title>GB 12971.4-1991 Contact wires for electric traction Part 4: Steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires - GB 12971.4-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 12971.4-1991 Contact wires for electric traction Part 4: Steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB 12971.4-1991
Standard Name: Contact wires for electric traction Part 4: Steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires
This standard specifies the product varieties, specifications, technical requirements and inspection rules for steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires. This standard applies to steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires used in electrical transportation and lifting systems such as railways, industry, mining, and urban transportation. In addition to complying with the requirements of this standard, steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires should also comply with the provisions of CB 12971.1. GB 12971.4-1991 Contact wire for electric traction Part 4: Steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wire GB12971.4-1991 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China Contact wires for electric traction Part 4: Trolley and contactwires for electrictracinPart 4: Aluminum-steel and aluminum alloy composite trolley wires1Theme content and Scope of application GB12971.4-91 This standard specifies the product varieties, specifications, technical requirements and inspection rules for steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires. This standard is applicable to railways, industry and mining, and urban transportation. Steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires used in electrical transportation and lifting systems. In addition to complying with the requirements of this standard, steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires should also comply with the requirements of GB12971.1. 2 Model Steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wire models are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Type No. CGLHD CGLHJ Note: The original model of CGLHI is FGLC. 3 Specifications 3.1 The specifications of steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires are as specified in Table 2. Total nominal Model CGLHD CGIHI Section mm2 195 260 260 Equivalent copper DC Resisting cross section mm2 85 150 150||tt| |Steel Steel, aluminum and aluminum Alloy logo surface mm2 Aluminum 4.9 Aluminum alloy 87.8 101.7 A Table 2 Name Name Internal steel single wire, steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact The wire is covered with steel strands, steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wire, nominal size and deviation, mm B 13.5±2 18.0±0.2 C 8.0±0.2 116.018.6±0.218.4±0.29.1±0.210.0134.0 9.3 116.018.6±0.218 .4±0.29.1±0.2134.0 Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on 1991-06-06 D 6.1±0.2 7.3±0.2 7.3±0.2 G H Deviation ±2° 35° 27° 27° 50°| |tt||51° 51° Heaviest kg/km 538 753 749||tt| |Section Shape And ruler inch Figure 1a Figure 1b Figure 2 1992-03 -01 Implementation Aluminum Alloy GB12971.4-91 Figure 1 Figure 2 Alloy 4 Technical Requirements|| tt||4.1 Materials GB12971.4-91 4.1.1·Aluminum profiles and aluminum alloy profiles for steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires shall comply with the provisions of Appendix A of this standard. 4.1.2 Steel wires used for steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact lines shall comply with the provisions of Appendix B of this standard. 4.2 Dimensions and deviations The dimensions and deviations of steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires should comply with the requirements in Table 2. 4.3 Mechanical properties The mechanical properties of steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires should comply with the requirements in Table 3. The effective gauge length of the comprehensive breaking force sample is 250mm, and the effective gauge length of the bonding force sample is 100mm. 4.4 DC resistance The DC resistance of steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires should comply with the requirements in Table 3. Table 3 Model specifications CGLHD195 CGLHD260 CGLHI260 4.5 manufacturing length and joints Comprehensive breaking force, N|| tt||not less than 29 400 39200 49.000 binding force, N not less than 1960||tt| |2960 4900 4.5.1 The manufacturing length of steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires should not be less than 1800m. DC resistance 20℃, 2/km is not greater than 0.20 0.12 0.12 4.5.2 Steel core (single wire or Stranded wire) and aluminum alloy are not allowed to have joints. Aluminum joints are allowed, but the distance between the two joints should not be less than 5m, and the mechanical properties of the joints should comply with the requirements in Table 3. 4.5.3 Steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires are allowed to be delivered in short sections with a length of not less than 500m, and their quantity should not exceed 5% of the total delivery weight. www.bzxz.net 4.5.4 According to the agreement between the two parties, steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires are allowed to be delivered in any length and short sections. 5 Inspection Rules Products are inspected according to Table 4. Table 4 Serial number 2 4 5 6 Project name Size and deviation Comprehensive breaking force Combining force DC resistance Appearance Manufacturing length Connector Technology Key Techniques Conform to the provisions of Table 2 of Article 4.2 of this standard Conform to the provisions of Table 3 of Article 4.3 of this standard Conform to the provisions of Table 3 of Article 4.3 of this standard Conform Table 3 of Article 4.4 of this standard Conforms to Article 4.2 of GB12971.1 Conforms to Article 4.5 of this standard Conforms to Article 4.5 of this standard Test type T,R T,s T,s T,s R R||tt| |R Test method GB4909.2 GB4909.3 Appendix C of this standard GB3048.4 Normal visual inspection Measure with meter counter A1 hot and cold processed aluminum profile Cold processed aluminum profile: Hot processed aluminum profile: GB12971.4—91 Appendix A Technical Requirements for Aluminum Profiles and Aluminum Alloy Profiles for Steel, Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Composite Contact Wires (Supplement) Tensile Strength Elongation Tensile strength Elongation A2' hot and cold processed aluminum alloy profiles cold processed aluminum alloy profiles: hot processed aluminum alloy profiles: Tensile strength Elongation Tensile strength Elongation > > > 127.MPa 6% 78MPa 27% 147MPa 4% 127MPa||tt ||21% A3 The selection of any profile shall comply with the provisions of Article 4 of this standard. Appendix B Technical requirements for steel single wires and steel strands for steel, aluminum and aluminum alloy composite contact wires (supplement) B1 steel single wires Steel single wires should comply with the regulations of GB3083. B2 steel strand Steel strand should comply with the regulations of GB1102. The diameter of the single wire is 1.30±0.02mm, and the diameter of the steel strand is 3.90±0.06mm, the breaking force of the steel strand is not less than 12740N. | |tt | Use a saw to cut off the aluminum alloy part at 50mm each (AA in Figure C1), drill holes with an appropriate drill bit along the symmetrical center, and drill out the dovetail part of the steel wire and aluminum alloy. At another place (as shown in Figure C1, BB), use a saw to cut off the upper pure aluminum part, and cut off the steel wire and the aluminum alloy groove part along the steel wire part. Its actual effective test length is 100mm. Conduct a tensile test on the above sample on a tensile testing machine until the steel and aluminum parts begin to produce relative displacement. The tensile force value at this time is the bonding force between steel and aluminum. Additional notes: 50 AA A Aluminum GB12971.4-91 100|| tt | | 200 | | tt | B BB 50 This standard was drafted by Shanghai Cable Research Institute, Institute of Metal Chemistry, Railway Science Research Institute, Ministry of Railways, and Tai'an Electric Wire Factory. The main drafter of this standard is Wang Xueping. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.