This standard (refer to JB 2670 "General Rules for Precision Inspection of Metal Cutting Machine Tools") specifies the geometric precision and working precision inspection of horizontal lathes and the corresponding tolerances. This standard is only used for precision inspection of machine tools, not for operation inspection of machine tools or parameter inspection of machine tools, which should be carried out before precision inspection. GB/T 4020-1997 Precision Inspection of Horizontal Lathes GB/T4020-1997 Standard Download Decompression Password:
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ICS 25. 080. TC National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 4020—1997 eqv 1s0 1708:1989 Horizontal lathe Accuracy testing Acceplance conditions for general purposeparallel lathes-Testing of the accuracy1997-04-07Promulgated National Technical Supervision Bureau 1997-10-01Implementation GB/T4020-1997 This standard is the international standard 1$D17C8:1989 (fourth edition). It is revised to the national standard GB402C·B3 ordinary lathe precision 2 and GB4U21-83 <Precision lathe measures>, and is used for the same effect. The main differences between this standard and IS)17CR are as follows: 1.2 Versions call for the straight line in the water surface. In the notes column of 1S01708, there is a requirement that the deviation of the straightness of the template should be considered as the time (relative to the number of the two center axes) except for the material ball. In the test method column of 2.G711, 3.2.2 is added to the test method column, and the relevant test items are effective immediately. It will be implemented from October 1, 1997. From the date of entry into force, this standard can replace GR402G-R3.GB4021-B3. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Metal Thick Cutting Machine Standardization Technology Association, and the Tongyang Lathe Research Institute is responsible for the production of GB/T4020-1997. ISO Foreword The International Organization for Standardization is a joint group of national standardization organizations (15% of which are international organizations). The formulation of international standards is usually completed by ISO members. Each ISO member has the right to express his or her opinions on the technical requirements of the technical committee. International organizations, organizations or non-official organizations related to ISO may also participate in this work. ISQ and the International Electrical Standards Committee (C) have worked closely together to prepare draft international standards for the transfer of technical committees. All member units should be consulted for their opinions. According to the provisions of ISO chapter I, at least 100% of the members must vote for the international standard. The international standard is adopted as International Standard TS () 1738 is prepared by ISO 1S)/TC 39 Technical Committee for Electrical Machinery. This fourth edition replaces the third edition (15) 1708, 1083) and has minor changes compared with the previous edition. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Testing of the accuracy of horizontal lathes Acceptance conditions for general purpose Parmilel tatheg. Testing of the accuracy GB/34020.1997 eqv151708.1989 f( A020~.40283 This standard [reference 260\General Rules for Precision Inspection of Machine Tools before Cutting] specifies the tolerances of the horizontal lathe and the precision limits of the machine tool. This standard is only applicable to the precision inspection of machine tools, and is not applicable to the operation changes of machine tools (such as movement, abnormal operation noise, operation of selected parts, etc.) or the parameter inspection of machine tools (speed, feed rate, etc.). These inspections should be carried out before precision inspection. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard by reference in this standard. When this standard was published, the versions shown were all in effect . All standards are subject to revision. All parties using the standards should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the standard. GB192--82 Basic thread profile GR1958-80 Specification for shape and position tolerance measurement JB2670-2 Standard for precision inspection of cutting machine tools 3 Brief description 3.1 All dimensions in this standard are expressed in meters. 3.2 When using this standard, you must refer to JB2570, especially the installation of the machine tool before inspection, the idle operation of the spindle and other moving parts, the measurement methods and the recommended guidance of inspection tools. 3.3 The sequence of several precision inspection items The machine tool parts are arranged according to the order of the machine tool, so it does not represent the actual inspection order. In order to facilitate the inspection of tools and inspections, inspections can be carried out in any order. 3.4 When inspecting a machine tool, it is not always necessary to inspect all items in this standard. The user can also agree with the manufacturer to select individual inspection items of interest. However, these items must be clearly stated when ordering the machine tool. 3.5 For precision inspection, fine turning is used, for example: cutting depth 0.1hm. Feed rate 0.1mm per hour. Rough turning is not used, because high-speed turning can easily generate considerable cutting forces. 3.6 If the actual measured length is different from the value specified in the standard, the length of the machine tool should be marked. The given tolerance value should be converted (see 2-3.1.1 in E2670-82). The minimum conversion value of the tolerance is 3.005 mm for density class and 1.005 mm for compatibility class. 4.1 Dimensional inspection Technical Supervision Commission of the People's Republic of China Approved on April 7, 1997 1001 Implementation GB/T4020 Core Specifications 12+(4) 12*24 → 28-197 009-1009 005 1337000 1 0 1350:003 Wife strong (years old equipment GB/T 4020 Miε22's ( 8 -D292 F Device when installed 0 azole (* Dns 13x G X>009 309 1s 003 132>6an 1 00%133X7 Ear (9 GB14020-1997 RI (1 *e1'9s *When 9 (*29 Week month 6 28022 head matter [8 002 S000(R GB/T 4020—1997 +$7'+''$2+1+' nasal wake up 001 day (day to 00: r ± -,10 005 oesT2s:xr CB/T4070-1997 222p's 224t2*s pro-evidence black aos original lower teacher urine tip main tip fu high species amount. E PGF EE\:x State Reasonable reason GB/T 4020— *329 129 i Zhonge2 Lian Dang frame IGGT home CD/T 4020 要京xk GB/T4G20—1991 Some 35 except 1 von * 4 Shadow Army 009 : 32 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.