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JB/T 6516-2002 Power system stability control device

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6516-2002

Standard Name: Power system stability control device

Chinese Name: 电力系统稳定控制装置

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2002-07-16

Date of Implementation:2002-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Electrical Engineering>>Transmission and Distribution Networks>>29.240.30 Control Equipment for Power Systems

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Power Equipment for Power Generation>>K51 Power Plant Equipment Automation Device

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 6516-1992

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

other information

Focal point unit:National Committee for Standardization of Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment

Publishing department:National Committee for Standardization of Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking and instruction manual, packaging, transportation and storage of power system stability control devices. JB/T 6516-2002 Power System Stability Control Device JB/T6516-2002 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T6516-2002
Replaces JB/T6516—1992
Power system stability control device
Power system stability control device2002-07-16 Issued
Implementation on 2002-12-01
Issued by the State Economic and Trade Commission of the People's Republic of ChinaForeword
Normative referenced documents
Terms and definitions,
4 Product classification..
Type and classification,
Model and meaning
Specifications and rated parameters
4.4 Overall dimensions, installation dimensions and terminal diagrams.4.5 Weight..
5 Technical requirements,
General requirements,
Base values ​​and test tolerances of influencing quantities and influencing factors. 5.2
Standard limit values ​​of the nominal range of influencing quantities and influencing factors5.3
5.4Other requirements for the place of use,
Extreme range limit values ​​of ambient temperature
Setting value,
Return coefficient,
Accuracy of action value
Variation of action value
Thermal performance requirements.
Dynamic stability limit values
Contact performance.
Power consumption.
Power measurement element Parts
Frequency measuring element..
Quick control valve duration
Quick control valve slow opening time.
Reduced output pulse width
Reduced output pulse interval time,
Insulation performance,
Moisture and heat resistance performance,
Vibration resistance,
Impact resistance
Collision resistance
Pulse group interference resistance
Electrostatic discharge interference resistance..
Ability to withstand radiated electromagnetic field interference
5.28 Ability to withstand fast transient interference
5.29 DC auxiliary excitation interruption,
5.30 Mechanical life.
5.31 Structure and appearance requirements,
6 Test methods
7 Inspection rules,
8. Marking and instruction manual
9 Packaging, transportation Transmission and storage
10 Completeness of supply.
10.1 Documents supplied with the product.
10.2 Accessories supplied with the product
11 Quality assurance,
Table 1 Reference values ​​and test tolerances of influencing quantities and influencing factors Table 2 Nominal range limit values ​​of influencing quantities and influencing factors II
This standard is a revision of JB/T6516—1992 "Power System Stability Control Device". In the revision of JB/T6516--1992, the contents of the original standard that have been proven to be reasonable through practical application are retained, and some inappropriate contents are modified, and the following major new contents are added:
The insulation resistance value is revised to 100Mα, and the dielectric strength value is revised to 2kV and 0.5kV. The device has added the ability to withstand vibration response, vibration endurance, impact response, impact endurance, collision, electrostatic discharge interference, radiated electromagnetic field interference, the impact of auxiliary excitation interruption on performance, and fast transient interference. The chapters on inspection rules, marking, instruction manual, packaging, transportation and storage are changed to be specified by enterprise product standards. This standard replaces JB/T65161992www.bzxz.net
This standard is proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment. This standard is drafted by Acheng Relay Co., Ltd. The drafter of this standard: Gao Qunying.
1 Scope
Power System Stability Control Device
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking and instruction manual, packaging, transportation and storage of power system stability control devices (hereinafter referred to as devices). This standard applies to power system stability control devices, including automatic low-frequency load shedding devices, automatic low-voltage load shedding devices, oscillation prediction devices, automatic decoupling devices, automatic stability control devices and measuring elements for automatic stability control devices. This standard applies only to new devices.
2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all dated referenced documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties that reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated referenced documents, the latest versions shall apply to this standard. GB/T2900.17-1994 Electrical terminology Electrical relays GB/T2900.34-1983 Electrical terminology Electrical transmission and automatic control (NEQC60050-351:1975) GB/T7261-2000 Basic test methods for relays and devices GB/T14598.3-1993 Electrical relays Part 5: Insulation test for electrical relays (EQVEC60255-5:1977) JB/T4259-1996 Tropical measuring relays and Technical requirements for protection devices Technical conditions for packaging, storage and transportation of relays and their devices JB/T7828—1995
General technical conditions for relays, protection and automatic devices for power systems JB/T9568—2000
Method for compiling product models of relays and devices JB/T10103—1999
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions established in GB/T2900.17—1994 and GB/T2900.34-1983 and the following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1
Power mutation quantity (P)
power mutation quantity
The power difference before and after a power system fault. 32
Frequency variation quantity (f)
frequency varying quantity
The frequency deviation value relative to the rated frequency value. 3.3
frequency varying rate
frequency changing rate (dfldt)
the amount of change in frequency per unit time (i.e. the derivative of frequency with respect to time). 3.4
fast control valve durationfastcontrolvalvedurationIn the fast control valve device, the time from the instant when the speed regulating valve is closed to the preset opening to the initial time of reopening. 3.5
fast control valve opening timefastcontrolvalveopeningtime-delayIn the fast control valve device, after the speed regulating valve is closed, the time from the instant when it is reopened to the preset fast opening, and then to the instant when it is slowly opened to fully opened is called the slow opening time. -
pulse width decreasingoutputpowerIn the stable control device, the width of the pulse voltage of the generator output is given by the control circuit. 3.7
Time interval between pulses for decreasing output power In a stable control device, the time from the end of the last pulse for decreasing output power of a generator set to the beginning of the next pulse. 3.8
Frequency measuring range frequency measuring range The interval between the minimum limit value and the maximum limit value of the measured frequency, within which measurements can be made with the specified accuracy. 4 Product classification
4.1 Type and classification
4.1.1 According to the control method, it is divided into centralized control type and decentralized control type. 4.1.2 According to the purpose, it is divided into load control type and output control type. 4.1.3 According to the principle, it is divided into impedance type, power type, frequency type, power angle type, and voltage type. 4.1.4 According to the circuit, it is divided into microcomputer type, integrated circuit type, and electromechanical type. 4.2 Model and meaning
The compilation of the device model shall be in accordance with the provisions of JB/T10103-1999. Specifications and rated parameters
4.3.1 Rated parameters
AC current rating: 1A, 5A;
AC voltage rating: 100//3V, 100V: AC rated frequency: 50Hz:
DC voltage rating: 24V, 48V, 110V, 220V: d)
Auxiliary DC rated voltage: 5 (6) V, 12 (15) V, 18V, 24V. e)
4.3.2 Specifications of the device
are specified by the enterprise product standards.
4.4 Overall dimensions, installation dimensions and terminal diagrams are specified by the enterprise product standards.
are specified by the enterprise product standards.
5 Technical requirements
5.1 General requirements
The device shall comply with the provisions of this standard and shall be manufactured in accordance with the drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures. In addition to complying with the provisions of this standard, devices used in humid tropical areas shall also comply with the provisions of JB/T4259-1996. 5.2 Reference values ​​and test tolerances of influencing quantities and influencing factors Reference values ​​and test tolerances of influencing quantities and influencing factors are shown in Table 1. 5.3 Standard limit values ​​of the nominal range of influencing quantities and influencing factors Standard limit values ​​of the nominal range of influencing quantities and influencing factors are shown in Table 2. The device should work reliably within this nominal range. 5.4 Other requirements for the use site
a) The severity level of vibration and impact at the use site shall not exceed Level 1: 2
The use site shall not have explosive media, and the surrounding medium shall not contain gases and conductive media that corrode metals and damage insulation. It is not allowed to be filled with water vapor and toxic bacteria; the use site shall have measures to prevent rain, snow, wind and sand. Table 1 Reference values ​​and test tolerances of influencing quantities and influencing factors Influencing quantities and influencing factors
Ambient temperature
Atmospheric pressure
Relative humidity
Working position
Magnetic induction intensity of external magnetic field
Power supply frequency
AC power supply waveform
DC component in AC
AC component in DC (ripple)
Reference value
Vertically installed on a facade perpendicular to the ground plane 0
Sine wave
When the temperature changes during the test, this humidity range can be exceeded as long as there is no condensation. Table 2
2 Nominal range limit value of influencing quantity and influencing factor Influencing quantity and influencing factor
Ambient temperature
Relative humidity
Atmospheric pressure
Working position
Magnetic induction intensity of external magnetic field
Power supply frequency
AC power supply waveform
|DC component in AC
AC component in DC (ripple)
Variation range of auxiliary excitation quantity
Nominal model
Test tolerance
Tilting in any direction does not exceed 2°
Not more than 0.5mT in any direction
Distortion factor is not more than 2%
Not more than 5% of the peak value
Not more than 2% of the peak value
Not more than 6%
0℃~ 45℃, -10℃~+50(55)℃, -25℃~+40℃*, 24h average temperature does not exceed 35℃The average maximum relative humidity of the wettest month is 90%, and the average minimum temperature of the month is 25℃, and there is no condensation on the surface
The deviation from the reference position in any direction does not exceed 5
No more than 1.5mT in any direction
Distortion factor is not more than 5%
Not more than 10% of the peak value
Not more than 5% of the peak value
Not more than 12%
80%~110% rated value
0℃~45℃Applicable to microcomputer products:=10℃~50(55)℃Applicable to static products other than microcomputer products:-25℃~40℃Applicable to electromechanical products.
Products with rated voltage of 48V and below are allowed to use 90%~110% rated value. 5.5
Extreme range limit value of ambient temperature
Extreme range limit value of ambient temperature is -25℃ and 70℃. Devices that do not apply excitation at the limit value should not cause any irreversible damage. After the temperature returns to normal use conditions, the device should be able to work reliably. The main performance indicators should meet the requirements specified in the enterprise product standards.
5.6 Setting value
The setting value and setting method of the device action value shall be specified by the product standard. 3
5.7 Return coefficient
The return coefficient is the ratio of the return value to the action value. The return coefficient of the overload relay element shall not be less than 0.85, and the return coefficient of the underload relay element shall not be greater than 1.15. It may also be specified by the enterprise product standard. 5.8 Accuracy of action value
a) Consistency
The consistency of the action value is the algebraic difference between the maximum and minimum action values ​​measured 10 times (5 times for static relays and their devices). The specific value is specified by the product standard.
b) Average error
Under the reference conditions, the average error of the action value is specified by the product standard. 5.9 Variation of action value
The variation of action value caused by any influencing quantity or influencing factor (such as temperature, frequency, waveform, etc.) within its nominal range shall be specified by the product standard.
5.10 Thermal performance requirements
5.10.1 Maximum allowable temperature
When the ambient temperature is the highest nominal ambient temperature of the device, the device shall be able to work for a long time without causing thermal damage to insulation or other electrical components when the input excitation is applied at 1.1 times the rated value, and the coil temperature shall not exceed 105℃ (or as specified by the enterprise product standard). For heating elements that are energized for a long time (such as resistors and voltage regulators), the maximum allowable temperature shall not exceed 150℃, and shall not have a harmful effect on adjacent components.
The time for applying the excitation should be specified for the coil of the short-time working device. 5.10.2 Short-time heat resistance limit value
The device coil shall be able to withstand an overload value of 5, 10 or 20 times the rated current within 1s without insulation damage, and the coil and structural parts shall have no permanent mechanical deformation. When normal conditions are restored, the performance of the device shall still meet the requirements specified in the enterprise product standards. The AC voltage circuit shall be able to continuously withstand 1.2 times the rated voltage. 5.11 Dynamic stability limit value
The device coil shall be able to withstand an excitation current with a peak value of 2.5 times the short-time heat resistance limit value within 10ms, and there shall be no insulation damage thereafter, and the coil and structural parts shall have no permanent mechanical deformation. When normal conditions are restored, the performance of the device shall still meet the requirements specified in the enterprise product standards.
5.12 Contact performance
The contact should be able to disconnect a DC inductive load circuit with a voltage not greater than 250V and a current not greater than 0.2 (0.5, 2, 5) A (time constant is (5±0.75) ms or (40±6) ms) or an AC circuit with a voltage not greater than 250V and a current not greater than 0.5 (1, 5, 10) A (cosΦ=0.4±0.1). The device contact disconnection capacity is specified by the enterprise product standard, and the device output circuit contact long-term allowable closed current is specified by the enterprise product standard.
The contact should be able to reliably close and disconnect 1.5 times the disconnection capacity for 10 times without continuous arcing. 5.13 Power consumption
The power consumed by the device under rated voltage, current and load should be specified by the enterprise product standard. 5.14 Power measurement element
5.14.1 Measurement element
The power measurement element shall have good power tracking performance, and the specific requirements shall be specified by the enterprise product standards. 5.14.2 Average error
a) When it changes within the range of 0.8U.~1.1U., 0.5I,~12lg, cosΦ=0.8~1.0, the absolute value of its average error shall not exceed 2%: b) When it changes within the range of 0U.~3U., 0I,~15I, cosΦ=-1~+1, the absolute value of its average error shall not exceed 5%. 5.14.3 Power mutation
The setting value and setting method of △P shall be specified by the enterprise product standards. 4
5.15 Frequency measurement element
5.15.1 Frequency measurement range
The measurement range of the frequency measurement element is specified by the product standard. It should have good linearity within the measurement range, and the accuracy should not be affected by power system faults.
5.15.2 Frequency variation
The setting value and setting method of the frequency variation A should be specified by the enterprise product standard. 5.15.3 Frequency change rate
The setting value of frequency change dfidt shall be specified by the enterprise product standard. 5.16 Fast control valve duration
The fast control valve duration shall be specified by the enterprise product standard. 5.17 Fast control valve slow opening time
The fast control valve slow opening time shall be specified by the enterprise product standard. 5.18 Reduced output pulse width
Reduced output pulse width shall be specified by the enterprise product standard. 5.19 Reduced output pulse interval time
Reduced output pulse interval time shall be specified by the enterprise product standard. 5.20 Insulation performance
5.20.1 Insulation resistance
Under standard test atmospheric conditions, the insulation resistance values ​​of each circuit of the device and the exposed non-charged metal parts and the casing, as well as between different circuits that are not electrically connected, shall be measured separately using a test instrument with an open circuit voltage of 500V, which shall not be less than 100MQ. 5.20.2 Dielectric Strength
Under standard atmospheric conditions, the device's conductive circuits and exposed non-live metal parts and casing, as well as between different circuits that are not electrically connected, should be able to withstand an AC 2kV or 0.5kV (effective value) test voltage for 1 minute without insulation breakdown or flashover.
During factory inspection, it is allowed to use 1.1 times the specified test voltage value, and the test lasts for 1 second. When repeating the dielectric strength test, the test voltage value is 75% of the specified voltage value. 5.20.3 Impulse Voltage
The impulse voltage test value of the device is specified by the product standard according to GB/T14598.3-1993. After the impulse voltage test, the device performance can still meet the product factory project requirements. Flashover is allowed during the impulse voltage test. If flashover occurs, the dielectric strength test should be repeated.
5.21 Moisture and heat resistance
The device is subjected to alternating damp heat test in an environment with a temperature of 40℃ and a test cycle of two cycles (48h). Within 2h before the end of the test, the insulation resistance of the parts specified in 5.20.1 is measured with a test instrument with an open circuit voltage of 500V. The insulation resistance should not be less than 1.5M2. The dielectric strength test voltage value is allowed to drop to 75% of the specified value. 5.22 Vibration resistance
5.22.1 Vibration response resistance
The device should be able to withstand the vibration response test with a severity level of 1 specified in 5.12.4 of JB/T9568--2000. During the test, the input excitation of the device and the qualified criterion shall be specified by the enterprise product standard. 5.22.2 Vibration endurance
The device should be able to withstand the vibration endurance test with a severity level of 1 specified in 5.12.4 of JB/T9568--2000. During the test, the qualified criterion of the device shall be specified by the enterprise product standard.
5.23 Impact Withstand Capability
5.23.1 Impact Response Withstand Capability
The device shall be able to withstand the impact response test with severity level 1 specified in 5.12.5 of B/T9568-2000. During the test, the input excitation amount and qualified criterion of the device shall be specified by the enterprise product standard. 5.23.2 Impact Endurance Capability
The device shall be able to withstand the impact endurance test with severity level 1 specified in 5.12.5 of JB/T9568-2000. During the test, the qualified criterion of the device shall be specified by the enterprise product standard.
5.24 Collision Withstand Capability
The device shall be able to withstand the collision test with severity level 1 specified in 5.12.6 of JB/T9568-2000. During the test, the qualified criterion of the device shall be specified by the enterprise product standard.
5.25 Capability to withstand pulse group interference
The static device shall be able to withstand the test of attenuated oscillation wave with severity level I specified in of JB/T9568--2000. During the test, the excitation input to the device and the qualified criterion shall be specified by the enterprise product standard. 5.26 Capability to withstand electrostatic discharge interference
The static device shall be able to withstand the test voltage with severity level IⅡI specified in of B/T9568-2000. During the test, the excitation input to the device and the qualified criterion shall be specified by the enterprise product standard. 5.27 Capability to withstand radiated electromagnetic field interference
The static device shall be able to withstand the test field strength with severity level IIII specified in of JB/T9568-2000. During the test, the excitation quantity input to the device and the qualified criterion shall be specified by the enterprise product standard. 5.28 Capability to withstand fast transient interference
The static device shall be able to withstand the test voltage of severity level IIIII specified in of JB/T9568-2000. During the test, the excitation quantity input to the device and the qualified criterion shall be specified by the enterprise product standard. 5.29 Interruption of DC auxiliary excitation quantity
The interruption time of DC auxiliary excitation quantity and the qualified criterion shall be specified by the enterprise product standard in accordance with of B/T9568-2000. 5.30 Mechanical life
The number of continuous actions of the device, the mechanical life test rate and the qualified criterion shall be specified by the enterprise product standard. For devices with only electromagnetic relays in the output circuit, if the output relay has been tested and proved to meet the mechanical life requirements of the product, the mechanical life test of the product may not be carried out. 5.31 Structural and appearance requirements
5.31.1 The device should be provided with a shell protection and dustproof capability. The mechanical and electrical installation of each part should be reasonable, firm, reliable, and easy to adjust and maintain. All welding places should be free of cold welding. Welding places should be cleaned. Flux and solder that are corrosive to metals and components are not allowed.
5.31.2 If there is no special provision for the product, the electrical clearance and creepage distance of the external lead-out terminals of the device shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T14598.3--1993.
5.31.3 The metal parts of the device shall be treated with anti-corrosion, and all materials shall not have adverse effects on the mechanical and electrical properties of the device. 5.31.4 The appearance structure and installation dimensions of the same model of devices shall be consistent, and similar parts and plug-ins shall be interchangeable. 5.31.5 All electronic components must be 100% aged and screened in accordance with relevant regulations. 5.31.6 Damage to components in the device shall not cause malfunction output of the device output circuit. 6 Test methods
If there are no special requirements, the test conditions shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/T7261-2000. The main performance indicators and test wiring diagrams shall be specified by the enterprise standards.
6.2 The device structure and appearance inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chapter 5 of GB/T7261-2000. When testing 5.5, the method of Chapter 21 of GB/T7261-2000 shall be followed. 6.3
Tests 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, and 5.9 shall be carried out in accordance with the method of Chapter 7 of GB/T7261-2000. 6.4
6.5 Test 5.10 shall be carried out in accordance with the method of Chapter 10 of GB/T7261-2000. 6.6
Test 5.11 shall be carried out in accordance with the method of Chapter 22 of GB/T7261-2000. Test 5.12 shall be conducted in accordance with the method in Chapter 23 of GB/T7261-2000. Test 5.13 shall be conducted in accordance with the method in Chapter 9 of GB/T7261-2000. 6.9 The methods of tests 5.14 and 5.15 shall be specified by the enterprise product standards. 6.10
Tests 5.16, 5.17, 5.18 and 5.19 shall be conducted in accordance with the method in Chapter 8 of GB/T7261-2000. Test 5.20 shall be conducted in accordance with the method in Chapter 19 of GB/T7261-2000. Test 5.21 shall be conducted in accordance with the method in Chapter 20 of GB/T7261--2000. Test 5.22 shall be conducted in accordance with the method in Chapter 16 of GB/T7261-2000. Test 5.23 shall be conducted in accordance with the method in Chapter 17 of GB/T7261-2000. Test 5.24 shall be conducted according to the method in Chapter 18 of GB/T7261-2000. Test 5.25 shall be conducted according to the method in 25.1 of GB/T7261-2000. Test 5.26 shall be conducted according to the method in 25.2 of GB/T7261-2000. Test 5.27 shall be conducted according to the method in 25.3 of GB/T7261-2000. Test 5.28 shall be conducted according to the method in 25.4 of GB/T7261-2000. Test 5.29 shall be conducted according to the method in Chapter 15 of GB/T7261-2000. JB/T6516-2002
Test 5.30. According to the method of Chapter 24 of GB/T7261-2000. The input excitation and test rate applied shall be specified by the enterprise product standard. After the test, the device shall not have permanent mechanical deformation or loose fastening. The dielectric strength shall be able to withstand 75% of the specified test value. The resulting variation shall be specified by the enterprise product standard. The inspection rules shall be specified by the enterprise product standard in accordance with JB/T9568--2000. 8. Marking and instruction manual shall be specified by the enterprise product standard in accordance with JB/T9568-2000. 9. Packaging, transportation and storage shall be specified by the enterprise product standard in accordance with 5.4.8 of JB/T7828-1995. 10 Completeness of supply
Documents supplied with products
Products shipped out of the factory shall be supplied with the following documents: a) Quality certification documents, and if necessary, factory inspection records shall be attached: b) Product manual (can be provided according to the supply batch): c) Product installation diagram (can be included in the product manual): d) Product schematic diagram and wiring diagram (can be included in the product manual): e) Packing list.
10.2 Accessories supplied with products
Accessories supplied with products shall be indicated in relevant documents, generally including: a) Consumable parts and consumable components:
b) Product accessories:
c) Spare parts and spare parts specified in the contract.
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