Some standard content:
ICS 65.020.01
Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Technical Rules for Trial Technology of Cotton Varieties
Rules for the Trial Technology of Cotton VarietiesIssued on April 17, 2007
Implemented on July 1, 2007
Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
Appendix A, B, C, D and E of this standard are normative appendices. This standard is proposed and managed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China: NY/T1302--2007
The drafting units of this standard: National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center, Cotton Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Economic Crops Research Institute of Jiangsu Academy of Clothing Sciences, Seed Management Station of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Jiangsu Seed Station, Crop Management Bureau of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Agriculture, Seed Management Station of Shandong Province, Seed Station of Hebei Province, Seed Management Station of Henan Province, Seed Management Station of Anhui Province, Seed Management Station of Hubei Province, Seed Management Station of Hunan Province, Seed Management Station of Jiangxi Province, Seed Management Station of Sichuan Province, Seed Management Station of Zhejiang Province Station, Seed Management Station of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Seed Management Station of Tianjin, Agricultural Seed Station of Shanxi Province, Seed Management Station of Shaanxi Province, Seed Management Station of Ersu Province, Main drafters of this standard: Ying Xin, Zou Kui, Yang Fuxin, Xu Naiyin, Zhao Qin, Jin Changyi Lin, Mi Jinhua, Chen Xusheng, Fu Xiaoqiong, Zhong Yi, Liu Sujuan, Liu Guizhen, Xia Jing, Dong Xinguo, Cai Yidong, Zhang Zhengguo, Deng Li, Zheng Renbei, Lang Lin, Gao Zengshang, Yao Hongyao, Xue Yan, Lei Yunzhou, 1 Scope
Technical regulations for crop variety testing Cotton
This standard specifies the technical requirements and methods for regional trials and production tests of cotton varieties. This standard is applicable to regional trials of cotton varieties and production tests. 2 Normative references
NY/T 1302—2007
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For dated referenced documents, all subsequent amendments (excluding the contents of the review) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties who reach an agreement based on the standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any dated referenced documents, the latest versions are applicable to this standard. GB/T3543.1-3543.7 Inspection procedures for crop seeds GB4407.1 Economic crops - fiber category
ASTMD5867 Test method for determining cotton fiber by high viscosity fiber tester (HVI) Standard "Major crop variety approval method" February 26, 2001, Ministry of Agriculture Order No. 44 3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1
A plant population with consistent morphological and biological characteristics and relatively stable genetic traits after artificial selection or discovery and improvement. Reginal trial
A multi-site multi-year variety comparison trial uniformly arranged under favorable production conditions in a certain ecological region to identify the variety's high yield, disease resistance, stress resistance, quality, adaptability, etc., objectively evaluate the characteristics and production and utilization value of the test varieties, and provide a scientific basis for seed approval and promotion.
Production trial
Under conditions close to human field production, the variety's high yield, adaptability, stress resistance, etc. are further verified, and the supporting cultivation technology is summarized from time to time.
The average increase or decrease percentage and significance of the yield of the variety compared with the control variety in the regional trial. 3.5
The comprehensive adaptability of the variety to different environments during the regional trial. 3.6
The genetic traits such as the characteristics of the variety remain unchanged in the regional trial for more than 2 years (inclusive), and the phenomenon of light separation variation is avoided. 1
Growth period
The number of steps from the emergence stage to the boll opening stage.
Upper half average lengthuppcr hall mcam lengthWhen measuring the length of cotton fibers, the average length of the roots of the longer fiber parts that account for half (50%) of the fiber bundle. 3.9
Breaking strengthstrength
The breaking load that the fiber sample can withstand per unit linear density when stretched until it breaks. Usually 3,2mm (1/8 inch) gauge strength
micronaire yaluce
micronaire value
The measurement value of the air permeability of a fixed weight of cotton fibers in a fixed volume, which is used to reflect the comprehensive index of the fineness and degree of cotton fibers. 3.11
Uniformity index
When measuring the length of cotton fibers, the ratio of the average length to the upper average length is expressed as a percentage of the upper average length. 3.12
The degree of light reflection of cotton fibers
The physical quantity of the whiteness difference of cotton fibers.
When a cotton fiber sample is stretched until it breaks, the ratio of the absolute elongation of the fiber to the natural length of the fiber before stretching, expressed as a percentage. 3.15
Spinning consistency indexThe comprehensive reflection of the physical performance index of cotton fibers after being processed into yarn according to a certain spinning process. 3.16
Resistance to disease
The ability of a variety to resist the infection, reproduction and harm of pathogens. 3.17
Resistance to pests
The ability of a variety to resist the growth, development and threat of pests. 3.18
The growth progress from emergence to harvest, mainly manifested in the length of the growth period and the ratio of the flowering rate before frost, usually expressed by the flowering rate before frost.
Percentage of seed-cittom yicld bcore frost The percentage of the actual seed-cittom yield before frost in the total seed-cittom yield. *Inches are non-fixed wall units, 1 inch = 2.54 crl2
Lint perrentage
The percentage of the weight of lint in the unit seed-cittom to the weight of the whole cotton. 3.21
Seed index
Weight of 100 cotton seeds,
NY/T 1302—2007
Check wariety
The reference varieties in regional trials and production trials should be the main varieties that have passed the approval and have been widely promoted and applied in production in suitable areas.
4Test varieties
The varieties participating in regional trials should have undergone multi-point variety comparison tests for a certain number of years, be significantly different from existing varieties, have stable and consistent traits, and have excellent performance in important traits such as yield, fiber quality and resistance; the varieties participating in production trials are varieties with good overall performance in regional trials. According to the regional test, each unit (including disease resistance and resistance identification units) will use 11kg of seeds, and each unit will use 2.5kg of seeds for production tests. The seed supply units will deliver the uncoated seeds in accordance with GB/13543.1-3543.7 and G4407.1 standards to the summary units of each group before March 20, and distribute them to each test unit after password numbering. The hybrids must be F1 generation. 5 Test units
5.1 Field test units
Based on natural conditions (such as climate, topography and soil, etc.) and cultivation conditions, a certain number of representative units will be selected in each ecological zone to undertake the field test tasks of the corresponding category. 5.2 Stress resistance identification and fiber quality testing units Resistance identification and fiber quality testing units shall be subject to the testing institutions designated by the variety approval committee. 6 Experimental setup
6.1 Experimental site selection
Select a site with flat terrain, uniform soil fertility, medium to high soil fertility, good drainage and irrigation conditions, and no high buildings or trees around it: 6.2 Experimental design
6.2.1 Regional test
Each group of regional tests shall have no less than 5 test points in the same ecological type area, with a plot area of 20m2, no less than 4 rows in each plot, and a test time of no less than two production cycles; each group shall have 4-10 test varieties, and a square design shall be adopted for 4 varieties, and a random complete block design with 3 repetitions shall be adopted for more than 4 varieties; each test point shall design the field arrangement map by itself. No less than 4 rows of protective planting shall be planted around the test area. 6.2.2 Production test
Each group of production test shall have no less than 5 test points in the same ecological type area, and the planting area of each test point shall be no less than 300m2 and no more than 3000m2. The test time shall be one production cycle. When there are two repetitions, each plot of each variety shall be no less than 150m2; when there are no repetitions, each variety shall be no less than 300m2; each test point shall be designed with a daytime arrangement diagram. There shall be no less than 4 rows of protective planting around the test area. 7 Planting and cultivation management
7.1 Sowing period
Sowing shall be carried out at the appropriate sowing period in the local area,
7.2 Planting density
NY/T 1302—2007
According to local people, planting density should be consistent. 7.3 Planting method
Carry out according to local planting method.
7.4 Field management
All seedlings should be sown in direct-seeding fields. If there are missing seedlings, they should be filled in time. After transplanting and transplanting cotton seedlings, the seedlings should be checked and supplemented in time. The density requirements should be maintained. Pay attention to frequent inter-row cultivation and rain-sheet breaking of compaction. The level of inter-row management should be The water production is higher than that of large countries. The same management measures in the same area group should be completed within 1 day.
7.4.1 Fertilizer and water management
Apply fertilizer according to local fertilization level and fertilization method; water in time and in appropriate amount according to weather and soil moisture content to meet the needs of cotton growth during the whole growth period; when there is too much rain, fill it up to prevent cotton from being damaged. 7.4.2 Disease and pest control
Prevention is the main method. Disease and pest control drugs can be used before sowing to treat the disease and pest in a unified manner. 7.4.3 Chemical regulation
Apply growth regulators according to the climate and growth conditions of cotton. 7.4.4 Topping
Topping should be done at the right time according to local conditions. 7.4.5 Flowering
The best harvesting period for cotton is 5-7 days after the accumulation of cotton, and it should be harvested when the cotton is infected. 8 Investigation records
8.1 Sampling and confirmation
Select the middle 1~2 rows of the representative plot as the sampling group row. Randomly select points in the sampling row and continuously pick 20 plants as the objects of the daily survey. Take 2 replicates in total; see Appendix A for survey records. 8.2 Record the survey results of the day in the "Cotton Variety Test Record Form" and promptly organize and write the "Cotton Variety Test Annual Report". 9 Stress Resistance Identification
The unit designated by the Variety Approval Committee shall conduct stress resistance identification: 9.1 Disease resistance identification
Identify the resistance of the test varieties in the regional test to cotton wilt and yellow boll disease: 9.2Bt insect-resistant protein detection
Pick and test the insect-resistant protein content of the test varieties in the regional test to identify whether they are transgenic insect-resistant cotton varieties: 9.3 Insect resistance identification
Identify the resistance of the test varieties in the regional test to cotton bollworm. 10Testing seeds
After harvesting the cotton, measure the weight of single boll and the index of cotton bolls indoors. 11Collecting and ginning
At least three sets of cotton bags should be prepared for each test, and they should be numbered according to the group, area code and variety code, and harvested in different plots during the appropriate period of harvesting. The newly harvested cotton should be dried in the original skin. During the harvesting, drying and storage operations, the disorder should be strictly prevented. 11.2 Cotton ginning
NY/T 1302—2007
Before ginning, the cotton ginning workshop and machines should be thoroughly cleaned and the cotton should be ginned with a special small-sized leather roller gin; each time a sample is ginned, the machines should be cleaned and 12 plot yield
According to the measured plot yield of pre-frost seed cotton and post-frost seed cotton, the seed cotton yield, stiffness rate and flower weight before box should be calculated; 1kg of ginned lint cotton should be weighed from the seed cotton (pre-frost seed cotton and post-frost seed cotton) that is fully mixed after refining, and the lint content should be calculated, and the lint cotton yield should be converted according to the lint content. 13 Quality Inspection
Hongwei quality inspection is carried out according to the requirements of A5TMD5867, using HVI900 large-capacity tester, mainly testing the upper half flat length, breaking strength, Mark value, uniformity index, reflectivity, yellowness, elongation, spinning evenness index and other indicators. Each responsible unit will fully mix the single-piece weight of the lint cotton to be measured, and take 100g of each variety and send it to the summary unit of each group before November 30 (please indicate the test point, test type, correction, and variety number on the cotton sample bag), and the summary unit will send (deliver) it to the Cotton Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture for testing. 14 Test summary
14.1 Delivery of investigation and record results
Each test unit shall mail (send) or send an email to the summary units of each group before June 25, September 30 and December 15 respectively.
14.2 Delivery of the "Annual Report of Cotton Variety Test" Each test unit shall mail (send) or send an email to the test management department and the summary units of each group before December 15.
14.3 Delivery of stress resistance identification and fiber quality test report Stress resistance identification and red fiber quality test units shall send the identification report and test report (Form 2) to the test management department and the test summary unit respectively before December 15.
14.4 Test scrapping
If the test unit has any of the following circumstances, the test in this area will be scrapped. a) The test is terminated unexpectedly due to force majeure. b) The missing plant rate in 3 plots exceeds 15%:
c) The error coefficient of variation exceeds 15%.
d) The average total lint cotton yield is lower than 150% of the average total lint cotton yield of all test points in the group. e) The annual report of cotton variety test is not sent or emailed before January 15, 2012. f) Other serious violations of cotton product and test technical regulations and serious impact on the scientific nature of the test. During the test, the test points that are reported due to force majeure should be notified to the test management department and the summary unit of each group within half a month. 14.5 Data Processing
14.5.1 Survey Record Content
Regional trials shall conduct surveys and records on all the above items, and production trials shall conduct surveys and records on growth period, agronomic traits, boll weight, lint percentage, seed index, yield and other items.
14.5.2 Data Analysis
Each responsible unit and the summary unit shall conduct statistical analysis and comprehensive evaluation on the test data, and each group of tests shall conduct square root analysis and multiple comparisons with the total lint yield of the plot.
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15 Others
The test seeds received by each responsible unit can only be used for variety testing. After ensuring the smooth implementation of the test, the excess seed skins and the propagation materials produced by the test varieties shall be destroyed in time and cannot be used for breeding, reproduction, exchange and other activities. 6
A.1 Field record items
A.1.1 Growth period
A.1.1.1 Sowing period
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Field survey records and indoor test items from
Actual sowing date (expressed in month/day, the same below)A.1.1.2 Seedling period
The date when the cotyledons of seedlings reach 50%.
A.1.1.3 Flowering period
The date when the number of flowering plants reaches 50%.
A.1.1.4 Boll opening period
The date when the number of boll opening plants reaches 50%.
A.1.1.5 Growth period
The number of days from seedling emergence to boll opening.
A.1.2 Uniformity and growth potential
Test the consistency of plant morphology and the vigor of plant development during the seedling, flowering and tufting stages. The uniformity and growth potential are indicated by 1 (good), 2 (better), 3 (average), 4 (poor) and 5 (poor). A.1.3'Agronomic traits
The first fruiting branch node is investigated after the cotton buds appear; plant height, number of fruiting branches per plant, and number of fruiting fruits per plant are investigated on September 15 in the cotton areas along the Yellow River and the Yangtze River Basin, and on September 5 in the inland cotton areas of the northwest. A.1.3.1 The first fruit branch node
The node where the fruit branch is attached from bottom to top after the palm flower buds appear A.1.3.2 Plant
The height from the cotyledon node to the main branch end:
A.1.3.3 Number of fruit branches per plant
The number of main fruit branches of cotton plants.
A.1.3.4 Number of bolls per plant
The number of bolls per cotton plant. When viewed horizontally, the boll tip has become a bract, and the boll with a diameter of more than 2c is a large boll, including open bolls and rotten bolls; cotton buds and flowers smaller than large bolls are small bolls, and 3 small bolls are converted into 1 large boll. A.1.4 Test density
A.1.4.1 Design density
The number of plants per 667 m2 area is calculated based on the plant spacing. A.1.4.2 Actual density
When harvesting the second seed cotton, investigate the actual number of plants in the green plot and convert it into the number of plants per 667 m2 area. A.1.4.3 Missing plant rate
NY/T 1302—2007
The difference between the actual density and the designed density accounts for the percentage of the designed density. When the actual density is higher than the designed density, the percentage is indicated by a + sign, and vice versa.
A:1.5 Field investigation of disease resistance
Each area of the test unit will conduct one investigation in each sample row during the peak period of the occurrence of flat water chestnut disease and yellow water chestnut disease, and the disease investigation will be carried out using the perimeter grade method and the disease severity standard. The disease classification standards are as follows: A.1.5.1 Fusarium wilt disease classification standards
0: No disease symptoms on the surface.
1: Less than 25% of the diseased leaves show disease symptoms, and the plant type is normal. Level 2: 25%-50% of the leaves show disease symptoms, and the plant type is slightly dwarfed. Level 3: More than 50% of the leaves show disease symptoms, and the plant type is dwarfed. Level 4: The diseased plant wilts and dies. Verticillium wilt disease classification standards
0: No disease symptoms on the surface
1: Less than 25% of the diseased leaves show disease symptoms. Level 2: 25%~50% of the leaves show disease symptoms.
3: More than 50% of the leaves show disease symptoms, and a few leaves fall off. Level 4: All leaves wither or fall off, and productivity is very low. Diseased plant rate (%) = (total number of diseased plants - total number of surveyed plants) × 100% disease index - [the number of diseased plants at each level multiplied by the sum of the corresponding levels - (total number of surveyed plants × the highest level) × 1 (00). A.2 Variety Examination
Determination of Single Boll Weight and Seed Index
A.2.1 Single Boll Weight
During the peak period of boll opening, pick 50 bolls with normal boll opening from the 1st to 2nd fruiting nodes in each plot, dry them and weigh them to calculate the single boll weight.
A.2.2 Index
In the samples for determining the single boll weight, randomly pick 100 cotton seeds of each variety and weigh them. Repeat twice and take the average value. A.3 Plot Yield
4.3.1 Pre-frost Cotton
The cotton seeds (including petals) collected before October 25 in the cotton-producing areas of the Yellow River Basin and before October 31 in the cotton-producing areas of the Yangtze River Basin are pre-frost cotton seeds. The cotton seeds (including dead petals) collected from the beginning of flowering to 5 days after the withering frost period in the inland cotton-producing areas of Qubei are pre-frost cotton seeds. A.3.2 Frosted seed cotton
October 26 to November 10 in the cotton area of the Yellow River Basin. November 1: -20 in the cotton area of the Changta Confluence Basin, Northwest inland cotton area, harvested seed cotton after frost period 5, and did not pick green bolls. A.3.3 Seed cotton yield
The weight of pre-frost seed cotton and post-frost seed cotton: A.3.4 Lint percentage
The lint percentage is calculated by weighing the lint cotton from the fully mixed seed cotton (pre-frost seed cotton and post-frost seed cotton) after refining. Repeat 2 times and take the average value.
A.3.5 Lint cotton yield
The product of seed cotton yield and lint percentage.
A.3.6 Petal rate
The percentage of petal weight to the total weight of cotton. A.3.7 Pre-frost flower rate
The percentage of total egg production before frost to the total weight of seed cotton. NY/T1302--2007
B.1 Basic information
Test group:
Test executor:
B.2 Field design
Test varieties
Area and area
In?, plant spacing
Appendix B
(Normative Appendix)
Cotton variety test seedling report
Test type:
Current address
Arrangement, multiple
m, close contact every 667 m2
B.3 Basic situation of the test site and cultivation management
Previous crop:
Ten soil types:
B.3.3 Sowing method and method:
Sowing period:
Ⅱ, Seedling period:
B.3.4 Intertillage and weeding:
Manpower (month/day):
Animal power (month/day):
Machine weeding (month/H):
B.3.5 Fertilization;
, Harvest period:
times, Row length
Responsible unit:
, Administrative code:
m, Average row spacing
plants, Total test area m.
, arable land and land use method:
H. Transplanting period:
Basal fertilizer (time, type, quantity, method): topdressing (H, type, quantity, method): month
H, first thinning.
B.3.6 Disease and weed control (time, type, dosage, method) R.4
Seedling characteristics
Variety code
Growth trend
Contact phone
Row area, small
Day, second thinning:
Neat this3 Basic situation of the test site and cultivation management
Previous crop:
X Soil type:
B.3.3 Sowing method and method:
Sowing period:
Ⅱ, Seedling period:
B.3.4 Intertillage and weeding:
Manpower (month/day):
Animal power (month/day):
Machine weeding (month/H):
B.3.5 Fertilization;
, Harvest period:
times, Row length
Responsible unit:
, Administrative code:
m, Average row spacing
plants, Total test area m.
Month. Day.
, arable land and land use method:
H. Transplanting period:
Basal fertilizer (time, type, quantity, method): topdressing (H, type, quantity, method): month
H, first thinning.
B.3.6 Disease and weed control (time, type, dosage, method) R.4
Seedling characteristics
Variety code
Growth trend
Contact phone
Row area, small
Day, second thinning:
Neat this3 Basic situation of the test site and cultivation management
Previous crop:
X Soil type:
B.3.3 Sowing method and method:
Sowing period:
Ⅱ, Seedling period:
B.3.4 Intertillage and weeding:
Manpower (month/day):
Animal power (month/day):
Machine weeding (month/H):
B.3.5 Fertilization;
, Harvest period:
times, Row length
Responsible unit:
, Administrative code:
m, Average row spacing
plants, Total test area m.
Month. Day.
, arable land and land use method:
H. Transplanting period:
Basal fertilizer (time, type, quantity, method): topdressing (H, type, quantity, method): month
H, first thinning.
B.3.6 Disease and weed control (time, type, dosage, method) R.4
Seedling characteristics
Variety code
Growth trend
Contact phone
Row area, small
Day, second thinning:
Neat this
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