title>GB/T 14090.3-1993 Terminology for offshore oil and gas development projects Single point mooring and positioning systems - GB/T 14090.3-1993 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 14090.3-1993 Terminology for offshore oil and gas development projects Single point mooring and positioning systems
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 14090.3-1993
Standard Name: Terminology for offshore oil and gas development projects Single point mooring and positioning systems
This standard specifies the terms and definitions of single point mooring devices and positioning systems in offshore oil and gas development projects. This standard is applicable to scientific research, design, production, teaching and other fields. GB/T 14090.3-1993 Offshore Oil and Gas Development Engineering Terminology Single Point Mooring Devices and Positioning Systems GB/T14090.3-1993 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
UDC 622. 32 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 14090. 3 Terminology for offshore oil and gas development engineeringSingle point mooring unit and positioning systemPromulgated on January 9, 1993 Implemented on October 1, 1993 Promulgated by the State Technical Supervision Bureau W2 National Standard of the People's Republic of China Terminology for offshore nil und gas developmentengineering - Single point mooringunit and positioning system Subject content and scope of application GB/T 14090.3-93 The wooden standard specifies the terms and definitions related to single point mooring devices and positioning systems in offshore gas development projects. This standard is applicable to the fields of scientific research, design, production, teaching, etc. Single point mooring device 2.1 Main types of single point mooring Single point mooring Definition or description Any mooring that allows the moored ship to rotate around a single mooring point with the change of wind and sea conditions, so as to be constantly in the position with the minimum resistance of wind, waves and flow is called single point mooring. Sometimes single point mooring device or single point mooring system is referred to as single point mooring. In offshore gas development projects, it is used as the connection link between submarine pipelines and mooring vessels, generally used to transport fluids (such as right side of the pipeline). 2.1.3 Fixed single point mooring device www.bzxz.net Fixed single point mooring unit 2. 1.4 Floating single point mooring unit Piled mooring tower Mooring device with single point mooring characteristics (for oil, natural gas, etc.) and moored vessels Single point mooring device supported by fixed structure Single point mooring device supported by floating structure Tower-shaped fixed single point mooring device fixed to the seabed Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on January 9, 1993 Not recommended Synonyms implemented on October 1, 1993 W version 2.1.6 Gravity mooring tower Catenary anchor mooring (CALM) vertical anchor leg mooring (VALM) single anchor leg mooring (SALM) articulated loading tower (ALT); articulated loading col-ul- alumn (ALC)+articulated loading form (ALP) 2. 1. 11 single buoy storage unit single buoy storage unit 2.1.12 single anchor leg storage unit 2.1.13 Hybrid SALS single anchar leg mooring with rigid arm (SALMRA) CB/T 14090.3—93 Definition or explanation Tower-shaped fixed single-point mooring device fixed to the seabed by gravity foundation A single-point mooring device that uses a number of radially arranged catenary anchor legs (usually anchor chains) to tie a buoy to an anchor or pile fixed to the seabed A single-point mooring device that uses a pre-tensioned anchor to tie a buoy vertically to a fixed foundation on the seabed A single-point mooring device that is connected to a foundation fixed to the bottom of the swimming pool by a single anchor leg A cylindrical mooring device whose bottom end is connected to the seabed gravity foundation by a directional joint: the lower part of the underwater part is equipped with an auxiliary buoy and the ballast upper section (near the water surface) is equipped with a buoy, or the entire underwater stack structure is used as a buoy to support the top rotating head and upper deck that extend out of the water surface. It is used for anchoring at sea Single-point mooring device for loading oil from a close-by oil tanker A single-point mooring device for storing oil at sea by connecting the oil storage vessel to the mooring device with a rigid yoke. A space frame with underwater buoyancy tanks is used as a rigid mooring yoke to connect the oil storage vessel to the single-leg mooring device. A single-point mooring device for storing oil at sea A catenary system is added to the usual single-leg oil storage device to reduce the riser pretension and dynamic load, but the basic configuration of the single-leg oil storage device is still maintained. A hybrid single-point mooring device Single-leg mooring device connected to the moored vessel with a rigid yoke Not recommended synonyms Articulated oil loading platform W. 2.1.15 Hybrid single-leg mooring device SALMRA Yoke tower single anchor leg mooring riser eurret mooring 2.1.18 Aticuleted riser turret mooring 2.1.19 Buoyant turret mooring (PTM) 2.1.20 Soft yoke mooring 2.2 Components of single point mooring 2.2-1 Yoke turitable GB/T 14090.3--93 Meaning or explanation A catenary system is added to the rigid arm type single chain mooring device to make the whole mooring device straight. The buoyancy generating part of the buoyancy generating part is a hybrid mooring device with a tethered leg as an arched buoyancy structure. The lower section is a special riser, the second section is a vertical columnar buoy, the bottom end of the riser is connected to the bottom foundation, and the anchor section is a tethered frame and the mooring device! The single anchor leg mooring device connected to the ship is composed of a main chain and a turret structure. The upper end of the riser is connected to the bearing in the turret through a universal frame; the riser is connected to the appropriate underwater position of the riser - a fixed bottom chain + independent pipe turret structure is placed in the middle of the swim... The restoring force of the whole device is generated by the buoyancy of the riser and the chain point of the catenary: the bottom of the riser is connected to the underwater hose pipe, the top of the pipe is connected to the moored ship - a rigid yoke, and the bottom of the riser is connected to a set of catenary pipes. The turret structure of the turret mooring device is located inside the bow of the boat, supporting the mooring buoy of the chain! The turret at the bottom of the turret is combined with the chain staggered mooring! Single-point mooring device The connection between the turntable of the mooring buoy and the moored ship uses a flexible and lightweight yoke,Definition or description: a rigid gear frame with articulated wheels, which is installed on the left side of the single point mooring device and supports roller bearings, and allows the ship on it to rotate according to the characteristics of the weathervane. 2.2.4 Anchor leg anchor leg mooring swivel coupling mooring swivel coupling quick release coupling quick release coupling connect? disconnect coupler (QCDC) Equipped with elump weight 2.3 Others turning circle radius turning circle radius swing cirelt. ratdinx turning circle radius CB/T 14090.3—93 Definition and explanation A mechanical device similar to a square joint, having a pair of orthogonal axes in the horizontal plane, allowing free rotation around orthogonal orbits, used to form an articulated joint between the riser and the target channel to adapt to the pitch, roll and swing movements of the moored ship A connecting component between the upper buoy of the single point mooring device and the fixed point of the offshore foundation. It can be a pipe, anchor chain or a rotating connection device that can transfer the mooring load between the parts that can rotate around the vertical axis and the relatively static parts in the single point mooring system The connection device between the moving and the parts of the fluid pipe system in the single point mooring system. It can ensure the continuous transmission of a pressurized fluid (sea, gas, water, etc.) without leakage in the transition section between the rotating and fixed parts In an emergency, the moored ship can be quickly disconnected from the single point mooring device, and the device can be quickly reconnected when the connection is to be restored In a floating single point mooring system, in order to make the catenary obtain the required curved shape, it is often a concrete or iron block hung on the catenary Definition or description The distance between the moored ship and the rotation center of the single point mooring device when it is under the action of the operating mooring load and at the lowest tide. The sum of the horizontal projection of the mooring line length, the total length of the largest vessel designed to be moored by the single point mooring system, and an appropriate safety margin. The area of sea swept by the moored vessel when turning around the mooring point according to the turning circle radius. Maneuvering area. The area of sea with a minimum radius requirement around the single point mooring system determined according to the conditions of the area in which it is located in order to ensure the safety of the vessel when approaching or leaving the single point mooring system. Synonyms for not recommended. 2.3.4 Aperating mooring. Operating mooring haws:+. 2.3.6 Operating anchoring loads. hr 3 Positioning system 3. 1 Positioning system and its components! Positioning system positioning system dynamic positioning dynamicpositioning position detecting system position detecting sys1em thrusleraysLem GB/T 14090.3—93 Definition or description The load acting on the single point mooring buoy and foundation when the single point mooring device is equipped with the maximum load it is designed to moor in the operating environment; or the load acting on the single point mooring buoy and foundation when the single point mooring device is equipped with other smaller loads but will produce a larger load. It includes the mooring load and the mooring load of the single point mooring device. The maximum load attributable to the mooring cable when the single point mooring device is moored with the largest ship it is designed to moor in the operating environment, or the maximum load acting on the mooring cable when other smaller ships are moored but a greater load is generated. The maximum load in the anchor leg with the greatest load when the single point mooring device is moored with the largest ship it is designed to moor in the operating environment; or the maximum load in the leg with the greatest load when other smaller ships are moored but a greater load is generated. Definition and Explanation A system that can return a sea buoy (ship or floating device) that has deviated from a predetermined position to its original position and continuously maintain it in the predetermined position is generally electronic and mechanical A positioning system that uses power to automatically maintain the pre-position of a floating body (ship or floating equipment) at sea. It is a positioning system that uses power to automatically maintain the pre-position of a floating body (ship or floating equipment) at sea. It is a system that uses power to automatically control the floating body (ship or floating equipment) to detect the displacement of the floating body due to external forces (wind, waves, currents, etc.). After the position detection system detects the displacement of the floating body due to external forces (wind, waves, currents, etc.), the control system issues a control command after the information is processed by the control system, and the thrust system generates a corresponding thrust to eliminate the displacement. The system returns the floating body to its original position. It is a system used to detect the displacement of the floating body (ship or floating equipment) at sea due to external forces such as wind and current. It refers to a system in which the thruster in the dynamic positioning system sends thrust according to the control command to offset the disturbance force. Synonyms not recommended Synonyms not recommended||W 3. 1.5 Mooring positioning 3.1.6 Sprtad anchoring system multi-buoy mooring system anchor pile ; spud suction anchor pile suction anchor gravity anchor gravity anchor hurial anchor positioning capability starionkeeping capability 3.2. 2 Monitoring circle water circle: GB/T 14090.3--93 Meaning or description Use anchor and pin chain (follow-up) to keep the ship or floating device at sea to limit wind and waves.A method of positioning a vessel or floating device to a predetermined position by using multiple chains (cables) fixed to the seabed and distributed around it. A mooring system that uses multiple mooring buoys to keep a vessel or floating device at sea and keep it at a predetermined position. A mooring system that uses multiple mooring buoys to keep a vessel or floating device at sea and keep it at a predetermined position. The piles used to fix the anchor chains (cables) are driven into the seabed and the negative pressure surface formed by the suction method is pressed into the seabed as an anchor. The hollow cylindrical piles used for sealing points are mainly based on the weight of the pile itself and are able to withstand the displacement of vertical and horizontal loads. They are buried in the seabed soil and rely on the weight and shear strength of the soil to increase the manpower. The definition or definition is to use the system to keep the ship or floating device on the ground. When the dynamically positioned ship or floating device is drilling and operating at sea, its horizontal displacement is controlled within a certain range to ensure the smooth progress of the operation. The radius of the circle is usually determined by the fraction of the water depth. Unrecommended intertributary Unrecommended intertributary W maneuvering area Vertical staggered mooring Single point mooring Single point mooring Single barrel oil storage Single anchor leg oil storage Single anchor leg mooring Positioning capability Positioning system Powerful position Multi-buoy Mooring system Yoke tower single leg mooring rig Floating single point mooring rig Rigid hip single pin leg mooring rig Fixed single point mooring rig Turnaround area Turnaround radius Lihe rigid arm single tank leg mooring rig Hybrid single oil storage rig Monitoring circle Joint riser turret mooring rig Articulated oil loading tower. GB/T 14090.3 93 Appendix A Chinese Taiyin (reference) Quick release connector Riser turret mooring device Fluid transfer rotary joint + 2. 1. 14 Buried anchor… Error elimination positioning Counterweight Flexible yoke mooring equipment Scattering anchor system Thruster system Steering frame Position and detection system Mooring adapter Suction anchor pile Catechuen anchor leg mooring device Gravity anchor· .2.2.1 Whuili mooring tower Turret type floating mooring device Pile mooring tower anchor leg +..... anchor mtored positioning anchor uile ...... artieulated toading colurun(ALc)articulated londing platform(ALP)Hrliculated loading tower(AI.T)articulated riscr turret mooringuovant burial anthe Fing(HIM) carenary anchorlegmooring(CAL.M)elump weight dynanic pasitioning fixed single poinu mooring unitfloating single point mooring unitfluid producl swivel girnbal tahle | | tt | 2. 1.15 Whybrid SALS maneuvering systems are used in combination with hydraulic lifts, hydraulic swivels, multi-building systems, operating hawswr hoads, operating mooring towers, piled monorails, palisade loading systems, ponitioning systems, quickconnect/disconnect couplers (QCE: R), anchor leg mooring (SALM), and ring anehrr leg mooring with rigid arm(SALMRA)ingle anchor leg sl.nrage(SALS) -.+***single buoy stotagr:(SRS) single paintmoorings(SP'M) single point tubing unit spll yoke mooring td★+ spread arnchoting system . st siokreping ability suction anrher swing cirele swing cirtle: rnelius thruster sysiem turning circle : lurning rcirclc radiu turntable 2, 1-2 . 3.1.8 WGB/T 14090.3—93 vertical nchor leg mooring (VALM) +.**w watrh rirrle yoke lower single anehar les mooringAdditional remarks: This standard was proposed by China State Shipbuilding Corporation. This standard was submitted by the 603 Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation. This standard was drafted by Guangzhou Ship and Ocean Engineering Design Institute. The main drafter of the technical standard was Wu Lun. 2.1.8 W160-060 anchor mtored positioning anchor uile... artieulated toading colurun(ALc)articulated londing platform(ALP)Hrliculated loading tower(AI.T)articulated riscr turret mooringuovant burial anthe Fing(HIM) carenary anchorlegmooring(CAL.M)elump weight dynanic pasitioning fixed single poinu mooring unitfloating single point mooring unitfluid producl swivel girnbal tahle gravity anebor gravity nooring hybrid SALMRA CB/T 14090.3—93 Operational error elimination load Operational mooring load 2. 2.2. Appendix R English Index References 2. 1.15 Whybrid SALS |tmaneuvering are muoring swivel multi-buuy raoring system operatitgatiL:horloae operating hawswr hoad opurating mooring losd piled tmonoring tower pasition dtteeling system ponitioning system quickconnect/disconnectcoupler(QCE:R riner lurret mooring .ingle anchor leg mouring (SALM) Ringle anehrr leg mooring with rigid arm(SALMRA)ingle anchor leg sl.nrage(SALS) -.+***single buoy stotagr:(SRS) single paintmoorings(SP'M) single point tuboring unit spll yoke mooring td★+ spread arnchoting system . stsiokreping ability suction anrher swing cirele||tt| |swing cirtle: rnelius thruster sysiem turning circle : lurning rcirclc radiu turntable 2, 1-2 . 3.1.8 WGB/T 14090.3—93 vertical nchor leg mooring(VALM)+.**w watrh rirrle yoke lower single anehar les mooringAdditional Note: This standard is from China This standard was proposed by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation. This standard was drafted by Guangzhou Ship and Ocean Engineering Design Institute. The main drafter of the technical standard was Wu Lun. 2.1.8|| tt||W160-060 anchor mtored positioning anchor uile... artieulated toading colurun(ALc)articulated londing platform(ALP)Hrliculated loading tower(AI.T)articulated riscr turret mooringuovant burial anthe Fing(HIM) carenary anchorlegmooring(CAL.M)elump weight dynanic pasitioning fixed single poinu mooring unitfloating single point mooring unitfluid producl swivel girnbal tahle gravity anebor gravity nooring hybrid SALMRA CB/T 14090.3—93 Operational error elimination load Operational mooring load 2. 2.2. Appendix R English Index References 2. 1.15 Whybrid SALS |tmaneuvering are muoring swivel multi-buuy raoring system operatitgatiL:horloae operating hawswr hoad opurating mooring losd piled tmonoring tower pasition dtteeling system ponitioning system quickconnect/disconnectcoupler(QCE:R riner lurret mooring .ingle anchor leg mouring (SALM) Ringle anehrr leg mooring with rigid arm(SALMRA)ingle anchor leg sl.nrage(SALS) -.+***single buoy stotagr:(SRS) single paintmoorings(SP'M) single point tuboring unit spll yoke mooring td★+ spread arnchoting system . stsiokreping ability suction anrher swing cirele||tt| |swing cirtle: rnelius thruster sysiem turning circle : lurning rcirclc radiu turntable 2, 1-2 . 3.1.8 WGB/T 14090.3—93 vertical nchor leg mooring(VALM)+.**w watrh rirrle yoke lower single anehar les mooringAdditional Note: This standard is from China This standard was proposed by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation. This standard was drafted by Guangzhou Ship and Ocean Engineering Design Institute. The main drafter of the technical standard was Wu Lun. 2.1.8|| tt||W160-0603—93 vertical nchor leg mooring(VALM)+.**w watrh rirrle yoke lower single anehar les mooringAdditional remarks: This standard was proposed by China State Shipbuilding Corporation. This standard was submitted by the 603 Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation. This standard was drafted by Guangzhou Ship and Ocean Engineering Design Institute. The main drafter of the technical standard was Wu Lun. 2.1.8 W160-0603—93 vertical nchor leg mooring(VALM)+.**w watrh rirrle yoke lower single anehar les mooringAdditional remarks: This standard was proposed by China State Shipbuilding Corporation. This standard was submitted by the 603 Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation. This standard was drafted by Guangzhou Ship and Ocean Engineering Design Institute. The main drafter of the technical standard was Wu Lun. 2.1.8 W160-060 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.