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Service standard for convention and exhibition industry

Basic Information

Standard ID: DB33/T 770-2009

Standard Name:Service standard for convention and exhibition industry

Chinese Name: 会展行业服务规范

Standard category:Local standards (DB)


Date of Release2009-12-25

Date of Implementation:2010-01-25

Date of Expiration:2020-06-15

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, services, organization and management of companies (enterprises), administration, transportation >> 03.080 Services

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A12 Supply and Use Relationship

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by DB33/T 770-2020

Publication information

other information

drafter:Fang Xi, Shao Xinfen, Yu Changqing, Zhang Yingying

Drafting unit:Zhejiang Zhongqi Exhibition Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau Gongshu Branch, Hangzhou Convention and Exhibition Industry Association

Focal point unit:Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce

Proposing unit:Hangzhou Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau Gongshu Branch

Publishing department:Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision

competent authority:Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the terms and definitions of exhibitions, services for organizers, services for exhibition halls, exhibition engineering services, exhibition business services, and conference services. This standard applies to exhibitions and related activities. DB33/T 770-2009 Exhibition Industry Service Specification DB33/T770-2009 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the terms and definitions of exhibitions, services for organizers, services for exhibition halls, exhibition engineering services, exhibition business services, and conference services. This standard applies to exhibitions and related activities.
Appendix E of this standard is a normative appendix, and Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D, Appendix F, and Appendix G are informative appendices.
This standard was proposed by the Gongshu Branch of the Hangzhou Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau. This standard
is under the jurisdiction of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce.
The main drafting units of this standard are: Zhejiang Zhongqi Exhibition Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau Gongshu Branch, Hangzhou Convention and Exhibition Industry Association.
The main drafters of this standard are: Fang Xi, Shao Xinfen, Yu Changqing, Zhang Yingying.
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all dated referenced documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated referenced documents, the latest versions are applicable to this standard.
GB/T 10001.1 Graphic symbols for public information for signs Part 1: General symbols
GB 13495 Fire safety signs
GB/T 19001 Quality management system requirements
GB/T 28001 Occupational health and safety management system specification
GB 50016 Code for fire protection design of buildings
GB 50140 Code for design of fire extinguisher configuration in buildings (with clause explanation)
GB 50222 Code for fire protection design of interior decoration of buildings
GA 27-2002 Provisions on risk levels and safety protection levels for museums in the cultural relics system
SB/T 10358 Classification and assessment of professional exhibitions
Foreword II
1 Scope1
2 Normative references1
3 Terms and Definitions 1
4 Organizer Services 2
5 Exhibition Hall Services 8
6 Exhibition Engineering Services 10
7 Exhibition Business Services 11
8 Conference Services 12
Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Exhibition Project Planning 14
Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Exhibition Implementation Planning Documents 15
Appendix C (Informative Appendix) Customer Satisfaction Survey Form 19
Appendix D (Informative Appendix) Conference Planning Content 20
Appendix E (Normative Appendix) Customer Satisfaction Survey Method 21
Appendix F (Informative Appendix) Customer Satisfaction Survey Form 23
Appendix G (Informative Appendix) Conference Planning Content 24 References

Some standard content:

Registration number:
Zhejiang Provincial Standard
Service standard for convention and exhibition industry2009-12-25Issued
Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision
DB33/T 770—2009
2Normative reference documents.
3Terms and definitions
4Organizer services
5Exhibition hall services.,
6Exhibition engineering services.
7Exhibition business services.
8Conference services.
(Informative Appendix)
(Informative Appendix)
(Informative Appendix)
(Informative Appendix)
(Normative Appendix)
(Informative Appendix)
(Informative Appendix)
Exhibition Project Planning,
Exhibition Implementation Planning Document
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Conference planning content
Customer satisfaction survey method.
Customer satisfaction survey form.
Conference planning content
Appendix E of this standard is a normative appendix, and Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D, Appendix F, and Appendix G are informative appendices. This standard is proposed by the Gongshu Branch of the Hangzhou Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce.
The main drafting units of this standard are: Zhejiang Zhongqi Exhibition Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau Gongshu Branch, and Hangzhou Conference and Exhibition Industry Association.
The main drafters of this standard are: Fang
Xi, Shao Xinfen, Yu Changqing, and Zhang Yingying. I
1 Scope
Service Specifications for Exhibition Industry
DB33/T 770—2009
This standard specifies the terms and definitions of exhibitions, services for organizers, services for exhibition halls, exhibition engineering services, exhibition business services, conference services, etc.
This standard applies to the holding of exhibitions and related activities. 2 Normative References
The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version shall apply to this standard. GB/T10001.1
Public information graphic symbols for signs Part 1: General symbols Fire safety signs
Quality management system requirements
Occupational health and safety management system specifications
Code for fire protection design of buildings
Code for design of fire extinguisher configuration in buildings (with clause explanations) Code for fire protection design of interior decoration of buildings
3 Terms and definitions
Provisions on risk levels and safety protection levels of museums in cultural relics system Classification and assessment of professional exhibition levels
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1
Convention and exhibition
A general term for conferences, exhibitions and other activities.
A publicity activity centered on displaying products and technologies, expanding channels, promoting sales, and spreading brands. 3.3
An exhibition organizer who legally owns the exhibition and bears the main legal responsibility for the exhibition. 3.4
An exhibition organizer who, under the entrustment of the organizer and in accordance with the organizer's requirements, specifically undertakes the planning, organization, implementation and management of the exhibition and bears the main economic responsibility for the exhibition.
A general term for exhibition organizers or organizers who host or undertake the project establishment, planning, organization, implementation and management of the exhibition and bear the corresponding legal and economic responsibilities.
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An exhibition organizer who assists the organizer or the sponsor in partially carrying out the exhibition work (such as exhibition planning, organization, operation and management, exhibition recruitment, investment promotion, etc.), and bears the corresponding economic responsibility. 3.7
An exhibition organizer who supports the exhibition organizer or the co-organizer in various exhibition work (such as exhibition planning, organization, operation and management, exhibition recruitment, investment promotion, etc.) 3.8
A supplier who provides professional supporting services for the exhibition. 3.9
The act of inviting enterprises and individuals from all walks of life to achieve a certain commercial purpose by the organizer of the exhibition (such as attracting exhibition sponsors, advertisements, professional visitors, etc.).
The act of inviting relevant units or individuals to participate in product display, information exchange and trade negotiation activities for the purpose of holding an exhibition.
Standard booth
Also known as standard booth, refers to the internationally known booth with unified standard specifications. It is usually an exhibition space covering an area of ​​9m2 (3m×3m), with three display panels and one open side, equipped with two spotlights, a negotiation table, two chairs and a wastebasket. 3.12
Building contractor
The supplier who provides on-site construction engineering services for the exhibition. 3.13
Exhibition Move-inPeriodThe period of time for on-site arrangement before the exhibition or conference is held. 4
Services of the Organizing Unit
Qualification Requirements
Should have the following qualifications:
An independent legal person;
Having funds, venues and facilities that are suitable for the scale of the exhibition; It has corresponding management institutions, personnel, measures and systems: It has professional exhibition planning, organization, operation and management capabilities and the ability to coordinate, organize and arrange exhibition activities; It has the ability to bear the corresponding economic risks of exhibition organization activities. 4.2 Basic Requirements
It should operate in accordance with the law, be honest and trustworthy, provide standardized services, compete fairly, be equal and mutually beneficial, and respect the protection of intellectual property rights. It should provide resources and service environment that are suitable for the service. Including: direct and indirect personnel required for exhibition services: fixed places and ancillary facilities such as product display and sales, business negotiation, on-site business services, warehousing and parking: exhibition venues and safety facilities suitable for the displayed or sold goods: DB33/T770-2009
Equipment (hardware and software) required for exhibition services and after-sales services: Special skills and techniques required for exhibition services: DB33/T770-2009
The width of the entrance and exit passages of the exhibition hall shall be at least 2.8m and shall pass the acceptance of the local fire safety management department; the ventilation and lighting of the exhibition hall shall be good, and the building fire protection design shall comply with the provisions of GB50016; suitable geographical location and unobstructed traffic conditions: suitable service environment:
Suitable financial resources.
A quality management system suitable for exhibition service projects should be established. It is encouraged to establish an environmental and occupational health and safety management system suitable for the exhibition service environment. 4.2.4
4.3 Project Management
Project Planning
The organizer shall plan the exhibition activities according to market forecasts and development needs and formulate a project planning document. The content of the project planning can be found in Appendix A.
4.3.2 Project Review
The project plan should be reviewed by the relevant functional departments within the organizer. The participants of this review should include representatives of the functional aspects related to the project stage being reviewed. The main aspects of the review: market environment review;
exhibition project vitality review;
exhibition execution plan review;
exhibition project financial review;
exhibition risk forecast review.
The issues raised in the review and improvement suggestions (including matters that failed to be resolved at the meeting) should be recorded and saved. 4.3.3 Project Registration
The project plan that has passed the project review should apply for registration with the local industrial and commercial administrative authorities in accordance with the "Commodity Fair Management Measures". Only after obtaining the "Commodity Fair Registration Certificate" can the exhibition be held. Projects that require prior approval according to national regulations should be approved by the fire protection, public security, health, customs, commodity inspection and other departments in accordance with relevant regulations before they can be registered for industry and commerce.
After the registration of the exhibition project, the exhibition project summary shall be submitted to the local exhibition industry association for record. 4.3.4 Planning and Management
The organizer shall prepare the following exhibition implementation planning documents (the planning content can be found in Appendix B): a) Exhibition manual:
b) Advertising and promotion:
c) Recruiting exhibitors and investors:
d) Exhibition related activities (opening ceremony, performance competition, professional seminar, technical exchange, product launch, product promotion meeting, etc.): e) Exhibition service and on-site management:
f) Exhibitor management;
9) Audience management:
h) Exhibition safety and emergency management:
i) Summary and evaluation.
The above planning documents shall be reviewed. During the review, relevant personnel of the local government administrative departments or industry associations shall be invited to attend the special meeting. The results of the review and the measures taken by the review shall be recorded and filed. The relevant documents shall be modified and optimized according to the review opinions and then finalized.
4.4 Exhibitor Management
4.4.1 Qualification Requirements for Exhibition Participation
DB33/T 770—2009
4.4.2 Domestic Exhibitors
Have independent legal person status and can provide authentic and valid certification documents. Individual exhibitors shall sign a contract with the organizer and participate in the exhibition in accordance with the relevant requirements of the exhibition. 4.4.3 Overseas Exhibitors
Have independent legal person status, register as a foreign trade operator in accordance with the law, and have obtained the import and export enterprise code, or have the coordination and management chamber of commerce or foreign investment association membership of the exhibition area applied for. 4.4.4 Enterprises with any of the following conditions are not suitable for exhibitions: a)
Business license has expired;
Failed to pass the annual review and inspection of the industrial and commercial administration department; Business license has been revoked;
Ordered to suspend business for rectification.
Exhibits management
The organizer shall establish exhibits management procedures, including regulations on exhibits registration, transportation, warehousing, and handling services. Exhibitors shall carry the following exhibits materials during the exhibition as required: a)
Exhibits list;
For exhibits involving trademarks, patents, copyrights, and market access, enterprises shall provide legal and valid certification documents: For exhibitors participating in the exhibition together with joint venture (supply) units, they shall provide the exhibits participation agreement signed with the joint venture (supply) units. Exhibits shall be allowed to enter and exit the exhibition only after verification and approval by the exhibition organizer. Exhibits (including products displayed in the booths, promotional pictures posted, and materials distributed) shall comply with the following regulations: they are products (articles) provided by exhibitors or by affiliated (supply) units with the permission of exhibitors; they are within the scope of the exhibition regulations;
They shall comply with the provisions of national laws and regulations on product safety, hygiene, environmental protection, etc.; they shall not display or sell goods that are prohibited or announced to be stopped from being sold by the state; they shall not sell substandard or expired goods; they shall not sell goods that forge or use the factory name, address, or famous and high-quality logo of others:
Imported exhibits shall be inspected and qualified by the national entry-exit inspection and quarantine agency or the national quality inspection agency, and valid inspection and qualified certificates shall be provided.
Imported exhibits for display only shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations of the national entry-exit inspection and quarantine agency. 4.4.6 Management of publicity materials Exhibition publicity materials
Approved exhibition publicity materials shall be uniformly arranged and distributed in the exhibition hall during the exhibition. Exhibition promotional materials should be marked with the words "promotional materials" and the name of the printing unit. The selected manuscripts and pictures involving advertisements, patents, copyrights, etc. should comply with relevant national regulations. The solicitation of manuscripts and advertisements in the name of the exhibition should be approved by the organizer of the exhibition in advance. Exhibitor promotional materials The company introduction, product catalog or promotional leaflets prepared by the exhibitors are limited to the introduction of the company and the products exhibited at this exhibition. Generally, they are only distributed within the company's booth. Promotional materials of other units Other promotional materials that need to be promoted at the exhibition can only be distributed in accordance with regulations after approval by the exhibition organizer. 4.4.7 Booth Management
The display and sales services provided in the booth should comply with the following: a)
A booth should be set up, and the items arranged should be in line with the theme of the exhibition; exhibition items should be clearly marked with prices;
Descriptions of the exhibits should be provided, and the instructions or introductory materials should be consistent with the exhibits; if necessary, a negotiation area can be set up in the booth. DB33/T770—2009
4.4.8 Exhibition Behavior Requirements
Exhibitor behavior requirements usually include:
Exhibits and services provided should be clearly marked with prices, and after-sales service commitments should be made; they should not arbitrarily name themselves as brand dealers or special dealers; they should not infringe on the trademarks and patent rights of others: DB33/T770—2009
All exhibition activities (including exhibitions, demonstrations, and gift distribution) can only be carried out within the scope of the booth agreed in the exhibition contract, and should not cause harassment to surrounding exhibitors or affect the exhibition order. The exhibition hall shall follow the order and strictly abide by the relevant safety and fire regulations; without the permission of other booth users, it is not allowed to secretly take photos or record the exhibits of other booths; without the invitation of the booth users, it is not allowed to enter other booths without authorization; it is not allowed to disturb visitors or other exhibitors in the exhibition hall; obey and cooperate with the management of the exhibition site management personnel, and do not make unreasonable troubles; take care of any facilities in the exhibition hall; any items picked up in the exhibition hall should be promptly submitted to the exhibition for registration and processing, and shall not be handled without authorization; eliminate noise pollution, prohibit the use of any high-decibel audio equipment; the decibel volume of the booth promotion shall not exceed 75 decibels. 4.5 Visitor Management
4.5.1 Visitor Invitation
An invitation plan for ordinary and professional visitors should be formulated, and a visitor invitation letter with clear and accurate information should be issued, see Appendix C. 4.5.2 Professional Visitor Service
A professional visitor service process should be formulated to register the professional visitors who attend the exhibition, and provide exhibition guides, visitor registration forms, exhibition certificates, tickets, exhibition brochures, exhibition guides, consultations and other related services. The proportion of professional visitors invited to professional exhibitions should reach more than 80% of the total number of visitors. 4.5.3 Professional Visitor Survey
The organizer should conduct a questionnaire survey on professional visitors, and the survey content should be appropriate to the nature and characteristics of the exhibition. Through the questionnaire survey, we can understand: a)
The nature of the business of the visitor's unit:
The types of products and technologies that the visitor is interested in: the main purpose of the visitor's participation;
The role of the visitor in product purchase;
From what channels did the visitor learn about the information of this exhibition: which services of this exhibition were satisfactory, etc.
4.6 Other service requirements
4.6.1 Release of exhibition information Exhibition information shall be released in the name of the organizer or the organizing committee. The organizer shall not release exhibition information without authorization. The content of exhibition information shall include the exhibition name, theme, scope, time, location, organizer, organizer, co-organizer, supporting unit, etc. Exhibition information shall be objective, true and consistent with the exhibition content. Without the consent of the relevant unit, the unit shall not be listed as the organizer or participating entity in the exhibition information. For the organizer who has not signed the venue rental agreement, it shall be clearly stated in the exhibition information: If the international exhibition has not been approved, it shall be clearly stated in the exhibition information. After the exhibition information is released, the organizer shall generally not change the exhibition name, theme, scope and time and other exhibition matters. If there are legitimate reasons for the need to change, the exhibitors shall be informed immediately and the reasons shall be announced in an appropriate manner. The organizer of an international exhibition shall organize and implement the contents determined by the review. If there are legitimate reasons for the need to change the contents, the organizer shall go through the change procedures with the relevant approval department. 4.6.2 Designation of agents
The organizer shall formulate the criteria for the selection, evaluation and re-evaluation of agents according to the requirements of the exhibition, select and evaluate the ability of agents to provide products or services, and record the evaluation results and any necessary measures caused by the evaluation. The selection and evaluation content of agents can be found in Appendix D.
Agents who have been evaluated as qualified shall sign a service agreement or contract with the organizer, committing to accept the supervision and management of the organizer during the validity period of the contract, correcting the faults in the service, and assuming the corresponding civil liability. 4.6.3 Distribution of exhibition manuals
The exhibition manual shall be sent to exhibitors at an appropriate time before the opening of the exhibition, and its contents may also be published on the exhibition's special website for exhibitors to read and download. If there are overseas exhibitors in the exhibition, it should also be translated into a foreign language text. If the manual needs to be modified or supplemented due to changes in circumstances, this should be stated in the exhibition manual and made an effective part of the exhibition contract.
4.6.4 Certificate and Ticket Management Exhibition Certificates
Exhibition certificates should be designed according to the needs of the exhibition, including exhibitor certificates, exhibition installation (dismantling) certificates, exhibit certificates, professional visitor certificates, VIP certificates, media certificates, work certificates, parking certificates, etc.
Certificates should be easy to wear and place. Exhibition Tickets
If the exhibition is open to the general public and sells tickets, the organizer should set up ticket sales points for the general public to purchase, and pay attention to the guidance and safety of the ticket sales points.
4.6.5 Media Reception
If a press conference or briefing is required before the exhibition, the organizer shall be responsible for inviting media reporters, accepting interview applications, and providing reception services for media reporters in a planned manner, including: organizing the writing of press releases;
If necessary, set up an appropriate area at the exhibition site as the "press center" or media reception area for use by media reporters; the press center shall be equipped with computers, fax machines, desks, paper and pens and other office equipment, and provide coffee, tea and snacks, etc.: The press center shall provide introductory materials about the exhibition, such as the exhibition background, industry overview, exhibition characteristics, related activities and related data of the exhibition;
The staff responsible for receiving media reporters shall undergo relevant training, be familiar with various situations of the exhibition, and be able to answer various questions about the exhibition raised by reporters at any time;
Guide or coordinate reporters' on-site interview activities. 4.6.6 Holding an opening ceremony
The organizer of the exhibition shall hold the opening ceremony according to the established opening ceremony process, invite relevant leaders to attend, and ensure that the opening ceremony is safe and orderly. 4.6.7 Compilation of a brochure
If necessary, the organizer can compile all the relevant information of exhibitors into a brochure before the exhibition and distribute it to provide publicity services for exhibitors. 4.6.8 Organizing performances, competitions and other related activities If necessary, the organizer shall organize performances, competitions and other related activities according to the planning arrangements. The arrangement of activities should not have an adverse impact on the exhibition effect of exhibitors: it should not hinder the visit of the audience. Safety precautions and on-site order maintenance methods should be formulated for the event site, and there should be a crisis handling plan or relevant emergency plan. 4.6.9 Safety Management The organizer shall formulate a safety work plan in accordance with the provisions of the State Council's "Regulations on Safety Management of Large-scale Mass Activities" and submit an application for safety permission to the local government public security agency 20 days before the opening of the exhibition, and apply for a "Public Security Permit" and "Fire Safety Inspection Opinion". The content of the safety work plan includes: the time, location, content and organization of the event; a
The number of security personnel, task allocation and identification signs; b)
Fire safety measures at the event venue:
The number of people that the event venue can accommodate and the expected number of participants in the event; the establishment and identification of security buffer areas: ticket inspection and safety inspection measures for entrants; vehicle parking and diversion measures;
On-site order maintenance and personnel guidance measures
Emergency assistance plan.
The organizer shall be responsible for the following safety matters: Carry out safety publicity and education for large-scale mass activities; Ensure the safety of temporary facilities and buildings and eliminate potential safety hazards: DB33/T770—2009
According to the requirements of the public security organs responsible for the permit, necessary safety inspection equipment shall be equipped to conduct safety inspections on the participants of the exhibition. For those who refuse to accept the safety inspection, the organizer has the right to refuse their entry; d)
Make rectifications in time.
Issuing or selling tickets according to the approved number of people to be accommodated in the activity venue and the designated area; Implementing emergency rescue measures such as medical rescue, fire fighting, and emergency evacuation and organizing drills: Promptly stop any behavior that hinders the safety of large-scale mass activities, and promptly report any illegal and criminal behavior to the public security organs: Equip professional security personnel and other security personnel that meet the needs of exhibition safety work; Provide necessary guarantees for the safety of the exhibition. It is necessary to monitor whether the fire protection requirements of the exhibition are implemented and whether the safety construction requirements are implemented. For those that do not meet the requirements and After the exhibition is completed, the fire protection and security departments should be invited to conduct a comprehensive and systematic inspection of all booths to ensure that the exhibition meets the fire safety requirements of GB50222 and eliminate possible safety hazards at the exhibition site. For large-scale exhibitions that may affect the traffic and environment in the surrounding areas, the time, location, scale and other relevant information of the exhibition should be reported to the public security, fire protection, transportation, health, epidemic prevention and other departments in advance, and accept their guidance. In the event of criminal, public security cases or unexpected disasters, emergency measures should be taken and the public security department should be cooperated to deal with them. 4.6.10 Complaint handling For complaints about intellectual property rights, contract disputes, service attitudes, product quality, product prices, etc. that may occur within the exhibition hall during the exhibition, an on-site complaint handling procedure should be formulated, a complaint reception station should be set up, a complaint telephone number should be announced, and a complaint tracking and information feedback system should be established.
2 For consumer complaints received, the organizer shall be responsible for coordinating with the exhibitors complained against and implementing the three guarantees of product quality.
The organizer shall conduct statistical analysis on the complaint data of the current exhibition and report the exhibitors suspected of infringement to the relevant departments. If necessary, the relevant administrative law enforcement departments of the local government may be invited to participate in the work of the complaint station.
4.6.11 Intellectual Property Protection
When the organizer signs a safe exhibition contract with the exhibitor, it shall include the intellectual property content in accordance with the "Exhibition Intellectual Property Protection Measures" and the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, and clearly state that the infringer shall withdraw from the exhibition unconditionally. If necessary, the organizer may set up an intellectual property infringement complaint reception agency at the exhibition site. 4.6.12 Exhibition Summary and Evaluation Summary
The organizer shall submit a detailed exhibition summary report to the sponsor within one month after the exhibition, and copy it to the relevant management unit. The report includes:
Exhibition scale:
Number of exhibitors;
Main exhibitors and key personnel:
Main visiting units and key personnel; Exhibition results:
DB33/T770—20092 Exhibition Tickets
If the exhibition is open to the general public and sells tickets, the organizer should set up ticket sales points for the general public to purchase tickets, and pay attention to the guidance and safety of the ticket sales points.
4.6.5 Media Reception
If a press conference or briefing is required before the exhibition, the organizer shall be responsible for inviting media reporters, accepting interview applications, and providing reception services for media reporters in a planned manner, including: organizing the writing of press releases;
If necessary, set up an appropriate area at the exhibition site as the "press center" or media reception area for use by media reporters; the press center shall be equipped with computers, fax machines, desks, paper and pens and other office equipment, and provide coffee, tea and snacks, etc.: The press center shall provide introductory materials about the exhibition, such as the exhibition background, industry overview, exhibition characteristics, related activities and related data of the exhibition;
The staff responsible for receiving media reporters shall undergo relevant training, be familiar with various situations of the exhibition, and be able to answer various questions about the exhibition raised by reporters at any time;
Guide or coordinate reporters' on-site interview activities. 4.6.6 Holding an opening ceremony
The organizer of the exhibition shall hold the opening ceremony according to the established opening ceremony process, invite relevant leaders to attend, and ensure that the opening ceremony is safe and orderly. 4.6.7 Compilation of a brochure
If necessary, the organizer can compile all the relevant information of exhibitors into a brochure before the exhibition and distribute it to provide publicity services for exhibitors. 4.6.8 Organizing performances, competitions and other related activities If necessary, the organizer shall organize performances, competitions and other related activities according to the planning arrangements. The arrangement of activities should not have an adverse impact on the exhibition effect of exhibitors: it should not hinder the visit of the audience. Safety precautions and on-site order maintenance methods should be formulated for the event site, and there should be a crisis handling plan or relevant emergency plan. 4.6.9 Safety Management The organizer shall formulate a safety work plan in accordance with the provisions of the State Council's "Regulations on Safety Management of Large-scale Mass Activities" and submit an application for safety permission to the local government public security agency 20 days before the opening of the exhibition, and apply for a "Public Security Permit" and "Fire Safety Inspection Opinion". The content of the safety work plan includes: the time, location, content and organization of the event; a
The number of security personnel, task allocation and identification signs; b)
Fire safety measures at the event venue:
The number of people that the event venue can accommodate and the expected number of participants in the event; the establishment and identification of security buffer areas: ticket inspection and safety inspection measures for entrants; vehicle parking and diversion measures;
On-site order maintenance and personnel guidance measures
Emergency assistance plan.
The organizer shall be responsible for the following safety matters: Carry out safety publicity and education for large-scale mass activities; Ensure the safety of temporary facilities and buildings and eliminate potential safety hazards: DB33/T770—2009
According to the requirements of the public security organs responsible for the permit, necessary safety inspection equipment shall be equipped to conduct safety inspections on the participants of the exhibition. For those who refuse to accept the safety inspection, the organizer has the right to refuse their entry; d)
Make rectifications in time.
Issuing or selling tickets according to the approved number of people to be accommodated in the activity venue and the designated area; Implementing emergency rescue measures such as medical rescue, fire fighting, and emergency evacuation and organizing drills: Promptly stop any behavior that hinders the safety of large-scale mass activities, and promptly report any illegal and criminal behavior to the public security organs: Equip professional security personnel and other security personnel that meet the needs of exhibition safety work; Provide necessary guarantees for the safety of the exhibition. It is necessary to monitor whether the fire protection requirements of the exhibition are implemented and whether the safety construction requirements are implemented. For those that do not meet the requirements and After the exhibition is completed, the fire protection and security departments should be invited to conduct a comprehensive and systematic inspection of all booths to ensure that the exhibition meets the fire safety requirements of GB50222 and eliminate possible safety hazards at the exhibition site. For large-scale exhibitions that may affect the traffic and environment in the surrounding areas, the time, location, scale and other relevant information of the exhibition should be reported to the public security, fire protection, transportation, health, epidemic prevention and other departments in advance, and accept their guidance. In the event of criminal, public security cases or unexpected disasters, emergency measures should be taken and the public security department should be cooperated to deal with them. 4.6.10 Complaint handling For complaints about intellectual property rights, contract disputes, service attitudes, product quality, product prices, etc. that may occur within the exhibition hall during the exhibition, an on-site complaint handling procedure should be formulated, a complaint reception station should be set up, a complaint telephone number should be announced, and a complaint tracking and information feedback system should be established.
2 For consumer complaints received, the organizer shall be responsible for coordinating with the exhibitors complained against and implementing the three guarantees of product quality.
The organizer shall conduct statistical analysis on the complaint data of the current exhibition and report the exhibitors suspected of infringement to the relevant departments. If necessary, the relevant administrative law enforcement departments of the local government may be invited to participate in the work of the complaint station.
4.6.11 Intellectual Property Protection
When the organizer signs a safe exhibition contract with the exhibitor, it shall include the intellectual property content in accordance with the "Exhibition Intellectual Property Protection Measures" and the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, and clearly state that the infringer shall withdraw from the exhibition unconditionally. If necessary, the organizer may set up an intellectual property infringement complaint reception agency at the exhibition site. 4.6.12 Exhibition Summary and Evaluation Summary
The organizer shall submit a detailed exhibition summary report to the sponsor within one month after the exhibition, and copy it to the relevant management unit. The report includes:
Exhibition scale:
Number of exhibitors;
Main exhibitors and key personnel:
Main visiting units and key personnel; Exhibition results:
DB33/T770—20092 Exhibition Tickets
If the exhibition is open to the general public and sells tickets, the organizer should set up ticket sales points for the general public to purchase tickets, and pay attention to the guidance and safety of the ticket sales points.
4.6.5 Media Reception
If a press conference or briefing is required before the exhibition, the organizer shall be responsible for inviting media reporters, accepting interview applications, and providing reception services for media reporters in a planned manner, including: organizing the writing of press releases;
If necessary, set up an appropriate area at the exhibition site as the "press center" or media reception area for use by media reporters; the press center shall be equipped with computers, fax machines, desks, paper and pens and other office equipment, and provide coffee, tea and snacks, etc.: The press center shall provide introductory materials about the exhibition, such as the exhibition background, industry overview, exhibition characteristics, related activities and related data of the exhibition;
The staff responsible for receiving media reporters shall undergo relevant training, be familiar with various situations of the exhibition, and be able to answer various questions about the exhibition raised by reporters at any time;
Guide or coordinate reporters' on-site interview activities. 4.6.6 Holding an opening ceremony
The organizer of the exhibition shall hold the opening ceremony according to the established opening ceremony process, invite relevant leaders to attend, and ensure that the opening ceremony is safe and orderly. 4.6.7 Compilation of a brochure
If necessary, the organizer can compile all the relevant information of exhibitors into a brochure before the exhibition and distribute it to provide publicity services for exhibitors. 4.6.8 Organizing performances, competitions and other related activities If necessary, the organizer shall organize performances, competitions and other related activities according to the planning arrangements. The arrangement of activities should not have an adverse impact on the exhibition effect of exhibitors: it should not hinder the visit of the audience. Safety precautions and on-site order maintenance methods should be formulated for the event site, and there should be a crisis handling plan or relevant emergency plan. 4.6.9 Safety Management The organizer shall formulate a safety work plan in accordance with the State Council's "Regulations on Safety Management of Large-scale Mass Activities" and submit a safety permit application to the local government public security agency 20 days before the opening of the exhibition to apply for a "Public Security Permit" and "Fire Safety Inspection Opinion". The safety work plan includes: the time, location, content and organization of the event; a
The number of security personnel, task allocation and identification signs; b)
Fire safety measures at the event venue:
The number of people that the event venue can accommodate and the expected number of participants in the event; the establishment and identification of security buffer areas: ticket inspection and safety inspection measures for entrants; vehicle parking and diversion measures;
On-site order maintenance and personnel guidance measures
Emergency assistance plan.
The organizer shall be responsible for the following safety matters: Carry out safety publicity and education for large-scale mass activities; Ensure the safety of temporary facilities and buildings and eliminate potential safety hazards: DB33/T770—2009
According to the requirements of the public security organs responsible for the permit, necessary safety inspection equipment shall be equipped to conduct safety inspections on the participants of the exhibition. For those who refuse to accept the safety inspection, the organizer has the right to refuse their entry; d)
Make rectifications in time.
Issuing or selling tickets according to the approved number of people to be accommodated in the activity venue and the designated area; Implementing emergency rescue measures such as medical rescue, fire fighting, and emergency evacuation and organizing drills: Promptly stop any behavior that hinders the safety of large-scale mass activities, and promptly report any illegal and criminal behavior to the public security organs: Equip professional security personnel and other security personnel that meet the needs of exhibition safety work; Provide necessary guarantees for the safety of the exhibition. It is necessary to monitor whether the fire protection requirements of the exhibition are implemented and whether the safety construction requirements are implemented. For those that do not meet the requirements and After the exhibition is completed, the fire protection and security departments should be invited to conduct a comprehensive and systematic inspection of all booths to ensure that the exhibition meets the fire safety requirements of GB50222 and eliminate possible safety hazards at the exhibition site. For large-scale exhibitions that may affect the traffic and environment in the surrounding areas, the time, location, scale and other relevant information of the exhibition should be reported to the public security, fire protection, transportation, health, epidemic prevention and other departments in advance, and accept their guidance. In the event of criminal, public security cases or unexpected disasters, emergency measures should be taken and the public security department should be cooperated to deal with them. 4.6.10 Complaint handling For complaints about intellectual property rights, contract disputes, service attitudes, product quality, product prices, etc. that may occur within the exhibition hall during the exhibition, an on-site complaint handling procedure should be formulated, a complaint reception station should be set up, a complaint telephone number should be announced, and a complaint tracking and information feedback system should be established.
2 For consumer complaints received, the organizer shall be responsible for coordinating with the exhibitors complained against and implementing the three guarantees of product quality.
The organizer shall conduct statistical analysis on the complaint data of the current exhibition and report the exhibitors suspected of infringement to the relevant departments. If necessary, the relevant administrative law enforcement departments of the local government may be invited to participate in the work of the complaint station.
4.6.11 Intellectual Property Protection
When the organizer signs a safe exhibition contract with the exhibitor, it shall include the intellectual property content in accordance with the "Exhibition Intellectual Property Protection Measures" and the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, and clearly state that the infringer shall withdraw from the exhibition unconditionally. If necessary, the organizer may set up an intellectual property infringement complaint reception agency at the exhibition site. 4.6.12 Exhibition Summary and Evaluation Summary
The organizer shall submit a detailed exhibition summary report to the sponsor within one month after the exhibition, and copy it to the relevant management unit. The report includes:
Exhibition scale:
Number of exhibitors;
Main exhibitors and key personnel:
Main visiting units and key personnel; Exhibition results:
DB33/T770—20092 The contents of the safety work plan include: the time, location, content and organization of the event; a) the number of security personnel, task allocation and identification signs; b) DB33/T770—2009; c) Fire safety measures for the event venue: the number of people that the event venue can accommodate and the expected number of participants in the event; the establishment and identification of security buffer areas: ticket inspection and safety inspection measures for entrants; vehicle parking and diversion measures; on-site order maintenance and personnel guidance measures; emergency assistance plan.
The organizer shall be responsible for the following safety matters: Carry out safety publicity and education for large-scale mass activities; Ensure the safety of temporary facilities and buildings and eliminate potential safety hazards: DB33/T770—2009
According to the requirements of the public security organs responsible for the permit, necessary safety inspection equipment shall be equipped to conduct safety inspections on the participants of the exhibition. For those who refuse to accept the safety inspection, the organizer has the right to refuse their entry; d)bzxz.net
Make rectifications in time.
Issuing or selling tickets according to the approved number of people to be accommodated in the activity venue and the designated area; Implementing emergency rescue measures such as medical rescue, fire fighting, and emergency evacuation and organizing drills: Promptly stop any behavior that hinders the safety of large-scale mass activities, and promptly report any illegal and criminal behavior to the public security organs: Equip professional security personnel and other security personnel that meet the needs of exhibition safety work; Provide necessary guarantees for the safety of the exhibition. It is necessary to monitor whether the fire protection requirements of the exhibition are implemented and whether the safety construction requirements are implemented. For those that do not meet the requirements and After the exhibition is completed, the fire protection and security departments should be invited to conduct a comprehensive and systematic inspection of all booths to ensure that the exhibition meets the fire safety requirements of GB50222 and eliminate possible safety hazards at the exhibition site. For large-scale exhibitions that may affect the traffic and environment in the surrounding areas, the time, location, scale and other relevant information of the exhibition should be reported to the public security, fire protection, transportation, health, epidemic prevention and other departments in advance, and accept their guidance. In the event of criminal, public security cases or unexpected disasters, emergency measures should be taken and the public security department should be cooperated to deal with them. 4.6.10 Complaint handling For complaints about intellectual property rights, contract disputes, service attitudes, product quality, product prices, etc. that may occur within the exhibition hall during the exhibition, an on-site complaint handling procedure should be formulated, a complaint reception station should be set up, a complaint telephone number should be announced, and a complaint tracking and information feedback system should be established.
2 For consumer complaints received, the organizer shall be responsible for coordinating with the exhibitors complained against and implementing the three guarantees of product quality.
The organizer shall conduct statistical analysis on the complaint data of the current exhibition and report the exhibitors suspected of infringement to the relevant departments. If necessary, the relevant administrative law enforcement departments of the local government may be invited to participate in the work of the complaint station.
4.6.11 Intellectual Property Protection
When the organizer signs a safe exhibition contract with the exhibitor, it shall include the intellectual property content in accordance with the "Exhibition Intellectual Property Protection Measures" and the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, and clearly state that the infringer shall withdraw from the exhibition unconditionally. If necessary, the organizer may set up an intellectual property infringement complaint reception agency at the exhibition site. 4.6.12 Exhibition Summary and Evaluation Summary
The organizer shall submit a detailed exhibition summary report to the sponsor within one month after the exhibition, and copy it to the relevant management unit. The report includes:
Exhibition scale:
Number of exhibitors;
Main exhibitors and key personnel:
Main visiting units and key personnel; Exhibition results:
DB33/T770—20092 The contents of the safety work plan include: the time, location, content and organization of the event; a) the number of security personnel, task allocation and identification signs; b) DB33/T770—2009; c) Fire safety measures for the event venue: the number of people that the event venue can accommodate and the expected number of participants in the event; the establishment and identification of security buffer areas: ticket inspection and safety inspection measures for entrants; vehicle parking and diversion measures; on-site order maintenance and personnel guidance measures; emergency assistance plan.
The organizer shall be responsible for the following safety matters: Carry out safety publicity and education for large-scale mass activities; Ensure the safety of temporary facilities and buildings and eliminate potential safety hazards: DB33/T770—2009
According to the requirements of the public security organs responsible for the permit, necessary safety inspection equipment shall be equipped to conduct safety inspections on the participants of the exhibition. For those who refuse to accept the safety inspection, the organizer has the right to refuse their entry; d)
Make rectifications in time.
Issuing or selling tickets according to the approved number of people to be accommodated in the activity venue and the designated area; Implementing emergency rescue measures such as medical rescue, fire fighting, and emergency evacuation and organizing drills: Promptly stop any behavior that hinders the safety of large-scale mass activities, and promptly report any illegal and criminal behavior to the public security organs: Equip professional security personnel and other security personnel that meet the needs of exhibition safety work; Provide necessary guarantees for the safety of the exhibition. It is necessary to monitor whether the fire protection requirements of the exhibition are implemented and whether the safety construction requirements are implemented. For those that do not meet the requirements and After the exhibition is completed, the fire protection and security departments should be invited to conduct a comprehensive and systematic inspection of all booths to ensure that the exhibition meets the fire safety requirements of GB50222 and eliminate possible safety hazards at the exhibition site. For large-scale exhibitions that may affect the traffic and environment in the surrounding areas, the time, location, scale and other relevant information of the exhibition should be reported to the public security, fire protection, transportation, health, epidemic prevention and other departments in advance, and accept their guidance. In the event of criminal, public security cases or unexpected disasters, emergency measures should be taken and the public security department should be cooperated to deal with them. 4.6.10 Complaint handling For complaints about intellectual property rights, contract disputes, service attitudes, product quality, product prices, etc. that may occur within the exhibition hall during the exhibition, an on-site complaint handling procedure should be formulated, a complaint reception station should be set up, a complaint telephone number should be announced, and a complaint tracking and information feedback system should be established.
2 For consumer complaints received, the organizer shall be responsible for coordinating with the exhibitors complained against and implementing the three guarantees of product quality.
The organizer shall conduct statistical analysis on the complaint data of the current exhibition and report the exhibitors suspected of infringement to the relevant departments. If necessary, the relevant administrative law enforcement departments of the local government may be invited to participate in the work of the complaint station.
4.6.11 Intellectual Property Protection
When the organizer signs a safe exhibition contract with the exhibitor, it shall include the intellectual property content in accordance with the "Exhibition Intellectual Property Protection Measures" and the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, and clearly state that the infringer shall withdraw from the exhibition unconditionally. If necessary, the organizer may set up an intellectual property infringement complaint reception agency at the exhibition site. 4.6.12 Exhibition Summary and Evaluation Summary
The organizer shall submit a detailed exhibition summary report to the sponsor within one month after the exhibition, and copy it to the relevant management unit. The report includes:
Exhibition scale:
Number of exhibitors;
Main exhibitors and key personnel:
Main visiting units and key personnel; Exhibition results:
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