title>QB/T 2719-2005 Leather chemical tests - Determination of total sulfate ash and sulfate water insoluble ash - QB/T 2719-2005 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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QB/T 2719-2005 Leather chemical tests - Determination of total sulfate ash and sulfate water insoluble ash
Basic Information
Standard ID:
QB/T 2719-2005
Standard Name: Leather chemical tests - Determination of total sulfate ash and sulfate water insoluble ash
Standard ICS number:Textile and Leather Technology >> 59.140 Leather Technology
Standard Classification Number:Light Industry, Cultural and Living Goods>>Leather Processing and Products>>Y45 Leather Processing and Products Comprehensive
This standard specifies the determination method of total sulfate ash and sulfate water insoluble ash of leather. This standard is applicable to all types of leather. QB/T 2719-2005 Leather chemical test Determination of total sulfate ash and sulfate water insoluble ash QB/T2719-2005 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
ICS59.140 Classification number: Y45 Registration number, 15771-2005 Light Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China QB/T2719-2005 Replaces QB/T 3812.14-[999 Leather Chemical tests-- Determination of sulphated total ash andsulphated water insoluble ash (rS() 4047: 1977, Leather -- Determination of sulphated total ash QE/T2719-2005 This standard is a revision of QB/3812.141999 Determination of total moisture and slightly acidic hot water insoluble ash in leather-based salts. This standard is modified to adopt TSO4047:1977 Determination of total sulphate content and sulphated water-insoluble ash (Leather-Dcterminalicmuf sulphatelluluashand sulphated water-mnaluble ash), which is an international standard approved by the International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists (II.TCS) TUC. This standard makes the following technical changes in accordance with the actual situation of the project while adopting 1804047:197: - Adjust the explanatory content of 4 in 0.4 to 4 principles; adjust the explanatory content of 1 scope to 4 principles: The 150 standard in "Normative References" is rewritten as the relevant standards of my country; merge 7.1 and 7.2 in the original standard: - Adjust 8.1*Test specimen preparation in the original standard to 7.2: - Add 9.t.3 "Results" in. This standard has also made the following editorial changes: Deleted the foreword of TS standard; Changed "this international standard" to "this standard\: use decimal point", "replaced with "" as decimal point", "Compared with QB/T3812.14-1999, the main changes of this standard are as follows: - Added 2 "avoidance reference documents" Added "sample preparation! ; - Added 9.1.3 Expression of results. This standard uses 1. Proposed by the Light Industry Federation. This standard is prepared by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Leather Industry (SAC/C252). The only unit is China Leather Industry Research Institute. The main drafter of this standard is Zhao Wenwei. This standard was first issued in October 1984 as the original national standard GB4689.14-1984, and was converted into the light industry standard Q0/13812.14-1999 in April 1999. This is the first time this standard is implemented. The original light industry standard Q/T3812.14-1999 issued by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Leather Industry should be compared with the national standard Q/T3812.14-1999 issued by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Leather Industry. Leather chemical test - Determination of total ash of sulfates and ash insoluble in sulfate water. This standard specifies the method for the determination of total ash of sulfates and ash insoluble in sulfate water in leather. This standard applies to all types of leather: 2 Normative references QB/T 2719—2005 The clauses in the following documents become the subject of this standard through reference to technical standards. For any dated referenced document, its subsequent amendments (including incorrect contents) or revised versions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who reached an agreement on whether to use the latest version of this document shall study whether the latest version of this document can be used according to the agreement reached by this standard. For any undated referenced document, its latest version shall apply to this standard. QB/T2706-2005 Sampling areas for chemical, physical, mechanical and colour tests on leather (ISO2418:2002.MOD) QB/T2708-2005 Sampling quantity for batch sampling (ISO2588:1985, MOD) Preparation of leather chemical test samples (ISO4044:1977, MOD) QB/T2716-200SE 5 Leather, chemical tests Determination of water-soluble matter, water-soluble inorganic matter and water-soluble organic matter QB/T2721-2005 3 Terms and definitionswww.bzxz.net The following terms are defined to apply to this standard. Total sulfate ash The residue obtained by treating leather with sulfuric acid after carbonization under specified conditions and calcining at 800℃3.2 Sulfate insoluble ash Leather extracted with water according to the provisions of QB/T2721-2005, carbonized. The residue obtained by calcining under specified conditions after acidification. 4 Principle Leather is treated with sulfuric acid after carbonization and calcined in an effective crucible. The mineral content obtained by the single ash treatment of leather is different from the actual content due to the loss of salts due to decomposition, reduction or conversion. The ash is treated with thiophene, in which both salts and oxides are converted into organic compounds. However, some salts can be converted into oxides again at a selected calcination temperature. The results of determination may be inaccurate due to the presence of organic compounds in leather, such as organic compounds. Determine the total mineral content. For example, within the full range of the leather, the total amount of water and water-soluble matter can be determined by calculation or separate determination. This method cannot determine chain salts (compare with QB/T2721-2005). 5 Reagents and materials Unless otherwise specified, only reagents of analytical grade iodine are used in the analysis of the leather: iodine, deionized water or water of equivalent purity: 5.1 Sulfuric acid (1 mol/L). Q/T2719-2005 5.2 Nitric acid, g/L. 6 Apparatus 6.1 Ground connection, porcelain, stone and other materials. 6.2 With furnace, the life-guarantee temperature shall not exceed 800℃, but shall not exceed 80℃ (see Note 8.1): 7.1 Sampling For the selection and preparation of samples, according to the provisions of QB/T 2708-200S, and the sampling of the product shall be verified according to the regulations of QB/T 2706-2005. For other sampling, according to the joint or cooperative design, if the small sample can be taken directly from the test part, the sampling identification shall be recorded in the inspection report. 7.2 Preparation of test sample Carry out in accordance with the provisions of QE/T27162005. 8 Procedure 81 Total ash content of ester Weigh 23g of test sample (see Note 1 of 8.1): accurate to 0.001, place in a preheated state to 80%, cool and weigh: (6.1) 2. Perform carbonization with low heat. Note: Be particularly careful when carbonizing esters, only obtain carbonization slowly. Then the currency depends on the degree of decomposition (5.1) and the heat is carried out at a low fire until no smoke of trioxide appears. Then heat it at 800℃ in a full furnace (6.2) until it is completely decomposed (State 2, 34. In the ten-operator cooling plan, it is necessary to cool it down suddenly until the residue is unchanged (some 5): the quality of the residue will not change, and the metallurgical materials are allowed to be supported by the car. In general, the product is measured. The total amount of A is 2:1. If the product needs to be added to plan 11, it can be reduced to unnecessary residues. The product should be reduced in small amounts according to the pollution report (5.2 elimination process, and it must be repeated until a good inflammation is achieved. Note: The plan cannot completely inactivate the metal, and even if ammonium nitrate is added, the decomposition is not complete. The content in the period will be used with ice. Take benzene and filter it with H-ray ash filter paper. Put the residue and filter paper together, and oxidize to the concentration, and then cool at temperature until the concentration reaches the peak. Then cool in a dryer and weigh it. When the vapor passes 800℃, some inorganic substances will be generated. The quality of the residue should be controlled first. Therefore, the temperature of the furnace should not exceed 70℃. Note 5: If the personnel need to determine the composition of the material (such as trioxide, oxidizing agent, etc.) and the impurities in the cation are higher than 10%, the total amount of energy salt should be included. 8.2 Ash content of water-insoluble matter in porcelain salt The sample shall be dehydrated according to the provisions of 0B21-2005. After the sample has been dehydrated for ten minutes (see Note), it shall be dehydrated according to 8.1: Determine the ash content of the six kinds of salt water, namely, steam, cloud, determine the water quality of the water in the water tank according to Q0/T2721-2005, collect all the samples that have been dried and dried, and weigh and take out a part of them for decomposition. 9. Representation of results 9. 1 Calculation 1.1 Sulfate total ash Sulfate total ash, calculated as a percentage, calculated according to the formula (): Sulfate total ash (%) = sulfur × 100 The original mass basis of the sample is grams (): The total amount of sulfur is calculated in grams! 9.1.2 Ash content of insoluble matter in sulfate solution Ash content of insoluble matter in sulfate solution, expressed as mass fraction, the value is expressed in g, and is calculated by formula (2): Ash content of insoluble matter in sulfate solution (%) = m × 100 m Ash content of insoluble matter in sulfate solution (%) = m × 100 m Ash content of insoluble matter in sulfate solution, expressed in g: m Ash content of insoluble matter in sulfate solution, expressed in g. 9.1.3 Results are shown as the mean value of the results, with the last digit being the average value. QB/T2719—2005 Note: The actual content of the total acid content in the raw water of the tooth has been determined by the total acid content of the raw water, and the actual content of the aldehyde content can be calculated by subtracting the total content of the aldehyde content from the total content of the aldehyde content of the raw water. 9.2 Repeat the same operation twice in parallel. The difference in the results shall not exceed 0.1% of the original mass of the sample. If the difference is too large, The test report shall contain the following information: Date of this standard: Machine station name, code, type, combination of products, sample mixing with (B/T.2706-2005) invalid, test piece (standard gas: 20℃/65% or 230/50%): Test results: Any special conditions that may affect the actual work and this standard: The difference is small. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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