The Chinese version of standards hasprecedence to their Englishtranslationswhich are only for internal reference.UDC
National Standard of the People's Republic of ChinaP
建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准Unified standard for constructional qualityacceptance of building engineeringIssued on:2001-07-20
Implemented as of:2002-01-01TheMinistry of Constructionof thePRCJointlyIssuedby
The State Bureau of Quality and Technical SupervisionGB50300-2001
Notice of Issuing theNational StandardUnified standard forconstructional quality acceptance of building engineering\JianBiao[2001]No.157
Relevant departments of the State Council, constructiondepartments of provinces andautonomous regions, construction committees of municipalities directly under theCentral Government, construction committees of cities directly under State planning,Xinjiang Construction Troops, all related institutes,As per the \Notice of Issuing the 1998 Formulation and Amendment Plan for NationalStandards on Engineering Construction (second batch)\ (Jian Biao [1998] No. 244), the\Unified standard for constructional quality acceptance of building engineeringwhichwas revised jointly by appropriate organizations with the Ministry ofConstruction playing the leading role, and subject to the joint review of relevantdepartments, has been approved to become a national standard with the code numberGB 50300-2001,tobeimplemented as of January1,2002.In this standard, articles3.0.3,5.0.4,5.0.7,6.0.3,6.0.4and 6.0.7are mandatory articles, which must be executedin a strict manner. The former GBJ 300-88 *Unified standard for quality inspection andassessment of building and installation engineering\shall be annulled at the same timeThe Ministry of Construction shall be responsible for the administration of thisstandard, the Chinese Building Science Research Institute shall be responsible for thespecific interpretation, and the Standard and Ration Research Institute of the Ministryof Construction shall organize the publishing and issuance by the Chinese BuildingIndustryPublishingHouse
TheMinistryofConstructionofthePeople'sRepublic ofChinaJuly20,2001
This standard is compiled pursuant to the “Notice of Issuing the 1998 Formulation andAmendmentPlanforNational Standards onEngineeringConstruction (secondbatch)(Jian Biao [1998] No. 244) of the Ministry of Construction, by the Chinese ResearchInstitute of Building Science with joint efforts of appropriate organizations includingthe Project Construction Quality Supervision Division of the Chinese Building IndustryAssociation.
During compilation of this standard, the compilation group made extensiveinvestigation and study, summed up the practical experience of our country in theconstruction quality acceptance of building engineering, adhered to the guidingideology of \separate acceptance and assessment, strengthen acceptance, improvemeasures and perform in-process control,and widely solicited comments fromappropriate organizations.The draft was reviewed and finalized in October 2000 by theMinistryofConstruction.
This compilation is to combine the codes for construction and acceptance of buildingengineering and the standards for inspection and assessment of engineering quality toform a new system of engineering quality acceptance codes, aiming to unify theacceptance methods,quality standards and procedures.Thisstandard definestheunified guidelines for the compilation of construction acceptance codes for eachdiscipline of building engineering, and the quality standards, contents and proceduresfor unit works. Construction site quality management and quality control requirementsare added for building engineering: The sampling scheme requirement is proposed forthe quality inspection of inspection lots. The standard has defined the division ofsub-unit and sub-portioned works in the construction quality acceptance of buildingengineering, and the witness sampling and sample testing in relation to safety andmajor utilization functions of building engineering. The codes for acceptance ofconstruction quality for each discipline in construction works must be applied incombinationwiththisstandard.This standard will likely be subject to partial revision,the information and content ofwhich will be published in the “\Standardization for Project Construction\magazine.In this standard, articles highlighted in bold letters are mandatory articles, which mustbe executed in a strict manner.In order to improve the quality of this standard,all users of this standard are requestedto pay attention to accumulating data and summing up experience in the course ofexecuting the standard. In case of need for revision and supplement identified, pleasesend your comments and appropriate data to the National Center of Quality Supervisionand Inspection of Building Engineering at the Chinese Research Institute of BuildingScience (address: 30 East Sanhuan Road, Beijing, 100013) for reference in the future2
Principal compilation organization:GB50300-2001
ChineseResearchInstituteof BuildingScienceParticipating organizations:Project Construction Quality Supervision Division of the Chinese BuildingIndustryAssociation
National Center of Quality Supervision and Inspection of BuildingEngineeringBeijing Municipal Quality Supervision Division of Building EngineeringBeijingMunicipalConstructionGroupCompanyLimitedTianjin Municipal Quality Supervision and Administration Division of BuildingEngineering
Shanghai Municipal Quality Supervision Division of Construction ProjectsShenzhen Quality Supervision and Inspection Division of Construction ProjectsSichuan Huashi Group CorporationShaanxiBuildingEngineeringCorporationThePLAEngineeringQua;itySupervisionDivisionMain draftspersons:
GAO Xiaowang
YANG Nanfang
TheMinistryof Construction
HE Xinhua
BAI Shengxiang
3.Basic Provisions
4.DivisionforQualityAcceptance of BuildingEngineering5. Quality Acceptance of Building Engineering'·10
6. Procedures and Organizations for Building Engineering Quality Acceptance.....-11AppendixAInspection Records forQuality Management at Construction Site....13AppendixB
Division of Portioned (Sub-portioned)Works and Itemized Works ofBuilding Engineering
Divisionof ExteriorWorks
Quality Acceptance Records for Inspection LotsQuality Acceptance Records for Itemized Works·14
QualityAcceptanceRecords forPortioned(Sub-portioned)Works**-24Final Quality Acceptance Records for Unit (Sub-unit) Works........-25Explanation of Wording in This Standard30
General Provisions
1.0.1 This standard is formulated with a view to strengthen the quality management ofbuilding engineering, unify the quality acceptance of building engineering, andguaranteetheengineeringquality.1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the acceptance of construction quality of buildingengineering, and serves as a unified guideline for the development of codes for projectconstructionquality acceptancebyeachdisciplinein constructionprojects1.0.3 This standard is developed in accordance with the current laws, regulations andadministrative standards of the state, and relevant technical standards. The codes foracceptance of construction quality for each discipline in construction works must beappliedincombinationwiththisstandard.2Glossary
Various technical work and completed physical works in terms of planning, survey,design, construction and completion carried out for newly built, rebuilt or expandedhousebuildings and auxiliarystructurefacilities2.0.2qualityof building engineeringSummary of characteristics reflecting compliance of the building engineering withrelevant standards or contractual agreements, including all its explicit or implicitcapabilities in respect of safety, functionality, durability performance andenvironmental protection.
Based on the self quality inspection and assessment of building engineering by theconstruction contractor, participating units of building activities to jointly conductsampling quality re-validation of the inspection lot, item, portion and unit works, andmake confirmation in written form in accordance with pertinent standards as to whetherGB50300-2001
thebuildingengineeringhasreached theacceptablelevel2.0.4 site acceptance
Conducting inspection on the materials, components, accessories and equipment thatenter the construction site in accordance with relevant standards, and makingconfirmation astowhethertheproducts havereached the acceptablelevel2.0.5 inspection lot
Objects for inspection consisting of samples in certain amount, which are producedunder the same production conditions or summarized in the specified manner forinspection use.
Activities conducted to measure, check and test the properties of the inspection itemand to compare the results with standard stipulations so as to determine whether eachproperty is acceptable.
2.0.7 evidential testing
Testing conducted under the supervision of the supervision unit or the owner, in whichappropriatepersonnel of theconstructioncontractortake samples atthesiteand sendthem to atesting unitwith relevant qualification.2.0.8handingoverinspection
Activity in which both the accepting party and the party that has completed theconstruction make confirmation by joint inspection as to whether the construction canbe proceeded with.
2.0.9dominant item
An inspection item in building engineering that plays a decisive role in safety, healthenvironmentalprotectionandpublicinterest.2.0.10 general item
Aninspectionitemotherthandominantitems.2.0.11 sampling inspection
An inspection in which a certain numberof samples are randomly taken by theGB50300-2001
inspection lot from theinspection items of materials,components,accessories andequipment that enter the site or of building engineering, according to the specifiedsampling scheme.
2.0.12 sampling scheme
Quantity and methoddetermined according to the characteristics ofthe inspection item2.0.13countinginspection
An inspection method by which, in the samples taken, certain property of eachindividual is recorded or the number of defects in each individual is calculated.2.0.14quantitativeinspectionAn inspection method by which, in the samples for sampling inspection, certainquantitativepropertyofeachindividualismeasured2.0.15qualityofappearance
Visual quality of engineering revealed by means of observation and necessarymeasuring
2.0.16 repair
To take corrective measures for any part of engineering that is not in conformity withstandards.
Measuresof re-fabricationandre-constructiontaken fornon-conformingengineeringparts.
Quality management at the construction site shall be accompanied orsupported by relevant construction technical standards, complete quality managementsystem, construction quality inspection system and comprehensive construction qualitylevel assessment system.
For quality management at the construction site, inspection and records can be madeaccording to the requirement of Appendix A.3.0.2Construction quality control for building engineering shall be exercised inaccordancewiththefollowing stipulations:1. Main materials, half finished products, finished products, building componentsand accessories, apparatuses and equipment to be used in building engineeringshall be subject to site inspection. Products involved in safety and functionsshall be subject to re-inspection in compliance with acceptance codes ofengineering quality of each discipline, and to the inspection and approval ofsupervisionengineers (owner'stechnical responsiblepersonnel).2. Each construction step shall be subject to quality control in accordance with theconstruction technical standards, and each construction step shall be inspectedafteritscompletion.
3. Hand-over inspection shall be conducted between interrelated disciplinarycategories of work, with inspection records properly established. It is notallowed toproceed to the succeeding construction stepuntil thepreceding stephas been inspected and approved by supervision engineers (owner's technicalresponsible personnel).
The construction quality of building engineering shall be subject toacceptance inspection as required below:1. The construction quality of building engineering shall be in compliancewith the stipulations of this standard and acceptance codes of relevantdisciplines.
2. Construction of building engineering shall meet the requirements of theengineering survey and design documents.3.All the members participating in the quality acceptance of buildingengineering shall possess appropriate qualifications.4. Acceptance inspection of engineering quality shall be conducted on thebasis of the construction contractor's own inspection and assessment.5. Before concealing of concealed works, the construction contractor shallnotify relevant units to carry out the acceptance inspection, and establishacceptancedocuments.
6. Test coupons, test pieces and relevant materials involved in structural8
safetyshallbe subjecttowitness samplingtestas required7. The quality of inspection lots shall be subject to acceptance according todominantitemsandgeneralitems.8. Important portioned works involved in structural safety and utilizationfunctions shall be subject to sample testing.9.Units undertaking the witness sampling test and structural safety test shallpossess respectivequalifications.1o.The appearance quality of engineering shall be subject to site inspection byacceptancepersonneland confirmedjointly.3.0.4
The sampling scheme for the quality inspection of inspection lots shall bechosen from the following according to the characteristics of inspection items1. Sampling schemes of measuring, counting, or measuring-counting2.Single sampling, double sampling and multiple sampling schemes3. According to the situation of production continuity and production controlstability, the adjusted sampling scheme may also be adopted.4.For important inspection items, when a simple and quick inspection method isadopted, the full quantity inspection scheme can be selected.5.Inspection schemes thatareproved effectivebypractical experience3.0.5
During formulation of the sampling scheme for inspection lots, the productionparty's risk (probability for erroneous judgment a) and the utilization party's risk(probability for neglecting judgment β)can be specified as follows:1. Dominant item: both a and β corresponding to the acceptable quality levelshouldnotexceed5%.
2.General item:corresponding to the acceptable quality level, ashould notexceed5%andβshouldnotexceed10%.GB50300-2001
4Division for Quality Acceptance of Building Engineering4.0.1
In the quality acceptance, the building engineering shall be divided into unit(sub-unit) works, portioned (sub-portioned) works, itemized works and inspection lot.4.0.2
Division ofunit works shall be defined according to the following principles:1.A building or structure that possesses independent construction conditions andis capable of forming independent utilization functions shall be taken as a unitwork.
2. For a unit work with a large building scale, the part that is capable of formingindependent utilization functions can be taken as sub-unit work.4.0.3
Division of portioned works shall be defined according to the followingprinciples:www.bzxz.net
1. Division of portioned works shall be defined according to the disciplinarynatureandlocationsinbuilding.2.When theportioned work is large or complex,it can bedivided into severalsub-portioned works according to the category of materials, characteristics ofconstruction, construction procedures,disciplinary system and classification.Itemized works shall be divided according to their major labor category,4.0.4
material, construction process and equipment classification.Portioned (sub-portioned) works and itemized works of building engineering can bedivided in accordance with Appendix B of this standard.4.0.5
Itemized works may consist of one or several inspection lots, and theinspection lots may be divided according to the floor, construction section anddeformation joint considering the requirements of construction and quality control aswellasdisciplinaryacceptance.4.0.6
Exterior works may be divided into unit (sub-unit) works according to thedisciplinarycategoryandtheengineering scale.Exterior unit (sub-unit) works and portioned works may be divided in accordance withAppendixCofthis standard
5 QualityAcceptance of BuildingEngineeringThe acceptable quality of inspection lots shall be in compliance with the5.0.1
1. The quality of dominant items and general items is deemed acceptable bysampletesting.
2. Complete construction operation basis and quality inspection records areavailable.
The successful quality acceptance of itemized works shall be in compliance5.0.2
1.All the inspection lots contained in the itemized works are in compliance withthe stipulationsforacceptablequality.2.The quality acceptance records for the inspection lots contained in the itemizedworks shall be complete.
The successful quality acceptance of portioned (sub-portioned) works shall bein compliance with the following:1. All the itemized works contained in the portioned (sub-portioned) works havebeen deemed acceptableforqualityacceptance.2.Thequalitycontrol data shall becomplete3. Safety and function related testing and sample testing results for portionedworks of ground foundations, principal structures and equipment installatiorshall meetrelevantregulations.4. The appearance quality acceptance shall meet requirements5.0.4The successful quality acceptance of unit (sub-unit) works shall be incompliance with the following:1. All the portioned (sub-portioned) works contained in the unit (sub-unit)workshavebeendeemedacceptableforqualityacceptance.11