title>HG 3292-2001 Butachlor EC - HG 3292-2001 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG 3292-2001 Butachlor EC

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 3292-2001

Standard Name: Butachlor EC

Chinese Name: 丁草胺乳油

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2002-01-24

Date of Implementation:2002-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>65.100 Pesticides and other agricultural chemical products

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Fertilizers, Pesticides>>G25 Pesticides

associated standards

alternative situation:HG 3292-1989 (original standard number ZB G25004-89)

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:National Industrial Automation System Standardization Committee

Introduction to standards:

HG 3292-2001 Butachlor EC HG3292-2001 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Published on January 24, 2002
Implementation on July 1, 2002
Published by the State Economic and Trade Commission
Registration No.: 10079-2002
Chapter 3 of this standard and Chapter 5 are mandatory, and the rest are recommended. This standard is a revision of the chemical industry standard 1JG3292198S grass rubber emulsion. The main differences between this standard and G32921939 are: the addition of a new standard, the content index of butachlor is adjusted to 6%-50% and 50% respectively, and the pH range is adjusted from 5% to 5.0~8.0. The provision of the protection of the content of benzylamine within the warranty period is added: the allowable increase rate of water content within the warranty period is added. This standard will be implemented from the month and replace H322-18. This standard was issued by the former State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry Policy and Regulations Department, and the National Pesticide Standardization Technical Committee is responsible for the drafting of this standard, Shenyang Institute of Chemical Industry. Participating drafting units of this standard: Jiangsu Yililai Co., Ltd., Nantong Shannong Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Main drafters of this standard: Chan Xiaozhen, Wu Queche, Sie Yeping, Jia Weijian, Zhu Che This standard was first issued as a professional standard in 1589 and converted into a strong chemical industry standard in 1 year. The new number is c-s
This standard is entrusted to the Beijing Technical Committee of Drug Standards for the investigation and interpretation of the proposal. G
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Butuctlur Emulsitinble Other names, structural formulas and chemical formulas of the active ingredient in this product are as follows: IS common name: Bu.i.clil
CIPAC stimulant code, 35:
Chemical name: N-(2.6·di2-yl)NJ-oxymethylchloroethyl etheramine structural formula,
Experimental formula: CHCINO
Relative molecular weight: 3-1.9 (according to the relative atomic mass in 1997) 4 physical activity except
vapor music 852.4×n:P
Relative guest alliance (25): 1.076
Flash point:>1SET
Decomposition temperature: 20℃; Stable with acetaldehyde, acetone, ethanol, alkane, chloroform: Stable with UV light, starts to decompose at 15℃, and the residual time in the soil is 42-~70d1.
This standard specifies the requirements for the emulsion of butachlor. The test method is based on the marking, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation of HG3292-20d1
Replacement H3202-1989
This standard is applicable to the preparation of butachlor latex with emulsifiers in suitable solvents. 2 Referenced standards
The following standards are cited in this standard and constitute the meaning of this standard. When this standard is published, the capital stock shown is valid. All standards will be revised. All parties using this standard should consider using the latest version of the following standards. (B/T15001979 (1989) Determination of moisture content in pesticides GR/1601-19S Determination of H value in pesticides GRT103-19791983) Qualitative determination of coating emulsions GB/T1-1 Acceptance regulations for commercial pesticides GB/T16051979 (1989) Sample acceptance method for commercial pesticides GB1838-2000 3 Requirements 3.1 Appearance: It should be stable and solid, with no visible matter and precipitation. 3.2 Butinamide emulsifiable concentrate should meet the requirements of the table. The national economic and financial changes will be implemented on 2002-01-24 and 2002-07-01 respectively. The aldehyde content of the product can be reduced by 200 times.
The test results are as follows:
Table 1 “Daily indicators of oxalochlor EC”
60% EC
5, 0.-8.0
The general idea is that under normal conditions, the test should be conducted at least once a month. Test method
4.1 Sampling
50% EC
The sampling method was carried out according to the sample size of the sample prepared by the analytical fluid in 13633-7!985. The sampling amount was determined by the random number table method, and the total sampling volume should be no less than 200m1. 4.2 Identification test
4.2.1 Gas chromatography. This identification test can be carried out at the same time as the determination of the content by the single method. Under the same chromatographic detection conditions, the retention time of the sample peak and the retention time of the standard butachlor should have a relative difference within 1%. 4.2.2 Liquid chromatography: This experiment used Cu2+, CH2O3:H2O4=70:50 pH=3 as the mobile phase, and under the same detection wavelength of 2251 nm, the retention time of a peak in the sample and the retention time of the butachlor peak in the standard should have a relative difference within 1.3%. 4.3 Determination of butachlor content
4.3.1 Methods: The sample was dissolved in a methane flask with phosphorus barrier as internal standard. Using 5-sF-3n/(lmmsrlW4T>MCS<180.-253m? as filler, the butachlor in the sample was separated by gas chromatography. 4.3.2 Preparation and method: Trimethane. Sample: 100% chlorinated, standard: crushed Acid-ketone, should be dry water analysis. Same as the filter: SF-HC.
Carrier: thromosorb wAWDMcS (18C--25ouin). Flash standard reduction, except for the three-meter business 2.: Place in 1m guest mouse plate, add appropriate ear two methane to dissolve, and dilute to the scale, report
4.3.3 Only the end
point scanning ear ammonia flame high chemical fast detector chemical spectrum data present machine:
color language; 2. 3 mx5.2 mmi.d.1 drum glass or stainless steel injection. Pure filler SE3 solid point micro: (mass fixed liquid carrier) = 00 trace obtained in hram090rhAWD (18~nam: on:
4.3.4 Preparation of color king
43.4. Fixed moisture net determination
FG 3292—2001
Accurately weigh 2mT of SF-fixative solution. Add appropriate amount of alkyl slightly larger than the carrier volume to make it completely lubricated, slowly add 9.56% of the carrier, gently stir to mix evenly and evaporate the agent, then put the beaker into a 12℃ oven for 1-11 minutes. Collect and place in a desiccator to cool to Filling of color inspection
Put a small bucket according to the outlet of the selected process, fill it with the prepared flash filling in batches, and keep lightly covering it until it reaches 1.5m away from the entrance. Move the bucket to the entrance of the color grinding column, plug a small hole at the end of the end of the alkylation, connect it to the vacuum pump through a rubber ring, turn on the pump, and continue to add slowly Filling material: and keep gently pressing it to make the filling evenly condense. After filling, put a small ball of cotton wool at the inlet end and press it down to prevent the filling material from moving. Standardization of chromatographic column
Connect the inlet of the Xeno column to the vaporization chamber. The outlet end is not connected to the detector for the time being, and pass the carrier gas (N2O3) at a flow rate of 15ml./m1:n, the temperature of the separation section is 26, and the aging is carried out here for 48h
4.3.5 Gas chromatography working conditions
Temperature (℃) 225. Vaporization rate 280. Detection volume 280 Gas flow rate (tnL/min): Gas (N2O3: 40. Gas 43. Air 43) Sample volume): 0.
Retention time mir: h; butachlor? .1. Internal standard 13.5, the above is a typical performance, can not be damaged by the characteristics of the choice, give enough operating parameters to adjust the appropriate, in order to obtain the best effect. Typical steps of amine oil gas scanning in the spectrum 1,
1 boundary agent: 2-butane 13 January standard
1 grass gum color chromatogram
4.3.6 Determination steps Preparation of standard solution
Soft take "biamine standard sample 0.1g fine grinding to 0.0302), stomach.- Add 5 mL of internal standard solution to the vial using a pipette: Preparation of test solution wwW.bzxz.Net
Weigh approximately 0.1 g of the sample containing butadiene rubber to an accuracy of 0.3) Place in a required volume and pipette the same filter tube used in to accurately add 5 mL of internal standard solution and extract. 4.3.6. 3 Determination
Under the above operating conditions, after the instrument is stable, the number of injections is continuously increased, and the change of the relative response value of each injection is calculated. When the relative response value of two adjacent injections of butachlor changes less than 1, the determination is carried out in the order of standard sample drop, sample drop, sample drop, and standard sample drop. The ratios of the peak areas of butachlor to the internal standard in the two sample solutions and the two standard samples before and after are averaged and calculated to obtain the mass fraction of butachlor in the column (%), according to formula (1), X, = mP
where m is the average peak area ratio of butachlor to the internal standard in the standard sample drop, m is the average peak area ratio of butachlor to the internal standard in the sample drop, m is the mass of the standard sample,
in the formula is g;
F is the mass fraction of butachlor in the standard sample. 4.3.8 Allowable error
The difference between two test results should not be greater than 1.0%. The arithmetic mean value shall be taken as the test result. 4.4/Determination of moisture content
According to the Carle method in GP/T1600-979(1S89): The moisture content of the microplate with the appropriate agent is determined only:
4.5 Determination of pH value
According to GB/T16UI,
4.6 Emulsion stability test
According to GB/T1603. The test results show that the emulsion is qualified if there is no oil on the top and no anti-wetting and precipitation on the bottom. 4.7 Low temperature stability test
4.7.1 Summary of the method
The sample is kept at 0 °C for 1 minute, and the presence of solid and oily precipitation is recorded. It is kept at 37 °C for 2 days, and the solid is precipitated at high temperature. The sediment volume is calculated.
4.7.2 Receiver || tt||Refrigerator, keep (2+),
Centrifuge tube, 10mL, tube scale type c.35mL centrifuge: Matching with centrifuge tube:
4.7.3 Test steps
Take (100+1.0)mL of sample and add it to the centrifuge tube, cool it to (0±2) in the refrigerator, and make sure that the centrifuge tube and its contents are at (+3)%. Keep it for 1 hour, stir it every 15 minutes. Each time, check and record whether there is solid or oily precipitation. Put the centrifuge tube back into the refrigerator, and continue to place it at (0=2). Take it out, stand it at room temperature (not more than 20℃), centrifuge it for 15 minutes. The relative centrifugal force of the tube is 500g~60% (R is the gravity acceleration). Record the volume of the substance discharged from the bottom of the tube (accurate 14
to (. The precipitate does not exceed. It is contained
4.8 Thermal stability test
4.8.1 Instrument
Constant temperature pin (or constant temperature water consultation): [542)Y. Ampoule pass! Or other bottles that can be sealed.
Medical positive example: 53mL:
4.8.2 Fixed step depth
Use a syringe to inject about 11. Emulsion test column, the clean hair or glass bottle> (oh free sample connection Place the sealed Amway bottle in a metal container and place the metal container in a constant temperature bath (54 ± 2) and cool to room temperature. Place the Amway bottle in a 14°C constant temperature bath and place it in a 14°C constant temperature bath ... + is defined. The rounding comparison method is used to deal with the limit value. 5 Marking, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation
5.1 The marking, labeling and packaging of butachlor emulsifiable concentrate shall comply with the provisions of (31838). 5.2 The monoamine emulsifiable concentrate shall be packaged in brown glass bottles with a net weight of 130, 453, 500, etc. The outer packaging shall be in calcium dissolving boxes or corrugated cartons, and the net content of the box shall not exceed 15kg. 5.3 Based on user requirements or order arrangements, other types of packaging may be used for this purpose, which shall comply with the current provisions of (B1838): 5.4 Packaging compensation 5.5 Store in a well-ventilated and dry shop. During transportation, strictly monitor humidity and humidity. Do not mix with food, process, or feed. Avoid contact with skin and dirt, and only touch people through mouth and nose. 5.6 Dingge is a low-toxic herbicide. Wear protective gloves when using this product. When spraying, face the windward direction to prevent inhalation. After the exposed parts of the skin and body come into contact with this product, they should be washed with soap and water in time. In case of excessive exposure, please consult a doctor in time. 5. Under the specified transportation conditions, the warranty period of the product is two years from the production period. During the limited warranty period, the moisture content of the product will be increased by 3.5%.9 Inspection and acceptance of products
The inspection and acceptance of products shall comply with the provisions of B/T1+. The limit values ​​shall be processed by rounded comparison method. 5 Marking, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation
5.1 The marking, labeling and packaging of butachlor emulsifiable concentrate shall comply with the provisions of (31838). 5.2 The monoamine emulsifiable concentrate shall be packaged in brown glass bottles with a net weight of 130, 453, 500, etc. The outer packaging shall be in calcium dissolving boxes or corrugated cartons, and the net content of each box shall not exceed 15kg. 5.3 Based on user requirements or order arrangements, other types of packaging may be used, which shall comply with the current provisions of (B1838): 5.4 The packaging shall be stored in a ventilated and dry shop room 5.5 During transportation, strictly monitor humidity and mouth, do not mix with food, process, feed, avoid contact with skin and dirt, and only touch people through mouth and nose. 5.6 Dingge is a low-toxic herbicide. Wear protective gloves when using this product. When spraying, face the windward direction to prevent inhalation of the mouth. After the skin and body exposed parts contact this product, they should be washed with soap and water in time. In case of excessive exposure, please consult a doctor in time. 5. Under the specified transportation conditions, the warranty period of the product is two years from the production period. During the limited warranty period, the moisture content is 3.5%.9 Inspection and acceptance of products
The inspection and acceptance of products shall comply with the provisions of B/T1+. The limit values ​​shall be processed by rounded comparison method. 5 Marking, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation
5.1 The marking, labeling and packaging of butachlor emulsifiable concentrate shall comply with the provisions of (31838). 5.2 The monoamine emulsifiable concentrate shall be packaged in brown glass bottles with a net weight of 130, 453, 500, etc. The outer packaging shall be in calcium dissolving boxes or corrugated cartons, and the net content of each box shall not exceed 15kg. 5.3 Based on user requirements or order arrangements, other types of packaging may be used, which shall comply with the current provisions of (B1838): 5.4 The packaging shall be stored in a ventilated and dry shop room 5.5 During transportation, strictly monitor humidity and mouth, do not mix with food, process, feed, avoid contact with skin and dirt, and only touch people through mouth and nose. 5.6 Dingge is a low-toxic herbicide. Wear protective gloves when using this product. When spraying, face the windward direction to prevent inhalation of the mouth. After the skin and body exposed parts contact this product, they should be washed with soap and water in time. In case of excessive exposure, please consult a doctor in time. 5. Under the specified transportation conditions, the warranty period of the product is two years from the production period. During the limited warranty period, the moisture content is 3.5%.
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