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HG/T 2670-1995 Fixing agent Y

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2670-1995

Standard Name: Fixing agent Y

Chinese Name: 固色剂Y

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1995-04-05

Date of Implementation:1996-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Chemical Products>>71.100.40 Surfactants and other additives

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Additives, Surfactants, Catalysts, Water Treatment Agents>>G71 Chemical Additives

associated standards

alternative situation:HG/T 2-316-82

Publication information

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HG/T 2670-1995 Fixing agent Y HG/T2670-1995 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

PHNE NO. : 00E6 21 S4714587
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
EC.31 2002 10:37AM P1
HG/ T 2670 -- 95
1 Main content and applicable scope
HG/ T 2 - 316 -- 3
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation, storage, etc. of uniform color Y. This standard is applicable to the water-soluble primary marriage body, medical color Y, and national color Y used for printing industry as a single agent for solid packaging.
2 Application standard
CB GB/T 250 Grey scale for evaluating color change GB251 Grey scale for evaluating staining B/T 2383 Method for determining the moisture content of dyes by sieving B/T 2385 Method for determining the moisture content of dyes and dye intermediates GB3920 Test method for the degree of color fastness to washing Test method for color fastness to perspiration of textiles 083922 3 Technical requirements 3.1 Appearance: Liquid without stain. Powder: White crystalline powder. 3.2 The quality indexes of coloring agent Y shall meet the requirements 1. Decomposition performance: Color fastness to washing. The maximum moisture content of the device is %, such as the residue content passing the sieve with a pore size of 180 μm (%. %
Production period 1 heat fastness should not be lower than the requirements of Table 2 Chinese Ministry of Chemical Industry 195-04-good resistance to finger
benefit colorant Y
full control colorless clear
greater than 50% of the powder standard
standard color start Y
full control colorless clear
is 95~105% of the powder standard
1996-01-01 Implementation
Direct spot fastness
4 Test method
Color treatment
Powder makeup Y
4. 1 Appearance determination
PHONE NO. : 0086 21 6714587
HG/T 2670 -- 95
Free standing sheep electric adhesive
Color stained wool diamond
DE0. 31 2822 10:38A1 P2
Adhesive wool
4. 2 Determination of solubility
4. 2. 1 Powdered agent Y: weigh 5% of the standard sample, add 0 mL of distilled water, weigh 10% of the sample, add 45 mL of ignited water, stir at room temperature to make it completely dissolved, and then use a vacuum cleaner to measure the solubility. 4.2.2 Powdered agent Y: weigh 5g of the standard sample and 50mL of distilled water respectively, add each, stir at room temperature to make it completely dissolved, and then use a vacuum cleaner to measure the solubility. 4.3 The determination of moisture content of powdered colorimetric reagent shall be carried out in accordance with the method specified in GB/T 2386. 4.4 The determination of the sodium content of powdered colorimetric reagent shall be carried out in accordance with the method specified in GB/T 2383. 4.5 Determination of colorimetric performance 4.5.1 Materials and apparatus Test tube: 12.5 cm slow qualitative test paper. Triangular gauge bottle: 125 mL Triangular gauge bottle: 75 mL. Colorimetric tube: 25~50 mL. 4.5.2 Preparation of solution Containing 15 g/L direct acid scarlet 4BS (GB/T 1651) Preparation of solution: Weigh direct acid-resistant scarlet 4BSS g (accurate to 0.0005 g), add a small amount of distilled water and filter into a slurry, then filter through distilled water to dissolve it. Transfer to a 1000mL light bottle, dilute with water to the mark, filter and set aside. 4.5225/Preparation of powdered color fixative + standard solution Take 125g of standard sample (accurate to 0.0005), add a little distilled water to dissolve it, transfer to a 250mL volumetric flask: add water to the dilution scale, prepare and use immediately. 4, 5.2.3. 3E/L Preparation of powdered color fixative Y sample 4, 5. 2. 2 Method preparation,
4. 3, 2. 415/Preparation of powdered color fixative Y sample Weigh 2.5g of sample (accurate to 0,000.5g), add a small amount of distilled water to dissolve it, transfer to a 250mL volumetric flask and add 34% water=ROM: SIS_WX
Select to the desired degree, mix well, and use immediately.
4. 5. 3 Analysis steps
PHONE NO. 1 2086 21 62714527FG/ T 2670-95
Prepare the mixture according to the requirements in Table 3 and place it in three numbered flasks. 3
52/direct red 4ES solution, m
52/I powdered colorimetric Y standard sample, mL5 milliliter/industrial powdered colorimetric Y sample solution, L14 high/L clinical Y sample concentration reduction, mZ. 愉,Www.bzxZ.net
DE0. 3: 22A2 10: 33FM P3
Shake the solution thoroughly, and let it stand for 10m to make the direct-fast red 4 ugly S and color thorn Y form a complex salt solution. Filter it through three-year-old filter with double-can paper in a colorimetric medium. Compare the color of the selected solution. The chromaticity of the filtrate should be close to 4.6 degrees of color.
*6,1 Materials
Material: 25x/28x (23×21) refined bleaching cloth No. 20 4. Pulse, 2 Reagents and solution
462.1 Direct fastness blue GL, (G9/T1645): 1/109mL4.6.2.2 Shengmibang A: industrial products. Anhydrous sodium sulfate (GB/T639): 10% (m/m) solution Anhydrous sodium sulfate (GB/T9853): 10% (m/m) solution. 4.6.3 Fabric treatment
Weigh 10L of anhydrous sodium sulfate solution of glass fiber A2, add water to 1000ml, put 20cm of plain muslin into the solution, boil for 30min, take out, rinse with water, and dry. 4.6.4 Dyeing
Prepare the dye solution (based on 20cm of fabric) according to the requirements of Table 4.
Reagents and solvents
1/120ml vacuum time. m
Sauce rice A: spring
10% (m/m) acid group membrane, mL
20% (m/m) ~ acid soluble, mL
algae rate water, nearly L
Put 20% of the treated store on the lower rack of the pot, turn it over and stir it, raise it to 95-100℃ within 13min, keep it warm for 31mn, take the pressure after the color is completed, use water waist 3 times, glue level 34
P-0NE N0. : 0886 21 64714587HG / T 2670 - 95
D layer C: 31 2002 10:39HM P4
46.5 Color treatment
Add 5/powdered colorant solution (or 10/liquid colorant) 20ml (based on 10% of the substance) and dilute to 200ml. Put the colored fine cloth 10# into the water, treat it at 5055 for 30 minutes, take it out, wash it twice with sugar, and wash it evenly. Determination of color fastness to washing
Carry out according to the method specified in GB 3920. Determination of color fastness to washing
Carry out according to the method specified in GB 3921.
4. 6.5. Determination of color fastness to aging
Carry out according to the method specified in G3922.
4.6.7 Evaluation of color fastness
Carry out according to the method specified in G3250 and GB 251.3 Inspection rules
5.1 Inspection classification
3.1 and 3.2 of the technical requirements of this standard are general inspection items. All items in the technical requirements of this standard are type inspection items. If there are 6.6.1. Plastic inspection is carried out when one of the specified circumstances occurs. During normal production, it is carried out once a day. 52. Sampling method
Select 10% of the sample from each batch (the uniform product mixed once is a batch); before sampling, the dust on the box cover should be cleaned to prevent foreign impurities from falling into the product. Samples are taken from the upper, middle and lower parts of the barrel with a sampler. After the sample is fully mixed, more than 300 grams are taken out and placed in two clean and dry bottles, which are sealed with paraffin and labeled with the manufacturer's name, product name, batch number and sampling date. One bottle is for inspection and the other is kept for reference. 5.3. Factory inspection
The color fixation should be inspected by the quality inspection department of the production department. The manufacturer shall ensure that all products meet the technical requirements of this standard. Each batch of products leaving the factory shall be accompanied by a quality certificate in a certain format. 4. User acceptance
The user has the right to accept the products according to the provisions of this standard. When the supplier and the buyer have objections to the product quality, the two parties shall negotiate.
S Double-entry
If the inspection result shows that one index does not meet the requirements of this standard, the sample from the packaging with twice the quantity shall be re-tested. If there is one item that does not meet the requirements of this standard, the whole batch of products shall be unqualified. 56. Arbitration
When the supplier and the buyer have objections to the product quality, the arbitration agency may be selected by both parties, and the calibration shall be carried out according to the method specified in this standard.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
61 The product packaging should have clear markings to indicate the product name, standard room, trademark, batch number, net weight, production period and production name.
2 The coloring agent should be packed in plastic packaging with inner lining material, 50 kg each. The powdered coloring agent should be packed in iron sugar with thorn packaging, 25 kg each. The quality certificate and the number of this standard should be attached. 6.3 Handle with care during transportation. Be sure not to drag it down. 3G
PHONE NO.: BE6 21 6471458?
64 Fixing agent Y should be stored in a cool, dry and ventilated place, sealed and stored for one year, additional period:
This standard is issued by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Shenyang Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by Shanghai Zhuzhou Factory
The main drafters of this standard are Zhou Wenmu and Cao Libao, DE6. 21 2082 10148H1 P5
This standard has been changed since its implementation, and the original Ministry of Chemical Industry standard HG/T2--316-2 Fixing agent Y> has been changed.
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