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JB/T 6839-2002 Classification of projection screens

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6839-2002

Standard Name: Classification of projection screens

Chinese Name: 放映银幕分类

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release2002-07-16

Date of Implementation:2002-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Imaging Technology>>Movies>>37.060.10 Movie Equipment

Standard Classification Number:Instruments and meters>>Movie, photography, microfilm, and copying equipment>>N42 projection equipment and accessories

associated standards

alternative situation:JB/T 6839-1993

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

other information

Focal point unit:Qinhuangdao Audiovisual Machinery Research Institute

Publishing department:Qinhuangdao Audiovisual Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the classification, characteristics and common size series of projection screens. This standard applies to reflection and transmission projection screens for movies, projection, video and video, and does not apply to screens for other special purposes. JB/T 6839-2002 Projection Screen Classification JB/T6839-2002 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Replaces JB/T6839-1993
Classification of projection screens
The classification of projection screensPublished on 16 July 2002
Implemented on 12 December 2002
Published by the State Economic and Trade Commission of the People's Republic of ChinaForeword
2 Terms and definitions
3 Classification
3.1D-type-immersion reflective screen
3.2S-type-reflective angle gain reflective screen3.3B-type-reflective angle gain reflective screen3.4R-type-transmissive screen
Screen classification characteristics list
Screen size Inch series
Schematic diagram of polar coordinate drawing method
Schematic diagram of rectangular coordinate plane method
D-type screen-brightness coefficient characteristic curve (polar coordinates) Figure 3
Figure 4S-type screen-brightness coefficient characteristic curve (polar coordinates) Figure 5B-type screen-brightness coefficient characteristic curve (polar coordinates)
R-type screen-brightness coefficient characteristic curve (polar coordinates) Figure 6
Screen classification characteristics
Ordinary movie projection picture..
Deformed and masked widescreen movie projection picture Table 3
Table 4 Slide, projection and video projection picture
Video projection picture of projection TV, etc.
This standard is a revision of JB/T6839-1993 "Projection Screen Classification". The main changes are the definition, sub-classification of R-type transmissive screens, screen characteristics list and size series.
This standard replaces JB/T68391993.
This standard is proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of Qinhuangdao Audiovisual Machinery Research Institute. The drafting unit of this standard: Qinhuangdao Audiovisual Machinery Research Institute. The main drafter of this standard: Yu Jicun.
The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are: GB/T7942-1987, JB/T6839-1993. 1 Scope
Classification of projection screens
This standard specifies the classification, characteristics and common size series of projection screens. JB/T6839-2002
This standard applies to reflection and transmission projection screens for movies, slides, projections, video and video, and does not apply to screens for other special purposes.
2 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 2.1
Projection screens
Light reflecting and transmitting screens with specified optical properties for projection. 2.2
Brightness factor βluminancefactorβ
The ratio of the reflected or transmitted brightness of the screen under test to the reflected brightness of an ideal diffuse reflecting surface under the same lighting conditions and at a given viewing angle. The formula is:
B-Brightness coefficient:
L-The reflected or transmitted brightness of the screen at a given viewing angle, in cd/m2: L-The reflected brightness of an ideal diffuse reflecting surface at a given viewing angle, in cd/m2. (1)
In actual use, a diffuse reflection target is used instead of an ideal diffuse reflection surface. Since the brightness coefficient of the diffuse reflection target is less than 1, formula (1) becomes:
L—The reflected brightness of the diffuse reflection target facing the projection light source at a viewing angle of 5°, in cd/m2β. —The known brightness coefficient value of the diffuse reflection target. The diffuse reflection target is usually made of sodium sulfate (BaSO.) powder and pressed according to a certain procedure. (2)
When the measured screen is a reflective screen, the given viewing angle for measuring L, is 5°; when the measured screen is a transmissive screen, the given viewing angle for measuring L, is 0°2.3
Brightness coefficientluminancecoefficientThe ratio of the reflected brightness of the screen to its screen illuminance under the same lighting conditions and a given viewing angle. Expressed by the formula: Ly
9Brightness factor:
——The reflected brightness of the screen at a viewing angle of 5°, in cd/m2E,——The illuminance of the screen at the same measuring point, in x. (3)
The relationship between the brightness coefficient β and the brightness factor g is as follows: B=guo
The circumference of the circle;
2. —1srUnit solid angle.
When there is no diffuse reflection target, the reflective screen can be converted into the brightness coefficient β by measuring the brightness factor 9. 2.4
Effective scattering angle 2α.
The screen brightness is based on the brightness value at a given viewing angle, and its brightness drops by no more than twice the maximum horizontal viewing angle α of 50%. The measurement of this angle is based on the screen normal, with α on one side of the normal and 2α on both sides. 2.5
Viewing angleviewingangle
The angle between the line of sight of the screen center in the horizontal plane passing through the center of the screen and the normal of the screen center. 2.6
Brightness factor characteristic curveluminancefactorindicatrixThe curve of the screen brightness coefficient changing with different viewing angles. This curve can be drawn in polar coordinates and rectangular coordinates, see Figure 1 and Figure 2. Figure 1
Schematic diagram of polar coordinate drawing
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of rectangular coordinate drawing
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Unless otherwise specified, the characteristic curve refers to the point on the screen pointed to by the projection light axis with an incident angle of 0°, and is drawn in a horizontal plane passing through the screen normal. If the projection light axis incident angle is greater than 0° or the characteristic curve is drawn in a vertical plane passing through the screen normal, the incident angle or the words "in the vertical plane" should be added to the curve.
3 Classification
Projection screens are divided into four categories according to their physical characteristics. 3.1D-type diffuse reflection screen
D-type screens produce diffuse reflection of incident light in a 2-dimensional solid angle space: its brightness coefficient characteristic curve is close to the semicircle of ideal diffuse reflection, see Figure 3.
Ideal liquid inverse time curve
Projection device
Screen normal and light
Figure 3D-type screen-brightness coefficient characteristic curve (polar coordinates) This type of screen is usually made of cotton or chemical fiber fabrics, plastic mask, rubber mixture and other materials, or coated with high reflectivity diffuse reflection paint on the screen base.
D-type screen is also called white matte screen. 3.2S-type-gain reflection screen on reflection angle The reflection of the incident light of the S-type screen has the characteristics of concentrated gain reflection on the light reflection angle in the 2-dimensional solid angle space, and the size of the reflection angle is equal to the incident angle; its brightness coefficient characteristic curve is shown in Figure 4. Ideal diffuse reflection curve 5
B curve,
forging normal and optical axis
Narrowing device
a) Person angle i=0\
Projection device
Service normal
Figure 4 S-type screen-brightness coefficient characteristic curve (polar coordinates) Ideal diffuse reflection β line
b) Person angle i=20*
This type of screen is usually made of a pressed film of plastic, artificial leather or rubber mixture as the screen base, and a thin layer of metal powder is coated on its surface. The surface of the screen base can be pressed into stripes, grids, honeycombs and other structures. S-type screen is also called metal screen.
3.3 Type B - Gain reflection screen at incident angle Type B screen has a collective gain reflection characteristic at the incident angle of light in the 2Ⅱ solid angle space: its brightness coefficient characteristic curve is shown in Figure 5.
This type of screen is usually made of plastic as the screen base, and a thin layer of glass beads with a large number of glass beads is coated on its surface. Type B screen is also called glass bead screen.
Projection device
Ideal reflection curve
Color method to find light
Projection device
a) Incident angle = 0°
Silver normal
Ideal diffuse reflection curve B
b) Incident angle = 20*
Figure 5 Type B screen - brightness coefficient characteristic curve (polar coordinates) 3.4R-type-transmission screen
R-type screen is a screen for viewing with transmitted light, and the direction of the concentrated gain of the transmitted light is consistent with the direction of incident light: its brightness coefficient characteristic curve is shown in Figure 6.
Thickness reflection curve
Curtain normal and light
Sensitive projection
Figure 6R-type screen-brightness coefficient characteristic curve (polar coordinates) curve
This type of screen is usually made of hard or soft translucent film coated or added with diffuse additives. Its surface can be ordinary milky or structured to form different sub-types and characteristics. R-type screen is also called back projection screen.
R-type screens can be divided into two sub-types according to their surface structures due to the development of the latest technology: a) R-O ordinary type
R-O type screens are ordinary milky surfaces, made of hard or soft plastic film, and have the characteristics of concentrated gain transmission at immersion transmission or small scattering angles.
R-S structural type
R-S type screens are single-sided or double-sided structural (such as Fresnel lens, cylindrical lens or mirror arrangement) surfaces, made of hard plastic film, and have the characteristics of concentrated gain transmission at large scattering angles, which can eliminate the negative effects caused by indoor interference light. 4
List of screen classification characteristics
See Table 1 for screen classification characteristics.
Table 1 Screen classification characteristics
Screen type
D type-immersion reflective screen
S type-reflective angle gain
Reflective screen
B type-reflective angle gain
Reflective screen
Type (common table
(structure table
Screen size series
Projection type
Characteristic identification
The reflected light is evenly distributed without obvious concentration gain. The reflected light has a concentration gain. The maximum reflected light is always in the direction of the concentration gain of the transmitted light. The direction is consistent with the direction of the incident light. The common screen specifications for ordinary movie projections are shown in Table 2. The direction of the reflection angle of the incident light is the direction of the incident light. Or soft plastic material, ordinary milky surface, with immersion transmission or small scattering angle of concentrated gain transmission characteristics. Only hard plastic material, single or double-sided and single or multi-layer structural surface, with large scattering angle of concentrated gain transmission characteristics, can eliminate the negative effect of indoor interference light deformation and masking. Common screen specifications for widescreen movie projection screens are shown in Table 3. Common screen specifications for projection and video projection screens are shown in Table 4. Slides,:
Size marking
Ordinary movie projection screen
Unit: m
Screen width
Screen height
Main use
16mm, 35mm film moving projection
35mm film fixed projection
(1.375: 1)
Dimension marking
Deformed and masked widescreen movie projection screen width
Dimension marking
Screen height
Projection and video projection screen
Screen width
For projection TV and other video projection screens, the commonly used screen specifications are shown in Table 5. The size is not limited.
Transmission projection screens are based on their manufacturing methods,) Table 5
Metric m
1.60×1.20| |tt||1.70×1.27
Video projection screen of projection TV and other video
Dimension marking
English in
Curtain height
Curtain width
Unit: m
Main purpose
16mm deformation for projection
35mm film (2.35:
1) The following deformation and masking
Serial number 11~14 can be used for
70mm film (2.2:1))
Unit: m
Maximum viewing distance
Unit: m
Curtain height
2 .40×1.80
Dimension marking
5 (continued)
Screen width
Unit: m
People's Republic of China
Machinery industry standard
Projection screen classification
Published and distributed by Machinery Industry Press
Beijing No. 22, Baiwanzhuang Street, Taipei City
Postal code: 100037
Format: 890mmX1240mm
.1/16·0.75 printing sheet·19,000 words
1st edition, 1st printing, December 2002
Price: 12.00 yuan
Book number: 15111·7063
Website: http://www.cmpbook.comEditorial office telephone:
Direct sales center telephone:
All copies without anti-counterfeiting label on the cover are pirated
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be investigated35mm film moving projection
35mm film fixed projection
(1.375 : 1)
Dimension marking
Anamorphic and masked widescreen movie projection screen width
Dimension marking
Screen height
Projection and video projection screen
Screen width
For video projection screens such as projection television, the common screen specifications are shown in Table 5. The size is not limited.
Transmission projection screen is based on its manufacturing method.) Table 5
Metric m
Video projection screen such as projection TV
Dimension marking
Inch in
Curtain height
Curtain width
Unit: m
Main purpose
16mm deformation
35mm Film (2.35:
1) The following deformation and masking
Serial number 11~14 can be used
70mm film (2.2:1))
Unit: m
Maximum viewing distance
Unit: m
Screen height
6.00×4.50|| tt||7.00×5.25
Dimension marking
5 (continued)
Screen width
Unit: m
People's Republic of China
Machinery industry standard
Projection screen classification
Published and distributed by Machinery Industry Press
No. 22, Baiwanzhuang Street, Beijing
Postal code: 100037
Format 890mmX12 40mm
.1/16·0.75 printing sheet·19,000 words
1st edition, 1st printing, December 2002
Price: 12.00 yuan
Book number: 15111·7063
Website: http://www.cmpbook.comEditorial office phone:
Direct sales center phone:
Cover pages without anti-counterfeiting labels are all pirated
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be investigated35mm film moving projection
35mm film fixed projection
(1.375 : 1)
Dimension marking
Anamorphic and masked widescreen movie projection screen width
Dimension marking
Screen height
Projection and video projection screen
Screen width
For video projection screens such as projection television, the common screen specifications are shown in Table 5. The size is not limited.
Transmission projection screen is based on its manufacturing method.) Table 5
Metric m
Video projection screen such as projection TV
Dimension marking
Inch in
Curtain height
Curtain width
Unit: m
Main purpose
16mm deformation
35mm Film (2.35:
1) The following deformation and masking
Serial number 11~14 can be used
70mm film (2.2:1))
Unit: m
Maximum viewing distance
Unit: m
Screen height
6.00×4.50|| tt||7.00×5.25
Dimension marking
5 (continued)
Screen width
Unit: m
People's Republic of China
Machinery industry standard
Projection screen classification
Published and distributed by Machinery Industry Press
No. 22, Baiwanzhuang Street, Beijing
Postal code: 100037
Format 890mmX12 40mm
.1/16·0.75 printing sheet·19,000 words
1st edition, 1st printing, December 2002
Price: 12.00 yuan
Book number: 15111·7063
Website: http://www.cmpbook.comEditorial office phone:www.bzxz.net
Direct sales center phone:
Cover pages without anti-counterfeiting labels are all pirated
Copyright reserved
Infringements will be investigated
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