Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Agricultural and Forestry Machinery and Equipment>>B93 Agricultural and Sideline Products and Feed Processing Machinery
This standard specifies the performance test and production test of peanut shelling machine. JB/T 5688.2-1991 Peanut shelling machine test method JB/T5688.2-1991 Standard download decompression password:
Some standard content:
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T5688.2 1991-09-13 Gu Cha Jia Kui Wa Art Jin Chun Ban Wang Zhang Xian Ji 1992-07-01 Small Lock Ji Jia Xin Kui Lu Wa Art Knife GB3768 GB5490~5539 Dai Wu Pu Kou Gan Yi Moss Frequency Phlegm Fu Kai Qian Mo Ji Lun falls into the world Peng Mo Mo Lun falls Frequency marrow Frequency burning territory Child-like cooking Frequency phlegm' Frequency chicken grinding Frequency raccoon crystal magic String extreme charm 1/5 sheath Frequency egret burning territory Fei Nian Pavilion Frequency marrow disease Egret seconds Han Yu tube track complex list 1991-09-13 tumor bt|| tt||Frequency chicken silent seconds Jianzhuan seconds Jianyu seconds JB/T5688.2 1992-07-01 small extreme mushroom goose floating heron Occasionally lucky science waiting million sandalwood soil sandalwood science god kites fill 380V "Science shoes JB/T5688.2 Frequency phlegm condition isolation magic Frequency phlegm marrow Science extreme magic Science'Mo Hanyuan 20V seconds Frequency inspection seconds Supervisory magic Warm code cover Wen Kui seconds Charm cancer snake Drop tube Yu Ke Xiong Song melancholy seconds Dai GB5490-5539 Seconds driving 50 dry Painful goose Ju Gu Hazel cheek 2 Gan Fan vegetable goose Science title fruit Kona radiation Han hazel cheek 1h seconds Yan Deyi Yiyinlu kg/hfruit bury seconds Longde Meipin Keyao Kegan Ke 15min seconds Kepin Ke 4 seconds 5minDehan Gu Common Kouyan Guan Mei seconds hips23 seconds Keyao Ke Ran Zhupin driving tendon Gan Mo seconds neck cheek500kg/hfruit Hazel 10S||t t||Han Huan hazel 1kg cooking science and technology frequency science science and technology funeral frequency science and technology dragon seconds sun Gan hazel 3min 5.3.4 sandalwood fruit Kui Bi diamond seconds first class treatment class 500 Gan hazel cheek 15s seconds huge fruit science and technology frequency general Kewu pendant science and technology funeral Gan cod burning natural cooking frequency chicken cooking kite fruit driving Korea Juran cooking frequency Korean Huan hazelnut 25kg seconds to remember fruit product partner network ht moss mill Pu Long Tan Pu De GB3768 T. Complex fruit JB/T5688.2 W, milling frequency W, natural moss D Jianyi squeeze W winnowing W for cooking N complex Tan||tt ||along the way along ... 00%along the along ... ||family continued Xinhou seconds hateful sandalwood hazelnut family nail family nail family nail family extremely fruit diamond Korean 6h extremely fruit leaf sandalwood leaf fruit sound F boiled 1t H kind of hibiscus felt T cover nail family nail family Han hazel 60h seconds crisp rolling general nitrate turn over the marrow to wait for the second leaf sandalwood seconds leaf sandalwood planting second leaf sandalwood cod marrow fruit kwxh/t extreme fruit family along the edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of the edge of the extreme fruit velvet family along the edge of ... xh seconds product partner network x100% along the ... dmate small plush week fanpeng cut hub soil song melancholy carp fungus song fan cut hub JB/T5688.2 fan cancer jellyfish goose head melancholy crisp rolling mane dragon value online tour small yan melancholy mm product partner network httn:/ extreme fruit fanpeng cutting hub Pu dBA Complex cutting Yi Grinding frequency Complex death Looking at the complex place buried frequency Er Yi press JB/T5688.2 bttn: De Gan Ju Complex cutting hub Ou Xi bream JB/T5688.2 Funeral stall Song melancholy Frequently Song melancholy情 kg/kwxh kWxh/t http:// 薛掣开 频掣南 繁割鼓 鲂鷄俄 极蝴蝶果 繁极蝴蝶果 繁芃切鼓 极蝴蝶果 繁蝴蝶果 极醐果 警万旗 kWxh/t JB/T5688.2 Product Partner Network httn Line Extreme Hu Xinge Fan Cancer Goose Matrix Hu Yi Hub Fan Extreme Fruit mmr/minr/minr/minmin ht Medicine Pavilion Building kwxh/t JB/T5688.2 Yidian Kiln Extreme Butterfly Fruit kwx h/t JB/T5688.2 Xinge Pavilion Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.