This part is the 4th part of GB/T 6159, which is modified to adopt ISO 6196-4:198. This part defines the terms of materials and packaging used in the field of microfilm technology, and is applicable to microfilm technology and related fields. The entries in this part are arranged according to the concept system. GB/T 6159.4-2003 Microfilm Vocabulary Part 4: Materials and packaging GB/T6159.4-2003 Standard download decompression password:
This part is the 4th part of GB/T 6159, which is modified to adopt ISO 6196-4:198. This part defines the terms of materials and packaging used in the field of microfilm technology, and is applicable to microfilm technology and related fields. The entries in this part are arranged according to the concept system.
Some standard content:
ICS C1.340.37:37.080 National Standard of the People's Republic of China CB/T6159.4—2003 Generation GT3/ 33.2—19K: Micrographics Part 4: Materials and packaging VicrngraphicsYocabulary- Part 4:Matcrials nnd packaging(150 6196-4.1998.M0D) 2003-05-14 Issued General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China 2003-12-01 Implementation The various parts of the GT Microfilming Standard are as follows: Part 1: General terminology Part 2: Methods of marketing and recording of photographs Part 3: Film processing Part 4: Materials packaging Part 5: Information, equipment and inspection of images Part 6: Equipment ·Part 7: Computer microfilming Part 8: Application of computer microfilming Part 1 of this part 36159 CD/T 6159.4—2003 This part is modified to adopt 1S0)313-1:1 Microfilming Technology Vocabulary Part 4: Materials and Packaging Materials 31 English version) This part is different from 156[-4:1 in general terms. The following are the main points: The following points are removed from the content: The "standard references" and "normative references" are included in this part as Part 1? The contents of related terms and data expressions are written as "market references". This part is called Part 1.2: Microfilming Technology, Part 3, Materials and Packaging Materials 3 This part GB615.235 has the following changes , The original Japanese version has been adjusted: You Ding, the terms and definitions: Ting, Added reference to the text index and the relevant text reference: Other words used in the central part such as " "ask for definition", etc., using the G1-1-4 definition of the American academic foundation This part is the seventh meeting of the National Document Imaging Technology Standardization Technical Committee S5 batch of wells. This part is the seventh meeting of the National Document Imaging Technology Standardization Technical Committee. The main editors: Zhang Zhanjiang, this part was issued on June 26, 885, and this is the first time. T GE/T 6159.4—20C3 The six parts of the standard are the introduction, the technical specifications, the corresponding English definitions, etc. Indentation marks are used in black. If the meaning or explanation appears in other parts of the standard, the corresponding technical specifications are also used in bold and followed by the corresponding abbreviation mark (for example, the first part of the terminology layer is called "". This method is adopted for all the parts in the review. In the technical terms of this part, the round number "\)" is used for grouping or supplementary explanation: the round number "" is not used for questions. Part 1 Scope Microphotographic technology vocabulary Part 4: Materials and packaging This part defines the terms for materials and packaging materials used in the field of microphotographic technology. This part is applicable to microphotographic technology and related fields. 2 Normative references GB/T 6159.4—2003 The following clauses in the other documents become the references of this part through the introduction of this part. The following clauses are the references of this part. The following clauses are the references of this part. The following clauses are the references of this part. The following clauses are the references of this part. The following clauses are the references of this part. The following clauses are the references of this part. National average name code e15) 3166-1: 9 (3 / T271 (part of the full processing time collection (caVIS door 282) GB / TS159.1-200% Microfilming technology collection Part 1, Yi terminology (18O31961: 1993.M) L) B / 16159.28200G Microfilming technology vocabulary? Explanation, after the image is published: note a1S615e2,s) GH[150.3-20 GH/1 i159. 52C00 6196-.158 GBT 615.6 GH 6158.8 CB/T1$237—1994 3 Terms and definitions Base Microfilm technology Part 3: Microfilming Part 5: Image quality, readability and placement [1S Door Microfilming Technology Part 1 SMO) Microfilming Technology Part 2: (I S6XSNMO) is a material having a virtual optical layer (3.2) disposed thereon, a magneto-optical layer pllusengilivelayer located on a substrate (3.1) and having a coating with a light-saving effect. 3.3 polished film (photographic) nlm is an imaging material having one or more photosensitive layers (3.2) coated on a substrate (3.1) of a type or sheet type. 4 Silver halide film silertilm Photosensitive layer 3.2 contains uniform and distributed silver in the photosensitive film 3.3, injection developing (3) made of gold (product film flow white material heat speed: stock film) 3.5 Direct positive silver halide film direelpositivelivevilvernimCB/T6159.4—2003 Finally processed with standard film (3). The color image (01) polarity (0) is the same as the original silver halide film (3.4). 3.E diazo film diiln comprising a layer of diazo film (3.3) formed by a layer of diazo film (3.2) formed by a photosensitive layer (3.3). After the diazo film is treated (3.3), a photosensitive layer or a cross-linking reaction in the film is stimulated to form a dye image (01): Note 1: The color of the image depends on the composition of the diazo film and the cross-linking agent added in type 1, 2: The film has the same polarity as the original film (01: 01) , 3.7 wsicnlanfilm exciting bubble brain film a layer or a swelling layer is composed of two plastic layers and a nitrogen salt to form a photosensitive layer (3.2) of the photosensitive film (3.3) to make! Re-know after exposure (011) decomposition, produce effective gas reduction good image (31), general photography under heat and the shape of the gas pull type can think of the home D1 design: try bubble film writing and the original 0 (01) opposite image 3. 2 reversal film revelsalfilni silver halide film (3.4) specially processed for reversal (03>). 3. rawgtock miernllm.1: a photosensitive film (3.3) with tiny particles (05) and high resolution (05) for recording microscopic images (01). 3.10 microfilm milrnfilm microform in strips or rolls 01. archival microfilm archivalmlenfilm has perfect physical and chemical properties, is processed according to standard film (03), is easy to store, and is not often used for a long time There will be no special microfilm (3.10) juice: expected letter time query can be time terminology rate storage from (3, 12) text expression, 3.12 probability life ifeexpecteicy letter tolerance lettuce system! Keep the mountain state time. 3.13 general life value Lifeexpeclancydeylgnatinn1.k value you Hdestymalkn(abbre) microfilm (3.10 recorded times total probability life 13.12 inspection carefully. With positive effect, show just: two 1 text office show long station wide information after a few 1 heart year store can still be intercepted without obvious loss of meaning, 3. 14 Microfilm A sheet-like microfilm (01) with only one or more microfilms (01), arranged in a grid (02) and having a header area (3.21) at the top, edgenotch a notch at the edge of the optical cavity film (3.3! or recessed microfilm 3.14) to make it difficult to identify the smooth surface or the shadow (01) surface. 3.16 retrieve the microfilm (01) on a photosensitive film (3.2), on a shrink film (3.14) or on a card (3.42) 1 91GH/T 6153.4--2003 finish: in a photosensitive film (3.2), on a shrink film (3.14) or on a card (3.42) 1 91GH/T 6153.4--2003 finish: in a photosensitive film (3.2), on a shrink film (3.14) or on a card (3.42) 1 91GH/T 6153.4--2003 finish: in a photosensitive film (3.2), on a shrink film (3.14) or on a card (3.42) 1 91GH/T 6153.4--2003 finish: in a photosensitive film (3.2), on a shrink film (3.14) or on a card (3.42) 1 91GH/T 6153.4--2003 Cut mark cotmark Dawn (01) mark produced on the photosensitive film 13.3), film processing [031 automatically sees the flat film 13.14) or the roll paper automatically cut into hard copy 01 when pressed, 3.10 Keader In the world, the film can be cavity, 0 start end, see the protection stop and glue supply ratio insertion pin micro-no equipment-section no policy slow (01> =Light-reducing film (3.3) or its material tail the section after the microfilm cavity (3.10) of the optical cavity (3.3) without the entire image: 01) 3.21 header area the area at the top of the microfilm (3.14) or microfilm cover (3.34) for recording the header: 3.22>. 3.22 header information in the header area (3.21] that can be read without magnification on the contents of the microfilm (3.14) or microfilm cover (3.34). margin area the area in the microfilm (01) that should not be used for the microfilm (01). 3.24 color markcnku5iripe applied to the header area (3.21) of the microfilm album or its items and the window card (3.42) and the microfilm cover (3.34! The above inspection case (B) and the identification color mark header area coatinghendirgnreaooting about"book. The entire header area (3.21) is a transparent coating 3.26 anti-copying layerphoto-opaquecoating to prevent film (%, 6) or bubble Film (3, 7 for short profit, and in the whole porridge box microfilm (3.14) [the currency of the diamond layer. 3.27 distribution of microfilm distribntinnminrotarm distribution of copies distrihutioncopy [x yuan + each film (01) and intermediate film (01), the cost of the restraint film (01) 3.28 CB/T6159.4—2003 light-proof container for carrying light-sensitive materials, which can be loaded or unloaded on the ground in the microfilm technology (01) without equipment, 3. 29 Reel Single reel cartridge Microfilm 01 single reel <3.31.2> Contents, microfilm (3.10) must be completely returned to the reel before loading, Retrieval cartridge Microfilm (3.14) and strip or microfilm (01) through the reel, proof of inspection (06), 3. 30 Double-axis film with asselle reel-type microfilm (01) double core shaft (3.31.2) can be relied on, the film is not wound on the same core shaft, that is, it can be set up, 3.31 core disk core enre disk (3.33) or light-proof disk (3.32 of the fire part 3.31.2 total axis core single-piece box (3.29.1), dark disk (3.281 or double-axis film millimeter (3.30) cable sheet axis: 3.31.3 film core re with the network of microfilm (3.10) light-proof disk spool several practice microfilm cavity film (3.9 of not A combination of a transparent blue disc and a disc core (3.31.1) which can be more easily loaded into a camera (0% solvent processor (06) and used in a reel-type microfilm box (01) with a disc core (3.31.1) with or without a blank blue disc. Suitable for use in retrieval equipment (06), inspection equipment and reading equipment. A "microfilm jacket" is a transparent, flexible film having one or more film tracks (3.38) and a header area (3.21) for containing one or more microfilm strips (3.10). 3.35 [Envelope support sheet (iacket>suppartsheet) plays a supporting role in the microfilm envelope (3.34) and is used to support the cover sheet (3.36). The cover sheet (3.36) is connected to the microfilm support sheet (3.35) 1 to form a channel 13.38) and is placed in front of the microfilm (3.10; image (01). The cover sheet (3.36) and the envelope support sheet (3.35) are connected at this point: 3, 32 filmchannel in the microfilm sleeve (3.34) H ten will count the channel of the microfilm (3.10) 3.39 slol GR insertion openlng US with ten will insert the cavity film (3.10) into the film channel (3.38> open 1: 3.40 call mouth rehate GH/T 6159.4—2003 3 A notch on the cover support sheet (3.35) or the cover sheet (3.36) for facilitating the loading of microfilm. 3.41 [Envelope-fixing holes (jke) registers holes in the header area (3.21) of the microfilm cover (3.31) for the cover to be positioned when the microfilm inserter (3.10) is loaded. 3.42 Window card aperurecard F" a sheet with one or more apertures (3.43) for holding microfilm (3.9) or microfilm (3.10). 3.43 Aperture: apertare (ofaperiurecar) for holding microfilm (3.91) or microfilm (3.10) in short form. 3.44 Aperture adhesive apertumre adhesive card TS adhexive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card TS adhesive card GK quhesive Laurk wrJ LIS adhesive tape is located on the back of the window card (3,421) adhesive card (3.45). Jacket lypeaperture carl Ck CB/1 6159.4—2003 saspension-type aperiure rard lJs a card with a transparent sheet with a completely covered business guide on both sides of the new hole (3.42). Chuanyou: one or more shrink film sheets (3.10) are placed between two transparent sheets in the window hole (3.43>3 afraid thick area r opening card (3.42) part. Its degree exceeds the film's original degree of the area, 3.50 thickening haildughickiness thickening area (3.49) is the difference between the thickness and the pressure of the opening card (3.42). 3.51 shooting card mrrd there is a root salt microfilm (3.9) on the hole (3.43) for the window card (3.42) against the shadow. 3.52 image card imagecard opening card 3.42 with embedded shrink film 3.10>), 3.53 copy card copy card Three-pack microfilm (3.9) for making a window card (3.42) on the left film (01). 3.54 card row carl colmm half row on the wooden support card short side is a row of perforations vertical stomach, B/T5271.122330. definition 12.C6.1 card row candrow half row of perforations on the long side of the lower piece. [GB/T 5271.122009. definition X12.06.103.56 window card perforation area apertoretarupuuchfleld window card <3.42) with a perforation position, 3, 5 1 Coding area cudingarea Window card (3.42) The area other than the window hole (06) and the increase area (3.50) for recording coding data (such as optical shrinking code) Dark box Back adhesive card Coding area Header area Header area coating Teaching mark Soft film· Window hole (upper card: Window hole adhesive||tt| | Archive microfilm Single axis film box Base Issuance of microfilm Issuance of ball shell Reversal film Anti-disc removal layer Light-proof disc Sealing] Positioning hole Sealing type opening length [Envelope] Support film Recovery life Polar cycle pinyin index Probability life value Photosensitive room .. 3.22 .. 3. 11 3. 29. 1 ... 3.1 Photosensitive film Inspection notch Card row Card opening perforation area Card holding Edge notch Channel separation area Flat film inspection film Double-axis film disc Carboxylated film [Microfilm] envelope Microfilm Microfilm Microfilm GB/T 6159.4—2003 . 3. 79 GB/T6159.4—2003 Micro bubble film, Forged salt film Shadow penetration card Increased thickness Thick ground area Station card Front sticky station card Direct positive screen silver salt film LE value (simple) ...3. 49 ....3.5 +... 3. 13 Hdbeslve back rard 1S adhesive card US adhesive face card Us aperturetof perturr cartli apertwre:mthesire aperturc eard aperture card punch rleld archtval micrutilm bwilduparu buildup 1htickness camerecard cardl colunm card rw cartridge casetle clannel searatinn area Ciding area color stripe| | tt | cupy | ntiun holes (jrket)spmr't sheet GEI/T E159.4—2003 jacket-typr aperiare card GHL lealer IF designatlont zLb:sv) feexpestaney lire expeetnncy desiguelinn magazine murgins microflehe microfilm (nicroim>jackel (photnraphie)film photo-opaqoecatiny iravrstuckmicrofilm rebate .. 3. 3-150) other than the part used to record the coding data (such as optical code) dark box back adhesive card coding area header area header area coating teaching mark soft film· window hole (upper card: window hole adhesive file microfilm single axis film box base · Issuance of microforms Issuance of ball shells Reversal film Anti-disc removal layer Light-proof disc Sealing] positioning hole Sealing type opening length [Envelope] support film Recovery life Polar cycle pinyin index Probability life value Photosensitive room .. 3.22 .. 3. 11 3. 29. 1 ... 3.1 Photosensitive film Inspection notch Card row Card opening perforation area Card holding Edge notch Channel separation area Flat film inspection film Double-axis film disc Carboxylated film [Microfilm] envelope Microfilm Microfilm Microfilm GB/T 6159.4—2003 . 3. 79 GB/T6159.4—2003 Micro bubble film, Forged salt film Shadow penetration card Increased thickness Thick ground area Station card Front sticky station card Direct positive screen silver salt film LE value (simple) ...3. 49 ....3.5 +... 3. 13 Hdbeslve back rard 1S adhesive card US adhesive face card Us aperturetof perturr cartli apertwre:mthesire aperturc eard aperture card punch rleld archtval micrutilm bwilduparu buildup 1htickness camerecard cardl colunm card rw cartridge casetle clannel searatinn area Ciding area color stripe| | tt | cupy | ntiun holes (jrket)spmr't sheet GEI/T E159.4—2003 jacket-typr aperiare card GHL lealer IF designatlont zLb:sv) feexpestaney lire expeetnncy desiguelinn magazine murgins microflehe microfilm (nicroim>jackel (photnraphie)film photo-opaqoecatiny iravrstuckmicrofilm rebate .. 3. 3-150) other than the part used to record the coding data (such as optical code) dark box back adhesive card coding area header area header area coating teaching mark soft film· window hole (upper card: window hole adhesive file microfilm single axis film box base · Issuance of microforms Issuance of ball shells Reversal film Anti-disc removal layer Light-proof disc Sealing] positioning hole Sealing type opening length [Envelope] support film Recovery life Polar cycle pinyin index Probability life value Photosensitive room .. 3.22 .. 3. 11 3. 29. 1 ... 3.1 Photosensitive film Inspection notch Card row Card opening perforation area Card holding Edge notch Channel separation area Flat film inspection film Double-axis film disc Carboxylated film [Microfilm] envelope Microfilm Microfilm Microfilm GB/T 6159.4—2003 . 3. 79 GB/T6159.4—2003 Micro bubble film, Forged salt film Shadow penetration card Increased thickness Thick ground area Station card Front sticky station card Direct positive screen silver salt film LE value (simple) ...3. 49 ....3.5 +... 3. 13 Hdbeslve back rard 1S adhesive card US adhesive face card Us aperturetof perturr cartli apertwre:mthesire aperturc eard aperture card punch rleld archtval micrutilm bwilduparu buildup 1htickness camerecard cardl colunm card rw cartridge casetle clannel searatinn area Ciding area color stripe| | tt | cupy | ntiun holes (jrket)spmr't sheet GEI/T E159.4—2003 jacket-typr aperiare card GHL lealer IF designatlont zLb:sv) feexpestaney lire expeetnncy desiguelinn magazine murgins microflehe microfilm (nicroim>jackel (photnraphie)film photo-opaqoecatiny iravrstuckmicrofilm rebate .. 3. 3-13 dlreci posftive gilver Film disirihnlkn cupy disirilbuLion micrefonm edge nnteh rmulsiurl sheel rilm chano headlng headiny Hrca heakling area roating imaye eurd insertlion openiug trS jacket registntiun holes (jrket)spmr't sheet GEI/T E159.4—2003 jacket-typr aperiare card GHL lealer IF designatlont zLb:sv) feexpestaney lire expeetnncy desiguelinn magazine murgins microflehe microfilm (nicroim> jackel (photnraphie)film photo-opaqoecatiny phrtensitive luyer iravrstuckmicrofilm rebate .. 3. 3-13 dlreci posftive gilver Film disirihnlkn cupy disirilbuLion micrefonm edge nnteh rmulsiurl sheel rilm chano headlng headiny Hrca heakling area roating imaye eurd insertlion openiug trS jacket registntiun holes (jrket)spmr't sheet GEI/T E159.4—2003 jacket-typr aperiare card GHL lealer IF designatlont zLb:sv) feexpestaney lire expeetnncy desiguelinn magazine murgins microflehe microfilm (nicroim> jackel (photnraphie)film photo-opaqoecatiny phrtensitive luyer iravrstuckmicrofilm rebate .. 3. 3-1 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.