title>JB/T 8474-1996 Trademark die-cutting machine - JB/T 8474-1996 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8474-1996 Trademark die-cutting machine

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8474-1996

Standard Name: Trademark die-cutting machine

Chinese Name: 商标模切机

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1996-09-03

Date of Implementation:1997-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J87 Printing Machinery

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Printing Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:National Printing Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the type and basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, storage and transportation of trademark die-cutting machines. This standard is applicable to trademark die-cutting machines that die-cut a single paper stack and feed the material once. JB/T 8474-1996 Trademark Die-cutting Machine JB/T8474-1996 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JR/T 8474-96
Trademark Die-cutting Machine
1996-09-03 Issued
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
1997-07-01 Implementation
I:T 9474 - 96
This standard is issued by Baoguo Yinkai Jianpu Chemical Technology. Thai Committee and is under the jurisdiction of this forum standard. Position: Chengyin Machinery Factory Six standards and ten requirements. Experts: Zhang Yilian, Han Ye, 1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Trademark Die-cutting Machine
JB/T 847496
Specifies the type and basic specifications of door and door logo molds, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, storage and transportation
The surface standard for the production of single paper dams and the molding of reverse materials (hereinafter referred to as the standard) 2 Reference standards
The provisions contained in the following standards shall become the provisions of this standard for the materials used in this standard. When this standard is published, all originals are valid. All standards will be accepted and the service direction of using this standard will explore the possibility of using the new standard. GB 1S1 -93
GB/T 13306—1
GF/T 12884 -92
3 3CSC .- R2
Z 30 115S
3 Types and basic parameters
3.1 Standards for industrial machinery and electrical equipment Part · General equipment standards
Mechanical and electrical equipment general technical cases
Machine product manufacturing methods
Machine tool painting conditions
Throwing machine source: hydraulic, expansion. 3.2 The basic parameters are as per the provisions in Table 1. The initial maximum size of the product is calculated based on the initial size. The maximum cutting height and depth are calculated based on the number of operations/min. The final size is 143×11G, 25>25, 135:134, 175×17%. 3.3 The model name of the mold making machine shall comply with the relevant provisions of JR569. 4 Technical requirements
Heart. The die cutting machine should comply with the provisions of this standard and be manufactured according to the specified specifications and technical specifications. 4.2 The selection of the die cutting machine should be smooth and without pressure. The Ministry of Machinery Industry approved it in 1996. 0. Implementation of [997-T-01]
JB/r F474--9G
4.3 The limit difference of the outer dimensions of the dynamic product shall not exceed ±.mm4.4 The structure of the fine adjustment mechanism of the alignment and delivery mechanism and the door is fine and accurate. 4.5 The selection and die cutting machine should be smooth and without pressure in the belt tracking process. 4.6 The working temperature rise of the shaft is not more than 35℃.
4. The push head is flexible in the ram, the moving parts of the room motor are coordinated, and the hydraulic push head moves smoothly.
4.! 4.1# Gas equipment
4.101 The current and power supply are not less than 1M534.10.2 The voltage is 1500V (50H).
4.1.3 The environment has reliable connection and standard, and the connection is not more than 10. 4.11 The safety protection is reliable and can ensure the safety of the product. 4.12 Appearance quality
12" The external device should not have defects such as \. 4. 12.2 The upper surface of the external device should not be rusted or scratched. 4.12.3 The blue parts are electroplated evenly without obvious damage and color: 4.12.4 Except for the micro-quality ZBJ70011. 5 Test method
5.1 Empty operation test
Each unit shall be subject to 2-hour operation test, including: if the height is not more than 2 (min), please check the safety device of the machine during operation. The effect shall be in accordance with the regulations of 1.8 and 4.11. 5.2 Drilling test
5.2.1 Drilling test shall be carried out only after the test is qualified in 5.1. 2 Material requirements Pre-cut paper should be neat and tidy, no messy sheets, Root cutting line material points
) 60~2g/single-sided coated paper:
1) 5/m white cardboard,
5.3.3 According to the requirements in Table 1, the product quality should meet the requirements of 4.4;
6) The monthly test of the machine working condition will be carried out: Measure the size of the product with a reading microscope with a width of 0.31mm, and measure the size of the product with a reading microscope with a width of 0.31mm, and the size should meet the requirements of 4.3.
3 Mercury potential test channel
The mold is tested with a temperature control system. The temperature change of the mother drawer should meet the requirements? 5.4 Noise test
When the vehicle is traveling at a certain speed, use a sound meter to measure the noise at four points at a height of 1.5m. The arithmetic mean of the noise values ​​at the four points is in accordance with the regulations. 5.5 Electrical equipment inspection www.bzxz.net
5.5.1 The final test shall be carried out in accordance with the method specified in 6/T5226.1-155613.1. It shall comply with the provisions of 1.10.1. 5.5.2 According to the provisions of 15.2 of B/T5226.=-1996, the withstand voltage test is carried out for the operation. The grounding power supply shall be grounded according to the method specified in 4.10.2 of JB/18474-96. 5.5.3 According to the method specified in 13.1 of 65226, 1133, the grounding power supply shall be grounded according to the provisions of 4.1C.3. 5.6 Appearance quality inspection
Daily inspection of the appearance of the product shall meet the requirements of 4.: 5.7 Die pressure test
The mechanical die-cutting machine shall be tested with a special limiter. When the maximum die-cutting pressure specified in 3.2 is reached, the machine shall not stop or cause a fault.
Liquid impact calibration machine pressure, observe the pressure gauge, and when the maximum die-cutting pressure specified in 3. Table 1 is reached, the machine shall not stop or cause a fault.
h Inspection regulations
6.1 Factory inspection
t.1 Each product shall be inspected by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer in accordance with the provisions of 1,>,, 5.5.2 and 5.5.
6.1.2 5% (not less than 1 unit) of the annual batch of products shall be inspected in accordance with the provisions of, 5.3, If one item is qualified, the sample shall be inspected and adjusted. If there is any unqualified item, the gold product shall be inspected for that item. 61.3 Each product shall be inspected by the inspection department of the manufacturer before production can be stopped. 6.2 Rate test
When new products are designed, significantly changed and new products are identified, this standard shall be responsible for the inspection of the gold items on the specified date
marking, packaging, storage and transportation
7.1 Each product shall have a label on the visible part, and the label size shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/136. The contents include a) manufacturer name
6) product model and name;
e) main technical parameters:
d) factory number:
! 7.2 The date and month of manufacture,
7.3 Before product packaging, all surfaces of machine tools, tools and accessories shall be coated with anti-rust sleeve. 7.4 If the product contains raw materials in the packing, the packing shall comply with the provisions of 13384. 7.5 The outer wall of the box shall clearly indicate the name of the manufacturer, the consignee, the product model name, the date, weight, introduction, information, and other documents. The text or label shall be neat and tidy to ensure that the surface is not dirty due to collision or melting during storage.
7. If the stone product is stored for more than one year, it must be re-sealed. 7. The following documents shall be attached before the product is shipped: packing list!
Product Instructions;
) Products will be certified before leaving the factory
8 Quality Assurance
Under the conditions of complying with the regulations in the product instructions, within one year from the date of delivery to the place of receipt, the product will be repaired or replaced free of charge if there is any quality defect or abnormal working of the product, or if there is any damaged parts!
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