Some standard content:
1 Scope
Standard of the People's Republic of China for the petroleum and natural gas industry Welding and acceptance of steel pipelines
Approval department: China National Petroleum Corporation Date of approval: 1995-12-18
Implementation date: 1996-06-01
SY/T 4103-1995
This standard applies to the installation welding of long-distance pipelines, compressor station networks and pump station networks that use carbon steel pipes, low-alloy steel pipes and their pipe fittings to transport crude oil, refined oil and gas fuels. The applicable welding joint types are butt joints, corner joints and lap joints. The applicable welding methods are arc welding, gas-electric welding and gas welding, and the specific welding methods they include are manual arc welding with coated electrodes, submerged arc welding, gas shielded arc welding with consumable and non-consumable electrodes, self-shielded welding with flux-cored wire and gas welding, as well as welding methods combined with each other between the above methods. The applicable welding positions are fixed welding, rotary welding, or a combination of the two positions. This standard can also be used for the installation welding of other gathering and distribution pipelines that use carbon steel pipes, low alloy steel pipes and their fittings to transport crude oil, refined oil and gas fuels.
This standard specifies the acceptance standards for destructive testing of pipeline installation welded joints, acceptance standards for radiographic flaw detection and radiographic flaw detection procedures. 2 Reference standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB1300-1977 Steel wire for welding
GB/T3092—1993 Welded steel pipe for low pressure fluid transportation GB 3375-1982
GB 5117-1985
GB 5118—-1985
GB 5293—1985
GB 5618—-1985
GB 8110—1987
GB 8163--1992
Glossary of welding terms
Carbon steel welding rod
Low alloy steel welding rod
Flux for submerged arc welding of carbon steel
Linear image quality meter
Steel welding wire for carbon dioxide gas shielded welding
Seamless steel pipe for conveying fluids
Spiral seam submerged arc welded steel pipe for oil and natural gas pipeline GB 9711—1988
GB 10045-1988
Carbon steel flux-cored wire
Welding wire for submerged arc welding of low alloy steel
GB 12470--1990
GB/T13793—1988 Straight seam electric welded steel pipe
SYJ 4043---1989
Technical standard for penetrant flaw detection of normal pressure steel welded oil tanksSYJ4044-1989Technical standard for magnetic particle flaw detection of normal pressure steel welded oil tanksSY 4056-—1993
Radiographic and quality classification of butt welds of oil and gas steel pipelinesUltrasonic flaw detection and quality classification of butt welds of oil and gas steel pipelinesSY 4065-1993
SY 5297—1991
Straight seam electric resistance welded steel pipe for petroleum and natural gas transportation pipeline "Rules for Qualification Assessment of Nondestructive Testing Personnel for Boiler and Pressure Vessels" of the Ministry of Labor of the People's Republic of China 617
JB/T4709-1992 Welding code for steel pressure vessels SY/T5037—1992 Spiral seam submerged arc welded steel pipe for ordinary fluid transportation pipelines SY/T5038—1992 Spiral seam high-frequency welded steel pipe for ordinary fluid transportation pipelines API Spec 5L. Linepipe Specifications
ASNTRPSNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel Radiographic Testing Quality Control Methods
Methods for Contact Ultrasonic Testing of Welds
Methods for Penetrant Testing
Magnetic Particle Testing Methods
Carbon Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes
AWS A5. 1
AWS A5. 5
Cast Iron and Steel Gas Welding Wires
Low Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes
AWS A5.17
AWS A5. 18
Submerged arc welding carbon steel welding wire and flux
Gas shielded arc welding carbon steel filler metal
Carbon steel flux cored arc welding wire
AWS A5. 20
Gas shielded arc welding low alloy steel filler metal Low alloy steel flux cored arc welding wire
AWS A5.29
3 Definitions
The welding terms used in this standard are in accordance with the provisions of GB3375 and are supplemented and revised in accordance with this chapter. 3.1 Owner company
The competent unit or construction unit of the project, or the unit or representative appointed or authorized by it. 3.2 Contractor contractor
The contracting unit and construction unit responsible for the engineering tasks described in this standard. 3.3 Weld weld
The connection weld between pipes, pipes and pipe fittings, or pipe fittings and pipe fittings. 3.4 Qualified welding procedure A set of detailed welding technical regulations and procedures for engineering construction compiled with qualified welding procedures. Welding in accordance with this procedure can ensure that the weld has qualified welding quality and qualified mechanical properties. 3.5 Qualified welder Qualified welder
A welder who has passed the examination in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 5 or Chapter 6 of this standard. 3.6 Root bead
The first layer of weld when welding between pipes, pipes and pipe fittings, or pipe fittings and pipe fittings. 3.7 Position welding
During welding, the pipe or pipe fitting being welded is fixed. 3.8 Roll welding
During welding, the welding heat source is fixed and located at or close to the top center, and the welded pipe or pipe fitting is rotated. 3.9 Automatic welding
Arc welding is performed with the aid of equipment. The welder does not need to operate the arc or electrode during the entire welding process. The welder only plays a guiding role, so the welder's manual skills are not required.
3.10 Semiautomatic welding Arc welding is performed with the aid of equipment, but the equipment only controls the feeding of the filler metal, and the welding speed is controlled manually. 3.1l Internal concavity 618
SY/T 4103—1995
The edge of the completed weld has been well fused with the parent material, but the middle of the weld surface is lower than the pipe wall surface, and the depression formed is called internal concavity. The depth of the internal concavity is the vertical distance between the axial extension line of the pipe wall surface and the lowest point of the weld surface. 3.12 Repair
Repair welding for defects exceeding the standard found by visual inspection or non-destructive testing. 4 General provisions for welding
4.1 Equipment
The equipment used for gas welding and arc welding should meet the requirements of the welding process and have good working condition and safety. Any welding equipment that does not meet these requirements should be repaired or replaced. 4.2 Materials
4.2.1 Pipes and fittings
This standard applies to pipes and fittings welded in accordance with the latest editions of the following specifications: GB/T3092--1993 Welded steel pipe for low-pressure fluid transportation GB8163-1992 Seamless steel pipe for fluid transportation GB9711-1988 Spiral submerged arc welded steel pipe for petroleum and natural gas transportation pipelines GB/T13793-1988 Straight seam electric welded steel pipe
SY5297-1991 Straight seam electric resistance welded steel pipe for petroleum and natural gas transportation pipelines SY/T5037--1992 Spiral submerged arc welded steel pipe for ordinary fluid transportation pipelines SY/T5038--1992 Spiral high-frequency welded steel pipe for ordinary fluid transportation pipelines API Spec 5L Pipeline Specifications
Applicable ASTM standards
This standard is also applicable to materials that are not manufactured in accordance with the above specifications but whose chemical composition and mechanical properties meet the requirements of the above standards. 4.2.2 Filler Metal Type and specification
All filler metals shall conform to any of the following standards: GB1300--1977 Steel wire for welding
GB5117--1985 Carbon steel welding rod
GB 5118--1985
5 Low alloy steel welding rod
GB5293--1985 Carbon steel submerged arc welding flux 7 Steel welding wire for carbon dioxide gas shielded welding
GB 81101987
GB10045-1988 Carbon steel flux-cored welding wire
Low alloy steel submerged arc welding flux
GB 12470-1990
AWS A5. 1
AWS A5. 5
AWS A5. 17
AWS A5. 18
AWS A5.20
Carbon steel covered arc welding electrodes
Cast iron and steel gas welding wires
Low alloy steel covered arc welding electrodes
Submerged arc welding carbon steel wire and flux
Gas shielded arc welding carbon steel filler metal
Carbon steel flux-cored arc welding wire
AWS A5. 28
3 Gas shielded arc welding low alloy steel filler metal Low alloy steel flux-cored arc welding wire
Filler metals that do not meet the requirements of the above standards may also be used if they have passed the welding procedure assessment. Storage and handling of filler metals and fluxes During storage and handling, the manufacturer's regulations shall be followed, and damage to the filler metals, fluxes and their packaging shall be avoided. After the package is opened, it should be protected from deterioration, and the coated electrode should be kept away from moisture. Filler metals and fluxes that show signs of damage or deterioration should not be used. 4.2.3 Shielding gas Types
Shielding gas is divided into inert gas, active gas and a combination of inert gas and active gas. The purity and dryness of the shielding gas should meet the requirements of the welding procedure specification. Storage and use
Shielding gas should be contained in a container, which should be stored away from high temperature environments, and other gases should not be mixed into the container. If there is a problem with the quality of the shielding gas, it should not be used.
5 Welding procedure assessment
5.1 Procedure assessment
Before the welding production begins, a detailed welding procedure instruction should be prepared and the welding procedure should be assessed. The purpose of procedure qualification is to verify whether the procedure can produce a sound welded joint with acceptable mechanical properties (such as strength, ductility and hardness). Destructive tests should be used to check the quality and performance of welded joints. Welding procedure specifications should be prepared based on the qualified procedure. These welding procedure specifications should be followed except for the items listed in 5.4 of the special notice of the owner. 5.2 Records
Detailed records should be kept of the details of the qualified welding procedure, and the results of the welding procedure qualification test should be recorded. Records should be made using forms similar to Figures 1 and 2, and these records should be kept during the use of the welding procedure specification. 5.3 Procedure Specifications
The procedure specification should include the following contents.
5.3.1 Welding Methods
It should be specified whether manual welding, semi-automatic welding or automatic welding, or any combination of these methods, is used. 5.3.2 Pipe and Fitting Materials
Applicable pipe materials and fitting materials should be specified. The applicable pipe and fitting material groups are shown in, but the evaluation test should be carried out on the material with the highest specified yield strength in the group.
5.3.3 Diameter and wall thickness
The diameter and wall thickness ranges applicable to the welding procedure specification should be determined, and their groups are shown in d) and e) in 6.2.2). 5.3.4 Joint design
A schematic diagram of the joint should be drawn. The schematic diagram should indicate the groove angle, blunt edge size and root gap. The shape and size of the fillet weld should be indicated; if a backing plate is used, its form should also be indicated. 5.3.5 Filler metal and number of weld passes
The type and specification of the filler metal, the minimum number of weld layers and the sequence of weld passes should be indicated. 5.3.6 Electrical characteristics
The type and polarity of the current should be indicated, and the range of arc voltage and welding current values of the electrode or wire used should be specified. 5.3.7 Flame characteristics
The type of flame used (neutral flame, carburizing flame or oxidizing flame) should be specified. The size of the welding torch nozzle suitable for each specification of welding wire should be specified. 5.3.8 Welding position
Whether it is rotary welding or fixed welding should be specified.
Reference to 5.2 of this standard
Project name:
Welding method:
Diameter and wall thickness:
Joint structure type:
Filler metal and number of weld layers:
Electrical or flame characteristics:
Welding position:
Welding direction:
Number of welders:
Time interval between welds:
Type of butt joint and its disassembly:
Cleaning and (or) grinding:
Preheating and stress relief:
Shielding gas and flow:
Shielding flux:
Welding speed:
Attachments and tables:
Refer to 5.2 of this standard
Note: Dimensions are for reference only.
Welding procedure specification description
Owner's name:
Welding supervisor:
Chief engineer:
0. 8 ~ 1. 6 mm
--1. 6 mm ± 0. 8 mm
Standard V-groove butt joint
Weld pass sequence
Electrode size and number of weld pass layers
Arc voltage
Electrode size and model
Current and polarity
Figure 1 Form format of welding procedure specification descriptionSY/T 4103-1995
Welding speed
Name of welder:
Welding time required:
Average temperature:
Climatic conditions:
Arc voltage:
Welding machine model:
Filling metal:
Weld reinforcement size:
Pipe type and grade:
Wall thickness:
Specimen number
Original specimen size
Original specimen area
Maximum load
Tensile strength
Fracture position
Welding process||t t||口Welder test
Maximum tensile strength
Tensile test conclusion:
Bending test conclusion:
Notch hammer test conclusion:
Test unit:
Welding sample test report
Test number:
Welding position: Rotary welding
Welder code:
Welding time:
Wind screen used:
Welding machine capacity:
Outer diameter:
口Qualification test
口Engineering weld test
Minimum tensile strength
Test date:
Note: Other comments can be written on the back. This form can be used for welding procedure qualification and welder assessment test. Figure 2 Specimen Test Report Form
Tack Weld
Average Tensile Strength
5.3.9 Welding Direction
It shall be indicated whether it is upward welding or downward welding.
5.3.10 Time Interval Between Welds
SY/T 4103---1995
The maximum time interval between the completion of the root weld and the start of the second weld, and the maximum time interval between the completion of the second weld and the start of other welds shall be specified.
5.3.11 Type and Removal of Coupling Fixtures
It shall be specified whether a coupling fixture is used, and whether an internal coupling fixture or an external coupling fixture is used. If a coupling fixture is used, the minimum percentage of the completed root weld length shall be specified when removing the coupling fixture.
5.3.12 Preheating and post-weld heat treatment
The heating method, temperature, temperature control method, and the range of ambient temperature required for preheating and post-weld heat treatment should be specified.
5.3.13 Shielding gas and flow rate
Specify the composition and flow rate range of the shielding gas. 5.3.14 Shielding flux
Specify the type of shielding flux.
5.3.15 Welding speed
Specify the welding speed range for each weld pass.
5.4 Changes to welding procedure specification
5.4.1 Overview
When the welding procedure specification has changes in the basic elements specified in 5.4.2, the welding procedure shall be re-evaluated. When the welding procedure specification has changes other than the basic elements specified in 5.4.2, the welding procedure shall be revised, but the welding procedure does not need to be re-evaluated. 5.4.2 Basic elements Welding method
Changes to the welding method in the welding procedure specification. Pipe material
Changes to the pipe material group in the welding procedure specification. This standard groups all carbon steel and low alloy steel into the following groups: a) The specified minimum yield strength is less than or equal to 289 MPa; b) The specified minimum yield strength is higher than 289 MPa, but less than 448 MPa; c) All grades of carbon steel and low alloy steel with a minimum yield strength of 448 MPa or higher shall be subjected to separate qualification tests. Note: The grouping in does not mean that all pipes in each group can be arbitrarily replaced with pipes or filler materials that have undergone welding procedure qualification. The differences in metallurgical properties, mechanical properties, and requirements for preheating and post-weld heat treatment of pipes and filler metals should also be considered. Joint design
Major changes in joint design (such as changing from V-groove to U-groove, or vice versa). Changes in groove angle or blunt edge are not essential elements. Welding position
Change from rotary welding to fixed welding, or vice versa. Wall thickness
Change from one wall thickness grouping to another wall thickness grouping [see 6.2.2e) for wall thickness grouping of pipes]. Filler metal
The following changes in filler metal:
a) From one group of filler metals to another group of filler metals (see Table 1). b) For pipes with a specified minimum yield strength greater than or equal to 448 MPa (see Changes in filler metal type The filler metal may be changed within the groupings specified in and b), but the consistency of the parent material and filler metal should be maintained from the perspective of mechanical properties.
AWS A5. 1
GB 5117 or GB 5118
GB 5118
AWSA5.1 or A5.5
AWS A5. 17
AWS A5.18
AWS A5.28
AWS A5. 2
Table 1 Filler Metal
Welding Rod (Wire)
E7015, E7016,E7018
Note: ①Other types of electrodes, filler metals and fluxes can also be used, but a separate welding procedure qualification is required. ②Other combinations of welding wires and fluxes can be used in Group 4 for welding procedure qualification. This combination should be indicated by a complete AWS model, such as F71-EL12 or F62-EM12K. Only materials with the same AWS model are allowed to not undergo a new welding procedure qualification. The same applies to domestic materials. ③ Shielding gas should be used for welding wires in groups 5, 6 and 7. Time interval between weld passes
Increase in the maximum time interval allowed between root welding and hot welding. Welding direction
Change from bottom welding to top welding, or vice versa. Shielding gas and flow rate
Change from one gas to another, or from one mixed gas to another, or increase or decrease the flow rate range of the shielding gas to a large extent.
5. 4. 2. 10
Shielding flux
For changes in shielding flux, refer to Note ② in Table 1. Welding speed
Change in welding speed range.
5.5 Welding of test pipe joints—
Butt welding
Assemble and weld the two pipe sections in accordance with the requirements specified in the welding procedure instruction. Butt welds
5.6 Tests on welded joints——
5.6.1 Preparation
SY/T 4103--1995
The specimens shall be sampled at the positions specified in Figure 3. The minimum number of specimens and test items are shown in Table 2. The specimens shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of Figures 4, 5, 6 or 7. For pipes with a diameter less than 60.3 mm, two test welds shall be welded to meet the required number of specimens. The test of the specimens shall be carried out after the specimens are air-cooled to room temperature. For pipes with a diameter less than or equal to 33.4 mm, a tensile test of a complete pipe section (full-size) specimen may be used instead of two notched hammer-break specimens and two back-bend specimens. The test of the full-size specimen shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of and shall comply with the requirements of Tube neck
Body break
Finish break
Back bend or side bend
Back bend or side bend
Carve sugar rust
Face bend and side bend
Back bend or side bend
Greater than or equal to 60.3mm
Less than or equal to 114.3mm
Carve sugar rust
Greater than 114.3 mm
1 Less than or equal to 323.8mm
Back bend or side bend
Kidney bend or side bend
Carve fine body section
Face bend to side bend
Back bend or balance bend
Face bend or side bend
Carve hammer section
Face bend or side bend
Carve pick section
Back bend or side bend
Face bend or side bend
Note: ①According to the owner's opinion, the position can be rotated as long as the specimens are equally spaced on the circumference. However, the specimens cannot contain longitudinal welds. ②For pipes with a diameter less than or equal to 33.4mm, full-section tensile specimens can be used. Figure 3 Sample location for welding procedure qualification test of butt joint 625
Specimen can be machine or oxygen cut, but both sides must be smooth and parallel About 230mm
Weld thickening height is not removed
Tensile specimen
About 25mm
Grooved specimen with hacksaw, can be machine or oxygen cut About 3.2mm
Minimum 19mm
About 3. 2 mm
Weld thickening height is not removed
About 230mm
About 3. 2 mm
Weld surface groove depth is not more than 1. 6 mum, /Both sides must be smooth and parallel to each other
CancerTest specimen with notch on weld surface
Figure 5Notch hammer-broken specimen
Mechanical cutting or flame cutting
About 230mm
The maximum radius of the fillet is 3.2 mm
About 25mm
Note: The weld excess height on the inner and outer surfaces should be removed until it is flush with the specimen surface. The specimen should not be flattened before testing. Back bend and face bend specimens (wall thickness ≤ 12.7 mm) Figure 66
See Note ①
About 230 mm
See Note ②
All corner radii are 3.2 mm maximum
Test width
Note: ①The weld thickening height on the inner and outer surfaces should be removed to be flush with the specimen surface. The specimen should not be flattened before testing. ②The specimen should be machined to 12.7 mm wide, or cut to about 19 mm wide by oxyacetylene flame, and then machined or smoothed to 12.7mm wide. The cut surface should be smooth and parallel.
Figure 7 Side bend test specimen (wall thickness>12.7mm)
Type and quantity of test specimens for welding procedure qualification test Table 2
Outer diameter of pipe
>114. 3~323. 8
Hammer breaking
Number of test specimens
Wall thickness ≤12.7mm
Wall thickness>12.7 mm
One back bend test specimen. Note: For pipes with an outer diameter equal to or less than 60.3 mm, two test welds are welded, and a notched hammer-broken specimen is taken from each pipe. For pipes with an outer diameter less than 33.4 mm, a full-size tensile test should be conducted. 627
5.6.2 Tensile test Preparation
The tensile specimen (as shown in Figure 4) is about 230 mm long and 25 mm wide. The specimen can be prepared by mechanical cutting or oxygen cutting. Except for notches or non-parallelism, the specimen does not require other processing. If necessary, machining should be performed to make the specimen edges smooth and parallel. Method
The tensile specimen should be broken under tensile load. The tensile machine used should be able to measure the maximum shear load during the tensile test. The tensile strength can be calculated by dividing the maximum load during the tensile test by the minimum cross-sectional area of the specimen measured before stretching. Requirements
The tensile strength of each specimen shall be greater than or equal to the specified minimum tensile strength of the pipe, but need not be greater than or equal to the actual tensile strength of the pipe.
If the specimen breaks on the parent material and the tensile strength is greater than or equal to the specified minimum tensile strength of the pipe, the specimen is qualified. If the specimen breaks on the weld or fusion zone, the tensile strength is greater than or equal to the specified minimum tensile strength of the pipe, and the cross-sectional defects meet the requirements of, the specimen is qualified. If the specimen breaks at a strength lower than the specified minimum tensile strength of the pipe, the weld is unqualified and shall be retested. 5.6.3 Notch hammer fracture test Preparation
The notch hammer fracture specimen (as shown in Figure 5) is about 230 mm long and 25 mm wide. The specimen can be prepared by mechanical cutting or oxygen cutting. Use a hacksaw to saw grooves in the center of the weld section on both sides of the specimen (based on the root weld), and the depth of each groove is about 3 mm. Some notched hammer-broken specimens prepared by this method for automatic or semi-automatic welding (some also include manual welding) may break on the parent material instead of on the weld. When the previous test shows that the fracture may occur on the parent material, in order to ensure that the fracture is on the weld, a notch may be made on the weld surface excess height, but the depth shall not exceed 1.6 mm from the weld surface. If required by the owner, the notched hammer-broken specimens used for process qualification by semi-automatic or automatic welding methods may be subjected to macro corrosion inspection before notching. Method
The notched hammer-broken specimens may be pulled apart on a tensile machine; or supported at both ends and hammered apart in the middle; or supported at one end and hammered apart at the other end. The exposed surface of the weld fracture shall be at least 19 mm wide. Requirements
The fracture surface of each notched hammer-broken specimen shall be fully penetrated and fused. The maximum size of any pore should not exceed 1.6 mm, and the cumulative area of all pores should not exceed 2% of the fracture area. The depth of slag inclusions should be less than 0.8 mm, and the length should not exceed 1/2 of the nominal wall thickness of the steel pipe, and less than 3.2 mm. There should be at least 12.7 mm of defect-free weld metal between adjacent slag inclusions. The measurement method is shown in Figure 8. Deepest 0.8 mm
Minimum 12.7 mm — —Maximum 3.2 mm or 1/2 wall thickness Figure 8 Defect size measurement
5.6.4 Back bend and face bend test
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