ICS25.120.10 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T1826.1-1999 Shearing machine Terms and terms 1999-05-14 Issued State Bureau of Machinery Industry 2000-01-01 Implementation JB/T1826.1-1999 1 Scope 2 Machine terms 3 Technical specifications 4 Main components 5 Others Appendix A (Appendix to the standard) Shearing machine machine name JB/T1826.1—1999 This standard is a revision of JB3892—85 Shearing machine, and has only been re-edited according to relevant regulations. Foreword Revision of "Terms and Terms". This standard has the same technical content as JB389285. This standard is part of the shearing machine series standards. This standard shall be implemented from January 1, 2000, and this standard shall replace JB389285 from the date of implementation. Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Forging Machinery Standardization. The drafting unit of this standard: Shanghai Machine Tool Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard: Li Guangting, Li Deming, Wu Weiyuan, Wang Huize, Zhou Yishun. This standard was first issued in February 1985. 1 Scope Standard of the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China Shearing Machine Terms and Terms JB/T1826.1-1999 Replaces JB3892-85 This standard specifies the terms and meanings (or descriptions) used for shearing machines, including machine name, technical specifications, main components, and other four parts. At the same time, the corresponding English, German and Russian terms are indicated after each term. This standard applies to shearing machines. 2 Machine Name Shearing Machine en guillotine shear, plate shearge Tafelschere JHCTOHeHHHEI A machine that shears plates with one blade moving back and forth relative to another blade. Manual shearing machine hand guillotine shear, handplate shear hand betatigte shear DHC JIOBE HRHDI hand-driven shearing machine. hydraulic shearing machine hydraulic guillotine shear, hydraulic plate shear ge hydraulic shearing machine Hydraulic driven shearing machine. swing shear pivot blade shear, swing beam shear JCOBHOHEICHaLHONMCHpeOM shearing machine with the upper knife frame swinging around the fulcrum. 2.5 Hydraulic pivot blade shear hydraulic pivot blade shear, hydraulic swing beam shear hydraulische KurbelschwingschereFBHe JIrBeHHI CFECIMCI peM Hydraulically driven swing blade shear. For other shearing machine names, see Appendix A (Standard Appendix). 2.6 Approved by the State Machinery Industry Bureau on May 14, 1999 and implemented on January 1, 2000 Technical specifications Shearable plate thickness a plate (sheet) thickness Blechdick TE paseeeO JICTa Rated thickness of the sheared plate. Shearable plate width m cutting length Schnittlange paseaeooaa Rated width of the cut plate. Throat depth throat depth, gap Ausladung JB/T1826.1-1999 The dimension from the lower blade edge of the C-shaped frame to the bottom of the frame notch. Shear angle shear angle Schnittwinkel yronpea The angle between the upper and lower blade edges. Rated shear angle norminal shear angle Nennschnittwinkel HIOTpe Shear angle specified by the standard. Adjustable shear angle verstellbarerSchnittwinkel payrpei oi pes The shear angle is adjustable. Number of strokes strokes Hubzahl Number of reciprocating movements of the upper tool holder per minute. Plate tensile strength JB/T1826.1-1999 tensile strength of plate (sheet)metal ZugfestigkeitvamBlech IoHOcrD JITa H aCDHeIe The stress of the plate before it breaks. Number of possible shears working strokes zulassige Schnittzahl yrnpeab Number of permissible shears per minute. Flywheel speed flywheel speed Schwungraddrehzahl YCD OOOICB MXBRa Number of revolutions of the flywheel per minute. Distance between uprights Distance between the insides of two uprights Distance between the insides of two uprights. Back gauge range Back gauge range Distance from the back gauge to the lower cutting edge. Table height above floor table height above floor BLDSCbzxz.net BLDSC Distance from the flat surface of the table to the ground. Machine weight Machine weight BED BED Distance from the flat surface of the machine to the ground. Overall dimensions of machine toolMaschinenabmessung acrbpeepMbi The maximum outline dimensions of the machine. 4Main components enframe Gestell cIaHEE The frame that constitutes the body. C-frame C-Gestell CCXHCTAH The frame shaped like the letter C. Closed frame NLI CTA straight side frame 0-Gestell DEN CEE The frame without a throat. JB/T1826.1—1999 upright,housing Stander Side column of the rack. a) Left upright (see Figure 1) JB/T1826.1-1999 left-handupright(orhousing)Linksstander Janauta b) Right upright (see Figure 1) right-handupright(orhousing)ge Rechtsstander aan Cota beam,crown Querbalken TpaBexa Beam connecting the left and right uprights. a) Upper beam (see Figure 1) topbeam Querbalken BpH TpEgxa b) Middle beam (see Figure 1) middlebeam between the crossbeam qeTpeBa ?Lower crossbeam bottombeam ge untere crossbeam HRFITpeRepa Base (see Figure 1) Tischkonsole It is a part of the frame and a basic part that bears pressure. Sometimes a blade is also installed on it. Workbench (lower tool holder) (see Figure 1) mtable JB/T1826.1-1999 Parts for installing the lower blade and supporting the cut sheet. Upper tool rest (see Figure 1) en ram, kniebeam Messerbalken HHECEFa The part on which the upper blade is mounted for reciprocating motion. Guideway guideway, guideway Fuhrung A set of planes or curved surfaces used to support moving parts and guide them to move in a certain direction. Sliding guideway slidingguideway(orgib) Gleitfuhrung HBHET COTQ A motion guideway with a sliding friction pair as the mating surface. Rolling guideway rolling(or ballbearing)guideway(orgib)Rollenfuhrung A motion guideway with a rolling friction pair as the mating surface. Guide rail strip en gib,liner Stelleiste The guiding part of the reciprocating motion of the upper tool holder, which can be used to adjust the clearance of the guide rail. 4.13 enwedge Keilleiste The guiding part of the reciprocating motion of the upper tool holder, which has an inclination and can be used to adjust the clearance of the guide rail. Guide rail clamp (see Figure 1) clamp,ramgib SchlieBleiste The part that fits the upper tool holder to the guide rail. Blade (see Figure 1) Messer The tool for cutting the sheet metal. Blade bolt bladebolt Schraubefur Messer COTEera The bolt that fixes the blade. Presser (see Figure 1) hold-down Niederhalter Component that presses the sheet. plain bearing half liner Stutzschale JB/T1826.1-1999 Split element that matches the journal in radial sliding bearings. a) Upper plain bearing half liner Oberstutzschale DH BEELI b) Lower plain bearing half liner Unterstutzschale Connecting rod (see Figure 1) Connecting rod, connection Pleuelstange A part that transmits motion and force to the upper tool holder Note: Connecting rod cover (or cap) of connecting rod (or connector) Pleueldeckel HHIRa LEMR 4.20 Adjusting screw screw Verstellspindel PEyRrB JB/T1826.1-1999 Part connected with the connecting rod to adjust the position of the upper tool holder. 4.21 Lubrication plate Lubrication plate Sign indicating lubrication. Front support (see Figure 1) front extension Tischverlangerung The extension support component in front of the workbench (lower tool holder). Front stopper (see Figure 1) front gauge vorderer Anschlag Front sizing device, a mechanism for determining the distance of the workpiece relative to the lower blade. 4.24 Side stopper (see Figure 1) en side gauge Seitenanschlag CHRyrp Side positioning device, a mechanism for determining the position of the workpiece relative to the lower blade. Back gauge back gauge ge hinterer Anschlag Back gauge is a device used to determine the distance of the workpiece relative to the lower blade. 4.26 Plain bearing bush Buchse An integral tubular element that matches the journal in a radial sliding bearing. Sleeve (see Figure 1) ensleeve ge flange An outer sleeve that supports the bearing. Tightening screw en tie bolt Zuganker HDKBHT Parts used to assemble a frame. Drive mechanism drivemechanism Triebwerk BmMeae A device that transmits power and motion. Drive system Drive system Triebsystem HHIHEOaI OCIEME JB/T1826.1-1999 The complete assembly of the moving parts that transmit the energy part of the machine to the upper tool holder. Spindle spindle Antrieb The shaft that converts the rotary motion through the eccentric sleeve and connecting rod into the reciprocating motion of the upper tool holder. Crankshaft (see Figure 1) crankshaft Kurbelwelle FIROHIBaU The shaft that converts the rotary motion through the crankshaft into the reciprocating motion of the upper tool holder. Note: The following have the same motion function as the crankshaft: a) eccentric shaft b) crankshaft OEER BI Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.