Technical specifications for broadcasting and receiving of FY-3B/C/D meteorological satellite data
Introduction to standards:
Standard number: QX/T 238-2019
Standard name: Technical specifications for broadcasting and receiving of FY-3B/C/D meteorological satellite data
English name: Technical specifications for broadcasting and receiving of FY-3B/C/D
meteorological satellite data
Standard format: PDF
Release time: 2019-09-18
Implementation time: 2019-12-01
Standard size: 1896K
Standard introduction: This standard specifies the broadcasting and receiving technology of high-resolution image data and medium-resolution image data of FY-3B/C/D meteorological satellites. This standard applies to data transmission between FY-3B/C/D meteorological satellites and ground data receiving systems. 2 Normative reference documents
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this
document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T13615-2009 Earth station electromagnetic environment protection requirements
GB50174-2017 Data center design specification
CCSDS101.0-B3 Telemetry channel coding CCSDS102.0
-B3 Packet telemetry This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.-2009
This standard replaces QX/T238-2014 "Technical Specifications for Data Transmission and Reception of Fengyun-3 ABC Meteorological Satellite". Compared with QX/T
38-2014, the main technical changes except editorial changes are as follows:
The Chinese and English names of the standard have been modified;
- The scope has been modified (see Chapter 1, Chapter 1 of the 2014 edition);
The name of the term "Fengyun-3 AB/C meteorological satellite" has been modified to "Fengyun-3 meteorological satellite", its English equivalent has been added
and its definition has been modified (see 3.1, 3.1 of the 2014 edition);
- The definitions of the terms "high-resolution image transmission" and "multiplexed transmission technology" have been modified (see 3.2, 3.5, 3.2 of the 2014 edition
The name of the term "moderate-resolution spectral imaging image transmission only" has been modified to "moderate-resolution image transmission", and its definition has been modified
(see 3.3, 33 of the 2014 edition)
- Added the term and definition of "payload" (see 3.7);
Added the abbreviations GAS HIRAS, PM, LHCP WAI (see Chapter 4);
Deleted the provisions on the broadcast and reception of FY-3A meteorological satellite data (see 5.1.2, 5.1.7, 5.2.2
6.1, 6.2 of the 2014 edition);
Added the provisions on the broadcast and reception of FY-3D meteorological satellite data (see 5.1.1, 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.2.1, 5.2.2,, 5.2.11, 6.3)
- Added the orbital parameter acquisition method (see Appendix B).
This standard is proposed and managed by the Meteorological Satellite Data Subcommittee of the National Technical Committee for Satellite Meteorology and Space Weather Standardization (SACSC1).||
tt||The drafting units of this standard are: National Satellite Meteorological Center, 509th Institute of the Eighth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
The main drafters of this standard are Zhu Aijun, Zhu Jie, Liu Bo, and Zhang Heng
This standard specifies the technical requirements for broadcasting and receiving high-resolution image data and medium-resolution image data of Fengyun-3B/C/D meteorological satellites. This standard applies to data transmission between Fengyun-3B/C/D meteorological satellites and ground data receiving systems.
Some standard content:
Meteorological Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces QX/T238—2014
Technical specifications for broadcasting and receiving of FY-3B/C/D meteorological satellite dataIndustry Standard Information Service Platform
Released on 2019-09-18
China Meteorological Administration
Implementation on 2019-12-01
Industry Standard Information Service Platform
Normative reference documents
Terms and definitions
Data broadcasting
Data reception
Appendix A (Normative Appendix)
FY-3B/C/D meteorological satellite data transmission format Appendix B (Informative Appendix)
Orbital parameter acquisition method
Industry Standard Information Service Platform
Industry Standard Information Service Platform
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. QX/T238—2019
This standard replaces QX/T238-2014 "Technical Specifications for Fengyun-3A/B/C Meteorological Satellite Data Broadcasting and Reception". Compared with QX/T238-2014, the main technical changes except editorial changes are as follows: the Chinese and English names of the standard have been modified;
the scope has been modified (see Chapter 1, Chapter 1 of the 2014 edition); - the name of the term "Fengyun-3A/B/C meteorological satellite" has been changed to "Fengyun-3 meteorological satellite", its English equivalent has been added, and its definition has been modified (see of the 2014 edition); - the definitions of the terms "high-resolution image transmission" and "multiplexed transmission technology" have been modified (see 3.2, 3.5, 3.2, 3.5 of the 2014 edition);
the name of the term "medium-resolution spectral imager image transmission" has been changed to "medium-resolution image transmission", and its definition has been modified (see 3.3, 3.3 of the 2014 edition);
|- Added the term and definition of "payload" (see 3.7); added the abbreviations GAS, HIRAS, IPM, LHCP, WAI (see Chapter 4); deleted the provisions on the broadcasting and reception of FY-3A meteorological satellite data (see 5.1.2, 5.1.7, 5.2.2, 6.1, 6.2 of the 2014 edition);
Added the provisions on the broadcasting and reception of FY-3D meteorological satellite data (see 5.1.1, 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.2.1, 5.2.2,,, 5.2.11, 6.3); added the method for obtaining orbital parameters (see Appendix B). This standard was prepared by the Meteorological Satellite Data Subcommittee of the National Technical Committee for Satellite Meteorology and Space Weather Standardization (SAC/TC347) SC 1) Propose and coordinate.
The drafting units of this standard: National Satellite Meteorological Center, 509th Institute of the Eighth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. The main drafters of this standard are Wei Aijun, Zhu Jie, Liu Bo and Zhang Heng. Industry Standard Information Service Platform
The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are: QX/T238-2014
Industry Standard Information Service Platform
1 Scope
Technical Specifications for Broadcasting and Receiving Data of Fengyun-3B/C/D Meteorological Satellites This standard specifies the technical requirements for broadcasting and receiving high-resolution image data and medium-resolution image data of Fengyun-3B/C/D meteorological satellites.
This standard applies to Fengyun-3B/C/D meteorological satellites. Data transmission between satellite and ground data receiving system. 2 Normative reference documents
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T13615—2009Earth station electromagnetic environment protection requirementsGB50174—2017Data center design specificationsCCSDS101.oB-3Telemetry channel codingCCSDS102.0-B-3Packettelemetry3Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
FENGYUN-3 meteorological satellitesFY-3 adopts three-axis stable attitude control mode, orbits at an altitude of 830km~840km, carries observation instruments, and is the second generation polar orbit meteorological satellite launched by my country, which can realize global, all-weather, multi-spectral, three-dimensional and quantitative earth observation. Note 1: The first one is named Fengyun A meteorological satellite (FY-3A) (FY-3A has stopped operating), the second one is named Fengyun-3B meteorological satellite (FY-3B), the third one is named Tie-2C meteorological satellite (FY-3C), and the fourth one is named Fengyun-3D meteorological satellite (FY-3D). Note 2: Rewrite QX/T205-2013, definition 363.2
High-resolution image transmission highresolutionpicairetransnission; HRPT polar-orbiting meteorological satellite sends the digital information of high-resolution images observed by it to the ground service plane receiving station in real time through the satellite's L-band data transmission link.
Note: Rewrite QX/T205-2013. Definition 5.3.2. 3.3
Moderate-resolution image transmission moderateresolutionpicturetransmission; MPT polar-orbiting meteorological satellite sends the digital information of medium-resolution images observed by it to the ground receiving station in real time through the satellite's X-band data transmission link.
Primitive packet data
Data and auxiliary data observed by satellite payload. 1
multiplexing transmission technology
Technology for simultaneously transmitting multiple detector data and application process data using an actual physical channel. 3.6
transmission frame
transmission frame
data structure used for physical channel transmission. 3.7
instrument or equipment installed on a satellite platform to perform a specific task. [QX/T205—2013, definition 2.8]
4 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations apply to this document.
BPSK: Binary Phase Shift Keying CADU: Channel Access Data Unit Conv: Convolutional Code EIRP: Effective Isotropic Radiated Power ERM: Earth Radiation Measurement GAS: Greenhouse gases Absorption Spectrometer GNOS: Global Navigation Occultation Sounder G/T: Gain/Temperature Ratio of Receive Antenna Gain to Equivalent Noise Temperature ature)HIRAS:Hyper-spectral Infrared Atmospheric SounderIPM:Ionospheric PhotometerIRAS:Infrared SpectrometerLHCP:Left Hand Circular PolarizationMERSI:Medium Resolution Spectral ImagerMWHS:Microwave Humidity SounderMWRI:Microwave ImagerMWTS:Microway ThermometerPCI:Peripheral Component InterconnectQPSK:4-Phase Shift KeyingRHCP:Right Hand Circular Polarization CircularPolarizatioRS: Reed-Solomon CodesSEM: Space Environment MonitorSIM: Solar Irradiance MonitorTOU: Total Ozone UnitUSB: Universal Serial BusVC: Virtual ChannelVC-ID: Virtual Channel IdentifierVCDU: Virtual Channel Data UnitVCDU -ID: Virtual Channel Data Unit-Identity 2
VIRR: Visible and Infrared Radiometer WAI: Wide-angle Aurora Imager 5 Data Broadcasting
5.1 High-resolution Image Transmission (HRPT)
5.1.1 HRPT Content
FY-3B/CHRPT content includes observation data and satellite telemetry data of VIRR, IRAS, MWTS, MWHS, SBUS, TOU, MWRI, SIM, ERM, SEM, and GNOS. FY-3D does not have HRPT.
5.1.2 HRPT Process
The HRPT real-time data broadcast process is shown in Figure 1, which includes information processing and HRPT transmission. When FY-3B/C broadcasts HRPT data, it follows the following process:
According to the requirements of CCSDS102.0-B-3, the HRPT data is formatted; a)
b) The payload data is generated into transmission frames according to the multiplexing transmission technology, and the data is multiplexed, RS encoded and scrambled to form a transmission frame data stream:
The transmission data stream is serial-to-parallel converted and differentially encoded; c)
The data after serial-to-parallel conversion and differential encoding are convolutionally encoded with a constraint length of 7 and a rate of 3/4, namely Conv (7, 3/4);
The convolutionally encoded data is QPSK modulated, up-converted, power amplified and filtered, and finally transmitted through the antenna. Antenna
Transmission frame
Data stream
Serial-to-parallel conversion
Differential coding
Conv(7, 3/4)
HRPT transmission
"Information service platform
Figure 1 HRPT real-time multi-data broadcast flow chart
5.1.3 Multi-payload information processing High-speed data payload source package
The data format of the FY-3B/C high-speed data payload source package is shown in Table A.1 in Appendix A. The data format of the FY-3D high-speed data payload source package is shown in Table A.2 in Appendix A. Low-speed data payload source package
The data format of the FY-3B/C low-speed data payload source package is shown in Table A.3 in Appendix A. The data format of the FY-3D low-speed data payload source package is shown in Table A.4 in Appendix A. 3
5 .1.4 Multiplexing transmission technology
For the allocation rules of virtual channels for information processing in FY-3B/C, see Table A.5 in Appendix A. For the allocation rules of virtual channels for information processing in FY-3D, see Table A6 in Appendix A.5.1.5 Generation of data transmission frames
The data transmission frames are generated according to the allocation rules of virtual channels for information processing in Table A.5 and Table A.6 in Appendix A. For the data transmission frame format, see Figure A.1 in Appendix A.
5.1.6 Scrambling
The pseudo-random sequence generation polynomial used for scrambling is shown in Formula (1): F(r)=+r+r++l
Data bit.
5.1.7 Data error correction coding
5. 1.7. 1
RS coding
According to the requirements of CCSDS101.0-B-3, RS (255, 223, 8) coding with a symbol number of 255, a message length of 223, and a code element of 8 is adopted, and its interleaving depth is 4. Convolutional coding
According to the requirements of CCSDS101.0-B-3, a convolutional coding method with a constraint length of 7 and a rate of 3/4 is adopted, namely Conv (7.3/4). 5.1.8 Serial-to-parallel conversion
The serial data stream is divided into two odd and even parallel data streams, one of which is delayed by 1 bit to align the two code elements before and after to form a pair of code elements. After After the above data processing, the L wave real-time information processing module transmits the data with the output code rate of 4.2Mbps (of which C star is 3.9Mbps) and the code type of non-return-to-zero code to the iRPT transmitter. Who information service level pipe
Example: If the input is: ml.m2.m3.m4.m5.msmz, the output
Q; m2.m4.m6.m8...
5.1.9 Differential encoding
Differential encoding is divided into two situations according to whether the previous pair of output code elements are the same or different. a) When the previous pair of output code elements are the same, the current output of the encoder is: Xout() = X(i)+Xour(-1)
When the code element is i, the encoder is currently outputting the first path; when the code element is i, the encoder is currently outputting the second path; when the code element is i, the encoder is currently inputting the first path; when the code element is:, the encoder is currently inputting the second path; (2)
Xm(i-1)—When the code element is i1, the encoder was outputting the first path at the previous moment; when You(i-1)
When the code element is i-1, the encoder was outputting the second path at the previous moment. b) When the code elements of the previous pair of outputs are different, the current output of the encoder is: Xa.r(i)=Y.(i)+Xu(i-1)
You (i)=X()+Yaur (i-1)
5.1.10 Modulation
QPSK modulation is adopted. QPSK on the satellite is implemented by two BPSK channels with a phase difference of 1/2. The I and Q channels input data and use Gray code phase logic.
Gray code order four-phase modulation rule: double-bit code group AB is 00.01, 1110. Corresponding to carrier phase 0°, 90°, 180°, 270° respectively. 5.1.11 Main indicators of HRPT real-time transmission channel HRPT real-time transmission channel parameter indicators are as follows: a)
Code rate: FY-3B is 4.2Mbps. FY-3C is 3.9Mbps; Carrier frequency: FY-3B is 1704.5MHz±34kHz. FY-3C is 1701 .3MHz±34kHz; b
Modulation mode: QPSK;
Signal occupied bandwidth: 5.6MHz for FY-3B, 5.2MHz for FY-3C; d)
Minimum EIRP of satellite above 5° elevation angle of ground station receiving antenna: 41dBm; Polarization mode of satellite antenna: RHCP;
Directional pattern of satellite antenna: shaped beam, axial rotation symmetry: h) Working mode: Real-time transmission in the global scope, with program-controlled power on and off function. 5.2 Medium-resolution image transmission (MPT)
5.2.1 MPT content
The MPT content of FY-3B/C only includes MERSI observation data. The MPT content of FY-3D includes observation data and satellite telemetry data of MERSI, HIRAS, MWRI, GAS, WAI, IPM, MWTS, MWHS, SEM, GNOS, etc. 5.2.2 MPT process The MPT real-time data broadcast process of FY-3B/C is shown in Figure 2, which includes two parts: information processing and MPT transmission. When FY-3B/C broadcasts MPT data, it follows the following process: a) Format the MPT data in accordance with the requirements of CCSDS102.0-B-3; Generate transmission frames from the payload data in accordance with the multiplexing transmission technology, multiplex the code data (when encryption is selected), RS encode and scramble to form a transmission frame data stream; Perform serial-to-parallel conversion and differential encoding on the transmission data stream; Perform product encoding with a constraint length of 7 and a rate of 1/2 on the data after serial-to-parallel conversion and differential encoding, namely Conv(7, d)
e) Perform QPSK modulation, up-conversion, power amplification and filtering on the convolutionally encoded data, and finally transmit it through the antenna. 5
Information processing
Transmission frame
Data stream
Combination transform
Differential coding
Conv (7.1/2)
MPT transmission
Figure 2 Flow chart of MPT real-time data broadcast of FY-3B/C QPSK The flow chart of MPT real-time data broadcast of FY-3D is shown in Figure 3. It includes two parts: information processing and MPT transmission. When FY-3D broadcasts MPT data, it follows the following process: format the MPT data according to the requirements of CCSDS102.0-B-3; a)
b) generate transmission frames from the payload data according to the multiplexing transmission technology, multiplex, RS encode and scramble the data to form a transmission frame data stream;
perform serial-to-parallel conversion and differential encoding on the transmission frame data stream: perform convolution encoding with a constraint length of 7 and a rate of 3/4 on the data after serial-to-parallel conversion and differential encoding, that is, Conv(7, d)
perform QPSK modulation, up-conversion, power amplification and filtering on the convolution encoded data, and finally transmit it through the antenna. Antenna
Transmission frame
Information processing
Data flow
Serial-to-parallel conversion
Differential coding
MPT transmission
Yamato filter
Standard information
Figure F1-3D MPT real-time data broadcast flow chart 5.2.3 Multi-payload information processing High-speed data payload source package
FY-3B/C contains medium-resolution spectral imager image real-time transmission data report TY- contains all 10 payload data. FY-3B/C high-speed data payload generates source data according to the format of Table A.1 in Appendix A, and V-3D high-speed data payload generates source packet data according to the format of Table A.2 in Appendix A. Low-speed data payload source package
Implement according to the requirements of
5.2.4 Multiplexed transmission technology
Implement according to the requirements of requirements, format the MPT data; a)
b) generate transmission frames from the payload data according to the multiplexing transmission technology, multiplex, RS encode and scramble the data to form a transmission frame data stream;
perform serial-to-parallel conversion and differential encoding on the transmission frame data stream: perform convolution encoding with a constraint length of 7 and a rate of 3/4 on the data after serial-to-parallel conversion and differential encoding, namely Conv(7, d)
perform QPSK modulation, up-conversion, power amplification and filtering on the convolution encoded data, and finally transmit it through the antenna. Antenna
Transmission frame
Information processing
Data flow
Serial-to-parallel conversion
Differential coding
MPT transmission
Yamato filter
Standard information
Figure F1-3D MPT real-time data broadcast flow chart 5.2.3 Multi-payload information processing High-speed data payload source package
FY-3B/C contains medium-resolution spectral imager image real-time transmission data report TY- contains all 10 payload data. FY-3B/C high-speed data payload generates source data according to the format of Table A.1 in Appendix A, and V-3D high-speed data payload generates source packet data according to the format of Table A.2 in Appendix A. Low-speed data payload source package
Implement according to the requirements of
5.2.4 Multiplexed transmission technology
Implement according to the requirements of requirements, format the MPT data; a)
b) generate transmission frames from the payload data according to the multiplexing transmission technology, multiplex, RS encode and scramble the data to form a transmission frame data stream;
perform serial-to-parallel conversion and differential encoding on the transmission frame data stream: perform convolution encoding with a constraint length of 7 and a rate of 3/4 on the data after serial-to-parallel conversion and differential encoding, namely Conv(7, d)
perform QPSK modulation, up-conversion, power amplification and filtering on the convolution encoded data, and finally transmit it through the antenna. Antenna
Transmission frame
Information processing
Data flow
Serial-to-parallel conversion
Differential coding
MPT transmission
Yamato filter
Standard information
Figure F1-3D MPT real-time data broadcast flow chart 5.2.3 Multi-payload information processing High-speed data payload source package
FY-3B/C contains medium-resolution spectral imager image real-time transmission data report TY- contains all 10 payload data. FY-3B/C high-speed data payload generates source data according to the format of Table A.1 in Appendix A, and V-3D high-speed data payload generates source packet data according to the format of Table A.2 in Appendix A. Low-speed data payload source package
Implement according to the requirements of
5.2.4 Multiplexed transmission technology
Implement according to the requirements of 5.1.4.
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.