Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Terminology of Steel Wire Ropes
Steel Wire Ropes- TerminologyUDC 677, 72: 001. 4
GB 870688
This standard applies to the terms commonly used in steel wire rope products and use standards. In the formulation (revision) of steel wire rope product standards and in actual applications, the terms specified in this standard should be used.
This standard is equivalent to the international standard IS02532·74 "Wire Ropes-Terminology". Part I Manufacture of Steel Wire Ropes and Their Components
1 Steel Wires
Round (or shaped) wires made of carbon or alloy by cold drawing or cold rolling; it constitutes the basic unit of the strand. 1.1 Method of manufacture1. 1. 1 Cold drawing
1. Pull-down: When drawing the steel wire, a solid (or gel-like) lubricant is used; b. Mixed drawing: When drawing steel wire, liquid lubricant is used. 1.1.2 Cold rolling
1. 1. 3 Fire - roasting or patenting lead Ping fire;
b. Fire with other media (water, plate, air, etc.). 1.2 Cross-sectional shape shapuf crus8-sectiun1.2, / round
1. 2. 2 Shaped
Other shapes except round, such as Z-shaped, V-shaped, H-shaped, etc. 1.3 Material
1.3.1 Carbon steel carbon steel
a. Low carbon steel:
h. Medium carbon steel,
c. High carbon steel.
1.3.2 Alloy steel
1.4 Surface condition of yurface1. 4. 1 Smooth surface --- without cuating1.4.2 Prutctive cuating1. 4. 2.1 Zinc galvanized layera. Hot-dip coating, a coating formed by immersing steel wire in molten zinc liquid; b. Electroplating layer: a chain layer formed by the deposition of plating metal (zinc) ions on the surface of the wire through electrochemical action. Aluminium coated Aluminium coated Approved by the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry of the People's Republic of China on February 2, 1988 and implemented on March 1, 1989 Coatings Copper coated Cadmium coated Plastic coatings Plastic coatings Other coatings 1.4.3 Coating method GB 8706—88 Pull first and then bond: The wire is plated after it is drawn to the finished size. b. Bond first and then draw: The semi-finished copper wire is plated and then drawn to the finished size. 1.5 Position of wires 1.5.1 Core wire or king wire A single wire in the center of a strand or single strand rope and covered with a grid. 1, 5. 2 Wire of the outer layerWire of the outermost layer of a strand or single rope. 1.5.3 Wire of intermediate layersWire of the remaining layers except the center molybdenum wire and the outer wire. 1.6 Functions of wiresRunctlon uf wires1.6.1 Load-bearing wiresWires in a wire rope that bear the breaking tension. 1.6.2 Riller wires
In some structures of wire ropes, thinner wires are used to fill the gaps in the strands to support the wire layers. The filler wires may or may not be considered as load-bearing wires.
1.6.3 Stitching wires
Single wire or strand used as the stitching of a flat wire rope. 1.6.4 Seizing wires
A single wire or strand is wound around a bundle of strands or a bundle of wire ropes to form a tight spiral coating to keep the bundle or rope in its original shape. 1.7 Characteristics of wire by which It is classified Mainly refers to tensile strength and coating quality.
1.7.1 Tensile strength grade is the nominal tensile strength, expressed as the minimum value of the corresponding tensile strength range. 1.7.2 Coating qualityaf coating Performance determined by the weight, uniformity and adhesion of the coating. 1.8 Joining of wires method 1. 8.1 Electrocric butf welding 1.8.2 Brazing
1.8.3 Twisting
2 Strands
A structure formed by multiple steel wires of a certain shape and size, in layers or multiple layers, spirally shaped: It is the basic element of the wire rope. 2.1 Shape of strands 2-1-1 Round strand
A strand with a cross section that is approximately circular.
2.1.2 Triangular strand A strand with a cross section that is approximately triangular.
2.1.3 Elliptical strand
A strand with a cross section that is approximately elliptical.
2. 1. 4 Ribbon strand
A strand with a cross section that is approximately rectangular or flat-shaped. 3 Steel wire ropes
A structure formed by a certain number of strands, one or more layers, wound into a spiral shape. In some cases, a single strand is the rope. 3.1 Internal stresses and balancing3.1.1 Wire ropes with low internal stresses Steel wire ropes manufactured by the method of low stress control (such as pre-deformation and post-deformation) have low internal stress and thus are not loose.
3.1.2 Non-spinning properties of ropes with jaw torsional stresses In ropes, the wires and layers are arranged in such a way as to minimize torque or rotation, such as in multi-layer, identically constructed strands of rope and in single-layer strand ropes wrapped around a single core, where the wires and layers are twisted in opposite directions, the rope has low torsional stresses and exhibits non-spinning or slight spinning properties. 3.2 Characteristics of spinning 3.2.1 Number of layers
3.2.2 Type of stranding Point contact (non-parallel twisting) In a cress lay rope or non-purallel strand, the adjacent layers of wires have approximately equal lap angles and are twisted without gaps. Thus, the adjacent layers of wires are in point contact. Line contact (parallel lay) All copper wires in equal lay top have the same lay distance, and all steel wires are in line contact with each other. 3.2.3 Spinning
The process of twisting steel wires into strands and picking them into ropes. Angle
The angle between the center line of the wire (or strand) and the center line of the strand (or rope) during spinning. Net
Wire twist angle: the lay angle of the steel wire in the strand;
b, strand twist angle: the overlap angle of the strands in the rope.
3. 2. 3. 2 Direction of lay of rope or strand: Right lay (or Z): The direction of the spiral line made by the strand in the rope (or the silk in the strand) is from left, upward and to the right, which is right lay; Left lay (or $): The direction of the spiral line made by the strand in the rope (or the silk in the strand) is from right, upward and to the left, which is left lay. 3- 2. 3.3 Type of lay
a. Alternate lay: the direction of the strands in the strands is opposite to the direction of the strands in the rope; b. Co-twist: the twist direction of the strands in the strands is opposite to the direction of the strands in the rope. 3. 2. 3. 4 Lay pitch
The distance between two corresponding points when the wires rotate around the strand core or the strands rotate around the rope core (360°) is called the lay pitch of the strand or rope. 4 Cores
4.1 Natural fibre core4. 1. 1 Hard fibre
Natural fibres with a harder texture, such as sisal, abaca, etc. 4. 1. 2 Soft fibre
Natural fibres with a softer texture, such as cotton, jute, etc. 4.2 Synthetic fiber synthetic fiber
GB 8706-88
Fibers made of polymers (synthetic high-molecular compounds) such as polyethylene, polypropylene, etc. 4.3 Metal core metal cote
The metal core of a general strand is a single steel wire; the metal core of a rope is a steel wire strand or an independent rope core. 5 Filling material sery
Material separating the same layer (or adjacent steel wires or strands). Lubricants
Liquid (oil), grease, solid or composite lubricants made from minerals, plants, animals or synthetics. These lubricants are mainly used for wire drawing, impregnation of core ropes (fiber cores), and rope lubrication and brain protection. 7 Covering of rope 7.1 Plastics
7.2 Rubber
Part Two Types of Wire Ropes
B Round Steel Wite Ropes 8.1 Classification by Structure
8.1.1 Spiral Strands 8. 1. 1. 1 Single Strand Ropes are steel wire ropes made of one or more layers of round steel wires spirally wound around a core wire. half-luck cuil rupes a rope made of a central wire with one or more layers of round wires twisted in a spiral pattern, and an outer layer made of alternating shaped wires and round wires. full-lock coil ropes a rope made of a central wire with one or more layers of round wires twisted in a spiral pattern, and an outer layer made of one or more layers of shaped wires. 8.1.2 stranded ropes a rope made of a single layer or multiple strands of wires twisted in a spiral pattern around one or more layers of wires. 8.1.3 cable-laid ropes a rope made of multiple strands of wire ropes twisted around a fiber core or a steel rope core. 8.2 Classification by diameter
8.2.1 Thin diameter wire rope thin diameter wire rope with a diameter less than 8. U mm.
eel wire ropes
8.2.2 Large diameter wire rope large diameter wire rope with a diameter greater than 60 mm.
8.2.3 Normal diameter wire rope gcnural diameter sleul wire rope with a diameter greater than or equal to 8 mm and less than or equal to 60 mm. 8.3 Classification by purpose 8.3.1 Steel wire ropes for general purpose (including steel strands) In addition to special purpose wire ropes, wire ropes used for machinery, transportation, etc. 8.3.2 Steel wire ropes for lifts GB 8706—88 8.3.3 Steel wire ropes for aerospace controls 8.3.4 Steel wire ropes for far deep drilling equipment 8.3.5 Steel wire topes for aerial ropeways and funiculars 8.3.6 Steel wire ropes for cranes 8.3.7 Steel wire strands for prestressed concrete 8.3.8 Steel wire topcs for fishing 8.3.9 Steel wire ropes for mine hoisting purposes 8.3.10 Tyre curds 8.3.11 Rubberized curds 8.4 Classification by testing characteristics 8.4.1 Point contact lay ropes 8.4.2 Linear contact Jay wire ropes 8.4.3 Facial contacted wire ropes 8.5 Classification by surface condition 8.5.1 Smooth wire ropes 8.5.2 Galvanized wire ropes 8.5.3 Plastic coated wire ropes 8.6 Classification by strand shape 8.6.1 Round strand wire ropes 8.6.2 Shaped strand wire ropes Ropes 9 Braided ropes
10 Elatropes
A certain number of sub-ropes (usually composed of four double-stranded steel ropes) are arranged in a flat shape and woven with stitches. Part III Dimensions, mechanical properties and tolerances 11 Numerical values
11.1 Numerical value
A specified value used to express a property.
11.2 Measured value
A value obtained by direct measurement using a specified method. 11.3 Calculated value A value obtained by multiplying a given or measured value by a conversion factor. 12 Linear dimension
12.1 Diameter
12.1.1 Nominal diameter The diameter expressed in terms of the nominal value of the wire, strand or rope. 12.1.2 Measured diameter The diameter measured using a specified method.
12+2Circumference of a circleCircumseribedcitcumfprence12.3 Characteristic dimensionHeight, width and diagonal dimensions of the shaped wire or strand. 12.4 Width and thicknessnegs12.5 Length of wire rope12.5.1 Nominal length12.5.2 Measured length. Initial length; length before installation;
b. Length in use: length reached after medium use. 13 Cross-section areacro98-secion
13.1 Cross-section of metalThe sum of the nominal cross-sections of the steel wires in the steel wire rope, excluding the filling wires whose strength is not taken into account. 13.2 Nominal cross-section of wire ropeThe area calculated according to the nominal diameter of the wire rope. 13.3 Fill factor of rope fillfactor of rope The ratio of the total cross-sectional area of the steel wires in a steel wire rope to the nominal cross-sectional area of the steel wire rope. 14 Quantities ma9s
14.1 Specific mass of steel wire 14, 2, mass per hundred meters 14. 3 Coating weight mass af coating The weight of a coating per unit surface area of a smooth steel wire, expressed in g/m2. 15 Mechanical propertiesmechanical properties15.1 Tensile strength of wire tensile strength of wire The ratio of the maximum static load of the specimen before breaking to the initial cross-sectional area. 15.2 Breaking force of rope breakingfotce of rope 15.2. 1 Minimum breaking force minimum brcaking force The minimum breaking force of a steel wire rope calculated theoretically is expressed by the following formula: minimum breaking force, kN,
Where, F.
Nominal diameter of wire rope, mm;
Nominal tensile strength of wire, N/mm2;
Conversion factor for minimum breaking force of wire rope of given structure (see 15.3.4). 15.2.2 Measured breaking force measuredbrake foree The maximum tensile force measured during the tensile test of the whole wire rope. 15.2.3 Nominal aggregate breaking force of wires The product of the total cross-sectional area of the wires in the wire rope and the nominal tensile strength of the wires. 15.2.4 Measured aggregate breaking force of wires mcegured aggtegate breaking furce The sum of the breaking forces measured (or calculated) according to the prescribed method for all or part of the wires in the steel wool. 15. 3 Spinning loss and factor 15. 3. 1 Apinring loss GB 8706—88
15. 3. 1. 1 Nominal spinning loss The difference between the calculated breaking force of the steel wires and the minimum breaking force of the steel wire rope. 15. 3. 1. 2 Pertial measured spinning loss The difference between the actual breaking force of the steel wires and the actual breaking force of the copper wire rope after Joss spinning; this difference is caused by the effects of tension, bending and concentrated stress in the finished rope. 15. 3. 1. 3 Partial measured spinning loss The difference between the aggregate breaking force of the steel wires in the rope before and after Joss spinning. Total spinning loss measurecThe difference between the sum of the measured breaking forces of the wires before spinning and the measured breaking forces of the wire rope. 15.3.2 Spinning loss factor Nominal spinning loss factor nominal spinning loss factor The ratio of the nominal spinning loss to the sum of the calculated breaking forces of the wires, expressed as a percentage. Measured spinning loss factor measured spinning loss factarThe ratio of the total spinning loss to the sum of the measured breaking forces of the wires before spinning, expressed as a percentage. 15.3.3 Spinning conversion factor 15.3.3. Nominal spinning factor Minimum breaking force F of the rope. 15.3.4 Conversion factor for deterrnination of mininmum breaking load (K') The product of the filling factor f (13.3), the nominal system conversion factor K ( and the constant π/4. That is, ·K·.
15.4 Totating torque of rope utound its axis The degree of rotation of the loaded wire rope around its axis. 15.5 Apparent modulus of elastieity of rope The ratio of the normal stress of the wire rope to the corresponding normal strain within the elastic deformation range. 16 Tolerances
Chapter 4 Acceptance
17. Sampling
17.1 Acceptance
The sampling number record and inspection judgment procedure determined by inspecting products one by one or in batches according to relevant standards. 7.2 Rejection
The process by which the purchaser refuses to accept products that do not meet the technical requirements. 17.3 Batch
The total amount of unit products of the same structure, same specification, and delivered to the same production condition for acceptance at the same time. 17.4 Sample
17. 4. 1 Size of sample17. 4. 2 Sample of wire17.4.3 Sample of rupe17.4.4 Sample of core17. 4. 5 Sample of lubricant17.4.6 Sample of wire rodGB 8706--88
17.4.7 Sample from one end only of coil or reel or rope17.4.8 Sample from both ends only of coil or wire rope17. 5 Sampling inspectionSampling some unit products from the total product and judging the quality of the total product by inspecting these unit products. 17.5.1100% sampling inspection: Each batch of products delivered for acceptance is inspected one by one. 17.5.2 Random sampling: The unit products that constitute the product population appear in the sample with equal probability. 17.5.3 Periodic sampling: The sampling method of continuously sampling a number of products at regular intervals according to the process. 17.5.4 Inline sampling: 17.5.5 Dispersion of results: The degree of unevenness of the measured values.
18 Inspection of steel wire18.1 Sample
18.1.1 Origin
18. 1.1. 1 From coils18. 1. 1. 2 From tope18.1.2 Straightening
To facilitate the test, the sample shall be straightened by using a tool or tools without damaging the sample surface and affecting the mechanical properties of the sample. 18. 1. 3 Primary tests
18. 1.4 Repeat test
If the primary test fails, re-sample the failed items according to the quantity and method specified in the standard. 18.2 Chemical analysis18.2.1 Product analysisThe content of elements measured from the wire rod in the specified manner. 18.2.2 Permissible percentage limits for elements 18.3 Metallographic inspection 18.3.1 Defects in microstructure Hetutogeneity Inclusions Band structure Surface decarburization Martensite Cracks or fissures Gooves or ridges Surface flaking Folding 18.4 Dimensional inspection Determination of the cross-sectional dimensions of round or shaped wire. 18.5 Tensile test tcnsile test
Test for determining tensile strength, elongation and reduction of area of steel wire under unidirectional static tension. 18.5.1 Terminology term Gauge length18.5.1.2 Minimum duration of test18.5.1.3 Speed of test18.5.14 Initial tension Test force applied to the specimen by hand or other means to clamp the specimen. Accuracy of measurements of alkalinity The reading accuracy and calculation accuracy of test results. Knotting tension test testbylooping Test for determining the maximum tension before breaking of a specimen after knotting a steel wire under unidirectional static tension. 18.5.2 Results Tensile strength tensile gtrength The maximum resistance of a wire to break under a unidirectional static tension; its magnitude is the ratio of the maximum static tension before the specimen breaks to the initial cross-sectional area. knotting ratio ratio of knotting renslon The percentage of the tensile force at which a knot breaks to the tensile force at which the wire would break if it were not knotted. elongation clonatlon
The percentage of the length of the gauge section increased after the specimen breaks to the original gauge length. reduction in area reduction incrass-section The percentage of the reduction in cross-sectional area at the break after the specimen breaks to the original cross-sectional area. 18.6 revetse bend test A test to check the resistance of a wire to repeated bending and to show defects. 18.6.1 Terminologytetm
angle of bend
18. 6. 1.
18. 6. 1. 2
18. 6. 1. 3
18. 6. 1. 4
radius of bending cylindersdistance from centre of cylinder to top edge of gripsdistance between bending cylinders and gulde18.6.1.5diameter of guide hole18.6.1.6tension
tension applied to the specimen by hand or with a special device in order to ensure good contact between the specimen and the bending cylinder Rate of bending 18.6.2 Results Number of bends 18.7 Torsion test
A test to check the plastic deformation properties of a steel wire when it is twisted in a fixed or alternating direction, and to show the non-uniformity and internal and external defects. 18.7.1 Type of test Torsion in one direction A test in which the wire is twisted uniformly in one direction with itself as the axis until the specimen breaks or reaches a specified number of twists. Alternating torsion A test in which the wire is twisted in one direction with itself as the axis for a specified number of times and then twisted in the opposite direction until the specimen breaks or reaches a specified number of twists.
18.7.2 Terminology
GB 8706 --88 Length of jaws18.7.2.2 Tension
Tension applied to the wire to keep the specimen straight18.7.2.3 Speed of test18.7.2.4 Angle of torsion18.7.3 Results Appearance of the wist18.7.3.2 Type of fracture18.7.3.3 Number of twists18.8 Wrap or Telaxation testA test to check the ability of a wire (coated or uncoated) to withstand deformation caused by winding and the firmness of the coating. 18.8.1 Terminology term
- Diameter of mandrel Speed of wrap Number of curns 18.9 Fatigue test
The wire specimen is bent repeatedly under the action of alternating forces, and the number of cycles until the specimen is completely destroyed (or partially destroyed) is measured. 18.9.1 Terminology Load Frequency Angle of bending 18.9.2 Results Number of cycles before fractures 18.10 Inspection of coating A test to inspect the weight of the coating per unit surface area of the steel wire, its uniformity and its durability. 18.10.1 Method Iron sulphate test The uniformity of the zinc coating is determined by copper sulphate solution. Determination of mass The mass of the coating per unit surface area is determined by the gas method or the gravimetric method. Adhesion test The adhesion of the coating is determined by a winding test. 19 Acceptance of rope 19.1 Visual and dimensional inspection Inspection of the diameter (including roundness), surface, structure, lay method and lay quality of the rope. 19.1.1 Acceptance requirements Tolerances on the diagonal of ropes or strands Circularity of the ropes or strands Dufects of lay and twixling Spacing of welds Discontinuity of lubricating
Paralelism and Fanley ponilioning or stitching19. 1. 1. 6
wire in flat ropes
GB 8706-88
19. 2 Dismantle strand test for wire ropeThe strands of a wire rope (partially or completely) are dismantled into single filaments for testing to calculate the total breaking tension of the wires in the wire rope or to assess the performance of the wires in the wire rope.
19.3 Breaking tensile test of wire ropeA test to determine the ability of a wire rope to withstand the breaking tension under a unidirectional static tension. 19.3.1 Method of gripping19.3.1.1 Direct grippingThe wire rope specimen is clamped directly in the jaws of the testing machine. Gripping by cone rope end The rope sample is clamped in the jaws of the testing machine by means of a cone rope end made of molten metal. Winding on drum The rope sample is wound directly on the drum.
19.3.2 Results Diameter under Joad19.3.2.2 Citcularity Elongation
Includes elastic elongation and residual elongation. Macro-elastic modulus modulus ofelasticity19. 3. 2-5 Breaking tension breaking tension position and type of fracture19.4 Relaxation test A test to determine the stress loss of a wire rope after a certain period of time under the initial tension. 19.5 Crushing test A test to determine the degree of deformation of a wire rope under radial positive force. 19.6 Fatigue test
A test to determine the ability of a wire rope to withstand repeated bending under the alternating stress specified by the company. 20 Acceptance of fibre core A test to determine the composition of the fibre core and its content of water, oil, alkali, acid, etc. 21 Lubricants test21.1 Test items
21.t.1 Chemical properties21.1. 1.1 Sediments content21. 1. 1.2 Ash content21.1.1. 3 Sulfur content21. 1. 1. 4 Hard hituminaus content21. 1. 1. 5 Vcgctable tesin content21. 1. 1. 6 Acidity
Includes total acidity and inorganic acidity. Water content21.1.1.8 Alkali contentGB8706-88 Corrasiveness to copper or steel21.1.2 Physical properties21.1.2.1 Viscosity Drop point Adhesion properties21.1.2.4 Flow temperature21.1.2.5 Softening point21.1.2.6 Behaviour at low temperature21.1.2.7 Flash point
21. 1.2.8 Emulsification performance emulsification performance Colour Ageing registance plasticity
21. 1. 2. 11
21,1.2.12 Bleeding number 21. 1.2.13 Penetration ,第5篇缺
22 Wire defects detects In wlres
22. 1 Craze
Longitudinal cracks on the surface of the steel wire. 22.2 Pull cracks (also known as bamboo-shaped patterns) pullcracks Visible transverse cracks on the surface of the steel wire. 22.3 Layering (also known as folding) splitlayer Metal layering phenomenon in the longitudinal direction of the steel wire. 22.4 Scab
Yellow oxide cancer and white lime scar on the surface of steel wire. 22.5 Scar
Metal warping on the surface of steel wire.
22.6 Drawing stamp
Longitudinal scratches produced when cold drawing the wire.
22.7 Block track
Surface defect of the drawing machine, resulting in periodic spots on the surface of the steel wire. 22.8 Rust (also known as rust spots, floating rust) Orrosion Oxidation phenomenon on the surface of the steel wire (partially or as a whole). 22.9 Pockmark The concave rough surface of the copper wire surface distributed in dots or sheets. 22.10 Circularity
The degree to which the diameters of the same cross-section of the steel wire are unequal in all directions. 22. 11 bamboo knots
The diameter of the steel wire is uneven along the longitudinal direction, and its shape is similar to the phenomenon of bamboo knots. 22.12 "co\ figure of eight6 Position and type of fracture19.4 Relaxation testA test to determine the stress loss of a wire rope after a certain period of time under the initial tension. 19.5 Crushing testA test to determine the degree of deformation of a wire rope under radial positive force. 19.6 Fatigue testA test to determine the ability of a wire rope to withstand repeated bending under the alternating stress specified by the company. 20 Acceptance of fibre coreA test to determine the composition of the fibre core and its content of water, oil, alkali, acid, etc. 21 Lubricants test21.1 Test items
21.t.1 Chemical properties21.1. 1.1 Sediments content21. 1. 1.2 Ash content21.1.1. 3 Sulfur content21. 1. 1. 4 Hard hituminaus content21. 1. 1. 5 Vcgctable tesin content21. 1. 1. 6 Acidity
Including total acidity and inorganic acidity. Water content21.1.1.8 Alkali contentGB8706-88 Corrasiveness to copper or steel21.1.2 Physical properties21.1.2.1 Viscosity Drop point Adhesion properties21.1.2.4 Flow temperature21.1.2.5 Softening point21.1.2.6 Behaviour at low temperature21.1.2.7 Flash point
21. 1.2.8 Emulsification performance emulsification performance Colour Ageing registance plasticity
21. 1. 2. 11
21,1.2.12 Bleeding number 21. 1.2.13 Penetration ,第5篇缺
22 Wire defects detects In wlres
22. 1 Craze
Longitudinal cracks on the surface of the steel wire. 22.2 Pull cracks (also known as bamboo-shaped patterns) pullcracks Visible transverse cracks on the surface of the steel wire. 22.3 Layering (also known as folding) splitlayer Metal layering phenomenon in the longitudinal direction of the steel wire. 22.4 Scab
Yellow oxide cancer and white lime scar on the surface of steel wire. 22.5 Scar
Metal warping on the surface of steel wire.
22.6 Drawing stamp
Longitudinal scratches produced when cold drawing the wire.
22.7 Block track
Surface defect of the drawing machine, resulting in periodic spots on the surface of the steel wire. 22.8 Rust (also known as rust spots, floating rust) Orrosion Oxidation phenomenon on the surface of the steel wire (partially or as a whole). 22.9 Pockmark The concave rough surface of the copper wire surface distributed in dots or sheets. 22.10 Circularity
The degree to which the diameters of the same cross-section of the steel wire are unequal in all directions. 22. 11 bamboo knots
The diameter of the steel wire is uneven along the longitudinal direction, and its shape is similar to the phenomenon of bamboo knots. 22.12 "co\ figure of eight6 Position and type of fracture19.4 Relaxation testA test to determine the stress loss of a wire rope after a certain period of time under the initial tension. 19.5 Crushing testA test to determine the degree of deformation of a wire rope under radial positive force. 19.6 Fatigue testA test to determine the ability of a wire rope to withstand repeated bending under the alternating stress specified by the company. 20 Acceptance of fibre coreA test to determine the composition of the fibre core and its content of water, oil, alkali, acid, etc. 21 Lubricants test21.1 Test items
21.t.1 Chemical properties21.1. 1.1 Sediments content21. 1. 1.2 Ash content21.1.1. 3 Sulfur content21. 1. 1. 4 Hard hituminaus content21. 1. 1. 5 Vcgctable tesin content21. 1. 1. 6 Acidity
Includes total acidity and inorganic acidity. Water content21.1.1.8 Alkali contentGB8706-88 Corrasiveness to copper or steel21.1.2 Physical properties21.1.2.1 Viscosity Drop point Adhesion properties21.1.2.4 Flow temperature21.1.2.5 Softening point21.1.2.6 Behaviour at low temperature21.1.2.7 Flash point
21. 1.2.8 Emulsification performance emulsification performance Colour Ageing registance plasticity
21. 1. 2. 11
21,1.2.12 Bleeding number 21. 1.2.13 Penetration ,第5篇缺
22 Wire defects detects In wlres
22. 1 Craze
Longitudinal cracks on the surface of the steel wire. 22.2 Pull cracks (also known as bamboo-shaped patterns) pullcracks Visible transverse cracks on the surface of the steel wire. 22.3 Layering (also known as folding) splitlayer Metal layering phenomenon in the longitudinal direction of the steel wire. 22.4 Scab
Yellow oxide cancer and white lime scar on the surface of steel wire. 22.5 Scar
Metal warping on the surface of steel wire.
22.6 Drawing stamp
Longitudinal scratches produced when cold drawing the wire.
22.7 Block track
Surface defect of the drawing machine, resulting in periodic spots on the surface of the steel wire. 22.8 Rust (also known as rust spots, floating rust) Orrosion Oxidation phenomenon on the surface of the steel wire (partially or as a whole). 22.9 Pockmark The concave rough surface of the copper wire surface distributed in dots or sheets. 22.10 Circularity
The degree to which the diameters of the same cross-section of the steel wire are unequal in all directions. 22. 11 bamboo knots
The diameter of the steel wire is uneven along the longitudinal direction, and its shape is similar to the phenomenon of bamboo knots. 22.12 "co\ figure of eight8 Rust (also known as rust spots, floating rust) orrosion oxidation phenomenon on the surface of steel wire (partial or overall). 22.9 Pockmark (also known as pits, pockmark surface) Pockmark surface of copper wire with points or sheets of concave rough surface. 22.10 Circularity
The degree to which the diameters of the same cross-section of the steel wire are not equal in all directions. 22.11 Bamboo knots
The diameter of the steel wire is uneven periodically along the longitudinal direction, and its shape is similar to the phenomenon of bamboo knots. 22.12 "Figure of eight"8 Rust (also known as rust spots, floating rust) orrosion oxidation phenomenon on the surface of steel wire (partial or overall). 22.9 Pockmark (also known as pits, pockmark surface) Pockmark surface of copper wire with points or sheets of concave rough surface. 22.10 Circularity
The degree to which the diameters of the same cross-section of the steel wire are not equal in all directions. 22.11 Bamboo knots
The diameter of the steel wire is uneven periodically along the longitudinal direction, and its shape is similar to the phenomenon of bamboo knots. 22.12 "Figure of eight"
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