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HG/T 3560-1988 Printing phototypesetting film

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 3560-1988

Standard Name: Printing phototypesetting film

Chinese Name: 印刷照相排字软片

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Implementation:2003-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Imaging technology>>37.040 Photographic technology Imaging technology>>37.100 Printing technology

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Information Chemicals>>G81 Photosensitive Materials

associated standards

alternative situation:Original standard number ZB G81003-1988

Procurement status:Japanese Konishi Six Pu-PU real NEQ

Publication information

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Introduction to standards:

Original standard number ZB G81003-87 HG/T 3560-1988 Printing phototypesetting film HG/T3560-1988 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Professional Standard of the People's Republic of China
ZBG81003-88 Waste
HG 3560 8
Graphic photosetting film
1988-11-30 release
People's Republic of China Ministry of Chemical Industry release standard access network b only product C0m various American standard industry materials free download 1989-05-01 implementation
People's Republic of China
Professional standard
Phototypesetting software
Published by China Standard Publishing House
(Beijing Fuwailihe)
China Standard Publishing House Beijing Printing and Printing Xinhua Bookstore Beijing Distribution Office Distributed by Xinhua Calendar Store All rights reserved
No reproduction
Format 880×12301/16
July 1989 first edition
Printing sheet 1/2| |tt||Number of words: 11000
First printing in July 1989
Print number: 1-1500
Book number: 155066-2-7372
Standard #116-50
Standard loss network b only.om Various US standard industry materials free download Professional Standard of the People's Republic of China
Graphic photosetting film
Graphic photosetting film
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the technical performance, test methods, inspection rules and packaging, storage and transportation conditions of YEP-1, KY111 and KY112 printing photosetting films.
This standard applies to printing phototypesetting films with polyester resin or triacetate cellulose base as support, anti-halation layer coated on the back of the base and positive color gelatin silver halide emulsion coated on the front, used for phototypesetting in the printing industry. 2 Reference standards
Negative film sensitometer base and its representation method for black and white photography and cinematography GB6843 Determination method for melting point of photosensitive material coating GB6845
Determination method for base thickness
Determination method for film curl
Determination method for uniformity of photosensitive material
Black and white positive film
3 Product classification
Classification and specifications of printing phototypesetting films are shown in Table 1. Table 1
Film base type
Polyester resin
Note: 1) Reel film is not allowed to be connected.
4 Technical performance
4.1 Photographic performance
Basic size
Film should meet the indicators in Table 2 under the development and processing conditions specified in this standard. Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on November 30, 1988 Limit deviation
Standard format
Basic size
Width 250mm
Length 30m
Limit deviationwww.bzxz.net
Width ±2
Length +500
Implementation on May 1, 1989
Fog density Do
Contrast coefficient
Sensitivity S
Straight line end point density Pnm
Uniformity D
Resolution RL/mm
4.2 Physical properties
The physical properties of the film should meet the indicators in Table 3. Item
Melting point of film
Curl of film
YEP-1 type
Thickness of film base
Thickness of emulsion layer
Thickness of light-proof frame layer
KY112 type
KYI type
4.3 Performance
4.3.1 The film should be clean, non-sticky, free of stripes and mechanical scratches, and neatly rolled. The emulsion layer should not be de-coated, without obvious wire drawing, bubbles, pitting and other defects.
4.3.2 During normal processing, the emulsion layer should not wrinkle, bubble, or fall off, the anti-halation color should be removed cleanly, easy to dry, and should not have spots or other defects.
4.3.3 When the film is processed into gray film (density 0.9-1.0), there should be no defects such as streaks, drawing, scars, frosting, and uneven coating. 4.4 Warranty period
Under the transportation and storage conditions specified in Chapter 7 of this standard, the warranty period is fifteen months (calculated from the date the film leaves the factory). During the warranty period, the film performance should meet the various technical indicators specified in 1.1-4.3 of this standard. 5 Test methods
Determination of general photographic properties
5.1.1 Sampling
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The sample to be tested should reach equilibrium under the conditions of temperature 20±5℃ and relative humidity 50%70% before sampling and exposure. 5.1.2 Sampling
Take a piece of film from any box of film or a section of film from any roll of film, and then cut it into a piece slightly longer than the optical wedge as the sample. 5.1.3 Light
The exposure instrument adopts the dimming type (non-intermittent). Its main parameters should comply with the provisions of GB2923. The light source adopts an incandescent lamp with a color temperature of 2856K. The exposure time is
Processing conditions
Start processing.
After the specimen is exposed and before processing, it should be kept under the environmental conditions specified in 5.1.1 that have no obvious effect on the latent image, and a new processing solution should be used within 1 to 2 hours.
Use XT-30 small processing machine for processing.
Processing procedures and control conditions are shown in Table 4.
Processing solution formula
Processing solution
Developer x-12 formula composition is shown in Table 5.
Product name
Distilled filling water
Sodium sulfite anhydrous
Sodium carbonate anhydrous
Potassium sulfate
Add distilled water to
HG7-1361-80 photographic grade
HG7—1355-80 photographic grade
HG7--1360-80 photographic grade
GB639-77, chemically pure
GB649-77 chemically pure
The formula of stop solution TX-1 is shown in Table 6.
Standard photography search network m.bzapeo,eom Various American standard industry data free download Processing time
Drug name The formula composition of fixer D-1 is shown in Table 7. Drug name
Distilled water
Condensate Sodium thiosulfate
Anhydrous sodium sulfite
Glacial acetic acid
Add steamed filling water to
HG7-1354-80 Projection grade
HG7--1355-80 Photographic grade||tt ||GB676—78 chemically pure
HG7-1356—80 photographic grade
GB1275—77, chemically pure
5.1.6 Density measurement and curve drawing
The optical density of the processed sample is measured by a densitometer calibrated with the national standard visual diffuse transmission density film. The characteristic curve is drawn with the density value as the ordinate and the logarithm of the light quantity as the abscissa. 5.1.7 Obtaining photographic performance data The fog density (Do) is the difference between the optical density of the unexposed test film after being washed under the specified conditions and the optical density of the test film directly fixed without development. The contrast coefficient (v) is the slope of the straight line of the characteristic curve, that is, y=tga
where: a is the angle between the extension of the straight line of the characteristic curve and the horizontal axis. The sensitivity (8) is calculated according to formula (2). S
-The amount of light corresponding to the gray chip density plus the density value of 1.0, where: H(+1.0) The straight line end point density (Dr bee) is the density value of the highest point of the straight line part of the characteristic curve. 5.2 Determination of uniformity (AD)
Perform according to the method specified in ZBG80001,
5.3 Determination of resolution (R)
Perform according to Article 10 of HG7128, among which the development process shall be carried out according to the provisions of 5.1.4 of this standard. 5.4 Determination of melting point of emulsion layer
Perform according to the provisions of GB6843.
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5.5 Determination of film curl
Perform according to the provisions of GB6847.
5.6 The film base thickness, emulsion layer thickness and anti-halation layer thickness shall be determined in accordance with GB6845. The following treatments shall be performed on the sample during the measurement process: After measuring the total thickness of the film, drop protease or 5% sodium hydroxide solution on the emulsion layer of the sample. The measuring point should correspond to the first measuring point. Then scrape off the emulsion layer with a horn spoon, rinse with water, and test the sample thickness after drying in a ventilated place. The difference between the two numbers before and after is the thickness of the emulsion layer at each point. The average value is the thickness of the emulsion layer of the film. Then measure the thickness of the anti-halation layer according to the above method. After removing the emulsion layer and the anti-halation layer, directly measure the thickness of the film base. 5.7 Inspection of performance in use
5.7.1 Inspection of raw film
Take any raw film from each box of film or any section of raw film from each roll of film and visually inspect it under white light. The film quality should meet the requirements of 4.3.1.
5.7.2 Inspection of transparent film
Take any section of raw film and directly develop and fix it without exposure to obtain a transparent film. Visual inspection of transparent film should meet the requirements of 4.3.2. 5.7.3 Inspection of gray film
Take raw film and uniformly film it, and develop it to a density of 0.9~1.0 according to the routine. Visual inspection of gray film under white light should meet the requirements of 4.3.3. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 This type of film should be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of this standard, and can only be shipped after passing the inspection. 6.2 The user department (including printing equipment companies) has the right to conduct testing and acceptance according to the inspection methods and inspection rules specified in this standard after receiving the film.
6.3 The user department shall take samples for acceptance according to the following provisions 6.3.1 Take the production batch number as the unit, and take samples according to 5% of the total number of boxes (rolls) of each batch number, but it should not be less than one box (roll). If the acceptance is qualified, the film of this batch number shall be accepted. If there are unqualified items, a second sampling shall be carried out according to 20% of the total number of boxes (rolls) of the film of the batch number, and the unqualified items shall be inspected. If more than 80% of the samples meet the index requirements, the film of this batch number shall be accepted. 6.3.2 If the specified index requirements are not met after inspection, the user department has the right to return the film of this batch number. 6.4 If the film that has been accepted by the user department according to the provisions of 6.3.1 of this standard is indeed due to quality problems within the warranty period and under normal storage and use conditions, the manufacturer may exchange or return the film according to the actual number of films after verification. 6.5 If the supply and demand parties cannot reach a consensus, the arbitration shall be conducted by an arbitration unit designated by the state, and the arbitration determination shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard.
7 Packaging and marking
7.1 The film packaging must be light-proof and moisture-proof. Each box (roll) is accompanied by a film instruction manual and a certificate of conformity. The box (roll) shall be marked with the manufacturer's name, product name, specification, model, production batch number, and date of manufacture. If the film film of the roll faces outward, it should be marked. If no backing paper is added, it should also be marked. 7.2 The markings on the outside of the box (roll) should be recognizable under the lighting of a safety lamp. 7.3 Each box (roll) of film with a certain number of films is packed in a large box, and each box is accompanied by a packing list, on which the product name, model, specification, quantity, and production batch number are marked. The registered trademark, manufacturer's name, product name, model, specification, date of manufacture, volume, weight, and signs such as "moisture-proof, sun-proof", "heat-proof, dew-proof", and "radiation-proof" are marked on the outside of the box. 8 Storage and transportation
8.1 Films shall not be exposed to sunlight, rain, radiation and violent shock during transportation. 8.2 The storage of films shall meet the following requirements: 8.2.1 The temperature of the storage room shall not exceed 20℃ and the relative humidity shall not exceed 65%. Standard exchange network M.b2sDBD.com Mingmei Standard Industry Information Science Free Download ZBG8100388
8.2.2 The film shall be kept in its original packaging and the film box (roll) shall be stored flat. 8.2.3 It shall be 15cm above the ground and shall not be exposed to direct sunlight. 8.2.4 It shall not be damaged by chemicals such as acids and alkalis, harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, and radioactive substances. Additional remarks:
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by the Second Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard refers to the physical quality indicators of the small six Pu-Pc printing phototypesetting film. Standard exchange control network mm.bseDeo.com Famous American standard industry information free download copyright exclusive no reproduction
Book number: 155066·2-7372
Standard date 116-503 Each box (roll) of film is packed in a large box, and each box is accompanied by a packing list, on which the product name, model, specification, quantity, and production batch number are indicated. The registered trademark, manufacturer name, product name, model, specification, production date, volume, weight, and "moisture-proof, sun-proof", "heat-proof, dew-proof", "radiation-proof" and other signs are marked on the outside of the box. 8 Storage and transportation
8.1 Film shall not be exposed to sunlight, rain, radiation and violent shock during transportation. : 8.2 The storage of film shall meet the following requirements: 8.2.1 The temperature of the storage room shall not exceed 20℃, and the relative humidity shall not exceed 65%. Standard Investment Exchange Network M.b2sDBD.com Mingmei Standard Industry Information Science Free Download ZBG8100388
8.2.2 The film shall be kept in its original packaging, and the film box (roll) shall be stored flat. 8.2.3 15cm above the ground and shall not be exposed to direct sunlight. 8.2.4 It shall not be damaged by chemicals such as acid and alkali, harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, and radioactive substances. Additional remarks:
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by the Second Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard refers to the physical quality index of the Pu-Pc printing phototypesetting film of Xiaoxi Liu. Standard exchange control network mm.bseDeo.com Famous standard industry information free download copyright exclusive and cannot be reproduced
Book number: 155066·2-7372
Standard date 116-503 Each box (roll) of film is packed in a large box, and each box is accompanied by a packing list, on which the product name, model, specification, quantity, and production batch number are indicated. The registered trademark, manufacturer name, product name, model, specification, production date, volume, weight, and "moisture-proof, sun-proof", "heat-proof, dew-proof", "radiation-proof" and other signs are marked on the outside of the box. 8 Storage and transportation
8.1 Film shall not be exposed to sunlight, rain, radiation and violent shock during transportation. : 8.2 The storage of film shall meet the following requirements: 8.2.1 The temperature of the storage room shall not exceed 20℃, and the relative humidity shall not exceed 65%. Standard Investment Exchange Network M.b2sDBD.com Mingmei Standard Industry Information Science Free Download ZBG8100388
8.2.2 The film shall be kept in its original packaging, and the film box (roll) shall be stored flat. 8.2.3 15cm above the ground and shall not be exposed to direct sunlight. 8.2.4 It shall not be damaged by chemicals such as acid and alkali, harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, and radioactive substances. Additional remarks:
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the First Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by the Second Film Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard refers to the physical quality index of the Pu-Pc printing phototypesetting film of Xiaoxi Liu. Standard exchange control network mm.bseDeo.com Famous standard industry information free download copyright exclusive and cannot be reproduced
Book number: 155066·2-7372
Standard date 116-50
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