This standard specifies the principle, reagents, instruments, test preparation, test steps, test results and errors of the urea determination method for the cresol content of phenol products. This standard is applicable to the determination of the cresol content of industrial cresol, m-cresol and other products with a mass fraction of phenol not exceeding 15% and a mass fraction of o-cresol not exceeding 40% in coking products. GB/T 2602-2002 Urea determination method for the cresol content of phenol products GB/T2602-2002 Standard download decompression password:
Some standard content:
IC.S71.080.90 National Standard of the People's Republic of China CB/T2602—2002 Replaces B/263—131 Method for the determination of m-cresol content in phenol products Method for the determination of urea degradinization of m-cresol conient of phenol products2002-09-11Promulgated People's Republic of China General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Implementation on April 1, 2003 Wooden standard foreign car 36[1 mark! Modification This generation (11 products can contain the complete --remove the small system A points broad screening main comprehensive change to 5 collection conditions, etc., all in the price combined quantity, system position middle age gold point conditions are the station fan H Ming regulations broad earning joy water time wood standard merchant for the total as the standard attached this standard Japanese original runjia metal industry products proposed this standard metal industry total shows non-established institutes. This standard certificate position example beverage company. This standard main silk regular people: Gao Xiu Department Zhang Gang, Guan Qiujiao, Zhang Wenxiao. This standard S8 quantity release GB/ T26022002 1 Scope Determination of urea content in phenolic products GB/T2602—2002 This standard specifies the principles, reagents, receivers, test procedures and test results of the determination method for aldehyde products. The error is: The quality efficiency of this standard is not more than 5% and the quality efficiency of the product is not more than U added in the above industry 2 Normative references The following documents are quoted by reference in this document. The referenced documents with a specified period of time, all the static documents (excluding the contents of errors) or the revised versions of the documents are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to the international cooperation have studied whether the latest version of the document can be used. The referenced documents without a specified period of time are applicable to this standard. GT1 Method for extracting coking products from oils /T23 Coking products. Determination of moisture 3 Principle In the sample, generate a substance in the sample, and calculate the content of the substance in the sample from the sample point 4 Reagents 4-1 Molecular gift 1A, 25-12m--25.4516: day -60), 50 culture 23, keep in the above + dryer (effective d 42 account efficiency jin pure in 100 (-10 (after drying, save in the next dryer for standby validity period 3) 4.3 stone moisture content plate pure point 30 2.4 time in the tube: price about. 2.5 for the official: analysis about. 5 instrument 5.1 grinding dead non-color bottle, capacity science to the heart ml tool explosion 5.2 leather point determination position see doctor 1 5.2.1 internal general: [put mm+3 m-inner 2=rm=1 m.1. wall thickness 1 m-1. mm5-2-2 outer: 1>) m+m inner wire 4mr: 2 whole pregnancy = mr.--1.m bottom equipment and other materials: 5.2.3 Temperature and humidity range 2℃~10min to 15.2.4 Temperature range required 0C50min to Water drop: 100m1. Glass replacement ring, water is installed to the matching part about mm meter through the theft recovery %-. A rubber ring is fixed. E.2.E replacement fence: the diameter of the stainless steel wire is 1mru--2n1m, and the outer diameter of the cable is about 18mr. CB/T 2602 --2002 2---structure grid meter: 3---bucket- fried shrimp: Miao Xin Nan G1. burned: wear: 5cml 5.5 hand-held butterfly device: 1 dose, 5. 6 fat white 1 ml. tools required. 5.7 Explosion bottle: 5.8 real case 5.9 gas or heater. 6 sampling Figure 1 sample point measuring sampling whole (15/1199 current determination. 7 test preparation 7.1 preparation of meta-methyl nailen compound GB/T 2602 2002 Weigh 11% of the intermediate, put 5% of the excrement in a beaker, heat it over low heat, stir the sample until the two materials are completely melted, stop heating, cool it down, add 5% of the petroleum, wash it 2-3 times with a pinch of oil, put the composite into a small bottle, store it in the next ten minutes, and then use 7.2% of the same. Preparation of the intermediate standard compound: weigh 55.0% of the intermediate, weigh 45.0% of the intermediate, and use the intermediate standard: take 4% of the intermediate. Divide the AB composite standard into a clean conical bottle. Stop the plug and test it with the explosive capsule method. 7.3 Dehydration of sample Weigh 5 ml of sample in a container. Add 3 mir5mia and keep still for less than 38 nir. Pour out 1 part of sample each month: 8 Test step 8.1 Prediction test 8.1.1 Weigh only 20.0 g of sample: .31 Place in a tube, add urea, and heat for 100 ℃ until urea is completely melted: 8.1.2 Cool in air for about 50 minutes (change E The upper belt expands gradually and the mixing density is measured. The distance between the center of the inner tube and the thermometer of the bulb is: 1.3 Continue to shake the juice and the sample state. "Stir the mixture under the standard temperature (about 7.k) and let the summer medicine stir once every minute. When the temperature rises, stir horizontally on the piece. 8.1. Observe the effect of the temperature rise. The source of the predicted reduction in the product point. 8.2 Test cheat 8.2.1 Heat the inner tube of the test machine with a low pressure. Apply non-melting to the test machine again. Take the fire, shake and stir in the air, and cool the part 8.2.2 When it cools to 1-5 (higher than the predicted point, put the inner into the outer tube and The water in the water tank of the water machine is pre-adjusted to the quality control point 4, -2-5 () 8.2.3 Continue the batch. When the temperature of the sample in the inner tube is 2~(a little lower than the pre-set value) of the product, slowly press (hold for about 5 minutes to observe the temperature. When the temperature begins to rise, stop stirring. 8.2.4 Read and record the temperature when it rises to the original point: 3G: the main temperature at that time, after temperature compensation, it is the crystallization point of the sample. If the temperature rises by 0.3~1.(range pressure, then this test is the temperature. 8-2.6 Source compensation stop Observe the recorded temperature and make corrections according to formula) and (2): r=+ ++a r, = ) 16H —-corrected temperature, .—Observed temperature reading, —correction value of the product itself according to the mountain and record the correction value, (correction value of the temperature of the outer part of the mercury thermometer H-the height of the outer mercury machine, expressed in length, (1 the middle section of the exposed part of the thermometer is close to the medicine plate and the temperature rise is measured by another temperature test station), (\, from the range critical point, the corresponding position content of the test system is obtained (calculate A). 9 Test results 9.1 When the mass fraction of meta-hydroxyphenol is: ~%, the mass fraction of meta-hydroxyphenol is calculated by the formula (X%): CB/T2602 Where: H The mass fraction of meta-hydroxyphenol obtained by the test is the mass fraction of water in the test sample. : The water content is determined according to the starting point of HYR 9.? When the mass fraction of meta-hydroxyphenol is less than 3%, the mass fraction of meta-hydroxyphenol is less than 0: (3) For meta-hydroxyphenols with a mass fraction of less than 35% or greater than 60%, an appropriate amount of meta-hydroxyphenol composite standard (A3) can be added to the sample. The mass fraction of meta-hydroxyphenol is higher than 60% in the domestic range.Then proceed to the third step of the test. The mass fraction of the aldehyde is calculated by the formula: X-100×100, and the mass fraction of the aldehyde is obtained by looking up the table. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1, and the mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1, and the mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. The mass fraction of the aldehyde should be %:1. 1) Appendix A (Normative Appendix Relationship between product point benefit and quality score Relevant factors of product point benefit and quality score 1 Table 41 GB/T 2602 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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