JB/T 9988.1-1999 This standard is a revision of ZB J41 002.1-87 "Types and dimensions of high-precision trapezoidal thread broaching taps". During the revision, only editorial changes were made in accordance with relevant regulations, and the technical content remained unchanged. This standard is part of the JB/T 9988 "High-precision trapezoidal thread broaching taps" series of standards. This series of standards includes the following three parts: JB/T 9988.1: Types and dimensions JB/T 9988.2: Thread tolerances JB/T 9988.3: Technical conditions This standard specifies the types and dimensions of high-precision trapezoidal thread broaching taps. This standard is applicable to high-precision trapezoidal thread broaching taps used for machining trapezoidal threads (according to JB/T 2886-1992 "Technical conditions for trapezoidal screws and nuts for machine tools"). This standard was first published on the date of the year. JB/T 9988.1-1999 High precision trapezoidal thread broaching taps Part 1: Types and dimensions JB/T9988.1-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
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JCs 25.100.50 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T9988.19988.3-1999 High-precision trapezoidal thread broaching tap Published on 1999-05-20 State Machinery Industry Bureau Implementation on 2000-01-01 T/T9998.1-1999 This standard is a revision of ZBJ41002.1:8? The revision of "Types and sizes of high-precision trapezoidal thread taps" is carried out in accordance with relevant regulations. The technical content has not changed. This standard is part of the JB/T9988 <High-precision trapezoidal thread taps> series of standards. The series of standards includes the following parts: IRT9998.1-1999 High-precision trapezoidal thread taps Part 1: Type and size 1R9986.2-1999 High-precision trapezoidal thread taps Part 2: Explosion tolerance HT99BB8.3-1999 Commercial-strength trapezoidal thread taps Part 3: Technical conditions This standard replaces 2BJ41002.1-87 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and coordinated by the National Tool Standardization Technical Committee. The standard sponsor unit: Chengdu Tool Research Institute, the standard sponsor: etc. , Zhang Yanguang, Wang Shangxiao, Li Julu, Yuanyang, Nan Zhenzuo, Xia Qian, Scope Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China High Precision Trapezoidal Thread Broaching Taps Part 1: Types and Dimensions This standard specifies the types and sizes of high-precision CNC wire cutting chains JB/T9988.1-—[999 Age July J41002.1 This standard applies to high-precision trapezoidal thread screws (according to JBT2886--.1902 "Technical Conditions for Machine Tool Trapezoidal Thread Screws, Frequency Mothers 78, 9 Grade Non-matching Screws) used in high-precision trapezoidal thread control screws (hereinafter referred to as "wire pins") blank reference standards The provisions contained in the following standards are quoted in this standard or are the provisions of this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are all valid. All standards will be revised. All parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. JB/T28861992 Technical conditions for machine tool trapezoidal lead screws and nuts 3 Types and dimensions 3.1 The type of the lead screw is as shown in Figure 1, and the dimensions are given in the table. The nominal diameter of the lead screw is smaller than or equal to 30mm The nominal diameter of the thread is greater than 30mm 1 The length of the calibration part is 5~6 medium. 2 Total length 1 and each resistance support effect, according to the extension and confirmation: Figure 1 National Machinery Industry Drawing 1999-05-20 Approved 2 2000-01-01 Implementation Tl0×? Tr1Gx2 Th18×2 Tr20×2 T 12 ×3 T14×3 1r24×3 T26×3 T+28×3 Tr 30 x 3 Tr 32 ×3 T 36 ×3 Tr40×3 Tr44x3 r50×3 Tr 55 × 3 Ir 60 ×35 Tr16×4 Tr 8×4 Tr 20 × 4bzxZ.net Tr 24 ×$ Tr26× Tr 3n ×6||tt ||Tr32x6 Ir34×6 136×6 Tr40×6 JB/T9988.1-199 Tr38×7 Tr4U x? TM2×? Tr44 ×7 Tr46 × Tr48×8 Tr50× -Tr52 × 12 | tk 1 The wires of different diameters, the first, second and third wires shall be marked with strips, 2 strips and 2 loops respectively to distinguish them. The wires shall be produced by straight or screw thread, which shall be determined by the manufacturer. 3.1 The length before drawing is divided into the following categories: 18--30mm3050mm:5080;Rm-120mm 4 Marking a) T: 24×5, drawing length 30-50mm, single, 1st grade trapezoidal thread drawing wire. The marking is: Trapezoidal thread drawing wire chain Tr24×5-130-50JB/T9988.1.-1999b) Tr90×t2, drawing length R0~ 120mm1, two groups, 2-stage trapezoidal thread cutting wire is marked as: single end effect broaching tap branch group 0×12-280-120JB/998.1-1999Tr30×12 [P6) left-handed, control length 50~B0mm, two groups, 2-stage trapezoidal screw level drawing front wire pin is marked as: color thread broaching wire branch group T30×12 (P6-250-80J/9988.1[999 Note: In the measurement, . indicates left, and the day is right. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.