The standard specifies the terms and definitions of the layout and recording methods of microfilm images and the relationship between the terms. This standard applies to microfilm technology and related fields. GB/T 6159.22-2000 Microfilm Vocabulary Part 2: Image layout and recording methods GB/T6159.22-2000 Standard download decompression password:
The standard specifies the terms and definitions of the layout and recording methods of microfilm images and the relationship between the terms. This standard applies to microfilm technology and related fields.
Some standard content:
GB/T6159.222000 This standard is based on the International Organization for Standardization's 1506196-2:1993 Microfilming Technology--Vocabulary--Part 2: Layout and Recording Methods of Images. It is equivalent to the international standard in terms of technical content and is based on the national standard B/T1.11993 Guidelines for the Transformation of Standards Unit 1: Introduction and Presentation of Standards Part 1: Basic Regulations for Standard Preparation. Through the above approach, the national standard is equivalent to the international standard in terms of technical content and is in line with the international standard, so as to promote domestic and international trade and technical and economic exchanges. This standard is a part of the national standard "Microfilm Vocabulary: Microfilm Technology" and includes the following parts: Part 1: Terminology GB/T 6159.1-1986; Microfilm Technology Microfilm Technology Part 2: Format and Recording of Images GB/T 6159.22:2000); Microfilm Technology Microfilm Technology Microfilm Technology Part 3: Film Processing (CR/T 6159.3-1994); Part 4: Materials and Packaging (GB/T 6159.2-1994); Part 5: Readability and Inspection of Image Quality (GB/T 6159.5-2000); Vocabulary Microfilm Technology Part 6: Preparation (GR/T 6159.5-2000); 6159.4-1094): Part VII: Computer Microfilming Technology ((16) 59.7-2090); Microfilming Vocabulary In order to be consistent with international standards, this standard uses the legends of the corresponding international standards and makes modifications. This standard deletes the international standard 15) 6196-2: 1993, Chapter 1, Microfilming and Part A of the reference. In addition, in accordance with the requirements of GB/1.6-1997 Standardization 7. Guidelines for the preparation of standards, Unit 1: Rules for the drafting and presentation of standards, Part 6: Terminology standard preparation, this standard recommends the preparation of the relevant terminology - Appendix 8. Appendix A of this standard is a reminder of the reference. This standard is issued by the Technical Committee for Standardization of Microfilming Technology. The National Technical Committee for Standardization of Document Imaging Technology is responsible for this standard. The School of Documentation and Imaging of Renmin University of China, the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, and the National Library of China are responsible for this standard. The main drafters of this standard are: Zhang Zhanhui, Wang Xiaofu, Mao Qian, and Xu Hedi. GB/T6159.22-2000 ISO Foreword The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide alliance of national standards bodies (ISO members). The formulation of international standards is generally carried out through the technical committees of ISO. Each member group is interested in a project of a technical committee and has the right to send representatives to participate in the work of the committee. International organizations, governments, and non-governmental organizations related to ISO can also participate in the work. ISO works closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on issues related to electrotechnical standardization. Draft international standards passed by ISO technical committees will be circulated to the member groups for voting. International standards must be approved by 75% of the member groups participating in the vote. International standard ISO6196-2 was developed by 1SO/TC:171 Technical Committee on Microfilming and Optical Recording - Recording, Storage and Use of Documents and Images. IS)6196·2:1993 makes the following technical revision to its old version (IS06196-2:1982) and replaces it: ISO6196 "Micrographic Vocabulary" consists of the following parts: Part 01: General terms Part 2: Layout and recording methods of images Part 03: Film processing Part 05: Quality, readability and inspection of images Part 06: Equipment Part 07: Computer micrographic technology Part 08: Application of microforms Appendix A of this part of ISC)6L96 only provides a range of information National Standard of the People's Republic of China Micrographic Vocabulary Part 2: Layout and recording methods of images Micrographics -Vocabulury - Part 02: Image positions and methads of rerording GB/T6159.22--2000 g 1s0 6196-2: 1993 This standard specifies the terms and definitions of the layout and recording methods of microfilm images and the relationship between the terms. The technical standard is applicable to microfilm technology and related fields. 2 Terms and definitions 2.1 Horizontal mode A. Orientation P. Orientation A. An arrangement of images in which the lines of writing are parallel to the length of the film roll or the lines of writing are perpendicular to the long side of the film roll. 2-2 Vertical mode Cine mode Aliorientation A. An arrangement of images in which the lines of writing are perpendicular to the long side of the film roll or the lines of writing are perpendicular to the long side of the film roll. 2.3 Horizontal microfilm The first microfilm on a microfilm is in the upper left corner of the lower image area and the subsequent microfilm images are arranged in rows from left to right and then from top to bottom. micrafir:he2.4! The first microfilm image on the microfilm is located in the upper left corner of the image area. Subsequent microfilm images are arranged in rows from top to bottom, or in rows from left to right. 2. 5 Grid pattern A number of invisible vertical and horizontal lines that divide the image area of the microfilm into an array of multiple frames. 2.6 Image arrangement The arrangement of images in a specified number of frames. 2.7 Simplex Contains only one image within the effective width of the roll microfilm, and the images are photographed continuously on the film to form an image arrangement (see Figure Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on January 3, 2000 and implemented on August 1, 2000 2.8 Duplex GB/T6159.22—2000 Figure 1 In simplex shooting, a source document is photographed on both sides of the roll microfilm in one exposure to form an image arrangement: Note: The microfilm images are arranged in parallel along the width of the film (see Figure) not Rer:to 2 Ancient Chinese This is the proof of the opposite 2.9 Reciprocating duo Figure 2 Double-line Rento 6 When shooting, first use the effective width of the roll microfilm, and expose it once to produce a single-line or double-line microfilm image. Then the film is transported in the opposite direction and then used again: - Half of the film is exposed to form an image arrangement (see Figure 3). Station City 2.10 Planetaryfilming415 Figure 3 Reciprocating When exposing, the source document and the film are both stationary. 2.11 Rotary filming Rotary filming When exposing, the source document and the film move synchronously. 2.12 Step-and-repeat filming A method of microfilming in which multiple images are taken in a grid on a flat microfilm. Method: During exposure, both the source document and the film are at rest. End cine mode romie made duplex grid pattern horizontal microfiche hurizontal mode image arrangement orientation A prientelion B planetary filming rotary filming simplex step-and-repeat [ilming vertical microfiche vertical mode GB/T 6159.22—2000 (Appendix to the suggestion) Index of terms is arranged in alphabetical order) Movie format Comic strip format Reciprocating format Double-line format Horizontal microfilm Horizontal format Image arrangement Platform photography Rotary photography Single-line format Step-and-repeat photography Vertical microfilm Vertical format Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.