Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces GB/T14257—1993
Location of bar code symbol for commodity2002-07-18 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on 2002-12-01
This standard is formulated with reference to Chapter 6 "Guide to the Placement of Bar Code Symbols for Trade Items" of the "EAN·UCC Specification" (2001 Edition) of the International Article Numbering Association (EAN) and the Uniform Code Council (UCC) of the United States, and adopts some contents related to EAN bar code and UPCA, UPCE bar code in the "EAN·UCC Specification", and changes some expressions applicable to the specification to those applicable to my country's standard. This standard replaces GB/T14257-1993 "General commodity bar code symbol position". The main changes of this standard compared with GB/T14257-1993 are as follows: the standard name is "commodity bar code symbol position";... added Chapter 3 "Terms and Definitions"; the "preferred position" is defined as "the lower right half of the back of the commodity packaging"; in the chapter "Bar code symbol position selection principles", three items "edge principle", "direction principle" and "avoid selected positions" are added (see 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 of this standard); in the chapter "Bar code symbol placement guide", "blister packaging" is replaced by "blister packaging"; "shrink film and vacuum forming packaging" are added. ", "*card packaging", "tray packaging", "egg box packaging", "multi-piece combination packaging" and "large or bulky commodity packaging".
Appendix A of this standard is a normative appendix.
This standard was proposed and managed by China Article Coding Center. Drafting unit of this standard: China Article Coding Center. Main drafters of this standard: Xiong Liyong, Luo Qiuke, Wu Hailian, Hu Jiazhang. This standard was first issued in 1993 and this is the first revision. 136
1 Scope
Position of commodity barcode symbols
GB/T 14257 2002
This standard establishes the selection principle of commodity bar code symbol position and also provides the guidance of commodity bar code symbol placement. This standard is applicable to the design of commodity bar code symbol position. 2 Normative references
The following documents are referenced in this standard and become the terms of this standard. For all referenced documents with dates, all amendments (excluding errata) or revisions attached to them are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether to use the latest versions of these documents. For all undated referenced documents, their latest versions are applicable to this standard GB12904 Commodity bar code
GB/T12905 Bar code terminology
3 Terms and definitions
GB12901, (B/T12905) and the following terms and definitions are applicable to this standard. 3.1
The front of the commodity packaging 3.2
The back of the commodity packaging The surface of the commodity packaging opposite to the front of the commodity packaging 4.4 Principles for selecting the position of the barcode symbol
4.1 Basic principles
The selection of the position of the barcode symbol should be based on the principle that the symbol position is relatively uniform, the symbol is not easily deformed, and it is easy to scan and read. 4.2 Preferred position
The preferred position of the barcode symbol should be in the lower right area of the back of the commodity packaging. 4.3 Other options
When the back of the commodity packaging is not suitable for placing the barcode symbol, choose another suitable surface of the commodity packaging to place the barcode symbol in the lower half of the name side: For large or bulky commodities, the barcode symbol should not be placed on the bottom of the commodity packaging. 4.4 Edge principle
The distance between the barcode symbol and the adjacent edge of the commodity packaging should not be less than 8mm or greater than 102mm. 4.5 Directional measurement
4.5.1 General
The barcode symbol on the product packaging should be placed vertically and horizontally, as shown in Figure 1a). When placed horizontally, the characters of the barcode symbol for human identification should be read from left to right. If the printing quality cannot be guaranteed in the printing direction and the curvature and area of the product packaging surface do not allow, the barcode symbol can be placed vertically, as shown in Figure 1). When placed vertically, the direction of the characters of the barcode symbol for human identification should be coordinated with other graphics and texts around the barcode symbol. 4.5.2 Symbol direction on curved surface
When placing the barcode symbol parallel to the generatrix of the curved surface on the product packaging, the angle of the barcode symbol surface should not exceed 30°, see Figure 2; the maximum value of the barcode symbol magnification factor that can be used is related to the diameter of the curved surface. See Appendix: General angle of barcode symbol table 137
GB/T 14257---2002
is greater than 30°. The barcode symbol should be placed perpendicular to the generatrix of the curved surface, see Figure 34.6 Avoid choosing positions
Barcode symbols should not be placed in places with perforations, punching cuts, openings, binding nails, wire drawing, seams, folds, hems, overlaps, corrugations, rises, wrinkles, other graphics and rough textures. Barcode symbols should not be placed at corners or places with excessive surface curvature. The barcode symbol should not be placed under the fold or flap of the package. Clean
Instructions for use
A barcode symbol
Barcode symbol
Outer edge of the first bar;
In the middle of the two intermediate separators:
Outer edge of the last bar;
Outer edge of the blank area;
Figure 1 Direction of barcode symbol placement
5Barcode symbol;
·Surface of the package;
·Generator of the curved surface:
-Barcode symbol surface curvature.
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of barcode symbol surface curvature
No sea line
5 Barcode symbol placement guide
5.1 Box-type packaging
Figure 3 The barcode symbol is perpendicular to the main line of the curved surface. Barcode symbol
For box-type packaging, the barcode symbol should be printed on the lower right half of the back of the packaging, close to the edge, see Figure 4a). Alternatively, it can be printed on the lower right half of the front side, see Figure 4b). The spacing from the edge should comply with the provisions of 4.4. Back
Matching table
a) Preferred
Figure 4 Example of box packaging
5.2 Bottle and pot packaging
Barcode symbol
b) Optional
The barcode symbol should be printed on the lower right half of the back or front of the packaging, see Figure 5. The barcode symbol should not be placed on the bottleneck or neck of the pot. When the barcode symbol is placed parallel to the generatrix of the curved surface, refer to Appendix A to select the appropriate magnification factor and X dimension. Note: For commodity barcodes, the X dimension is the module width. 5.3 Can and tube packaging
The barcode symbol should be placed on the lower right half of the back or front of the packaging, see Figure 6. The barcode symbol should not be placed where there are corrugations, seams and drop lines. When the barcode symbol is placed parallel to the generatrix of the curved surface, refer to Appendix A to select the appropriate magnification factor and X scale. 5.4 Barrel and basin type packaging
The barcode symbol is placed on the lower right half of the back or front of the packaging, see Figure 7a), b). When the back, front and side are not placed. The barcode symbol can be placed on the lid of the packaging, but the depth h of the lid should not be greater than 12mm, see Figure 7c). 5.5 Bag-type packaging
The barcode symbol should be placed on the lower right side of the back or front of the package, as close to the middle of the bag as possible, or on the flat, wrinkle-free part of the bag used to fill the contents, as shown in Figure 8. The barcode symbol should not be placed at the seam or under the folded edge.
Barcode symbol
Barcode symbol
·Barcode symbol 1
Figure 5 Examples of bottled and pot-type packaging
Cleaning agent
a) First choice
5.6 Shrink film and vacuum forming packaging
Barcode symbol
Figure 6 Example of can and tube packaging
Barcode symbol
b) Optional
Barcode symbol
Example of barrel and basin packaging
Barcode symbol
Figure 8 Example of bag packaging
c) Optional (h1mm)
Barcode symbol should be placed on a relatively flat surface of the packaging. When the barcode symbol can only be placed on a curved surface1, refer to 1.5.2 to select the direction and magnification factor of the barcode symbol. The barcode symbol should not be placed in places with folds and twists, see Figure 9 Back
Barcode symbol
Figure 9 Example of shrink film and vacuum forming packaging
5.7 Blister packaging
The barcode symbol should be placed in the lower right half of the back of the package, close to the edge. When the back is not placed, the barcode symbol can be placed on the front of the package, and the barcode symbol should be away from the protruding part of the blister. When the height H of the protruding part of the blister exceeds 12nmm, the barcode symbol should be as far away from the protruding part of the blister as possible, see Figure 10. Back
Height of the protruding part of the blister
5.8 Card-type packaging
Barcode symbol
Optional (1/12mm)
Figure 10 Example of blister packaging
Barcode symbol
Barcode symbol
Optional (H>12 mm)
The barcode symbol should be placed in the lower right half of the back of the package, close to the edge. If it is not suitable to be placed on the back, the barcode symbol can be placed on the front of the package. The barcode symbol should be placed away from the product to avoid being blocked, see Figure 11. Back
Barcode symbol
Figure 11 Example of card-type packaging
5.9 Tray-type packaging
The barcode symbol should be placed in the lower right half of the top surface of the package, close to the edge, see Figure 12. Refer to 4.5.2 to select the direction and magnification factor of the barcode symbol.
Top side
Wide barcode symbol
Figure 12 Example of tray-type packaging
5.10 Egg box packaging
GB/T 142572002
The barcode symbol should be placed on the hinged side of the package, in the area to the right of the hinge and the lid: this is not a good place to place. The barcode symbol can be placed in the lower right half of the top side, see Figure 13. Top
Hinged side
Bottom side
Preserved eggs
Barcode symbol
Figure 13 Example of egg box packaging
Multi-piece combination packaging
The barcode symbol should be placed in the lower right half of the back of the package, close to the edge. When it is not suitable to place on the back, the barcode symbol can be placed in the lower right half of the side of the package, close to the edge, as shown in Figure 11. When both the multi-piece combination package and the single package inside it carry product barcodes, the barcode symbol on the single package inside should be completely covered, and the barcode symbol on the multi-piece combination package should be the only visible barcode when scanning.
Figure 14 Example of multi-piece combination package
5.12 Large or bulky product packaging
5.12.1 Packaging characteristics
Barcode symbol
For product packaging with a length of more than 45cm in two directions (width/height, width/depth or height/depth), or a weight of more than 13kg, 5.12.2 Symbol position
For large or bulky product packaging, the barcode symbol should be placed in the lower right half of the back of the package. When it is not suitable to place on the back of the package, it can be placed on other surfaces of the package except the bottom surface. 5.12.3 Optional symbol placement methods Barcode symbols on both sides
For large or bulky bag-type commodity packaging, two identical commodity barcode symbols for marking the commodity can be used on each package, one placed on the lower right part of the back of the package, and the other placed on the upper right part of the front of the package, see Figure Enlarge the characters for human identification
For large or bulky commodity packaging, the height of the characters for human identification of the commodity barcode symbol can be enlarged to 16mm or more and printed near the barcode symbol.
GB/T142572002 Use double barcode symbol labels For large or bulky commodity packaging. The double barcode symbol label shown in Figure 16 can be used. The barcode derivatives on the A and B parts of the label are exactly the same, which is the commodity barcode symbol marking the commodity. The A part of the label should be firmly attached to the product packaging, and the B part should not be attached to the product packaging. When the product is scanned and settled through the S system, the A part of the label should be torn off, and the store salesperson should type the barcode on that part for settlement, and then destroy that part. The A part of the label should be retained on the product packaging for inspection. The part of the label with a double barcode symbol is not considered as an external part of the product transportation process. The A part of the double barcode symbol label (auxiliary sticker) can be omitted on the back
Barcode symbol
Barcode symbol
Figure 15 Large or bulky bag-type packaging on both sides Placement of barcode symbol example Unit is millimeter
This link is for the salesperson
The product number and product item description of the distributor; Perforation line:
The entry part of the label:
River: The scale in the figure is the minimum scale
The part of the label;
The part of the label (auxiliary sticker).
Double barcode symbol label example
5.13 Other forms
For some unpackaged products, the product barcode symbol is used to be printed on the pallet label! See figure!. If the product There is a relatively flat surface for labeling or sewing. The barcode symbol can be printed on the label. See Figure 18. Figure 17 Barcode symbol tag example
Figure 18 Barcode symbol label example
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
The relationship between the product barcode symbol magnification factor and X dimension and the product packaging diameter The relationship between the product barcode magnification factor and X dimension and the product packaging diameter is shown in Table A.1 Table A.1 The relationship between the product barcode magnification factor and X dimension and the product packaging diameter The magnification factor that can be used Number, maximum value of X dimension Product packaging diameter/mm
EAN-13, UPC-A barcode
Magnification factor
X dimension/mm
EAN-8 barcode
Magnification factor
X dimension/mm
UPCE barcode
Magnification factor
Note 1: * indicates that the product packaging diameter is too small and the barcode symbol cannot be placed parallel to the generatrix of the curved surface. Note 2: For product barcodes, X dimension is the module width. 146
X dimension/mm
Top surface
Barcode symbol
Figure 12 Example of tray-type packaging
5.10 Egg box packaging
GB/T 142572002
The barcode symbol should be placed on the hinged side of the package, in the area to the right of the hinge and the lid: when this is not suitable for placement. The barcode symbol can be placed in the lower right half of the top surface, see Figure 13. Top
Hinged surface
Bottom surface
Preserved eggs
Barcode symbol
Figure 13 Example of egg box packaging
Multi-piece combination packaging
The barcode symbol should be placed in the lower right half of the back of the package, close to the edge. When it is not suitable to be placed on the back, the barcode symbol can be placed in the lower right half of the side of the package, close to the edge, see Figure 11. When both the multi-piece package and the single package inside it carry product barcodes, the barcode symbol on the single package inside should be completely covered, and the barcode symbol on the multi-piece package should be the only visible barcode when scanning.
Figure 14 Example of multi-piece package
5.12 Large or bulky product packaging
5.12.1 Packaging characteristics
Barcode symbol
For product packaging with a length in two directions (width/height, width/depth or height/depth) greater than 45cm, or a weight exceeding 13kg, 5.12.2 Symbol position
For large or bulky product packaging, the barcode symbol should be placed in the lower right half of the back of the package. When the back of the package is not placed, it can be placed on other surfaces of the package except the bottom surface. 5.12.3 Optional symbol placement methods Barcode symbols on both sides
For large or bulky bag-type commodity packaging, two identical commodity barcode symbols for marking the commodity can be used on each package, one placed on the lower right part of the back of the package, and the other placed on the upper right part of the front of the package, see Figure Enlarge the characters for human identification
For large or bulky commodity packaging, the height of the characters for human identification of the commodity barcode symbol can be enlarged to 16mm or more and printed near the barcode symbol.
GB/T142572002 Use double barcode symbol labels For large or bulky commodity packaging. The double barcode symbol label shown in Figure 16 can be used. The barcode derivatives on the A and B parts of the label are exactly the same, which is the commodity barcode symbol marking the commodity. The A part of the label should be firmly attached to the product packaging, and the B part should not be attached to the product packaging. When the product is scanned and settled through the S system, the A part of the label should be torn off, and the store salesperson should type the barcode on that part for settlement, and then destroy that part. The A part of the label should be retained on the product packaging for inspection. The part of the label with a double barcode symbol is not considered as an external part of the product transportation process. The A part of the double barcode symbol label (auxiliary sticker) can be omitted on the back
Barcode symbol
Barcode symbol
Figure 15 Large or bulky bag-type packaging on both sides Placement of barcode symbol example Unit is millimeter
This link is for the salesperson
The product number and product item description of the distributor; Perforation line:
The entry part of the label:
River: The scale in the figure is the minimum scale
The part of the label;
The part of the label (auxiliary sticker).
Double barcode symbol label example
5.13 Other forms
For some unpackaged products, the product barcode symbol is used to be printed on the pallet label! See figure!. If the product There is a relatively flat surface for labeling or sewing. The barcode symbol can be printed on the label. See Figure 18. Figure 17 Barcode symbol tag example
Figure 18 Barcode symbol label example
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
The relationship between the product barcode symbol magnification factor and X dimension and the product packaging diameter The relationship between the product barcode magnification factor and X dimension and the product packaging diameter is shown in Table A.1 Table A.1 The relationship between the product barcode magnification factor and X dimension and the product packaging diameter The magnification factor that can be used Number, maximum value of X dimension Product packaging diameter/mm
EAN-13, UPC-A barcode
Magnification factor
X dimension/mm
EAN-8 barcode
Magnification factor
X dimension/mm
UPCE barcode
Magnification factor
Note 1: * indicates that the product packaging diameter is too small and the barcode symbol cannot be placed parallel to the generatrix of the curved surface. Note 2: For product barcodes, X dimension is the module width. 146
X dimension/mm
Top surface
Barcode symbol
Figure 12 Example of tray-type packaging
5.10 Egg box packaging
GB/T 142572002
The barcode symbol should be placed on the hinged side of the package, in the area to the right of the hinge and the lid: when this is not suitable for placement. The barcode symbol can be placed in the lower right half of the top surface, see Figure 13. Top
Hinged surface
Bottom surface
Preserved eggs
Barcode symbol
Figure 13 Example of egg box packaging
Multi-piece combination packaging
The barcode symbol should be placed in the lower right half of the back of the package, close to the edge. When it is not suitable to be placed on the back, the barcode symbol can be placed in the lower right half of the side of the package, close to the edge, see Figure 11. When both the multi-piece package and the single package inside it carry product barcodes, the barcode symbol on the single package inside should be completely covered, and the barcode symbol on the multi-piece package should be the only visible barcode when scanning.
Figure 14 Example of multi-piece package
5.12 Large or bulky product packaging
5.12.1 Packaging characteristics
Barcode symbol
For product packaging with a length in two directions (width/height, width/depth or height/depth) greater than 45cm, or a weight exceeding 13kg, 5.12.2 Symbol position
For large or bulky product packaging, the barcode symbol should be placed in the lower right half of the back of the package. When the back of the package is not placed, it can be placed on other surfaces of the package except the bottom surface. 5.12.3 Optional symbol placement methods Barcode symbols on both sides
For large or bulky bag-type commodity packaging, two identical commodity barcode symbols for marking the commodity can be used on each package, one placed on the lower right part of the back of the package, and the other placed on the upper right part of the front of the package, see Figure Enlarge the characters for human identification
For large or bulky commodity packaging, the height of the characters for human identification of the commodity barcode symbol can be enlarged to 16mm or more and printed near the barcode symbol.
GB/T142572002 Use double barcode symbol labels For large or bulky commodity packaging. The double barcode symbol label shown in Figure 16 can be used. The barcode derivatives on the A and B parts of the label are exactly the same, which is the commodity barcode symbol marking the commodity. The A part of the label should be firmly attached to the product packaging, and the B part should not be attached to the product packaging. When the product is scanned and settled through the S system, the A part of the label should be torn off, and the store salesperson should type the barcode on that part for settlement, and then destroy that part. The A part of the label should be retained on the product packaging for inspection. The part of the label with a double barcode symbol is not considered as an external part of the product transportation process. The A part of the double barcode symbol label (auxiliary sticker) can be omitted on the back
Barcode symbol
Barcode symbol
Figure 15 Large or bulky bag-type packaging on both sides Placement of barcode symbol example Unit is millimeter
This link is for the salesperson
The product number and product item description of the distributor; Perforation line:
The entry part of the label:
River: The scale in the figure is the minimum scale
The part of the label;
The part of the label (auxiliary sticker).
Double barcode symbol label example
5.13 Other forms
For some unpackaged products, the product barcode symbol is used to be printed on the pallet label! See figure!. If the product There is a relatively flat surface for labeling or sewing. The barcode symbol can be printed on the label. See Figure 18. Figure 17 Barcode symbol tag example
Figure 18 Barcode symbol label example
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
The relationship between the product barcode symbol magnification factor and X dimension and the product packaging diameter The relationship between the product barcode magnification factor and X dimension and the product packaging diameter is shown in Table A.1 Table A.1 The relationship between the product barcode magnification factor and X dimension and the product packaging diameter The magnification factor that can be used Number, maximum value of X dimension Product packaging diameter/mm
EAN-13, UPC-A barcode
Magnification factor
X dimension/mm
EAN-8 barcode
Magnification factor
X dimension/mm
UPCE barcode
Magnification factor
Note 1: * indicates that the product packaging diameter is too small and the barcode symbol cannot be placed parallel to the generatrix of the curved surface. Note 2: For product barcodes, X dimension is the module width. 146
X dimension/mm13 Other forms
For some unpackaged goods, the product barcode symbol is used to be printed on the pallet label! ·See Figure! . If the product has a relatively flat surface, the barcode symbol can be printed on the label ·See Figure 18. Figure 17 Example of a barcode symbol hanging label
Figure 18 Example of a barcode symbol label
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Relationship between the magnification factor and X dimension of the product barcode symbol and the diameter of the product packaging The relationship between the magnification factor and X dimension of the product barcode and the diameter of the product packaging is shown in Table A.1 Table A.1 Relationship between the magnification factor and X dimension of the product barcode and the diameter of the product packaging The magnification factor that can be used Number, maximum value of X dimension Product packaging diameter/mm
EAN-13, UPC-A barcode
Magnification factor
X dimension/mm
EAN-8 barcode
Magnification factor
X dimension/mm
UPCE barcode
Magnification factor
Note 1: * indicates that the product packaging diameter is too small and the barcode symbol cannot be placed parallel to the generatrix of the curved surface. Note 2: For product barcodes, X dimension is the module width. 146
X dimension/mm13 Other forms
For some unpackaged goods, the product barcode symbol is used to be printed on the pallet label! ·See Figure! . If the product has a relatively flat surface, the barcode symbol can be printed on the label ·See Figure 18. Figure 17 Example of a barcode symbol hanging label
Figure 18 Example of a barcode symbol label
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Relationship between the magnification factor and X dimension of the product barcode symbol and the diameter of the product packaging The relationship between the magnification factor and X dimension of the product barcode and the diameter of the product packaging is shown in Table A.1 Table A.1 Relationship between the magnification factor and X dimension of the product barcode and the diameter of the product packaging The magnification factor that can be used Number, maximum value of X dimension Product packaging diameter/mm
EAN-13, UPC-A barcode
Magnification factor
X dimension/mm
EAN-8 barcode
Magnification factor
X dimension/mm
UPCE barcode
Magnification factor
Note 1: * indicates that the product packaging diameter is too small and the barcode symbol cannot be placed parallel to the generatrix of the curved surface. Note 2: For product barcodes, X dimension is the module width. 146
X dimension/mm
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