This standard specifies the basic parameters, structural dimensions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and markings, packaging, transportation and storage of copper pipe equal diameter tees, copper pipe reducing tees, copper pipe 45° elbows, copper pipe 90° elbows, copper pipe 180° elbows, copper pipe reducing joints, copper pipe sleeve joints, copper pipe sleeve joints and copper pipe caps. GB/T 11618-1999 Copper pipe joints GB/T11618-1999 standard download decompression password:
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ICS 47. 02C. 30 National Standard of the People's Republic of China B/T11618-·1999 Copper Tube Joint Copper Tuhe Joint Published on 199906-11 Implemented on 2000-03-01 Published by the National and Mongolian Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau CB/1 116181959 References Product category Technical requirements Test point method... Inspection and purchase Product packaging, transportation and storage Appendix A (Appendix for wet indication) Copper joints should use copper without silver and low silver solder to make soldering process 13 CR/I11618-1939 This This specification is a reorganization and combination of Ti/T11e18.1-11618.-198 copper header 3. The specifications of the joints are based on the industry standard JIS H3491:1067 and the length and size of the alloy joints. The international standard IS02016:9513 is used as the method for assembly dimensions and tests of pipe capillary seals and Australian standard 753688, etc. 1! ! 4 Water supply copper and alloy are not combined, tight membrane system and explosion-proof end market connection * bear two inner diameter deviations. The nominal diameter of this standard is increased by 1125am.15mm.12N200mm on the basis of G3/_1518.1~116%. Its outer diameter is equivalent to the international standard IS0274; 195 The general size of copper pipes is adopted from the date of implementation. At the same time, it is recommended to transfer G/T11618.1:613.8-198s. The attached 4 of this standard is a reminder. Li standard is issued by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation. This standard is drafted by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation 1 Institute, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, and China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation. The main drafters of this standard are: Sun Jingzhi and Zai Jicheng. Copper tube Joint CD/T116181999 (H 11n x. 1--1151R *1: This standard specifies the basic parameters, size, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and signs, installation, transportation and storage of some one-way joints for pipes, such as 45 sleeve joints, elbow joints, 18U transformer joints, copper pipe joints (hereinafter referred to as simple copper joints). This standard applies to the design of pipe joints for water, cold water, hot water, refrigeration, steam, oil, gas, medical gas and other replacement systems. to production. Other alternatives and equipment in the pipe can also be used for reference. 2 Reference standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the text of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is revised, the versions shown are valid. All parties who revise and adopt the standards should pay attention to the latest versions of the following standards. 31! 1!! Packaging graphic mark G3/11527·1997 GB/T 180:—1002 G3/T 2r41-1989 G/T2C5910RS G5/T63851966 GB/T 1685S—I!S? 3 Product classification 3.1 Type and designation Copper and copper-iron drawn bends General tolerances Unknown tolerances for linear dimensions (ccVIS02761.:033> Plate Transportation packaging and delivery markings General use of modified joints without chain-shaped pipes, dimensions and allowable cutting of pipe headers, see Table 1. Table 1 Types and codes of joints 15 Elbows SU and other heads State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision, 1999-06-11, approved type 2000-03-01 3.2.1 The basic parameters of the connector are shown in Table 2. Final test specification DK 3.3 Structure and core size of steel pipe joints 3.3.1 The bearing dimensions of the joint shall comply with the requirements of Figure 1 and Figure 3. Nominal size PN Figure 1 Copper pipe technical joint socket Applicable medium pressure cloth, liquid hot and cold, block, oil, gas, medical, etc. G8711518.-1699 Basic size of pipe joint socket, .0. Note, the medium is sea water, the required nominal pressure for steam is 1.MPa. PN :.OMPa P1. S MPa , GBT11618—1999 3.3.2 Adjustment of pipe quality, the size of the reduced type of pipe change is shown in 2 and Table 4..45 including the purchase Figure 4 pipe elbow Xie pipe elbow Steel pipe B type 45 head Table 4 injection volume 45 filling head, the injection pipe elbow's turning anti-smallest pipe West selection outsider 45 degree head : PN 1.0Pa Volume 6 PN LS Ps Public Forest Lake Color Junction will Chen CB/T 11G°81959 Table 4 complete PY 1. > MPs PN T. 5 P. PN 1. VPa Three-way connector, pipe connector structure type large dynamic basic size diagram and grams 5.3. 3. 4 Public two-way connector 3-pin equal diameter one-way connector, sick pipe connector mm Pv IG MPe GB/T116131999 Vehicle pipe equal diameter three-way connector, copper pipe attenuation connector basic size structure Two-way connector y 1. (I MI: Filling pipe layer connector PN1. s MIa G811616—1999 3.3.5 The structure and size of the joint of the pipe are shown in Figure 1 and the table. Figure 4 Copper bone reducing tee joint, state reducing joint CB/T1618-:1593 Table of dimensions of the joint of the parallel joint Secondary reducing joint Special specification PY 1.0MPa2N:.6MPa Jy.DMFFy1.EMEa1G 22 1 2: 30/4r: 166/30 .00/11 209/183 2G0/125 200/1:t 108/76 -GB:55 335/18 155 /10:5 11:5/118 159/:33 219/1: CB/T11618999 Table 6 () Lanjiu different meridian connection different meridian connection meaning PN 1.\ VIUN 1.e MI't PN In MP PN I. E MPa. 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