title>NY/T 285-1995 Green food soybean - NY/T 285-1995 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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NY/T 285-1995 Green food soybean

Basic Information

Standard ID: NY/T 285-1995

Standard Name: Green food soybean

Chinese Name: 绿色食品 大豆

Standard category:Agricultural Industry Standards (NY)

state:in force

Date of Release1995-05-25

Date of Implementation:1995-10-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture and Forestry>>Food and Feed Crops>>B23 Beans and Tuber Crops and Products

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by NY/T 285-2003

Publication information

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Introduction to standards:

NY/T 285-1995 Green Food Soybean NY/T285-1995 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Agricultural Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Green Food
Subject Content and Scope of Application
NY/T 285—1995www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the terminology, technical requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of green food soybeans. This standard applies to soybeans that have obtained the green food mark. 2 Reference Standards
GB4285 Pesticide Safety Use Standard
GB/T5009 Food Hygiene Inspection Methods
Physical and Chemical Parts
GB5490~5539 Grain and Oil Inspection Methods GB8321 Guidelines for Rational Use of Pesticides
3 Terms
3.1 Green Food
Pollution-free, safe, high-quality and nutritious food that has been recognized by a specialized agency and is allowed to use the green food mark. 3.2 Green Food Soybeans
Soybeans that have obtained the green food mark.
Technical requirements
Environmental requirements for raw material production areas
Should meet the environmental standards for green food production areas. 4.2 Sensory requirements
Should have the color and smell of genuine soybeans, and should not be moldy or deteriorated. 4.3Physical and chemical requirements should meet the requirements of Table 1.
Pure grain rate. %
Impurities, %
Incomplete grains, %
Moisture, %
Crude protein (dry basis), %
Crude fat (dry basis), %
Phosphide (in terms of PHs)), mg/kg
Cyanide (in terms of HCN), mg/kg
Oxide, mg/kg
Carbon disulfide, nR/kg
Monument, mg/kg
Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China approved the directive on May 25, 1995
Implementation on October 1, 1995
Fluorine, mg/kg
Mercury, mg/kg
Aflatoxin Btiμg/ kg
DiDiFei, mg/kg
Hexachlorobenzene, mg/kg
Malathion, mg/kg
Dimethoate, mg/kg
Dimethoate, mg/kg
Fenthion, mg/kg
Table 1 (end)
Note: Other pesticide application methods and their limits shall comply with GB8321, GB4285 and relevant standards. 5 Inspection methods
The inspection methods for sensory and physical and chemical requirements in this standard shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/T5009 and GB5490~5539. 6 Inspection rules
6.1 Batch
Soybeans produced in the same production base and the same sowing period are the same batch of products after packaging and leaving the factory. 6.2 Sampling
The sampling method shall be implemented in accordance with the sampling and sub-sampling method for grain and oil inspection in GB5491. 6.3 Judgment rules
The inspection items shall be all items in the sensory and physical and chemical requirements. The sensory index and hygiene index of the inspected sample shall be qualified, and one of the other indexes is allowed to be unqualified. If more than one index is unqualified, the whole batch of products shall be judged as unqualified.
Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 Marking
The label and packaging bag of green food soybeans shall have the green food logo of Xingxian County. The label shall indicate the environment of the main raw material production area and the main indicators of the product's hygiene and quality standards, and indicate: product name, weight, origin, packaging date, standard code and number. '7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 Green food soybeans can be packaged in bags. 7.2.2 The packaging bags shall meet the food hygiene requirements and shall be clean, dry and solid and applicable. 7.2.3 The packaging bag should be marked with the product name, origin, net weight, gross weight and packaging date. 7.3 Transportation and storage
7.3.1 During the transportation and storage of green food soybeans, the site should be kept clean, dry and well ventilated. 7.3.2 It must not be in direct contact with damp ground, and cannot be mixed with corrosive, moldy and damp goods. It is strictly forbidden to stack it together with toxic and flammable items.
Additional instructions:
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Agricultural Reclamation Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. This standard was drafted by the Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of Soybean and Soybean Products of the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. The main drafters of this standard are Zhou Shuqin, Wang Nanyun, Zhang Jianqin and Xiao Zhiqiang. 53
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