Some standard content:
National Metrology Technical Specification of the People's Republic of China JJF1007—2007
Temperature Metrological Terms and Their Definitians2007 - 11 21 Issued
Implementation on 2008-05-21
Issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine JJF 1007—2007
Temperature Metrological Termsand Tielr Definitions
Replaces JJF1007—1987
This specification was approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on November 21, 2007, and came into effect on May 21, 2008.
Responsible unit: National Technical Committee on Temperature Metrology Drafting unit: China National Institute of Metrology This specification is interpreted by the National Technical Committee on Temperature Metrology Drafting persons of this specification:
JJF 1007—200T
Chen Weixin (China National Institute of Metrology) Yuan Nidong (China National Institute of Metrology) Qiu Ping (China National Institute of Metrology)
Temperature and temperature scale
Contact temperature measurement…
Non-contact temperature measurement·
Appendix 1
Chinese index
Appendix 2 English index
JJF 1007-—2007
1 Scope
JJF 1007—2007
Terms and definitions of temperature metrology
This specification is used for the formulation and revision of metrological technical regulations, and can also be used as a reference in other aspects of temperature metrology and related scientific and technological fields.
2 References
[1] GB/T 13962—1992 Optical instrument terminology[2]] JJF1032-—2005 Optical radiation metrology terminology and definitions[3] JB/T7386.1—1994 Industrial automation instrument terminology Temperature instrument 3 Temperature and temperature scale
3.1 Thermal equilibrium The balance of heat exchange between systems is a kind of dynamic equilibrium. Note: Heat exchange is a way of energy transfer. 3.2 Temperature termperature
Temperature represents the degree of hotness or coldness of an object. Temperature is a physical quantity that determines whether a system is in thermal equilibrium with other systems. All objects in thermal equilibrium have the same temperature. The kinetic energy of the molecules is related to the average kinetic energy of the molecules. It indicates the intensity of the irregular motion of the molecules inside the object. 3.3 Thermodynamic temperature themodynamic lernperature The temperature determined by the thermodynamic principle, its symbol is T3.4 Kelvin
Kelvin is a thermodynamic temperature unit, defined as 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the water phase point. Its symbol is K. 3.5 Celsius temperature Celsius temperature, the numerical relationship between it and the thermodynamic lernperature is t/C = T/K - 273.15
3.6 degree Celsius
The unit of Celsius temperature. Its symbol is seven. Its size is equal to Kelvin. 3.7 Thermometrium thermomeiry
The science that studies the theory and method of lernperature measurement. 3.8 Temperature scale temperature scale
The numerical representation of temperature.
3.9 empirical temperature scale empirical temperature scale A temperature scale constructed by experimental methods or empirical formulas based on the relationship between a physical parameter of a substance and temperature. 3,10 international practical temperature scale international [praciical] temperature scale An empirical scale adopted by international agreement that is easy to reproduce with high accuracy and as close to the thermodynamic temperature as possible within the scope of knowledge and technology at the time,
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Note: The current international practical temperature scale is the "1990 International Temperature Scale", which includes 17 defined fixed points, specifies standard instruments and the functional relationship between temperature and the corresponding theoretical quantity.
3.11 Realization of termperaturescale A temperature scale is obtained by performing a set of operations according to the definition of overflow: 3.12 Non-uniqueness [of temperature scale] The difference in temperature values caused by the inconsistency of the same interpolation instrument in the same sub-temperature zone of the international temperature scale.
3.13 Inconsisteney [of temperature scale] The difference in temperature values caused by the same interpolation instrument at the same temperature point in the overlapping area of the international overflow. It is also called the inconsistency of the sub-overflow zone of the temperature scale. 3.14 Thermometer
An instrument for measuring temperature.
3.15 Limiting temperature Limiting temperature The maximum and minimum operating temperatures of a thermometer. The highest use temperature is called the upper limit temperature, and the lowest use temperature is called the lower limit humidity
3.16 phase
The aggregate state of a substance with completely identical physical and chemical properties and the same composition is called a phase. Note: A chemical component in a thermodynamic system is called a component. If the aggregate consists of only one chemical component, it is called a unit system. 3.17 phase lransition
The process of converting one phase into another is called a phase transition. Note: For a unit system, a phase transition in which the volume changes and is accompanied by latent heat of phase transition is called a first-order phase transition. For example: solid melts into liquid, liquid vaporizes into gas, solid sublimates into gas: the volume does not change, there is no latent heat of phase transition, but the phase transition in which the heat capacity, thermal expansion coefficient, and isothermal compressibility change is called a second-order phase transition. For example: the transition between liquid nitrogen 1 and oxygen Ⅱ, and the transition of a superconductor from a normal state to a superconducting state are all such phase transitions. 3.18 fixed point fixed pvint
The reproducible equilibrium between different phases of the same substance. 3.19 defining fixed pointdefiningfixed pointThe fixed point specified in the International Temperature Scale.
3.20 triple pointtriple point
The temperature at which a pure substance coexists in solid, liquid, and vapor equilibrium. Note: For example, triple point of water, box triple point, green triple point, etc., 3,21 triple point of waler, the temperature at which solid, liquid, and vapor coexist in equilibrium, its value is 273.16K (0.01C). Note: The triple point of water is the most basic fixed point in thermometry: 3.22 freezing pointfreczing point
The equilibrium temperature at which a crystalline substance changes from liquid to solid phase3.23 melting pointmelting paint
The equilibrium temperature at which a crystalline substance changes from solid to liquid phase.2
3.24 latent heatlatent heat
JJF 1007--2007
The amount of heat absorbed or released by a unit mass of an object during a phase change when the temperature remains constant. 3.25 Freezing heat
The amount of heat released during a phase change when a unit mass of a crystalline substance changes from a liquid state to a solid state. 3.26 Melting heat
The amount of heat absorbed during a phase change when a unit mass of a crystalline substance changes from a solid state to a liquid state: 3.27 Vaporizing heat
The amount of heat absorbed during a phase change when a unit mass of a substance changes from a liquid state to a gas state. 3.28 Plateau
A section of uniform temperature environment with a stable and constant temperature obtained by utilizing the phase change characteristics of a certain substance. For example, the triple point temperature plateau and the solidification temperature plateau of pure metals.
3.29 Dew point
The highest temperature at which droplets begin to form in a given gas mixture. 3,30 Superconductivity
The property that the resistance of a conductive material and the magnetic induction intensity in the body suddenly change to zero when the temperature and magnetic field are both less than a certain value.
Note: An object with superconductivity is called a superconductor. 3.31 Superconducting fixed point The transition temperature between the superconducting state and the normal state of a metal material is used as a temperature fixed point. 3.32 Superconducting transition temperature The temperature at which a conductive material changes from a superconducting state to a normal state under a magnetic field. 3.33 Superconductivity transition width The temperature zone of the central 8% of the change in magnetic susceptibility or resistivity. 3,34 Helium superfluid transition point The transition temperature between the superfluid state and the normal state of liquid hydrogen under saturated vapor pressure: Note: 1TS-90 is defined as 2.1768K,
3.35 Heat conduction
refers to the heat transfer by the thermal motion of microscopic particles such as molecules, atoms and free electrons of a substance when there is no relative displacement of the parts of the object or when different objects are in direct contact. 3.36 Convection
The heat transfer by the macroscopic motion of the fluid. 3.37 Heat radiation
The heat transfer by the electromagnetic radiation generated by the thermal motion of molecules, atoms, ions and electrons of a substance
3.38 Thermal conductivity The heat passing through a unit area per unit time and unit temperature gradient. Note: Thermal conductivity, also known as thermal conductivity coefficient, is a physical parameter that characterizes the thermal conductivity of a substance. The unit is WI (m·K) 3,39 Temperature gradient temperature gradient 3
JIE 1007—2007
The value of the temperature rise per unit distance in the direction of the force of temperature rise. 3.40 Temperature field temperature field
The spatial distribution of temperature at the same moment.
3.41 Isothermal surface is the surface formed by the set of points with the same temperature in an object or in space. 3.42 Annealing annealing
The process of heating a material to a certain temperature, keeping it warm and then slowly cooling it. 3.43 Strain
The relative change in the shape and size of an object due to force, temperature change, internal defects, etc. 4 Contact temperature measurement
4.1 Contact temperature measurement method cntact thetmomerry The temperature measurement method in which the thermometer is in thermal contact with the object to be measured and reaches thermal equilibrium. Note: Commonly used contact temperature measurement methods include: thermocouple measurement method, resistance temperature measurement method, etc. 4.2 Platinum purity
In thermometry, platinum purity usually refers to the purity of the platinum wire of the platinum resistance thermometer, which is expressed as the resistance ratio W(100℃): R(100t)
w(10ot) -
In the formula: R(100)—resistance value at 100℃; R(o)—resistance value at or
4.3 Resistivity specific resistarice The resistance value of the conductor per unit length and unit cross-sectional area. Note: When the temperature of the conductor remains unchanged, its resistance has nothing to do with the current in the conductor: but the resistance is proportional to the length L of the conductor and inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area A, that is, R=P.
, in the formula, the proportional constant is effective. It is the resistivity of the conductor. 4.4 Temperature coefficient of resistance Temperature coefficient of resistance Relative change of resistance value caused by change of unit leakage 4.5 Contact resistance Resistance caused by contact between conductors 4.6 Contact resistance Thermometer Resistance Thermometer A device or instrument that uses the property of resistance of conductor or semiconductor to measure temperature. Note: The resistance used may be platinum, copper, tin and semiconductor materials. 4.7 Platinum resistance thermometer A device that uses the property of resistance of platinum to measure temperature. 4.8 Standard resistance thermometer Platinum resistance thermometer Used as an interpolation instrument in the temperature range of 13.033K660.323t of the International Temperature Scale of 1990. The resistance wire of the thermometer must be stress-free annealed nail wire. Its resistance ratio W (T) is defined as R (Tn)
W (T) = R (273.16K)
where R is the resistance. In ITS--90, it should meet W (29.7646℃C) ≥ 1.11807 or W (-38.8344C) $ 0.844 235.
4,9 High temperature platinum resistance thermometer hih temuerature latinum resistarice thermometer is an interpolation instrument in the temperature range of 0℃~961.78t* of the ITS-90 international temperature scale. The resistance wire of the thermometer must be made of stress-free annealed platinum wire. Its resistance ratio W (T) is defined as R (Tu)
W (T) = R (273.16K)
meter tube S
764 6℃ ) = 1.118 07 or W (961.78C)2 where R is the resistance. In ITS90 it should be 4.284 4.
landard capsule plaram
stance thermometer
ITS-90 international temperature range exhaustion 13.803.3K-273.16K internal pre-necessary device. The resistance wire of the thermometer must be a non-resistance wire. In the formula, R is the resistance wire made of electrical insulation. In [590°C] 4.11 Industrial resistance thermometer IDA definition, effective, short-circuited shell, composed of one or more platinum resistors with a temperature resistance of 10 W (10°C) Industrial platinum thermometer with a temperature resistance of 10 W (10°C) In the formula, R(0°C) 4,12 Surface temperature wear R(OC) are respectively the values of the full value of the set meter on the surface thelmm
used to measure the surface humidity of the society
4.13 ferroelectric straightness meterthodium,
a kind of iron content of 0.5 atomic percent
4.14 negative temperature coefficient electric thermometer can
relevant standard provisions:
oC resistance value.
made of iron alloy
a thermometer whose resistance value increases with decreasing temperature within a certain temperature range. Note: This type of resistor includes carbon structure
resistors, fault resistors, thermistors, etc.
4.15 diode thermometer
a thermometer made of diode PN junction with high temperature and low temperature.
4. 16 Self-heating effect of resistance thermometer The effect of measuring the increase in the reading of the thermometer due to Joule heat generated when current flows through the resistance thermometer. 4. 17 Seebeck effect In two closed circuits composed of two sections of different metal conductors or semiconductors. When the temperatures of the two contacts are different, current will be generated in the circuit: that is, when there is a temperature difference between the two contacts in the circuit; there is a temperature difference electromotive force in the circuit.
Note: It is also called the temperature difference phenomenon.
4.18 Contact electromotive force
contart elecironiotive faorce5
JJF 1007-2007
When two metals are in close contact, the electromotive force generated on the contact surface due to the balance of electron migration. 4.19 Thermocouple thermocouple
Based on the Seebeck effect, the thermometer is composed of a pair of wires of different materials. Note: At present, there are 8 "standardized thermocouples" used internationally, which are: B type - pin 30-platinum storage 6 thermocouple; E type - silver-constantan thermocouple; K type - nickel-chromium-aluminum thermocouple; N type chromium-silicon-silver-silicon thermocouple; R type - pin armor 13-clamp thermocouple; S type - platinum armor 10-platinum thermocouple; Copper-constantan thermocouple. Among them: B type, R type, S type are precious metal thermocouples, and other thermocouples are cheap metal thermocouples. 4.20 Noble metal thermocouple noble metal thermocouple Thermocouple made of precious metal materials.
4.21 Platinum 10 - Platinum rhodium 10%/platinum thermocoupleS-type thermocouple, the positive electrode (SP) of the thermocouple is a platinum alloy with a nominal value of 10% rhodium and 90% platinum (by mass), and the negative electrode (SN) is pure platinum.
4.22 Platinurn rhodiun 30% /platinun r hodiun 6% thermocouple
Type B thermocouple, the positive electrode (BP) of the thermocouple is a platinum alloy with a nominal value of 30% rhodium and 70% platinum (by mass), and the negative electrode (BN) is a platinum alloy with a nominal value of 6% rhodium and 94% platinum (by mass). 4.23 Platinum 13-platinum thermocouple platintimrhodium13%/platinumthemocoupleR type thermocouple, the positive electrode (RP) of the thermocouple is a platinum-germanium alloy with a nominal value of 13% rhodium and 87% platinum (by mass), and the negative electrode (RV) is pure galvanic.
4.24 Gold/platinum thermocouple gold/platinum [[Au/Pi]]thermocouple The positive electrode (AP) of the thermocouple is pure gold, and the negative electrode (AN) is pure platinum. 4.25 Platinum-palladium thermocouple platinum/palladiun [Pt/Pd]thermocouple The positive electrode of the thermocouple is pure platinum, and the negative electrode is pure palladium. 4.26 Cheap metal thermocouple bage nelal thcrmocouple Thermocouple made of cheap metal materials:
4.27 Nickel-chromiurn alloy /copper-nickel alloy thermocouple E type thermocouple, the positive electrode (EP) of the thermocouple is a nominal value of 90% nickel and 10% chromium dielectric, and the negative electrode (EN) is a nominal value of 45% nickel and 55% copper alloy. 4.28 Iron-copper nickel thermocouple iron/oppcr-nickel alloy thermocouple J type thermocouple, the positive electrode (JP) of the thermocouple is pure iron, and the negative electrode (JNV) is a nominal value of 55% copper and 45% nickel alloy.
4.29 Nickel-chromium alloy / nickel- silicon (aluminum) thermocouple nickel-chromium alloy / nickel- silicon (aluminum) alloythermocouple
K-type thermocouple, the positive electrode (KP) of the thermocouple is a nominal value of 90% nickel and 10% chromium alloy, and the negative electrode (KN) is a nominal value of 97% nickel and 3% silicon alloy.
4.30nickel-chromium-siliann alloy/nickel-silicon alloy thermocouple
N-type thermocouple, the positive electrode (NP) of the thermocouple is a nominal value of 13.7%~14.7% chromium and 1.2%~1.6% silicon and <0.01% magnesium and nickel (residue) alloy, and the negative electrode (NN) is a nominal value of 4.2%~4.6% silicon and 0.5%~1.5% magnesium and <0.02% chromium and nickel (residue) alloy. 4.31 Copper-copper-nickel alloy thermocoupleT-type thermocouple, the positive electrode (TP) of the thermocouple is pure, and the negative electrode (TN) is a nominal value of 45% nickel and 55% copper alloy.
4.32 Tungsten thermocoupletungsten-rhenium thermocoupleA thermocouple with tungsten alloy as the thermocouple. Note: This type of thermocouple cannot be used in an oxidizing atmosphere, but can work normally in a reducing atmosphere. The used ones are 5-hook 26 thermocouples: the positive electrode is a nominal value of 95% tungsten and 5% rhenium alloy, and the negative electrode is a nominal value of 74% tungsten and 26% alloy. In addition, there are 3-25 rhenium thermocouples, calcium-tungsten 26 thermocouples, etc. 4.33 nickel-chromium alloy/ gcld-iron allay thermocouple The positive electrode of the thermocouple is a nominal value of 90% nickel and 10% chromium alloy, and the negative electrode of the thermocouple is gold and 0.07% molar iron alloy.
4.34 sheathed thermocouple cable Sheathed thermocouple cable is composed of wires of different components installed in a metal sheath with insulating material, and is processed into a bendable and solid assembly. 4.35 sheathed thermocouple Sheathed thermocouple A thermocouple made of sheathed thermocouple cable. 4.36 Thermocouple element Thermocouple element is an assembly consisting of one or more thermocouples and insulation. 4.37 Detachable industrial thermocouple industrialthermnocoupleassembly Thermocouple assembly can be removed from the protective tube. 4.38 Insulationmaterial Insulationmaterial Parts or materials used to prevent shorts between thermocouples and (or) between thermocouples and high protection tubes. 4.39 Extension wire Cables are a pair of insulated wires with thermoelectric potentials that are alternate with the nominal values of the thermoelectric emf of the matched thermocouple within a certain temperature range. The nominal chemical composition and nominal thermoelectric emf of the alloy wire are alternate with the thermocouple wire used. It is indicated by the letter "X" added after the thermocouple graduation number, such as "EX\. 4.40 Compensating wire aurmpensalingcables are a pair of insulated wires with thermoelectric potentials that are alternate with the nominal values of the thermoelectric emf of the matched thermocouple within a certain temperature range. The nominal chemical composition and nominal thermoelectric emf of the alloy wire are different from those of the thermocouple wire used, but the thermoelectric emf value is the same as the nominal value of the thermoelectric emf of the matched thermocouple when it is (0~100)C or (0~200)C. It is indicated by the letter "C" added after the thermocouple graduation number, such as "KC\: Different alloy wires can be used for thermocouples of the same model (grading number) and are distinguished by additional letters, such as KCA and KC13. JJF 1007-2007
4.41 measuring junction of thermocouple Thermocouple junction where the measured temperature is felt. 4.42 reference junction of thermocouple Thermocouple junction where the humidity is known.
4.43 mean volume expansion coefficient The relative change in volume of a substance caused by a unit temperature change. Note: Since the expansion coefficient varies at different temperatures, the average value within the use temperature range is usually given as the expansion coefficient within the use temperature range. The mean volume expansion coefficient is defined as
mean volume expansion coefficient.
In the formula, Vi2.Vn represent the temperature of the medium under test and the temperature of the individual qualities respectively. 4.44 Liquid apparent expansion coefficient Hdid visudl Glass liquid thermometer temperature measuring medium 4.45 Glass liquid temperature / liquid-in-g! My apparent expansion coefficient is based on the temperature of the liquid Note: This type of thermometer includes the purest water, the second standard water, mercury, etc.
4.46 First-grade standard mercury thermometer standard glass average system coefficient difference.
thermometer, Baker temperature
used to calibrate the second standard mercury thermometer of the falling type 4.47 Second-grade standard k gum thermometer stand Ding d for internal standard type or rate of standard mercury temperature reading 4.48 Vitreous body temperature Shenzhen
Sdinical thermor
used to measure the body temperature of the liquid if the image has the most
4.49 Rod-type glass liquid temperature grinding needle
which has a thick-walled capillary, the mark is directly engraved on the uid-in-glast
moneter (gradelI )
saw temperature grinding meter. 4.50 Internal standard glass liquid thermometer inner cale ligtlid-in-glas then contact glass humidity
Specially includes the glass liquid source thermometer with internal standard and sample capillaries attached to the scale plate and both sealed in a glass container. 4.51 External standard glass liquid thermometer gtqiiasom
The glass liquid thermometer with the capillary attached to the scale plate but not in the tube. 4.52 Electric contact glass thermometer electric cantact glass thermometer with the rise and fall of mercury as the switch. 4.53 Becktmann differential thermometer Hecktmann differential thermometer A pipetting type internal standard glass thermometer used for temperature difference measurement. Note: It is also called differential temperature thermometer.
4.54 mercury-thalliu allry (-in-glassow temperature thermometen means mercury-based thermometer, which is a glass liquid low-temperature thermometer with a freezing point of -62°C, formed by adding thallium, steel and other elements to mercury to form an alloy.
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