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JB/T 6681-1993 Test methods for corn harvesting machinery

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6681-1993

Standard Name: Test methods for corn harvesting machinery

Chinese Name: 玉米收获机械 试验方法

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1993-06-04

Date of Implementation:1994-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture & Forestry>>Agricultural & Forestry Machinery & Equipment>>B91 Agricultural Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:NJ 174-79

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1994-01-01

other information

drafter:Li Shaozeng, Wang Licheng, Cao Hongguo, Geng Hong

Drafting unit:Heilongjiang Agricultural Machinery Testing and Identification Station, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences

Focal point unit:China Agricultural Mechanization Research Institute, Ministry of Machinery Industry

Proposing unit:China Agricultural Mechanization Research Institute, Ministry of Machinery Industry

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the performance test and production test of corn harvesting machinery. This standard applies to corn harvesters and corn combine harvesters. The test content specified in this standard may be increased or decreased according to the different functions of the machine and its test purpose. JB/T 6681-1993 Test methods for corn harvesting machinery JB/T6681-1993 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Corn Harvester
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
Test Method
This standard specifies the performance test and production test of corn harvester. This standard applies to corn harvester and corn combine harvester. The test content specified in this standard may be increased or decreased according to the different functions of the machine and its test purpose. 2 Referenced standards
General provisions for the determination of test conditions for agricultural machinery Test methods for agricultural machinery production
Terms and terms of grain harvesting machinery
Test methods for grain harvesting machinery
Test methods for fodder harvesters
Determination methods for braking performance of harvesting machinery
3 Terms
Determination method for noise of self-propelled harvesting machinery
3.1 The terms and definitions used shall comply with the provisions of GB5262, GB5667 and GB6979. 3.2 Cob
JB/T 6681-93
Corn cob without the pedicel (the part where the base of the cob connects to the stalk). Corn cob without the husk is called bare cob. 3.3 Cob length
The total length of the cob without the husk and pedicel. 3.4 Cob droop
The front end of the cob of an upright plant is lower than the base of the pedicel. 3.5 Plant bend
Plants that bend below the cob-bearing part (except for broken plants). 3.6 Minimum cob height
The distance from the base of the pedicel of the lowest cob of the plant to the top of the ridge. 3.7 Crop inversion degree
The angle between the plant and the ground is less than 45°, which is considered inversion. Determination of machine technical parameters
Measure the machine structure and parameters, and record the results in Table 1.4.1 Overall dimensions
Measure the maximum length, width and height of the machine in field operation and transportation status according to the provisions of GB6979. 4.2 Weight
Measure the weight of the machine in field operation and transportation status according to the provisions of GB6979. During the measurement, the self-propelled harvester should be unloaded, the fuel tank should be filled, and a weight of 75kg should be placed on the driver's seat. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on June 4, 1993
Implementation on January 1, 1994
4.3 Minimum turning radius and passing radius
Measure on level ground, and the measurement should be carried out under the conditions of turning left and turning right respectively. During the measurement, the machine (unit) is driven at a low and stable speed (the power of the unit cannot collide with the agricultural implement), and its steering control mechanism is moved to the extreme position of the steering. After driving a full circle, the distance from the instantaneous rotation center to the longitudinal center plane and the outermost edge of the machine (unit) is measured at three equally divided points on the circumference, and the minimum turning radius and passing radius of the machine (unit) are calculated. 4.4 The ground clearance of the corn harvester, the maximum unloading height of the ear elevator, and the maximum passing height of the ear elevator are measured in accordance with the provisions of GB6979.
5 Test conditions and field survey
5.1 Selection of test sites
The test site should basically meet the adaptability range of the machine. The selected corn variety and yield, soil quality and plot size should be representative in the local area, and its area can meet the measurement of each test item. 5.2 The test machine and the comparison machine should be measured alternately under the same conditions. 5.3 Field survey
Select three representative points in the test area for measurement, and record the measurement and calculation results in Tables 2 to 6. 5.3.1 Crop characteristics Investigate and measure the crop variety, natural height, maturity period, minimum ear height, natural ear drop (grain), 100-grain weight, plant spacing and grain weight per square meter in accordance with the provisions of GB5262, and calculate the yield. Stalk diameter
Measure 10 plants at each point, measure the maximum diameter at the non-node 10 cm away from the top of the pad, and calculate the average value. Ear diameter at the large end
Measure 10 plants at each point, measure the large end diameter of the ear and the bare ear respectively, and calculate the average value. Ear length
Measure 10 ears at each point and calculate the average value. Stalk bending rate
Measure 50 plants at each point and calculate the percentage. Ear drooping rate
Measure 50 plants at each point and calculate the percentage. Crop lodging rate
Measure 50 plants at each point and calculate the percentage. The moisture content of the grain, bract, fruit stalk root, and stalk root (about 10 cm from the top) shall be sampled according to the following regulations. The samples shall be weighed in time and measured according to the provisions of GB5262. Seeds: 50g per point;
Root of stem: 5 sections per point, each section is 2-3cm long; Bracts: 5 ears per point, 1 piece per ear from each of the 3 layers of bracts, outer, middle and inner; c.
Fruit stalks: 5 sections per point, each section is 2-3cm long. 5.3.2 Surface conditions
Measure the topography, slope, height, row spacing, weed species and density according to GB5262. 5.3.3 Soil conditions
Investigate and determine the soil type, absolute soil moisture content and soil firmness according to GB5262. Absolute soil moisture content
Take two layers of soil, 0.10 and 10-20cm. Soil firmness
Take two layers of soil with a depth of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm. Use a soil firmness meter to measure. 7
5.3.4 Meteorological conditions
Measure according to the provisions of GB5262. During the performance test, measure the temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction and weather conditions. 6 Performance test
6.1 General requirements
6.1.1 The purpose of the performance test is to assess whether the test machine meets the design requirements, whether the operation quality meets the agricultural technical requirements and the rationality of the power matching.
6.1.2 It is recommended to use the comparison prototype first during the test. Both the test machine and the comparison machine should be operated according to the manufacturer's instructions and adjusted to the best technical state for measurement. The adjusted technical data should be recorded in Table 7. 6.1.3 Division and cleaning of the test area
The test area consists of a stable area, a measurement area and a parking area. The measurement area of ​​a corn combine harvester should be no less than 20m long, and the measurement area of ​​other corn harvesters should be no less than 15m long. There should be a 30-50m stable area in front of the measurement area, and a parking area of ​​no less than 20m behind the measurement area. Before the measurement, the naturally fallen grains, fallen ears, broken plants and ears with a height of less than 35cm in the measurement area (including 2-4 ridges of mowed and unmowed land) should be cleared.
6.1.4 The test should measure at least 5 working conditions with different forward (operating) speeds. 6.1.5 The machine shall not change the working condition in the stable area and the measurement area. 6.1.6 It is recommended to use mechanical methods to receive and process samples. 6.1.7 The test instruments, equipment and tools used in the test are shown in Appendix A (reference). The instruments and equipment should be checked and calibrated before the test. 6.1.8 Accuracy of the measured data
Sample receiving time: accurate to 0.1s;
Length of the measuring area: accurate to 0.1m;
Forward (operating) speed: accurate to 0.1m/s; Grain sample weight: received grain (grain in ear) sample accurate to 0.2kg, entrained grain sample, grain loss sample accurate to 1g; Chopped stem sample weight: chopped stem return to the field, chopped stem recovery accurate to 0.5kg, chopped stem weight, loss sample accurate to 10g;
Husk stripping rate received ear, counted in pieces. Accurate to 1 piece. 6.2 Determination of corn harvester operating performance
6.2.1 Determination of stubble height
Select three points at equal intervals within the entire cutting width of the measurement area, measure the stubble of 10 plants continuously at each point, measure the height from the stubble incision to the top, and calculate the average value. Record the measurement and calculation results in Table 8. 6.2.2 Determination of feed amount and forward speed of the unit Feed amount
In the measurement area, take the discharge from the discharge outlet of the chopped stems and ears (husks), weigh them respectively, and record the time passing through the measurement area. Calculate the feed amount according to formula (1). Through the measurement, determine the maximum working capacity of the machine. Record the measurement and calculation results in Table 8. Q:
W--feed amount, kg/s;
W--total weight of stems and ears (grains) taken when passing through the measurement area, kg: t--time the machine passes through the measurement area. s. Machine forward (operation) speed
and strip is measured at the same time, and the measurement and calculation results are recorded in Table 8. And calculated according to formula (2): L
Where; V is the machine forward (operating) speed, m/s: 8
L-the length of the measurement area, m.
6.2.3 Loss rate determination Grain loss rate
JB/T 6681~-93
In the measurement area (including the cleaning area), all fallen grains (including grains entrained in the stems) and broken ears less than 5cm long are wiped up, weighed after removal, and the grain loss rate is calculated according to formula (3), and the measurement and calculation results are recorded in Table 9. St
W,--weight of fallen grains, g;
Wz--total weight of grains in the measurement area = W.+W.+Wu·gW. - Weight of grains in the ear and grains carried by the ear taken from the ear elevator·g; Wu
Weight of grains in the missed and fallen ears·g. Ear loss rate
In the measurement area (including the cleaning area), collect the missed and fallen ears (including the ear segments above 5 cm), weigh them after cleaning, and calculate the ear loss rate according to formula (4). The measurement and calculation results are recorded in Table 9. W.

6.2.4 Seed entrainment rate of ears
In the measurement area, collect all the discharge from the outlet of the ear elevator, take out the seeds and weigh them. Calculate the seed entrainment rate of ears according to formula (5), and record the measurement and calculation results in Table 9. S,
W, weight of seeds entrained in ears, g.
6.2.5 Determination of the quality of chopped stems Returning chopped stems to the field
Select 5 points at equal intervals in the measurement area, and randomly select 1m2 at each point. Pick up all the stems and weigh them. Then pick out the stems with a length of more than 10cm and weigh them. Calculate the qualified rate of chopped stems and the uneven rate of stem throwing according to formulas (6) to (8), and record the measurement and calculation results in Table 10. a.
Stem chopping qualified rate
W.--stem chopping qualified rate, %; W.--stem weight at measuring points within the measuring area·g;
W.--unqualified stem weight at measuring points within the measuring area·g. Uneven rate of stem scattering
Wherein: W-average weight of stems at each point in the measuring area·g; N-number of measuring points in the measuring area;
F-uneven rate of stem scattering, %;
Wm-maximum value of stem weight at measuring points in the measuring area.g; W.min-~-minimum value of stem weight at measuring points in the measuring area·g.X100 Stem shredding and recovery
Length of cut stems
In the measuring area, use a sampling net to collect not less than 1k Take 5 samples of g and find the average value. Use feed cut length sorting machine or other methods to grade. And draw the cut length distribution curve. According to GB10394, calculate the average cut length, cut length standard deviation and cut length relative error, and record the measurement and calculation results in Table 11. b. Chopped stalk loss rate
In the measurement area, weigh the stalks lost during harvesting with a target with a tooth pitch of not more than 50mm. Calculate the percentage of the total weight of the stalks in the measurement area and record it in Table 11. 6.3 Determination of the operating performance of corn combine harvesters 6.3.1 Cutting height, feed amount, stalk chopped quality, ear loss rate and ears with seeds The method for determining the grain rate is the same as that in 6.2.1, 6.2.2,, 6.2.4 and 6.2.5. The determination and calculation results are recorded in Table 8, Table 10 (Table 11) and Table 12 respectively. 6.3.2 Determination of total grain loss rate
The total grain loss rate of corn combine harvester consists of the loss rate of fallen grains and the loss rate of grains entrained by bracts. The determination and calculation results are recorded in Table 12. The loss rate of fallen grains
The determination method is the same as that in The loss rate of grains entrained by leaves
In the determination area, take all the grains discharged from the bract discharge outlet. Take out the entrained grains and weigh them. Calculate the loss rate according to formula (9): S
Where: S—loss rate of entrained grains in bracts, %; W,
Weight of entrained grains in bracts in the measuring area·g.
6.3.3 Rate of unpeeled bracts
In the measuring area, the ears taken from the outlet of the ear elevator shall have more than or equal to 3 bracts. Calculate the rate of unpeeled bracts according to formula (10). Record the measured and calculated results in Table 12. B
Where: B—rate of unpeeled bracts, %;
G)—number of ears with unpeeled bracts, pieces; G—total number of ears taken in the measuring area, pieces. 6.3.4 Trash content in ears
In the measurement area, take the discharge from the discharge outlet of the ear elevator, weigh the total weight of the collected materials and the weight of debris (including soil, sand, stems, leaves and weeds, etc.), calculate the trash content in the ear according to formula (11), and record the measurement and calculation results in Table 12. G,
W-trash content in the ear, %;
W-weight of debris..
× 100
W. ——Total amount of discharge taken from the discharge outlet of the ear elevator in the measurement area, g. 6.3.5 Grain breakage rate
In the test area, take a sample of not less than 2000g from the outlet of the ear elevator. After threshing, remove the grains damaged by the machine, with obvious cracks and broken skins. Weigh the weight of the damaged grains and the total weight of the sample grains. Calculate the grain breakage rate according to formula (12). Record the test and calculation results in Table 12.
W.---grain breakage rate.%
· (12)
W.---grain breakage rate.g
W.---total weight of sample grains.g.
Power index determination
It is recommended to carry out the determination of the maximum continuous feed rate at the same time. The round trip should be no less than 1 time. At the same time, the forward (operating) speed, slip rate or slip rate of the machine should be measured, and the total power consumed should be calculated. The measurement and calculation results should be recorded in Table 13. 6.4.1 Determination of power consumption of traction machines The power consumption of traction machines should be calculated according to formulas (13) to (15): a.
Traction power
Transmission power
Total power consumption
N..= N + N
Where: N. Traction power, kW;
P, - traction resistance. N;
U - Machine forward (operating) speed, m/s; N. - Transmission power, kW;
M. --Torque of the total transmission shaft of the working parts. N·m: --The number of revolutions of the total transmission shaft of the working parts. r/min. 6.4.2 Determination of power consumption of suspended or self-propelled machines Determine the torque and revolutions of the total transmission shaft and the traveling part. Calculate the total power consumption according to formula (16): N.= N. + N, =(MnMn)×10
Where: N.--Power consumption of the total transmission shaft of the working parts, kW; N.--Power consumption of the traveling part. kW;
M.Torque of the total transmission shaft of the working parts. N·m: M.Torque of the traveling part, N·m;
n.----Number of revolutions of the total transmission shaft of the working parts. r/min; x-Number of revolutions of the traveling part, r/min.
6.4.3 Determination of slip rate and rotation rate
When measuring, the method of measuring distance by the number of circles can be adopted. The measuring length shall not be less than 20m and shall be carried out simultaneously with the determination of dynamic index. The measurement and calculation results shall be recorded in Table 14. The slip rate or rotation rate shall be calculated according to formula (17). a
In the formula: -—slip rate or rotation rate.%;
L—actual distance rotated by the wheel, m: L-2 yuan R
R—wheel radius (from the axle center to the outer edge for rigid wheels and from the axle center to the ground for pneumatic tires). m: \—-number of circles rotated by the wheel;
+-“positive\ sign is slip rate;
-“negative\ sign is slip rate.
The noise of self-propelled corn harvester shall be measured in accordance with the provisions of JB/T6268; the braking performance of self-propelled corn harvester shall be measured in accordance with GB6.5
T14248 provisions.
7 Production test
JB/T 668193
The purpose of production test is to evaluate the economical use, reliability, performance stability, regional adaptability, adjustment and maintenance convenience, durability and safety of main parts and wearing parts of the machine. Production test is divided into production verification and reliability test. 7.1 Production verification
The production verification time should be no less than three consecutive shifts, and the working time of each shift should not be less than 6h; a dedicated person should be fixed to carefully make verification records and timely organize and summarize them. The results are recorded in Table 15. 7.2 Reliability test
7.2.1 Reliability test see Appendix B reference). 7.2.2 During the reliability test, if the machine operation quality is found to have significant changes, the operation performance should be retested. 7.3 Calculation of technical and economic indicators
7.3.1 Productivity
Productivity is calculated according to formula (18) and formula (19): Pure working hour productivity
Where: E. ~--Pure working hour productivity.ha/h: Q--operating area of ​​the production check, ha; T.--pure working time of the production check.h. Shift hour productivity
Where: E--shift hour productivity, ha/h; Q--operating volume per shift during reliability assessment.haT. Working time per shift during reliability assessment.h. 7.3.2 Fuel consumption
Fuel consumption is calculated according to formula (20):
Where: G.--Fuel consumption per unit area.kg/ha: G...Fuel consumption per shift determined by production.kg: Q-operating volume per shift determined by production.ha.
7.3.3 Convenience of adjustment and maintenance
Observe and record the adjustment and maintenance of several complete shifts, and make a comprehensive comparison of the manpower, time, maintenance cycle, adjustment method, user feedback, etc. spent on one adjustment and complete maintenance. Use text to describe the convenience of adjustment and maintenance. 7.4 Comprehensive observation
During the production test, the operation of the machine should be comprehensively observed and analyzed, and records should be kept. The machine's operation volume, production capacity, adaptability to different test conditions, and machine failure and elimination should be observed, and the main performance indicators should be retested at least twice during and after the production 7.4.1
test. 7.4.2 Whether the engine power and cooling system meet the requirements, the deformation and wear of the main deformation and wear parts of the machine should be analyzed. The nature and causes should be analyzed. 7.4.32
Safety and reliability of the machine during normal use. Ensure safety and reliability during normal use. Test report
Collation and summary
JB/T 6681-93
Data and information should be sorted out in time during the test. After the test, the results of observation, measurement, calculation and analysis should be verified, sorted and summarized, and recorded in Table 16 and Table 17. Write a test report. 8.2 Contents of the test report
8.2.1 Test overview
State the purpose of the test, the model, name, number of test machines, research units and machine providers, participating test units, test time, location, completed workload, and the method based on which this test is based. 8.2.2 Machine introduction
Introduce the structure, main parameters, characteristics, and main working principles and processes of the machine. If necessary, a simple diagram or photo of the machine should be attached. 8.2.3 Test conditions and analysis
Briefly describe the test conditions investigated or measured, and analyze whether they are representative and their impact on the test. 8.2.4 Performance measurement should preferably use linear proportional graphs to represent seed loss, ear loss, husk stripping rate, impurity rate and breakage rate. The horizontal axis is the feed amount, stem feed amount, ear (grain) feed amount and forward (operating speed), and the vertical axis is the loss rate, impurity rate, husk stripping rate and breakage rate, etc. The data of each measurement area should be marked on the graph. 8.2.5 Test results and analysis
Based on the data measured and the phenomena observed in the test, the machine is comprehensively analyzed and evaluated. 8.2.6 Existing problems and improvement suggestions
Analyze the problems found in the test, find out the reasons, and put forward improvement suggestions. 8.2.7 Test conclusion
8.2.8 Attachments, various measurement data tables and all instrument and equipment tables. 13
Machine model and name:
Manufacturing unit:
Matching power kw:
Overall dimensions (length × width × height)
Number of working rows
Adaptable row spacing
Minimum turning semi-light
Passing radius
Ground clearance
Maximum unloading ear (grain) height
Transportation status
Table 1 Main technical parameters
Test machine number:
Test site Point:
Test date:
Design value
Field operation status
Transportation status
Field operation status
Maximum passing height of ear elevator
Stem pulling series
Skin peeling series
Stem chopping mechanism
Forward (operation) speed
Machine model and name :
Corn variety:
Test location:
Natural height
Minimum ear height
Stalk diameter
Ear large end
Light ear cm
Ear length
Measurement point
Table 2 Field crop survey and measurement Table (I)
Test machine number:
Corn planting method
Crop maturity period:
Test date:
Average value
Machine model and name,
Test location:
Number of bent plants
Bending plant rate
Number of plants with drooping fruits
Drooping ear rate
Examples Number of dormant plants
Dormant rate of crops
Moisture content of seeds
Moisture content of bracts
Moisture content of fruit stalks
Root of stalk
Moisture content
Natural ear drop (seeds)
Weight of 100 seeds
Wet weight of seeds per square meter
Wet weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Wet weight| |tt||Dry weight
Moisture content
Mixed weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Wet weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Table 2 Field crop survey and measurement table (II)
Test machine number
Test date:
Average valueMake a comprehensive comparison and explain the convenience of adjustment and maintenance in words. 7.4 Comprehensive Observation During the production test, the operation of the machine should be comprehensively observed and analyzed, and records should be kept. The machine's operation volume, production capacity, adaptability to different test conditions, and machine failure and elimination should be observed, and the main performance indicators should be retested at least twice during and after the production test. 7.4.2 Whether the engine power and cooling system meet the requirements, the deformation and wear of the main deformation and wear parts of the machine should be analyzed. The nature and causes should be analyzed. 7.4.32 Safety and reliability of the machine in normal use. Ensure safety and reliability in normal use. Test report Sorting and summary JB/T 6681-93 Data and information should be sorted out in time during the test. After the test, the results of observation, measurement, calculation and analysis should be verified, sorted and summarized, and recorded in Table 16 and Table 17. Write a test report. 8.2 Contents of the test report
8.2.1 Test overview
State the purpose of the test, the model, name, number of test machines, the research unit and the machine provider. Participating test units, test time, location, completed workload, and the method used for this test. 8.2.2 Machine introduction
Introduce the structure, main parameters, characteristics, and main working principles and processes of the machine. If necessary, attach a simple diagram or photo of the machine. 8.2.3 Test conditions and analysis
Briefly describe the test conditions investigated or measured, and analyze whether they are representative and their impact on the test. 8.2.4 Performance measurement should preferably use linear proportional graphs to represent seed loss, ear loss, husk stripping rate, impurity rate and breakage rate. The horizontal axis is the feed amount, stem feed amount, ear (grain) feed amount and forward (operating speed), and the vertical axis is the loss rate, impurity rate, husk stripping rate and breakage rate, etc. The data of each measurement area should be marked on the graph. 8.2.5 Test results and analysis
Based on the data measured and the phenomena observed in the test, the machine is comprehensively analyzed and evaluated. 8.2.6 Existing problems and improvement suggestions
Analyze the problems found in the test, find out the reasons, and put forward improvement suggestions. 8.2.7 Test conclusion
8.2.8 Attachments, various measurement data tables and all instrument and equipment tables. 13
Machine model and name:
Manufacturing unit:
Matching power kw:
Overall dimensions (length × width × height)
Number of working rows
Adaptable row spacing
Minimum turning semi-light
Passing radius
Ground clearance
Maximum unloading ear (grain) height
Transportation status
Table 1 Main technical parameters
Test machine number:
Test site Point:
Test date:
Design value
Field operation status
Transportation status
Field operation status
Maximum passing height of ear elevator
Stem pulling series
Skin peeling series
Stem chopping mechanism
Forward (operation) speed
Machine model and name :
Corn variety:
Test location:
Natural height
Minimum ear height
Stalk diameter
Big end of ear
Light ear cm
Ear length
Measurement point
Table 2 Field crop survey and measurement Table (I)
Test machine number:wwW.bzxz.Net
Corn planting method
Crop maturity period:
Test date:
Average value
Machine model and name,
Test location:
Number of bent plants
Bending plant rate
Number of plants with drooping fruits
Drooping ear rate
Examples Number of dormant plants
Dormant rate of crops
Moisture content of seeds
Moisture content of bracts
Moisture content of fruit stalks
Root of stalk
Moisture content
Natural ear drop (seeds)
Weight of 100 seeds
Wet weight of seeds per square meter
Wet weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Wet weight| |tt||Dry weight
Moisture content
Mixed weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Wet weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Table 2 Field crop survey and measurement table (II)
Test machine number
Test date:
Average valueMake a comprehensive comparison and explain the convenience of adjustment and maintenance in words. 7.4 Comprehensive Observation During the production test, the operation of the machine should be comprehensively observed and analyzed, and records should be kept. The machine's operation volume, production capacity, adaptability to different test conditions, and machine failure and elimination should be observed, and the main performance indicators should be retested at least twice during and after the production test. 7.4.2 Whether the engine power and cooling system meet the requirements, the deformation and wear of the main deformation and wear parts of the machine should be analyzed. The nature and causes should be analyzed. 7.4.32 Safety and reliability of the machine in normal use. Ensure safety and reliability in normal use. Test report Sorting and summary JB/T 6681-93 Data and information should be sorted out in time during the test. After the test, the results of observation, measurement, calculation and analysis should be verified, sorted and summarized, and recorded in Table 16 and Table 17. Write a test report. 8.2 Contents of the test report
8.2.1 Test overview
State the purpose of the test, the model, name, number of test machines, the research unit and the machine provider. Participating test units, test time, location, completed workload, and the method used for this test. 8.2.2 Machine introduction
Introduce the structure, main parameters, characteristics, and main working principles and processes of the machine. If necessary, attach a simple diagram or photo of the machine. 8.2.3 Test conditions and analysis
Briefly describe the test conditions investigated or measured, and analyze whether they are representative and their impact on the test. 8.2.4 Performance measurement should preferably use linear proportional graphs to represent seed loss, ear loss, husk stripping rate, impurity rate and breakage rate. The horizontal axis is the feed amount, stem feed amount, ear (grain) feed amount and forward (operating speed), and the vertical axis is the loss rate, impurity rate, husk stripping rate and breakage rate, etc. The data of each measurement area should be marked on the graph. 8.2.5 Test results and analysis
Based on the data measured and the phenomena observed in the test, the machine is comprehensively analyzed and evaluated. 8.2.6 Existing problems and improvement suggestions
Analyze the problems found in the test, find out the reasons, and put forward improvement suggestions. 8.2.7 Test conclusion
8.2.8 Attachments, various measurement data tables and all instrument and equipment tables. 13
Machine model and name:
Manufacturing unit:
Matching power kw:
Overall dimensions (length × width × height)
Number of working rows
Adaptable row spacing
Minimum turning semi-light
Passing radius
Ground clearance
Maximum unloading ear (grain) height
Transportation status
Table 1 Main technical parameters
Test machine number:
Test site Point:
Test date:
Design value
Field operation status
Transportation status
Field operation status
Maximum passing height of ear elevator
Stem pulling series
Skin peeling series
Stem chopping mechanism
Forward (operation) speed
Machine model and name :
Corn variety:
Test location:
Natural height
Minimum ear height
Stalk diameter
Ear large end
Light ear cm
Ear length
Measurement point
Table 2 Field crop survey and measurement Table (I)
Test machine number:
Corn planting method
Crop maturity period:
Test date:
Average value
Machine model and name,
Test location:
Number of bent plants
Bending plant rate
Number of plants with drooping fruits
Drooping ear rate
Examples Number of dormant plants
Dormant rate of crops
Moisture content of seeds
Moisture content of bracts
Moisture content of fruit stalks
Root of stalk
Moisture content
Natural ear drop (seeds)
Weight of 100 seeds
Wet weight of seeds per square meter
Wet weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Wet weight| |tt||Dry weight
Moisture content
Mixed weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Wet weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Table 2 Field crop survey and measurement table (II)
Test machine number
Test date:
Average value8 Appendix, various measurement data tables and all instruments and equipment tables. 13
Machine model and name:
Matching power kw:
Overall dimensions (length×width×height)
Number of working rows
Adaptable row spacing
Minimum turning semi-light
Passing radius
Ground clearance
Maximum unloading ear (grain) height
Transportation status
Table 1 Main technical parameters
Test machine number:
Test location:
Test date:
Design value
Field operation status
Transportation status| |tt||Field operation status
Maximum passing height of ear elevator
Stem pulling section
Skin peeling section
Stem chopping mechanism
Forward (operation) speed
Machine model and name:
Corn variety:
Test location:
Natural height
Minimum ear height
Stem diameter
Big end of ear
Light ear cm
Ear length
Measurement point
JB/T668 1~93
Table 2 Field crop survey and measurement table (I)
Test machine number:
Corn planting method
Crop maturity period:
Test date:
Average value
Machine model and name,
Test location:
Number of bent plants
Bending plant rate
Number of plants with drooping fruits
Rate of drooping ears
Number of plants with drooping fruits
Rate of drooping crops
Moisture content of seeds
Moisture content of bracts
Moisture content of fruit stalks
Root of the stem
Content Water rate
Natural ear drop (grains)
100-grain weight
Grain weight per square meter
Wet weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Wet weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Mixed weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Wet weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Table 2 Field crop survey and measurement table (II)
Test machine number
Test date:
Average value8 Appendix, various measurement data tables and all instruments and equipment tables. 13
Machine model and name:
Matching power kw:
Overall dimensions (length×width×height)
Number of working rows
Adaptable row spacing
Minimum turning semi-light
Passing radius
Ground clearance
Maximum unloading ear (grain) height
Transportation status
Table 1 Main technical parameters
Test machine number:
Test location:
Test date:
Design value
Field operation status
Transportation status| |tt||Field operation status
Maximum passing height of ear elevator
Stem pulling section
Skin peeling section
Stem chopping mechanism
Forward (operation) speed
Machine model and name:
Corn variety:
Test location:
Natural height
Minimum ear height
Stem diameter
Big end of ear
Light ear cm
Ear length
Measurement point
JB/T668 1~93
Table 2 Field crop survey and measurement table (I)
Test machine number:
Corn planting method
Crop maturity period:
Test date:
Average value
Machine model and name,
Test location:
Number of bent plants
Bending plant rate
Number of plants with drooping fruits
Rate of drooping ears
Number of plants with drooping fruits
Rate of drooping crops
Moisture content of seeds
Moisture content of bracts
Moisture content of fruit stalks
Root of the stem
Content Water rate
Natural ear drop (grains)
100-grain weight
Grain weight per square meter
Wet weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Wet weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Mixed weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Wet weight
Dry weight
Moisture content
Table 2 Field crop survey and measurement table (II)
Test machine number
Test date:
Average value
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