title>Code of practice for the plant quarantine of import freight containers - GB/T 39921-2021 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Code of practice for the plant quarantine of import freight containers

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39921-2021

Standard Name:Code of practice for the plant quarantine of import freight containers

Chinese Name: 进境集装箱植物检疫规程

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2021-04-30

Date of Implementation:2021-11-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>Agriculture and forestry>>65.020.01 Agriculture and forestry combined

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Plant Protection>>B16 Plant Quarantine, Pest and Disease Control

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2021-04-01

other information

drafter:Gu Guanghao, Chen Zhinan, Dai Xiaoling, Xu Lang, Chen Zhongbing, Dong Wenyong, Bao Xianyu, Wu Shaojing, Wang Yang, Yu Daojian, Wu Qinghui, Jiang Minde, Zhang Pengbo, Zhang Ruxing, Qiu Zhankui

Drafting unit:Shenzhen Customs of the People's Republic of China, Shenzhen Institute of Inspection and Quarantine, Shenzhen Customs Animal and Plant Inspection and Quarantine Technical Center, Guanlan Customs of the People's Republic of China, Shanghai Customs of

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Plant Quarantine Standardization (SAC/TC 271)

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee on Plant Quarantine Standardization (SAC/TC 271)

Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39921-2021. Code of practice for the plant quarantine of import freight containers.
1 Scope
GB/T 39921 specifies the quarantine requirements, on-site quarantine, laboratory testing, result determination, and unqualified disposal for plant quarantine of inbound containers.
GB/T 39921 applies to plant quarantine of inbound containers.
2 Normative references
This document has no normative references.
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
freight container
A type of transport equipment that meets the following conditions:
a) has sufficient strength and can be used repeatedly within its effective period of use;
b) is suitable for transporting goods by one or more modes of transport without the need for inverting during transport;
c) is equipped with devices for rapid loading and unloading, especially from one mode of transport to another;
d) is convenient for filling and unloading of goods in the container;
e) has an internal volume equal to or greater than 1 m3 (35 ft3").
Note: The term "container" does not include either vehicles or general packaging.
[Source: GB/T 1413-2008, 3.1, with modifications]
general purpose container
A fully enclosed container with weatherproof performance. It is equipped with a rigid roof, side walls, end walls and bottom structure, and at least one end is equipped with a door to facilitate the transportation of general goods.
[Source: GB/T 1992-2006,]
repositioning empty container
An empty container transferred from abroad to the country for reloading.
​​ loaded container
A container loaded with goods.
container depot
A place in the logistics chain for container exchange.
Note: It includes container yards and container freight stations.
This document specifies the quarantine requirements, on-site quarantine, laboratory testing, result determination, and non-conforming disposal for plant quarantine of inbound containers.

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Code of practice for the plant quarantine of import freight containers2021-04-30Published
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
People's Republic of China
National Standard
Code of practice for the plant quarantine of import freight containers
Published and distributed by China Standard Publishing House
Beijing Chaoyang District No. 2, West Hepingli Street, Yang District (100029) No. 16, Sanlihe North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (100043) Website: apc.org.cn
Service hotline: 4001580010
First edition in April 2021
Book number: 155066: 1-66978
Copyright reserved
Infringements must be investigated
GB/T 39921—2021
This document is drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1.12020% Standardization Work Guidelines Part 1: Structure and Drafting Rules of Standardization Documents.
Please note that some contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing agency of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents. This document is proposed and owned by the National Technical Committee for Plant Quarantine Standardization (SAC/TC271). This document was drafted by: Shenzhen Customs of the People's Republic of China, Shenzhen Institute of Inspection and Quarantine, Shenzhen Customs Animal and Plant Inspection and Quarantine Technical Center, Guanlan Customs of the People's Republic of China, Haiguan Customs of the People's Republic of China, Renlian Customs of the People's Republic of China, Rongcheng Youguan of the People's Republic of China, Buji Youguan of the People's Republic of China, COSCO Shipping Container Lines Co., Ltd., Shanghai Youfeng Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., China Certification and Inspection Group Shenzhen Company, General Customer of Customs International Inspection and Quarantine Standards and Technical Regulations Research Center, and Container Branch of China Port Association.
The main drafters of this document: Gu Guanghao, Chen Zhinan, Dai Xiaoling, Xu Lang, Chen Zhongbing, Dong Wenyong, Bao Xianyu, Wu Shaojing, Gong Yang, Yu Daojian, Wu Qinghui, Jiang Minde, Zhang Pengbo, Zhang Ruken, Han Zhanlei,-riKacerKAca-
1 Scope
Plant quarantine procedures for inbound containers
GB/T 39921—2021
This document defines the quarantine requirements, on-site quarantine, laboratory testing, result determination, and non-conforming disposal for plant quarantine of inbound containers. The document is applicable to plant quarantine of inbound containers. 2 Normative references
This document has no normative references.
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
freight container
A transport device that meets the following conditions: has sufficient strength and can be used repeatedly during its effective period of use: a)
b) is suitable for transporting goods by one or more modes of transport without the need for inverting during the journey; is equipped with devices for rapid loading and unloading, especially from one mode of transport to another; is convenient for filling and unloading of goods in the box;
has an internal volume equal to or greater than 1m (35ft). Note: The term "unitized" does not include individual vehicles or a package. [Source: G3/T1413-2008, 3.1. Modified] 3.2
General purpose container
General purpose container
A fully enclosed container with weatherproof performance. It is equipped with a rigid roof, side walls, end walls and bottom structure, and at least one end is provided with a door to facilitate the transportation of general cargo.
【Source: G/1992-2006,
repositioning empty container
an empty container transferred from abroad to the country for reloading of goods. 3.4
loaded container
loaded container
a container loaded with foreign goods. 3.5
container depot
container terminal
a place for container exchange in the logistics chain. Note: Including container yards and container freight stations, etc. 1
GB/T 39921—2021
Any species, strain (variety), or biotype of plant, animal or pathogen that is harmful to plants or plant products. [Source: ISPM52019]
Quarantine pests
Pests that are of potential economic importance to the area threatened by them, are unlikely to occur in the area, or have occurred in the area. They are not widely distributed and are subject to official control.
LSource: ISPM5
Containers of the same bill of lading reported in one interim report; 3.9
Containercleanliness certificateIssued by an overseas container cleaning agency to prove that the inside and outside of the container inspected by it are free of soil, plant residues and pests, and that the container bottom wood is contaminated by pests. Note: The certificate of clearance can be in the form of text, electronic label, etc. 4 Quarantine basis
"Measures for the Administration of Inspection and Quarantine of Border Containers". 4.2 "Procedures for Inspection and Quarantine of Empty Border Containers (Trial)" : 4.3 "Procedures for Inspection and Quarantine of Full Inbound Containers (Trial)". "Regulations on the Administration of Entry and Exit Quarantine Treatment" 4.4
"Announcement on the Implementation of Relevant Work on the Administration of Exit and Entry Quarantine Treatment" 5 General requirements for quarantine
5.1 The quarantine of inbound containers shall be carried out in accordance with the principle of combining on-site quarantine, laboratory testing and container terminal supervision. 5.2 The quarantine of inbound containers shall follow the principles of risk management and dynamic adjustment, and the inspection ratio shall be adjusted in a timely manner according to the changes in risks and the credit certification of the operators of inbound and outbound means of transport. 5.3 The interior and exterior of the container and the container cargo shall be quarantined at the same time; the quarantine of the container with cargo shall be carried out together with the quarantine of the cargo. 6 On-site quarantine
6.1 Quarantine preparation
6.1.1 Check the application materials in detail based on the application. The application materials include: the number and specifications of the container, the transportation place/destination, the type and quantity of the loaded cargo, whether there are plant packaging and bedding materials in the container, etc. 6.1.2 According to the type of the container and the loaded cargo, select the necessary quarantine tools and protective equipment, including but not limited to: searchlights, magnifying glasses, razors, insect pens, insect nets, live insect collection boxes, poison bottles, finger-shaped tubes, self-sealing bags, recording pens, toxic gas detection and monitoring devices, protective equipment, cameras or video cameras, etc. 2
6.2 Determining the quarantine inspection ratio
6.2.1 Return empty containers
GB/T 39921—2021
According to the plant quarantine risk level involved in the inbound empty containers, they are divided into low, medium and high risk levels. For specific classification rules, please refer to Appendix A. Different sampling and inspection ratios are implemented for low, medium and high risk inbound empty containers according to the corporate credit rating of their operators certified by the customs under their inbound and outbound transportation (see Appendix 13). If the container quarantine authority has other regulations, they shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant requirements. 6.2.2 Inbound cargo containers
Carry out container quarantine in combination with the inspection ratio of the loaded goods or the plant packaging and bedding materials: 6.3 Determine the inspection location
6.3.1 Return empty containers Except for the dishonest enterprises, the low-risk level of the general credit enterprises, general certification enterprises and advanced certification enterprises shall be inspected at the container stations that meet the conditions of the plant quarantine and epidemic prevention system: The medium-risk level of the general credit enterprises, general certification enterprises and advanced certification enterprises. If a major epidemic or serious non-compliance is found during the inspection, it can be accepted at the container stations that meet the conditions of the plant quarantine and epidemic prevention system. For empty containers returned from long-term credit enterprises, generally for high-risk empty containers of certified enterprises and advanced certified enterprises, they are generally inspected in the customs supervision area. 6.3.2 Inbound cargo containers
Carry out container quarantine in conjunction with the inspection location of the loaded goods or the fine packaging materials carried. 6.4 General container quarantine
6.4.1 Verification of declaration materials
Verify whether the container number, specifications, etc. are consistent with the mid-term report in accordance with 6.1.1. 6.4.2 Quarantine of the container surface
The quarantine contents of the container surface (including corners, fork grooves, etc.) include: a) whether there is soil;
h) whether there are plant residues (plant seeds, plant residues, etc.) and harmful organisms (live insects, mollusks and mites, etc., and special attention should be paid to pupae and moth eggs)
6.4.3 Quarantine inside the container
The quarantine contents of the container (including the bottom plate, side wall and top plate) include: a) whether there is soil;
b) whether there are plant residues (plant seeds, plant residues, plant packaging, etc.) and harmful organisms (live insects, mollusks and mites, etc., and special attention should be paid to pupae and moth eggs). 6.5 Quarantine of other types of containers
On-site quarantine of other types of containers shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Appendix (3).
GB/T 39921—2021
6 Sampling and Inspection
Soil, plant residues (plant seeds, plant residues, plant packaging, etc.) and harmful organisms (insects, mollusks and mites, etc.) found during on-site quarantine shall be sampled and sent to the laboratory for testing. If live harmful organisms are found, sampling shall be carried out immediately or after pest control, depending on the situation. 7 Laboratory Testing
Soil should be tested for pathogenic microorganisms, nematodes, weeds and insects. 7.2
Plant seeds should be tested for insects Insects, pathogens and weeds: Plant packaging and bedding materials should be tested for nematodes and insects: 7.3
Identify the intercepted live pests in quarantine 7.4
Other plant residues as appropriate,
8 Result determination
If the quarantine technique finds unqualified conditions, the container reported for approval shall be deemed qualified for quarantine. 8.1
The following conditions shall be deemed unqualified.
a) The container number, specifications, etc. do not match the declared information. ) If the quarantine finds any of the following conditions, the container shall be deemed unqualified for plant quarantine, and the quarantine ratio shall be expanded for other unquarantined containers. The proportion of expanded quarantine should not be less than 10% of all natural containers. If any of the following conditions are still found after expanded quarantine, all containers shall be subject to quarantine:
1) Soil is found on the surface of the container;
2) Molluscs or egg masses are found on the surface of the container;
3) Soil is found in the container;
Plant residues (plant seeds, plant residues, plant packaging, etc.) or harmful organisms are found in the container;
Plant residues or harmful organisms unrelated to the cargo loaded in the cargo container are found. 5)
8.3 If the quarantine inspection of the attached pre-shipment cleaning certificate finds any of the conditions listed in 8.2, the declared batch of containers shall be judged as unqualified for physical quarantine.
9 Disposal of unqualified containers
If the size, size, etc. of the container do not conform to the declared materials, the declarant shall be required to explain the reasons and change the declared materials. 9.2 Containers that fail quarantine shall be handled in accordance with the following requirements. 1) If the quarantine treatment indications are met, the "Regulations on the Management of Exit and Entry Quarantine Treatment" shall be followed; 2) If plant residues are found, they shall be removed. Plant residues that meet the quarantine treatment indications shall be implemented in accordance with the "Regulations on the Management of Entry and Exit Quarantine Treatment". 9.3 If there is no effective pest control method, it shall be prohibited from entry. A.1 Low risk Appendix A (Informative) Risk classification rules for empty containers returned to the country Low risk empty containers returned to the country that meet one of the following conditions are defined as: GB/T39921-2021 Empty containers that have not been loaded with animals, plants, or animal and plant products in the previous voyage and have not been found to contain live quarantine pests or other live pests with quarantine risks in empty containers returned from the exporting country; For empty containers returned to the country with pre-shipment cleaning certificates, provide the implementing entity, implementation location, implementation time and implementation standards for the overseas cleaning of empty containers returned to the country.
A.2 Medium Risk
An empty container returning from the country of entry that meets one of the following conditions can be defined as a medium-risk container: a) Animals, plants, and animal and plant products were loaded on the previous voyage; b) Empty containers returning from the country of exit that did not load plants or plant products on the previous voyage have been inspected for live quarantine pests or other live pests with quarantine risks within one year. A.3: High Risk
An empty container returning from the country of exit that meets one of the following conditions can be defined as a high-risk container returning from the country of exit: Animals, plants, and animal and plant products were loaded on the previous voyage, and empty containers returning from the country of exit that have been inspected for quarantine pests within three years; a)
Organisms; b) The detection rate of quarantine pests in empty containers returning from the country of exit in the past two years (detected batch/inspected batch) is 5%.
GB/T39921—202 1
Appendix B
Ratio of empty containers returned from inbound containers inspectedRatio of empty containers returned from inbound containers not inspectedSee Table B.1Table B.1
Ratio of empty containers returned from inbound containersInspection Risk Level
Enterprise Credit
Dishonest Enterprise
·General Credit Enterprise
General Certified Enterprise
Advanced Certified Enterprise
Low Risk level
The sampling ratio
is not less than 50%
is not less than 50 yuan of the sampling ratio of failed
is not less than the sampling ratio of general
credit enterprises
is not less than the sampling ratio of general
certified enterprises
The ratio of the number of boxes inspected in each batch
is not less than 2 0%bZxz.net
No punishment for dishonest
Enterprises shall not be punished for 50% of the number of boxes inspected per batch
Not less than 50% of the number of boxes inspected per batch by general
credit enterprises
Not less than 50% of the number of boxes inspected per batch by general
certified enterprises
Medium risk level
The sampling ratio shall not be less than 80%; not less than 50% of the sampling ratio of dishonest enterprises; not less than the sampling ratio of general credit enterprises; not less than the sampling ratio of certified enterprises; the ratio of the number of boxes inspected in each batch No less than 20% No less than 50% of the proportion of boxes inspected in each batch of the lost loan enterprise No less than 50% of the proportion of boxes inspected in each batch of the general user enterprise No less than 50% of the proportion of boxes inspected in each batch of the general certified enterprise High risk Grade
Ratio of random batches
Inspection of each batch
Ratio of number of boxes
Not less than 30%
Appendix C
Other types of container on-site quarantine
Containers are divided into different types according to the mode of transport, type of goods and container structure. The on-site quarantine requirements are shown in Table C.1. Table C.1 On-site quarantine requirements for other types of containers US-type containers
General purpose containers
Ordinary cargo containers
Special purpose containers
Insulated containers
Tank containers
Special cargo containers
Under-bulk containers
Enclosed breathable/ventilated
Wind containers
Micro-top containers
Platform containers
Pantry containers
Containers named by cargo types
Air freight containers
Aviation containers
Air-land-water combined transport containers
Note: "Two" means that the item is not subject to quarantine. Verification of interim report materials
On-site quarantine
Container surface quarantine
Container internal quarantine
Loading/unloading should be checked at the same time
Container surface inspection should include
Tracks and restraining devices
Container surface inspection should include
Tracks and restraining devices
GB/T 39921—2021
GB/T 1413—2008
Classification, dimensions and rated masses
Series 1 containers
Container technical information
Glossary of phytosanitary terms[3]ISPM5-2019
GB/T 39921-2021
Scan the code
Authentic service
Copyright exclusive infringement must be investigated
Book number: 135066: 1-65978
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