title>JB/T 5392-1991 Crack inspection of rolling bearing parts for railway locomotives and rolling stock - JB/T 5392-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 5392-1991 Crack inspection of rolling bearing parts for railway locomotives and rolling stock

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5392-1991

Standard Name: Crack inspection of rolling bearing parts for railway locomotives and rolling stock

Chinese Name: 铁路机车车辆滚动轴承零件 裂纹检验

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Release1991-06-25

Date of Implementation:1992-07-01

Date of Expiration:2007-09-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Parts>>J11 Rolling Bearing

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by JB/T 5392-2007

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

other information

Focal point unit:Luoyang Bearing Research Institute

Publishing department:Luoyang Bearing Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic requirements, crack inspection procedures and acceptance rules for rolling bearing parts used in railway locomotives and passenger and freight vehicles. This standard applies to crack inspection of railway bearing parts. JB/T 5392-1991 Crack inspection of rolling bearing parts for railway locomotives and passenger and freight vehicles JB/T5392-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 5392-1991
Rolling bearing parts for railway locomotives and rolling stock
Crack inspection
Published on 1991-06-25
Implemented on 1992-07-01 by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rolling bearing parts for railway locomotives and rolling stock
Crack inspection
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the basic requirements, crack inspection procedures and acceptance rules for crack inspection of rolling bearing parts for railway locomotives and passenger and freight vehicles (hereinafter referred to as "railway bearings"). This standard applies to crack inspection of railway bearing parts. Reference standards
3 Basic regulations
Rules for the technical qualification of non-destructive testing personnel Magnetic particle flaw detection procedures for rolling bearing parts of railway locomotives and vehicles Inspection personnel, inspection methods and inspection instruments and equipment 3.1
3.1.1 Personnel engaged in visual inspection, pickling inspection, magnetic particle inspection and liquid penetration inspection should have good eyesight, and their corrected or uncorrected vision should be above 5.0 (checked according to the standard logarithmic vision chart). The near vision should be checked according to the Jaeger No. 1 vision chart, and the near vision should be above 1.0. Color blind patients shall not engage in crack inspection work. 3.1.2 According to the provisions of GB9445, personnel engaged in magnetic particle inspection, ultrasonic inspection, eddy current inspection and liquid penetration inspection must undergo appropriate technical training and examinations, and obtain the corresponding non-destructive testing personnel qualification certificate of level 1 or above before they can engage in railway bearing crack inspection work. Visual inspection and pickling inspection personnel must also undergo appropriate technical training and assessment, and only those who obtain an operation certificate can engage in crack inspection work.
3.1.3 Magnetic powder, eddy current, ultrasonic and liquid penetration inspection personnel should correctly debug instruments and equipment before each shift, and use standard test pieces with artificial or natural defects to test the comprehensive performance of flaw detection instruments and equipment. Only when the flaw detection system reaches normal can the parts be inspected. The inspectors should carefully fill in the crack inspection records of the parts, and the inspection records should be archived and kept for at least 5 years. 3.1.4 All self-made non-destructive flaw detection instruments and equipment for crack inspection of railway bearing parts by bearing factories must be identified by the competent department before they can be put into use.
3.1.5 Railway bearing crack inspection refers to the inspection of surface and near-surface cracks of bearing parts, which can be inspected by magnetic powder, eddy current, liquid bowl penetration, visual inspection, pickling and other methods. If the user requires the inspection of internal cracks and defects of bearing parts, appropriate non-destructive inspection methods should be used according to the agreement between the supply and demand parties.
3.1.6 Magnetic particle inspection can be used for crack inspection of intermediate processes or finished parts of railway bearing parts. Each railway bearing manufacturer should formulate magnetic particle inspection process cards for various types of bearing parts according to the provisions of JB/T5391. During inspection, it is recommended to use water-washable coloring or fluorescent penetrant. After inspection, the parts should be strictly treated with rust prevention. Note: For railway bearing rings with an outer diameter greater than 250mm, if the power of the magnetic particle inspection machine is insufficient, liquid penetration method (coloring penetration or fluorescent penetration) is allowed to be used to inspect cracks. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on June 25, 1991, implemented on July 1, 1992
3.1.7 Eddy current inspection is generally used for crack inspection of intermediate processes of railway bearing parts (mainly rollers and steel balls). Parts for eddy current inspection should generally be demagnetized before inspection. 3.1.8 Visual inspection can be used for crack inspection of railway bearing parts in the intermediate process or finished parts. During visual inspection, it should generally be inspected under lighting conditions with an illumination greater than 1000Ix. For doubtful parts and defects, a 5x magnifying glass or a higher magnification microscope can be used for inspection. 3.1.9 Pickling inspection is used for crack inspection of railway bearing parts in the intermediate process. During pickling inspection, cracks, folds and other defects should be observed with the naked eye under a diffuse light or with a 5x magnifying glass. 3.2 Random inspection regulations
3.2.1 During the crack inspection of railway bearing parts, in addition to 100% inspection, random inspections shall be carried out in accordance with regulations. The number of rolling elements to be inspected shall not be less than 32 pieces per batch, and the number of rings and cages to be inspected shall not be less than 20 pieces per batch; when the batch exceeds 2000 pieces, 1%~2% of the number of parts in each batch may also be inspected.
3.2.2 Parts after eddy current inspection shall be inspected in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.2.1. During random inspection, if a part is found to have cracks, the batch of parts shall be re-tested with 100% magnetic particle inspection. 3.2.3 The user has the right to conduct a full inspection or random inspection of the railway bearings supplied. When a cracked bearing product is found, the user has the right to return part or all of the goods. The industry product quality supervision and inspection department shall be responsible for promoting and inspecting the disputed bearing cracks and other defects between the supply and demand parties.
4 Crack inspection procedure
4.1 Roller crack inspection procedure can be carried out by any of the following methods: a. After raw material preparation and processing, 100% eddy current, ultrasonic or other methods are inspected → After heat treatment and quenching, magnetic particle inspection is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.2.1. If flaming cracks are found, the batch of products should be 100% magnetic particle inspection after tempering → After rough grinding or fine grinding, 100% eddy current inspection is carried out. The rollers after eddy current inspection are inspected in accordance with the provisions of Articles 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 → When inspecting the appearance of the finished rollers, 100% visual inspection for cracks:
b. After raw material preparation and processing, 100% visual inspection for cracks → After heat treatment and quenching, magnetic particle inspection is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.2.1. If flaming cracks are found, the batch of products should be 100% magnetic particle inspection after tempering → After fine grinding or final grinding, 100% magnetic particle inspection is carried out → When inspecting the appearance of the finished rollers, 100% visual inspection for cracks is carried out. 4.2 The crack inspection procedure for rings can be any of the following: a. After heat treatment and quenching, magnetic particle inspection shall be carried out according to the provisions of Article 3.2.1. If quenching cracks are found, the batch of products shall be 100% magnetic particle inspected after tempering → after rough grinding, pickling inspection or magnetic particle inspection shall be carried out according to the provisions of Article
. If cracks are found, the batch of products shall be 100% magnetic particle inspected → finished rings shall be 100% magnetic particle inspected: after heat treatment and quenching, magnetic particle inspection shall be carried out according to the provisions of Article 3.2.1. If quenching cracks are found, the batch of products shall be 100% magnetic particle inspected after tempering → after final grinding or finished rings shall be 100% magnetic particle inspected. 4.3 The crack inspection procedure for steel balls can be carried out by any of the following methods: a. After the raw materials are modified and processed, they are 100% inspected by eddy current, ultrasound or other methods → + After heat treatment, pickling or fluorescent penetrant inspection is carried out according to the provisions of Article 3. If quenching cracks are found, the batch of products are 100% pickled or fluorescent penetrant inspected after tempering → 100% eddy current inspection is carried out after fine grinding. The steel balls after eddy current inspection are pickled or fluorescent penetrant inspection is carried out according to the provisions of Article 3.2.1 → + When inspecting the appearance of the finished steel balls, 100% visual inspection for cracks is carried out; b. Raw materials
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JB/T 5392-1991
If fire cracks are found, the batch of products shall be 100% pickled or fluorescent penetrant tested after tempering → After hard grinding, pickling or fluorescent penetrant testing shall be carried out according to the provisions of Article 3.2.1. If cracks are found, the batch of products shall be 100% pickled or fluorescent penetrant tested → When inspecting the appearance of the finished steel balls, 100% visual inspection of cracks shall be carried out.
4.4 The inspection procedure for cage cracks is as follows:
The finished cage shall be 100% visually inspected or fluorescent penetrant tested 5 Acceptance rules
5.1 Bearing parts that have been inspected by magnetic particle inspection or liquid penetrant testing shall be carried out according to the acceptance rules of JB/T5391 5.2 During visual inspection and pickling inspection, no cracks, folds or other defects visible to the naked eye are allowed on any surface of the bearing parts. Parts in question should be inspected under a 5x magnifying glass or a microscope with higher magnification. 5.3 The arbitration inspection of cracks in bearing rings and rollers shall be based on magnetic particle testing. The arbitration inspection of cracks in steel balls and cages shall be based on fluorescent penetrant testing.
Additional Notes:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Rolling Bearings and drafted by the Luoyang Bearing Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. Drafter of this standard: Wang Lingwen.
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Rolling Bearing Parts for Railway Locomotives and Rolling Stocks
Crack Inspection
JB/T 53921991
Published and Distributed by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2 Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code 100044)
Format 880×12301/16
Sheet 1/2Number of Words 6.000
First Printing in September 1991
First Edition in September 1991
Print Quantity 1-1000
Price 0.80 YuanbZxz.net
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://www.JB.ac.cn16
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