title>JB/T 6418-1992 Determination of cleanliness of separation machinery - JB/T 6418-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6418-1992 Determination of cleanliness of separation machinery

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6418-1992

Standard Name: Determination of cleanliness of separation machinery

Chinese Name: 分离机械 清洁度测定方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-07-20

Date of Implementation:1993-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J77 Separation Machinery

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry

Publication date:1993-01-01

other information

drafter:Zhao Yang

Drafting unit:Hefei General Machinery Research Institute, Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry

Focal point unit:Hefei General Machinery Research Institute, Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Separation Machinery Standardization

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic principles, requirements and methods for determining the cleanliness of separation machinery. This standard applies to separation machinery products. JB/T 6418-1992 Determination of cleanliness of separation machinery JB/T6418-1992 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Separation Machinery
1992-07-20 Issued
Cleanliness Determination Method
1993-01-01 Implementation
Issued by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Separation Machinery
Cleanliness Determination Method
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
This standard specifies the basic principles, requirements and methods for determining the cleanliness of separation machinery. This standard applies to separation machinery products.
2 Reference standards
Industrial alcohol
2 Solvent oil
3 Terms
3.1 Cleanliness
Metal wire woven square hole screen for test sieve
Cleanliness refers to the degree of dirt (such as metal chips, metal powder, sand, dust, fiber, paint leather, etc.) contained in the test object. 3.2 Cleanliness limit
Cleanliness limit refers to the maximum allowable value of dirt contained in the test object. 3.3 Filter membrane
Filter material made of cellulose nitrate or cellulose acetate with many uniform micropores and no chemical reaction with the filtered liquid. 3.4 Constant weight
The object to be tested is repeatedly dried and weighed to make its weight constant. 3.5 Operating hydraulic system
A operating hydraulic system refers to a system in which all components of the system are in working condition and can only be sampled after running for at least 30 minutes to evenly distribute the pollutant particles.
3.5 Cleanliness test room
A closed room used for filtering, drying, weighing and analysis, with dust reduction and temperature controlled within a certain range. 3.6 Clean objects
Objects stored in dustproof equipment after effective cleaning and washing. 3.7 Sampling position
A specific position whose cleanliness directly affects the reliability of the product. 4 General provisions
4.1 The cleanliness measured at the sampling position of the part with the specified cleaning liquid and cleaning method represents the cleanliness of the part. 4.2 The cleanliness measured at the specified sampling position of the separation machine represents the cleanliness of the separation machine. 4.3 The whole process of measuring the cleanliness of the separation machine should maintain consistent operation and strictly follow this standard to ensure accurate measurement results. 5 Sampling rules
Random sampling after final cleaning and before oiling at the end of the parts machining production line, or after cleaning and before assembly on the assembly line.
Issued by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on July 20, 1992 and implemented on January 1, 1993
5.2 Parts
Random sampling after cleaning at the end of the assembly line and before storage. 5.3 Complete machine
Random sampling after other items are qualified at the end of the assembly line and before storage, or sampling from the finished product warehouse. 6 Basic requirements for testing
6.1 Requirements for operators and measurement environment
6.1.1 When testing cleanliness, the environment should be clean, and its cleanliness should be consistent with the requirements of the test. 6.1.2 Cleanliness testers should be full-time personnel who have been trained, familiar with the structure of the object being tested, and master the cleanliness measurement technology. When testing cleanliness, the clothes, hats and hands of the testers should be clean. 6.2 Measuring instruments and preparation
6.2.1 The instruments used for testing cleanliness should be clean and visually free of foreign matter. 6.2.2 Filter membrane The filter membrane used for measurement is a white filter membrane with a porosity of 5um, a diameter of 50mm, a thickness of 150μm, and a weight of less than 90mg. When the filter membrane is constant weight, use tweezers to put the filter membrane into a clean NY-120 solution to clean both sides, then place it in an evaporator with constant weight, and half open the bottle cap and put it into an oven that has been heated to 90±5℃. After 60 minutes, cover the bottle cap and take it out. Place it in a dryer to cool for 30 minutes, then take it out and weigh it together with the evaporator. Repeat the drying and weighing process until the difference between two consecutive values ​​is no more than 0.4 mg, and make a record. 6.2.3 Filter The measuring filter shall be made of stainless steel wire mesh or copper wire mesh of SSW0.063/0.045GB6004 (equivalent to 235 mesh/inch). When the filter is at a constant weight, wash both sides of the filter in clean NY-120 solvent oil. Take out the filter, wait for the surface cleaning liquid to dry slightly, put it in an oven heated to 105±5°C, take it out after 60 minutes, cool it in a desiccator for 30 minutes, then take it out and weigh it. Repeat the drying and weighing process until the difference between two consecutive values ​​is no more than 0.4 mg, and make a record. 6.2.4 Cleaning liquid
NY-120 (GB1922) solvent oil or alcohol (GB679) used as cleaning liquid should be filtered with SSW0.032/0.028GB6004 (equivalent to 423 mesh/inch) clean filter screen before use. 6.2.5 Membrane filtration device
The membrane filtration device is shown in Figure 1.
1-Funnel; 2-Filter membrane; 3-Filter membrane support frame: 4-Funnel seat; 5-Oil-resistant rubber plug; 6-Suction filter bottle; 7-Metal clamp The membrane filtration device and cleaning equipment and weighing plate should be fully cleaned with synthetic detergent warm water solution before use, then washed twice with warm water, washed 3 times with distilled water and dried.
6.2.6 Oven
The oven should be a far-infrared drying oven or an electric blast drying oven, with a maximum temperature of 130℃, and the studio size should be selected as needed. Oven 2
Should be kept away from volatile and flammable gases; the inside of the oven should be kept clean. 6.2.7 Analytical balance
The analytical balance should have a maximum weighing capacity of 200g, a graduation value of 0.1mg, automatic weighting, and a weighing plate diameter of not less than 80mm. The balance should be installed on a stable workbench in the cleanliness test room without strong magnetic sources, vibration sources, and corrosive gases. When in use, open the front door and start working 20 minutes later.
6.2.8 Particle counter
The operation of the particle counter should comply with the provisions of the relevant operating procedures. 7 Detection objects and detection methods
The detection method of the cleanliness of the separation machine can be visual inspection, hand feel method, particle counting method and weight method according to the different detection objects.
7.1 Inspection object
7.1.1 The hydraulic system and non-hydraulic system (such as spiral differential, transmission, bearing seat, etc.) of various types of separation machinery should determine the cleanliness limit according to the requirements of life and reliability, and stipulate it in the corresponding technical requirements. Regular spot checks are carried out using the particle counting method or the weight method. During normal assembly, the inner and outer surfaces and holes and grooves of the main parts and components, as well as the mating surfaces and working surfaces of general parts, are inspected by visual inspection and hand feeling. No dirt is allowed. 7.2 Visual inspection and hand feeling method
Visual inspection and hand feeling method refers to the method of evaluating the cleanliness of the inspection object through vision and hand touch. 7.3 Weight method
The weight method refers to the method of evaluating the cleanliness of the inspection object by measuring the weight of the dirt contained in the inspection object. The inspection generally includes the steps of collecting dirt, filtering, drying, weighing, etc. 7.3.1 Collection of dirt Filter the oil in the hydraulic transmission system of the separation machine with a stainless steel wire mesh or copper wire mesh of SSW0.063/0.045GB6004 (equivalent to 235 days/inch in British system), and measure the weight of all the dirt after filtration. After pouring out the oil, clean the hydraulic transmission system of the separation machine with the specified cleaning fluid, and collect all the dirt and the cleaning fluid with dirt. Cleaning can be done by manual cleaning or pressure cleaning. Cleaning tools and devices
When cleaning, the following tools and devices are generally used: a. Nylon brushes, brushes, silk cloths, magnets and tweezers, etc.; b. Syringes, oil guns, flushing devices, etc.; c. Porcelain or plastic plates, basins and buckets with lids, etc. Cleaning requirements
The following requirements should be met during cleaning:
a. Before cleaning, add a certain amount of lubricating oil to the mechanical transmission system to make it operate properly, and collect all the lubricating oil; b. Use clean cleaning fluid to brush or rinse all utensils that come into contact with dirt in the sampling area; c. Dirt in non-sampling areas must not enter the collected cleaning fluid, and the cleaning fluid should be prevented from being lost. 7.3.2 Filtration When filtering the cleaning fluid, use a filter membrane with a porosity of 5μm that has been weighed constant, and inject the turbid cleaning fluid into the microporous membrane filtration device. When the turbid liquid is too thick, it can be diluted with clean cleaning fluid, and the amount of diluent used should be limited to what can pass through the filter membrane quickly. The following requirements should be met during filtration: a. The filter element (filter membrane or filter screen) should be weighed constant before use; b. During filtration, the vacuum pump can be turned on to speed up the filtration speed; c.If the filter membrane is blocked or damaged, it should be replaced in time; d. After all the turbid cleaning liquid is filtered out, rinse the inner wall of the funnel with at least 50mL of clean cleaning liquid to transfer all the dirt to the filter membrane 3
e. Carefully remove the filter membrane with dirt with tweezers and place it in a constant weight evaporator to prepare for drying and weighing; f. When there is grease in the filtrate, it should be degreased and filtered; g. The lubricating oil after operation should also be filtered. The filtration of oil products adopts the method of coarse filtration and sampling filtration. Use a constant weight filter to filter all the oil products with dirt, and measure the volume of all the oil products after filtration. Place a stirrer at the bottom of the container containing all the oil products after coarse filtration, so that it deviates from the center by a certain distance. The speed should be limited to prevent the oil products from splashing out, and the stirring time is about 1h. Without stopping the agitator, extract 500mL (less than 500mL for full inspection) of the stirred oil and measure its volume. Filter the sampled oil according to the provisions of Articles and of this standard. 7.4 Particle counting method
The cleanliness determined by the particle counting method is expressed as the concentration of pollutant particles larger than 5um and larger than 15um contained in the unit volume of oil. The particle concentration of pollutants expressed in code form is shown in Table 1. Table 1
Particle concentration
Particle concentration
7.4.2 This standard specifies the use of two codes to form the cleanliness of the hydraulic system in the form of a fraction. The first group of codes represents the total number of particles with a size greater than 5 um in each milliliter of oil (placed in the numerator); the second group of codes represents the total number of particles with a size greater than 15 μm in each milliliter of oil (placed in the denominator). For example: 18/15. 7.4.3 Sampling requirements Take a sample from the oil tank of the running hydraulic system at 2/3 of the oil level (the oil suction side of the tank), with a capacity of no less than 200mL. The capacity of the container should reach more than 150% of the sample capacity. The sampling container must be cleaned and inspected before it can be used. Use any vacuum sampling device to extract the sample through the connected clean hose. Before sampling, the sampling tube must be flushed with the oil from the pumped oil tank before sampling. The volume is about 5 times the volume in the sampling tube. The flushing liquid shall not be used as a sample. See Figure 2 for a typical sampling method. When removing the sampling container, pay attention to the tight cover, and be careful not to repeat the contamination during the entire sampling process.
7.4.4 Cleanliness of sampling container and its determination Heavy hammer
JB/T 6418-92
Please clean hose
Connect vacuum device
Connect sample machine The cleanliness of sampling container is generally required to be 11/8. The determination method is: pour 50% of the container capacity of cleaning liquid (the cleanliness requirement of cleaning liquid is generally 5/2) into the container, cover with plastic film and bottle cap, and stir the solution in the same way as oil analysis, and then perform automatic particle counting. The value multiplied by the ratio of the amount of solution poured into the container to the total volume of the container is the cleanliness of the container. 7.4.5 Sample determination The instrument for sample determination must be calibrated before use, and the determination method shall be carried out in accordance with the "Instrument Instructions" used. If there is any dispute over the sample determination results, the results obtained by the automatic particle counter shall prevail. In the sample measurement and analysis, if the oil particles are between two adjacent numbers of contaminated particles, the cleanliness shall be the code corresponding to the higher number of contaminated particles. When determining the cleanliness index, if any of the two codes in the cleanliness code exceeds the standard, it shall be deemed that the cleanliness exceeds the standard. When a product is composed of several hydraulic systems sharing one oil tank, the cleanliness index shall be the cleanliness index of the higher pressure system as the cleanliness index of the product. When the oil tanks are used separately, all oil tanks of the product shall be sampled and measured, and they shall meet the standard requirements. 7.5 Drying and weighing
Put the weighing bottle with the dirty filter membrane into the oven, dry and weigh it according to the requirements of, and put the weighing bottle with the dirty filter screen into the oven, dry and weigh it according to the requirements of 7.6 Calculation
When the cleanliness is tested by the weight method, the cleanliness of the test object shall be calculated according to the following formula: For hydraulic systems:
X,=(m2-m;+mg- ms).
For non-hydraulic systems:
Where: X,-weight of dirt contained in unit volume of oil, mg/L; X.weight of dirt contained in non-hydraulic systems, mg; m;-constant weight of clean filter before filtering oil, mg;-constant weight of filter with dirt after filtering oil, mgm
Constant weight of clean filter membrane before filtering sampled oil, mg;-constant weight of filter membrane with dirt after filtering sampled oil, mg;-constant weight of clean filter membrane before filtering cleaning fluid, mg;-(1)
m. —Constant weight of the filter membrane with dirt after filtering the cleaning liquid, mg; V—Total volume of oil in the hydraulic system, mL; V,—Volume of the sampled filtered oil. mL. Cleanliness determination and analysis report
According to the contents of Appendix A (reference), fill in the results in the cleanliness determination and analysis report. 6
Product name
Product model
Product number
Conclusion and suggestions:
Determination person
Additional instructions:
Appendix A
Cleanliness determination and analysis report
Cleaning part
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Separation Machinery. Membrane porosity
Filter screen porosity
Cleaning fluid type
Cleaning fluid dosage
This standard is drafted by the Hefei General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Zhao Yang. bzxz.net
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Method for determination of cleanliness of components
Separation machinery
Published and distributed by the Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry Printed by the Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry (PO Box 8144, Beijing 100081)
Copyright reserved
No reproduction allowed
Format 880×12301/16 Printing sheet 3/4 Number of words 14000 First printing in September 1992
First edition in September 1992
Price 2.40 yuan
Print run 00.001-500
No. 08041
Concentration. The particle concentration of pollutants expressed by code is shown in Table 1. Table 1
Particle concentration
Particle concentration
7.4.2 This standard stipulates that the cleanliness of the hydraulic system is composed of two codes in the form of fractions. The first group of codes represents the total number of particles with a size greater than 5um in each milliliter of oil (placed in the numerator); the second group of codes represents the total number of particles with a size greater than 15μm in each milliliter of oil (placed in the denominator). For example: 18/15. 7.4.3 Sampling requirements Take a sample from the oil tank of the running hydraulic system at 2/3 of the oil level (the oil suction side of the tank), with a capacity of no less than 200mL. The capacity of the container should reach more than 150% of the sample capacity. The sampling container must be cleaned and inspected before it can be used. Use any vacuum sampling device to extract the sample through the connected clean hose. Before sampling, the sampling tube must be flushed with the oil from the pumped oil tank before sampling. The volume is about 5 times the volume in the sampling tube. The flushing liquid shall not be used as a sample. See Figure 2 for a typical sampling method. When removing the sampling container, pay attention to the tight cover, and be careful not to repeat the contamination during the entire sampling process.
7.4.4 Cleanliness of sampling container and its determination Heavy hammer
JB/T 6418-92
Please clean hose
Connect vacuum device
Connect sample machine The cleanliness of sampling container is generally required to be 11/8. The determination method is: pour 50% of the container capacity of cleaning liquid (the cleanliness requirement of cleaning liquid is generally 5/2) into the container, cover with plastic film and bottle cap, and stir the solution in the same way as oil analysis, and then perform automatic particle counting. The value multiplied by the ratio of the amount of solution poured into the container to the total volume of the container is the cleanliness of the container. 7.4.5 Sample determination The instrument for sample determination must be calibrated before use, and the determination method shall be carried out in accordance with the "Instrument Instructions" used. If there is any dispute over the sample determination results, the results obtained by the automatic particle counter shall prevail. In the sample measurement and analysis, if the oil particles are between two adjacent numbers of contaminated particles, the cleanliness shall be the code corresponding to the higher number of contaminated particles. When determining the cleanliness index, if any of the two codes in the cleanliness code exceeds the standard, it shall be deemed that the cleanliness exceeds the standard. When a product is composed of several hydraulic systems sharing one oil tank, the cleanliness index shall be the cleanliness index of the higher pressure system as the cleanliness index of the product. When the oil tanks are used separately, all oil tanks of the product shall be sampled and measured, and they shall meet the standard requirements. 7.5 Drying and weighing
Put the weighing bottle with the dirty filter membrane into the oven, dry and weigh it according to the requirements of, and put the weighing bottle with the dirty filter screen into the oven, dry and weigh it according to the requirements of 7.6 Calculation
When the cleanliness is tested by the weight method, the cleanliness of the test object shall be calculated according to the following formula: For hydraulic systems:
X,=(m2-m;+mg- ms).
For non-hydraulic systems:
Where: X,-weight of dirt contained in unit volume of oil, mg/L; X.weight of dirt contained in non-hydraulic systems, mg; m;-constant weight of clean filter before filtering oil, mg;-constant weight of filter with dirt after filtering oil, mgm
Constant weight of clean filter membrane before filtering sampled oil, mg;-constant weight of filter membrane with dirt after filtering sampled oil, mg;-constant weight of clean filter membrane before filtering cleaning fluid, mg;-(1)
m. —Constant weight of the filter membrane with dirt after filtering the cleaning liquid, mg; V—Total volume of oil in the hydraulic system, mL; V,—Volume of the sampled filtered oil. mL. Cleanliness determination and analysis report
According to the contents of Appendix A (reference), fill in the results in the cleanliness determination and analysis report. 6
Product name
Product model
Product number
Conclusion and suggestions:
Determination person
Additional instructions:
Appendix A
Cleanliness determination and analysis report
Cleaning part
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Separation Machinery. Membrane porosity
Filter screen porosity
Cleaning fluid type
Cleaning fluid dosage
This standard is drafted by the Hefei General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Zhao Yang.
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Method for determination of cleanliness of components
Separation machinery
Published by the Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry Printed by the Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry (PO Box 8144, Beijing 100081)
Copyright reserved
No reproduction allowed
Format 880×12301/16 Printing sheet 3/4 Number of words 14000 First printing in September 1992
First edition in September 1992
Price 2.40 yuan
Print run 00.001-500
No. 08041
Concentration. The particle concentration of pollutants expressed by code is shown in Table 1. Table 1
Particle concentration
Particle concentration
7.4.2 This standard stipulates that the cleanliness of the hydraulic system is composed of two codes in the form of fractions. The first group of codes represents the total number of particles with a size greater than 5um in each milliliter of oil (placed in the numerator); the second group of codes represents the total number of particles with a size greater than 15μm in each milliliter of oil (placed in the denominator). For example: 18/15. 7.4.3 Sampling requirements Take a sample from the oil tank of the running hydraulic system at 2/3 of the oil level (the oil suction side of the tank), with a capacity of no less than 200mL. The capacity of the container should reach more than 150% of the sample capacity. The sampling container must be cleaned and inspected before it can be used. Use any vacuum sampling device to extract the sample through the connected clean hose. Before sampling, the sampling tube must be flushed with the oil from the pumped oil tank before sampling. The volume is about 5 times the volume in the sampling tube. The flushing liquid shall not be used as a sample. See Figure 2 for a typical sampling method. When removing the sampling container, pay attention to the tight cover, and be careful not to repeat the contamination during the entire sampling process.
7.4.4 Cleanliness of sampling container and its determination Heavy hammer
JB/T 6418-92
Please clean hose
Connect vacuum device
Connect sample machine The cleanliness of sampling container is generally required to be 11/8. The determination method is: pour 50% of the container capacity of cleaning liquid (the cleanliness requirement of cleaning liquid is generally 5/2) into the container, cover with plastic film and bottle cap, and stir the solution in the same way as oil analysis, and then perform automatic particle counting. The value multiplied by the ratio of the amount of solution poured into the container to the total volume of the container is the cleanliness of the container. 7.4.5 Sample determination The instrument for sample determination must be calibrated before use, and the determination method shall be carried out in accordance with the "Instrument Instructions" used. If there is any dispute over the sample determination results, the results obtained by the automatic particle counter shall prevail. In the sample measurement and analysis, if the oil particles are between two adjacent numbers of contaminated particles, the cleanliness shall be the code corresponding to the higher number of contaminated particles. When determining the cleanliness index, if any of the two codes in the cleanliness code exceeds the standard, it shall be deemed that the cleanliness exceeds the standard. When a product is composed of several hydraulic systems sharing one oil tank, the cleanliness index shall be the cleanliness index of the higher pressure system as the cleanliness index of the product. When the oil tanks are used separately, all oil tanks of the product shall be sampled and measured, and they shall meet the standard requirements. 7.5 Drying and weighing
Put the weighing bottle with the dirty filter membrane into the oven, dry and weigh it according to the requirements of, and put the weighing bottle with the dirty filter screen into the oven, dry and weigh it according to the requirements of 7.6 Calculation
When the cleanliness is tested by the weight method, the cleanliness of the test object shall be calculated according to the following formula: For hydraulic systems:
X,=(m2-m;+mg- ms).
For non-hydraulic systems:
Where: X,-weight of dirt contained in unit volume of oil, mg/L; X.weight of dirt contained in non-hydraulic systems, mg; m;-constant weight of clean filter before filtering oil, mg;-constant weight of filter with dirt after filtering oil, mgm
Constant weight of clean filter membrane before filtering sampled oil, mg;-constant weight of filter membrane with dirt after filtering sampled oil, mg;-constant weight of clean filter membrane before filtering cleaning fluid, mg;-(1)
m. —Constant weight of the filter membrane with dirt after filtering the cleaning liquid, mg; V—Total volume of oil in the hydraulic system, mL; V,—Volume of the sampled filtered oil. mL. Cleanliness determination and analysis report
According to the contents of Appendix A (reference), fill in the results in the cleanliness determination and analysis report. 6
Product name
Product model
Product number
Conclusion and suggestions:
Determination person
Additional instructions:
Appendix A
Cleanliness determination and analysis report
Cleaning part
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Separation Machinery. Membrane porosity
Filter screen porosity
Cleaning fluid type
Cleaning fluid dosage
This standard is drafted by the Hefei General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Zhao Yang.
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Method for determination of cleanliness of components
Separation machinery
Published by the Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry Printed by the Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry (PO Box 8144, Beijing 100081)
Copyright reserved
No reproduction allowed
Format 880×12301/16 Printing sheet 3/4 Number of words 14000 First printing in September 1992
First edition in September 1992
Price 2.40 yuan
Print run 00.001-500
No. 0804Dry and weigh according to the requirements of Article 2. Put the filter with dirt into the oven and dry and weigh according to the requirements of Article 7.6 Calculation
When the cleanliness is tested by the weight method, the cleanliness of the test object shall be calculated according to the following formula: For hydraulic systems:
X,=(m2-m;+mg- ms).
For non-hydraulic systems:
Where: X,-weight of dirt contained in unit volume of oil, mg/L; X.weight of dirt contained in non-hydraulic systems, mg; m;-constant weight of clean filter before filtering oil, mg;-constant weight of filter with dirt after filtering oil, mgm
Constant weight of clean filter membrane before filtering sampled oil, mg;-constant weight of filter membrane with dirt after filtering sampled oil, mg;-constant weight of clean filter membrane before filtering cleaning fluid, mg;-(1)
m. —Constant weight of the filter membrane with dirt after filtering the cleaning liquid, mg; V—Total volume of oil in the hydraulic system, mL; V,—Volume of the sampled filtered oil. mL. Cleanliness determination and analysis report
According to the contents of Appendix A (reference), fill in the results in the cleanliness determination and analysis report. 6
Product name
Product model
Product number
Conclusion and suggestions:
Determination person
Additional instructions:
Appendix A
Cleanliness determination and analysis report
Cleaning part
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Separation Machinery. Membrane porosity
Filter screen porosity
Cleaning fluid type
Cleaning fluid dosage
This standard is drafted by the Hefei General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Zhao Yang.
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Method for determination of cleanliness of components
Separation machinery
Published by the Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry Printed by the Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry (PO Box 8144, Beijing 100081)
Copyright reserved
No reproduction allowed
Format 880×12301/16 Printing sheet 3/4 Number of words 14000 First printing in September 1992
First edition in September 1992
Price 2.40 yuan
Print run 00.001-500
No. 0804Dry and weigh according to the requirements of Article 2. Put the filter with dirt into the oven and dry and weigh according to the requirements of Article 7.6 Calculation
When the cleanliness is tested by the weight method, the cleanliness of the test object shall be calculated according to the following formula: For hydraulic systems:
X,=(m2-m;+mg- ms).
For non-hydraulic systems:
Where: X,-weight of dirt contained in unit volume of oil, mg/L; X.weight of dirt contained in non-hydraulic systems, mg; m;-constant weight of clean filter before filtering oil, mg;-constant weight of filter with dirt after filtering oil, mgm
Constant weight of clean filter membrane before filtering sampled oil, mg;-constant weight of filter membrane with dirt after filtering sampled oil, mg;-constant weight of clean filter membrane before filtering cleaning fluid, mg;-(1)
m. —Constant weight of the filter membrane with dirt after filtering the cleaning liquid, mg; V—Total volume of oil in the hydraulic system, mL; V,—Volume of the sampled filtered oil. mL. Cleanliness determination and analysis report
According to the contents of Appendix A (reference), fill in the results in the cleanliness determination and analysis report. 6
Product name
Product model
Product number
Conclusion and suggestions:
Determination person
Additional instructions:
Appendix A
Cleanliness determination and analysis report
Cleaning part
This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Separation Machinery. Membrane porosity
Filter screen porosity
Cleaning fluid type
Cleaning fluid dosage
This standard is drafted by the Hefei General Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Zhao Yang.
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Method for determination of cleanliness of components
Separation machinery
Published by the Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry Printed by the Mechanical Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry (PO Box 8144, Beijing 100081)
Copyright reserved
No reproduction allowed
Format 880×12301/16 Printing sheet 3/4 Number of words 14000 First printing in September 1992
First edition in September 1992
Price 2.40 yuan
Print run 00.001-500
No. 0804
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