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Cross-border electronic commerce—Electronic document for logistics information and payment information declaration
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 39676-2020
Standard Name:Cross-border electronic commerce—Electronic document for logistics information and payment information declaration
Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment>>Information technology applications>>35.240.60 Information technology in transportation and trade
Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Commerce, Trade, Contract
associated standards
Publication information
publishing house:China Standard Press
Publication date:2020-12-01
other information
drafter:Wu Yizhou, Fang Min, Liu Ying, Lin Ting, Lu Haiyuan, Bai Guangdong, Sun Xiaoli, Ren Guanhua, Li Wuxian, Sun Huawei, Huang Shudong, Chen Yahong, Li Pengchao, Chen Yuchao, Wei Xiulan, Xu Youbao, Sheng Chun, Jin Zhenhua, Jiang Dianchen, Wei Yongli, Mai Weiji, Yu Xiaojuan
Drafting unit:Fangjiapuzi (Putian) Green Food Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Taihui Information Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhu Ocean Logistics Co., Ltd., Anhui Yaobo Mall E-commerce Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Electronic Port Co., Ltd., China National Institute of Standardization, Shen
Focal point unit:National Electronic Business Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 83)
Proposing unit:National Electronic Business Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 83)
Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration
GB/T 39676-2020.Cross-border electronic commerce- Electronic document for logistics information and payment information declaration.
GB/T 39676 specifies the business process and requirements, data element description method, data structure and data element usage requirements for logistics information declaration and payment information declaration in cross-border e-commerce.
GB/T 39676 applies to the declaration of logistics information and payment information of cross-border e-commerce enterprises.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 7408 Data elements and exchange formats Information exchange date and time representation
GB/T 12406 Codes for currency and funds
GB 32100 Legal persons and other organizations--Coding rules for social credit codes
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Cross-border electronic commerce/ cross border e commerce
A commercial activity in which trading entities in different customs territories reach transactions and make payment settlements through e-commerce platforms, and deliver goods and complete transactions through cross-border logistics.
[GB/T 37146-2018, definition 3.1]
Single window
A measure for all parties involved in trade and transportation to submit standard information and documents that meet all import, export and transit regulatory requirements at a single registration point. If it is an electronic message, it is only necessary to submit all the data once.
[GB/T 36597-2018, definition 2.1]
4 Business process and requirements
4.1 Business process
4.1.1 Logistics information declaration
In cross-border e-commerce (hereinafter referred to as "cross-border e-commerce") business, the participants involved in the logistics information declaration process mainly include: cross-border e-commerce platform, logistics enterprises, cross-border e-commerce customs clearance service platform (i.e.: a single registration point to achieve a single window) and customs business management system. The cross-border e-commerce logistics information declaration process is shown in Figure 1, as follows:
This standard specifies the business process and requirements, data element description method, data structure and data element usage requirements for logistics information declaration and payment information declaration in cross-border e-commerce.
This standard applies to the declaration of logistics information and payment information of cross-border e-commerce enterprises.
Some standard content:
ICS35.240.60 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T39676—2020 Cross-border electronic commerce Logistics information declaration and payment information Declaration of electronic documents Cross-border electronic commerce-Electronic document for logistics informationandpaymentinformationdeclaration2020-12-14Issued State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration Issued 2021-07-01Implementation Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electronic Business (SAC/TC83). GB/T39676—2020 The drafting units of this standard are: Fangjia Shop (Putian) Green Food Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Taihui Information Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhu Ocean Logistics Co., Ltd., Anhui Yaobo Mall E-commerce Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Electronic Port Co., Ltd., China National Institute of Standardization, Shenzhen United Zongheng International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd., Xiamen Denghan Shipping Co., Ltd., Yimei Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., Anhui Zhenxin Food Co., Ltd., Xiamen Xinjingyi Software System Integration Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Pinge Wood Industry Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Santeng Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., Foshan Yiheng Lighting Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., Guangdong Road Bake Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd., Foshan Nanhai District Weilong Textile Co., Ltd., Dongguan Jiuzhi E-commerce Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: Wu Yizhou, Fang Min, Liu Ying, Lin Ting, Lu Haiyuan, Bai Guangdong, Sun Xiaoli, Ren Guanhua, Li Wuxian, Sun Huawei, Huang Shudong, Chen Yahong, Li Pengchao, Chen Yuchao, Wei Xiulan, Xu Youbao, Sheng Chun, Jin Zhenhua, Jiang Dianchen, Wei Yongli, Mai Weiji, and Yu Xiaojuan. 1 1Scope Electronic documents for declaration of logistics information and payment information in cross-border e-commerce GB/T39676-—2020 This standard specifies the business process and requirements, data element description method, data structure and data element usage requirements for declaration of logistics information and payment information in cross-border e-commerce. This standard applies to the declaration of logistics information and payment information of cross-border e-commerce enterprises. Normative reference documents The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document GB/T7408 Data elements and exchange formats Information exchange date and time representation GB/T12406 Codes for currency and funds GB32100 Coding rules for unified social credit code for legal persons and other organizations Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Cross-border electronic commerce/cross-border e-commerce is a commercial activity in which trading entities in different customs territories reach transactions and make payment settlements through e-commerce platforms, and deliver goods and complete transactions through cross-border logistics. [GB/T37146—2018. Definition 3.1] Single window singlewindow A measure for all parties involved in trade and transportation to submit standard information and documents that meet all import, export and transit regulatory requirements at a single registration point. If it is an electronic message, all data only needs to be submitted once. [GB/T36597-—2018. Definition 2.1] Business process and requirements Business process 4.1.1 Logistics information declaration In cross-border e-commerce (hereinafter referred to as "cross-border e-commerce") business, the participants involved in the logistics information declaration process mainly include: cross-border e-commerce platform, logistics enterprises, cross-border e-commerce customs clearance service platform (i.e.: single registration point for realizing single window) and customs business management system. The cross-border e-commerce logistics information declaration process is shown in Figure 1, as follows: a) After payment is completed, the cross-border e-commerce platform initiates a transportation request to the logistics enterprise; 1 GB/T39676—2020 The logistics enterprise processes the transportation request and forms logistics information declaration data such as electronic waybills: b) The logistics enterprise uploads the logistics information declaration data to the customs business management system through the cross-border e-commerce customs clearance service platform, and synchronizes the logistics information to the cross-border e-commerce platform and other relevant participants. Cross-border e-commerce platform (Initiate transport request) Store original data 4.1.2 Payment information declaration Logistics enterprise (Handle delivery request) Receive waybill (Send logistics information) Cross-border e-commerce customs clearance service platform -Upload databzxz.net Figure 1 Cross-border e-commerce logistics information declaration process Customs business management system Receive data In cross-border e-commerce business, the participants involved in the payment information declaration process should include: cross-border e-commerce platform, payment enterprise, cross-border e-commerce customs clearance service platform and customs business management system. The cross-border e-commerce payment information declaration process is shown in Figure 2, which is as follows: a When a goods order is generated, the cross-border e-commerce platform initiates a payment request to the payment company; the payment company processes the payment request and generates payment information declaration data such as payment vouchers; b) The payment company uploads the payment information declaration data to the customs business management system through the cross-border e-commerce customs clearance service platform, and at the same time synchronizes the payment information to the cross-border e-commerce platform and other relevant participants to complete customs clearance and foreign exchange settlement and other businesses, and uses the payment information as the basis for regulatory business. Cross-border Commerce Platform (Initiate payment request) (Store original data) 4.2 Requirements 4.2.1 Enterprise requirements Enterprise requirements are as follows: Payment enterprise (Process payment requests) Payment certificate Push payment information Cross-border e-commerce customs clearance service platform 1 Transmit data Figure 2 Cross-border e-commerce payment information declaration process a) The operating enterprise of the cross-border e-commerce platform shall register with the relevant local management agency: Customs business management system Receive data Logistics enterprises shall obtain relevant operating qualifications and business license qualifications issued by relevant management agencies; b) c) Payment enterprises shall obtain payment business license qualifications issued by relevant management agencies. 4.2.2 Data requirements The data requirements are as follows: GB/T39676—2020 Cross-border e-commerce platforms, logistics enterprises and payment enterprises shall ensure the authenticity, integrity, confidentiality and availability of the declared information; the preservation period of commodity and service information and transaction information shall be no less than the preservation period specified by the regulatory authorities from the date of completion of the transaction. Data element description method Basic attributes of data elements Electronic document information includes a series of interrelated data elements. Each data element is described by five attributes: data element English identifier, Chinese name, data type and format, constraints/conditions and descriptions. The attributes and descriptions are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Basic attributes of electronic document data elements Serial number Data element attributes English identifier Chinese name Data type and format Constraints/conditions Description Data type and format Description Unique identifier of the data element. English identifiers use LCC format, that is, the first letter of each English word except the first one is capitalized, and these words are combined. The English identifier of the data element should not include any spaces, dashes, underscores or separators. Chinese name of the data element Data element data type and format description, see 5.2 Description of whether the data element is mandatory, conditionally mandatory or optional, see 5.3 The data type and format of the national standards, industry standards, codes, value ranges, measurement units or other descriptions referenced by the data element are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Serial number Data type Data type and format Format Alphabetic character type. The format is as follows: a+positive integer: indicates a fixed-length format, such as: a6 indicates a 6-bit fixed-length alphabetic character:a+xy: indicates a format from the smallest to the largest length, such as: a310 indicates an alphabetic character with a minimum of 3 digits and a maximum of 10 digits, which can be omitted when x is 1; a,.ul; indicates a format with an uncertain length, which is generally a large amount of text content numeric type. The format is as follows: n+positive integer: indicates a fixed-length numeric character, such as n7 indicates a 7-digit fixed-length numeric character; n+xy: indicates a numeric format from the minimum to the maximum length, such as n28 indicates a numeric value with a minimum of 2 digits and a maximum of 8 digits, which can be omitted when x is 1; nxy: indicates that the numeric value has decimal places. For example, n17.2 indicates a numeric alphanumeric character type with a maximum of 17 digits and 2 digits after the decimal point. For example, an5 (aannn) indicates an alphanumeric character with a fixed length of 5, where the first 2 are alphabetic characters and the last 3 are numeric characters. date type. The format is YYYYMMDD. See GB/T7408 date and time type. The format is YYYYMMDDThhmmss, see GB/T7408Binary Binary stream file format for audio, video and pictures GB/T39676-2020 Constraints/conditions Indicates that the data element is mandatory, conditionally mandatory or optional. The specific requirements include: a) M: Indicates that the data element is mandatory; C: Indicates that the data element is mandatory under certain conditions and should be selected when the conditions defined in the constraints are met. The specific conditions are described in b) Description; O: Indicates that the data element is optional according to actual application. Data structure Logistics information declaration The data structure of the electronic document for logistics information declaration is shown in Table 3. Table 3 English Logo userID applicationType applicationTime applicationStatus logisticsEnterpriseCode logisticsEnterpriseName waybillNumber bilNo orderNo totalMonetaryAmount insuredFee currency grossWeight numberOfPackages goodsInfo con signee Chinese name System unique serial number Submission type Submission time Business status Logistics enterprise code Logistics enterprise name Logistics waybill number Waybill number Order number Freight amount Insurance fee Currency Total weight of goods||t t||Number of goods Main goods information Name of consignee Data structure of electronic document for logistics information declaration, data type and format an36 an200 an35 an.37 an.60 n18.3 n18.3 n143 an.500 an.100 Constraints/conditions Explanation 36-digit unique serial number assigned by the cross-border e-commerce customs clearance service platform to the logistics enterprise 1-addition, 2-change, 3-deletion Time for the enterprise to submit logistics information 1-temporary storage, 2-declaration Unified social credit code of the logistics enterprise, see GB32100 Record name of the relevant administrative management agency of the logistics enterprise Electronic waybill number generated according to certain rules Direct purchase import is ocean bill of lading, air waybill or automobile cargo list Order number of the cross-border e-commerce platform. The order number of the same platform should be unique and not exceed 60 digits. Transportation cost of the product, if none, fill in "0"; the currency unit is RMB (Yuan) Insurance cost of the product, if none, fill in "0" See GB/T1 2406 Unit: kilogram (kg) Number of shipping units of goods item Information of goods transported, including name and quantity of goods, etc. If the consignee is a natural person, fill in the specific name of the actual consignee or fill in "×× Company + specific name of the actual consignee" English logo place of Receipt Goods consignee Telephone remark Payment information declaration Chinese name Delivery address Consignee telephone Remarks Table 3 (continued) Data type and format an.256 an.50 an.256 The data structure of the electronic document for payment information declaration is shown in Table 4. Table 4 English Logo userID applicationType applicationStatus paymentCode paymentEnterpriseName PayTransactionID orderNo e-commercePlatformCode e-commercePlatform- Name payerIDType payerIDNumber payerName telephone amountPaid currency payTime remark Chinese Name System Unique Serial Number Submission Type Business Status||t t||Payment enterprise code Payment enterprise name Payment transaction code Order number E-commerce platform code E-commerce platform name Constraints/conditions GB/T39676—2020 Description Actual address of delivery Contact number of the consignee for delivery Data structure of electronic document for payment information declarationData type and format an.36 an18||t t||an.200 an60 an.60 an18 an200 Payer's ID type Payer's ID number Payer's name Payer's phone number Payment amount Currency Payment time Remarks an18 an.30 an.50 n.18.3 an.256 Constraints/Conditions Explanation The 36-digit unique serial number assigned by the cross-border e-commerce customs clearance service platform to the payment enterprise 1—Add, 2—Change, 3—Delete 1—Temporary storage, 2—Declare The unified social credit code of the payment enterprise, see GB32100 The name of the relevant administrative agency for the payment enterprise The payment serial number that identifies the cross-border e-commerce platform transaction The order number of the cross-border e-commerce platform, the order number of the same platform should be unique and not exceed 60 digits The unified social credit code of the e-commerce platform operating enterprise, see GB321 00 Name of the relevant administrative agency for the e-commerce platform 1-ID card, 2-Other ID card number Real name of the payer Contact number of the payer Currency unit is RMB (Yuan) See GB/T12406 Actual payment time GB/T39676—2020 Use of data elements The use requirements of data elements in the electronic documents for logistics information declaration and payment information declaration are as follows: a) The data elements listed in Chapter 6 are basic core data elements, and data elements can be added according to actual needs; add The data elements of the relevant data elements specified in the current national standards and industry standards should give priority to the relevant data elements specified in the current national standards and industry standards b) Announcement References GB/T31502-2015 Information Security Technology Electronic Payment System Security Protection Framework GB/T36597—2018 Guidelines for Establishing International Trade Orders—Window GB/T37146—2018 Basic Information Description of Cross-border E-commerce Electronic Manifests GB/T39676—2020 Announcement of the General Administration of Customs [2019] No. 18. On the Revision of the Specifications for Filling in the Customs Declaration Form for Import and Export Goods of the People's Republic of China [5] Announcement of the General Administration of Customs [2018] No. 56. On the Revision of the Specifications for Filling in the Customs Declaration Form for Cross-border E-commerce Announcement on the access of enterprises to the unified information system of cross-border e-commerce services[6] Announcement of the General Administration of Customs [2018] No. 113. Announcement on the revision of the enterprise access message specifications of the unified information system of cross-border e-commerce services Announcement of the General Administration of Customs [2018] No. 165. Announcement on the real-time acquisition of original payment data related to cross-border e-commerce platform enterprises [8]]Announcement of the General Administration of Customs [2018] No. 179. Announcement on the real-time acquisition of original payment data related to cross-border e-commerce platform enterprises [9]Announcement of the General Administration of Customs [2018] No. 194. Announcement on the supervision of cross-border e-commerce retail import and export commodities Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.