryadeus Pleurotus nidulans Amylostereum chailletit Cenangium abietis Flammula picrea Gloeophyllumabietinum 135231 135233 135234 135235 135236 135237 135238 135239| |tt||135240 135241 135242 135243 135245||tt ||135246 135247 135248 135249 135252 135253 135254 135255 135256 135257 135258 135260 135261 135262 135263 135264 135301 135302 135303 135401 135404 135405 135406| |tt||135408 136000 136103 136104 Disease name Spruce hedge Brown rot of sticky gill fungus Standing wood decay of spruce with chromophore fungus Decomposition of spruce with phylloporin fungus Brown rot of spruce with dense sticky gill fungus Spruce cotton rot, porphyra brown rot Spruce pine long beak shell wood blue stain Spruce fungus decay Spruce deformed golden rust fungus young shoot rust||tt| |Pseudocermatophyte spruce standing wood decay Spruce common tubercle blight Spruce standing wood decay GB/T 15161—94 Pathogen Latin name Gloeophyllum saepiarium Hapalopilus fibrillosus Phellinus setulosus Gloeophyllum trabeum Poria vaporaria||tt| |Ceratocystis pini Auricularia auricula Chrysomya deformans Pseudotrametes gibbosa Tubercularia vulgaris Pholiota squarrosa Spruce green top pseudopolyporus standing wood decay Spruce thin resin pore fungus white rot Spruce pine dark pore fungus dry base block brown rot||tt| |Brown rot of spruce wood with Glue-Gills stripes White rot of spruce wood with Corynebacterium odoratum Decomposition of spruce wood with Corynebacterium odoratum Honeycomb white rot of spruce wood with Phylloporin heartwood Spruce pine phylloporin heartwood block brown rot spruce sub-red margin phylloporin brown rot || tt || spruce heteromorphic trametes decay || tt || spruce fan cover cheese fungus hidden stem rot cloud White rot of spruce tongue Spruce branch fungus decay Spruce purple brown vesicle fungus white rot Spruce purple vesicle fungus white rot Spruce thin hair nail fungus dieback Spruce birch leather fungus rot Spruce spore rot Spruce spruce spore rot Snow spruce spruce spore rot Rhizoctonia damping-off Spruce Armillaria root rot Spruce Fusarium damping-off Snow spruce damping-off Rhizoctonia damping-off||tt| |Spruce Botrytis cinerea mildew rot Spruce Puccinia pulex cone rust Spruce Puccinia pulex cone rust Spruce creeping root mildew rot Diseases of Larix gmelinii Larch rust Polyporellus spp. red blight Larch rust Polyporellus spp. brown rust picipes Ischnoderma resinosum Phaeolus schweinitxii Gloeophyllum striatum Trametes suaveolens Poria odora Phellinus pini var.abietis Fomitopsis pinicola Fomes rufolaccatus Trametes heteromorpha Tyromyces gutulatus Ganoderma applanatum Ramaria stricta Hirschioporus fusco -violaceusPoria purpurea Dasyscypha calyciformis Lenzites betulina Hirschioporus laricinus Rhizoctonia solani Armillariella mellea Fusarium orysporum Rhizoctonia solani Botrytis cinerea Chrysomyra pyrolae Thekospora areolata Rhizopus stolonifer Pestalotia funerea Triphragmiopsis laricinum 136105 136106 136107 136108||tt| |136110 136112 136113 136201 136202 1362 03 136204 136205 136206 136207 136208 136209 136210 136211| |tt||136212 136213||tt| |136214 136215 136216 136217 136218 136219 136220 136221 136222 136224 136225 136226 136227 136231 136303 136304 136305 136306 136311|| tt||136312 Disease name GB/T 15161—94 Larch leaf rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Larch leaf fall caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Larch rust caused by Populus sclerotiorum Leaf fall Leaf rust of pine with the genus Puccinia Larch ash rust of pine seedlings with Botrytis cinerea Larch early leaf fall disease with Mycosphaeria sphaerocephala Snow blight of Siberian larch larch trichoderma cancer disease larch velvet coriolus decay larch Dianthus scaly-shaped rust Arbuscular rust Larch flax-shaped cheese fungus rot Larch pine pine dark hole fungus Stem block brown rot Larch hemlock Ganoderma lucidum brown rot Larch common Tuber spore red wart blight Larch spore blight Larch spore shell blight Larch and fir shell shell rot||tt ||Larch and fir sphaerocephala decay Larch and fir sphaerocephala decay Larch hedge sphaerocephala decay||tt ||Larch wood phylloporin rot Larch diffuse sooty mold Larch Weil's brown inoculum rot Larch wood phylloporin heartwood white honeycomb rot Larch sulphur-colored smolt heartwood block decay Larch pinyon phylloporin heartwood block brown rot Larch applewood phylloporin heart rot Larch cladocerus bud blight||tt ||Larch Stem Spot Mildew Seedling Stem Swelling Disease Larch Verrucosa Asphyxia Disease Larch Vermilion Bush Red Shell Branch blight Japanese larch bark blight Siberian larch phytosporum standing wood decay larch dieback Larix gmelinii wilt blight| |tt||Larch Fusarium solani blight Larch Rhizoctonia solani blight Larch multi-year phylloporin root white rot Larch small Armillaria root rot Larch Poria root rot Pathogen Latin name Sclerotinia fuckeliana Hypodermella laricis Melampsora larici-populina Melampsoridium hiratsukanum Botrytis cinerea Mycosphaerella larici-leptolepisPhacidium infestans Lachnellula willkommii|| tt||Coriolus versicolor tt||Cytospora abietis Gloeophyllum abietinum Columnocystis abietina Gloeophyllum saepiarium Fomes fomentarius Fumago vagans Fuscoporia weiri Phellinus pini Laetiporus sulphureus Fomitopsis pinicola Phellinus pomaceus Cladosporium tenmissimum Phoma laricis Thelephora terrestris Nectria cinnabarina Diaporthe conorum| |tt||Peniophora incarnata Guignardia laricina Botrytis cinerea Fusarium orysporum Rhizoctonia solani Fomes annosus Armillariella mellea Poriacocos 136313 136403 136404 136405 137000 137101 137102 137103| |tt||137201 138000| |tt||138101 138102 138103 138104 138105 138106 138107 138108||tt ||138109 138111 1 38112 138113 138114 138116 138118 138119 138121 138122 138123| |tt||138124 138125| |tt||138126 138127 138128 138129 138131 138132 138133 138134||tt ||138135 Disease name GB/T 15161—94 Alternaria solani blight on Siberian larch Rhizoctonia solani blight on larch Botrytis cinerea blight on Siberian larch Larch blight on Siberian larch Pine creeping root mold rot disease Pine and cedar diseases Cedar dead spot multi-hairy spore red blight Pine dead spot multi-hairy spore red blight Pine double Chaetotrichum spp. red blight Cedrus spp. cancer Pine diseases Leaf blight of pine seedlings caused by Cercospora rubra Rust of pine trees caused by Aster tataricus Rust of pine trees caused by Campanula odorifera Rust of pine trees caused by Campanula odorifera||tt ||Rust of pine tree due to yellow vine sheath rust Rust of pine tree due to saussurea sheath rust Red leaf fall of pine tree due to subcortical disc fungus Brown spot of pine tree due to pine needle tumor| |tt||Pine needle disease of pine needles Pine needle rust disease of pine needles Pine needle rust disease Disk multi-hair spore red blight Rust disease of red pine sheath rust fungus Rust disease of red pine sheath rust fungus Rust disease of red pine sheath rust fungus||tt| |Rust of Solidago armandii Red blight of Pinus armandii with polytrichosporium Rust of Pulsatilla dasyphylla Sheath rust of Clematis sylvestris|| tt||Pine needle red spot disease Pine pine pine small spot shell Pine pine pine small spot shell rust|| tt||Pinus sylvestris yellow spot needle blight Pinus tabulaeformis yellow sheath rust Pinus tabulaeformis larch early leaf fall disease Pinus yunnanensis sheath rust Massonia truncatula leaf blight Massonia truncatula red leaf blight Massonia truncatula red blight Pinus thunbergii pine leaf blight Alternaria taeda glutinosa black spot blight Pinus taeda glutinosa winter sheath rust Pathogen Latin name Alternaria alternata Rhizoctonia solani Botrytis cinerea Rhizopus stolonifer Pestalotia funerea Pestalotia funerea Discosia artocreas Lachnellula willkommii Cercospora pini-densiflorae Coleosporium asterum Coleosporium campanulae Coleosporium melampyri Coleosporium phellodendri Coleosporium saussureae Hypoderma desmazieri Lecanosticta acicola Lophodermium pinastri Peridermium pini Pestalotia zahlbruchneriana Coleosporium cacaliae Coleosporium cimicifugatum Coleosporium ligulariae Coleosporium solidaginis Pestalotia macrochaeta Coleosporium pulsatillae Coleosporium clematidis Dothistroma pini Lophodermella sulcigena Lophodermium seditiosum Naemacyclus niveus Coleosporium phellodendri Mycosphaerella larici- leptolepisColeosporium senecionis Cytospora pinastri Meloderma desmazeieri Pestalotia funerea Pestalotia strobilicola Coleosporium tussilaginis 138177 138201 138202||tt ||138203 138205 138207 138208 138209 138211 138212 138213 138214 138 215 138217 138218 138219 138221 138222 138223 138224 138225| |tt||138226 138227 138228 138229 138231 1 38232 138233 138234 138235 138236 138239 138241 138242 138243| |tt||138244 138245 138246 138247 138248||tt ||Disease name Rust disease of Korean pine and tabulaeformis Pine and fir thin disc rot Pine velvet coriolus rot Pine oak Column rust gall rust Pine tea rust column rust blister rust Pine Cryptoporus rot Pine Cryptoporus rot Pine pine cyst Rot disease Pine rot caused by Diplodia pinewood Pine dieback disease GB/T 15161—94 Pathogen Latin name Lophodermium maximuni Cenangium ferruginosum Coriolus versicolor Cronartiumquereuum Cronartium ribicola Cryptoderma pini Cryptoporus volvatus Cytospora pini Daedalea biennis Diplodia pinea pine medicinal phylloporin heartwood block brown rot pine pine phylloporin heartwood block rot pine spreading sooty mold sooty mold pine hemlock ganoderma lucidum brown||tt| |Pine hedge slime fungus heartwood block brown rot Pine striped slime fungus decay Pine blood red nail fungus decay Pine fir cyst white rot||tt| |Pine tree resin thin dermis fungus white rot Pine tree bean shell sphaerocephala stem rot Pine tree pine spruce dark fungus stem base block bed rot Pine pine wood phylloporin heartwood honeycomb white rot pine sparse hardwood phylloporin sapwood brown pine tuckahoe rot pine cotton rot phylloporin brown rot||t t||Pine red thrombus decay Pine lipid disease Pine shell-shaped caseous fungus decay Red pine rust thin disk fungus Red pine sulfur color hole Heartwood block brown rot Red pine vermilion cluster red shell branch blight Arpan pine tea orchid column rust Arpan pine Coriolus spp. branch blight|| tt||Arshan pine pine brown phyllopodium decay Arshan pine brown slime fungus decay Arshan pine cypress curled edge bud blight Pinus quinquefolia tea Column rust Red pine pine rust Red pine cypress sticky fold brown rot Red pine tricolor gram-line brown rot Fomitopsis officinalis Fomitopsis pinicola Fumago vagans Ganoderma tsugae Gloeophyllum saepiarium Gloeophyllum striatum Gomphidius rutilus Hirschioporus abietinus Ischnoderma resinosum Macrophomina phaseoli Phaeolus schweinitzi Phellinus pini Phellinus robustus Poria cocos Poria vaporaria| |tt||Trametes sanguinea Tympanis confus Tyromyces anceps Cenangium ferruginosum Laetiporus sulphureus Nectria cinnabarina Cronartium ribicola Cytospora curreyi Fomitopsis castaneus Gloeophyllum subferrugineum Tryblidiella saltuaria Cronartium ribicola Cronartium flaccidum Gloeophyllum juniperinum Lenxites tricolor 138249 138251 138252 138253 138254 138255 138256 138257| |tt||138258 13825 9 138260 138261 138262 138263 138301 138303 138305 138306| |tt||138307 138308 138309 138311 138312 138313 138401 138402 138403 138405 138406| |tt||138407 139000| |tt||Disease name Xingkai Lake pine pine peony column rust fungus Xingkai Lake pine oak column rust fungus Mongolica pine rust thin disk fungus Pinus sylvestris pine rust column rust blister rust Pinus tabulaeformis Japanese thin disc branch blight Pinus tabulaeformis sheath rust column rust blister rust Pinus tabulaeformis column rust Pseudomonas alpinus Decay Yunnan pine thin disc branch blight Massonia pine cylindrica Massonia pine soft disc branch blight Massonia pine vermilion Decay Huangshan pine monochromatic coriolus decay Two-needle pine pine rust Pine Fusarium wilt Pine Fusarium wilt Blight||tt| |Pine Poria root rot Pine fruit and vegetable rot Pine Debari rot Pine tree rot Rhizoctonia solani rot||tt| |Pine brown seat hard shell white stripe feather disease Red pine honey fungus root decay Archaemum armandii white rot Red pine purple roll basidiomycete purple stripe feather disease Disease Pine Gray Grape Botrytis rot Fusarium rot of pine trees Pine fruit rot Pine tree Rhizoctonia rot Pine tree root rot Moltenoid rot| |tt||Pythium rot of Masson pine Diseases of other genera in Pinaceae 140000|Diseases of Taxaceae 141000 141 101 141105 141106 141107 141108 141109 141112 Chinese fir disease Chinese fir leaf spot disease Chinese fir leaf spot disease GB/T 15161—94 Pathogen Latin name Cronartium flaccidum Cronartium guercuum Cenangium ferruginosum Cronartium flaccidum Cenangium japonicum||tt| |Cronartium coleosporioides Cronartium flaccidum Fomitopsis rosea Cenangium ferruginosum Cronartium flaccidum Mollisia pinicola Trametes cinnabarina Coriolus unicolor Cronartium flaccidum Fusarium orysporum Fusarium solani Poria cocos Pythium aphanidermatum Pythium debaryanum Rhizoctonia solani Rosellinia necatrir Armillariella mellea Sclerotium rolfsii Helicobasidiumpurpureum Botrytis cinerea Fusarium orysporum Pythium aphanidermatum Rhizoctonia solani Rhizopus stolonifer Pythium debaryanum Phyllosticta cryptomeriae Pestalotia funerea Abies abietis leaf blight Cedrus fortunei stem spot blight Cedrus fortunei stem spot blight Cedrus fortunei stem spot blight Cedrus fortunei subcortical plate colony needle disease Sugimoto Shirai plate polytrichomonas red blight Phacidium abietinum Phoma cryptomeriae Cercospora cryptomeriae Hypoderma desmazieri Pestalotia shiraiana 141113 141114 141117 141118 141120 141122||tt| |141123 141124 141127 141201 141202 141203 141204 141205 141206 141207| | tt | ||141401 141402 141403 141404 141405 143000 143101 144000 144102 144105 144106 144107 144108 Disease name Chinese fir bark fungus leaf blight Chinese fir spherical fungus leaf blight Chinese fir vermicularis spore leaf spot Chinese fir bark fungus needle drop disease Chinese fir leaf spot shell needle drop disease Chinese fir spherical fungus leaf blight Chinese fir spherical fungus leaf blight Chinese fir spherical fungus leaf blight||tt ||Leaf spot of Chinese fir with Phyllosporium solani Stem rot of Chinese fir with Aspergillus chinensis Top dieback of Chinese fir with Polytrichomonas chinensis Stem rot of Chinese fir with Fusarium fusca Stem rot of Chinese fir with Sclerotium spp.||Bogor plaster disease of Chinese fir with Basidiomycetes Stem rot of Chinese fir with Polytrichomonas chinensis Bitumodium chinensis dieback of Chinese fir Bolithophorum chinensis wilt of Chinese fir with Botrytis cinerea Sclerotium spp. white rot of Chinese fir White feather disease of Chinese fir with Brown shell Fusarium rot of Chinese fir GB/T 15161-94 | | tt | rundinaceum Pestalotia foedans Phyllosticta solitaria Macrophomina phaseoli Pestalotia apiculata Gyrophana lacrymans Sclerotium bataticola Septobasidium bogoriense Pestalotia hartigii Discosia artocreas Botryosphaeria cunninghamiaeSeptobasidium sinense Sclerotium rolfsii Rosellinia necatrit Fusarium solani Root yellowing disease of Pythium ulminum Fusarium occidentalis damping-off disease of Pythium sutchuenensis Fusarium solani damping-off disease of Pythium sutchuenensis Pythium solani damping-off disease of Pythium sutchuenensis Fusarium solani damping-off disease of Pythium sutchuenensis Fusarium solani damping-off disease of Pythium sutchuenensis Fusarium solani damping-off disease of Pythium sutchuenensis Fusarium solani damping-off disease of Pythium sutchuenensis Mildew and rot Cedrus fir bark cone disease Diseases of the Taiwan genus Cedrus cypress Cercospora red blight Diseases of the Cryptomeria genus Cedrus fragariae fusarium fusarium red blight Cedrus fragariae fusarium leaf blight Cedrus fragariae fusarium leaf blight Cedrus fragariae fusarium leaf blight Cedrus fragariae fusarium leaf blight Cedrus fragariae fusarium leaf blight Pythium ultimum Fusarium orysporum Pythium debaryanum Helicobasidium purpureum||Rhizoctonia solani Fusarium solani Fusarium oysporum||Rhizoctonia solani Pythium debaryanum Hypod erma cunninghamiae Cercospora cryptomeriae Gibberella baccata Cytospora pinastri Pestalotia foedans Phoma cryptomeriae Cercosporasequoiae 144110 144203 144204 144301 145000 146000 146103 147000| |tt||147101 148000|| tt||148101 148104 148202 148203 148301 148302 149000 150000||tt| |151000 152000 152201| |tt||152202 152301 152302 153000 154000 154102 154106 154107||tt ||154108 154110 154113 154201 154301 154302 155000 155201 156000 156201 157000|| tt||Disease name Cercospora erythrorhizome blight GB/T 15161—94 Latin name of pathogen Cercospora cryptomeriae Cryptomyces sutchuenensis seedling stem rot Cryptomyces sutchuenensis tuber thin tumor Cryptomyces solani root and stem rot Diseases of the genus Metasequoia Diseases of the genus Baldcypress Baldcypress dead spots and multi-hairy spores red blight Diseases of the genus Sequoia Sequoia larch subcortical Disk leaf spot disease Metasequoia diseases Metasequoia The disease of red blight caused by the hairy spore The disease of anthracnose of tea leaves of Metasequoia The disease of rot of the spiny spore of Metasequoia The disease of sphaerocephala of Phaseolus sphaerocephala||tt ||Root rot of Metasequoia glyptostroboides Root rot of Metasequoia glyptostroboides Diseases of other genera of Taxaceae Diseases of Cupressaceae Thuja spp. Diseases Diseases of Platycladus orientalis Platycladus orientalis, Coccidioides sphaerocephala, seedlings, stem rot Disease Platycladus orientalis, cypress, violet, single hairy branch Platycladus orientalis, fusca, sclerotium, sclerotium, blight Platycladus orientalis, basidiomycete, purple feather disease||tt| |Cypress diseases Cypress diseases Cypress rot spot disease Cypress rust disease Cypress rust disease Cypress rust disease Disease Cypress Qingchengshan Gum Rust Cypress Slit-shaped Semi-conchosporon Leaf Spot Cedrus truncatula Cunningham's gum rust Cedrus truncatula stem rot Cedrus solani Rhizoctonia damping-off Cedrus mulberry leaf basidium Purple feather disease Diseases of Chamaecyparis obtusifolia Japanese Chamaecyparis obtusifolia Coccus sphaeroides stem rot Diseases of Fujian Chamaecyparis obtusifolia Fujian Chamaecyparis obtusifolia Coccus sphaeroides stem rot Diseases of Sabina Macrophomina phaseoli Nitschkia tuberculifera Rhizoctonia solani Pestalotia funerea Hypodermella laricis Pestalotia funerea Phyllosticta theicola Aleurodiscus mirabilis Macrophomina phaseoli Sclerotium rolfsii Armillariella tabescens Macrophomina phaseoli Monochaetia seridiodes Rhizoctonia solani Helicobasidium purpureum| |tt||Pestalotia funerea Gymnosporangium yamadai Cytospora pinastri | 157102 157103 157104 157109 157110 157202 157203 157206 157207| |tt||157209 15721 0 157301 158000 158101 158103 158104 158201 158202 158203| |tt||158204 158205 159000 160000 161000 161101 162000 162103 162105 162301 170000 171000| |tt||Disease name Rust of stinking cedar pear gum rust Rust of stinking cedar pine gum rust| |tt||Rust of Sabina juniper Juniper juniper leaf blight Juniper leaf blight Alpine cedar gum rust||tt| |Rust of alpine cedar gum rust Rust of juniper gum rust Aspergillus rot of juniper fir Rust of juniper pear gum rust juniper Platycladus orientalis chloroticum branch blight GB/T 15161-94 Pathogen Latin name Gymonosporangium haraeanum Gymonosporangium junipinum Gymonosporangium fusiporum Lophodermium juniperinum Stigmatea juniperi||tt| |Gymnosporangium confusum Gymnosporangium funiperi Gymnosporangium yamadai Cytospora abietis Gymnosporangium asiaticum Diplodiathujae juniper solani Rhizoctonia damping-off disease of seedlings juniper diseases juniper pear gum rust fungus rust disease Siberian juniper Juniper spot shell needle drop disease Siberian juniper gum rust fungus rust disease Juniper hairy cover lepidoporus rot disease Juniper Japanese gum rust fungus rust disease Juniper Yamada gum rust rust disease Juniper pear Rust disease of gum rust Juniper velvet corium rot disease Diseases of other genera of Cupressaceae Diseases of Podocarpaceae Diseases of Pinus spp. Leaf blight of Pinus spp. Leaf blight of Podocarpus spp. Leaf blight of Podocarpus spp. Leaf blight of Psoralea corylifolia Leaf blight of Psoralea corylifolia Damping-off Diseases of Cephalotaxaceae Diseases of Cephalotaxaceae Diseases of Taxaceae 180000 181000 182000 183000 184000 184201 190000 200000 201000 Diseases of Taxus Diseases of Pseudotaxus Diseases of Metasequoia Diseases of Aspergillus Diseases of Coconut Trees Diseases of Other Trees Diseases of Magnolia and Illicium Diseases of Manglietia Rhizoctonia solani Gymnosporangium asiaticum Lophodermium juniperinum Gymnosporangium gaeumannii Spongipellis litschaueri Gymnosporangium japonicum||Gymnosporangium yamadai Gymnosporangium asiaticum||tt| |Coriolus versicolor Cercospora pini-densiflorae Pestalotia foedans Pestalotia funerea Rhizoctonia solani Macrophomina phaseoli Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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