This standard covers the concepts and vocabulary currently used in numerical control of machine tools, including general terms and specialized terms for understanding numerical control. This standard is intended to promote domestic and international exchanges in numerical control technology for machine tools. It specifies the terms and definitions of commonly used concepts in the field of numerical control and points out the relationship between terms. This standard is formulated for manufacturers and users of machine tool numerical control products. GB/T 8129-1997 Vocabulary of numerical control for machine tools in industrial automation systems GB/T8129-1997 Standard download decompression password:
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GB/T8129-1997 This standard is equivalent to ISO2806:1994 "Industrial Automation System Machine Tool Numerical Control GB8129--87 "Machine Tool Numerical Control-Terminology". The content of GB8129-87 has been adjusted. When this standard was revised, according to ISO2806:1994 international standard, GB8129- was modified and deleted, and new items, definitions and appendices were added. Appendix A is the appendix of the standard. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Industrial Automation System Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was drafted by the Beijing Machine Tool Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard are: Li Jiate, Mei Lianfang, and Wang Yuqi. 156 GB/T 8129-1997 ISOForeword ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is an international organization of national standardization entities (ISO members). The development of international standards is usually carried out in ISO's technical committees. Every member who is interested in the topic of a technical committee has the right to participate in the established committee. International organizations associated with ISO, official or unofficial organizations of various countries also participate in the development of standards. ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) work closely in the development of various electrical standards. The draft international standards adopted by the technical committee are reviewed and voted on in each member country. To be promulgated as an international standard, 75% of the members must vote in favor. International standard ISO2806 was developed by technical committee ISO/TC184 (Industrial Automation Systems and Integration), subcommittee SC1 (Control of physical equipment). The second edition of this standard (the current edition) cancels and replaces the first edition (IS) 2806:1980), and makes the following changes to the original edition: The content is structured to make it more logical; outdated terms and definitions are deleted; some terms and definitions are revised; new terms and definitions are added; An explanatory appendix is added after the text; According to the above changes, the inscriptions are renumbered. Appendix A at the end of the text is only used to explain the standard. 18 1 Overview 1.1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Industrial automation systems Vocabulary of machine tool numerical control Industrial automation systems-Numerical control of machinesVocabularyGB/T 8129-: 1997 idt ISO 2806: 1994 Replaces GB8129-87 This standard deals with the concept vocabulary currently used in machine tool numerical control, including general terms and specialized terms for understanding numerical control. This standard is intended to promote domestic and international exchanges in machine tool numerical control technology. It specifies the terms and definitions of commonly used concepts in the field of numerical control and points out the relationship between terms. This standard is formulated for manufacturers and users of machine tool numerical control products. 1.2 Basis for formulation of the standard The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB887088 Data format for point, linear motion and contour control systems for machine tools JB/T3050-82 Seven-bit coded character set for digitally controlled machine tools JB3051-82 Nomenclature of coordinates and motion directions for digitally controlled machine tools ISO seven-bit coded character set for information exchange ISO/IEC 646:1991 Information technology - ISO841:1974 Machine tool numerical control - Nomenclature of coordinate axes and motions ISO1087:1990 Terminology - Vocabulary ISO2382-1:1984 Data processing vocabulary - Part: Basic vocabulary ISO2382-4:1987 Information processing systems - Vocabulary - Part 4: Data organization ISO/IEC2382-7:1989 Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 7: Computer programming ISO/IEC6429:1992 Information technology - Control functions of coded character sets Machine tool numerical control - Program format and format and definition of control word addresses - Part 1: Positioning, linear 1S0 6983-1: 1982 Data format for motion and contour control systemsISO6983-2CNC machine tool control—Format and definition of program format and control word address—Encoding and maintenance of auxiliary function M Part 2: Preparation function G and communication ISO6983-3CNC machine tool control—Format and definition of program format and control word address—Part 3: Loading of auxiliary function M (level 1-9) ISO10241:1992International terminology standard Preparation and layout Note: The above ISO) 6983-2 and ISO6983-3 will be published soon. 1.3 Principles and rules to be followed This standard is formulated in accordance with the principles and rules of ISO10241. 1.4 Coordinate system and position Figures A1, A2 and A3 in Appendix A (Standard Appendix) illustrate the coordinate system and coordinate position defined in this standard. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on September 2, 1997 158 Implemented on April 1, 1998 2 Terms and definitions 2.1 General terms GB/T 8129 ---1997 2.1.1 Numerical control, NC A control device that uses numerical data and continuously introduces numerical data during operation to achieve automatic control of a certain production process. [ISO 2382-1:1984] 2.1.2 Computerized numerical control, CNC A control device that uses a computer to control machining functions (2.6) to achieve numerical control (2.1.1). Distributed numerical control, DNC 2. 1.32 A hierarchical system for distributing data between a production management computer and multiple numerical control (2.1.1) systems. Note: Direct numerical control is an obsolete term. The term means a group of CNC machines connected to a common memory for parts programs (2-3.7) or machining programs (2.3.8) that supplies data to the machine control system when required. 2.1.4 axis The basic direction along which a machine tool component can move in a straight line or in a rotary motion. 2.1.5 Sensor sensor A device that is stimulated by a physical quantity and gives a signal indicating the size of the physical quantity. 2.1.6 Absolute dimensionabsolute coordinate valueabsolute coordinatesThe straight-line distance from the origin of the coordinate system (datum) or the angle from the basic coordinate axis. 2. 1.7 Incremental dimensionincremental coordinate valueincremental coordinatesIn the measurement of sequential points, the distance or angle value of each point from its previous point. 2.1.8 Minimum input incrementThe smallest incremental unit that can be entered in the machining program (2.3.8). 9 Minimum command incrementleast command increment2.1.9 The smallest incremental unit of movement of the command coordinate axis (2.1.4) issued from the numerical control device. 2.1.10 Tool pathtool path The path taken by a specified point on the cutting tool. 2.1.11 Interpolation The process of determining the position coordinates of multiple intermediate points between two known points on the required path or contour line according to a mathematical function (for example, a straight line, an arc, or a high-order function). 2.1.12 Adaptive control During the operation of the control system, the parameters of the control system are continuously adjusted according to the actual detected conditions to achieve real-time control. 2.1.13 General purpose processor A computer program. This program calculates the tool program (2.3.7) and prepares the tool position data (2.3.17), but not considering the specific processing machine. 2.1. 14 Postprocessor A computer program. Through the combination of a specific machine tool and a controller, this program transforms the output of the general processing program (2.1.13) into a processing program (2.3.8) suitable for the production of a certain part. 2.2 Characters characters 2.2.1 Characters character A set of element symbols used to represent, organize or control data. CISO2382-4:1987】150 Note: Characters can be classified as follows: Graphic characters Control characters 2.2.2 Control characterscontrol characterGB/T 8129.- 1997 Ideographic characters Special characters Information transmission control characters Format definition characters Code extension characters Equipment control characters Characters that appear in specific information texts and indicate a certain control function (2.2.1). Jiang 1 Control characters can be recorded for use in subsequent actions. 2 Control characters are not graphic characters, but can be represented by graphics in some cases. 3 Control characters are described in ISO)/IEC646 and ISC)6429. 2.2.3 Delete character The delete character can remove unnecessary characters on the paper tape (2.2.1> control character (2.2.2). 2.2.4 end-of-block character The control character (2.2.2) indicating the end of a program block of input data (2.4.1). Transmission control character transmission control character 2.2.5 A control character used to control or implement data transmission between data terminal equipment (2.2.2). [ISO23824:1987] Note: Transmission control characters are described in ISO/IEC646 and IS)6429. 2.2.6 Cancel A command to cancel a previously commanded function (2.4.3). 2.2.7 end of program Auxiliary function indicating the end of workpiece processing (2.6.2). Note After all commands (2.4.3) of the program segment (2.3.2) are executed, the spindle function and other functions (such as cooling function) are canceled. 1 2Used to reset the control and/or machine tool! . 2.2.8 End of data After all commands (2.4.3) of the program segment (2.3.2) are executed, the spindle function and other functions (such as cooling function) are canceled. Auxiliary function (2.6.2) 1Used to reset the control and/or machine tool. 2This reset will return the program to the program start character \. 2.2.9 Program stop After all commands (2.4.3) of the program segment (2.3.2) are executed, the spindle function or other functions (such as cooling function) are canceled and the subsequent data processing is terminated. An auxiliary function (2.6.2) 1). 2.2.10 Reset reset Auxiliary function used to restore the device to a predetermined initial position, but not necessarily to the zero state (2.6.2) 2.3 Programming programming 2.3.1 Address address 1) See [S 6983. GB/T 8129—1997 《CNC>The character (2.2.1) or a group of characters at the beginning of a word, used to identify the data that follows. 2.3.2 Block 《CNC>A group of instruction words in a program to implement an operation. Note 1 Each block is separated by the block end character (2.2.4). 2 In the positioning system, each program segment includes the coordinate value of the position and the auxiliary function instructions to complete the operation. 2.3.3 Planning sheet is a part processing process table prepared for compiling the part processing program (2.3.8). 2.3.4 Execution program (CNC> In CNC (2.1.2) system, a set of instructions that establishes the ability to run. 2.3.5 Operational statement Operational statement Program command. It contains a function mnemonic followed by one, more or a group of variables indicating the nature of the instruction. 2.3.6 Subprogram Part of the machining program (2.3.8). The subprogram can be called by the appropriate machining control command to take effect. 2.3.7 Part program In automatic machining, a set of sequential instructions written in a certain language or format to make automatic operation effective. A part program is a machining program (2.3.8) written on an input medium, or it can be prepared for a computer and processed to obtain the input data (2.4.1) of the machining program (2.3.8). 2.3.8 Machining program machine In automatic machining, program is a set of sequential instructions written in the language and format of automatic control. These instructions are recorded in appropriate input media and can be effectively and directly operated in the automatic control system. 2.3.9 Manual part programming manual part programming manual part programming part machining program (2.3.8) is compiled manually. 2.3.10 Computer part programming computer part programming uses a computer and appropriate general processing programs and post-processing programs (2.1.14) to prepare part programs (2.3.7 and obtain machining programs (2.3.8). 2.3.11 Absolute programming ahsolute programming uses control words representing absolute dimensions (2.1.6) for programming. 2.3.12 Incremental programming increment programming uses control words representing incremental dimensions (2.1.7) for programming. 2.3.13 Block format block format The arrangement of words, characters (2.2.1) and data in each program segment (2.3.2). 2.3.14 Block format specification format specification format Specification block format (2.3.13) 1). 2.3.15 Address block format addressblockformat A block format (2.3.13). Each control instruction word in this block has an address (2.3.1). 2.3.16 Variable block format variableblockformat A block format (2.3.13). The order of the control instruction words in this block is fixed, but they are only displayed in the block when a new value is specified. Therefore, the number of words in the block (2.3.2) is variable. 2.3.17 cutterlocation data, CL data 1) See ISO 6983. GB/T8129—1997 In a computer programming system, data representing a tool path (2.1.10) determined by a general processing program (2.1.13) 3 Program number search program number search 2. 3. 18 In multiple processing programs (2.3.8), find or call out a processing program addressed by a number. 2.3.19 Program name search program name search In multiple processing programs (2.3.8), find or call out a T-addressed program addressed by a name. 2.4 Input data input data 2.4.1 Input data input data Coded instructions sent to the controller by manual, magnetic or electrical media (such as punched tape, floppy disk or integrated circuit card) 2.4.2 Manual data input manual data input, a working mode of the MDICNC (2.1.2) system. This working mode is to input data to generate part program (2.3.7) in CNC machine tool 1. 2.4.3 Command command Operation instruction to make the machine produce action or realize function 2.4.4instruction codeinstruction code machine codemachine code computer instruction code machine language Code used to represent instructions of a certain instruction set. (IS02382-7:1989) tape preparation The recording of the part program (2.3.7) on a punched paper tape or magnetic medium. control tape The paper tape or magnetic tape on which the machining program (2.3.8) is recorded. 2.4.7 program number program number The number assigned to the front of each program when the machining program (2.3.8) is identified by number. 2.4.8 program name program name The name assigned to each program when the machining program (2.3.8) is identified by name. 2.4.9 sequence number sequence number The number assigned to each program segment in the machining program (2.3.8) to indicate the relative position of the program segment (2.3.2). 2.5 mode of operation 2.5.1 command mode manual operation mode. 2.5.2 positioning control positioning control system-a kind of numerical control. In this control: a) The movement of each CNC axis is carried out according to the instruction. The instruction only specifies the information of the next position. b) The displacement of each controlled axis is not coordinated and can move simultaneously or sequentially. c) The speed is not specified in the input data (2.4.1). 2.5.3 Linear motion control systemIinemotioncontrolsystemA kind of numerical control. In this control: a) The movement of each CNC axis is carried out according to the instruction. The instruction specifies both the required next position value and the feed speed required to move to this position. b) The displacements of different axes can be uncoordinated with each other. ) The movement of each CNC axis is only parallel to the linear, circular or other processing route. contouring control system 2.5.4 Contouring control system A kind of numerical control. In this control; GB/T 8129-1997 a) The movement of two or more CNC axes is carried out according to the instruction. The instruction indicates both the required position value and the feed rate for moving to that position. b) The feed rate of each axis varies according to the relative position relationship, thereby producing the required contour. 2.6 Machine function 2.6.1 Preparatory function A command that enables the machine tool or control system to establish a machining function mode (2.4.3)1). Note: For example, interpolation mode, fixed cycle, machining thread or dimension standard unit. 2.6.2 Miscellaneous function A command that controls the switch function of the machine tool or system1. Note: For example, functions such as turning on cooling, stopping the spindle, and stopping cooling. 2.6.3 Tool function toolfunction According to the corresponding format specifications, identify or call the specification command of the tool and related functions\. 2.6.4 Feed function Feed function A command that defines the feed rate1\. 2.6.5 Spindle speed function A command that defines the spindle speed1. 2.6.6 Mirror image functionMirror image functionA function that multiplies the programmed coordinate position of one or more axes by -1. 2.6.7 Feedhold A function that temporarily interrupts the feed during the execution of a machining program (2.3.8). 2.6.8 Z-axis feed cancelA function that prevents the Z axis from moving during the execution of a machining program (2.3.8). 2.6.9 Skip functionA function that skips to the next program segment (2.3.2). 2.6.10 Fixed cycleFixed cycle, canned cyclePreset operation commandsAccording to these operation commands, the machine tool coordinate axes move and the spindle works, thereby completing fixed machining actions. For example, drilling, boring, tapping, and the combined actions of these machining operations. 2. 6.11E Dwell Establishes a non-cyclic or non-sequential delay during the execution of a program. Note: Pause does not constitute an interlock or feed hold state. 2.6.12 Interlock bypass temporarily avoids executing the normal interlock command (2.4.3). Segment skip optionalblock skip 2.6.13 Segment delete blockdelet A function that enables the CNC system to ignore the execution of the segment (2.3.2) with the " start character (2.2.1) 2.6.14 Optional stop An auxiliary function (2.6.2) similar to program stop (2.2.9). The difference between the two is that the optional stop must be enabled by the operator before the program is executed. 2.6.15 Oriented spindle stop The function of stopping the spindle at a predetermined angular position. 1) See ISO 6983. 2.6.16 override GB/T8129—1997 A manual control function that enables the operator to modify the programmed value of the speed (e.g., feed rate, spindle speed, etc.) during machining. 2.6.17 initialization A series of sequential operations to establish the initial machining conditions. 2.6.18 Clockwise arc A circular arc path formed by rotating around the center of the tool reference point path in the negative angle direction (see the definition of ISO841). 2.6.19 Counter-clockwise arc A trajectory formed by rotating around the center of the tool reference point path in the positive angle direction (see the definition of ISO841). 2.6.20 Automatic mode of operation An operating mode of a CNC machine tool. In this mode, the machine tool operates according to the control data until the machine tool is stopped by the program or the operator. Single block mode singleblock nodeof operation2.6.21 single A working mode of a CNC machine tool. In this mode, after being started by the operator, the machine tool will work in an automatic working mode, and will stop working when the control data program segment is executed. 2 program tape search a control function that enables the operator to find the required program segment (2.3.2) on the program tape. Usually, a selection switch is used to make the tape reader find the serial number or reference mark of the required program segment. 2.6.23 wire electrode path correctionwire electrode path correction During the discharge machining of the wire electrode cutting machine, the difference between the programmed path and the actual path of the wire electrode is corrected. Taper cut tilt control2.6.24 Control of the inclination angle of the wire electrode or workpiece during the discharge machining of the wire electrode cutting machine. 2.6.25 reversible control The electrode retracts along the previous machining path to eliminate the short circuit between the wire electrode or tool electrode and the workpiece. 6 Planetary machinery control planetary machinery control 2.6.26 Control of the translational motion of the electrode or workpiece in EDM in order to achieve the required size. Servo feed control servo feed control 2.6.27 Control of the feed drive of the electrode or workpiece, feeding back the discharge voltage or discharge current so that the discharge gap between the wire or tool electrode and the workpiece is maintained at a predetermined state. 2.6.28 Toolpath feed rate toolpathfeedrate The speed at which the reference point on the tool moves along the tool path relative to the upper workpiece. Its unit is usually expressed in movement per minute or per revolution. 2.7 Machine characteristics Note: The following definitions of coordinate systems and positions are illustrated in Appendix A. Machine coordinate system2.7.1 The Cartesian coordinate system located on the machine tool and with the machine zero point (2.7.7) as reference. Machine coordinate origin2.7.2 The origin of the machine coordinate system (2.7.1). 2.7.3 Workpiece coordinate systemWorkpiece coordinate originThe origin of the workpiece coordinate system (2.7.3). 2.7.5 Tool coordinate systemCartesian coordinate system located on the tool mechanism. 16.1 GB/T 8129--- 1997 2.7.6 tool coordinate origin tool coordinate origin origin of the tool coordinate system (2.7.5). 2.7.7 machine zero machine zero the machine origin specified by the machine tool manufacturer. reference position reference position a fixed point along the coordinate axis used for starting the machine tool, which is called the machine coordinate origin (2.7.2) as the reference datum. 2.7.9 homeposition a fixed point along the coordinate axis used for changing tools or exchanging pallets, which can use the machine coordinate origin (2.7.2) as the reference datum. 2.7.10 tool changeposition a point on the machine coordinate axis used for changing tools, which can use the machine coordinate origin (2.7.2) as the reference datum. Note: This point can be fixed or floating along the reference axis. 2.7.11 Pallet change position A point on the coordinate axis of a machine tool used for pallet change, which can be referenced to the machine tool coordinate origin (2.7.2). NOTE: This point can be fixed or floating along the coordinate axis. 2.7.12 Predefined position A point on the machine tool coordinate system that is predetermined and can be used as a coordinate axis position. 2.8 Positioning and measuring 2.8.1 Absolute position sensor A sensor that can directly give the coordinate position of a part of the machine tool based on a set origin (2.1.5). 2.8.2 Incremental position sensor A sensor that can directly measure the change in position of a part of the machine tool (2.1.5). Zero offset A characteristic of a numerical control (2.1.1) system. It allows the origin of the numerical control measurement system to move within a specified range relative to the machine tool zero point (2.7.7). However, its permanent zero point should be stored in the numerical control system. 2.8.4 floating zero A feature of a numerical control (2.1.1) system that allows the origin of the numerical control measurement system to be set at any coordinate position relative to the machine tool zero (2.7.7). The permanent zero point does not need to be stored in the numerical control system. 2.8.5 tool offset A relative displacement applied to the machine tool coordinate axis for all or a specified part of a machining program. The displacement of the axis is determined by the positive or negative sign of the offset value. 2.8.6 tool length offset toollengthoffsetThe tool offset in the direction of the tool shell length (2.8.5). 2.8.7 tool radius offset tool radius offsetThe tool offset in the direction of the tool in both coordinate axes (2.8.5). 2.8.8 clearance distanceThe distance between the workpiece and the tool to avoid collision when changing from rapid approach to cutting feed. 2.8.9 cutter compensationThe displacement of the perpendicular point to the tool path. Use meters to correct the difference between the actual tool radius and the programmed tool radius. 165 GB/T 8129—1997 Appendix A (Standard Appendix) Coordinate system and coordinate Machine coordinate system (2.7.1) Workpiece coordinate system (2.7.3) T. Workpiece coordinate origin (2.7.4) Reference position (2.7.8) Starting position (2.7.9) Force exchange position (2.7.10) Pallet exchange position (2.7.11) Machine coordinate origin (2.7.2) Machine zero point (2.7.7) 1. Coordinate system and position GB/T 8129—1997 Tool coordinate origin IPart coordinate origin Machine tool coordinate origin 2Lathe coordinate system Machine tool coordinate origin TPart coordinate origin Milling machine coordinate system4 Floating zero A feature of a numerical control (2.1.1) system. It allows the origin of the numerical control measurement system to be set at any coordinate position relative to the machine tool zero (2.7.7). The permanent zero point does not need to be stored in the numerical control system. 2.8.5 tool offset A relative displacement applied to the machine tool coordinate axis for all or a specified part of a machining program. The displacement of the axis is determined by the positive or negative sign of the offset value. 2.8.6 tool length offset toollengthoffsetThe tool offset in the direction of the tool shell length (2.8.5). 2.8.7 tool radius offset tool radius offsetThe tool offset in the direction of the tool in both coordinate axes (2.8.5). 2.8.8 clearance distanceThe distance between the workpiece and the tool to avoid collision when changing from rapid approach to cutting feed. 2.8.9 cutter compensationThe displacement of the perpendicular point to the tool path. Use meters to correct the difference between the actual tool radius and the programmed tool radius. 165 GB/T 8129—1997 Appendix A (Standard Appendix) Coordinate system and coordinate position Machine coordinate system (2.7.1) Workpiece coordinate system (2.7.3) T. Workpiece coordinate origin (2.7.4) Reference position (2.7.8) Starting position (2.7.9) Force exchange position (2.7.10) Pallet exchange position (2.7.11) Machine coordinate origin (2.7.2) Machine zero point (2.7.7) 1. Coordinate system and position GB/T 8129—1997 Tool coordinate origin IPart coordinate origin Machine tool coordinate origin 2Lathe coordinate system Machine tool coordinate origin TPart coordinate origin Milling machine coordinate system4 Floating zero A feature of a numerical control (2.1.1) system. It allows the origin of the numerical control measurement system to be set at any coordinate position relative to the machine tool zero (2.7.7). The permanent zero point does not need to be stored in the numerical control system. 2.8.5 tool offset A relative displacement applied to the machine tool coordinate axis for all or a specified part of a machining program. The displacement of the axis is determined by the positive or negative sign of the offset value. 2.8.6 tool length offset toollengthoffsetThe tool offset in the direction of the tool shell length (2.8.5). 2.8.7 tool radius offset tool radius offsetThe tool offset in the direction of the tool in both coordinate axes (2.8.5). 2.8.8 clearance distanceThe distance between the workpiece and the tool to avoid collision when changing from rapid approach to cutting feed. 2.8.9 cutter compensationThe displacement of the perpendicular point to the tool path. Use meters to correct the difference between the actual tool radius and the programmed tool radius. 165 GB/T 8129—1997 Appendix A (Standard Appendix) Coordinate system and coordinate position Machine coordinate system (2.7.1) Workpiece coordinate system (2.7.3) T. Workpiece coordinate origin (2.7.4) Reference position (2.7.8) Starting position (2.7.9) Force exchange position (2.7.10) Pallet exchange position (2.7.11) Machine coordinate origin (2.7.2) Machine zero point (2.7.7) 1. Coordinate system and position GB/T 8129—1997 Tool coordinate origin IPart coordinate origin Machine tool coordinate origin 2Lathe coordinate system Machine tool coordinate origin TPart coordinate origin Milling machine coordinate system Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.