title>Semiconductor discrete device-Detail specification for PNP silicon low-power transistor for Type 3CG110 GP,GT and GCT classes - SJ 20014-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Semiconductor discrete device-Detail specification for PNP silicon low-power transistor for Type 3CG110 GP,GT and GCT classes
Basic Information
Standard ID:
SJ 20014-1992
Standard Name:Semiconductor discrete device-Detail specification for PNP silicon low-power transistor for Type 3CG110 GP,GT and GCT classes
This specification specifies the detailed requirements for 3CGl10B and 3CGl1oc PNP silicon power transistors (hereinafter referred to as devices). Each device provides three levels of product assurance (GP, GT and GCT) in accordance with the provisions of GJB33-85 "General Specification for Semiconductor Discrete Devices". SJ 20014-1992 Semiconductor Discrete Devices GP, GT and GCT Level 3CG110 PNP Silicon Low Power Transistor Detailed Specification SJ20014-1992 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This specification specifies the detailed requirements for 3CGl10B and 3CGl1oc PNP silicon power transistors (hereinafter referred to as devices). Each device provides three levels of product assurance (GP, GT and GCT) in accordance with the provisions of GJB33-85 "General Specification for Semiconductor Discrete Devices".
Some standard content:
Military standard for the electronics industry of the People's Republic of China FL5961 SJ20014-92 Semiconductor discrete device GP, GT and GCT grades 3CG110, 3DG130, 3DG182 types Semiconductor discrete deviceDetail specification for silicon low--power transistorfortypes3CG110.3DG130.3DG182GP,GT and types GCT classes Issued on February 1, 1992 China Electronics Industry Corporation Implemented on May 1, 1992 1 Scope Military standard for electronics industry of the People's Republic of ChinaSemiconductor discrete devices GP, GT and GCT classes 3CG110 type PNP silicon low-power transistor Detailed specification Semiconductor discrete deviceDetailspecificationforPNPsiliconlow-powertransistor for type 3CG110 GP,GT and GCT classes 1.1 Subject content SJ20014—92 This specification specifies the detailed requirements for 3CG110B and 3CG110C type PNP silicon low-power transistors (hereinafter referred to as devices). Each device provides three levels of product assurance (GP, GT and GCT) in accordance with the provisions of GJB33-85 "General Specification for Discrete Semiconductor Devices". China Electronics Industry Corporation Published on February 1, 1992, implemented on May 1, 1992 1.2 Dimensions SJ20014-92 The dimensions should comply with A3-01B type in GB7581 "Dimensions of Discrete Semiconductor Devices" and the following provisions, see Figure 1 Figure 1 Dimensions 1.3 Maximum Ratings Ta=25℃ 3CG110B 3CG110C Note: 1) When Ta>25℃, the rating shall be linearly derated at a rate of 1.71mW/℃. 2 Terminal polarity: 1.Emitter 3.Collector Unit: mm A3-01B T and Tsig -65~200 -65~200 1.4Main electrical characteristics (TA=25℃) Symbol (unit) VBE(at) VcEsat)||tt ||Reference documents GB4587--84 GB7581—87 GJB33-—85 GJB128--86 3 Requirements 3.1 Detailed requirements Test conditions VcE-10V Vce--10V Ic=10mA Vce—-5V Ic -50mA (Pulse method) VcE=-10V Ic-10mA f-30MHz Vcn=-5V f-1MHz Ic-30mA In=3mA Ic-30mA Ig—3mA SJ20014-92 3CG110|| tt||3CG110 3CGi10 3CG110 3CG110 3CG110 3CG110 Test Methods for Bipolar Transistors Dimensions of Discrete Semiconductor Devices General Specification for Discrete Semiconductor Devices Test Methods for Discrete Semiconductor Devices All requirements shall be in accordance with the provisions of GJB33 and this specification. 3.2 Design Structure and Dimensions Limit Value Minimum Value The design, structure and dimensions of the device shall be in accordance with the provisions of GJB33 and this specification. 3.2.1 Terminal Material and Coating Maximum Value SJ20014-92 The terminal material shall be Kovar. Lead coating shall be gold-plated or tin-plated. When the coating is selected, it shall be clearly specified in the contract or order (see 6). 3.3 Marking The marking of the device shall be in accordance with the provisions of GJB33. 4 Quality Assurance Provisions 4.1 Sampling and Inspection Sampling and inspection shall be in accordance with the provisions of GJB33 and this specification. 4.2 Qualification Inspection Qualification Inspection shall be in accordance with the provisions of GJB33. 4.3 Screening (GT and GCT grades only) Screening shall be in accordance with Table 2 of GJB33 and this specification. The following tests shall be performed in accordance with Table 1 of this specification. Devices exceeding the specified limit values shall not be accepted. (GJB33 Table 2) 7. Intermediate test 8. Power aging 9. Final test 4.3.1 Power aging conditions Power aging conditions are as follows; IcBOr and hFE2 Test or experiment GT and GCT grades Grouped as A2 in Table 1 of this specification; AIcso1=100% of the initial value or 5nA, whichever is greater; AhpEa=±15% of the initial value T=25℃±3C, Vc=-20V, P300mW Note: It is not allowed to add a heat sink or forced air cooling to the device. 4.4 Quality consistency inspection Quality consistency inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GJB33. 4.4.1 Group A test Group A test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GJB33 and Table 1 of this specification. 4.4.2 Group B test Group B test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GJB33 and Table 2 of this specification. The final test and the change amount (A) requirements shall be carried out in accordance with the steps in Table 4 of this specification. 4.4.3 Group C test Group C test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GJB33 and Table 3 of this specification. The final test and the change amount (△) requirements shall be carried out in accordance with the steps in Table 4 of this specification. 4.5 Test method The test method shall be in accordance with the corresponding table of this specification and the following provisions. 4.5.1 Pulse test SJ20014-92 The pulse test shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article of GJB128. Table 1A Group inspection Inspection or test Group A1 External visual inspection Group A2 Collector-base breakdown voltage 3CG110B 3CG110C Collector-emitter breakdown voltage 3CG110B 3CG110C Emitter-base breakdown voltage Collector-base cut-off current 3CG110B 3CG110C Collector Emitter-Base Cut-off Current 3CG110B 3CG110C Emitter-Base Cut-off Current Forward Current Transfer Ratio Forward Current Transfer Ratio GJB128 GB4587 Emitter-Base Open Circuit Ic=10μA This Specification Appendix A Emitter-Base Open Circuit Ic=10mA Pulse Method (See 4.5.1) Collector-base open Ig-10μA Emitter-base open VcB-—40V VcB=-50V Emitter-base open VcE--30V Vce--45V Collector-base open VB=-4V VcE= -10V Vce--10V Ic=10mA LTPD symbol V(BR)CBO V(BR)CEO V(BR)EBO Limit value Minimum value Maximum value Inspection or test Forward current transfer ratio Base-emitter saturation voltage drop||tt| |Collector-emitter saturation A3 group High-excitation operation Collector-base cutoff current 3CG110B 3CG110C Low-temperature operation: Forward current transfer ratio A4 group Characteristic frequency Open-circuit output capacitance A5, A6 and A7 groups||tt| |Not applicable SJ20014—-92 Continued Table 1 Group A Test GB4587 VcE=-5V lc=50mA Pulse method (see 4.5.1) Ic=30mA In=3mA Pulse method (see 4.5.1) Ic-30mA Ig=3mA Pulse method (see 4.5.1) TA=150℃ Emitter-base open circuit Vcn=-30V Vcn=-40V TA--55℃ Vc=-10V Ic=10mA Vce--10V Ic=10mA||tt| |f30MHz Vcn=-10V f=1MHz LTPD symbol VBE(at) VcE(mt) Extreme limit value Minimum maximum value Inspection or test B1 group Solderability Marking durability B2 group Thermal shock (temperature cycle) a. Detailed leak inspection b. Rough hysteresis inspection Final test: B3 group Steady-state working life Final test: B4 group Visual inspection inside the cap (Design verification) Bond strength B5 group Not applicable B6 group| |tt||High temperature life (non-working state) Final test: SJ20014-92 Table 2 Group B test GJB128 See Table 4, steps 1 and 3 T=25℃±3℃ Ptot=300mW Vcn=—20V See Table 4, steps 2, 4 and 5. Test condition A TA=200℃ See Table 4, steps 2, 4 and 5. One device per batch, 0 failure 20(C0) Inspection or test C1 group Dimensions C2 group Thermal shock (glass stress) Terminal strength a. Detailed leak detection b. Coarse leak detection Comprehensive temperature/humidity Cycle test Appearance and mechanical inspection Final test: C3 group Variable frequency vibration Constant acceleration Final test Test: C4 group Salt gas (when applicable) C5 group Not applicable C6 group Steady-state working life Final test: SJ20014—92 Table 3C group test GJB128 See Figure 1 Test condition E See Table 4, steps 1 and 3 See Table 4, steps 1 and 3 T=25℃±3℃ Ptot300mW Vcn 20V See Table 4. Steps 2, 4 and 5 Inspection or test Collector-base cut-off current 3CG110B 3CG110C Collector-base cut-off current 3CG110B 3CG110C Forward current transfer ratio 3CG110B 3CG110C Forward current transfer ratio 5Emitter-emitter saturation voltage drop SJ20014-92||tt ||Table 4 Joint test of Group B and Group C GB4587 Emitter-base open circuit Vc--40V Vcn——50V Emitter-base open circuit VcB=—30V VcB—40V Vce--10V Ic=10mA Vcg--10V le=10mA Ic30mA Note: 1) For this test, devices exceeding the limit value of Group A shall not be accepted. 5 Delivery preparation Packing requirements shall be in accordance with the provisions of GJB33. Notes The required coating shall be specified in the contract or order (see 3.2.1). Symbol AVcEcat) If required by the user, the typical characteristic curve can be specified in the contract or order. Pole Minimum value Maximum value ±25% of initial value SJ20014-92 Appendix A Collector-emitter breakdown voltage test method (supplement) The purpose of this test is to determine whether the breakdown voltage of the transistor is greater than the specified minimum limit under specified conditions. A2 Test circuit The test circuit is shown in Figure A1 Voltage source Figure A1 Collector-emitter breakdown voltage test circuit A3 Steps The current limiting resistor R should be large enough to prevent excessive current from flowing through the transistor and the ammeter applies the specified bias conditions and increases the voltage until the specified test current is reached. If the voltage applied at the specified test current is greater than the minimum limit value of V(BR)CEo, the transistor is qualified. Additional Notes: This specification is proposed by the Science and Technology Quality Bureau of China Electronics Industry Corporation. This specification is under the jurisdiction of China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute. This specification was drafted by China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute and Jinan Semiconductor Institute. The main drafters of this specification are: Wang Changfu, Jia Huirong, Zhong Taifu. Project code: B91021.1) TA=150℃ Emitter-base open Vcn=-30V Vcn=-40V TA--55℃ Vc=-10V Ic=10mA Vce--10V Ic=10mA f30MHz Vcn =-10V f=1MHz LTPD symbol VBE(at) VcE(mt) Extreme Limits Minimum Maximum Value Inspection or Test B1 Group Solderability Marking Durability B2 Group Thermal Shock (Temperature Cycle)| |tt||a. Detailed leak check b. Rough hysteresis check Final test: B3 group Steady-state working life Final test: B4 group Visual inspection inside the cap (Design verification) Bond strength B5 group Not applicable B6 group High temperature life (non-working state) Final test: SJ20014-92 Table 2 Group B test GJB128 See Table 4, steps 1 and 3 T=25℃±3℃ Ptot=300mW Vcn=—20V See Table 4, steps 2, 4 and 5. Test condition A TA=200℃ See Table 4, steps 2, 4 and 5. One device per batch, 0 failure 20(C0) Inspection or test C1 group Dimensions C2 group Thermal shock (glass stress) Terminal strength a. Detailed leak detection b. Coarse leak detection Comprehensive temperature/humidity Cycle test Appearance and mechanical inspection Final test: C3 group Variable frequency vibration Constant acceleration Final test Test: C4 group Salt gas (when applicable) C5 group Not applicable C6 groupbzxZ.net Steady-state working life Final test: SJ20014—92 Table 3C group test GJB128 See Figure 1 Test condition E See Table 4, steps 1 and 3 See Table 4, steps 1 and 3 T=25℃±3℃ Ptot300mW Vcn 20V See Table 4. Steps 2, 4 and 5 Inspection or test Collector-base cut-off current 3CG110B 3CG110C Collector-base cut-off current 3CG110B 3CG110C Forward current transfer ratio 3CG110B 3CG110C Forward current transfer ratio 5Emitter-emitter saturation voltage drop SJ20014-92||tt ||Table 4 Joint test of Group B and Group C GB4587 Emitter-base open circuit Vc--40V Vcn——50V Emitter-base open circuit VcB=—30V VcB—40V Vce--10V Ic=10mA Vcg--10V le=10mA Ic30mA Note: 1) For this test, devices exceeding the limit value of Group A shall not be accepted. 5 Delivery preparation Packing requirements shall be in accordance with the provisions of GJB33. Notes The required coating shall be specified in the contract or order (see 3.2.1). Symbol AVcEcat) If required by the user, the typical characteristic curve can be specified in the contract or order. Pole Minimum value Maximum value ±25% of initial value SJ20014-92 Appendix A Collector-emitter breakdown voltage test method (supplement) The purpose of this test is to determine whether the breakdown voltage of the transistor is greater than the specified minimum limit under specified conditions. A2 Test circuit The test circuit is shown in Figure A1 Voltage source Figure A1 Collector-emitter breakdown voltage test circuit A3 Steps The current limiting resistor R should be large enough to prevent excessive current from flowing through the transistor and the ammeter applies the specified bias conditions and increases the voltage until the specified test current is reached. If the voltage applied at the specified test current is greater than the minimum limit value of V(BR)CEo, the transistor is qualified. Additional Notes: This specification is proposed by the Science and Technology Quality Bureau of China Electronics Industry Corporation. This specification is under the jurisdiction of China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute. This specification was drafted by China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute and Jinan Semiconductor Institute. The main drafters of this specification are: Wang Changfu, Jia Huirong, Zhong Taifu. Project code: B91021.1) TA=150℃ Emitter-base open Vcn=-30V Vcn=-40V TA--55℃ Vc=-10V Ic=10mA Vce--10V Ic=10mA f30MHz Vcn =-10V f=1MHz LTPD symbol VBE(at) VcE(mt) Extreme Limits Minimum Maximum Value Inspection or Test B1 Group Solderability Marking Durability B2 Group Thermal Shock (Temperature Cycle)| |tt||a. Detailed leak check b. Rough hysteresis check Final test: B3 group Steady-state working life Final test: B4 group Visual inspection inside the cap (Design verification) Bond strength B5 group Not applicable B6 group High temperature life (non-working state) Final test: SJ20014-92 Table 2 Group B test GJB128 See Table 4, steps 1 and 3 T=25℃±3℃ Ptot=300mW Vcn=—20V See Table 4, steps 2, 4 and 5. Test condition A TA=200℃ See Table 4, steps 2, 4 and 5. One device per batch, 0 failure 20(C0) Inspection or test C1 group Dimensions C2 group Thermal shock (glass stress) Terminal strength a. Detailed leak detection b. Coarse leak detection Comprehensive temperature/humidity Cycle test Appearance and mechanical inspection Final test: C3 group Variable frequency vibration Constant acceleration Final test Test: C4 group Salt gas (when applicable) C5 group Not applicable C6 group Steady-state working life Final test: SJ20014—92 Table 3C group test GJB128 See Figure 1 Test condition E See Table 4, steps 1 and 3 See Table 4, steps 1 and 3 T=25℃±3℃ Ptot300mW Vcn 20V See Table 4. Steps 2, 4 and 5 Inspection or test Collector-base cut-off current 3CG110B 3CG110C Collector-base cut-off current 3CG110B 3CG110C Forward current transfer ratio 3CG110B 3CG110C Forward current transfer ratio 5Emitter-emitter saturation voltage drop SJ20014-92||tt ||Table 4 Joint test of Group B and Group C GB4587 Emitter-base open circuit Vc--40V Vcn——50V Emitter-base open circuit VcB=—30V VcB—40V Vce--10V Ic=10mA Vcg--10V le=10mA Ic30mA Note: 1) For this test, devices exceeding the limit value of Group A shall not be accepted. 5 Delivery preparation Packing requirements shall be in accordance with the provisions of GJB33. Notes The required coating shall be specified in the contract or order (see 3.2.1). Symbol AVcEcat) If required by the user, the typical characteristic curve can be specified in the contract or order. Pole Minimum value Maximum value ±25% of initial value SJ20014-92 Appendix A Collector-emitter breakdown voltage test method (supplement) The purpose of this test is to determine whether the breakdown voltage of the transistor is greater than the specified minimum limit under specified conditions. A2 Test circuit The test circuit is shown in Figure A1 Voltage source Figure A1 Collector-emitter breakdown voltage test circuit A3 Steps The current limiting resistor R should be large enough to prevent excessive current from flowing through the transistor and the ammeter applies the specified bias conditions and increases the voltage until the specified test current is reached. If the voltage applied at the specified test current is greater than the minimum limit value of V(BR)CEo, the transistor is qualified. Additional Notes: This specification is proposed by the Science and Technology Quality Bureau of China Electronics Industry Corporation. This specification is under the jurisdiction of China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute. This specification was drafted by China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute and Jinan Semiconductor Institute. The main drafters of this specification are: Wang Changfu, Jia Huirong, Zhong Taifu. Project code: B91021.Rough leak detection Comprehensive temperature/humidity Cyclic test Appearance and mechanical inspection Final test: C3 group Variable frequency vibration Constant acceleration Final test: C4 group Salt gas (when applicable) C5 group Not applicable C6 group Steady-state working life Final test: SJ2 0014—92 Table 3 Group C test GJB128 See Figure 1 Test condition E See Table 4, steps 1 and 3 See Table 4, steps 1 and 3 T=25℃±3℃ Ptot300mW Vcn20V See Table 4.Steps 2, 4 and 5 Test or test Collector-base cut-off current 3CG1 10B 3CG110C Collector-base cutoff current 3CG110B 3CG110C Forward current transfer ratio 3CG110B 3CG110C Forward current transfer ratio 5Emitter-emitter saturation voltage drop SJ20014-92 Table 4 Joint test of group B and group C GB4587|| tt||Emitter-base open circuit Vc--40V Vcn——50V Emitter-base open circuit VcB=—30V VcB—40V Vce--10V Ic=10mA Vcg--10V le=10mA Ic30mA Note: 1) For this test, devices exceeding the limit value of Group A shall not be accepted. 5 Delivery preparation Packing requirements shall be in accordance with the provisions of GJB33. Notes The required coating shall be specified in the contract or order (see 3.2.1). Symbol AVcEcat) If required by the user, the typical characteristic curve can be specified in the contract or order. Pole Minimum value Maximum value ±25% of initial value SJ20014-92 Appendix A Collector-emitter breakdown voltage test method (supplement) The purpose of this test is to determine whether the breakdown voltage of the transistor is greater than the specified minimum limit under specified conditions. A2 Test circuit The test circuit is shown in Figure A1 Voltage source Figure A1 Collector-emitter breakdown voltage test circuit A3 Steps The current limiting resistor R should be large enough to prevent excessive current from flowing through the transistor and the ammeter applies the specified bias conditions and increases the voltage until the specified test current is reached. If the voltage applied at the specified test current is greater than the minimum limit value of V(BR)CEo, the transistor is qualified. Additional Notes: This specification is proposed by the Science and Technology Quality Bureau of China Electronics Industry Corporation. This specification is under the jurisdiction of China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute. This specification was drafted by China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute and Jinan Semiconductor Institute. The main drafters of this specification are: Wang Changfu, Jia Huirong, Zhong Taifu. Project code: B91021.Rough leak detection Comprehensive temperature/humidity Cyclic test Appearance and mechanical inspection Final test: C3 group Variable frequency vibration Constant acceleration Final test: C4 group Salt gas (when applicable) C5 group Not applicable C6 group Steady-state working life Final test: SJ2 0014—92 Table 3 Group C test GJB128 See Figure 1 Test condition E See Table 4, steps 1 and 3 See Table 4, steps 1 and 3 T=25℃±3℃ Ptot300mW Vcn20V See Table 4.Steps 2, 4 and 5 Test or test Collector-base cut-off current 3CG1 10B 3CG110C Collector-base cutoff current 3CG110B 3CG110C Forward current transfer ratio 3CG110B 3CG110C Forward current transfer ratio 5Emitter-emitter saturation voltage drop SJ20014-92 Table 4 Joint test of group B and group C GB4587|| tt||Emitter-base open circuit Vc--40V Vcn——50V Emitter-base open circuit VcB=—30V VcB—40V Vce--10V Ic=10mA Vcg--10V le=10mA Ic30mA Note: 1) For this test, devices exceeding the limit value of Group A shall not be accepted. 5 Delivery preparation Packing requirements shall be in accordance with the provisions of GJB33. Notes The required coating shall be specified in the contract or order (see 3.2.1). Symbol AVcEcat) If required by the user, the typical characteristic curve can be specified in the contract or order. Pole Minimum value Maximum value ±25% of initial value SJ20014-92 Appendix A Collector-emitter breakdown voltage test method (supplement) The purpose of this test is to determine whether the breakdown voltage of the transistor is greater than the specified minimum limit under specified conditions. A2 Test circuit The test circuit is shown in Figure A1 Voltage source Figure A1 Collector-emitter breakdown voltage test circuit A3 Steps The current limiting resistor R should be large enough to prevent excessive current from flowing through the transistor and the ammeter applies the specified bias conditions and increases the voltage until the specified test current is reached. If the voltage applied at the specified test current is greater than the minimum limit value of V(BR)CEo, the transistor is qualified. Additional Notes: This specification is proposed by the Science and Technology Quality Bureau of China Electronics Industry Corporation. This specification is under the jurisdiction of China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute. This specification was drafted by China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute and Jinan Semiconductor Institute. The main drafters of this specification are: Wang Changfu, Jia Huirong, Zhong Taifu. Project code: B91021. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.